Flier - Besser Company

Blockmakers Workshops
750 Woodward Avenue - Alpena, MI 49707 USA
Register online wcct.net/workshops or by fax +1.989.358.7562
Concrete Masonry Technology Vibrapac® 13‐17 April 2015 12‐16 October 2015 Concrete Masonry Technology covers all aspects of manufacturing concrete products. In an easy‐to‐follow structured format, the class covers in raw material components (cement, water, aggregate, admixtures and pigment), hands‐on aggregate sieve analysis, mul ‐
aggregate blending, mix designs, manufacture of product and curing fundamentals. It really is the complete package which will produce an immediate impact within your opera ons. Be assured that a er the comple on of class, students will have a working understanding of all aspects of raw materials, mixing sequence, mix designs and curing to champion this knowledge when they return back to their facili es. Price: USD $1050 20‐24 April 2015 19‐23 October 2015 The Vibrapac concrete products machine course is a hands‐on study of the proper machine adjustments, electronics and electrical schema c print reading of the V3 Vibrapac concrete products machines. Students are given troubleshoo ng problems as a prac cal applica on of these topics. Price: USD $1050 Electronic Controls 4‐8 May 2015 The Electronic Controls course includes an in‐depth study of electrical wiring and programmable logic controllers. Applica ons and troubleshoo ng for Allen‐Bradley programmable controllers are studied. Prac cal applica ons and troubleshoo ng will be covered on concrete products machines, Mul ‐Spade Besser‐Ma c® loader/unloaders and cubers. Price: USD $1050 Product Handling & Curing 14‐18 September 2015 The Product Handling course covers all aspects of the han‐
dling once product has been manufactured. Adjustments, schema c print reading and solid state circuitry is covered for: E‐Model & Mul ‐Spade Besser‐
Ma c loaders/unloaders, LSC & PTS handling systems, curing, depalleter, turnover, spli er and both semi‐
automa c & automa c cuber types. The curing session has been added to the curriculum for 2015 whereas students will gain an understanding of why we cure product and the benefits of proper curing fundamentals. Price: USD $1050 New Course Material & Presenta ons Advanced Vibrapac® 27 April ‐ 1 May 2015 The Advanced Vibrapac course provides more extensive hands‐on work for prac cal applica on in concrete products produc on, both mechanical and electrical. Students are required to adjust a concrete products machine to low height and to manufacture concrete products in class. Electrical sessions cover Allen‐Bradley programmable controllers. Greater concentra on is applied to schema c print reading and ladder logic diagnosis. Before a ending this course, students must complete the Vibrapac course. Price: USD $1050 Execu ve Session 14‐16 July 2015 The Execu ve Session is a condensed version of the Concrete Masonry Technology and Vibrapac® Blockmakers Workshops® tailored to upper manage‐
ment. New products, programs and current issues are also discussed in a round‐table format with industry execu ves and professionals. Price: USD $800 Specialty Products / Material Variega on / Recycled Materials 22‐24 September 2015 In this class students will cover specialty products such as segmental retaining wall, use of core puller products, pavers, advanced architectural products as well as an in‐depth look at material variega on / blending of colors to create a unique product appear‐
ance. All machine types will be covered such as cam type, Servopac and compe ve equipment (plate vibra on / LP equipment). We will cover per nent ASTM specifica ons for specialty products, recycled materials and their use in our industry. This class is well suited for concrete technicians, quality personnel or advanced machine operators. Price: USD $800 WCCT Registration Form
3 Ways to Register:
f Online at www.wcct.net
f Fax this form: (989) 358-7562
f Mail this form:
World Center for Concrete Technology
Attn: Blockmakers Workshops
750 Woodward Avenue
Alpena, MI 49707 USA
Applicant Information
Full legal name: _________________________________________________________ Nickname ___________________________
P.O. Box/Street address_______________________________________________City ____________________________________
State/Province ___________________________ Postal code _________________Country _________________________________
Telephone number __________________________________________________ Date of Birth (Req’d) _______________________
Personal E-mail address_______________________________________________________________________________________
US Citizen
… yes … no
I am … male
… female
… single … married
Company Information
Company name ______________________________________________________________________________________________
P.O. Box/Street address_____________________________________________ City ________________________________________
State/Province _________________________ Postal code _________________ Country _____________________________________
Telephone number _______________________________________ Fax number __________________________________________
Company E-mail address _______________________________________________________________________________________
f 5-Day Blockmakers Workshops®: $1050
f Executive Session (2 1/2 days): $800;
f Online Courses: $350;
f Live Micro Courses: $75;
f Archived Micro Courses: $50;
f Prices subject to change without notice
Previous Course Information:
Have you attended other workshops at WCCT/ACC:
… yes … no
Do you qualify for Master Blockmaker™ Certification
with completion of this workshop:
… yes … no
Please list the courses you wish to attend:
U Checks and money orders = payable to
World Center for Concrete Technology
U Registrations cannot be processed without payment.
U Photographs will be taken of all classes. Inform the instructors
if you do not wish to appear in promotional materials.
Method of payment: (US Dollars)
… Check/Money Order … Visa … Mastercard … Discover … American Express … Scholarship-Certificate Number:
Name on card: __________________________________________ Transaction Dollar Limit $: ______________
$ Value
Card number: ___________________________________________ CID# ___________ Card expiries: _____________________
Card holder signature _________________________________________________________________________________________
This is a corporate card: … yes
… no
Credit card monthly statement is mailed to company address above: … yes
… no
Call us: (989) 358-7238