List of currently offered undergraduate classes of relevance to Bioengineering CH E 102: Biomaterials and Biosurfaces (Israelachvili, 3 units) Fundamentals of natural and artificial biomaterials and biosurfaces with emphasis on molecular level structure and function and the interactions of biomaterials and surfaces with the body. Design issues of grafts and biopolymers. Basic biological and biochemical systems reviewed for non-biologists. Not open for credit to students who have completed ChE 121. Recommended preparation: Basic physical chemistry, chemistry, physics, thermodynamics and biology. CH E 125: Principles of Bioengineering (Mitragotri, 3 units) Applications of engineering principles to biological and medical systems. Introduction to drug delivery, tissue engineering and modern biomedical devices. Design and applications of these systems are discussed. CH E 154: Engineering Approaches to Systems Biology (Doyle, 3 units) Applications of engineering tools and methods to solve problems in systems biology. Emphasis is placed on integrative approaches that address multi-scale and multi-rate phenomena in biological regulation. Modeling, optimization, and sensitivity analysis tools are introduced. Prerequisites: ChE 170 and Math 5A-B-C. CH E 170: Molecular and Cellular Biology for Engineers (Shell, 3 units) Introduction to molecular and cellular biology from an engineering perspective. Topics include protein structure and function, transcription, translation, post-translational processing, cellular organization, molecular transport and trafficking, and cellular models. Prerequisites: ChE 120A-B-C, ChE 140A, and Chem 109C. Not open for credit to students who have completed ChE 172. CH E 171: Introduction to Biochemical Engineering (Daugherty, 3 units) Introduction to biochemical engineering covering cell growth kinetics, bioreactor design, enzyme processes, biotechnologies for modification of cellular information, and molecular and cellular engineering. ME 128: Design of Biomedical Devices (Laguette, 3 units) Introductory course addresses the challenges of biomedical device design, prototyping and testing, material considerations, regulatory requirements, product documentation, and ethics. Prerequisites: ME 10, 14, 15, and 16; open to ME majors only ME 146: Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics (Valentine, 3 units) Course introduces fundamental concepts in molecular and cellular biomechanics. Will consider the role of physical, thermal and chemical forces, examine their influence on cell strength and elasticity, and explore the properties of enzymatically-active materials. MATRL 135: Biophysics and Biomolecular Materials (Safinya, 3 units) Structure and function of cellular molecules (lipids, nucleic acids, proteins, and carbohydrates). Genetic engineering techniques of molecular biology. Biomolecular materials and biomedical applications (e.g., bio-sensors, drug delivery systems, gene carrier systems). Prerequisite: Physics 5 or 6C or 25 MCDB 133: Molecular and Cellular Immunobiology (Sears, 5 units) Introduction to the current concepts of immunology. Emphasis on immunoglobulin structure and function, cell-cell cooperation in the immune response, and the role of major histocompatibility complex and cytokines in regulating immune responsiveness. Prerequisite: MCDB 101A with a grade of C or better List of currently offered Graduate classes of relevance to Bioengineering BMSE 201A: Protein Structure and Function (Plaxco, 2 units) Traces the physical interactions by which sequence-specific polypeptides attain a unique functional native state. Fold design, fold predictions, and protein folding kinetics are also discussed (Prerequisite: graduate standing) BMSE 202/CH E 202: Biomaterials and Biosurfaces (Israelachvili, 2 units) Fundamentals of natural and artificial biomaterials and biosurfaces with emphasis on molecular level structure and function and the interactions of biomaterials and surfaces with the body. Design issues of grafts and biopolymers. Basic biological and biochemical systems reviewed for nonbiologists. Prerequisites: consent of instructor. BMSE 203: Protein Engineering and Design (Reich, 3 units) Rational design of protein structure, activity, and stability. Current methods and applications of protein engineering including protein evolution, unnatural amino acids, and combinatorial methods. Prerequisites: consent of instructor. BMSE 215: Biophysical Thermodynamics (Plaxco, 2 units) An overview of those parts of chemical thermodynamics relevant to the study of biomolecules and biological systems. Topics include fundamental thermodynamics, experimental and theoretical tools and the thermodynamics of biopolymer structure formation. Prerequisite: undergraduate course in physical chemistry (e.g., Chemistry 113AB-C). BMSE 216B: Diffraction of Biological Molecules (Staff, 2 units) Single-crystal macromolecular crystallography methods; crystal growth, geometric and physical basis of diffraction, approaches to phasing and refinement. X-ray and neutron solution scattering. Prerequisite: one year of undergraduate biochemistry (e.g., MCDB 108A-B-C), one quarter of undergraduate physical chemistry (e.g., Chemistry 142A-B-C, Chemistry 113A). BMSE 217: Electrostatics of Biopolymers (Pincus, 2 units) Electrostatics of highly charged surfaces in contact with a polar solvent with application to biopolymers (e.g. DNA, f-actin). Prerequisite: knowledge of elementary ideas and methods of electrostatics and statistical mechanics. BMSE/CHEM 244: Informational Macro- and Supra- Molecules (Jaeger, 2 units) Selected topics at the interface of chemistry and biology: informational molecular coding, molecular machines, self-assembling and self-replicating molecular systems, evolution and selection of molecules with binding of catalytic properties, and biopolymer based materials; special emphasis on cutting-edge technologies. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor BMSE/EEMB 247: Quantitative Methods in Biology (Briggs, 3 units) A review of quantitative methods required to develop models of biological and ecological systems. Topics illustrated through computer exercises. Recommended: one year of calculus or consent of instructor BMSE 250: Bionanotechnology (Fygenson, 2 units) Introduction to macromolecular assemblies and force generation strategies. Topics may also include but are not limited to: conformations and behavior of protein polymers; nucleic acid superstructures and membranes; structure, motility and mechanism of linear and rotary motor proteins; and macromolecular switches. Recommended preparation: background in biochemistry and molecular biology. BMSE 251: Biopharmaceutical Process Engineering (Daugherty, 2 units) An introduction to the design bioprocess for large-scale production of biopharmaceuticals. Emphasis is placed upon biopharmaceutical products, protein expression systems, host cell optimization, and reactor selection and design. Prerequisite: Math 5A or equivalent; background in biochemistry. BMSE 252: Principles of Bioengineering (Mitragotri, 2 units) An overview of various aspects of bioengineering including modeling of physiological functions, biomedical devices, drug delivery, and tissue engineering. BMSE 253: Analytical Biotechnology (Soh, 3 units) Develops fundamental understanding behind modern methods of biotechnology. Topics include theoretical treatment of the double layer, electrophoresis, polymerase chain reaction, modern optics, and fluorescence. In addition, case studies of contemporary emerging trends are discussed. Prerequisites: Graduate standing. Recommended preparation: MEE 291A BMSE/CH E 255: Methods in Systems Biology (Doyle, 3 units) Fundamentals of dynamic network organization in biology (genes, metabolites). Emphasis on mathematical approaches to model and analyze complex biophysical network systems. Detailed case studies demonstrating successes of systems biology. Basic biological systems reviewed for non-biologists. Prerequisites: prior course work in cellular biology and mathematics; consent of instructor BMSE/MATRL 272: Mechanical Force and Biomolecules (Saleh, 3 units) Explores single-molecule biophysics and the role of mechanical force in biomolecular behavior. Emphasis is placed on modern experimental techniques and the effects of mechanical stress on DNA conformation, protein unfolding, and force-generation by motor proteins. Recent literature is used throughout. Prerequisites: none BMSE/MATRL 276A: Biomolecular Materials I: Structure and Function (Safinya, 3 units) Survey of classes of biomolecules (lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids). Structure and function of molecular machines (enzymes for biosynthesis, motors, pumps). Prerequisites: consent of instructor BMSE/MATRL 276B: Biomolecular Materials II: Applications (Safinya, 3 units) Interactions and self-assembly in biomolecular materials; chemical and drug delivery systems; tissue engineering; protein synthesis using recombinant nucleic acid methods; advanced materials development; and non-viral gene therapy. Prerequisites: Physics 135 or Matrl 276A
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