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If you read the
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JEWELL – Jennifer Peters of
rural Jewell was killed Monday
evening when she was backed over by
the large dual tires on the rear of a
tractor according to reports. She was
unseen by the operator of the machine
before she was killed, and there is no
suspicion of foul play. Peters was 59
years old. The name of the operator of
the tractor had not yet been released at
press time.
BELOIT – The Beloit Auto and
Truck Plaza will host a Drive One 4
Ur School event from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
on Saturday, March 28. Proceeds will
be split 50/50 with BHS and STJ
student councils. For each test drive,
$10 is given back to each school.
Drivers must be 18 years old and only
one driver can drive per household.
BELOIT – The Chautauqua Isle
of Lights has re-scheduled the annual
light show for Thursday, March 26 in
the basement of the Beloit Municipal
Building. David Scott, designer and
specialist for custom made displays
will be at the show. People who want
a special
display for
the Isle of
Lights or
for home or
business are welcome to attend the
show from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Representatives of the Isle of Lights
will also be present to visit with
interested persons about new
displays. Sample displays can be
viewed at the show. For more
information contact Board Member
Michele Heidrick at 738-3897.
BELOIT – A Grand Opening and
Ribbon Cutting for Shopko
Hometown will take place at 8:45
a.m. on Friday, March 27. A whole
new shopping experience designed
just for Beloit! Representatives from
Shopko will speak and the doors will
open at 9 a.m.
GLEN ELDER – Jesse Mudd, 24, of Beloit was involved in a
semi rollover accident around 1 p.m. Monday, March 23.
The 2005 Freightliner tractor and grain trailer Mudd was
transporting rolled over as he attempted to make a turn while
traveling eastbound on K Road about four miles South of Glen Elder.
He attempted to turn north and the rig entered the East ditch as it
Mudd was transported to Mitchell County Hospital after
suffering multiple injuries despite wearing his seat belt.
According to a social media page operated by Mudd, he
fractured three vertebrae and suffered two additional fractures in his
right shoulder, but is in good spirits. He is expected to travel to
Wichita on Friday to see an orthopedic surgeon. A fund has been set
up at www.gofundme.com under “Show some Love to the Mudd
family” to assist them financially during this time.
Right: Jesse Mudd is visited by his son Jaxtyn who was born
on February 24. Young Jaxtyn helps keep his dad’s spirits
high as he recovers from injuries suffered on Monday.
GLEN ELDER – A high speed chase which began in the early morning
hours of Tuesday in Mitchell County resulted in the eventual arrest of 37 year old
Justin T. Sutterlin of Marysville near Fairbury, Neb. A Mitchell County deputy
observed a silver Monte Carlo traveling at a high rate speed on Hwy. 24 before
turning North onto 260 Road.
The pursuit began around 1:45 a.m. as the vehicle made several turns on
county roads before heading north on Hwy. 14 into Jewell County. The chase
continued with Mitchell and Jewell County deputies as the vehicle continued
north to Hwy. 36 before turning East. The deputies continued their pursuit into
Republic County. Mitchell County Dispatch notified Republic County of the
situation and the direction of the pursuit.
Upon arriving at Belleville, Sutterlin turned North on 81 Hwy. Prior to that
he had swerved at law enforcement vehicles including the Mitchell County
deputy and a City of Belleville police car. Sutterlin continued North into
Nebraska where the chase was called off by Mitchell County and Belleville
police and turned over to Nebraska authorities in Thayer County.
Chad Hallack
The Mitchell County Hospital Health
Systems Board of Trustees met on
Monday evening in the hospital board
room. The Board approved the budget for
fiscal year 2016 presented by Eldon
Koepke, CFO. The budget reflects an
estimated total operating revenue of
$27,792,804 plus $127,992 in expected
non-operating revenue. Figuring those
number against estimated operating
expenses of $27,871,716, the hospital
expects to profit 49,080 fiscal year 2016.
A 113 percent increase from last year’s
loss of $369,953.
Before the official meeting began,
the Board and others in attendance were
treated to a tour of the radiology
department by Radiology Director Darren
Included in the tour were the
differing rooms used for procedures
such as x-rays, ultrasound, MRI,
CT, and mammography. True cited
approximately 590 x-rays, 185
ultrasounds, 230 CT scans and 125
mammograms per month. He also
noted that the MRI system has a 1.5
Tesla magnet which is typical of
larger hospitals in terms of the
resolution quality of images. The
hospital’s digital images are stored
on in-house serves and backed up
by Novarad. In the event of a
system crash or destruction from a
natural disaster, for example, the
hospital can a acquire new
previously backed-up image files.
BELOIT – The 16th Annual
Heart Choices Banquet will be held at
7 p.m. on Thursday, April 23 at the
Beloit Municipal Building. JJ Jasper
is the speaker this year. He is a bestselling author, comedian, dedicated
Christian, and family man. For more
information call 738-3433 or email
[email protected]
Official business commenced
following the tour, beginning with an
overview of sections of the book A
Culture of High Performance by Quint
Studer from hospital CEO Jeremy
Armstrong. MCHHS is utilizing the
Studer Group’s program and materials
for healthcare coaching to promote
leadership and improve overall
practices with the expected result of an
improved culture of excellence in all
aspects of the hospital’s operation.
The Mitchell Co. Regional
Medical Foundation report was given
announced the Purdue House is up and
running and has had 15 guests
following rehabilitation work on the
property. The Purdue House is
available to accommodate families of
encourage the public to visit the house
located at 8th Street and Hwy. 14. She
also issued a reminder that
applications for the Melvin File
Memorial Scholarship is April 10. The
scholarship to awarded to qualifying
high school seniors from Beloit, St.
John’s, Tipton, Lakeside and Rock
Hills for study in healthcare related
fields. Simmons also stated that
Foundation is looking to expand its
donor reach to provide more
secondary education scholarships for
students and internal employees.
Simmons also spent time
explaining proposed guidelines to
assess and improve stewardship of
Chad Hallack
BELOIT – The 2015 Easter Egg
Hunt will be held at 10:30 a.m. on
Saturday, April 4. Candy and small
prizes will be placed on the soccer
field of the City of Beloit Sports
BELOIT — Friendship Meals will
be on Monday, March 30. This
week’s meal will feature chicken
casserole with corn,
fruit salad and
desserts. Serving is
from 5:30 to 7 p.m.,
at the United
Methodist Church
Fellowship Hall at
the corner of Bell
and 8th street in
Beloit. A free will donation is
A Thayer County officer pursued Sutterlin East on Neb. Hwy. 8 at speeds
exceeding 100 mph into Jefferson County where the Nebraska Highway Patrol
and a Fairbury PD officer deployed spike strips. Sutterlin stopped the vehicle
and continued to attempt to flee on foot. Officers were able to catch and arrest
the resisting suspect with the assistance of a taser. Sutterlin was unarmed and no
weapons were found in the vehicle according to Jefferson County, Neb. Sheriff’s
office. A female passenger was detained and later released.
The Mitchell Co. Sheriff’s officer saw unknown items being thrown from
the car during the chase, and numerous items were recovered from the vehicle
which matched the description of items reported missing from a burglary at
Lakeside Convenience West of Glen Elder that occurred sometime after closing
on March 23. Lakeside Convenience owners Tim and Laura Benoit reported
damage to a door on the property as well as theft of money and cigarettes. The
case remains under investigation by the Mitchell Co. Sheriff’s Department.
Sutterlin is currently being held in Jefferson County, Neb. and has felony
warrants in Marshall County, Kansas.
Sharon Sahlfeld photo
State Champion autographs
St. John’s/Tipton Assistant Coach Sheri Eilert was one of the first fans
in line to get autographs from her State Champion Lady Jays.
Sophomore Brenna Eilert is shown autographing Coach Eilert’s self
portrait taken with a white Blujay t-shirt for the signing. Sophomore
Elizabeth Walter and junior Chloe Miller also sign on. St. John’s/Tipton
girls finished their record season at 24-2 as 2015 Class 1A, Division II
State basketball Champions.
In a short meeting on Monday morning, the Mitchell County
Commissioners received reports from from Mitchell County EMS and the Public
Works Department.
EMS Director Kelly Hawk along with Assistant Director Eric Hamel to
present financial reports which showed an accounts receivable balance of
$61,097. Hawk and Hamel spoke to the commissioners about the continuing
changeover to new reporting and billing software. The department is now
utilizing Delisa’s Medical Billing Services out of Delphos. Hamel noted an
already noticeable reduction in the time required to perform and fulfill reporting
and accounting requirements. The new service is expected to streamline
operations to help minimize overhead and man hours in terms of reporting,
billing and collections. Delisa’s service is also helping the department to
generate revenue and reimbursement opportunities from previously untapped
sources such as mileage for transport of patients to the airport when an aircraft is
unable to land at the hospital.
Public Works Director Larry Emerson reported that they have been busy
with picking up snow fence and preparing to perform dirt work at the landfill.
They are also working on Fallon Road off of K Road to improve drainage.
Emerson also said that they are continuing to scout and test potential sand and
gravel sites. An agreement has been reached with Ron Heller on such a site.
Heller will receive $3.30 per ton or approximately $4.62 per cubic yard figured
at 2,840 pounds per. Typically, the County has equated cubic yards to 3,000
pounds of material.
Emerson also presented possible bicycle signage to put up in the county as
previously discussed. There were few examples available, but the
Commissioners felt there was a sign that simply said “Bike Route” which is
highly visible because of its chartreuse color. The Commissioners requested that
the organizers of the movement to get bicycle signage placed in the county
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
80th birthday card
shower for Lois Gengler
I am a male,
over 60, gray, balding and
noticeably overweight. Because
of back problems, I choose to
wear suspenders instead of a
belt. So, why is it that women of
all ages think it’s OK to snap
my suspenders, or at least
express a desire to do so? Most
recently, it was a younger
woman on the staff of a hospital
ER while I was waiting for my
wife to be treated.
I’m fairly certain that if I
were to snap their bra straps,
they would slap my face and
call the police, and rightly so.
Why, then, do these ladies
believe they have a right to put
their hands on me? -- Lost for
an Answer
We have no clue
why anyone, male or female,
would think it is OK to treat
your suspenders as though they
were a child’s toy to play with.
You likely appear to others as
jocular and friendly, which
makes them treat you as though
you are familiar and accessible - their favorite uncle. And there
may be something about
suspenders that encourages
people to touch them. But this
doesn’t excuse their behavior.
If someone approaches you a
little too closely, feel free to
back away or ask them to keep
their hands to themselves.
Another option, of course, is to
cover the suspenders with a
jacket or sweater. And, readers,
please keep your hands off the
I read the letter
from “Hurting for My Brotherin-Law.” She said her brotherin-law’s wife died, and her three
sons from a previous marriage
put her first husband’s name on
the headstone. I can understand
their reasons.
My mother remarried when I
was 17, and she died 15 months
later. Her second husband asked
my permission not to use my
father’s name on the headstone.
It seemed reasonable, so I
agreed. The headstone only
shows her maiden name and
that of her second husband.
Years passed, and I had only
minimal contact with my
stepfather, who died a long time
ago. My grown children never
knew him. They worry they will
be unable to find their
because they don’t easily recall
my stepfather’s last name. I
phoned the cemetery and
requested that they crossreference Mom’s married name
with my maiden name (my
father’s name), but they refused.
In years to come, my
children’s descendents may
wish to know where their
grandmother is buried, but her
second husband of one year will
not be remembered. -- G.
You should make
certain that your papers include
your mother’s married name so
that future generations will have
a record of it and can locate her
gravesite. You also might find
out from the cemetery whether
you can add anything to the
headstone or who can give you
the authority to do so -- perhaps
your stepfather’s children, who
may not have any objection to
your adding your father’s name.
Annie’s Mailbox is written by
Kathy Mitchell and Marcy
Sugar, longtime editors of the
Ann Landers column. Please
email your questions to
[email protected], or
write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o
Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd
Street, Hermosa Beach, CA
90254. To find out more about
Annie’s Mailbox and read
features by other Creators
cartoonists, visit the Creators
Syndicate Web page at
BELOIT – Lois Gengler will
be celebrating her 80th birthday
March 29 with family.
Her six children include:
Craig (Jolene) Gengler, Galen,
Randy (Tamra) Gengler, Dean
(Amy) Gengler, Dale (Janet)
Gengler, all of Beloit, and Scott
(Crystal) Gengler, Falun. She
enjoys being involved in her 19
grandchildren’s lives.
Cards may be sent to 3143 D
Road, Beloit, KS 67420.
Daniel Herndon
senior Daniel Herndon, son of
Shawn and Angie Herndon, was
awarded a $300 scholarship
Community Club. Herndon
plans to attend Fort Hays State
University and work in the field
of agriculture.
The Glen Elder Community
Club scholarship was originally
established in 1999 through the
efforts of the community’s
special history book committee
and the subsequent sale of the
Glen Elder Family History
book. Memorial donations were
also received in honor of
Charlie Parker Gail Weidenhaft,
and Lyle McPeak, all longtime
residents who were much
respected in the community.
contributions also support the
The scholarships are awarded
annually to high school seniors
with a Glen Elder address with
County District Court. The education beyond high school.
minimum fine for a violation is
If a minor leaves your home
or property that you own after a
party that you or your child is
hosting, gets behind the wheel
of a vehicle after drinking, and
that minor injures himself or
herself or another person, you
could be facing serious civil
permitting that party to occur on
your property.
Young people that begin
Seniors: Alex Katsiyiannis
drinking as teenagers are more
Juniors: Samantha Hollerich,
likely to become binge drinkers, Garrhett McKain, Delaney
develop an alcohol dependence, Weisel
and abuse alcohol. The first step
is to never allow minors to drink Brummer, Aaron Henke, Sarah
on your property.
Katsiyiannis, Jenna Ketter
The next step is education. As
Ashton Allen,
you educate your child on the Meaghan Jones
dangers of drinking alcohol,
educate yourself and your child
on the social hosting laws.
Audrey Henke,
Katie Schroeder,
Beloit City Attorney
Mark Noah,
Mitchell County Attorney
Dave Elam,
Beloit Chief of Police
Ty Brummer,
Doug Daugherty,
Garrett Darnell
Mitchell County Sheriff
Hosting minors is a crime
Dear Editor:
Are you thinking of hosting a
party with alcohol present for
your son or daughter and his or
her friends? Do you think that
allowing your child to host a
party in your residence or on
property that you own is
innocent teenage fun? Think
Unlawfully hosting minors
consuming alcoholic liquor or
cereal malt beverages is a Class
A misdemeanor. A minor is
anyone under 21 years of age.
The minimum fine for this
violation is $1,000. Other
penalties could include jail
time, probation, community
service, an alcohol evaluation,
and alcohol education classes.
These laws are strictly enforced
in the City of Beloit and
Mitchell County.
More specifically, the State
“Unlawfully hosting minors
consuming alcoholic liquor or
cereal malt beverage is
recklessly permitting a person’s
residence or any land, building,
Published Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, except on New Year’s Day,
Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day,
Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Sharon Sahlfeld, Editor
Chad Hallack, Ad Sales
Rhonda Claussen, Production
Rick Larson, Circulation
structure or room owned,
occupied, or procured by such
person to be used by an invitee
of such person or an invitee of
such person’s child or ward, in a
manner that results in the
alcoholic liquor or cereal malt
beverages by a minor.”
Even if you are not furnishing
alcohol to the minors on your
property, if they are having a
party on property that you own
or occupy, and they were so
invited by you or your child,
you could be charged with
Unlawful Hosting. “Property”
could be an apartment that you
rent, your home, a building that
you own, or even a pasture that
you own.
As previously stated, a
violation of the state’s Unlawful
Hosting law or the City’s
Unlawful Hosting law is a Class
A misdemeanor – the most
severe level of misdemeanor.
Violators will be arrested and
booked into the Beloit City Jail
or Mitchell County Jail or they
will be served with a citation
and a Notice to Appear in Beloit
Municipal Court or Mitchell
Having a
birthday or an
If you or someone
you know is having a
birthday or
anniversary, please
call 785-738-3537 or
[email protected].
Tyler Harmon, Dalton Rothchild,
Cory Gerard, Josh Hiatt, Luis
Bouska-Ortega, Sharon Larson,
Aaron Davies, Branson Hiserote,
Colton Hayes, Brooklyn Riddle
Subscription rates, including tax:
Delivery by Carrier (in Beloit):
Yearly, $59.00; Six months, $31.41;
Three Months, $16.74. Delivery by
Motor Route: Yearly, $68.80; Six
Months, $37.40; Three Months,
$20.19; Delivery by Mail (Mitchell,
Jewell, Lincoln, Osborne, Ottawa,
Smith and Russell Counties) Yearly, $92.90; Six Months, $51.25;
Three Months, $27.97. Delivery
Elsewhere in Kansas - Yearly,
$97.49; six months, $53.31; Three
months, $28.93. Out of State Yearly, $111.18; Six months, $61.16;
Three Months, $35.02
Tipton third
honor roll
Grain Sorghum..............$4.68
Corn.............................. $3.56
Grain Sorghum..............$4.83
Grain Sorghum..............$4.83
Soybeans..................... $9.17
Email news or
advertising to
[email protected]
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
BELOIT – Nine wrestlers have qualified for State from the
Beloit Wrestling Club and will compete this coming weekend
in Topeka Expo Center. Those qualifying and their weight
classes include:
46 pounds - Brogan Monty
64 pounds - Chance Jermark
100 pounds - Brennan Walker
110 pounds - Cameron Konkel
84 pounds - Tate Kadel
105 pounds - Hunter Prochaska
190 pounds - Creighton Johnson
215 pounds - Trent Burton
140 pounds - Zane Colson
Right: Beloit Wrestling Club State qualifiers are from l to
r, front row: Tate Kadel, Chance Jermark, Brogan Monty,
Cameron Konkel. Back row: Hunter Prochaska, Brennan
Walker, Creighton Johnson, Trent Burton, Zane Colson.
Heather Monty courtesy photo
athletes from across North
Central Kansas will be
showcasing their volleyball and
basketball talents in the 2015
NCK All-Star volleyball match
and basketball games.
The 2015 NCK All-Star
Event will be held in Arley A.
Bryant Gymnasium on the
Concordia campus of Cloud
County Community College.
The volleyball match will be
played at 3 p.m., Saturday,
March 28.
The basketball games will
be played Sunday, March 29.
The girl’s game tips off at 2
p.m. and the boy’s game will
start at 3:30 p.m. Ticket prices
for the games are $5 for adults
and $3 for K-12 students.
Beloit seniors Shaylyn
Krone and Britt Widrig will
represent the Lady Trojans on
the volleyball court, Saturday.
They will then turn the tables
on Sunday and suit up for the
basketball games under the
direction of their own Dallas
Cox who was selected as a
Broeckelman and Alison Palen
have also been selected for the
All-Star basketball game.
Representing Beloit on the
boys side will be Trey Dubbert
of St. John’s Catholic High
Athletes playing on the
Coaches: Cathy Foote,
Wamego HS and Laramie
Jueneman, Washington County
SMITH CENTER – The Mid-Continent League all stars and
the all stars of North Central Kansas met up again at the 5th annual
Sunflower Shootout all star basketball games at Smith Center on
Saturday, March 21, with each team winning one game.
The boys game was a long distance shootout as the two teams
combined for 22 3-point baskets as the MCL boys won 108-100.
The 108 points by the MCL boys was a new shootout record for a
Six players scored in double figures for the MCL boys with
Kameron Schmidt of Thomas More Prep/Marian leading the way
with 15 points. Deon Lyle of Norton, Smith Center’s Mason
Buckmaster, and Jaden Williams of Stockton added 14 points
apiece, and Stockton teammates Christian Hamel and Justin
Wiltfong chipped in 11 apiece. Phillipsburg’s Sam Sage and Eli
Lohrmeyer of Ellis added 9 points apiece, Brent Gehring of
Plainville 8, and Hill City’s Ethan Gansel added 3 points.
Chad Gross of Linn led the NCK boys with 21 points, with
Pike Valley’s Casey Jensen adding 17, Connor Katt of Hoxie 14,
Andrew Bruna of Hanover 11 and Trey Dubbert of St. John’s
Beloit/Tipton 10. Also scoring were Osborne’s Brandt Wolters
with 9, Regent Erickson of Decatur Community 7, Pike Valley’s
Peyton Reeves 5, Matt Stutsman of Northern Valley 4 and Kelden
Breth of Decatur Community 2.
“This was the most exciting boys contest in the shootout to
date,” said recreational director Mike Hughes. “It was a close
contest throughout.” The MCL boys led 52-50 at the half. “It was
fast paced contest with a lot of shots from three point range and a
few slam dunks.”
Plainville’s Chris Drees and Butch Hays of Ellis coached the
MCL boys, while the NCK coaches were Jamie Wolters of
Osborne and Tim Breth of Decatur Community High School.
The NCK girls led 42-23 at the half and held on to win 86-68.
The NCK girls led by 30 points on a couple of occasions, but the
MCL girls kept chipping away and got within 20 on a few
Leading the way for the NCK girls was 4-time state champion
Carly Heim of Hoxie with 20 points. Hoxie teammate Lexi
Schamberger and Linn’s Kesiah Thalmann added 10 points apiece.
Also scoring were Shawn Baker of Decatur Community and
Shaylyn Krone of Beloit with 9 points apiece, and Beloit’s Britt
Widrig, Kadee Braun of Logan, and Concordia’s Tristen Leiszler
all adding 7 points each. Jacy Martin of Southern Cloud scored 4
points and Shalia Giebler of Colby 3.
Michaelis, Wabaunsee HS;
Jacy Martin, Southern CloudGlasco HS; Macy Franson,
Clay Center Community HS;
Jera Metro, Concordia HS;
Macey Dieckmann, Clay
Center Community HS; True
Mussetter, Wamego HS;
MacKenzie Edmundson, Clay
Center Community HS; Lorren
Community HS; Madeline
Vontz, Wamego HS; Chloe
Cudney, Marysville HS; Drew
Mann, Smith Center HS;
Kynedi Allison, Minneapolis
HS; Shaylyn Krone, Beloit
Minneapolis HS; Hannah
Puetz, Southeast of Saline HS;
Britt Widrig, Beloit HS;
Lesley Stensaas, Pike Valley
HS; Cassidy Coggins, Valley
Heights HS; Erin Alexander,
Washington HS; Taylor Powell,
Thalmann, Linn HS
Athletes playing on the
Coaches: Dallas Cox, Beloit
HS and Michael Wahlmeier,
Concordia HS
Athletes: Britt Widrig,
Beloit HS; Drew Mann, Smith
Center HS; Tristen Leiszler,
Bradshaw, Salina Central HS;
Bailey Driver, Salina Central
HS; Kaci Isaacson, Salina South
HS; Emilee Holloway, Salina
South HS; Cassidy Coggins,
Valley Heights HS; Sidney
Blackburn, Valley Heights HS;
Erin Alexander, Washington
County HS; Ramona Weber,
Hanover HS; Jaci Swart,
Nemaha Central HS; Kaley
Norton’s Katie Bohl led the MCL scorers with 16 points, all
coming in the second half, and Trego’s Allyson Denning added
10. Also scoring were Stockton’s Morgan Beougher and Kim
Junkermeier of Plainville with 9 points apiece, Stephanie
Greenway of Ellis 7, Peyton Desormiers of Trego and
Phillipsburg’s Mindy Gower 6 apiece, Smith Center’s Drew Mann
3 and Brianna Casey of Plainville 2. Addison Kingsbury of Smith
Center, who filled in on game day for an ill Mallory McQueen,
also played but did not score.
“I was proud of the MCL girls,” Hughes said. “They were
behind the whole ball game but never gave up. They kept
scratching away and never gave up. It was a better game than the
score indicated.”
“I also want to thank Shawn Baker and Addison Kingsbury
for filling in at the last minute. Kaley Broeckelman of Beloit was
scheduled to play for the NCK girls but was still injured from a
previous game and could not play, so Shawn was contacted to fill
in. And McQueen was ill on the morning of game day and
Addison quickly made arrangements to fill the roster.
NCK coaches included Brittni Oehmke from Linn and
Southern Cloud’s Tyler Williams, while Alexa Rogers of Stockton
and Plainville’s Ron Wolf coached the MCL girls.
Three point contest winners were Brianna Casey for the girls
and Connor Katt for the boys.
“These were a great group of kids and represented their
schools and communities well,” Hughes stated. “We appreciate
them giving up their time to participate, as well as the coaches.
And to all the fans that turned out to support these athletes. They
saw two great games by some great athletes.”
“We want to thank USD 237 for use of their facilities, the
Smith Center Chamber of Commerce for their support and
furnishing the drinks, the SonShine Church for the concession
stand, the Smith County Kiwanis Club and Smith Center Rotary
Club for taking tickets, to the SCTV crew for filming the game for
the DVDs that go to the athletes, the Smith County Bank for
providing the noon meal, Graphics Central for the posters, and
Nick Linn and the Entrepreneurship class for doing our programs,”
Hughes added. “Also to all the volunteers that gave of their time
to pull this event off as we couldn’t do it without them.”
The Sunflower Shootout was sponsored by the Smith Center
Recreation Commission, and co-sponsored by Landmark
Implement, Solid Rock Construction, Simmons-Rentschler
Mortuary, and Nex-Tech.
Broeckelman, Beloit HS;
Shaylyn Krone, Beloit HS;
Macy Franson, Clay Center
Dieckmann, Clay Center
Community HS; MacKenzie
Edmundson, Clay Center
Community HS; Cara Flach,
Kennedy McKernan, Nemaha
Central HS; Alison Palen,
Beloit HS; Jacy Martin,
Southern Cloud-Glasco HS;
Connor Davis, Ellsworth HS
Athletes playing on the
Coaches: Tim Dolloff,
Bennington HS and Doug
Finch, Salina Central HS
Athletes: Jace Coppoc,
Concordia HS; Chase Streeter,
Concordia HS; Trey Dubbert,
St. John’s-Beloit HS; Deon
Lyle, Norton HS; Jordan
McNelly, Salina Central HS;
Jacob Dickey, Jefferson West
HS; Casey Jensen, Pike Valley
HS; Peyton Reeves, Pike
Valley HS; Gabriel McGregor,
Pike Valley HS; Justin
Wiltfong, Stockton HS; Jaden
Williams, Stockton HS; Mason
Buckmaster, Smith Center HS;
Andrew Seifert, Clifton-Clyde
HS; Trey Tanking, Holton HS;
Garrett Beecher, Holton HS;
Abe Elder, Nemaha Central
HS; Josh Macy, Minneapolis
HS; John Kelly, Minneapolis
HS; Josh Fief, Bennington HS;
Dylan Bretton, Thunder Ridge
•8:45 a.m. Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting for
Shopko Hometown. A whole new shopping experience
designed just for Beloit! Representatives from Shopko
will speak and the doors will open at 9 a.m.
•9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Beloit Auto and Truck Plaza will
host a Drive One 4 Ur School event. Proceeds will be
split 50/50 with BHS and STJ student councils. For
each test drive, $10 is given back to each school.
Drivers must be 18 years old and only one driver can
drive per household.
•9:30 to 11 a.m. Free Computer/Smartphone
workshop at the Beloit Senior Center. Open to area
residents of all ages. Pre-registration not needed. Call
Jay Rowh, 785-738-2310 or the Beloit Senior Center at
785-738-5802 for further details.
•4:55 - 5:55 p.m. T.O.P.S. (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly) weigh-in meeting at 6 p.m. United Methodist
Church upstairs (elevator available)
•9:30 to 11 a.m. Free Computer/Smartphone
workshop at the Beloit Senior Center. Open to area
residents of all ages. Pre-registration not needed. Call
Jay Rowh, 785-738-2310 or the Beloit Senior Center at
785-738-5802 for further details.
•9:30 a.m. Round Robin Tournament Brunch at the
Beloit Country Club.
•Noon Luncheon for The Ladies of the Country
Club. Hostesses will be Marlene Mispagel, Jeanne
Moritz, and Marlene Moritz. Call in regrets only.
To place an item for the Community Calendar,
call (785) 738-3537 or email
[email protected].
Stand out!
Beloit Call – 119 E. Main•785-738-3537
Put the Classifieds to work for you!
Get Results!
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Thanks for the ride Blujays
By Sharon Sahlfeld
St. John’s Catholic High
recognition celebration on
Monday, March 23. With the
Lady Jays winning the 2015
Class 1A Division II State
Championship and the boys the
State Runners-Up there was a
lot to celebrate.
The girls finished their
record season at 24-2 as State
The 2 seed Lady Blujays
hung on to win a game of
offensive runs against No. 7
Wetmore the opening round of
State competition with a 52-49
victory. St. John’s-Tipton then
went on to prevail defeating
Norwich 26-24 in the semifinals
and controlling the State
championship game versus
Moscow 45-35. The Lady
Blujays held both Norwich and
Moscow under 24 percent
shooting from the field on their
way to their first ever State
Championship after having
picked up their first State win
just three days prior.
It was the second State
basketball title in as many years
for St. John’s-Tipton who won a
State championship on the boys
side last season. The boys fell
just short on their repeat
attempt, falling 72-61 after the
game was tied at 50 to start the
fourth quarter in a rematch of
last year’s title game versus
Sharon Springs.
Along with these huge
accomplishments, the school
also won the Sportsmanship
Spirit Award and recognized
cheerleaders Shanell Criswell,
Katsiyiannis, Yessenia Ayala,
Delaney Weisel, Reganne
Barker, Avery Gates, and Claire
Pastrovich as cheering on their
Both teams coaches were
accomplishments and spoke to a
group of Blujay fans on Monday
who joined in to celebrate the
moment. Coaches spoke of their
achievements and the obstacles
they overcame to get to the
State tournament and videos
were watched a tribute. Players
also expressed their gratitude
back to those same coaches and
to their teammates and fans.
Assistant boys Coach Gery
Hake spoke for Head Coach
Lance Bergmann who could not
attend due to a funeral. “The
boys always focused on the task
at hand,” said Hake as he
continued to take about their
season and the way they
performed. Seniors Andrew
Eilert, Garrett Mishler, Geroge
Meyer, Linden Hake, Trey
Dubbert, Riley Gates, Michael
Schmitt and Alex Katsiyiannis
were recognized as seniors who
would be missed on next years
underclassmen were recognized
as ones to reckon with for next
years season.
Senior Trey Dubbert spoke
about the coaches and how
they don’t always get enough
credit for what they do for the
players. “I also want to
congratulate the girls,” said
Dubbert. “We as a team were
glad to be a part of their ride
as State Champions.”
“We grew as players and
teammates,” said Dubbert. “I
hope we can take this
heart and enthusiasm for the
State title.”
“They made adjustments
on the floor and I want to
congratulate the ladies for
believing in the system here for
St. John’s/Tipton.”
“None of this could have
been possible without the
support of the parents with
their giving us the ability to
Sharon Sahlfeld photos
Above: Gabbie Smith
leads the way with the
State Championship ball as
the St. John’s/Tipton girls
were recognized as 2015
Class 1A, Division II State
St. John’s/Tipton Lady Blujays Head Coach Keith Kresin spoke about the Championship team season.
experience further into our
lives and into our education
underclassmen to take it over
next year. I couldn’t be more
proud of the season we had.”
Lady Jays Coach Kresin
talked about the Lady Jays
“Wow,” All I can say is
Wow,” Kresin said. “What an
accomplishment for these
girls to be Class 1A Division
II State basketball Champions.
One Dream, One Team!”
“These girls showed a lot
of enthusiasm all season
long,” said Kresin. “We had a
lot of ups and downs, more up
than down, but we built trust
through those downs and the
girls just got better during the
roller coaster ride. We won
the pre-season tournament in
Osborne and went into
Christmas break at 5-0.
“The girls then struggled
with an identity crisis and
with playing overall as a team
late in the season,” Kresin
said. “We made some changes
after the Hill City and
Thunder Ridge loss. We
upped our defense and gave
some girls opportunity to play
as best as they could. Our
changes got better and we
then went on a 9-0 winning
streak entering Sub-State. We
beat Wetmore to survive
which set us up against
Moscow and played with
coach these girls,” said Kresin.
“It wouldn’t have been possible
without the parents.”
St. John’s/Tipton will
return all their players on the
roster with having no seniors
this season.
“Let’s keep this roller
coaster ride going,” said
Kresin. “We have a lot of work
ahead of us but I am so glad to
be a part of this team.”
Kresin talked about his
junior varsity team and then
gave a little insight on his
Lady Jay Assistant Coach
Sheri Eilert gets emotional
about the teams season.
“Oh my gosh,” Kresin
said about junior Gabbie
Smith. “She would run into a
brick wall for you.”
“A master of the game,” is
sophomore Elizabeth Walter.
“She didn’t want to ever make
the same mistake twice.”
“Sophomore Brenna Eilert
is one of those players
everyone wants on their team,”
said Kresin. “She is a true
athlete that makes the plays and
makes other players confident
with her presence on the floor.”
Junior Sami Hollerich is
the most consistent player on
the team,” Kresin said. “She
communicates and knows her
role. She is always involved in
the key plays.”
“Junior Chloe Miller came
off back surgery and was
questionable this season,” said
Kresin. “She was a big key for
us and got better and better
each and every game.”
thanking his assistant Coach
Sheri Eilert for being a key
component to making the St.
understanding what he wanted
out of them. “TRUST,” built.
We all had trust with her as a
key factor.”
Coach Eilert became
emotional when talking about
both teams’ seasons. She
congratulated the boys on a job
well done and spoke about her
Lady Jays.
“Six years ago the school
gave me a chance to coach
junior high basketball and I told
the girls then that the Pike Trail
League Championship was
great but winning State is
Haddie Smith and Emily Eilert admire their St. John’s/
Tipton Lady Jays autographed photos.
fantastic. The girls made the
plays with no regrets and
made it happen.”
Brenna Eilert spoke on
behalf of her team in thanking
everyone that came together
and talked of hopes of coming
back next year and do it all
again. Chloe Miller expressed
her gratitude with the support
she received after her back
encouragement she had to
press on. Hollerich said, “I
knew we could make it all the
Above left: Sophomore Mason Eilert, seniors Michael Schmitt and Trey Dubbert, junior Parker Gates sign autographs for the St. John’s/Tipton Blujays. Above middle: Trey Dubbert
speaks to the Blujay fans about the teams season. Above right: Davis Dubbert and senior Garrett Mishler sign autographs.
If it is important to you!...........It is important to us!
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Help Wanted
HELP WANTED: Part-time help
needed, possibly full time.
Delivery, set-up and installation
of furniture and appliances. Must
have valid drivers license and be
able to lift heavy objects. Apply
in person at Schnell & Pestinger,
108 S. Mill, Beloit. 3-27tc
WANTED: Property respecting
North Carolina farmer looking to
Lease deer hunting land for
2015-16 season. Call Bobby
Hice 336-352-4048 office 336325-9907 cell 336-352-3691
home. References available. 48tc
County Hospital Health System
has an immediate need and
opening for a full time night shift
Registered Nurse in the Special
Care Unit. This positions has a
shift that includes 6pm to 6am
and every other weekend
rotation. All positions are subject
to rotating holiday schedule.
Applicants must be flexible,
dependable and have
leadership skills, compassion
and a drive to create positive
teamwork. For more information
on this position contact the
Special Care Unit of MCHHS,
Mary Henk Director, or Marcia
Winkel, LPN/APD at (785) 7382266 Ext. 140. To apply
download an application at http:/
/www.mchks.com/ or apply in
person at MCHHS, 400 W.
8th Street, Beloit. 3-30tc
For Sale
FOR SALE: Farm Seed: In
stock High Yielding Heartland
Genetics Grain Sorghums,
BMR and Conventional forages,
Golden Harvest Corn, NK
Soybeans, Grass Seed, Cover
Crops, Seed Treating, Tender
Wagons and more. Solomon
Rapids Seed, Beloit 785-7385134. 6-19tc
HELP WANTED: Seasonal/
Part-time help, CDL required.
Fill out application at CPS, 424
E. Elliott. tfc
Thank You
I wish to thank the
Mitchell County
ambulance crew, the
Beloit Police
department and Dana
Saint for helping me
after my fall.
Lilian Wilcox
What we will remember when we look back are the times
when kindness made a difference in our lives. The family
of Eugenia “Jean” Boden would like to thank everyone for
the prayers, cards, food, flowers, phone calls and
memorials. A special thank you to Dr. Concannon and the
MCHHS Nursing staff, for the great care they provided.
Thanks to Father Kieffer for his visits and the funeral
service. Also, thank you to St. John’s and St. Theresa’s
Ladies Guild for the funeral lunch. Your kindness to our
family is greatly appreciated.
memorial funds coming into the Foundation by improving
communication between the Foundation and the hospital. In order
to expedite the process from the receiving of funds to putting the
funds to use in a way to create the most impact for the hospital and
its patients as soon as possible while still honoring donor’s wishes
and making the best decisions in terms of allocating those funds.
The new guidelines were approved by the Board.
A reminder was also given regarding approaching “Doctors
Day” activities on March 30 including an elementary art contest
for grade school students with a theme of “Why Doctors are
Special”. Five winners in each age bracket will be selected.
In his administrative report, CEO Armstrong discussed efforts
by Kancare and the Kansas Hospital Association to expand
Medicaid. He reported a loss in revenue to the hospital of $147,000
due to the Affordable Care Act.
“Money is going back to D.C. because of reimbursement cuts
due to no expansion of Medicaid in Kansas. There are 30 states
that have not expanded (their programs),” Armstrong said.
Armstrong added that MCHHS is in favor of expanded
eligibility requirements for Medicaid to help fill the gap between
subsidized care for those with an ACA policy and those without
insurance. He said that the White House and Senate are looking to
cut $500 billion from Medicare and proposed cuts such as this
usually get scaled back, but there will ultimately be cuts. It remains
unclear when they will come and how much they will amount to.
Darren True gave an update on the Studer program which is
being utilized in changing the hospital’s internal and patient
evaluations to be more comprehensive and objective using a
system that weights items proportionally as they contribute to
overall service scores.
Eldon Koepke gave the finance report which included the
announcement that another $100,000 is coming to the hospital due
to a new bid on the damaged roof and that there is a potential for
an additional $80,000 on top of that. It was also learned that the
insurance deductible would be doubled from $5,000 to $10,000.
Following the budget approval, the Board approved a $30,724
bid from BM Construction to repair dilapidated sections of the
employee parking lot on the West side of the hospital. The Board
also approved the opening of a new checking account at the
Guaranty State Bank to help ease reconciliation of credit card
payments by reducing the requirement of authorization to transfer
funds from two people to one person in the account which carries a
typical balance of $500.
Armstrong then made a request to create a full-time Human
Resources assistant position with responsibilities including
handling employee benefits, orientations, time and attendance
tracking as well as additional paperwork involved with the Studer
program and ACA requirements. The request was granted by the
Armstrong also addressed CEO and Board self assessments.
Board members Brigit Gasper and Mike Heller volunteered to
research and present suggestions for updating these internal
evaluation processes.
Service Awards were also announced for staff who have
reached milestones in terms of years of service. Included in this are
Buffy Kadel, Nursing, 35 years, Jo Albert, Lab, 35 years, Susan
Dillner, Nursing, 35 years, Michelle Murrow, Accounts Payable,
15 years and Eldon Koepke, Administration, 10 years.
The meeting concluded following an executive session with
the Board and Armstrong involving medical staff credentials.
investigate other options of signage such as one pictured in
their slide presentation which was located in Harvey County.
Commission Chairman Tom Claussen noted the Shopko
Hometown store opened for business on Sunday. The Grand
Opening event will be Friday, March 6 at 8:45 a.m.
“We are glad to have them here and wish them well,” Claussen
The next meeting of the Mitchell County Commission is
scheduled Monday, March 30 at 8:30 a.m. at the Courthouse.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Jennifer Sue Peters died
Monday, March 23, 2015.
Jennifer was born November
29, 1955 in Salina to Thomas
and Nancy Lott. She grew up in
Minneapolis with one younger
brother and three younger
sisters. She met her husband
while attending college at Cloud
County Community College,
“because he had horses.” They
were married November 12,
1977, and were blessed with
four wonderful children and two
Jennifer has been and will
always be an angel in our
hearts. She was a very caring,
compassionate woman who is
loved dearly and will be missed
greatly by many. She was very
involved with the farm and
worked alongside her husband.
She loved playing with her
grandchildren whenever she got
the opportunity.
Survivors include husband,
Joseph Peters; children, Megan
Peters, Alan Peters and wife
Bridget, Katelyn Bretton and
Debbi Ree Stillwell was born
June 21, 1960 to Robert and
Mary Villanueva in Karnes
City, Texas. She passed
peacefully into the love of our
Savior Jesus Christ on March
16, 2015 at the age of 54.
Debbi’s family moved to the
Beloit area when she was in
high school. Here, she met her
husband David Stillwell. They
were wed on August 7, 1976.
To this union, two children
were born: Jonathan in 1981
and RyAnn in 1988. They
Scottsville. Debbi enjoyed
reading and spending time with
her family, especially her
attention she would give them
through hugs and reading
She is preceded in death by
her mother, Mary Hill;
stepfather, Frank Hill; and her
Loran R. Broadbent, son of
Rodie R. Broadbent and Ethel
Hixenbaugh, was born August
9, 1919 and passed away on
February 24, 2015 at his
daughter’s home in Brea, Calif.
He was the youngest of six
children, five sisters: Frances,
Frieda, Margie and Merle, and
one brother, Gerald. They lived
north of Pleasant View Church
State of Kansas vs. Chris
substances (meth), four counts
paraphernalia with intent to
distribute, possession of drug
paraphernalia, transportation of
an opened container.
State of Kansas vs. Anthony
substances (meth), five counts
paraphernalia with intent to
distribute, possession of drug
paraphernalia, transportation of
an opened container.
State of Kansas vs. Erik
Michael Salsman, three counts
husband Kyle, Matthew Peters;
grandchildren, Travis and Levi
Peters, and many family and
friends. She is also survived by
her parents, Tom and Nancy
Lott; siblings, Vicki Visser and
husband Chris, Wanda Sponsel
and husband Todd, Jeff Lott
and wife Tamala; and brotherin-law, Kenny Schaffer. She
was preceded in death by her
sister, Judy Schaffer.
Visitation will be Thursday,
March 26, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at
Schoen Funeral Home &
Monuments in Beloit. Rosary
will be held March 26 at 7 p.m.
at St. John’s Catholic Church.
Funeral services will be held
Friday, March 27, at 10 a.m. at
St. John’s Catholic Church.
Interment will follow at St.
John’s Cemetery. Memorials
may be made to Travis and
Levi education fund. Schoen
Funeral Home and Monuments
is handling arrangements.
Online condolences may be left
March 12 at 5:30 p.m., the
at http://schoenfhm.com.
Mitchell County Sheriff’s
Office took a report of stolen
hedge posts.
March 16 at 10:52 a.m.,
officers took an information
father, Robert Villanueva. She report for a structure fire in the
is survived by her husband, 800 block of South Roosevelt.
David; son, Jonathan (Jennifer)
March 16 at 4:56 p.m.,
of Scottsville; daughter, RyAnn officers took a report of a non(Quinten Jones) of Randall; injury accident at 8th Street
and Liquor. A 2007 Pontiac Vibe
Madysen Stillwell, Bristol driven by Joseph Pickett,
Boden, and Aiden Jones; Beloit, and a 2004 Buick
Szymanski of Prairie Village
and Leah Morris of Garden
City; and brother, Bobby (Beth)
Villanueva of Jefferson, Iowa;
BELOIT – President Marlene
and many nieces and nephews.
Condolences may be left at Mispagel called the meeting to
McDonald Roberts Funeral order after another fine lunch
Home. In lieu of flowers, prepared by Chef Garret
memorials may be given to the Whoolery was enjoyed. Those
Scottsville Community Church in attendance were treated to a
or the National Multiple green salad, hash with grilled
Sclerosis Society. Graveside chicken, and a slice of
Services will be March 28 at blueberry pie. The ladies
10:30 a.m. at the Scottsville applauded his efforts. President
Cemetery for friends and Mispagel thanked the hostesses
family followed by lunch at the and announced those in charge
Scottsville Community Church. for next month would be
Marlene Mispagel and Marlene
There will be no visitation.
Moritz. She welcomed many
guests for the day: Rosella
Krier, Joan Simmons, Lorna
Wright, Patty Rufener, Jackie
homestead. Loran went to Larson, Donna Porter and
California in 1940, later met his Nancy Gronewoller.
wife, Geraldine “Jerry.” One
daughter, Francis, was born to
this union. Loran was laid to
rest beside his wife in Monet,
Mo. She died in 1997 after 50
– Kansas
State Wind Ensemble is a 57
Correspondence can be directed
member strong group of
to Frances Boyd and Mark
musicians under the direction of
Anderson at 1475 Arrow Wood
Dr. Frank Tracz, Director of
Drive, Brea, CA 92821.
Bands. On April 7 this
outstanding group of musicians
will be performing at Carnegie
Hall, closing the New York
International Music Festival.
This closing will be the finale of
a week long journey for the
group. The Ensemble leaves
Manhattan on April 3 for a two
day bus trip to New York City.
While in New York the
Ensemble and their featured
faculty soloists, Dr. David
Littrell (cello) and Dr. Anna
Assistant Director of Bands Mr.
Don Linn, will spend time in
rehearsals, site seeing and
performing at the Naumberg
Band Shell in Central Park on
April 6 at noon. They will then
return to Manhattan after their
evening performance in the
State of Kansas vs. Erik
Michael Salsman, distribution
of controlled substances methamphetamine (1 gram),
paraphernalia with intent to
communication facility to
facilitate drug transaction, no
drug tax stamp.
State of Kansas vs. Zakaree J.
Blake, distribution of controlled
substances - marijuana (54.9)
grams, unlawful distribution of
drug paraphernalia, use of a
communication facility to
facilitate drug transaction, no
drug tax stamp.
Credit Management Services,
Inc. vs. Barry Schoen and
Sylvia Schoen, seeks judgment
in the amount of $1,433.62 plus
LeSabre driven by Ernestine
Mick, Beloit, collided at that
March 17 at 7:30 p.m.,
officers with the Beloit Police
information report for battery.
No arrests have been made at
this time.
March 19 at 12:15 p.m.,
officers with the Beloit Police
Department took a report of a
missing registration decal.
interest and costs.
Credit Management Services,
Inc. vs. Erik Salsman, seeks
judgment in the amount of
$431.24 plus interest and costs.
Mitchell County Hospital
Health Systems vs. Ronald J.
Boden, seeks judgment for
$2,356.52 principal amount
plus interest and costs.
Nex-Tech Wireless, LLC vs.
awarded judgment in the
amount of $1,302.82 plus
interest and costs.
Credit Management Services,
Inc. vs. Todd Wiles and Karrie
Wiles. Judgment entered for
plaintiff for the principal
balance of $654.58 plus
interest, costs accrued to date in
the amount of $87.40, court
costs and process service fees.
Thompson’s OK Tire, Inc.
vs. Amy Paxson. Judgment
entered for plaintiff in the
amount of $671.56 plus
interest and costs.
Thompson’s OK Tire, Inc.
vs. Shane Abram and Jo
March 19 at 12:35 a.m., the
Mitchell County Sheriff’s
Department arrested Derrick
Koster, 18, Beloit, for
paraphernalia on Henry Trail 1/
4 mile west of 290 Road.
March 20 at 11:59 a.m.,
officers arrested Erik Salsman,
25, Beloit, in the 200 block of
North Mill for a warrant.
March 20 at 1:53 p.m.,
officers arrested Matthew
Smith, 29, Beloit, in the 300
block of East Main. Charges
were battery and criminal
March 20 at 1:53 p.m.,
Axson, 58, Beloit, in the 300
block of East Main for battery.
March 21 at 6:25 p.m.,
officers with the Beloit Police
Department arrested Guillermo
Concordia, on a traffic stop for
no driver’s license and expired
March 22 at 8:24 p.m.,
officers with the Beloit Police
information report for theft of
a bicycle in the 400 block of
Mill Street.
March 23 at 10:17 a.m.,
officers with the Beloit Police
Department took a report at
520 N. Western. No services
were rendered.
Ladies of the Country Club meet
For new business Dorothy
Fuller suggested the bridge
players be integrated with the
pinochle players for the meal
next month. Mary Lee Kadel
gave a reminder that the Round
Robin Tournament brunch will
be at 9:30 a.m. on April 11
here at the country club dining
room. There will be a charge
of $6, but that amount may be
raised for next year. Please
remember to mention to your
team captain if you are going to
attend. President Mispagel
thanked Michelle Heidrick,
Beth Johnson and Jolene
Grelinger for updating the
decorations in the dining room,
for they certainly are festive
and spring-like.
To bring the meeting to
adjournment, substitute vice
president Dorothy Fuller closed
with the following quotation
from Mark Twain: “The only
way to keep your health is to
eat what you don’t want, drink
what you don’t like, and do
what you’d rather not.”
Winners at the bridge tables
for the day were first, Nancy
Gronewoller; second, Kathy
Pestinger; and third, Jeanne
Moritz. On the west side of the
room the pinochle winners
were first, JoAnn Hanson;
second, Josie Hartman; and
third, Coleen Sahlfeld.
Tobald to perform in wind ensemble
Beloit High 2012 alumni
Elizabeth Tobald, junior Music
Performance major at Kansas
State, principle oboist in the
Wind Ensemble and principle
violist for the KSU Orchestra,
will be traveling with the group.
The Ensemble is still raising
funds to help offset the students
cost for the trip. If anyone is
interested it is possible to make
typing in “K-State Wind
Ensemble NYC Trip”. Any
A preview performance will
be presented by the Ensemble
at 4 p.m., March 30, in All
Faiths Chapel at the KSU
campus. The admission is free.
Gaynord O. Keller, speeding
75/65, fines $45, costs $108.
speeding 75/65, fines $45,
costs $108.
Aaron Beam, failure to wear
seatbelt, fines $10.
Matthew Gilvert, failure to
wear seatbelt, fines $10.
Jacob E. Kaprelian, speeding
80/65, fines $75, costs $108.