Sándor Hennel, major.1 ANALYSIS OF THE CAPACITY OF THE HUNGARIAN AVIATION INDUSTRY INTRODUCTORY NOTES With the end of the cold war the ’enemy’ has changed, which was a milestone in the field of security policy and also changed the contemporary status quo. The military role of Hungary has also altered significantly as the result of the regime change. Today the Hungarian Defense Force has not only duties related to the defense of Hungary, but also shall comply with new standard as a NATO member, facing new dangers, risks and challenges. Today, in addition to our role as a member in the international cooperation the defense of our home country becomes a leading issue again. The primary goals are the air support of the territorial defense units and the land forces, and also the development of the cooperation with the existing aircraft. We are taking part in non-war operations more frequently than before, complying with our NATO obligations; in respect of the air reconnaissance, observation and controlling activities there is a need for cheaper and low-maintenance military equipment. The National Aviation Strategy analyses thoroughly the situation of the Hungarian aviation and offers a program for answering the current questions of coordination, development, manufacturing, finance and the legal background. Regarding the topic examined in the present paper, it aims the establishment of the production capacity of a lowspeed military aircraft for training and reconnaissance purposes as a medium-term plan.2 The aim of the present paper is the filling of the gap that emerged by the withdrawal of some older aircrafts with new equipments, and also the finding of new cost-effective ways, and the examination and analysis of the opportunities of the development and manufacturing in Hungary based on the current and contemporary requirements. THE ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE OPERATION OF MILITARY AND CIVIL AIRCRAFTS By the examination of the period in service of the previously in the Hungarian Defense Force operated and then withdrawn military transport helicopters the conclusion is that it was barely 150 hours per year.3 This data is practically true for other military aircrafts, since their operation and usage is similar. This result is surprising, because the period in service in case of civil small aircraft traffic is 300-500 hours, in spite of the inappropriate weather conditions that characterize a significant part of the year. Also the ratio of the night flights is lower in the civil small aircraft traffic, which is also an affecting factor. The civil heavy jet air traffic is much similar to the above military examples, as for example at MALÉV, the required 1 The author is PhD student of NKE KMDI, he graduated in 2001 in BME Transportation Engineering and earned a degree in aerospace. [email protected] 2 Nemzeti Légügyi Stratégia http://www.szrfk.hu/letoltes/nemzeti_legugyi_stratgia.pdf page 61. 3 Kenyeres Dénes: Mi-8 típusú közepes szállítóhelikopterek a Magyar Haderőben 1969-2009. Kecskemét, 2010. page 527-531. 1 hours of flight was above 2000 hours per year in the late eighties. At other profit-oriented airlines this number is even higher; it can reach 3000-3500 hours per year. However, in our case not exactly the numeric data but rather the characteristic itself is important. It is clear that the basic task of the profit oriented undertakings is the maximization of the income; and therefore, the decrease of the costs of the flight per hour. The cost of the flight per hour entails two components: a constant (fuel, parts, maintenance) and an altering component (such as the purchase price of the plane, interests, rent of the hangar, wage of employees, and amortization). The cost of flight per hour may be kept low obviously by the exploitation of the plane with the highest possible hours of flights (as shown by Chart 1). The constant component of the cost does not vary, as for example the cost of fuel is permanent; however, the altering component decreases significantly. Chart 1: In case of TBN-850 light aircraft cost of flight per hour depending on the annual flight time (Source: http://www.honvedelem.hu/container/files/attachments/36380/kl_2012-1.pdf downloaded: May 20, 2013) Chart 1 also shows that by the increase of the hours of flight per year the cost of flight per year decreases exponentially and converges to the fix cost of the fuel-maintenance. In case of a lower number of hours of flight the ratio of the cost of purchase is much higher than that of the fuel. Consequently, the equipments not frequently used worth to be purchased on a lower price or be used with a higher hours of flight per year. The other factor is the higher risk level (present both in peace and war time) that means the relatively drastic increase of the cost of purchase in case of an equipment is dropped out too early and unexpectedly. Therefore, the high number of hours of flight per year means a relatively low cost of flight per hour and thus a high efficacy in the civil aviation. 2 Chart 2: The Socata TBM-850 hour of flight distribution of costs in 400 hour annual flight time4 (Source: http://www.honvedelem.hu/container/files/attachments/36380/kl_2012-1.pdf downloaded: May 20, 2013) Within the Defense Force the above analysis of costs is based on a similar method, since the role of fuel, parts, wages, and purchase price is the same in this field of aviation as well in respect of the economic analysis. Although there is a significant difference considering the requirement of the permanent preparedness of the military aircraft; there must be a given number of aircraft in a standby system. This means that the deployability of the aircraft must be guaranteed permanently; on one hand the possible immediate takeoff, and on the other the technical availability, and the later deployability (after some maintenance work). Conclusively, the Defense Force primarily aims the longest possible standby state, and not the optimal daily hours of flight.5 We also have to mention that there are several opportunities offered by the special operation system of the military aviation that are not exploited yet. The standby status, the preparation for a catastrophic emergency in a broader sense, or for the fulfillment of our obligations as NATO members or even for a war conflict on Hungary’s territory, are all justifying the concept and necessity for a volunteer reserve force. Because of the basic system of the organization the costs of the maintenance of a standby situation are lower in comparison to that of the maintenance of the military staff under contract. The application of the civil profession and a less active military service may also result in an appropriate training standard beside the military exercises. These allegations are particularly applicable in the field of aviation. Both the National Guard of the United States having a long history and the reserve system in Switzerland are good examples in order to prove that the self defense 4 TBM-850 Direct Operating Costs www.tbm850.com (2011.01.15. 10:00) Hennel Sándor okl. mk. szds. Többfeladatú könnyű repülőgép vegyes katonai polgári alkalmazásának gazdaságossági vizsgálata Katonai Logisztika 20. évfolyam 2012.1. szám 5 3 duties (reserve pilots, aircraft engineers) can be well maintained within the civil life. Also for the individuals taking part in the program the system can be very beneficial, since it offers financial acknowledgement and existence by the state benefits, and the employers are getting tax relief. It is also worth to examine (based on the same considerations) how the exploitation of the technical equipments applied in the economic life can be realized in civil life, and how is it possible to utilize civil equipments for military purpose. Following the logical chain also the possibility of the development of dual, civilian-military equipments may be considered. An excellent example can be the practice of the Swiss defense force regarding the purchase and operation of military trucks, which also applies both military and civilian participation: The purchase of the motor vehicle is based on a joint bearing of the costs of both the military and civilian party and then the undertaker – and also the reserve soldier as a motor vehicle driver – operates the motor vehicle in the period of the necessary military deployment (E.g. military practice). Then it joins the military force together with the truck and (for a fix time based on the contract) it conducts military tasks. This economic construction does not only reduce the cost of keeping some military forces deployable significantly, but also helps to fulfill the preconditions of the entering of the market in the civil life by the shipping undertaker. In the volunteer reserve system the standby state and the deployment based on necessity are key principles. The technical preconditions of the necessary standby status have an outstandingly high cost at the air force. In spite of the necessity, the reducing of the costs related to the developments and maintenance of the aviation technique is a serious challenge for the military and political military leaders. The necessary cost efficiency was applied by the reducing of the hours of flight in the recent decades (and we do not only consider the years after the regime change) by the parallel (partial) maintenance of deployability. By the change of risks and dangers the need for deployabilty also decreased, that caused the decrease in the number of aircrafts and the withdrawal of whole type ranges and skills. Within the frames of this paper my aim is also to examine the optimal organizational and technical conditions of the feasibility of a civilian-military dual operation in the most soft category of the aviation technique, in the case of light aircrafts that keeps on a high level the hours of flight per year and also ensures the permanent standby state for the military. The aimed system of the aimed civilian-military dual deployment shows a need for light aircraft applicable for both civil and military tasks. APPLICABILITY REQUIREMENTS OF MILITARY LIGHT AIRCRAFTS The arming and the achievement of applicability for a military purpose of a civil deployed light aircraft is a realizable task as supported by many practical examples. However, this is not true vice versa, since there are basically different mechanical and engineering requirements in case of military deployment compared to the civilian. The application of these special features is not always possible at all, or only with a significant mechanical loss and on a high cost. Because of their original function the military aircrafts are made basically for war-related operations, armed conflicts and catastrophe defense. This type of preparedness and application, the task-based thinking and the importance of the security of our own needs technical equipments (in comparison to those of civil flights) and special actions; e.g. among bad weather circumstances they work by the application of night vision equipment, they fly in on a low altitude, and using an extraordinary sharp profile to decrease during departure. These actions increase the level of safety in order to execute the actual tasks and to survive but decrease the safety of the flights. Conclusively, the duties of military and 4 civil aviation differ in many respects; therefore, a special aircraft is needed for the military tasks in itself as well. Basically two groups may be formed from the requirements set for the aircrafts deployed by the Defense Force. On one hand they are newly emerged needs that have just been pointed out in the recent decade with the development of science and technique, on the other hand such requirements were set out that have also been phrased previously and now they are rephrased, as well their significance was reassessed. The new requirements of the Hungarian Defense Force beside the extension of certain segments functioning also previously: on the field of military operation and in defense operations in peace time the need for tasks not requiring an airport, and relating to light aircraft air transport, operation support, reconnaissance, military training, target flight, airborne command post, light strike, protection, paratrooper, territory defense has strengthened. The achievement of the air superiority by the fighter aircrafts, and the gaining of the aviation domination is the basis of all significant military application today. It is clear that the full control over the air space is necessary for the winning of a war, but it is not sufficient in itself. The activity of the ground forces is significant also and as well the support of other aircraft and aircrafts is needed. The operation out of the airport is a basic issue of the modern warfare.6 The airport is on the territory affected by the operation or in the hinterland and thus is a primary target since its value and that it is a hardly protectable object. We have to calculate with the risks of the operation from vulnerable airports since the Six Day War. On the other hand in the operation against the non-regular forces the fast intervention and the mobility, deployment of smaller units of helicopters or light aircrafts, convoys accompany, air cover, and the guarantee of supply is necessary.7 There are valuable possibilities in the use of public highways as landing strips. This idea was present previously by the plans and operation of several planes, for example in case of the SAAB planes planned for highways (JAS-39) or in the case of the Swedish temporary airports on Swedish highways. Such circumstances of the operation have to be considered by the planning of the plane, since that may be influence significantly the construction itself.8 In the profile of the light aircraft airports the transport and delivery capability is a significant aspect of multifunctionality. The introduction of lighter aircrafts with an appropriate transport capacity, mobility and with a small enough size for direct supporting and navy practice tasks would open up new dimensions for the rise of the missionary activity and the training. A plane that is applicable for the transport of 6-8 persons is for example applicable in a European peacekeeper mission also taking the range limits into account (E.g. Balkan missions). Within the Hungarian Defense Force the applicability for paratroop training jumps is a special segment of transportation capacity. One characteristic of the present paratroop training is presently that most of the jumps are made from helicopters, that overloads the period of service of the helicopters and is extremely expensive. The purchase and operation by the Defense Force of some planes with a transport capacity for 6-8 persons and with an appropriate door for parachute jumps would relieve effectively the otherwise relatively very expensively operated and supplied service with a very few fuel backup. The military application of light aircrafts is followed by more requirements towards the engines of the light aircraft. The application of the gas turbines below 500 kW offers a 6 Hennel Sándor: Légi járművek repülőtéren kívüli szükségleszállóhelyeinek harcászati korlátai, alkalmazhatósága, kialakulásuknak körülményei. ZMNE Repüléstudományi konferencia, Szolnok. 2010. 7 Turcsányi Károly – Hegedűs Ernő: A légideszant II. Ejtőernyős-, helikopteres- és repülőgépes deszantok a modernkori hadviselésben (1945-2010). Puedlo Kiadó, Budapest, 2010. 8 Peták György – Szabó József A GRIPEN PETIT REAL KÖNYVKIADÓ Budapest, 2003. 5 worse efficacy in case of piston engines; therefore, the consumption is significantly worse, especially when just partially loaded. Also, the detectability of the diesel engine with infra technique is on a low level, since the temperature of the exhaust gas and also its quantity is significantly below that of the gas turbines and is lower with 30% as that of the Otto-motor. In the 1990’-ies the market of the civil light aircrafts has found the opportunities of the diesel engines operable with kerosene – basically because of the increase of the cost of the European aviation fuel and the significant price difference between that and kerosene. The development of diesel aviation engine is based today mostly on the auto industry. Since the diesel engines developed for private cars have developed significantly in the recent years, the reliability and the performance-mass ratio increased to a value also acceptable for flying. Today many planes are also available with diesel engine, being applicable for flights with a commercial purpose or for military use, and have with authorized license. The liquid heating, turbocharged diesel motors are also applicable with kerosene or gas oil.9 Fig. 1: Diamond DA-42 TwinStar light aircraft with Thielert Centurion 1.7 diesel engine (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thielert_Centurion downloaded: May 12, 2013) The consumption of a diesel engine light aircraft is much favorable (25-30 liter per hour) than that of its fuel competition (30-35 litre/h). The price of kerosene, diesel oil, aviation fuel differs from each other significantly. In the case of kerosene operation the significant difference between the prices of fuels increases efficacy (The price of 100LL aviation fuel and the JET A-1 kerosene show a ratio of 2:5 according to the European experiences). However, gas oil is only applicable in limited number of events, since the temperature on high altitude (below 5 °C clear kerosene has to be applied). 9 Hennel Sándor: A dízelmotor felhasználásának lehetőségei a katonai repülésben Honvédségi Szemle 2011. szeptember 65. évf. 5. sz. 6 Today the ensuring of the appropriate amount of aviation fuel or gas oil is a difficult logistic task even in a modern equipped airport it is even more difficult than in case of the public traffic. Since the aviation fuel 100LL is not even manufactured in Hungary, we have to export kerosene in order to comply with the Single Fuel Conception of the NATO and a NATO directive as well. Consequently, it is not easy for a military light aircraft to comply with the complex requirements applicable for it. If we set out a complex regulation and the airplane should both comply with provisions for civil and military requirements, the airplane construction must be much more complex and applicable for multiple functions. In spite of the complex requirements today many types of light aircraft are applied around the globe in air forces of several nations. THE OPPORTUNITIES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OPERATED LIGHT AIRCRAFT OF THE MILITARY-CIVILIAN DUAL The most obvious way of the cost-effective operation of the air force is the cooperation between the civil and military aviation. The military and at the same time civilian use of the same aircraft (similar to the Swiss model of truck purchase and operation) would make possible the economic growth in several functions. In case of domestic development and manufacturing the costs could be decreased more significantly. The development and the manufacturing would result in the development of other segments also important from civilian aspect. Within the development itself two directions can be distinguished: organizational and mechanical development. Regarding the organizational development, the civil pilots and technicians as the members of the volunteer reserve forces would take part in the training, in the practice of special military tasks in two days per month, and in two weeks per year with planes in their ownership. Meanwhile they would function as undertakers making profit for themselves and also indirectly for the state. The legal relationship between the state (in this case the Hungarian Defense Force) and the undertaker would be established by a contract. In case of actual deployment the soldiers would receive a wage set out before and also their costs would be reimbursed. The low operational cost arises from the special characteristics of the specific types and the experience gained from the commercial aviation and the maintenance of it could result in an outstandingly high cost-efficiency. The basic and special experiences and knowledge can be gained also by commercial aviation and they also can maintain their knowledge. (The Defense Force still uses this method according to special circumstances when several different tasks are connected in the form of “complexed tasks” and also in the case of manual [not autopilot] practice that is prescribed for pilots working in the public traffic.) It is important to point out that even though in the concept of dual exploitation the larger part of the costs would not be borne by the military forces, the professional preparedness and the technical equipment would comply with the highest standards. The applicable contract could also contain a clause that sets out that the pilots shall execute a certain number among their commercial flights according to military standards and provisions (e.g. by low altitude or night flights with the application of night vision equipments). As to the mechanical development; the planes can be manufactured in domestic production in 80% (chart 1 shows that the price of the plane and the hours of flight per year have a clear relationship with the operational costs). 7 The domestic manufacturing of the planes is feasible, mostly by the exploitation of the already existing auto industry import background, and in a smaller segment by the establishment of new organizational plants. The 80% domestic manufacturing is a very important factor, since it produces profit indirectly for the same party (state) that finances the project. Today there are more corporations accredited in line with standard AS/EN 9100 present in Hungary that can be involved in such a program. In the future the accreditation of the already existing industrial background can extend this circle. I also would like to mention several examples from the most significant aviation capacities. The Flytech Aviation Technique LLP (Flytech Repüléstechnikai Kft.) manufactures airframes in a hall of 6700 square meters with 62 employees for Comco Ikarus GmbH and Diamond which are leading firms on the market of German ultralight airplanes (previously they have also manufactures the airframe of Sokia UAV10.) The Corvus Aircraft Kft. manufactures light aircrafts for one or two persons by a vacuum Prepreg Nomex sandwich, and Kevlar-carbon hybrid composite technology. The firm also develops explosion proof fuel tank and build in an aircraft parachute. The latter one may also be a prerequisite of military applicability. 11 Fig. 2. Two-seater Corvus Phantom RG with retractable landing gear (Source: http://www.innov-air.com/?id=News3 downloaded: May 22, 2013) Important factors are from this aspect the domestic Mercedes, Suzuki and Opel auto factories. Also the Rába Járműipari Holding Nyrt. is a stabile ground from this aspect on the side of state owned factories. The presence of the factory and the development team of Audi engine manufacturing makes the purchase of the engine of the aircrafts also available in Hungary and also makes possible the transformation of a motor engine to an aircraft engine (duplicated engine control electronics). The V12 TDI turbocharged diesel engine of the Audi Factory has a 6,0 liter cylinder swept volume, is twelve cylindered, with a common-rail injection system, 368 kW (500 LE) performance, and can be transformed into an aircraft 10 Hajdú Ferenc – Sárhidai Gyula: A Magyar Királyi Honvéd Haditechnikai Intézettől a HM Technológiai Hivatalig. Honvédelmi Minisztérium, Budapest, 2005. page 188-192. 11 Hennel Sándor: A repülésben használt dízelmotorok Katonai Logisztika 20.évfolyam 2012.3. szám 8 engine already. The material of the aluminum engine block casted with a special technology makes possible to keep the structural mass on a low standard, and also the favorable 210 g/kWh consumption allows further weight reduction. Its high performance and small weight makes this type an ideal aircraft engine. Accordingly, its transformation into an aircraft engine has been under processing under the name Raiklin RED-3 in Germany. Fig. 3. Yak-52 with Raikhlin RED-3 diesel engine (Source: http://www.airventure.de/news_aero_2010.htm downloaded: May 28, 2013) The guaranteeing of the ability of switch to the war production of the domestic undertakings taking part in the producing is a state interest. With the support of the Defense Force or the state it could help the undertakings lacking enough capital according to the military interest beside the performance of its tasks based on its basic designation; therefore, there is no need that the Defense Force invests from its own sources to civil and military developments. Similar to several other NATO members, this system could also be supported by financial support of the European Union by taking part on tenders and in R+D programs.12 A new concept shall be realized when designing an airplane optimized for the given tasks. In this category the civil aircrafts are equipped with military equipment and weapons, and made applicable for military purposes later. In our case, such design directives shall be followed that aim the solution of primarily military problems and characteristics, and besides also the opportunity of civil exploitations shall be ensured. There is a favorable share of costs of development, authorization and manufacturing already at a number of thirty planes. The planned number by taking the further interests (military, police, agricultural, public transport, catastrophe defense, chemical or radiation 12 Hideg Mihály: Hol van szüksége Magyarországnak kutatásra és fejlesztésre a légiközlekedés-repüléstechnika területén? Nemzeti Kutatási és Technológiai Hivatal "Felszíni és Légi Közlekedés” c. konferencia. Budapest, 2007.február.16. 9 reconnaissance 13) into consideration is over 200. In my opinion, in the unit that would be set up within the volunteer reserve force of the Hungarian Defense Force there would be thirty airplanes from which eight would be owned by the state operated by professional soldiers and twenty-two would be owned by civilians in dual civil and military use. Thus, more hundred of experts and engineers could be involved in the volunteer reserve staff with own equipments and task system. The basis would be set up on a military airport that would not increase the further expenses. Beside the concept of the dual exploitation of the civil aircrafts the planes would take part in the air traffic on different parts of the country in on civil airports according to an thoroughly elaborated positioning concept. These positions on different airports of the country would ensure the low destroyability and also the local deployability of the domestic forces. In order to set up the above system, the favorable light aircraft shall be applicable for more kinds of tasks within a system of different variable, suspendable, insertable container system (E.g. reconnaissance, target, machine gun containers) with low establishment and maintenance costs. Beside the capacity of 800 kg of the airplane its maximal take-off weight shall be below 2250 kg. The fuselage may contain six seats since its commercial use. The design of the airframe and the gear shall make possible the take-off and landing to and from low quality ground. The drive complying with the Single Fuel Conception of the NATO shall be preferred (diesel piston engine or gas turbine complying with the category) as well as every solution that makes the civil and military exploitation easier.14 (E.g. low reconnessainceability, noise, temperature, radar image, autonomous navigation, better parameters than the planned ones and other special abilities complying with the state interest). We have to emphasize that the primarily aspect is the exploitation of the domestic R+D results and capacities in case of realization. SUMMARY The altered political, military and scientific background justifies the introduction of new weapons. The change of the enemy, the improvement of the efficacy of the operation, our tasks in the alliance of the NATO, the asymmetric warfare justifies the search for new methods and ways. The main solution for the effective exploitation of airplanes is the dual civil and military exploitation. In order to comply with the newly emerged tasks and circumstances an outstandingly effective and also cost-effective system shall be set up by the deployment of the civilian-military dual exploited planes. Multifunctioning may be ensured by the application of a container system. The recommended aircraft would not be able to have the exact same capacity as fighter aircrafts or military helicopters, but they would fulfill several tasks more effectively also in respect of expenses, by compliance with the newly emerged requirements. In my opinion, the set up of a new unit shall be take place within the frames of the volunteer reserve force, the aircrafts of which could be then exploited both for civil and military purposes. By keeping the ratio of 50-50 % in the ownership relations effectiveness and economic advantages would be ensured for the military and the competitiveness would be strengthened in the side of the civilian party. The aircrafts could be manufactured in domestic production, with low costs especially for these dual tasks. The domestic industry is able to fulfill this task. 13 Gyulai Gábor: A vegyi jelző- és sugárzásmérő eszközök és hálózatok fejlesztési irányai a megújult HKR-ben résztvevő erők igényei figyelembevételével In.: Honvédelmi Katasztrófavédelmi Rendszer fejlesztésének lehetőségei a MH szervezeti változásai és megnövekedett külföldi szerepvállalása figyelembevételével. Honvédelmi Minisztérium, Budapest, 2007. page 93. 14 Single Fuel Conception: STANAG 4362 10 The operation of the expensive military equipments and infrastructure kept in standby status (transportation airplanes and airports) in a dual system (civil, military, healthcare etc.) makes the improvement of efficacy possible and would also offer a new way regarding the long-term financing and development of military organizations. LITERATURE Federal Business Opportunities. www.fedbizopps.gov (2011.01.15. 10:00) Gyulai Gábor: A vegyi jelző- és sugárzásmérő eszközök és hálózatok fejlesztési irányai a megújult HKR-ben résztvevő erők igényei figyelembevételével In.: Honvédelmi Katasztrófavédelmi Rendszer fejlesztésének lehetőségei a MH szervezeti változásai és megnövekedett külföldi szerepvállalása figyelembevételével. Honvédelmi Minisztérium, Budapest, 2007. Hajdú Ferenc – Sárhidai Gyula: A Magyar Királyi Honvéd Haditechnikai Intézettől a HM Technológiai Hivatalig. Honvédelmi Minisztérium, Budapest, 2005. Hennel Sándor: A dízelmotor felhasználásának lehetőségei a katonai repülésben Honvédségi Szemle 2011. szeptember 65/5 Hennel Sándor: Légi járművek repülőtéren kívüli szükségleszállóhelyeinek harcászati korlátai, alkalmazhatósága, kialakulásuknak körülményei. ZMNE Repüléstudományi konferencia, Szolnok. 2010. Hennel Sándor: Többfeladatú könnyű repülőgép vegyes katonai polgári alkalmazásának gazdaságossági vizsgálata Katonai Logisztika 20. évfolyam 2012.1. szám Hennel Sándor: A repülésben használt dízelmotorok Katonai Logisztika 20.évfolyam 2012.3. szám Hideg Mihály: Hol van szüksége Magyarországnak kutatásra és fejlesztésre a légiközlekedésrepüléstechnika területén? Nemzeti Kutatási és Technológiai Hivatal "Felszíni és Légi Közlekedés” c. konferencia. Budapest, 2007.február.16. Kenyeres Dénes: Mi-8 típusú közepes szállítóhelikopterek a Magyar Haderőben 1969-2009. Kecskemét, 2010. Miloš Brabenec: Csapás a harmadik dimenzióból. Zrínyi Katonai Kiadó, Budapest, 1972. Nemzeti légügyi Stratégia http://www.szrfk.hu/letoltes/nemzeti_legugyi_stratgia.pdf 2013.06.02. 61.oldal Peták György – Szabó József: A GRIPEN PETIT REAL KÖNYVKIADÓ Budapest, 2003. Single Fuel Conception: STANAG 4362 TBM-850 Direct Operating Costs www.tbm850.com (2011.01.15. 10:00) Turcsányi Károly – Hegedűs Ernő: A légideszant II. Ejtőernyős-, helikopteres- és repülőgépes deszantok a modernkori hadviselésben (1945-2010). Puedlo Kiadó, Budapest, 2010. ISBN: 978 963 249 124 0 11
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