Goldfields Library Corporation Autism Spectrum Resources All cats have Asperger Syndrome / Kathy Hoopmann. 618.9285883 Alone in a crowded room [dvd] [videorecording] 619.92 Andy and his yellow frisbee / written and illustrated by Mary Thompson. [Fic] An animated introduction to Asperger Syndrome [dvd] [videorecording] / Biomation. 618.92 Applied behaviour analysis and autism : building a future together / edited by Mickey Keenan ... [et al.] ; foreword by Gina Green. 618.9285882 Are you ready? [dvd] [videorecording] : an animated toilet training resource 618.92 The Asperger social guide : how to relate to anyone in any social situation as an adult with Asperger's syndrome / Genevieve Edmonds and Dean Worton. 618.92 Asperger syndrome and difficult moments : practical solutions for tantrums, rage, and meltdowns / Brenda Smith Myles and Jack Southwick. 618.92 Asperger syndrome and long-term relationships / Ashley Stanford. 618.92 Asperger syndrome and sensory issues : practical solutions for making sense of the world / Brenda Smith Myles ... [et al.]. 618.92 Asperger syndrome employment workbook : an employment workbook for adults with Asperger syndrome / Roger N. Meyer ; foreword by Tony Attwood. 650.14087 Asperger syndrome : what teachers need to know / Matt Winter. 618.92 Asperger's, autism & girls [dvd] [videorecording] / presented by Future Horizons. 618.92 Asperger's syndrome : a guide for parents and professionals / Tony Attwood. 618.92 Asperger's Syndrome and sexuality : from adolescence through adulthood / Isabelle H©Øenault ; foreword by Tony Attwood. 616.858832 Asperger's syndrome in young children : a development guide for parents and professionals / Laurie Leventhal-Belfer and Cassandra Coe. 618.92 Asperger's syndrome--that explains everything : strategies for education, life, and just about everything else / Stephen Bradshaw. 618.92 Asperger's... What does it mean to me? : a workbook explaining self awareness and life lessons to the child or youth with high functioning autism or Aspergers. Structured teaching ideas for home and school / by Catherine Faherty ; with a forward by Dr. Gary Mesibov. 618.92 Asperkids : an insider's guide to loving, understanding and teaching children with Asperger syndrome / Jennifer Cook O'Toole ; foreword by Liane Holliday Willey. 618.92 The Autism Ambassadors handbook : peer support for learning, growth, and success / Zak Kukoff. 618.92 Autism and its medical management : a guide for parents and professionals / Michael G. Chez. 618.92 Autism and me [dvd] [videorecording] / Rory Hoy 618.92 Autism and sensing : the unlost instinct / Donna Williams. 618.92 Autism at school [dvd] [videorecording] 371.94 Autism in the early years : a practical guide / Val Cumine, Julia Dunlop and Gill Stevenson ; with illustrations by Sally Leach. 618.92 Autism : preparing for adulthood / Patricia Howlin. 616.898203 The autism prophecies : how an evolution of healers and intuitives is influencing our spiritual future / by William Stillman. 618.92 The autism spectrum and further education : a guide to good practice / Christine Breakey. 618.92 Autistic planet / Jennifer Elder ; illustrated by Marc Thomas. 616.85882 The autistic spectrum : a parents' guide to understanding and helping your child / Lorna Wing. 618.928982 Build your own life : a self-help guide for individuals with Asperger's syndrome / Wendy Lawson, illustrations by Elizabeth Walker. 618.92 Building foundations : autism : your child, your family 618.92 Bully blocking : six secrets to help children deal with teasing and bullying / Evelyn M. Field. 649.1 Bullying and students with disabilities : strategies and techniques to create a safe learning environment for all / Barry Edwards McNamara. 618.92 Buster and the amazing Daisy / Nancy Ogaz ; illustrations by Patricia Shubeck. 813.6 Can't eat, won't eat : dietary difficulties and autistic spectrum disorders / Brenda Legge. 618.928982 Changing landscapes. New horizons [dvd] [videorecording] : Victorian autism conference 2014 : practical guidance and strategies to enhance the quality of life for individuals with ASD 618.92 Children with starving brains : a medical treatment guide for autism spectrum disorder / Jaquelyn McCandless ; with contributions by Teresa Binstock and Jack Zimmerman ; also J. Neubrander ... [et al.]. 618.92 Coloring outside autism's lines : 50+ activities, adventures, and celebrations for families living with autism / by Susan Walton. 618.92 Comic strip conversations : colorful, illustrated interactions with students with autism and related disorders / written by Carol Gray. 618.92 Communication issues in autism and Asperger syndrome : do we speak the same language? / Olga Bogdashina. 618.92855 The complete guide to Asperger's syndrome / Tony Attwood. 616.89 Creative therapy for children with autism, ADD, and Asperger's : using artistic creativity to reach, teach, and touch our children / Janet Tubbs. 618.92 A cup of comfort for parents of children with autism : stories of hope and everyday success / edited by Colleen Sell ; foreword by Doug and Laurie Flutie. 618.9285882 Developing flexibility skills in children and teens with autism : using the 5P approach / Linda Miller. 618.92 Developing Social Skills : Practical Ideas for teaching children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and other developmental delays 618.92 Diagnosis autism : where to go from here / Bette Sartore. 618.92 Do you understand me? : my life, my thoughts, my autism spectrum disorder / Sofie Koborg Brosen. 618.9285882 Page 2 Dolphin's dance / Jutta Goetze. A823.3 The dragons of autism : autism as a source of wisdom / Olga Holland. 618.928982 An early start for your child with autism : using everyday activities to help kids connect, communicate, and learn / Sally J. Rogers, Geraldine Dawson, Laurie A. Vismara. 618.92 Encouraging appropriate behavior for children on the autism spectrum : frequently asked questions / Shira Richman. 618.9285882 Everybody is different : a book for young people who have brothers or sisters with autism / written and illustrated by Fiona Bleach. 618.92 Everyday education : visual support for children with autism / Pernille Dyrbjerg and Maria Vedel ; foreword by Lennart Pedersen ; translation by Karina Smedemark. 618.9285882 Exploring feelings : Cognitive behavior therapy to manage anxiety / Tony Attwood. 618.92 Exploring feelings : cognitive behaviour therapy to manage anger / Tony Attwood. 618.92 Exploring feelings for young children with high-functioning autism or Asperger's disorder : the STAMP treatment manual / Angela Scarpa, Anthony Wells, and Tony Attwood. 618.92 Extraordinary parenting : protecting self-esteem and minimising depressive outcomes in preadolescent children who have significant medical or physical conditions : a manual for parents and professionals / Elizabeth J. Bruce ; edited by C. L. Schultz ; illustrations by C. G. Bruce. 618.92 Finding Ben : a mother's journey through the maze of Asperger's / Barbara LaSalle ; with contributions from Benjamin Levinson. 618.92 Freaks, geeks and asperger syndrome : a user guide to adolescence / Luke Jackson ; foreword by Tony Attwood. 618.928982 From isolation to intimacy : making friends without words / Phoebe Caldwell with Jane Horwood. 618.92 Game as Ned / Tim Pegler. A823.4 The genesis of artistic creativity : Asperger's syndrome and the arts / Michael Fitzgerald. 618.92 Get out, explore, and have fun! : how families of children with autism or Asperger syndrome can get the most out of community activities / Lisa Jo Rudy. 618.92 Gut and psychology syndrome : natural treatment for autism, dyspraxia, A.D.D., dyslexia, A.D.H.D., depression, schizophrenia / Natasha Campbell-McBride. 618.2 The hidden curriculum : for understanding unstated rules in social situations for adolescents and young adults / Brenda Smith Myles, PhD, Melissa L. Trautman, MsEd, and Ronda L. Schelvan, MsEd ; foreword by Michelle Garcia Winner. 618.92 The hidden curriculum [dvd] [videorecording] : teaching what is meaningful / Brenda Smith Myles 618.92 Home educating our autistic spectrum children : paths are made by walking / edited by Kitt Cowlishaw & Teresa Dowty. 618.92 Homeschooling the child with Asperger syndrome : real help for parents anywhere and on any budget / Lise Pyles. 618.92 Homeschooling the child with autism : answers to the top questions parents and professionals ask / Patricia Schetter and Kandis Lighthall ; foreword by Jeanette McAfee. 618.92 Page 3 Homespun remedies : strategies in the home and community for children with autism spectrum and other disorders / Dion E. Betts and Nancy J. Patrick. 618.92 How to live with autism and asperger syndrome : practical strategies for parents and professionals / Chris Williams and Barry Wright ; illustrated by Olive Young. 618.92 How to teach life skills to kids with autism or Asperger's / Jennifer McIlwee Myers ; [foreword by Temple Grandin]. 618.92 How we heal : understanding the mind-body-spirit connection / by Douglas W. Morrison ; foreword by David J. Pesek. 615.53 I need help with school! / by Becky Moyes. 618.92 In their shoes [dvd] [videorecording] : understanding guardianship and administration, enduring powers of attorney and medical decision-making 618.92 Inclusion : battling for disability / Christine Baxter. 362.4 It's so much work to be your friend : helping the child with learning disabilities find social success / Richard Lavoie. 618.92 Jason's private world [dvd] [videorecording] 618.92 Kevin thinks-- about outer space, confusing expressions and the perfectly logical world of Asperger syndrome / Gail Watts. 618.92 Keys to parenting the child with autism / Marlene Targ Brill. 618.928982 Kylie's private world [dvd] [videorecording] 618.92 Learning and behavior problems in Asperger syndrome / edited by Margot Prior. 618.92 Life & learning with autistic spectrum diffability [dvd] [videorecording] / Wendy Lawson ; featuring Amanda Baggs. 618.92 Lisa and the lacemaker : an Asperger adventure / Kathy Hoopmann. [Fic] Living with autism [dvd] [videorecording] 618.92 Living with autistic spectrum disorders : guidance for parents, carers and siblings / Elizabeth Attfield and Hugh Morgan. 618.92 Looking after Louis / written by Lesley Ely ; illustrated by Polly Dunbar. [E] Louder than words / Jenny McCarthy. 618.92 Making it a success : practical strategies and worksheets for teaching students with autism spectrum disorder / Sue Larkey ; foreword by Tony Attwood. 371.94 Making it a success [dvd] [videorecording] : Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders 618.92 A mind apart : understanding children with autism and Asperger syndrome / by Peter Szatmari. 618.9285882 Model me friendship [dvd] [videorecording] : for children with autism, Asperger Syndrome, PDD-NOS, nonverbal learning disorders, social anxiety, learning disabilities and delays 618.92 Mozart and the whale [dvd] [videorecording] 618.92 Multicoloured mayhem : parenting the many shades of adolescents and children with autism, 618.92 Page 4 Asperger syndrome, and AD/HD / Jacqui Jackson. My friend with autism / written by Beverly Bishop ; illustrated by Craig Bishop My social stories book / edited by Carol Gray and Abbie Leigh White ; illustrated by Sean McAndrew. 618.9289821 Navigating the social world : a curriculum for individuals with Asperger's syndrome, high functioning autism and related disorders / Jeanette L. McAfee. 618.92 The new social story book / by Carol Gray. 371.92 Nobody likes me, everybody hates me : the top 25 friendship problems and how to solve them / Michele Borba. 155.418 Now I see the moon : a mother, a son, a miracle / Elaine Hall with Elizabeth Kaye. 618.92 The OASIS guide to Asperger syndrome : advice, support, insight, and inspiration / Patricia Romanowski Bashe and Barbara L. Kirby ; forewords by Simon Baron-Cohen and Tony Attwood. 618.92 Parenting a child with Asperger syndrome : 200 tips and strategies / Brenda Boyd. 618.92 Playing, laughing, and learning with children on the autism spectrum : a practical resource of play ideas for parents and carers / Julia Moor. 618.92 Pottenger's cats : a study in nutrition / by Francis M. Pottenger ; edited by Elaine Pottenger with Robert T. Pottenger. 636.8 The potty journey : guide to toilet training children with special needs, including autism and related disorders / Judith A. Coucouvanis. 618.92 Practical sensory programmes : for students with autism spectrum disorders / Sue Larkey. 618.9285882 Pre-schoolers with autism : an education and skills training programme for parents : manual for parents / Avril V. Brereton and Bruce J. Tonge. 618.92 A quest for social skills for students with autism or asperger's : ready-to-use lessons with games, role-play activities, and more / Joellen Cupata, Susan Fell. 618.92 The raw truth about milk / by William Campbell Douglass II, MD 613.2 Recipes for the specific carbohydrate diet / by Raman Prasad ; with Niloufer Moochhala. 618.92 Revealing the hidden social code : social stories for people with autistic spectrum disorders / Marie Howley and Eileen Arnold ; foreword by Carol Gray. 618.92 Rising to new heights of communication and learning for children with autism : the definitive guide to using alternative-augmentative communication, visual strategies, and learning supports at home and school / Carol L. Spears and Vicki L. Turner ; illustrations by Pete Diaz. 618.92 Russell's world : a story for kids about autism / by Charles A. Amenta III ; illustrated by Monika Pollak. 618.9285882 Sensational kids : hope and help for children with sensory processing disorder (SPD) / Lucy Jane Miller, with Doris A. Fuller. 618.92 Sex, sexuality and the autism spectrum / Wendy Lawson ; [foreword by Glenys Jones]. 618.92 Siblings of children with autism : a guide for families / Sandra L. Harris and Beth A. Glasberg. 618.92 Sleep better! : a guide to improving sleep for children with special needs / by V. Mark Durand. 618.92 Page 5 Social skills and autistic spectrum disorders / Lynn Plimley and Maggie Bowen. 618.92 Social skills training : for children and adolescents with Asperger Syndrome and socialcommunication problems / Jed E. Baker ; chapter 2 by Brenda Smith Myles. 618.92 The social story book , 1994 / the stories in this book were carefully written for children and adults with autism by students in Mrs Johnson's Psychology and Sociology classes at Jenison High School in Jenison, Michigan ; edited by Stacy Arnold ... [et al.]. 618.92 Special boys' business / written by Heather Anderson, Fay Angelo & Rose Stewart ; illustrated by Jeff Taylor. 618.92 Special girl's business / written by Fay Angelo, Heather Pritchard and Rose Stewart ; illustrated by Julie Davey. 612.66 Starving the anxiety gremlin : a cognitive behavioural therapy workbook on anxiety management for young people / Kate Collins-Donnelly. 618.92 Successful school change and transition for the child with asperger syndrome : a guide for parents / Clare Lawrence. 618.92 Survival strategies for people on the autism spectrum / Marc Fleisher. 618.9285882 Taking care of myself : a healthy hygiene, puberty and personal curriculum for young people with autism / Mary Wrobel 618.92 Talking teenagers : information and inspiration for parents of teenagers with autism or Asperger's syndrome / Ann Boushey. 618.92 Technology tools for students with autism : innovations that enhance independence and learning / edited by Katharina I. Boser, Ph.D., Matthew S. Goodwin, Ph.D., and Sarah C. Wayland, Ph.D. 618.92 Temple Grandin [dvd] [videorecording] : 2014 new presentation 618.92 Tobin learns to make friends / written and illustrated by Diane Murrell. Too loud, too bright, too fast, too tight : what to do if you are sensory defensive in an over-stimulating world / Sharon Heller. 618.92 Traditional foods are your best medicine : improving health and longevity with native nutrition / Ronald F. Schmid. 613.2 The ultimate guide to school and home : key strategies for all ages and stages / Sue Larkey and Anna Tullemans. 618.92 Understanding and working with the spectrum of autism : an insider's view / Wendy Lawson ; foreword by Margaret Prior. 618.92 Understanding autism spectrum disorders : frequently asked questions / Diane Yapko. 616.89 The unwritten rules of social relationships / by Temple Grandin & Sean Barron ; edited by Veronica Zysk. 618.92 Visual supports for visual thinkers : practical ideas for students with autism spectrum disorders and other special educational needs / Lisa Rogers ; foreword by Gary B. Mesibov. 618.92 Voices from the spectrum : parents, grandparents, siblings, people with autism, and professionals share their wisdom / edited by Cindy N. Ariel and Robert A. Naseef. 618.9285882 Page 6 What about me? : the Autism survival guide for kids, a book for the brothers and sisters of a child with autism / Athanasia Koutsis, Gerda De Clercq ; illustrated by Richard Galbraith. 618.928 When my worries get too big! : a relaxation book for children who live with anxiety / written and illustrated by Kari Dunn Buron ; foreword by Brenda Smith Myles. 618.92 Why can't Charlie talk? / by Debbi Spencer ; illustrated by Sara Kenny. A823.4 Why don't they like me? : Helping your child make and keep friends / Susan M. Sheridan. 618.92 The wonderful world of work : a workbook for asperteens / Jeanette Purkis ; illustrated by Andrew Hore. 618.92 A work in progress : behavior management strategies and a curriculum for intensive behavioral treatment of autism / Ron Leaf, John McEachin [editors]. 618.92 Working with teachers : a parents guide / author, Anna Tullemans. 618.92 The world of the autistic child : understanding and treating autistic spectrum disorders / Bryna Siegel. 618.928982 You won't die laughing! : how to have less stress in your life and more fun / by Patricia Cameron-Hill & Shayne Yates ; cartoons by George Haddon. 155.9 Page 7
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