The Buzz - Berlin Seventh Day Baptist Church

The Buzz
Berlin Seventh Day Baptist Church
Volume 20 Issue 10
June 2015
Worship Leaders
Children’s Message
Ed & Dorothy Stall
Pastor Matt
Pastor Matt
Suzanne Fecteau
Frank Mace
Damien Greene
P aula Dibble
Pastor Matt
Teresa Zema
Ellen Olson
Craig Mosher
Craig Mosher
Sabbath Services
10:00 am…..Praise Time
10:30 am…..Worship
Children’s Church following children’s message (see pg.3)
11:50 am…..Sabbath School classes for all ages
Join us for coffee, snacks and
good conversation
between Worship Service
and Sabbath School
Christians Fight Best on Their Knees
By Pastor Matt
Things are going well for our church right now. There. I said it. We are reaching more people more
effectively than we have for some time. But in a season of harvest we must be careful to keep our focus.
One of the things we must stay focused on is the nature of the battle we are in. Here is how Paul put it in
Ephesians 6:10-20 (NKJV):
“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against
flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this
age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of
God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the
shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery
darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the
sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all
prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with
all perseverance and supplication for all the saints—and for me, that
utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to
make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.”
Here is what I’m seeing, though. I’m seeing the devil use his wiles to fool us into focusing on people
and personalities (e.g., flesh and blood) rather than principalities and powers. Someone says something
to me and I catch myself thinking, “Why, he is so selfish. He just wants his way no matter what. Well, not
this time,” or, “Oh, that girl. She is so angry all of the time and just says the meanest things. I need to set
her straight.” Those thoughts focus on the person and their personality. That’s understandable, because
they are visible and I tend to focus on what I can see. But when I do that I am in danger of missing what
is happening behind the scenes where the devil is working hard to sow division, destroying what God
seeks to accomplish. It is then that I need to step back, kneel down and pray against the principalities
and powers rather than the person and personality. Division and destruction are the fruit of our adversary. Unity and edification are the fruit of the Holy Spirit. But here’s the thing: What I focus on in this
fight will determine the fruit.
In this passage Paul tells us to stand, but I wonder if that is because that was how you prayed in his
day, on your feet with your face and hands lifted toward heaven. What he is really calling us to do is
pray, and most of us do that on our knees, with our hands folded and
our heads bowed. And that, my friends, is where Christians fight
best. We fight best not when we fight with each other, but when we
are “praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all
the saints.” You fight best not when you fight with your pastor, but
when you pray for me, “that utterance
may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the
mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I
may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.”
Consider this, then, a call to arms. Not against people and personalities, which sows division and reaps destruction, but against principalities
and powers, that we might sow edification and reap unity. Gird yourselves.
Put on your breastplate. Shod your feet. Take up your helmet, your shield
and your sword. Fall to your knees and fight with all perseverance and supplication where Christians fight best: on our knees.
How We Can Stay Connected
- Our Web Site:
Berlin Seventh Day Baptist Church
-Our Newsletter: The Buzz
Scripture Memorization
The 2014-15 program is based on the theme
“Steadfast” chosen by Conference President Bill
Probasco of the Shiloh SDB Church in Shiloh,
Each year at General Conference, time is devoted to acknowledging those who have memorized all of the designated verses. And with
June we come to the final verse for 2014-15.:
“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do
everything in love.” -1 Corinthians 16:13-14
In this letter to the church in Corinth, Paul wrote as a pastor
—to instruct
—to correct
—to restore
Earlier in chapter 13, Paul wrote of a love
—a love resulting in action
—not selfish
— serving
As were the Corinthians, we’re still influenced by the world around us. We can only
pray that, daily, we will be aware of the influences surrounding us and that, through
Christ, we will overcome and that Christ will be revealed in how we live. May we be
Christ’s lights in McDonalds, in that long line at Price Chopper, in heavy traffic and on
and on and on….
When all is said and done, we can only pray that those near and dear to us, those
with whom we work, our neighbors, etc. will see our praise of God lived out much more
articulately than we are ever able to express in our songs of praise, in words, in print.
May people see Jesus in us rather than our fragile humanity.
And so we come full circle to the verse chosen by our Conference president:
1 Corinthians 15:58:
“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding
in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the lord”
The Berlin SDB Church Youths are working
hard to prepare for their missions trip to Puerto
Rico July 8th to 19th. This Youth Missions pilot
project is being coordinated by the Missionary
Your prayers are definitely appreciated!
How do you suppose they felt?
Eve: When banished from the Garden, she remembered the promise: Your
"seed" will crush the head of Satan. Then a son is born, she named him "the
Man" (Cain); maybe he will be the one. Soon after a second one, named "Breath" (Abel),
perhaps he's the one. Years later both gone, one dead, the other fled.
Then, amidst many other sons and daughters — most living fives of godlessness
— somehow she sensed fresh hope with another "seed", a replacement for Abel, and so
she named him, "Anointed One"
(Seth). Is he the One? In a way, yes, but not for a while.
Noah's wife (Joan?): She lived some 500 hundred years with a husband who
might have been fairly rational, but then he heard a voice warning of something that
had never happened before: Rain, and a Flood. So she incurred many years of ridicule
from the other ladies at the meat and vegetable markets. She endured many years of
back breaking labor beside Noah, building the Ark and gathering storage; many years
of fielding the questions of sons and daughters-in-law who perhaps were growing weary, suffering isolation, and having doubts.
Then, post Flood, seeing a new pristine world, empty of wicked people — a new
Garden of Eden.
She might have expressed a great new hope. But soon after that, the sin nature rears
its ugly head again, with a vengeance — a drunken husband, a peeking Ham, a generational curse. Downhill again. Genetic problems.
Sarah: Married to half - brother Abram — with years of the shame of
infertility — she was disrupted from the security of her childhood
home when he determined he had had a call to go. Always obedient
to her "lord" she went with him. Where, Why?
Passed off by Abram as his sister, moved into Pharaoh's harem, she
endured who knows what?
How long did it take for Pharaoh to realize the reason for the plagues
and admit he'd been duped?
Later, always considered a most beautiful lady, even at 90, she was
"restored to the time of life" — now with a 90 year old body and a 30
year old womb. Pregnancy and the birth of Isaac — hilariously funny.
When Isaac was a teenager; she may have learned after the fact — probably not
before — of the "sacrifice" of Isaac. Would she have said, "Abraham, what in the world
was you thinking?" "Were you out of your mind?"
Lot's wife (Salina?): Born and raised in Sodom, accepting of its reputation and
risks, she married this new well-to-do guy in town, seemingly more normal than the
other prospects. She bore daughters, maybe sons, and lived a fairly comfortable life.
Forced out of her comfort zone by strange celestial beings, she dragged her feet, and
chanced one last look.
Leah: Father Laban, in a cruel deceptive act, passed her off, veiled, as if she
were her sister Rachel, to the bridal chamber of Jacob. Moved out after a week, replaced now by Rachel.
What kind of a life would it be for her now? She tried her best to gain some
favor with Jacob, and the Lord blessed her with six of her own sons, and two of a
surrogate mother. Of the two sisters, less beautiful outwardly, but being more
beautiful of inward character, Leah was more loyal and really loved Jacob, while
Rachel was self-centered and proud.
Thus began a war of the wombs. With her number four, "Praise" (Judah).
Leah began to see a turnaround in Jacob's favor. Rachel responded by "bearing" two
surrogate sons, but remained barren herself for a while longer, and she gave Jacob
a hard time with petulant whining, Stealing her father's gods, and hiding them deceptively, suggested a superstitious, unstable personality. Yes, her son Joseph became a "savior" of the nation of Israel (and other nations), but Leah's son Judah
was the ancestor of the Savior of the World.
As time went by, the sisters became a bit closer. By the time of Rachel's
death, Leah had attained full status as chief mother of all, including Joseph.
Samson's mother, wife of Manoah (Ladyoah?); Barren, she received the
promise of a son from an angelic being and raised him according to strict Nazarite
protocol. What a disappointment and heart break when the one who could have
been a great judge and a prophet, becomes a jokester and a profligate. Perhaps she
gained some satisfaction, when, in the final Act, Samson brought the house down,
at the cost of his own life.
Abigail: It was probably an arranged marriage
to wealthy Nabal. Surely unequally yoked — he a
churlish fool, she a woman of good character, beautiful of form, countenance, and mind, What was her life
like? Treated like chattel, possible physically and
emotionally abused? Yet a faithful wife to the end.
When Nabal defied David's respectful request
for provisions for his men, who had been protecting
his assets, she was alarmed. She responded promptly
for the sake of the lives of Nabal and all the people in
his realm, including her self — moving quickly and
quietly to supply food for David's band, she presented
it in a humble entreating way, which quenched David's fiery temper tantrum.
After an act of God, in which Nabal was annihilated, she was willing to become a second wife of David, releasing all her abundant possessions to his support.
Her one son Daniel, or Chileab, is only mentioned once and disappears from the
scene, perhaps just as well, considering the violence and intrigue that went on
among the other brothers. From then on, she was perhaps lost in the harem.
How do you suppose they felt?
(…..continued next month…..)
A color copy of The Buzz is available on our web site at and also in our church library. Notices
coming up during any month can also be found on our
web site.
The May issue of the Sabbath Recorder is also available in
our church library. Both the Sabbath Recorder and The
Buzz are library copies and not to be signed out.
The Sabbath Recorder is our denominational magazine
and is distributed at no cost to members and friends of
SDB churches and made possible through donations from
its readers.
“Stained Glass” is a music ministry of the Seventh Day Baptist Women’s Board as a project of
the Summer Christian Service Corps program.
Starting in the
mid-1990s, the Stained Glass Music Ministry
had 10 years of dynamic outreach with a new
CD and a national tour each summer. During
those years, many high school and college-age
musicians took part and group members
changed from year to year.
Through CDs and ministry concerts, thousands of people were reached
with the gospel of Jesus Christ and faith-building messages of encouragement.
After a few years without such a ministry, Stained Glass was revived with a
fresh vision in 2011.
For 2015, the group has 6 college-age members. Jennifer Brown (2nd year), Hunter
North, Brandon Gumness, Devon Merz, and Seth Osborn will provide vocals and
instrumentals while and Zach Floyd serves as the sound technician for the band.
This year, Stained Glass has recorded their CD, and will include popular
contemporary worship music in the ministry concerts.
We are hosting a concert on Monday, July 13 at 7 p.m.
Food Closet
Expects 20 Summer Meal Recipients
This summer the Berlin Community Food Closet (BCFC)
will once again minister to local low-income families
through the Summer Feeding Program (SFP). By providing
these families with free breakfast and lunch items, the SFP
ensures that children who are normally enrolled in the school system's free/reducedprice breakfast and lunch program will continue to receive nutritious food throughout
the summer; the program also allows for us to share the Gospel with these families via
tracts, Christian films, and other resources.
As was the practice in 2013 and 2014, the BCFC will once again rely on donations
to administer the Summer Feeding Program. This year's funding goal is $3,000; combined with anticipated food donations, this amount will allow us to provide food items
for the estimated 20 enrolled children.
If you would like to contribute to the Summer Feeding Program -- either financially
or by way of a food donation -- or if you have any question, please contact Trish Gerstel
at [email protected] or 658-3769.
June 2…..Gabrielle Bink
June 2…..Paul Greene
June 4…..Richard & Stacey Sicko, anniv.
June 7…..Ezra Pittman
June 14…..Robert Michaels
June 14…..Sadie Pittman
June 16…..Bryan Manning
June 20…..Carl & Cindy Greene, anniv.
June 22…..Jeremy Bullinger
June 24…..Julie Bullinger
June 24…..Franchesca Milianta
June 26…..Teresa Zema
June 29…..Jon Michaels
June 29…..Josh Michaels
June 29…..Jayli Capasso
June 27…..Melvin Stephan
June 30…..Ruthanne Leavens
June 2015
Adv. Brd
Mtg., 6:30
Men’s Bible Prayer &
Study, 7pm Praise Ser- Fellowship
vice, 7pm
Men’s Bible
Study, 7pm
Camp Starts