Next week’s scripture readings for those who would like to read them in advance: July 12 – Seventh after Pentecost 2 Samuel 6:1–5, 12b–19 David brings the ark to Jerusalem. Psalm 24 (VU pp. 750–751) The earth is God’s and all that is in it. Ephesians 1:3–14 Adopted through Christ and given an inheritance. Mark 6:14–29 The death of John the Baptist. If you have noticed someone missing from our congregation, please contact them by phone or visit them in person. You may be their "angel.” Beaverlodge Wembley - Hythe Pastoral Charge July 5, 2015 Minister: Rev. Neal Palmer Beaverlodge United Church Interim Music Team Leader: Eveline Grams Wembley United Church Pianists: Elizabeth Konshak & Gwendolyn Bartek PRAYER MEETING Meetings are held in the Shalom room. For an appointment please call Margaret at 354-8342 or Neva at 356-2863. Beaverlodge and Wembley Websites: Beaverlodge: Wembley: Websites display up to date info. If you have an announcement to add to the website please contact the Pastoral Charge office at 780 354 2016 Contact Information P.O. Box 387, Beaverlodge, AB T0H 0C0 Tel: 780-354-2016 Fax: 780 354 2016 (during office hours. Call first) e-mail: [email protected] Pastoral Charge Office Hours are Thursday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. If you have any announcements for the bulletin, please contact the church office by phone or e-mail before the 10:30 a.m. deadline on Friday. Stewardship Seconds As we are open to possibilities, opportunities abound. Wembley (Sunday Service and Sunday School @ 9:30 a.m.) WEMBLEY THRIFT STORE: Thrift Store hours: first Saturday of each month from 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. in the church basement. NEEDED - EMPTY KLEENEX BOXES: Camp Heal a Heart is a grief camp for children ages 5-15 and we are using the boxes for one of our crafts. We need as many as possible by July 10th. Thanks Carla Eckstrom MUSEUM DAYS SERVICE: Sun, July 19. No service in Wembley. Everyone is welcome to attend the Museum Day Service at 11:00 am Beaverlodge (Sunday Services and Sunday School @ 11:15 a.m.) WEDNESDAYS: Our “Sing-a-long Group” welcomes any musicians and /or singers, who would like to join us for an evening of fun and fellowship each Wed commencing at 7:30 pm. GRASS MOWERS: Required on a ongoing basis – sign up sheet at back Thank you to those who have been cutting the grass. NEEDED - EMPTY KLEENEX BOXES: Camp Heal a Heart is a grief camp for children ages 5-15 and we are using the boxes for one of our crafts. We need as many as possible by July 10th. If Beaverlodge people have any they could give them to Neal and he can bring them to Wembley. Thanks Carla Eckstrom MUSEUM DAYS SERVICE: Sun, July 19. No service in Beaverlodge. Everyone is welcome to attend the Museum Day Service at 11:00 am THANK YOU Ushers & Coffee Makers Everyone is encouraged to remain for fellowship and refreshments following today’s services. Pastoral Charge and Community We welcome folks to take part in our church services. Please let Rev. Neal know if you are willing to participate by reading Scriptures or Minutes for Mission, or leading Prayers of the People or Children’s Time, etc. FAITH FORMATION: Will resume in the fall. CHRISTIAN MEDITATION GROUP: Thursday, 2:00 pm in the Shalom Room. For more information call Mia at 354-2108. Drop – In and New Attendees Welcome HOLIDAY TIME: Reverend Neal is on HOLIDAYS as of July 6 and will be returning to the office September 9, 2015. If you are in need of Pastoral Care or a Minister, please contact Pat Thiessen or Carla Eckstrom for contact name and number. NEPAL EARTHQUAKE RELIEF: As of June 12, 2015, the United Church has received over 3,235 donations to support partner work in Nepal, for a total over $796,256.
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