Read our current newsletter! - League of Women Voters of Beloit, WI

The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization,
encourages informed, diverse,and active participation in government,
works to increase understanding of major public policy issues,
and influences public policy through education and advocacy.
APRIL 2015
Up-coming Events:
Saturday, May 2
9:00 - 11:30a m
9 am Welcome, Business Meeting and Breakfast
followed by:
Guest Speaker: Mike McCabe
"Getting Citizens Back in the Driver's Seat of Our Government"
Beloit LWV Leadership Team / Board Meeting
Members are always invited.
Wednesday, May 6
5:00 - 6:30 pm
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
212 W. Grand Avenue
Susan Adams, Dave Dobson, Deb Fallon,
Effie Garrett,Gayle Hotchkiss, Alice Lamont, Joyce Metter,
Lynda Owens, Joyce Schoenfield, Wanda Sloan
Greetings . . . . . . . .
It is hard for me to believe that it was last spring when I took the presidency
for 1 year only. I can honestly tell you that it has been the shortest year on record
and at the same time the longest year on record. I enjoyed immensely representing
the Beloit League at various functions including the National convention. And I
continue to enjoy serving on the board on a wonderful organization with extremely
interesting and dedicated members as I have for almost 25 years. (How time flies
when you are having fun!!) Due to a number of personal reasons and just plain getting
older and having less energy--I do not feel I gave League every thing I had this past
year. I know we say we are an organization without guilt-- we do what we can-- but
I expected more from me (and thus why it was the longest year as I have been
kicking myself for the last few months for not doing more!!)
But we move on --- Please plan on attending the Annual Meeting on May 2nd at
The Castle. We are very excited to have our speaker be Mike McCabe. Mike is the
founder and president of Blue Jean Nation and author of Blue Jeans in High Places: The Coming Makeover of American Politics. If you haven't read the book, you may also
have known Mike in his immediate past job with the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign. Bring a guest with you, put the top down on the convertible and grab your keys for
his presentation" Getting Citizens Back in the Driver's Seat of our Government". See you there!
. . . . . . . . Gayle
In this issue you’ll find lots of necessary information to keep the League functioning correctly.
The pages provide you with information you’ll need for voting at the Annual Meeting.The pages
are: Proposed Program, Bylaws Revisions, Aaffirmative Action Position Revision, and the
Treasurer’s Report/ Budget.
League of Women Voters
of Beloit
Diversity Policy
The League of Women Voters
of Beloit subscribes to the belief that diverse
perspectives and inclusiveness are important and
necessary for responsible and representative decision making. The Beloit LWV affirms this belief
in diversity and pluralism through its values and
The Beloit LWV is, therefore, committed to
reflecting the diversity of Americans in its membership, board, and programs, which means that
there shall be no barriers to participation in any
activity of the Beloit LWV on the basis of race, national origin, creed, age, gender, sexual orientation,
economic status, political activity or disability.
In This Issue:
Calendar of Events
Greetings from Gayle
Come to the Castle
Candidates Forums / Join League
Proposed Program 2015-16
Bylaws Revisions
Affirmative Action Revision (2 pages)
Treasurer’s Report / Budget
Check out our
Beloit League of Women Voters
web site:
Saturday, May 2
9:00 - 11:30a m
At The Castle, 501
9 am Welcome, Business Meeting and Breakfast
followed by:
Guest Speaker: Mike McCabe
"Getting Citizens Back in the Driver's Seat of Our Government"
Mike McCabe is the founder and president of Blue Jean Nation and author of Blue
Jeans in High Places: The Coming Makeover of American Politics. Before starting this new citizen movement Mike spent 15 years leading the Wisconsin
Democracy Campaign, a nonpartisan watchdog group that tracks the money in
state elections and works for reforms aimed at making people matter more than
money in politics.
Cost: $15 payable at the door.
But we want to reserve your seat and have enough to eat, so please RSVP by Wednesday, April 22, to Gayle Hotchkiss at 289-9341 or [email protected].
Candidates Forums were lively and informative
Once again, before the election last month, voters were able to attend a successful and effective set of Forums for School Board and City Council candidates. The
planning committee included Dorothy Harrell from the Beloit Chapter of the NAACP,
Tim Dutter from the Greater Beloit Chamber of Commerce, and LWV Beloit members
Joyce Metter, Deb Fallon, and Gayle Hotchkiss.
The School Board forum was lively and informative. There were lots of audience
questions, and candidates Lisa Anderson-Levy, Dennis Baskin, Missy Henderson, and
Ken Streeter were very well prepared.
Though not as lively, the City Council Forum also went well. Dave Luebke was
especially knowledgeable about city issues. Regina Hendrix and Marilyn Sloniker were
well-prepared, but Gwen Pierce was unable to attend due to a death in the family.
In addition to working behind the scene, NAACP members and Ambassadors from
the Chamber of Commerce were there to assist League members in collecting questions
from the audience. The Chamber provided a helpful and attractive handout. League
President, Gayle Hotchkiss introduced the candidates and welcomed the audience.
Once again Ralph Berkley served as an effective, organized, and impartial moderator.
Keith Urban, Beloit Public Access Television Coordinator/Beloit College took responsibility for scheduling several rebroadcasts of the forums.
The League is grateful for the involvement and cooperation of all the individuals
and groups who worked together to help voters become well informed.
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Are YOU reading this newsletter as a ‘guest’ ?
Joining the League of Women Voters is easy!
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Simply print out this page and cut off the form below.
Write your check to the League of Women Voters of Beloit. Dues are $65.
Mail it to Membership chair: Effie Garrett
1771 E. Briar Lane
Beloit, WI 53511
(Phone: 312-2644)
✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
Application for LWV Dues Scholarship: I hereby request consideration for a LWV Dues Scholarship
in the amount of $
for one year’s membership. I understand that it is my responsibility
to pay at least 20% ($13.00) of the annual dues.
  
Proposed Program for 2015-2016
  
- - Adoption by Majority Vote - -
Based on recommendations of members at the Lively Issues meeting, the
Beloit LWV Board of Directors recommends focusing on the following issues as ‘program’:
The Beloit LWV Board of Directors recommends no specific local studies, but rather
investigation of the following topics through a variety of activities such as information
gathering, observing, and/or presentations by Leaguers and guest speakers.
Areas of focus:
• Equality in hiring in the School District of Beloit
• Alternative schools, charter schools, and vouchers
• Observer Corps:
Focus on the Beloit School District’s Personnel and Policy Committee,
Equality Committee, and
Ad hoc Diversity Committee, and also
Rock County Drug Court and the
Rock County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
LWV Observers would attend these committee meetings, School Board Meetings,
and follow what happens at City Council Meetings.
Community health issues
Non-recommended issues
The following topics brought up at the Lively Issues Meeting are non-recommended by the
board at this time. They may be considered for discussion by a majority vote, then adopted
for study by a 2/3 vote.
• LBGT issues: Learn about terminology to be able to discuss the changes happening in
• Reduction of Tax-based Services: How services are affected by the relationship of
taxes and fees
note: The board may conduct an informational meeting on these topics and does recommend
a continued review of our Local Position Statements if time and effort become available.
New topics may also be brought up at the Annual Meeting as non-recommended topics. Such
topics may be considered for discussion by a majority vote, then adopted for study by a 2/3
  
Election of Officers and Directors
  
Report from Nominating Committee:
Deb Fallon, Alice Lamont, Wanda Sloan
President: - - - Dave Dobson
Convener: Susan Adams
Effie Garrett
Secretary: Deb Fallon
Beatrice McKenzie
Treasurer: Alice Lamont
Joyce Schoenfield
National/State Mailings: Joyce Metter
Stephanie Dobson
Gayle Hotchkiss
Lynda Owens
Wanda Sloan
Bylaws: League of Women Voters of Beloit
This page contains only the paragraphs in which changes are to be made.
Sec. 1. Name: The name of this organization
shall be the League of Women Voters of Beloit
hereafter referred to in these Bylaws as LWV
Beloit. This local League is an integral part of the
League of Women Voters of the United States
and the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin.
Education Network. , Inc.
ARTICLE IV - Board of Directors
Sec. 4. Powers and Duties: The Board of Directors shall have the responsibility for assuring
the implementation of the Program as adopted
by the LWVUS Convention, the LWVWI Annual
Meeting, and the LWV Beloit Annual Meeting.
The Board of Directors shall have full charge of
the property and business of the organization,
with full power and authority to manage and conduct same, subject to the instructions of the
general membership. It shall plan and direct the
work necessary to carry out the Program as adopted
b y the national convention, the state convention,
and the annual meeting. The Board shall create
and designate such special committees as it
may deem necessary.
ARTICLE IX - Principles and Program
Sec. 4. Program Action: All action must conform with, and not be contrary to, the positions
taken by L W V US and the League of Women
Voters of Wisconsin Inc. Education Network
a. The Beloit League may take action on
state governmental issues, or act in the name
of the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin
Inc. Education Network, only when authorized by
the state board.
b. The League President and Action Chair
are the only persons who may take action in the
name of the Beloit League of Women Voters unless the Board shall designate another representative to do so.
ARTICLE X - Delegates to National Annual Meeting Conventionand State Annual Meeting Convention
Sec. 1. National Convention: At the Annual
Meeting in even-numbered years, the Board of
Directors shall present a slate of delegates to
the LWVUS Annual Meeting up to the number
allotted LWV Beloit The Board of Directors at a
meeting before the date on which the names of
delegates must be sent to the national office shall
select delegates to that convention in the number
allotted the League of Women Voters of Beloit
under the provisions of the bylaws of the LWVUS.
Sec. 2. State Annual Meeting: Convention and
Council At the Annual Meeting the Board of
Directors shall present a slate of delegates to
the LWVWI Annual Meeting up to the number
allotted LWVBeloit under the provisions of the
Bylaws of the League of Women Voters of W i s consin, Inc. The Board of Directors at a meeting
before the date on which the names of delegates
must be sent to the state office shall select delegates to the state Convention or council in the
number allowed the League of Women Voters of
Beloit under the provisions of the bylaws of the
League of Women Voters of Wiscons in Education
Sec. 3. Nominations from the Floor: Immediately following presentation of the names of
such delegates, further nominations for such
delegates may be made from the floor by any
voting member provided the consent of of the
nominee shall have been secured. The election
shall follow the procedure outlined in Article
VIII, Sec. 3.
ARTICLE XI - Parliamentary Authority
Sec. 1. Parliamentary Authority: The rules
in Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised shall
govern the organization in all cases in which
they are applicable and in which they are not
inconsistent with these By-Laws.
ARTICLE XII - Amendments
Sec. 1. Amendments: These By-Laws may
be amended by a two-thirds vote of the voting
members present and voting at the annual
the amendments were
submitted to the membership in writing at least
one month in advance of the meeting and
approved by a member of the Board of Directors
of the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin
Education Network.
ARTICLE XIII - Dissolution
Upon the dissolution of the organization, the
Board of Directors shall, after paying or making
provisions for the payment of all of the liabilities
of the organization corporation, dispose of all of
the assets by distributing the assets to the
League of Women Voters of Wisconsin Education
Network, Inc. (“LWVWI Education Network”) or, if
the LWVWI Education Network no longer exists
or declines to accept the assets, to the League
of Women Voters Education Fund, provided that
either organization continues to be recognized
as an organization that is exempt from federal
income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Code.
ARTICLE XIV - Group Exemption
The LWV of Beloit agrees to be included in the
group ruling of the LWVWI Education Network
Inc. (the “central organization”). We also agree
that we must accept and adhere to all of the
following as part of being a subordinate/
a. We agree to accept the purpose of and
abide by the policies and principles of LWVWI
Education Network, Inc. including Bylaws, Policies,
and Handbook.
b. We agree to report our activities to the
LWVWI Education Network Inc. as requested
and to provide the requested reports on our
activities and financials.
Affirmative Action - Public Institutions
The LWV of Beloit recommends affirms:
that the city manager and school superintendent be responsible for consistent and
objective monitoring and reporting of the progress and effectiveness of their Affirmative Action
Programs. affirmative action policies, practices, and procedures.
Assistance may be provided by an Affirmative Action Officer, outside consultant, or
other designated employee.
The LWV of Beloit recommends:
that monthly and quarterly yearly progress reports of the city/school district Affirmative Action
Programs affirmative action policies, practices, and procedures be given to the Equal
Opportunities Commission/E-Quality Committee and city council/school board, and made
available as well as to any interested citizens citizen or community groups group.
that the city council/school board and citizens of Beloit hold the city manager and school district
superintendent accountable for hiring practices that do not follow their institutions’ stated
affirmative action policies or procedures.
The LWV of Beloit supports:
[the application of affirmative action guidelines to all city and school district employees
whether they are full-time or part-time, temporary or seasonal, employee positions in
the city and school district.] Moved below
the establishment of non-discriminatory job descriptions for all full-time, part-time, temporary
and seasonal employee positions in the city and school district.
the application of affirmative action guidelines to all city and school district employees
whether they are full-time or part-time, temporary or seasonal, employee positions in
the city and school district.
The LWV of Beloit recommends:
that goals to reach parity in city/school district job categories also represent the various city
departments and school staffs.
that city and school district employment applications and supplemental forms comply
fully with equal opportunity guidelines.
that the employment application supplemental forms:
state clearly and simply that the requested information is needed for statistical
purposes only and that questions are to be answered voluntarily.
that advertisements of all jobs and their descriptions (and/or summaries) be placed
to reach as many individuals as possible.
that all job openings and their descriptions be posted by the city/school district in a timely
manner in one central location, such as the city hall bulletin board. a variety of easily accessible
and that citizens be informed that this information is readily available.
that every effort be made by the city and school district to notify community and
minority groups of all job openings. , especially entry-level positions.
that the city and school district provide awareness-raising and educational in-service
workshops and training programs to promote a work environment free of discrimination.
that the city and school district clearly provide Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC) referral information to all employees.
that the city and school district encourage and support managers' efforts to provide equal
opportunity in work assignments, additional training, transfers, and promotions.
that the city and school district provide procedures for resolving discrimination complaints
for the benefit of all employees from their first day of employment.
that the city and school district keep statistical records of promotions and reasons for
employment terminations to aid in evaluating progress or problems in achieving affirmative action goals. (The categories should be general enough to provide anonymity for
The LWV of Beloit supports:
efforts to achieve pluralistic representation on public commissions, committees, and
advisory boards.
The LWV of Beloit supports:recommends:
efforts of that the city/school districts to aggressively seek contracts and services from local and
underrepresented minority businesses, including:
the identification identifying and listing of such businesses, and informing, involving, and
assisting them in the bidding process. procedures.
listing all contracts and services purchased by the city/school district in summary
form as part of the Affirmative Action programs reports. affirmative action procedures.
The LWV of Beloit commends:
the City of Beloit and the School District of Beloit for the establishment of Affirmative
Action Programs and for actively seeking to implement them.
(2015 –Owens, Carr, revised)
(1992 - revised) (1984 - Forbeck, Hotchkiss, Luebke, Schoenfield, Mueller, Smith)
To $e &resente+ at -nnual Meeting Ma3 45 4678
$ 2,990.00 Member Assessments (44 Members @ $65)
Year To Date
600.00 Member Contributions
600.00 Non-Member Contributions
500.00 Redistricting Program/Annual Meeting
265.00 Grants/Special Projects
503.50 Miscellaneous Fund Raisers
$ 1,035.00 From Reserves
4.50 Interest on Operating Funds
2.00 Interest on CD
$ 6,500.00
250.00 Website Maintenance
100.00 Board Supplies & Postage
63.00 Finance Drive & Treasurer's Supplies
100.00 Membership
$ 1,500.00 National LWVUS Convention & Council
300.00 Wisconsin LWV Education Fund Convention
600.00 Local Program Meetings
135.00 Regional Program Meetings
$ 1,380.00 LWVWI PMA 40 members @ $31
$ 1,472.00 LWVUS Per Member Payment 40@ $32
300.00 Printing & Publications
300.00 Voters Service
$ 6,500.00
"nd of Fiscal Fear April 1, 201J‐March 31, 2015, TreasurerNs Report
Total Cash
1''''''''''''+)5, 1''''''''2.5-4)/1''''''''/.0/2)-1''''+.-04)20 1''''''''4.4++)*,