April 2015 Come Join Us Easter Sunday Sunday, April 5th 8:30am Traditional with Communion 11:00am Contemporary with Communion Join us at 9:30am for an Easter Breakfast served by our High School Youth and at 10:15am for an Easter Egg Hunt. Bethany Lutheran Church’s Mission: To glorify the Triune God, Grow in our relationship with Christ, Share His Love and care for each other. Page 2 Vision Update Bethany Visioning and Strategic Planning Process On Wednesday March 11th, Bethany’s Church Council had a follow up Vision meeting with our consultant, Jana Swenson. The focus of this meeting was attracting new and young families to Bethany, as the congregation indicated this as a major goal in the Holy Cow Congregational Survey. Jana had us visualize what experiences we wanted for new families when they attend Bethany by asking the following questions: • How will their Faith Lives be different after 1 years at Bethany? • What experiences should they have within 1 year at Bethany? • What experiences should they have within 1 month at Bethany? • What experiences should they have the first time they arrive at Bethany? For each point in time, we listed the ministries and programs we’d need in place to nurture their spiritual walk, and progressively get them involved to the ultimate point of deciding that Bethany is their church home. Our next step is to determine which current ministries and boards could help create these experiences. Within the next month, the various boards are being asked, “What can your board do to help meet this vision and give new families these experiences?” Those experiences that can’t be fulfilled by existing ministries and boards, will now be considered for further development. We are looking forward to continuing this process when the Council, Elders and Staff meet on March 25 and April 21. We will continue to share our progress with you as we move forward. God Bless, Dave Dohrmann Congregation Chairman Gary Landhauser Past Congregation Chairman April 2015 Calendar Page 3 6:30pm Wednesday, April 1 6:00am Men’s Bible Study No Confirmation 7:00pm Birkicht Small Group—Ad Ed Rm Thursday, April 2 Maundy Thursday 9:00am Adult Bible Study—Ad Ed Rm 6:00pm Human Care—Leadership 7:00pm Maundy Thursday Service Friday, April 3 Good Friday 7:00pm Good Friday Service Saturday, April 4 9:00am Choir Practice 11:00am Wholy Fit Sunday, April 5 Easter Sunday 8:30am Traditional Easter Service 9:30am Easter Breakfast—FLC 11:00am Contemporary Easter Service 10:15am Bethany Easter Egg Hunt Monday, April 6 6:00pm LWML Topic Leaders 6:30pm LWML Board Meeting Tuesday, April 7 3:00pm Prayer— Library 5:00pm Praise Moves—Living Room 6:30pm Hand Bells Wednesday, April 8 6:00am Men’s Bible Study 6:00pm Confirmation 7:30pm HS Bible Study— Goerdt Thursday, April 9 9:00am Adult Bible Study—Ad Ed Rm 12:00pm Mission of Hope Meal 1:30pm Rebekah Circle—Ad Ed Rm 7:00pm Leah Circle—Deetz 7:00pm Naomi Circle—Freese 7:00pm Adult Basketball Saturday, April 11 11:00am Wholy Fit— Living Room Sunday, April 12 11:00am Melinda Crow’s Installation 12:00pm Installation cake reception 6:00pm TLC Joyful Servants—Nanke Monday, April 13 6:45pm Trustees Meeting—Adult Ed Rm Tuesday, April 14 11:00am Washington HS Lunch & Devotions— FLC 3:00pm Prayer— Library 5:00pm Praise Moves—Living Room 6:30pm Hand Bells Stephen Ministries Area Cont. Ed— St. Paul’s United Methodist Wednesday, April 15 6:00am Men’s Bible Study 4:00pm Cottage Grove Devotions 6:00pm Confirmation 7:30pm HS Bible Study— Goerdt Thursday, April 16 9:00am Adult Bible Study—Ad Ed Rm 11:00am Senior Worship 7:00pm Adult Basketball Saturday, April 18 9:00am Iowa District East Lutheran Hour Ministry—FLC 11:00am Wholy Fit— Living Room Monday, April 20 10:00am Bingo—Winslow House Tuesday, April 21 3:00pm Prayer— Library 5:00pm Praise Moves—Living Room 6:30pm Hand Bells 7:00pm Visioning Meeting— Ad Ed Room Wednesday, April 22 6:00am Men’s Bible Study 6:00pm Confirmation 7:30pm HS Bible Study— Goerdt Thursday, April 23 9:00am Adult Bible Study—Ad Ed Rm 7:00pm Adult Basketball Saturday, April 25 8:00am Serve the LORD Day— Bethany 9:00am His Women Seminar— Double Tree Convention Center 8:45am Family Life Conference— Zion Lutheran Church 11:00am Wholy Fit— Living Room Sunday, April 26 9:30am Blood Pressure Checks 6:00pm TLC Joyful Servants—Knutson Tuesday, April 28 3:00pm Prayer— Library 5:00pm Praise Moves—Living Room 6:30pm Hand Bells 7:00pm VIP—Ad Ed Rm Wednesday, April 29 6:00am Men’s Bible Study 6:00pm Confirmation 7:30pm HS Bible Study— Goerdt Thursday, April 30 9:00am Adult Bible Study 7:00pm Adult Basketball Please submit May Beacon articles to Rachel in the office, by April 22nd 364-6026 or by email [email protected]. Servants in Worship for April Page 4 Greeters April 2 April 3 April 5 6:00 6:00 8:30 11:00 April 12 8:30 11:00 April 19 8:30 11:00 April 26 8:30 11:00 N: Ed & Gloria Schumacher N: Sara Mellgren N: Rick & Sandra Thorington D: Rick & Marvelene Foreman N: Gary & Jeude Landhauser D: Karen Schmidt & Velma Ziesemer N: Joann Strang D: Don & Betty Hein N: Jeff & Sara Mellgren D: Dick & Karen Hass N: Lorna Fischer & Carol Grimminger D: Mark & Julie Elias N: Leonard & Rita Tiedt D: Sheri Mehlhoff N: Ed & Gloria Schumacher D: Vern & Betty Happel N: Mike & Amy Diers D: Gary & Mary Nanke Elders & Lectors April 2 Chris Frampton April 3 Jeff Mellgren April 5 Jeff Mellgren & Steve Hanchera April 12 Mark Elias April 19 Rick Foreman April 26 Dave Karsten 7:00 Debbie Mills 7:00 Sheryl Knutson 8:30 Rachel Henkelmann 11:00 Leonard Tiedt 8:30 11:00 8:30 11:00 8:30 11:00 Rick Thorington Joel Conrad Arlen Breiholz Jeude Landhauser Pete Larson Dave Christian Communion Ware April 5— Cherie Miller April 19— Karen Hass Communion Sunday Prayer Rotation April 5 8:30— Karen Hass 11:00— Ronda Anderson April 19 8:30— Kay Karsten 11:00— Jeude Landhauser Acolytes April 2 April 3 April 5 April 12 April 19 April 26 7:00 — Will 7:00 — Jakob 8:30 — Julie 8:30 — Alex 8:30 — Jurnee 8:30 — Will 11:00— Will 11:00— Sophie 11:00— Ethan 11:00— Alex Ushers April 2 April 3 April 5 April 12 April 19 April 26 7:00—Crew # 4 7:00—Crew # 6 8:30—Crew # 4 8:30—Crew # 1 8:30—Crew # 2 8:30—Crew # 3 11:00—Crew # 8 11:00—Crew # 6 11:00—Crew # 7 11:00—Crew # 8 Video Team April 3 April 5 April 12 April 19 April 26 7:00 8:30 11:00 8:30 11:00 8:30 11:00 8:30 11:00 Renee Riffey Jeff Gebert & Ellen Holt Mike Diers Renee Riffey Doug Knutson & Elianna Novitch Greg Dunn Greg Dunn & Steph Hedtke Jeff Gebert Michelle Hedtke Nursery Schedule (11:00 Service) Would you like to help serve during Sunday worship? We are always looking for volunteers to help in the AV room, join an Usher Crew, or serve as a Lector. Contact the church office if you are interested! April 5 April 12 April 19 April 26 Nursery Not Staffed Annie Prohaska & Daughter Melissa Loney & Debbie Mills Dustin Petrik & Bella Novitch Prayer Page Page 5 . Thanksgiving: Grief: Sawyer (grandson of *Jeannine Robinson)- Born 2/25 *Lois Schuchmann (wife of *Fred)- Died 2/28 109 meals served and 11 blood pressures taken at Mission of Hope on 3/12 Ken (father of *Dave Karsten)- Died 2/20 Illness, injuries, health issues: Cliff Koop (former member)- Died 2/7 Norman (father of *Matt Carstens)- Rehab recovery Helen (sister-in-law of *Bonnie Bubke)- Stroke recovery Alyse (granddaughter of *Janelle Dunbar)- Illness Sara (daughter of *Janelle Dunbar)- Miscarriage Jennifer (daughter of *Pat Krekeler)- Health issues Bobby (nephew of *Sherry Benton)- Recovering after eye surgery Mildred (grandmother of *Elizabeth Corey)- Died 2/14 Homebound members of Bethany: *Don Bryant– Summit Pointe, Marion *Pat Battin– Living Center East *Patty King– Crestview Acres *Irene Jass– Cottage Grove *Ann Meyer– The Villages, Marion Dolores (sister of *Sherry Benton)- Hospitalized Helen (sister in law of *Bonnie Bubke)- stroke Safety: Emily (friend of *P. Larson)- transplant complications Will (grandson of *Carol Grimminger)- Kuwait Jennifer (daughter in law of *Benton's)- recovering James & Sarah (sister of *Chris Frampton)- Germany Richard (father of *M Rinderknecht & *E Heller)recovering after double knee replacement Persecuted Christians around the world Marcia (mother of *M Rinderknecht & *E Heller)recovering after surgery Cancer: Denise (daughter of *Virginia Kurtz) back fracture Richard- (father of *Mike Prohaska)- cancer tx Pam Williams (former member) MS diagnoses Jim (neighbor of *Bonnie Bubke)- cancer Rod (nephew of *Bonnie Bubke) Recovering after brain surgery Jeff (son in law *Janelle Dunbar)- Liver tumor Steve (brother of *Linda Patten) assisted living Tim Tschopp (brother of *Patty King) health concerns Todd (br in law of Carolyn) recovering after stroke Rita (friend of *Shirley Kellogg) vision treatment Jenifer (grdaughter of *Betty Price) medical issues Jeff (brother of *Donna Birkicht) cancer tx Cousin of *Jennifer Franks– cancer Barbara (relative of *Bonnie Bubke) cancer tx, recovering after surgery Kelly (friend of *Foreman family) cancer tx Carolyn (friend of * P. Larson) health concerns Ruth (sister of *Bonnie Bubke) cancer tx Rosemarie (relative of *Bob Benton) health issues Randy (cousin of *Carol Grimminger) cancer tx Nicholas Devereaux (friend of *Benton's) cancer tx Personal/Strength/Comfort/Wisdom: Kara Birren (cousin of *Lynn Duve) Brad– Employment search Kathy Harshbarger Kelly– Life struggles Bradley Akey- Adopt a Seminary Student (Ft. Wayne) Local/National: Paul Albers– Adopt a Seminary Student (St. Louis) Safety for the neighborhood surrounding Bethany Chelsea & family (*Loney’s relative) personal growth National tragedies Esther Anderson & family— Life issues *member of Bethany PRAYERS AT BETHANY To submit a prayer request you may: ► Email [email protected] ► Online at www.bethanycr.org, “prayer requests” ► Call the church office at 319-364-6026 Children’s Ministries Page 6 Sunday School Age 3 through High School 9:45 am – 10:45 am Easter Egg Hunt April 5th Sunday School On Easter Sunday, April 5th, we are having an Easter Egg hunt for any child that can walk! Meet in the living room at 10:15am if you would like to participate. There will be no Sunday School on Easter Sunday. Sunday April 5th @ 10:15am On April 26th Sunday School kids will Skype with the Sharp family! Reminder: The last day of Sunday School is May 31st! Everyone who completes their memory folder will get a $10 movie pass. All participants will receive a reward. Sharp Family Update The Sharp children enjoyed their first day of school in Uruguay! Their favorite things about school are: • playing soccer with friends • making new friends • playing on the playground Fun Fact: The school year in Uruguay begins in March and ends in November or early December. The Sharp kids before their first day of school in Uruguay! The Sharp girls outside their building at Colegio San Pablo. Children & Youth Ministries Page 7 Vacation Bible School VBS will run JUNE 15-18th from 6pm-8pm and will conclude on Friday, June 19th with a fun family event! Talk to Heidi Thalacker, JJ Theriault or Randi Petrik if you’re interested in volunteering. Confirmation/CIA Middle School Next Middle School Event: May 1st outdoor game night Stay tuned for more information! Confirmation students will present their confirmation projects to the Adult Sunday School group on May 3rd & 10th. The confirmation ceremony will take place during late service on Sunday, May 17th. High School Join us for Sunday School @ 9:45 each Sunday! Bible Study We will gather at Cindy Goerdt's home @ 7:30 starting April 8th. Youth Group Game Night Saturday, April 18th. Stay tuned for more info! Warrior Lunch Mark your calendars for our next Warrior Lunch on April 14th from 11am-2pm - Bring a friend! Page 8 Bulletin Board Melinda Crow will be installed as Bethany’s Early Childhood Education Director during the 11:00am service on Sunday, April 12th. JOIN US for cake & refreshments following the service. Congratulations, Melinda! Apple Juice Donations—Mom’s Morning Out is asking for donations of bottled 100% apple juice and rolls of paper towels. Please drop donations off at the church office. Summer Camp— Registration is now open for the 2015 Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca season! Children grades K-12 enjoy a variety of faith-centered camps. Camp options include, but are not limited to: Beginner Camp, Sports Camp, Defend the Faith, and Horse Camp. Visit the Bethany bulletin board or www.campiodiseca.org for more info! Bethany Lutheran Preschool Now Enrolling for the 2015-2016 school year! Preschool Hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:30am-4pm What: 3 and 4 year old creative arts Christ-centered program Call 319-366-4897 or visit our website for more info & to enroll TODAY! www.bethanylutheranchurch.org/preschool It’s not just a 5k run… it’s a 5k run with attitude! REGISTRATION NOW OPEN! There will be fun obstacles like a wall climb, rope swing, hay bale climb, slip ‘n slide, and lots more! This is a family-friendly event and all proceeds go to support Trinity Lutheran School. Bethany will organize a team to compete. Talk to Pastor Erickson if you would like to join! Bulletin Board Madison Rinderknecht Russell Betts Margaret Speers Connie Steggall Grant Henderson David Blazicek Robert Teare Trey Franck Karen Schmidt Lorna Fischer Gabriel Fountain Erika Narhi Allan Bachman Taleah Birkicht Larry Easler 4/1 4/2 4/2 4/2 4/3 4/5 4/5 4/6 4/6 4/8 4/8 4/8 4/9 4/9 4/9 Andrea Dunn Janet Hoech Alyssa Christian Carol Edwards Lynn Madsen Evan Ranbarger David Thalacker Kimberly McGinnis Steve Hanchera Kaitlyn Steggall Marian Hohensee Carol Grimminger Jamie Larson Colin Vande Weerd Cynthia Broadwater Page 9 4/11 4/11 4/15 4/15 4/16 4/16 4/16 4/17 4/18 4/18 4/19 4/20 4/20 4/20 4/21 Kim Neuhaus William Thalacker Abigail Bogner 4/21 4/24 4/25 Bonnie Bubke Heather Trilk Joseph Milbach Devin Petrik Marlys Jaspersen Katiaryna Knutson Karen Swalley Michelle Hedtke Mindy Henderson Catherine Hovda Darren Bogner Bradyn Franck Sandra Thorington 4/25 4/25 4/26 4/26 4/27 4/27 4/27 4/28 4/28 4/28 4/30 4/30 4/30 National Health Observances For April: National Alcohol Awareness Month National Cancer Control Month National Child Abuse Prevention Month National Donate Life Month ___________________________________________________ The Mayo Clinic Health Letter Topics For April: Move with confidence Colonoscopy Feeling the Blues? Medications for Sleep Philip & Shirley Hoppe Craig & Renee Riffey John & Nancylee Siebenmann Phil & Michelle Hedtke Page 10 Bulletin Board LWML Spring Rally— The LWML ladies from Trinity Lutheran Church Cedar Rapids are hosting “The Liberia Partnership Mission” rally on Saturday, April 11. Registration starts at 8:30am and the rally will begin at 9am. Brunch will be provided. The list of items requested for the ingathering for Liberia is posted on the bulletin board. All are welcome to attend! F.L.Y. Music Benefit— A music program to benefit the Free Lunch for Youth Program will be held at First Presbyterian Church in Marion on April 19th at 2pm. Enjoy music from our own Janet Hoech and Carolyn Sternowski, among other talents. A free will offering will provide summer lunches for children in Marion that normally receive free school lunch. Your Life Matters— The 30th Annual His Women Seminar will take place at The Doubletree by Hilton, Cedar Rapids on Saturday, April 25. Join guest speakers Angie Smith & Nicol Sponberg from 9am-2:30pm. Tickets cost $40 (lunch is included in the ticket price). Please visit www.hiswomenseminar.org for more information! Family Life Conference— Zion Lutheran Church is hosting a Family Life Conference on April 25 from 8:30am-1:35pm. The conference will address topics surrounding domestic violence. Anyone interested in learning more and receiving resources to address domestic violence are invited to attend. Lunch is provided. Please contact Nurse Ronda for more information or to RSVP. Please RSVP by April 3. Volunteer Needed— Mom’s Morning Out is seeking a volunteer to help on Thursday AM from 9-11:30am. If you are interested in helping, contact Melinda Crow at 505-856-6483. Lutheran Hour Ministries— On Saturday, April 18, the Lutheran Hour Ministries 72nd IDE Annual Convention will be held in the Family Life Center. The convention will run from 10am-4pm. Registration is due by April 11. Visit the Bethany bulletin board for more info! Join us again on Sunday, April 19 as we welcome guest speaker, Missionary Rev. Daniel McMiller during both church services. All are welcome! SERVE THE LORD DAY Saturday, April 25th 8am-noon April showers bring May flowers AND Serve the LORD Day at Bethany! Can you donate a little time & elbow grease to help spruce up our beautiful facilities? Come enjoy fellowship & donuts while helping around the church. Page 11 Adult Discipleship Stephen Ministry Info: Stephen Ministers Stephen Ministers are congregation members trained by Stephen Leaders to offer high-quality, one-to-one Christian care to people going through tough times. A Stephen Minister usually provides care to one person at a time, meeting with that person once a week for about an hour. Twice a month, Stephen Ministers gather with their Stephen Leaders for supervision and continuing education. National Day of Prayer Thursday, May 7th, 2015 Join us for a special service @ 7pm The sanctuary will be open for prayer from 7am-7pm. Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying in your presence this day. 1 Kings 8:28 The National Day of Prayer webcast from Washington DC will be played in the Living Room from 8am-11am. Wednesday Morning Men’s Bible Study– Most Wednesdays at 6am in the Adult Ed Room. The topic for this study is the book of ACTS. Contact Norm Rutz at 319-899-0597. Sunday Worship April 5 & 19 8:30am 11:00am Traditional Worship with Holy Communion Contemporary Worship with Holy Communion April 12 & 26 8:30am 11:00am Traditional Worship Contemporary Worship BETHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH 2202 FOREST DR SE NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U. S. POSTAGE PAID CEDAR RAPIDS IA 52403-1654 Permit #118 CEDAR RAPIDS IA, 52403 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES & EDUCATION HOUR 8:30 am Traditional 11:00 am Contemporary 9:45 am Education Hour CHURCH OFFICE: (319) 364-6026 8:00 am - 4:00 pm (Monday - Thursday) 8:00 am - 12:00 pm (Friday) Email: [email protected] BETHANY PRESCHOOL: (319) 366-4897 www.bethanycr.org
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