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Quarriers Of Natural Building & Landscaping Stone
medium to coarse-grain, weathered granite featuring
brown and earth tone surface colors with hand-split
faces showing a blend of blue, burgundy, pink, green,
brown, black and white. Mica flecks, along with garnet inclusions
and quartz crystals, highlight a percentage of this stone.
A. American Granite™ slab as fireplace hearth
B. American Granite™ mosaic pattern veneer
C. American Granite™ blend of ashlar and roughly squared/roughly
rectangular with special order sawn slabs as sill and counter top
D. American Granite™ blend of roughly squared/roughly
rectangular with small percentage of ashlar, mosaic pattern
veneer and thin ledge stone. Special order slabs used for lintel
and fire box surround
A merican Granite™
Photo: courtesy of Deer Hill Masonry
A. American Granite™ blend of ashlar, roughly squared/roughly
rectangular and mosaic pattern veneer
B. American Granite™ blend of wall stone, uniform rise wall stone and
mosaic pattern veneer
A merican Granite™
C. American Granite™ custom bench
D. American Granite™ roughly squared/roughly rectangular
E. American Granite™ blend of ashlar, roughly squared/roughly
rectangular and special order slab chimney cap
A merican Granite™
A. Blend of American Granite™ and Corinthian Granite®
wall stone, roughly squared/roughly rectangular and
mosaic pattern veneer
B. A merican Granite™ blend of wall stone, uniform rise
wall stone and mosaic pattern veneer
C. A merican Granite™ mosaic pattern veneer with small
percentage of roughly squared/roughly rectangular
D. American Granite™ ledge stone
E. A merican Granite™ blend of ashlar, roughly squared/
roughly rectangular with special order sawn slabs and
custom fabricated obelisk
n elegant, enduring, medium to coarse grained granite
featuring 70% Hudson River blue with a mixture of
green, black, pink, brown, burgundy and white. A small
percentage has black speckles throughout consisting of red and
black garnet inclusions and quartz crystals.
A. Corinthian Granite® special order sawn slab bench
B. Corinthian Granite® blend of ashlar and roughly squared/
roughly rectangular with special order fabricated slabs for lintel
and hearth
Exterior wall: South Bay Quartzite® blend of ashlar and
roughly squared/roughly rectangular
C. Corinthian Granite® roughly squared/roughly rectangular
D. Corinthian Granite® blend of ashlar, wall stone and uniform
rise wall stone with special order slabs for steps
Corinthian Granite®
A. Corinthian Granite® wall stone blend
B. Corinthian Granite® mosaic pattern veneer
C. Corinthian Granite® flagging used in a
veneer application
D. Corinthian Granite® ashlar
E. Corinthian Granite® blend of ashlar and
roughly squared/roughly rectangular
Corinthian Granite®
Corinthian Granite®
A. C orinthian Granite® blend of ashlar, uniform rise wall
stone and mosaic pattern veneer
B. Corinthian Granite® ashlar
C. C orinthian Granite® blend of ashlar and roughly squared/
roughly rectangular with special order sawn slab as lintel
D. Corinthian Granite® flagging used as veneer application
unique granite that combines a soft pallet of colors with the
strength and texture consistent with our other products. Quarried
from ledges deeply veined in New York’s Dutch ancestry, Van Tassell
Granite® features a blend of buff, pink, blue/green and brown with a granular
texture featuring random speckling and striations.
A. Van Tassell Granite® blend of roughly squared/roughly rectangular and
mosaic pattern veneer
B. Van Tassell Granite® blend of ashlar and roughly squared/roughly
rectangular used as quoining with special order slabs for hearth and lintel
C. Floor: Corinthian Granite® roughly squared/roughly rectangular sawn and
tumbled pavers
Foreground: Corinthian Granite® ashlar
Background: blend of Van Tassell Granite®, American Granite™ and
Corinthian Granite® rectilinear boulders
Van Tassell Granite®
D. Van Tassell Granite® thin sawn mosaic pattern veneer
A. Van Tassell Granite® blend of roughly squared/roughly rectangular
and flagging used as veneer
B. V an Tassell Granite® roughly squared/roughly rectangular
C. V an Tassell Granite® blend of wall stone, uniform rise wall
stone, thin wall stone and mosaic pattern veneer
D. Van Tassell Granite® ashlar with special order American
Granite® slabs as hearth and mantel
Van Tassell Granite®
A. Van Tassell Granite® special order roughly squared/
roughly rectangular with special order Corinthian
Granite® sawn and thermalled capstones
B. V an Tassell Granite® blend of roughly squared/roughly
rectangular and mosaic pattern veneer
C. Blend of Van Tassell Granite® and American Granite™
ashlar and roughly squared/roughly rectangular
D. Van Tassell Granite® mosaic pattern veneer
Van Tassell Granite®
rustic, textural granite featuring a warm iridescence resulting
from mica and garnet inclusions. Brought to the surface, this
granite projects the very essence of the earth with a base color
of gray and features highlights of sage green, white and russet orange.
A. Summit Granite® roughly squared/roughly rectangular
B. & D. Custom blend of Summit Granite® roughly squared/roughly
rectangular and mosaic pattern veneer with small percentage
of Corinthian Granite® roughly squared/roughly rectangular
and mosaic pattern veneer. Special order sawn slabs for hearth,
mantel and fire box
C. Blend of Summit Granite® ashlar and roughly squared/roughly
rectangular with small percentage of American Granite™
roughly squared/roughly rectangular
Summit Granite®
Summit Granite®
A. & D. Blend of Summit Granite™ ashlar and roughly squared/roughly
r ectangular with small percentage of American Granite® roughly
squared/roughly rectangular
B. Summit Granite® thin wall stone used as veneer application
C. Summit Granite® roughly squared/roughly rectangular
surface that resembles a windswept and sandy beach.
Visually smooth, yet heavily textured with a blend of tan,
antique white, ice blue, amber, and brown. South Bay Quartzite®
will enhance any home - from cool beach cottages to cozy cabins
quartzitic sandstone with an advancing and receding
deep in the woods.
A. South Bay Quartzite® special order weathered step slabs
B. South Bay Quartzite® blend of ashlar and roughly squared/
roughly rectangular, special order color
C. South Bay Quartzite® blend of ashlar and roughly squared/
roughly rectangular with special order slab hearth and mantel
D. South Bay Quartzite® thin wall stone BBQ with irregular
flagging (sawn on site) for paving
E. South Bay Quartzite® mosaic pattern veneer
F. South Bay Quartzite® blend of ashlar, ledge stone, European
South Bay Quartzite®
ashlar and roughly squared/roughly rectangular
South Bay Quartzite®
A. South Bay Quartzite® ashlar, special order color
B. South Bay Quartzite® uniform rise wall stone, thin wall stone
and mosaic pattern veneer
C. South Bay Quartzite® ashlar, special order color
D. South Bay Quartzite® irregular flagging
A. S outh Bay Quartzite® ashlar, snapped 12”x 12” and 12”x 24” nominal pavers and special
order sawn capstones
B. South Bay Quartzite® irregular flagging and oversized flagging with special order feature stone
C. South Bay Quartzite® flagging
D. South Bay Quartzite® special order slabs and boulders with oversized sawn full-bed depth corners
Patio: blend of irregular and oversized flagging
South Bay Quartzite®
robust look. Ideal for that “aged” look common in many
restorative efforts or fresh split for a new build. Natural
glacier-worn, weathered top rock which is reminiscent
of local fieldstone and river rock used to adorn the
great camps of the Adirondacks and their surrounding
weathered faces in combination with blue-gray split faces. Black
stone wall fences. Providing a wide range of sizes, textures and
speckles and white crystals also highlight some pieces.
colors - including earth tones of weathered gray, brown and aged
buff - these spherical stones work in perfect harmony with nature.
A. Great Meadow Limestone® roughly squared/roughly rectangular
B. Great Meadow Limestone® ashlar, blue faces only
A. Adirondack Mountain Fieldstone® landscape stone
C. & D. Great Meadow Limestone® mosaic pattern veneer
B. & C. Adirondack Mountain Fieldstone® special order
Great Meadow Limestone®
blend of sizes
Adirondack Mountain Fieldstone®
craggy-rugged limestone that projects a strong and
ur Hand Select and Thin Sawn Veneer stones offer new flexibility in the
application of natural stone to both interior and exterior surfaces. Thin
veneers lay up quickly and easily on a wide variety of surfaces. A broad
range of cuts and colors are available, including ashlar, mosaic pattern veneer and
roughly squared/roughly rectangular, each with an inherent beauty and longevity that
only Mother Nature could provide. See page 38 For more detailed information on Thin Veneer.
A. American Granite™ thin sawn mosaic pattern veneer
B. Van Tassell Granite® thin sawn ashlar with matching sawn corners
C. South Bay Quartzite® hand select thin mosaic pattern veneer
D. South Bay Quartzite® thin sawn ashlar with matching sawn corners
Thin Veneer
A. American Granite™ thin sawn ledge stone with special order slab hearth
B. Blend of American Granite™ thin sawn ashlar, roughly squared/
roughly rectangular and Corinthian Granite® thin sawn roughly
squared/roughly rectangular with coordinating thin sawn corners
C. American Granite® thin sawn mosaic pattern veneer with matching
sawn corners
D. Blend of American Granite™ thin sawn ashlar and mosaic pattern veneer
with special order thin sawn Corinthian Granite® lintel, surround and
polished hearth slab
Thin Veneer
Bed Face / Seam Face
Irregular Flagging is generally 1 to 3 inches thick. It is often
used for patios, walkways, around pools, etc., generally in
areas limited to medium use foot traffic. Its shape is irregular,
or “mosaic”, and exhibits the seam face of the stone.
Split Face / Natural Bed
Heavy Flagging is different from Irregular Flagging in that it is
thicker, generally 3 to 5 inches. It is used as paving stone in areas of
limited vehicular traffic and as flag stone in areas of particularly
heavy foot traffic. Available in South Bay Quartzite® only.
Wall Stone is a blocky stone used to construct exterior,
freestanding walls. This stone, installed, will exhibit both seam
faces and split faces. It can also be used with other natural
stone products for a completely individualized look.
Blend of Wall Stone
Mosaic Pattern Veneer
Uniform Rise Wall Stone differs from wall stone in that
As Installed
Split Face
Installed Height
there is less variation in the heights, 3 to 5 inches. Because it is
typically somewhat smaller it is generally easier to handle.
Thin Wall Stone is generally 1 to 3 inches thick. The depth of
Landscape Products
the stones is typically less than that of the heavier wall stones.
Installed Depth
Installed Length
Ashlar or European Ashlar
Cottage Wall Stone offers versatility with its size range
falling between Wall Stone and Thin Wall Stone. Ideal for doit-yourself, dry-stack applications and much more. Available in
Corinthian Granite® and South Bay Quartzite® only.
Garden Bed Edging
Garden Bed Edging is basically the same as European ashlar
except in use. The intended use of this product is as curbing
for bordering driveways, walkways, lawns, gardens and the like
for a clean-cut and well-defined look. It is also used to encircle
trees and to aid in the prevention of erosion.
Seam Face
Installed Length
Mosaic Veneer or
Roughly Squared/Roughly Rectangular
Step Slabs, Random Slabs & Boulders can be used to effect
dramatic project designs or be included in erosion control
and bank retention designs. These materials are being used
extensively in the creation of park settings and waterscapes.
Surface Effects
orinthian Granite® cutting stock generally produces slabs
in the 2 to 6 foot range.
American Granite™, the “top rock” of the granite quarry,
Seam Face
Snapped Nominal Pavers
European Ashlar
Drill Marks
does not lend itself to large slab material. Average slab
lengths range from 2 to 4 feet.
outh Bay Quartzite® offers the largest face area potential
for slabs due to being formed in long, layered beds.
Snapped 12 x 12 and 12 x 24 Nominal Pavers (1” +/- variance)
- shown in South Bay Quartzite®, provide a patterned, more
structured paving application than our irregular paving stone.
Sawn-Sandblasted Finish
(blasts of air with sand to texturize surface)
Nomenclature/Veneer Patterns
As Quarried
Roughly Squared/Roughly Rectangular
Split Face
Rock Face
Sawn Thin Veneer is available in American Granite™, Corinthian
Granite®, Van Tassell Granite®, and South Bay Quartzite®.
Available patterns include random pattern mosaic, ashlar and
roughly squared/roughly rectangular veneers. Hand Select Thin
Veneer is available in South Bay Quartzite® in a random mosaic
pattern only. It is a naturally occurring thin stone, split not sawn
to its thin veneer specifications, and offers the installer two
usable faces for installation.
Ashlar Thin Veneer with matching corners
Champlain Stone’s unique collection of six distinct stones is
drawn from company-owned quarries located in the foothills
of New York’s historic Adirondack Mountains. Our quarriers
take great pride in their work and see to it that all the stone
excavated, hand-split, drilled, sawn or run through hydraulic
guillotines is consistent with our company’s strict specifications.
By embracing advances in technology, we are able to quarry and
manufacture our stone products to custom size, color range and
finish specifications. This attention to detail is complemented by
a premium level of service provided by our Sales & Marketing
team, Project Development group and support departments.
The resulting variety in our quality building and landscaping
stone products is distributed through select retailers across the
United States, Canada and Europe.
Champlain Stone, Ltd. offers a full line of natural stone products
for both thin and full-bed depth veneer applications, as well as
custom fabricated pieces.
Mosaic Pattern Thin Veneer (Rock Face)
Our sawing technology provides increased capabilities in
fabricating our stone to meet specific design needs. Custom caps,
water tables, sills, hearths, mantels, keystones and treads are just
a few of the many fabricated products available to compliment
our other stone products. However, some limitations do apply.
Whether full-bed or thin, split or rock-faced, simple or grand;
Champlain Stone can satisfy your creative stone requirements.
These products install easily on a wide variety of substrates and
are ideal for interior applications, remodels, or anywhere a fullbed depth foundation is missing or impractical. At an average
weight of 15 lbs. or less per square foot, our thin veneers meet
standard building code requirements for vertical load limitations
and therefore, do not require a bearing shelf. Champlain Stone
does however advocate the use of masonry approved wall ties
for insured application stability. Unlike their full-bed depth
counterparts, which are traditionally sold by the ton, Thin Veneers
are sold by either the square foot (flats) or lineal foot (corners).
Lineal foot measurements for sawn corners are taken along the
vertical “spine” of the stone, not the horizontal return.
Mosaic Pattern Thin Veneer installation
assembly detail
Ashlar Thin Veneer installation detail
Thin Veneer flats and corners.
For more information about our company, our people and our
products, please visit our web site www.champlainstone.com.
With over 400 inspiring images, the online photo gallery features
further examples of creative stone installations and presents the
wide range of possibilities with our natural stone.
More About Us
Sawn Products
Hand Select Thin Veneer is a split product (vs. sawn) offering two usable faces.
=available as Thin Veneer
American Granite™
Building Stone: mosaic pattern veneer, roughly squared/roughly rectangular, ashlar, ledge
stone, thin ledge stone.
Landscaping: flagging, wall stone, uniform rise wall stone, thin wall stone, paving stone,
step slab material, landscape boulders.
Available Stone T ypes and Cuts
Corinthian Granite®
Building Stone: mosaic pattern veneer, roughly squared/roughly rectangular, ashlar,
European ashlar, ledge stone, thin ledge stone.
Landscaping: flagging, wall stone, uniform rise wall stone, thin wall stone, cottage wall
stone, paving stone, garden bed edging, step slab material, landscape boulders.
Van Tassell Granite®
Building Stone: mosaic pattern veneer, roughly squared/roughly rectangular, ashlar, ledge
stone, thin ledge stone.
Landscaping: flagging, wall stone, uniform rise wall stone, thin wall stone, paving stone,
landscape boulders.
Summit Granite™
Building Stone: mosaic pattern veneer, roughly squared/roughly rectangular, ashlar.
Landscaping: uniform rise wall stone, thin wall stone, paving stone, landscape boulders.
South Bay Quartzite®
Building Stone: mosaic pattern veneer, roughly squared/roughly rectangular, ashlar,
European ashlar, ledge stone, thin ledge stone.
Landscaping: flagging, heavy flagging, oversize flagging, wall stone, uniform rise wall
stone, thin wall stone, cottage wall stone, paving stone, step slab material, cap stones
(special order), landscape boulders, garden bed edging, snapped 12x12 in. and 12x24 in.
nominal pavers (+/- 1 in. tolerance).
Great Meadow Limestone®
Building Stone: mosaic pattern veneer, roughly squared/roughly rectangular, ashlar.
Landscaping: wall stone, uniform rise wall stone, landscape boulders.
The Fine Print: Stone is, of course, a natural product. Variations in color and texture do occur
(thankfully) and are part of what make our products so unique. Please use the photographs published
in this text as a guide only. We cannot guarantee an exact match to any of the images contained
herein. Product specifications and available stone cuts are also subject to change. Not responsible for
typographical errors.
Graphic design and photography by 27 Elm Creative Services, LLC
PO Box 650, Warrensburg, New York 12885
p 518.623.2902 • f 518.623.3088