here - Being Canine

Kachina Canine Communication
Holistic Dog Behaviourist
Dr Isla Fishburn:
~ PhD, MBiolSci, Bsc
~ Dog Welfare Alliance Panel
~ INTODogs member
~ ISCP Affiliate member
Holistic, Ethical, Honest & Friendly:
Dogs are sentient beings that are constantly observing, listening, learning and, most importantly, feeling. Isla
specialises in teaching you about your dog’s wellbeing so that you can provide the best care for your dog and
help improve or prevent behavioural issues from arising. Your dog is an individual who feels and has emotions
- its behaviour is different to any other dog. Your dog’s behaviour is influenced by several factors, all of which
affect the emotional, mental and physical needs of your dog on a daily basis.
The two-day talk will provide you with the opportunity to learn about the different causes of behavior and how
to recognise YOUR dog as an INDIVIDUAL. Listen to why thinking about your dog’s wellbeing first will help
you to improve your relationship with your dog through trust and respect, help with teaching and training and,
ultimately, improve your understanding of living successfully with another animal whose priorities can be
different to our own but who has emotional, mental and physical needs like us!
Course information
~ Natural development in dogs
Date: 24th and 25th October 2015
~ Scent and diet in communication and conflict
Location: University of the West of
Scotland, Ayr Campus
~ Understanding natural communication, behaviour and
Time: 9:30 registration
10:00 to 16:30
~ How to use calm energy and trust to work with your dog
Cost: £95 (for two days)
~ The importance of environment(s)
~ How our own wellbeing and those that the dog lives with can
change the behavioural response of a dog
Additional info: refreshments and lunch
provided, certificate of attendance, free
~ How to improve the emotional, physical and mental state of
your dog.
To book or for more information:
Tel: Dale McLelland 01655 760692
E-mail:[email protected]