^ ALLEN 4 VOUU" BE S U R P R I S E D ENVILLE DEMOCRAT THE At the results from a small CLASSIFIED ad in this news paper. The rates are reasonable. This Week Br ARTHUR BRISBANE A Rwdly Big Shorel Down Goe* the Pound Ladie*' Squaw*, Fight* No More Revival* Machinery that makes manual labor Jess and less necessary is our big prob It is also the hope of the lem now. real civilization, which will come even ATTEMPT MADE TO HOLD UP ARCADIA GROCERY CONCERN A negro, after failing in an attempt to rifle the cash register of Hay Bros, grocery store here at a late hour Sat urday night, covered Lamar Ray and others who were in the store at the time with a pistol, and backed out of the store and fled. The negro, it is believed, secreted himself in the store and while Mr. Ray was in the rear of the store paying oft employees, attempted to secure whatever cash was in the cash regis ter. Hearing the cash register ring, Mr. Ray walked to the front of the store and was in the act of turning on a light when he was commanded to "stick 'em up." The negro, while keeping Mr. Ray covered with a pistol, fled from the store without demanding the day's receipts. Sheriff Henderson Jordan arrested a negro. Herbert Henry Sims, on a farm near Taylor Wednesday in con nection with the attempted hold-up. PARISH FARM TWO WILL FACE EXHIBIT WINS MURDERCHARGE FOURTH PLACE AT EARLY DATE Bienville Parish Has Attract Norrell and Russell Are In ive Exhibit at State dicted for Murder of Fair Elmo Buckner TWO TRANSFERRED TO PENITENTIARY EAiRLY THIS WEEK Arnold Davis and Johnnie Taylor, convicted I by a jury last week for shooting with intent to kill in connec tion with !the shooting of H. R. Lacy, prominent Castor man, June 11th, were transferred to the penitentiary this week to serve sentences of not less than two i years nor more than three years each. The shooting occurred at Mr. Lacy's mill about four miles south of Castor. Three shqts were fired at Mr. Lacy, two of which took effect, inflicting slight flesh wounds. As the assail ants fled, Mr. Lacy fired two shots, neither of which was effective. Eugene Baysinger, charged with burglarizing T. J. Lawhon's store at Lawhon, was convicted last week of enteringing without breaking, and given a sentence of two years in the penitentiary. He was transferred to Baton Rouge today. —Arcadia's most up-to-the-min ute cleaning and pressing shop One-day service our specialty. NUMBER ARC, DIA, BIENVILLE PARISH. LOUISIANA, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3, 1932 VOLUME XIX MARTIN THIRTY-SIX RACE FOR $735 FORD OR $600 GROWS KEEN AS CONTESTANTS ENTER HOME STRETCH Leaders In Democrats Subscription Sales Campaign Are Entirely Too Closely Grouped. It's Anyones Race With Odds On Workers. ADVERTISING, JOB PRINTING EARN VOTES Two Days More Of Third Period. Leaders Saturday, The Bienville parish agricultural ex tually. hibit at the State Fair in Shreveport Nov: 5th Should Be Winners Nov. 12th; INDICTED SATURDAY was a most attractive arrangement, . Machinery will be a problem for a Vote For Your Favorite! and much credit is due County Agent litUe while, then a great blessing, and Funeral Rites Fori Slain S. B. Thornton who planned the exnteanwhile you admire the mechanical Carshal Conduc ed whibit which portrayed the importance oiarvels that will some day set men Who is winning? What will Satur cadia and other points of Bienville Sunday• of terracing and winter cover crops to free from physical slavery. day tell? Who will take the lead in parish arc openly avowing their sup improve soils. The exhibit was award The Wall Street Journal describes the Democrat's Subscription Trade port to the favorites. In short each ed fourth place in a field of 36 entries. a new shovel built by the Marion Expansion Campaign. This.e are the community and faction ii iolidly be District Attorney Morelaiid MeadThe background of the booth was ors, of Homer, indicated late Satur (Ohio) Steam Shovel company. burning questions of the hour in Ar hind their "own"-and they each value brown, bordered with beautiful red top day afternoon that he would request How-many thousands of men work cadia, Bryceland, Ringgold, Gibsland their reputation for "doing things" and sorghum seed. In the center of the arraignment of M. W. Norrell and ing painfully with pick and shovel will and Bienville parish, and *.!ic public they are not going to allow their favor ite to fall shy in their eftorts for the background was printed the words— Oscar Rassell, indicted Sajurday for this g«nt shovel replace? Operated awaits the count Saturday. First Grand Prize for the lack of a "Terraces, plus oats, Austrian winter the murder of Town Marshal Elmo If electricity, it lifts up fifty-four thou Honors are about evenly divided few subscription or trade card sales. peas, hairy vetch and rye grass, make sand pounds of earth at every bite, and Buckner, some time this week. If among all of the seven candidates— For that reason and also the fact that a good farm better." The oats, win this request is granted, he stated he the operator, with his shovel at the none having any impossible or impass COUPLE CELEBRATE • there is a difference of $335 between ter peas, vetch and rye grass were would ask that trial be set and then end of a long arm. can drop the earth FIGURES GIVEN ON ible advantage over the other, all sev the First Prize $735 Ford and the Sec growing in little boxes fastened to the request the drawing of a special petit 64THJ ANNIVERSARY two hundred feet from the shovel and en are preparing in feverish haste to COTTON GINN|ED IN ond Prize, $250—it's anyone's race to background and each bearing an at jury, making it possible fof the trial on top of a seven-story building if make their final stand for victory' Sat OF MARRIED LIFE date, and you may expect many BIENVILLE PARISH tractive identification label. Letters to be held during the week of Nov. desired. urday—the close of the third period changes in today's standings and a of the slogan were first painted with 21st. This giant shovel will be used to i On Oct; 28 Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Tay and, incidentally, three days in advance real friendly sales battle of wit, work For the first t i ; i e this year a tab glue and then sprinkled with clover strip the earth, seventy feet deep, Norrell, an oil field worker of Smack- lor celebrated their 64th wedding) an to the Fast of the subscription and ad ulation of reports from Bienville 'par seed which made a beautiful color over, Ark., and his brother-in-law, niversary] Thcv were married Oct. vertising-job printing trade cards to be and votes. from the top of a rich coal field, lay ish ginners shows more cotton ginned combination. Final Adric* to Candidate* ing bare the coal, which will also be Oscar Russell, a farmer residing about 28, 1868 | accepted through the campaign de in 1931 than during the same period Two miniature fields were shown six miles, north of Ringgold,j were both scooped up, steam shovels doing away this year. Up to Oct. 18, this year, It is rumored in advance that it is Mr. Taylor is one of the few Con partment. Last three days of cam inside the booth, one practically wash indicted for murder. Saturday by a with painful mining underground. paign are reported in locked ballot box. going to require a goodly number of federate .-veterans now living in this the report showed that 14,975 bales ed away, and the other well terraced. special grand jury called jFriday by Candidates Closely Grouped Gold Certificates to win First Sales ' Britain discovers that there danger had been ginne.d as compared to 15,011 Placards showed a. contrast of corn Judge Enos C. McClcndon, of Homer, section, in fact, he is one of the few As may be seen from the standings, Honors and up to Saturday ii the best left of the heroic and dearly beloved bales during the same period last year. in allowing the, pound sterling to go yields on the two fields, the well ter to investigate the slaying of Marshal veterans [of the Civil War. He was ANY ONE of the leading candidates time to get these. All votes decrease During the period from Oct. 1 to where it will It fell off four and a raced field yielding 40 bushels per acre Elmo Buckner, who was *h"ot down are in position at this very moment to 25% from 3rd to 4th period. Realize half cents the other day, dropping to Oct. 18. this year, 2,847 bales were and the "washed" field five bushels on the main street of RJnggold at bdrn Aprjil 2. 1846 in Houston county. Georgia. - His wife is the former Miss land the deciding votes and ride away this now and make your work for the $328. The British stand it well. Can ginned in the parisih as compared to per acre. about 1 o'clock Thursday morning Sarah E. Mnbley who was born in in the Ford Sedan Sturday, Nov. 12th. past 5 weeks count for something. you imagine ho' should feel if our 6,965 bales during the same period in Farm products of Bienville parish after being called from his bed to Dooly county, Georgia, Dec. 24*, 1844. Any one of the candidates who think Don't let your prize be taken now after 1931. dollar were wo 'v 70 cents? were also displayed in the booth—cot settle an argument oyer an automo Mr. Taylor joined the Confederate they have any particular place cinched all the hard sales effort spent up to ton, corn and hay as major crops, and bile accident. WET OR DRY? army from Georgia in November, 1861, in this easy going race are certainly: now. However, there arc things just as peanuts, peas, Irish potatoes, sweet The gran,d jury began investigation and was a member of the famous Jack fooling themselves and are due for a' bad. Our dollar is worth a great deal Wake up! Tell your friends about Some people argue that the prohi potatoes, sugar cane and oats as minor of the slaying at about 9 o'clock Sat son Artillery in the army of Tennessee surprise of their lives. To lag now more than 70 cents, and a great deal the drop in votes—they don't know crops. urday morning and reported its find and took part in the following battles: is to lose and give way to the more more than 100 cents. In consequence bition law is responsible for most of the seriousness of their delayed prom Mr. Thornton is very appreciative ings at 4 o'clock. About a dozen wit working ised assistance "when it would do the Chattanooga. Battle Creek, Stevenson, aggressive, dailjy, honest he who produces wheat, cotton or beef the drinking today. They say that of the interest taken by farmers and nesses were questioned, among them Murfresboro. Hartsville, Chattanooga, candidate, and candidates will find that when the law forbids people from or coal, or daily labor, can't get much others in securing products for the being Russell, one of the min indicted. Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge they will have to exert themselves to most good" unless you tell them. Re drinking that it just naturally makes money for it. Russell, in his testimony before the and others^ He was later transferred hold the positions they arc in today. double your activity, show them by them determined to drink anyway. exhibit. In his opinion, the best prod your determination and interest that ucts of the parish were exhibited. Cdroner's Jury, stated: that the shoot to the Georgia Campaign and one of Indications point to a record turn in you arc deserving of a $735 prize. They A charming young lady, name omit Well, there are two very noticeable Club ExhiLit Places ing was without any provocation oh his last battles, also one of the last Saturday and the management has ar ted, says she is a "prize-fight fan" things about those who make such The Woman's Club exhibit from this the part of Marshal Buckner. Nor of the war, was fought at Spanish ranged in advance to issue millions of will respond in proportion to your statements; the first is that most of etcaase she enjoys it. sales enthusiasm! Tell them and sell parish, planned and arranged by Miss rell, he said, opened fire on Buckner Fort on Mobile Bay. He was dis necessary prize winning votes. .A number of other women say they the people making such statements are them—and, bear in mind that Saturday, Myrtice Vinson, home demonstration after the marshal had informed him Communities Behind Favorite* charged sit Meridian, Miss., May IJ, | o to prize fights because they like to those who like the "stuff" themselves, Nov. 5th will truly decide who is who— agent, won tenth place in the exhibits that he could not pay for a light 1865. Returning to his home he taught set men fighting each other. And this and the second is that they never use Bryceland, Gibsland, Ringgold, Arand why! of this class. The subject used was broken out of Non-ell's car when he school -for a while, but soon adopted seemed to them 9 satisfactory expla- the same argument agafhst any other eggs, and the various phases of hand drove it i n t o b a r r i c a d e placed across the- occupation of farming which . h e JMtion of the presence of women at law. ... ling was stressed, such as casesi cand the street Buckner, : according to has followed ever since. " ^ a k V t h e * hunting lams'for example. prat fights,' ' v•-• •« •• L. & N; W. EMPLOYS ling, and packing. Russell, had'/walked around the car In 1870JMr. Taylor, with other mem " If those "ladies could have gone to The- state law forbids the hunting of Miss Vinson, in her work throughout and opened the left door when Norrell bers, of his family, moved to.Louisi TRUCK SPECIALIST quail, squirrel, etc., until Nov. 15th. (Continued on last page.) the parish, is urging housewives to fired five shots from a 32-Calibre pis TO ASSIST FARMERS Now, is that law the cause of people ana and settled in the community now hunting in October? Do they hunt give more attention to the selection of tol, four of which'took effect in the known as Taylor in Bienville parish. I • In 1888 he and his family moved to The Democrat was reliably inform just because the law says they should eggs for market purposes. Eggs of (Continued on last page.) uniform size, properly inspected and Rapides parish where he lived until ed yesterday that the L. & N. W. not? Would there be less hunting in handled, she says, can be more easily 1918 when he moved back to this par railway company, closed a deal with October if there were no law against sold. ish and has since lived in or near Ar Carmen Thomas, who has had several it? cadia. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor are the years experience in tomato and other The state also, has a compulsory SPECIAL SERVICE Arranged parents of two sons, Mitchell Mobley truck growing, to assist farmers along Special Program school law. Are I the young people The morning services at the Baptist Taylor and Foster R Taylor, the form determined that they will not g o to the L. & N. W . in developing the B y Instructors In cr having passed away in 1908, and truck growing industry during the com school because the law says they must? Church next Sunday will commemo Local School the latter being a local attorney. Would it help the enrollment of the rate the Armistice, according to anj ing year. No Roads, la. by Rev. C. W . Cald-I Mr. Taylor has one brother, L. H. Mr. Thomas, we understand, has al Mrs. J. B. Collins, instructor of Proposals Should Be Given schools to do away with the law? announcement Slitefy Ailing, Taylor of Gibsland, and one sister, ready taken" up the work, and within public speaking in the Arcadia high That argument is like all the other well, pastor. His subject . will be) Serious Consideration Mrs. D. V. Reid, of Castor, still living. the near future will conduct schools in school, announces that members of put out by the wets, it is as empty "Patriotism During Peace." The text eddyter Bienville Democrat, By Voters Arcady, la. will be taken from the prophet Jere Mrs. Taylor suffered a stroke of various communities in order to fa her classes will render an Armistice as a soap bubble. There is no depth dere E d : miah: "Run ye and see now if ye paralysis: several years ago and has miliarize farmers with methods of pre Program in the school auditorium be to it. The funny thing about it to me Next Tuesday, in addition to voting I don't feel so goode this weak, been an invalid ever since although paring* soil, planting, etc. Around 300 ginning at 2 JO P. M., Nov. 10th. _ that they seem to think that the can -find a man." for Democratic nominees, the voters The pastor especially urges the Got a heavy case ov the blews and retaining her full mental faculties acres will be planted in tomatoes in American citizens are stupid enough Music will be furnished by pupils af Louisiana will also express their wilt members of the American Legion to am so fer douwn in thejdumps till Mr. Taylor has withstood the ravages the Gibsland territory, it is understood, of Mrs. B. Capers, Mrs. Nat Howell, to believe such rotten propaganda. a* to some fifteen proposed amendfeel lack t culd sea daylight kwicker of time and remains remarkably active while Saline will more than double this and Mrs. A. P. White. Members of attend. Yours sincerely, *Mts to the constitution. Some of by keeping on follering my feelings for a man of his age. ? BONE DRY. the American Legion will be special acreage. the amendments deal with local con insted ov tryin to d u m b ouwt own The Democrat is pleased to extend guests, and Ihp general public is ex Efforts are being made to secure at L. MWIMBERLY I§ $feos, while others are of state-wide tap. Danged if i dont beleeve the congratulations and best wishes to least 100 acres to be placed in tomatoes tended a cordial invitation to be pres jtfect. Study these original proposals Orleans Pilot Breaks NAMED AS MEMBER world tz rounder than it yrized to be this happy couple. around Arcadia, shipments to be made ent. • n y ; were published in the Democrat Ottawa-Mexico Record nphouw. At least i keep slippin more TAX REFORM BODY The program will be offered as fol from Gibsland. -;&riU issues of Sept. 29 and Oct. 6. It and more toward the under side, New Orleans, La.—Jimmy Wedell, lows : h to your interest to do so. whitch leeds m e , to belisve t h i s ' o l d PARENT-TEACHERS Nowadays you don't have to be Song. "Amerjca." New Orleans speed pilot, whose spec Lorris M. Wimberly, member of the * Below we publish the digest of the earth ov ours haz compacted itself soldier to fight for a living. ASS'N. HAS MORE Devotional, Earl Daniel. ialty is record breaking, has added legislature from Bienville parish, along ftoposed amendments: to a rounder hunk ov dirt tin ^—^—oGreeting, William Anders. another to his collection on his flight with Arthur Mitchell, of New Orleans, THAN 60 MEMBERS ml No. 1—Act This worth mutch. I ben a tryin to climb Duets, "Military March" (Busher), from Ottawa to Mexico City by way was appointed as a member of the up fer a good while bur! i have just] ^apsaidmentsimply places sulphur pro Ruth Robinson and Yreba Howell. of Washington. His elapsed time was Louisiana tax reform commission by The jnewly organized unit of the abouwt convinced myself j that ime in lands in the same category as "Tribute to the Flag," Billy Conger, 11 hours,- 54 minutes, as compared with Allen J. EHender, speaker of the house t h e center of a round hill, e w e r trale Parent-Teacher Association met in the producing gas and oil; that is Glen Anders, Jr., and David Brown. the former record-breaking flight made of representatives, last Friday Sen study hall of the Arcadia high-schoo no assessable value is added to the by Jimmy Dolittle a year ago in 12 ator W. Scott Heywood, of Jennings, of whitch goze idouwngnde. Song, grammar school. ; I herd a feller singing s song wunct, Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 with a by reason of its sulphur content hours, 32 minutes. Reading, "Hats Off." Bobby Taylor. and Arthur C. Gardiner, of Church sad and mournfull lack, whitch run splendid attendance. There are now .AiwdBcnt No. 2—Act tt—This "The History of the Signing of the Wed ell's average speed was about Point, were named members of the more than sixty members. •Weaedment will permit the City o 250 miles an hour. H e drove a plane commission by Lieut. Gov, John B, sumthing lack -this: "Don't a pore Armistice," Win. Anders. The jmeeting was conducted by the Jfcreveport to fund certain funded in made by the Wedell-Williams Air Fournet. Representative J, Porter broke man feel bad, when heeze broke "Significance of Poppy Day,*' Ralph and caint change:a dime, dawg-.'gone, president, Mrs.''P. E. Brown. less into bonds. It has no state Service, Inc., Patterson, La. Burgess, of ifonroe, will serve as Smelley. dawg gone." Well, tha s the way t The jprogram committee, with Mrs effect chairman. '.'.' " '* ' Duet, "Dance of the Rosebuds" f|eel. Only ive felt from bad to worse Leo Daniel as chairman, I were fbrtun-' jt No. J—Act 63.—This having powers similar to the Board The five member commission is ex so long, till i think ime gonna hafta j (Preston), Josie Hughen and Lelia *ent permits police juries Daniel. of Commissioners of the Port of New pected to meet in Baton Rouge some be vaxinayted or becui i t h e victim ate in i getting Miss Helen Woodard, road lighting districts within Orleans and the Public Belt Railroad time this m o n t h to begin compiling ov a eppidemic qv bustet litis. Ed, ime supervisor of Webster parish schools, "Patriotism," Horace Anders. data from .surveys with a view to pf- iso broke till i culdent pay fer the lick to give an interesting talk dealing with .respective parishes. W e see no Commission. Address, "Condition of World Peace ! ering some tax revision'plan. "on J o granting this power the relation of the P. T. A. to. the Today," Hon. P. E. Brown. ! on a. one scent postige stamp, and ive Amendment No. 7—Act Ml—This It is almost certain* that a gross et so plegtayked many peas till my home and the child. juries who are in a position to amendment seeks to imbed in the ConMedley, World War Songs, Quar whether certain districts can stitutforT a provision that "children at sales,tax bill will come in for serious stummick feels lack the pound ov rain The children of the second grade, tette High School Boys. I N n waa a emel tyrant wha wonli this luxury. taining the age of six years after the consideration of t h e . p a r t of the com pn a tin roof awl the time; Peas h under the direction of their teacher, OFFICER :t No. 4—Act l l * - T h i s beginning of any public school term mission. Several members of the leg abouwt the ownly thing i can look Miss yirginia White, sang a gay Hal- t a t m alt p * r aubjacti by pkftag SERVICE m M O * *• tfcMu. islature h a v e written lengthy articles :nt allocates all revenues from 'owe'en song. strait in the eye; but they aint bashTO BE IN ARCADIA (Continued on page three.} to the press' advocating this, particular full even if they dont itay fresh awl imposed on insurance coniIn the discussion of, business Prof. ALL DAY NOV 9TH 1 0 N K R S a w actual .taaaorooi form of taxation during, the past few t h e time.I E. R. Hester brought up the necessity to the Louisiana State Univerj ;.NOTICE TO BUSINESS tt&fto lomi. in tummatioo papers, weeks. It is a foregone conclusion, We have no comment to make : FIRMS REDEEMING T h e only brite things ij can sea. nonw of a few simple medical supplies for a«ay», According to announcement of M. Vy Wt*fa*n. however, that any plan that does not K wisdom of this allocation, but TRADE COUPONS; don't dob me no good. Sumboddie the school, and asked the the P. T. A. E. Woodard, commander of Hamp provide for j h e retirement of outstand that the matter should be ewlse haz got awl ov em. I got the endeayor to provide iodine, mercuro- D«fla«: B24 aa4 00-2. Michael Post No. 70, American Le ing bond issues in the various parishes, chrpme and dressings, to be kept in *• legislative discretion and that E M la krt waUr and QO-3 la catd gion, Gray Mann, assistant state serv ownly bank; in No Roads, and its the No candidate in The Bien or a t least a substantial reduction on jtteteure should not be imbedded Poretayter Bank & Trjst—pore yOre the sick room at the Arcadia high fnatar. ice ofiicer, will be in Arcadia all day ville Democrats Subscriptionproperty taxes generally; will meet school'to meet the many emergencies Constitution. taytcrs in and trust t h e / dont rot. It's T r a d e Campaign has been au with Jtubbron.opposition, not only in A tkamomater la * flaa* t«b« witk next Wednesday, Nov. 9th. that heretofore have had to be met No. S - A c t 122—This abouwt busted. The Reconstrncktshun Mr. Mann will be at the city hall the legislature, but frora property thorized to. tell prospective buy t U n p e n for* n a o b t f up the aide, with the aid of a doctor. This sug at provides for the. funding Finants Corporayshun scd jet her bust where he will he glad to assist vet • • .• ' owners as welt ers of subscriptions that 5c cou gestion was accepted and voted on; A sattaphor la U keep eewi la. P*e bonds of $1,000,000.00 indeb I . h a d . a safety deposit box whitch erans with their claims against the pons will, he redeemed by mer T h e commission will- be domiciled in and a committee appointed to pur M Louisiana State University kept my< peas in, but a weevil got in government. All veterans desiring to chants whose names, appear on Baton Rouge. A fund of $25,000 was chase the supplies. . Succor la the kind ef candy that file clj.iin. or who have claims outstand and. multiplied. I did have, sum-corn U indebtedness of $4,482,154.00, t h e back of book, to apply on provided by the last session of, the The] members of the organization cornea « t the end ef a atltk. but when i mashed it the Sheriff sed by the State Board of LJqing, should see Mr. Mann some time either past due accounts or • • • • . . ' legislature for conducting the investi have entered into it with enthusiasm it mite deside.to mayke a run. My hy the floating of a $$#)0,000 during the day he is in Arcadia. current. If any such report • gations, "•' .. '7 llerpheoa la the tobacco need by and we trust that every j parent will hawgs kilt theareselves rnnnin round to be sold by the Board can be verified—and the in the Chineee. In the next war we won't be too hickernuts. douwn a I hill, a n d . my realize his and her opportunity t o sup to the highest bidder. A CORRECTION stance cited—prompt action willport this cause. The dues are twentyproud, but too poor to fight. chickens eat theare own eggs to keep No. f ~ A c t I W—This T h e army s a t downon one hand and This is to notify all persons in be. taken b y Campaign Depart five cents for enrollment, and we want alive; sum hafta to lay twice in order stood up on the other. enable the legislature to terested in the Pleasant Grove, ceme ment, as it is plainly stated on a s . many members as it is possible Another great economic waste is to git a skware. meal, and the roosters ttrt, harbor and terminal dis t h e coupon, book t h a t these 5c « tery that the cemetery working will to secure. Patrick Henry waa t h e Irishman killing a perfectly good sheep to make jwlitkal subdivisions of the be held: Saturday, Novr;I2th, instead well, they are hard hit thats awl. Aint coupons, apply on CASH sales who drove the anakes out of Ireland. (Signed): . even Veen«noi possums; gess they're a college diploma. "tog corporate powers, of. Nov. 18th," as, previously 4 stated in ONLY. ' ; ^ : * I M S , I J H B ^ a m * — W N U ftovte* Mrs. Glen B . Hightower, I • ( C o n t i n ^ d M last pafft.) that the legislature may this paper;' • -'.V. '.•'••.'-. - Publicity Chairman. :t the state, boards! I5AHENTS TO BE VOTED ON ARMISTICE DAY PROGRAM 10 BE RENDERED HERE 1 General Airing Is Blue; Pulling For Republican Defeat -•".I. o ONERS 1 : 1 r ; • • •; x ; ; • •• : :
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