Books--- December 17, 2012 NORTHWEST INDIANA WOODWORKERS ASSOCIATION There is a $2.00 per item per month fine for overdue material. The new books are printed in red. Router B -- 1.2---------Router Projects - Volume 1----------------------------------------- Robert R. Rosendahl B -- 1.3---------Router Projects - Volume 2----------------------------------------- Robert R. Rosendahl B -- 1.4---------Router Projects - Volume 3----------------------------------------- Robert R. Rosendahl B -- 1.5---------Router Projects - Volume 7----------------------------------------- Robert R. Rosendahl B -- 1.6---------Router Projects - Volume 8----------------------------------------- Robert R. Rosendahl B -- 1.7---------Router Projects - Volume 9----------------------------------------- Robert R. Rosendahl B -- 1.8---------Woodworking With the Router ------------------------------------- Bill Hylton and Fred Matlack B -- 1.9---------Making Wood Bowls with a Router & Scroll Saw ------------- Patrick Spielman & Carl Roehl B -- 1.10-------Routing and Shaping------------------------------------------------- Time Life Books Turning B -- 2.1---------Turning Techniques And Projects You Can Make------------ Wood B -- 2.2---------Turning Wooden Toys ----------------------------------------------- Terry Lawrence B -- 2.4---------Intermediate Woodturning Projects------------------------------- Woodturning Magazine B -- 2.5---------Woodturning: A Designer’s Notebook---------------------------- Ray Key B -- 2.7---------Projects for Woodturners-------------------------------------------- Chris Child’s B -- 2.8---------Turn a Bowl------------------------------------------------------------- Ernie Conover B -- 2.10-------Segmented Wood Turning------------------------------------------ William Smith B -- 2.11-------Turning Projects------------------------------------------------------- Richard Raffan B -- 2.12-------Carving on Turning --------------------------------------------------- Chris Pye B -- 2.13-------Shapes For Woodturners ------------------------------------------- David Weldon B -- 2.17-------The Fundamentals of Woodturning------------------------------- Mike Darlow B -- 2.19-------Learn To Turn---------------------------------------------------------- Barry Gross Table Saw B -- 3.1---------Table Saw Basics----------------------------------------------------- Roger W. Cliffe B -- 3.2---------The Table Saw Book------------------------------------------------- Kelly Mehler Scroll Saw B -- 4.1.1 ------Scroll Saw Techniques & Projects You Can Make ----------- Wood B -- 4.2---------Using the Scroll Saw------------------------------------------------- Nick Engler B -- 4.3---------Scroll Saw Basics----------------------------------------------------- Patrick Spielman B -- 4.4---------Scroll Saw Pattern Book -------------------------------------------- Patrick Spielman B -- 4.5---------Victorian Scroll Saw Patterns -------------------------------------- Patrick Spielman B -- 4.7---------The Art of the Scroll Saw-------------------------------------------- Patrick Spielman B -- 4.9---------Scroll Saw Holiday Patterns---------------------------------------- Patrick Spielman B -- 4.10-------Christmas Scroll Saw Patterns ------------------------------------ Patrick & Patricia Spielman B -- 4.11-------Scroll Saw Shelf Patterns------------------------------------------- Patrick Spielman & Loren Raty B -- 4.12-------Scroll Saw Toy Projects --------------------------------------------- Ivor Carlyle B -- 4.13-------Holiday Scroll Saw Music Boxes---------------------------------- Rick & Karen Longabaugh B -- 4.14-------Western Scroll Saw and Inlay Patterns-------------------------- Joe & Paige Paisley B -- 4.15-------3D Scroll Saw Patterns & Techniques--------------------------- Henry Berns B -- 4.16-------Scroll Saw Relief ------------------------------------------------------ Marilyn Carmin B -- 4.17-------400 Full-Size Mini-Clock Patterns -------------------------------- Rick & Karen Longabaugh Scroll Saw B -- 4.18-------128 Compound Scroll Saw Patterns ----------------------------- Sam Keener B -- 4.20-------Scroll Saw Segmentation ------------------------------------------- Patrick Spielman B -- 4.21-------Collapsible Basket Patterns ---------------------------------------- Rick and Karen Longabaugh B -- 4.22-------Scroll Saw Holiday Puzzles ---------------------------------------- Tony and June Burns B -- 4.23-------Artistic Wildlife Projects for the Scroll Saw --------------------- Marilyn Carmin B -- 4.24-------Classic Fretwork Scroll Saw Patterns---------------------------- Patrick Spielman & James Reidle Drill Press B -- 5.1---------The Drill Press Book ------------------------------------------------- R.J. De Cristoforo Band Saw B -- 6.1---------Band Saw Projects --------------------------------------------------- Tom Crabb B -- 6.2---------Building Beautiful Boxes With Your Bandsaw ----------------- Lois Keener Ventura B -- 6.5---------Cutting Edge Band Saw tips & tricks----------------------------- Kenneth Burton B -- 6.6---------Band Saw Handbook------------------------------------------------- Mark Duginske Stringed Instrument B 7.1 Violin and Fiddle – Technical Manual for Builder & Apprentice-----Carl A. Mills B 7.2 Make Your Own Electric Guitar & Bass------------------------- Waring & Raymond Cabinetry B -- 11.1-------Cabinetry Basics ------------------------------------------------------ Sam Allen B -- 11.3-------Display Cabinets You Can Make---------------------------------- Jeff Greef B -- 11.4-------Bookcases and Shelves--------------------------------------------- Woodsmith B -- 11.8-------The Fine Art of Cabinetmaking ------------------------------------ James Krenov B -- 11.9-------Cabinetry---------------------------------------------------------------- Yoder Work Shop B -- 12.1-------Setting Up Your Shop------------------------------------------------ Wood B -- 12.2-------Ingenious Shop Aids & Jigs ---------------------------------------- Graham McCulloch B -- 12.3-------Measure Twice, Cut Once ------------------------------------------ Jim Tolpin B -- 12.4-------The Workbench Book------------------------------------------------ Scott Landis B -- 12.5-------Wood Shop Dust Control-------------------------------------------- Sandor Nagyszalanczy B -- 12.6-------The Glue Book--------------------------------------------------------- William Tandy Young B -- 12.8-------Small Woodworking Shops----------------------------------------- Fine Woodworking B -- 12.9-------How to Design and Build Your Ideal Woodshop -------------- Bill Stankus B -- 12.10 -----The Complete Small Shop------------------------------------------ August Home Publications Furniture B -- 13.1-------Small Furniture You Can Make------------------------------------ Wood B -- 13.2-------Large Furniture You Can Make------------------------------------ Wood B -- 13.3-------Making Shaker Furniture-------------------------------------------- Barry Jackson B -- 13.4-------Making Colonial furniture-------------------------------------------- James M. O’Neill B -- 13.5-------Arts & Crafts Furniture----------------------------------------------- Blair Howard B -- 13.7-------Shop Drawings for Craftsman Furniture------------------------- Robert W. Lang B -- 13.10 -----Building Fine Furniture----------------------------------------------- G. William Scherer B -- 13.14 -----2 x 4 Furniture --------------------------------------------------------- Stevie Henderson B -- 13.15 -----Terrific 2 x 4 Furniture ----------------------------------------------- Stevie Henderson with Mark Baldwin B -- 13.16 -----How to Make 2 x 4 Furniture for Indoors and Outdoors ----- The Family Workshop Projects B -- 14.2-------Do It Yourself Indoor Projects-------------------------------------- Mike Trier B -- 14.3-------101 Do It Yourself Projects ----------------------------------------- Readers Digest B -- 14.3.1 ----The Best of Wood--Book #1---------------------------------------- Wood B -- 14.3.2 ----The Best of Wood--Book #2---------------------------------------- Wood B -- 14.3.3 ----The Best of Wood--Book #3---------------------------------------- Wood B -- 14.5-------101 Quick and Easy Woodworking Projects ------------------- Charles Self B -- 14.6.1 ----Woodworking Projects Yearbook [1989] ------------------------ Popular Science B -- 14.6.2 ----Woodworking Projects Yearbook [1991] ------------------------ Popular Science B -- 14.6.4 ----Woodworking Projects Yearbook [1992] ------------------------ Popular Science B -- 14.6.5 ----Woodworking Projects Yearbook [1988] ------------------------ Popular Science B -- 14.6.6 ----Woodworking Projects Yearbook [1986] ------------------------ Popular Science B -- 14.6.7 ----Woodworking Projects Yearbook [1990] ------------------------ Popular Science B -- 14.7-------Woodworking Projects for the Country Home------------------ Lavon Smith B -- 14.8-------Award Winning Wood Boxes--------------------------------------- Tony Lydgate B -- 14.9-------The Art of Making Elegant Wood Boxes ------------------------ Tony Lydgate B -- 14.10 -----Basic Box Making…..See Companion Video (DVD-14.8)--- Doug Stowe B -- 14.13 -----110 Easy To Make Woodworking Projects --------------------- Hands On Magazine B -- 14.17 -----Woodworking Projects II -------------------------------------------- Sunset B -- 14.18 -----Beautiful Wooden Gifts You Can Make in a Weekend------- Alan & Gill Bridgewater B -- 14.25 -----Country Woodcrafts -------------------------------------------------- Wood B -- 14.26 -----Wood Projects for the Home --------------------------------------- Ortho B -- 14.27 -----Wood Projects for the Gardener ---------------------------------- Ortho B -- 14.28 -----Projects for Woodworkers ------------------------------------------ Ortho Projects B---14.29------Pine Furniture Projects for the Home ---------------------------- Dave Mackenzie B -- 14.30 -----Great Folk Instruments to Make and Play ---------------------- Dennis Waring B -- 14.31 -----Weekend Projects Plus---------------------------------------------- Nick Engler B -- 14.32 -----Classic Kitchen Projects--------------------------------------------- Niall Barrett B -- 14.33 -----101 Weekend Gift Projects from Wood-------------------------- James A. Jacobson B -- 14.35 -----The Weekend Woodworker - 101 Easy to Build Projects --- John A. Nelson B -- 14.36 -----500 Do It Yourself Wood Molding Projects --------------------- Arco Publishing B -- 14.38 -----Child’s Footstool ------------------------------------------------------ Square 1 B -- 14.39 -----Child’s First Chair ----------------------------------------------------- Square 1 B -- 14.40 -----Things to Make -------------------------------------------------------- Fine Woodworking B -- 14.41 -----Weekend Projects for Woodworkers ----------------------------- Woodworker’s Journal B -- 14.42 -----Making Country Rustic Wood Projects -------------------------- Patrick Spielman B -- 14.43 -----Making Vintage Aircraft in Wood---------------------------------- Sterling B -- 14.44 -----Treasure Chest Toy Box -------------------------------------------- PLANS B -- 14.46 -----Build your own Grandfather Clock-------------------------------- John A. Nelson B -- 14.47 -----Projects for Woodworkers - Volume 2 --------------------------- The Woodworkers Journal B -- 14.48 -----Laminated Designs in Wood --------------------------------------- Clarence Rannefeld B -- 14.49 -----The Kids Building Workshop --------------------------------------- J. Craig & Barbara Robertson B -- 14.51 -----New Wood Puzzle Designs----------------------------------------- James W. Follette B -- 14.52 -----Easy Carpentry Projects For Children --------------------------- Jerome E. Leavitt B -- 14.53 -----347 Woodworking Patterns----------------------------------------- FC&A B -- 14.54 -----Woodworking Projects Vol. 1 -------------------------------------- Hands On Magazine B -- 14.55 -----Woodworking Projects Vol. 2 -------------------------------------- Hands On Magazine B -- 14.56 -----Woodworking Projects Vol. 3 -------------------------------------- Hands On Magazine B -- 14.57 -----Woodworking Projects Vol. 4 -------------------------------------- Hands On Magazine B -- 14.60 -----Holiday Gifts------------------------------------------------------------ Wood B -- 14.64 -----Plywood Projects Illustrated---------------------------------------- Kenn Oberrecht B -- 14.65 -----Getting Started in Woodworking: Skill Building Projects ---- Aime Ontario Fraser B -- 14.66 -----Model Cars and Trucks---------------------------------------------- Crowell B -- 14.67 -----Traditional Toys ------------------------------------------------------- George Buchanan B -- 14.69 -----Quick and Easy Woodcrafts---------------------------------------- Better Homes and Gardens B -- 14.71 -----Quick and Easy Weekend Woodworking Projects------------ Popular Woodworking B -- 14.72 -----Miniatures How to Make Them------------------------------------ Meras B -- 14.73 -----How to Build Dollhouses and Furniture-------------------------- Donald R. Brann B -- 14.74 -----Dollhouse Construction and Restoration------------------------ Nina Glenn Joyner B -- 14.75 -----Bookcases-------------------------------------------------------------- Niall Barrett B -- 14.76 -----From Shop to Home – Essential Projects, Tips and Techniques----- Woodworker’s Journal B -- 14.77 -----The Workbench Treasury of Weekend Wood Projects------ Workbench Magazine B -- 14.78 -----The Workbench Treasury of Shelves, Racks & Built-ins ---- Workbench Magazine B -- 14.79 -----405 Woodworking Patterns----------------------------------------- FC&A B -- 14.80 -----Woodworking for Kids – 40 fun things for kids to make ----- Kevin McGuire Projects – Outdoors B -- 15.1-------Fences, Decks and Other Backyard Projects------------------ Dan Ramsey B -- 15.3-------Super Simple Bird Houses You Can Build---------------------- Sterling B -- 15.5-------Fun & Fancy Birdhouses--------------------------------------------- Plaid B -- 15.6-------Birdhouses, Feeders You Can Make----------------------------- Hi Sibley B -- 15.8-------Country Mailboxes----------------------------------------------------- Spielman and Meisel B -- 15.9-------Gazebos and other Garden Structure Design------------------ Sun Designs B -- 15.10 -----Outdoor Projects You Can Build------------------------------------Better Homes and Gardens B -- 15.11 -----Building Outdoor Furniture------------------------------------------ Percy Blandford B -- 15.12 -----Outdoor Furniture and Accessories You Can Make-----------Wood B---15.14------ Building Outdoor Furniture----------------------------------------- Baldwin B---15.16------ Bird Boxes and Feeders for the Garden------------------------ Mackenzie Repair and Finishing B -- 16.1-------Finishing Basics------------------------------------------------------- Sam Allen B -- 16.2-------Finishing Techniques ------------------------------------------------ Wood B -- 16.3-------Furniture Finishing---------------------------------------------------- Sunset B -- 16.4-------Furniture Repair & Refinishing------------------------------------- Ortho B -- 16.5-------Wood Finishing Fixes ------------------------------------------------ Michael Dresdner B -- 16.6-------The Weekend Refinisher-------------------------------------------- Bruce Johnson B -- 16.9-------Great Wood Finishes------------------------------------------------- Jeff Jewitt B -- 16.10 -----Furniture Repair and Restoration --------------------------------- Hilts & Hilts Toys B--- 17.1------- Traditional Toys-------------------------------------------------------- George Buchanan B -- 17.2-------Making Toys in Wood------------------------------------------------ Charles Hayword B -- 17.3-------Designing & Making Wooden Toys------------------------------- Terry Kelley B -- 17.4-------Kids Projects You Can Make--------------------------------------- Wood B -- 17.5-------Weekend Wood Projects For Toymakers----------------------- Burke, Nevile, Fuller and Garrood B -- 17.6------- Learning Toys, Easy to Make---------------------------------------John Coxon B--- 17.7------- The Great All-American Wooden Toy Book-------------------- Norm Marshall B--- 17.8------- Making Timeless Toys In Wood----------------------------------- Strom Toys B--- 17.9------- Children’s Toys and Furniture------------------------------------- Monte Burch B--- 17.14----- Making Wooden Toys For All Ages------------------------------ Bryan Mapstone B 17.19 Weekend Toy Projects You Can Make---------------------------------- Wood B 17.20 Toys, Games and Furniture-30 Projects for Children---------------- The Family Handyman B 17.21 Wooden Puzzle Toys--------------------------------------------------------- Ed Sibbett Jr. Sanding & Planning B--- 18.1 Sanding and Planning------------------------------------------------ Engler Marquetry and Veneering B -- 19.1-------The Marquetry Manual----------------------------------------------- William Lincoln B -- 19.2-------On Marquetry and Veneer ------------------------------------------ Fine Woodworking B -- 19.3-------Veneering - A Complete Course ---------------------------------- Ian Hosker B -- 19.4-------Marquetry & Inlay – 18 Decorative Projects-------------------- Alan & Gill Bridgewater B -- 19.5-------A Manual of Veneering ---------------------------------------------- Paul Villiard Wood Selection B -- 21.1-------Good Wood Handbook ---------------------------------------------- Jackson and Day Wood Carving B -- 22.1-------Decorative Decoy Designs ----------------------------------------- Bruce Burke B -- 22.2-------The Wonderful World of Power Hand Tool Wood Carving-- Spike Boyd B -- 22.3-------Blue Ribbon Pattern Series [Song Bird Patterns] ------------- William Veasey B -- 22.4-------Carving Canes & Walking Sticks---------------------------------- Tom Wolfe B -- 22.5-------Wood Carving Techniques & Projects--------------------------- Sunset B -- 22.6-------The Book of Wood Carving----------------------------------------- Charles Marshall Sayers B -- 22.7-------Carving Shorebirds--------------------------------------------------- Shourds and Hillman B -- 22.8-------Carving Horses & Carriages with Power Tools---------------- Billy J. Smith B -- 22.9-------Making Wood Decoys------------------------------------------------ Patrick Spielman B -- 22.10 -----Carved Wood Shoe (Plans) ---------------------------------------B -- 22.11 -----20 Realistic Game Birds and Song Birds ----------------------- George Lehman B -- 22.12 -----Bills and Beaks: Bird Carving Basics----------------------------- Curtis J. Badger B -- 22.13 -----Relief Carving---------------------------------------------------------- W. F. (Bill) Judt B -- 22.14 -----Deep Relief Carving-------------------------------------------------- J.R. Cadawas & G.A. Sheryka B -- 22.15 -----Magic Relief Carving------------------------------------------------- Terry Evans and John Hagensick B -- 22.16 -----Whittling and Woodcarving ----------------------------------------- E. J. Tangerman B -- 22.18 -----A Beginner’s Look at Woodcarving with Creative Power Tools...Willard Bondhus B -- 22.19 -----41 Santa Patterns for Carvers ------------------------------------- Al Streetman B -- 22.20 -----Relief Carving---------------------------------------------------------- William F. Judt B -- 22.21 -----Whittlin’ Bill’s Folk Characters ------------------------------------- Bill Higginbotham B -- 22.22 -----Country Folk------------------------------------------------------------ Mike Shipley B -- 22.23 -----How to Carve Wood-A book of projects and techniques ---- Richard Butz Intarsia B -- 23.1-------Small Intarsia ---------------------------------------------------------- Judy Gale Roberts B -- 23.2-------Intarsia: Artistry in Wood -------------------------------------------- Judy Gale Roberts B -- 23.3-------Easy To Make Intarsia----------------------------------------------- Judy Gale Roberts B -- 23.4-------The Art of Intarsia----------------------------------------------------- Garnet Hall Misc. Books B -- 25.2-------Carpentry --------------------------------------------------------------- R.S. De Cristoforo B -- 25.3-------Power-Tool Joinery – Tips for making strong joints ---------- Bill Hylton B -- 25.6-------Visual Guide to Pricing Your Work ------------------------------- Kerry Pierce B -- 25.7-------The Woodworker’s Marketing Guide----------------------------- Martin Edic B -- 25.8-------Bending Wood--------------------------------------------------------- Fine Woodworking B -- 25.9-------Handmade Baskets (woven) --------------------------------------- Lyn Siler B -- 25.10 -----The Practical Woodworker------------------------------------------ Stephen Corbett Misc. Books B -- 25.13 -----Woodworking For Everybody -------------------------------------- John G. Shea B -- 25.14 -----Storage Cabinets, Closets & Wall Systems -------------------- Jane Carey B -- 25.16 -----Making Wood Signs -------------------------------------------------- Patrick Spielman B -- 25.17 -----Glues and Adhesives ------------------------------------------------ George Daniels B -- 25.18 -----Handbook of Doormaking, Windowmaking and Staircasing Anthony Talbot B -- 25.19 -----Frame It! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Tonia Davenport B -- 25.20 -----Wood Crafting for Profit --------------------------------------------- Rick Gundaker B -- 25.21 -----Basic Woodworking -------------------------------------------------- Wood B -- 25.22 -----Home Wiring ----------------------------------------------------------- Handyman Club of America B -- 25.23 -----Tools & Techniques -------------------------------------------------- Handyman Club of America Sharpening B -- 26.1-------Sharpening ------------------------------------------------------------- Nick Engler B -- 26.2-------Sharpening with Waterstones-------------------------------------- Ian Kirby Caning B -- 28.1-------The Caner’s Handbook---------------------------------------------- Bruce W. Miller & Jim Widess
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