INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE BIOCATALYSIS-2015: BC - 2015 BIOCATALYSIS: FUNDAMENTALS & APPLICATIONS FUNDAMENTALS & APPLICATIONS June 21-26, 2015, Moscow Region, Russian Federation Preliminary Scientific Program June 21, 2015 10.30 - 13.30. Arrival and Registration of participants 13.30 - 14.30. Lunch 15.00. Opening of the Conference Chairpersons: Prof. Sergey Varfolomeyev and Prof. Vladimir Tishkov Opening Ceremony Lecture 1 Sergey Varfolomeyev Department of Chemical Enzymology, Chemistry Faculty, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation and N.M. Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Life of molecules at the extreme conditions Opening Ceremony Lecture 2 Alexander Gabibov Shemyakin & Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation and Chemistry Faculty, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation Modern Pharmacology: Magic bullet & combinatorial approaches 16.30-17.00. Coffee Break 17.00. Plenary Lecture 1 Vladimir Tishkov Department of Chemical Enzymology, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation; A.N. Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Federal Research Centre «Fundamentals of Biotechnology» of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation; Innovations and High Technologies MSU Ltd, Moscow; Russian Federation Protein engineering. New paradigm for creation of biocatalysts 17.40. Section 1.1. Structural aspects of biocatalysis Chairpersons: Prof. Alexander Gabibov and Prof. Hideyuki Hayashi 17.40-18.00 Hideyuki Hayashi Osaka Medical College, Japan "Super-closed” structure of aspartate aminotransferase unveils the mechanism for the substateinduced transaldimination process 5 18.00-18.20 Tatyana V. Demidkina Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Methionine gamma-lyase: structural bases of suicide inactivation by sulfoxides, potential antimicrobial prodrugs 18.20-18.40 Qingxiao Li University of Hawaii at Manoa, US Structural characterization of windmill palm (Trachycarpus fortunei) peroxidase with mass spectrometry 19.00. Get Together Party June 22, 2015 10.00. Plenary Lecture 2 Vladimir Popov A.N. Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Federal Research Centre «Fundamentals of Biotechnology» of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation and Protein Factory of NBICS-Centre of Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation Proteins of extremophilic microorganisms 10.40. Section 1.2. General Enzymology Chairpersons: Prof. Vladimir Muronetz and Prof. Gertz Likhtenshtein 10.40-11.00 Gertz Likhtenshtein Department of Chemistry Ben-Gurion University Beer-Sheva, Israel Multielectron processes in chemistry and biology - 45 years of history. In the memory of Professor A. E. Shilov 11.00-11.20 Vladimir Muronetz Belozersky Institute of Physicochemical Biology and Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation Isoenzymes of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase are a convenient model for the design of catalysts with biotechnological implications 11.20-11.40 Maria Zvereva Chemistry Faculty and A.N. Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation Unique features of telomerase from Hansenula polymorpha. 11.40-12.00 Elena Rodina Chemistry Faculty and A.N. Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation and European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Hamburg Outstation Crystal structure of an essential N-terminal domain of TERT from H. polymorpha 6 12.00-12.30. Coffee Break 12.30. Section 1.3. Biocatalysis: catalytic mechanism and protein engineering of enzymes Chairpersons: Prof. Vladimir Tishkov and Dr. Maria Zvereva 12.30-12.55 Anastasiya Alekseeva A.N. Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Federal Research Centre «Fundamentals of Biotechnology» of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation; Department of Chemical Enzymology, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation, Innovations and High Technologies MSU Ltd, Moscow; Russian Federation Formate dehydrogenases from eucaryotes 12.55-13.15 Ivan Kargov Department of Chemical Enzymology, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation A.N. Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Federal Research Centre «Fundamentals of Biotechnology» of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation; Innovations and High Technologies MSU Ltd, Moscow; Russian Federation Formate dehydrogenase from Staphylococcus aureus - unusual enzyme in FDH family 13.15-13.35 Elizaveta Gromova Chemistry Faculty, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation Murine DNA methyltransferase Dnmt3a: interaction with damaged DNA substrates 13.35-13.55 Olga Kost Department of Chemical Enzymology, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation Conformational fingerprinting” of blood angiotensin-converting enzyme in health and disease 14.00-15.00. Lunch 15.00. Plenary Lecture 3 Arkady Sinitsyn Department of Chemical Enzymology, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation A.N. Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Federal Research Centre «Fundamentals of Biotechnology» of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Pilot scale bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass scale 15.40. Session 2.1. Applied biocatalysis Chairpersons: Prof. Arkady Sinitsyn and Prof. Alexander Gusakov 15.40-16.00 Alexander Gusakov Department of Chemical Enzymology, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation A.N. Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Federal Research Centre «Fundamentals of Biotechnology» of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Modern approaches for development of highly effective multienzyme preparations for biomass conversion 7 16.00-16.20 Anna Kulminskaya National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute", St. Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation Fundamental and applied carbohydrate enzymology: the current status of the field 16.20-16.40 Aleksandra Rojkova A.N. Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Federal Research Centre «Fundamentals of Biotechnology» of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation; Department of Chemical Enzymology, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation Penicillium expression systems as a platform for the development of industrial enzymes 16.40-17.00 Evgenia Vlakh Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation Recombinant-xylosidase from Aspergillus awamori X-100 and grindamyl H121 xylanase immobilized on monolithic columns for combined degradation of xylan 17.00-17.20. Coffee Break 17.20. Section 1.4 Biocatalysis: catalytic mechanism and protein engineering of enzymes Chairpersons: Prof. Qingxiao Li and Prof. Elizaveta Gromova 17.20-17.40 Young Je Yoo Seoul National University, South Korea Understanding of structural factors for enzyme activity and stability and application to simultaneous enhancement of enzyme activity and organic solvent stability 17.40-18.00 Rosa Aisina Department of Chemical Enzymology, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation Structure and physiological functions of the plasminogen/plasmin system 18.00-18.15 Svetlana Shvetsova National Research Center «Kurchatov Institute», B.P. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Russian Federation;. St.Petersburg State Polytechnical University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation; N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation and V.N. Orekhovich Research Institute of Biomedical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Biochemical characterization of the novel 29GH alpha-L-fucosidase from Fusarium proliferatum LE1 18.15-18.30 Vitaly Koltover Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Nuclear Spin Catalysis in Living Nature 8 18.35-18.50 Galina Zakharova A.N. Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Federal Research Centre «Fundamentals of Biotechnology» of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation; Department of Chemical Enzymology, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation, Innovations and High Technologies MSU Ltd, Moscow; Russian Federation Refolding and protein engineering of tobacco peroxidase 18.50-19.05 Sophia Zarubina Department of Chemical Enzymology, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation A.N. Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Federal Research Centre «Fundamentals of Biotechnology» of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation; Innovations and High Technologies MSU Ltd, Moscow; Russian Federation New multi-point mutants of D-amino acid oxidase from yeast Trigonopsis variabilis June 23, 2015 10.00-10.35. Plenary Lecture 4 Aleksey Egorov Department of Chemical Enzymology, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation Bacterial antimicrobial resistance and ecology problems 10.40. Section 3.1. Analytical application of biocatalysis Chairpersons: Prof. Aleksey Egorov and Prof. Boris Dzantiev 10.40-11.00 Dzantiev Boris A.N. Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Federal Research Centre «Fundamentals of Biotechnology» of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Nanoparticles in immunoassays: Challenges and solutions 11.00-11.15 Alexandr Urusov A.N. Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Federal Research Centre «Fundamentals of Biotechnology» of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Immunomagnetic sorbents and their use in analytical systems 11.15-11.30 Nadezhda Taranova A.N. Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Federal Research Centre «Fundamentals of Biotechnology» of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Multiplex immunochromatographic assay 11.30-11.50 Ugarova Natalya Chemistry Faculty, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation Bioanalytical systems based on Bioluminescence resonance energy transfer using firefly luciferase 9 11.50-12.10 Ivan Zorov Department of Chemical Enzymology, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation ; A.N. Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Federal Research Centre «Fundamentals of Biotechnology» of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Analytical methods in the processes of bioconversion of renewable biomass 12.10-12.30. Coffee Break 12.30. Section 3.2. Analytical application of biocatalysis Chairpersons: Prof. Natalya Ugarova and Prof. Tatyana Shekhovtsova 12.30-12.50 Natalya Komarova Research and Production Complex "Technological Center" MIET, Russian Federation Enzymatic biosensor for detection of explosives developed from a versatile analytical microsystem 12.50-13.05 Irina Veselova Department of Analytical Chemistry, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation Оptical biosensing systems for the determination of biologically active compounds 13.05-13.20 Darya Vokhmyanina Department of Chemical Enzymology and Department of Analytical Chemistry, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation Bioelectrochemical analysis of exhaled breath condensate as a tool for non-invasive diagnostics 13.20-13.35 Egor Andreyev Department of Chemical Enzymology and Department of Analytical Chemistry, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation Electroanalytical system for microorganism detection in aerosol based on boronate-substitued polyaniline-modified interdigitated microelectrodes 13.35-13.50 Vita Nikitina Department of Chemical Enzymology and Department of Analytical Chemistry, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation Electrochemical synthesis of conducting polyanilineboronic acids for sensing applications 13.50-14.00 Maria Komkova Department of Chemical Enzymology and Department of Analytical Chemistry, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation Transition Metal (Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) Hexacyanoferrates in Hydrogen Peroxide Reduction Electrocatalysis 14.00-15.00. Lunch 10 15.00. Plenary Lecture 5 Vytas Švedas Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics and Belozersky Institute of Physicochemical Biology, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation Bioinformatic analysis of binding sites in protein superfamilies for design of selective inhibitors of enzymes from pathogens 15.30. Session 1.5. Bioinformatics and computation methods in biocatalysis Chairpersons: Prof. Vytas Svedas and Prof. Alexander Nemukhin 15.30-16.00 Patrik Masson Kazan Federal University, Neuropharmacology laboratory, Kazan, Russian Federation Slow, and slow tight-binding inhibition of enzymes: Reversible, quasi-irreversible, and irreversible mechanisms 16.00-16.20 Alexander Nemukhin Chemistry Faculty, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation Chemical Transformations in the Active Sites of Cholinesterases Modeled by Quantum-Based Simulations 16.20-16.40 Sofya Lushchekina Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, Moscow, Russian Federation; Chemistry Department, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, MoscowRussian Federation; Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation Polymorphism of human butyrylcholinesterase gene: molecular modelling of structure, dynamics and catalytic activity of allelozymes 16.40-17.00 Ekaterina Kots Chemistry Faculty, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation Catalytic cycle of aspartoacylase by the results of molecular dynamics and QM/MM simulations 17.00-17.20 Maria Khrenova Chemistry Faculty, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation Modeling GTP hydrolysis in Ras-GAP 17.20-17.40 Bella Grigorenko Chemistry Faculty, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation Modeling C-di-GMP Hydrolysis by Phosphodiesterases with the EAL Domain 17.40 – 18.00 Coffee Break 17.40-19.00 Poster Session 11 June 24, 2015 10.00. Plenary Lecture 6 Alain Friboulet Génie Enzymatique et Cellulaire, Sorbonne Université – Université de Technologie de Compiègne – CNRS, Compiègne cedex, France Catalytic antibodies: chemically laboratory-induced catalysts, randomly selected entities, environmentally-induced or constitutive physiopathological biocatalysts? 10.40. Section 5.1. Enzymes, ribozymes and proteins as drugs and vaccines. Chairpersons: Prof. Alain Friboulet and Prof. Thomas Haertle 10.40-11.10 Thomas Haertle Fonctions et Interactions des Protéines, BIA, Inst.Ntl Res. Agronomique, Nantes, France Inhibition of viral development by basic and basified proteins. 11.10-11.40 Alexander V. Maksimenko Institute of Experimental Cardiology, Russian Cardiology Research-and-Production Complex, Moscow, Russian Federation Orchestrator of vascular homeostasis and protector of vessel wall is endothelial glycocalyx. Modern and future tasks for sequential researches 11.40-12.00 Lubov Filatova Chemistry Faculty, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation Endolysins of staphylococcal phages: physicochemical properties and approaches towards stabilization 12.00-12.20 Edrei Cruz Laboratorio de Revaloracion de Residuos. Cinvestav Unidad Saltillo, Mexico Alliinase, the biocatalyst of garlic 12.20-12.40 Coffee Break 12.40. Section 7. Nanomedicine Chairpersons: 12.40-13.00 Vladimir Izumrudov Chemistry Faculty, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation Supercharged polycations and (bio)polyelectrolyte complexes 13.00-13.20 Nataliya Feoktistova Chemistry Faculty, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation pNIPAM-based porous thermo-sensitive microgels for drug delivery 12 13.20-13.40 Mariya Volokitina Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation Study of enzymatic degradation of PLA and PLA-nanoparticles 11.00 – 18.00 Parallel Session 3rd International school "NANO-2015" "Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies in Life Systems. Safety and Nanomedicine" Chairpersons: Prof. Natalia Klyachko and Dr. Elena Zaitseva Program to be pended 14.00-15.00 Lunch 15.00. Co-symposium "Esterase status for diagnostics and prognosis of OPC intoxications" Co-chairmen: Prof. C. Dishovsky, G. Makhaeva, Prof. I. Kurochkin. C. Dishovsky, Professor of Toxicology Military Medical Academy, Sofia, Bulgaria About the project " Esterase status for diagnostics and prognosis of OPC intoxications " N.P. Boltneva, N.V. Kovaleva, E.V. Rudakova, G.F. Makhaeva Institute of Physiologically Active Compounds Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, 142432, Russian Federation; e-mail: [email protected] Comparative study of esterase status of rodents and humans for exposure assessment to organophosphorus compounds. E.V. Rudakova, G.F. Makhaeva Institute of Physiologically Active Compounds Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, 142432, Russia Tel./Fax:+7 (496) 524 95 08; E-mail: [email protected] Mice blood neuropathy target esterase as biochemical marker for exposure to neuropathic organophosphorus compounds. G.F. Makhaeva1, E.V. Rudakova1, C. Dishovsky2 1 Institute of Physiologically Active Compounds Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, 142432, Russian Federation; E-mail: [email protected] 2 Military Medical Academy, Sofia, Bulgaria Esterase status as a complex biomarker of exposure to organophosphorus compounds. I. N. Kurochkin, Professor Department of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation Layer-by-layer electrochemical biosensors for blood esterase assay A.V. Eremenko Institute of Biochemical Physics Russian Academy od Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Portable biosensor system for choline esterases assay. N.L. Nechaeva, PhD student 13 Department of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation SERS-platform for detection of marker proteins and enzymatic activity. T.A. Prokopkina, 4th year student Department of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation Ag-based SERS substrates for cholinesterase activity detection. R. Guliev, PhD student, Institute of Biochemical Physics Russian Academy od Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Multiparametric statistical methods for the analysis of correlations between esterase activity and genetic polymorphism of esterases. 16.30 – 16.45 Coffee Break June 25, 2015 10.00-18.00. Co-symposium "Nanoplasmonics: sensoric and biosensoric applications" Co-chairmen: Prof. A. Lagarkov and Prof. I. Kurochkin. 12.00-12.15 и 16.00-16.15 Coffee Break Program to be pended For other participants 10.00 Excursion 14.00-15.00 Lunch June 26, 2015 10.00. Closing of Conference Chairpersons: Prof. Sergey Varfolomeyev and Prof. Vladimir Tishkov 15.00. Departure of participants 14
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