
Individual Dog Information Sheet
Please circle answers that apply. There is space on the back for long answers.
Dog’s Name: _________________________
Age: _________________________
Breed or type: ________________________________________________________
Sex: _____ Neutered? __Yes __No
Regular Brand of Food: ___________________________ Diet Restrictions? __Yes __No
If Yes, what are they? __________________________________________________________
Favorite treats or snacks: ______________________________________________________
Do you feed your dog: __morning, __evening, __free choice? Amount each feeding? _______
If your dog runs out of food during his/her stay with us, would you like Julie to purchase their
brand (would save the receipt for reimbursement) or would you like Julie to feed them the
“kennel” food (prices vary depending on amount) ____________________________________
Has your dog ever bitten anyone? __Yes __No
(If so, please be sure this is discussed with Julie.)
Is your dog aggressive with other dogs? __Yes __No
Would it be ok if your dog went out for “play time” with other boarding dogs (of about the
same age and size, if Julie feels like it will be safe)? __Yes __No
Does your dog climb or dig out of fences? __________________________________________
Does your dog play “keep away” when you call it? ___________________________________
Is your dog protective of toys or food? ____________________________________________
Does your dog know any obedience commands? ____________________________________
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What sort of tricks or games does your dog like? _____________________________________
Does your dog like to play with other dogs? (There may be times where we will turn your dogs
out into the exercise yard with other dogs to play. They will be supervised closely the first few
times to ensure the safety of any and all of the dogs) _________________________________
Regular Veterinarian name and phone number: ______________________________________
Does your dog have any on-going medical issues? ____________________________________
What is your regular Heartworm Medication and Flea/Tick Control?
Copy of vaccination certificate provided? __Yes __No
Date of vaccinations? _________________
Any other comments or information we should have to ensure a safe and positive boarding
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