BEST MARKSMAN OF THE QUARTER COMPETITION BEST will hold a Quarterly Competition to determine the BEST Marksman of the Quarter. The competition will consist of shooting the member’s firearm of choice in the course of fire described below. There will be two Divisions of the competition. A member may participate in either or both Divisions. One Division will be firing rifles, the other will fire handguns. Course of Fire - Rifle: Rifle Match – 30 shots at 25 yards. There will be 30 shots, 10 seconds per shot starting from the low ready position. Course of Fire – Handgun: Slow Fire – 10 shots at 25 yards. Five minutes allowed for the total 10 shots. Timed Fire – 10 shots at 15 yards. There will be two five shot strings, 20 seconds allowed for each string. Rapid Fire – 10 shots at 10 yards. There will be two five shot strings, 10 seconds allowed for each string. Match Scoring – The total score for all thirty shots will determine the Division winner. Ties will be broken by X count. If still tied, a shoot off will be held. The shoot off will consist of one shot at 25 yards. 1 minute will be allowed for the one shot shoot off. Conditions of the Competition: Rifle Division – A competitor may employ any rifle allowed by H&H Gun Range. Any optics may be used. Any standing two-legged unsupported stance is allowed. Any clothing is allowed except there will be no clothing or any other item allowed below the wrist of either arm (Exception-Slings are allowed). No external bracing or support will be allowed. Competitors may not lean on or against any structure or part of a structure and may not rest their rifle on any structure or part of a structure. Handgun Division – A competitor may employ any handgun allowed by H&H Gun Range. Any optics may be used. Any standing two-legged unsupported stance is allowed. Any clothing is allowed except there will be no clothing or any other item allowed below the wrist of either arm. No external bracing or support will be allowed. Competitors may not lean on or against any structure or part of a structure and may not rest their handgun on any structure or part of a structure. Ammunition – A competitor may use any ammunition allowed by H&H Gun Range, except no shot shells are allowed. Target – The 25-yard Timed/Rapid Fire Bullseye Repair Center target will be used for all matches. Entry Fees – There are no entry fees. Prizes – Quarterly trophies are given (members only) to the overall first place winners of both rifle and pistol divisions. Scoring – After ten shots, the target will be retrieved and scored. Competitors will score the targets of the competitor to their right on the firing line. If any part of the hole breaks a scoring ring, the higher ring score is allowed for that shot. Holes in the X ring count 10 points and will be marked on the score sheet as an X for tie breaking purposes. Maximum possible score on each target is 100 points. If a target is found to have more than 10 holes, the lowest scoring 10 holes will be recorded for score. If a target is found to have less than 10 holes, a zero will be recorded for each missing hole. Scoring disputes will be settled by the Match Director, unless the Match Director is involved in the dispute. In that case the dispute will be decided by the Safety Officer and one other competitor not involved in the dispute. SAFETY PLAN: Safety is paramount. While this competition is being held at a commercial range, the range activities are not closely monitored by the range staff. Therefore, BEST will supply a Range Safety Officer for the competition. The Range Safety Officer will conduct the competition in the manner described below in order to maintain a safe environment and provide for a fair competition. All competitors must wear ear protection and safety glasses. These are available from H&H Gun Range at no charge. The event will be held on the last six lanes at H&H Gun Range. A maximum of six competitors will be allowed inside the range confines at a time. The Rifle Division will fire their Match first. All firearms will be unloaded, chambers open when brought into the range area. Once inside, the Safety officer will assign a lane to a competitor and distribute the targets. The competitor will be allowed to bring his firearm and equipment to the lane station after being assigned a lane. Once all competitors are on their assigned lanes, the Safety Officer will give the 5 minute preparation command. Each competitor will then be allowed to load magazines or clips (but not the firearm), adjust optics, dry fire practice, and place their targets in their respective holders and run them out to the 25 yard line. The Safety Officer will check and adjust the target placement as needed to ensure each target is approximately the specified distance out for the Match being fired. After the five-minute preparation time has expired, the Safety Officer will announce the start of the first Match. The Safety Officer will start the Match with the Commands – “Is the Line ready? The Line is ready. Load. Assume the Low Ready position (for Rifle Matches only). Commence Firing.” Upon the command to commence firing, the Safety Officer will start the clock. For the Rifle Match, at the end of ten seconds, the Safety Officer will call “Cease Fire”. Prepare for the next shot”. Competitors will cease fire, load their next round, and assume the Low Ready Position. The Safety Officer will then begin the calls for the next shot. This process continues for ten shots. The Safety Officer will then give the command, “Make the Line Safe”. Competitors will unload their firearm, open the action, and lay it on the station platform. The Safety Officer will then give the command, “Retrieve your targets.” The competitors will retrieve their targets for scoring. Competitors will then move to the lane on their right (furthest right competitor will loop back to the one on the left) and score the target presented. They will record the score on the score sheet according to the instructions on the score sheet (attached). Then they will return to their lane and replace the scored target with a new target, retaining the scored target until the Match winner is decided. Each competitor will run the target out to the appropriate distance for the next string of fire. The Safety Officer will verify and adjust target placement as required. The Safety Officer will then call competitors to the line for the next round of firing. The Safety Officer will execute the second and third round of ten-shot Rifle firing using the commands above. For Handgun firing, the Safety officer will allow the competitors a five minute preparation period. Each competitor will then be allowed to load magazines (but not the firearm), adjust optics, dry fire practice, and place their targets in their respective holders and run them out to the 25-yard line. The Safety Officer will check and adjust the target placement as needed to ensure each target is approximately the specified distance out for the round being fired. The Safety Officer will start the first round of firing with the command, “This is the Slow Fire round, ten shots in ten shots in five minutes. Load.” Competitors will then load their firearms. The Safety Officer will then give the commands, “Is the Line ready? The Line is ready. Ready on the left. Ready on the right. Commence firing.” After giving this command, the Safety Officer will start the clock. At the end of five minutes, the Safety Officer will give the command, “Cease Fire”. The Competitors will cease fire, unload their firearm, open the actions, and lay their firearm on the station platform. The Safety Officer will then give the command, “Retrieve your targets.” Competitors will then score targets as described for the Rifle Division. The Safety Officer will start the second round of firing with the commands – “This is the Timed Fire Match, two five shot strings, 20 seconds per string. With five rounds load. Is the Line ready? The Line is ready, commence firing.” The Safety Officer then starts the clock. At the end of 20 seconds, the Safety Officer calls, “Cease Fire”. Competitors then prepare for the second string. The Safety Officer then calls, “This the continuation of the Timed Fire Match, with five rounds load. Is the Line Ready? The Line is ready, commence firing.” The Safety Officer starts the clock. At the end of 20 seconds, the Safety Officer calls, “Cease Fire”. The scoring of the targets is then done in the same way described above. The Handgun Division Rapid Fire round is then held in the same manner as the Handgun Division Timed Fire Match, with the Safety Officer noting that the two five-shot strings will be fired in 10 seconds each. At the completion of the rounds of fire, the competitors secure their gear and depart the range area and await the final tally. If there are more than six shooters in a Division, the next relay of competitors will enter the range and the next relay will proceed as described above. The score sheets will be checked for accuracy and completeness, and the Match Director will post the results via email. Trophies are awarded quarterly for the overall first place winners for both rifle and pistol (members eligible only). BEST MARKSMAN of the QUARTER COMPETITION HANDGUN DIVISION SCORE SHEET SLOW FIRE Shot Scores Target X Total Count Shot Scores Target X Total Count Shot Scores Target X Total Count TIMED FIRE RAPID FIRE AGGREGATE SCORE Total SCORER: _______________________________ COMPETITOR: ______________________________________ MATCH DIRECTOR: _________________________________________ X Count BEST MARKSMAN of the QUARTER COMPETITION RIFLE DIVISION SCORE SHEET FIRST ROUND OF FIRE Target X Total Count Shot Scores SECOND ROUND OF FIRE Target X Total Count Shot Scores THIRD ROUND OF FIRE Target X Total Count Shot Scores AGGREGATE SCORE: Total SCORER: _______________________________ COMPETITOR: ______________________________________ MATCH DIRECTOR: _________________________________________ X Count PERSONAL-DEFENSE WEAPON-EMPLOYMENT COMPETITION BEST will hold a quarterly shooting event for members wishing to practice and test their skills with their chosen personal defense firearm. The event will be composed of three stages of shooting. Stage 1 will be shot using both hands on the firearm as desired Stage 2 will be fired using only the strong hand on the weapon to simulate the circumstance where the weak hand is holding something or injured Stage 3 will be shot using the weak hand to simulate the strong hand being injured All stages will be timed. The time to finish the stage will be deducted from the points scored by hits on the target. Stage 1: Two hands available, target at 15 yards, ten shots using five rounds in each of two magazines. Stage 2: Strong hand only, five shots at 10 yards. Stage 3: Weak hand only, five shots at 7 yards. Match Scoring: The total score for all twenty shots will be reduced by the total time used to complete all three stages, each timed individually. Conditions of the Competition: A competitor may employ any pistol or revolver allowed by the Gun Range hosting the competition. No external bracing or support will be allowed. Competitors may not lean on or against any structure or part of a structure and may not rest their firearm on any structure or part of a structure. Ammunition: A competitor may use any ammunition allowed by Gun Range, except no shot shells are allowed. If you are shooting “The Judge” or similar weapon, the .45 Long colt cartridges must be used. Target: The black man silhouette target with the scoring rings will be used. One target will be used for all three stages to reduce the cost of the competition borne by BEST. Scoring: After each stage has been shot, the target will be retrieved and scored. If any part of the hole breaks a scoring ring, the higher ring score is allowed for that shot. Holes in the center ring count 10 points and will be marked on the score sheet as an X for tie breaking purposes. Maximum possible score on each target is 200 points. Any hole outside the 7 point ring but touching the black silhouette will be scored as six (6) points. Any hole not touching the black silhouette will be scored as a miss (zero points). If a target is found to have less than 10 holes, a zero will be recorded for each missing hole. The Match Director will settle scoring disputes, unless the Match Director is involved in the dispute. In that case, the PERSONAL-DEFENSE WEAPON-EMPLOYMENT COMPETITION Safety Officer will decide the dispute and one other competitor not involved in the dispute. SAFETY PLAN: Safety is paramount. While this competition is being held at a commercial range, the range activities are not closely monitored by the Range Staff. Therefore, BEST members must be cognizant of any dangerous situation and immediately call a timeout if warranted. All competitors must wear ear protection and safety glasses. These are available from the Gun Range. One of the BEST members will time and score each stage. All firearms will be unloaded; chambers open when brought into the range area. The BEST member timing the event (The Timer) will call the shooter to the lane. When called to the lane, the shooter will bring a firearm and two magazines. The shooter will load two magazines with five rounds each at the lane. The firearm and one magazine will be placed on the shelf on the lane, the other magazine will be placed on the shooter as he/she sees fit; but it must be placed on the shooter, not on the shelf. The Timer will then have the shooter insert the loaded magazine from the shelf into the firearm, configure the firearm in its normally carried condition, and place it on the shelf. Those using revolvers bring the unloaded revolver and any speed strip, moon clip, or cylinder to the lane. The shooter will load the speed strip, moon clip, or spare cylinder and place it on their person. The Timer will then have the shooter load the revolver, configure it in its normally carried condition, and place it on the shelf. The Timer will then run the target out to the 15-yard distance and command the shooter to become ready at the lane. The shooter will stand at the lane and signal The Timer when he is ready. The Timer will command the shooter to fire and start the timer. The shooter will then pick up the firearm from the shelf and begin firing at the target using both hands, if desired. After five rounds, the shooter reloads the firearm and fires five more rounds. After the last round is fired, The Timer will stop the timer and show the time to the competitor. The Timer will enter the time on the scorecard for the First Stage, then score and mark all holes in the target. If there are less than ten holes, enter an M on the score sheet for each miss. The Timer will then move the target to the 10-yard distance. The shooter will reload one magazine or the revolver with five rounds, configure the firearm in its carry condition, and place it on the lane. The Timer will direct the shooter to pick up the firearm and prepare to shoot. The shooter will declare when ready, and The Timer will command the shooter to fire and start the timer. The shooter will then shoot five rounds with the strong hand only on the firearm. After the last shot is fired, The Timer will stop the time and the shooter will place the firearm on the shelf. The Timer will show the time to the shooter and record it on the PERSONAL-DEFENSE WEAPON-EMPLOYMENT COMPETITION scorecard for the Second Stage, then score and mark all holes shot in this stage. If there are less than ten holes, enter an M on the score sheet for each miss. The Timer will then move the target to the 7-yard distance. The Third Stage will be conducted in the same manner as the Second Stage, except the shooter will shoot with only the weak hand on the firearm. After the last shot is fired, The Timer will stop the time; and the shooter will place the firearm on the shelf. The Timer will show the time to the shooter and record it on the scorecard for the Third Stage, then score and mark all holes shot in this stage. If there are less than ten holes, enter an M on the score sheet for each miss. The Timer will sign the score sheet and the shooter will then sign the score sheet and submit it to The BEST Executive Board member at the event. The shooter will then retrieve all equipment and clear the lane for the next shooter. PERSONAL-DEFENSE WEAPON-EMPLOYMENT COMPETITION STAGE 1: 15 Yards – Two Hands 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TOTAL TIME SCORE STAGE 2: 10 Yards – Strong Hand 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL TIME SCORE 4 5 TOTAL TIME SCORE STAGE 3: 7 Yards – Weak Hand 1 2 3 TOTAL SCORE: _______________ X COUNT: Stage 1 _______________ Stage 2 _______________ Stage 3 _______________ X COUNT TOTAL: _______________ SHOOTER TIMER BEST 100-Yard Rifle Competition The 100-Yard Rifle event will be composed of three stages of shooting: Stage 1: 5 shots from the prone position followed by 5 shots from a sitting/kneeling position in a total of 5 minutes Stage 2: 10 shots from the prone position, starting from standing, in 80 seconds Stage 3: 10 shots standing in 5 minutes Stage 1: Starting from a prone position, the shooter will shoot five shots in the prone position. After the fifth shot, the shooter will assume a sitting or kneeling position and shoot five more shots. Five minutes will be allowed to complete this stage. Stage 2: Starting from a standing position, the shooter will assume a prone position and then fire 10 shots from the prone position. A total of 80 seconds will be allowed to complete this stage. Stage 3: Starting from a standing position, the shooter will shoot 10 shots from an unsupported standing position. Five minutes will be allowed to complete this stage. Match Scoring: A new target will be used for each stage. The match score will be the total score from all three targets. Conditions of the Competition: A competitor may employ any rifle allowed by the Gun Range hosting the competition. No support attachments such as bipods or shooting sticks will be allowed. Ammunition: A competitor may use any ammunition allowed by Gun Range. Target: Scoring: After each Stage has been completed, the target will be retrieved and scored. If any part of the hole breaks a scoring ring, the higher ring score is allowed for that shot. Holes in the center ring count 10 points and will be marked on the score sheet as an X for tie breaking purposes. Maximum possible score on each target is 100 points. If a target is found to have less than 10 holes, a zero will be recorded for each missing hole. The Match Director will settle scoring disputes, unless the Match Director is involved in the dispute. In that case, the Safety Officer will decide the dispute and one other competitor not involved in the dispute. BEST 100-Yard Rifle Competition SAFETY PLAN: Safety is paramount. While this competition is being held at a commercial range, the range activities are not closely monitored by the Range Staff. Therefore, BEST members must be cognizant of any dangerous situation and immediately call a time-out if warranted. All competitors must wear hearing protection and safety glasses. The competitor may use personal protection or use those available from the Gun Range. One of the BEST members will time and score each stage. All firearms will be unloaded with chambers open when brought into the range area. The BEST member timing the event (The Timer) will call the shooter to the lane. When called to the lane, the shooter will bring a rifle, magazines/clips, and ammunition. Stage 1: The shooter will place the rifle on the floor, unloaded, chamber open. The shooter will then assume a prone firing position. At the command “LOAD”, the shooter will load the rifle. At the command “FIRE”, the shooter will fire five shots from the prone position. After the fifth shot, the shooter assumes a sitting/kneeling position. During this position change, the rifle muzzle must remain pointed down range. The shooter will then shoot five shots from the sitting/kneeling position. The ten shots must be completed in 5 minutes. At the completion of the 5 minutes or when the shooter has completed the stage, the shooter will clear the rifle of all ammunition and place it on the ground with the muzzle pointed down range. When all shooters have completed the stage, the shooter will retrieve the target for scoring. Stage 2: The shooter will deploy a new target. At the command “LOAD”, the shooter will load up to ten rounds in the rifle and place the rifle on the ground, muzzle pointing down range. At the command “FIRE”, the shooter will assume the prone position. Upon reaching a prone position, the shooter will shoot ten shots. The time allowed from the “FIRE” command will be 80 seconds. At the completion of 10 shots or 80 seconds, the shooter will place the rifle on the floor and stand up. When all competitors have finished the stage, the shooter will retrieve the target for scoring. Stage 3: The shooter will deploy a new target. From the standing position, at the command “LOAD”, the shooter will pick up the rifle from the floor and load up to ten rounds. At the command “FIRE”, the shooter will shoot ten shots from the unsupported standing position. Five minutes is allowed for completing ten shots. At the completion of ten shots or five minutes, the shooter will place the rifle on the floor with the chamber open and the muzzle pointed down range. At the completion of the stage, the shooter will retrieve the target for scoring. The shooter will then retrieve the rifle and vacate the lane. BEST 100-Yard Rifle Competition STAGE 1: 100 Yards – Prone/Kneeling 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TOTAL TIME SCORE 5 minutes STAGE 2: 100 Yards – Prone Rapid Fire 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TOTAL TIME SCORE 80 seconds STAGE 3: 100 Yards – Standing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TOTAL TIME SCORE 5 minutes TOTAL SCORE: _______________ X COUNT: Stage 1: _______________ Stage 2: _______________ Stage 3: _______________ X COUNT TOTAL: _______________ SHOOTER: SCORER:
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