Pat c h w o r k s Blue Valley Quilters Guild - March 2015 Message from the President Although it was just a handful of months ago when I was encouraging guild members to enter a quilt in our Quilt Walk, I’m going to revisit the topic again. With the Kansas City Regional Quilt Festival fast-approaching, I’m here to ask you to enter the quilt show. There are two sides where quilts are accepted: the Judged Quilts and the Guilds’ Showcase. But which side to enter? I’m glad you asked. My first response is: both, of course! I love quilt shows, and I love the quilts the members show at guild so my thought is: why not share them with as many people as possible? For the BVQG portion of the show, we’re asking for what you consider to be your best quilt from the last couple of years (five years if it was hand quilted). One quilt per person, and if we have too many, we’ll do a lottery to decide which quilts will hang. Carla Timberlake is leading the team for BVQG registration for the Festival, so please bring your registration form to her at the March meeting. There is no fee to enter the Guilds’ Showcase. After you’ve decided which quilt to hang for BVQG, consider entering one or two on the judged side of the Festival. The entry fee is $15 per quilt, and there should be some fantastic prizes. Registration forms for the judged side of the show will be accepted with postmarks no earlier than March 1, and registration will close once the show is full, no later than March 31. Forms and guidelines for both are available online at: festival-info/quiltshow/. I’m hoping to see many quilts made by our members at the Festival. There is a lot of talent in the BVQG, and it would be a shame not to share it with everyone attending the Festival this summer. And, if you’re like me, having a hard deadline is a good reason to finish a quilt in the coming weeks. Stephanie Dodson [email protected] March 3rd - Next Meeting: March 3 Location: Olathe Bible Church 151st & Pflumm Olathe, KS The church is on the northwest corner of 151st St. & Pflumm. Please park on the north side of the church and enter through the door just off the north parking lot. Carol Gilham Jones - Presentation and Trunk Show ‘Tile Quilt Revival: Reinventing a Forgotten Form’ Carol Gilham Jones will bring to life ‘The Revival of Tile Quilts’ which was a traditional, but uncommon, type of appliqué quilt made during the last third of the 19th century. She and Bobbi Finley loved the 19th century tile quilts and set out to revive that quilt construction technique. Using a PowerPoint presentation, she will show slides of those 19th century quilts, and acquaint today’s quilters with the little-known traditional form of ‘Tile Quilts.’ Then the lights go on for a trunk show of her and Bobbi Finley’s 21st century ‘Quilt Tile Revival’ using contemporary and ethnic fabrics, techniques, and designs. Carol will also give us tips on construction techniques, hand appliqué, machine appliqué and fusing. She resides in Lawrence, Kansas. Her website is http:// . Her Book: Tile Quilt Revival: Reinventing a Forgotten Form by Bobbi Finley and Carol Gilham Jones will be available for purchase. Award-winning tile quilt based on a pattern in the book: Tile Quilt Revival Road to California Show -2014 - 1st Place: Innovative, Wall, Applique ‘Blast from the Past’ - Made and quilted by Kim Bruny, Apple Valley, CA BLUE VALLEY QUILT GUILD GENERAL MEETING MINUTES February 3, 2015 President, Stephanie Dodson, welcomed members and guests. It was moved, seconded and approved to accept the January minutes as published in the February’s newsletter. It was moved, seconded and approved to accept the January’s Treasurer’s Report as published in the February newsletter. Today’s program will be the Charity/Boutique Work day with a lunch provided by the Board Members. COMMITTEE REPORTS: PDQ (Wilma Lamfers) Sit ‘N’ Stitch Friday, February 13: Red and White Quilt Show for Rose Estates (Wilma Lamfers) Thursday, February 26: “Pay it Forward: Bibs for Rose Estates” (Edith Stanish) Charm Square Exchange (Susan Mercer/Debbie Johnson/Pam Acciacca) Today – 30s March – Sunflowers Hospitality (Mary Strege/Lang Davis) February birthdays, Self-serve lunch at noon UFO project headed by Connie Zwego will start this Summer. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Julie Rounds, Many positions are open, see newsletter M.O.Ms: Ms (Barbara Bruce) New members Membership (Chelly King, Priscilla Ahlberg, Margaret Yanak) How many in attendance/visitors Show and Tell. Spring Retreat (Barbara Bruce) Date announced Vice Presidents/Programs (Beckie Graham/Cindi Mathews/Jo Anna Gorthy) March 3 – Carol Gilham Jones – Presentation and Trunk Show Newsletter Deadline for March issue is February 15 Send submissions to Jackie Johnson, include bylines with emails, cc: Joyce Edwards for website Respectfully submitted by Jackie Johnson for Ibby Rollert The Blue Valley Quilters Guild is dedicated to preserving and teaching the fine art of quilting. We welcome all newcomers as well as experienced quilters to be part of this guild. President: Stephanie Dodson, [email protected] Vice Presidents/Programs: Jo Anna Gorthy, Beckie Graham, Cindi Mathews Secretary: Ibby Rollert Treasurer: Rosalyn Douglas Newsletter Editor: Jackie Johnson, [email protected], By-Laws Vote at March Meeting: Please Read! Over the past several meetings, the Board has discussed changes to the by-laws. Originally it was born out of the need to add a policy if the guild were to dissolve. This was driven by our participation in the Kansas City Regional Quilt Festival, and their recommendation concerning all participating guilds’ non-profit status. After reviewing the by-laws it was discovered that a few previously vote upon changes (removal of Sunshine, cup/glass policy and lifetime membership for those over 80) had not been published in the by-laws. Upon further review, a couple of other changes were suggested and discussed at Board meetings. Below is a recap of the changes. A PDF of the by-laws with the changes noted in the comments bubbles in the right-hand column are available in the “Files” folder on the Yahoo Group page. These changes will be voted upon by the general membership at our March meeting. Stephanie Dodson [email protected] Addition: ARTICLE XI – POLICIES Should this guild dissolve, all remaining assets shall be distributed to other guilds or charitable organizations for the purpose of continued quilting education. ******* STANDING RULES Free lifetime membership is available for any members over 80 years old. Removal: With the Hospitality section: “Schedules greeters to assist visitors for each meeting.” “...and each member is to bring their own cup or glass for beverage” ******* “Sunshine – Conducts congratulatory and or condolence activities.” ******* “No committee chairperson or officer shall serve for more than two consecutive years in the same position or six consecutive years on the board.” Change: Sec.5 – No officer shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office or more than six consecutive years as an officer. [Previously this read: “...more than six consecutive years on the board.”] Welcome to new member Kim Mapes. She's new to quilting and has been taking lessons at Prairie Point. She's also completed a second baby quilt in anticipation of Grandchild #2! Wow! QUILTS OF VALOR: The following is a list of Local venues that support Quilts of Valor and has scheduled sewing days if you would like to join us! Quilters Haven at 116 N Clairborne, Olathe, KS. also sponsors a sewing day the 2nd Tuesday of the month, 9:30 - 5:00 for the Quilts of Valor project. Bring all your own sewing machines, equipment, projects and a sack lunch. Contact is Nikki McDonald, [email protected] Tallgrass Creeks Retirement Community: The Quilts of Valor sewing day is the 4th Saturday of the month from 9-4, at 13800 Metcalf Avenue, Overland Park, Kansas. Bring a project & come sew with us. Lunch is less than $10 (cash or check) at the bistro or bring your lunch. Please RSVP so that we can know how many people to expect. Nikki McDonald, [email protected]. Prairie Point Quilt Store; Come join us at Prairie Point on the first Monday of each month to work on QOV quilts Time is 10-4. You can bring your lunch or there are a lot of places around their shop to eat. I am going to start something new this year. I am going to make up BOM kits. If you can't join us, come in and pick up a kit or I will have some at the guild meeting. Make the block and return it the next month. You can do this every month or whenever you feel you have time to do a block. The blocks will be very simple star patterns. They are patterns designed by Jeanne Poore and are simple patterns.. Just think how many quilts we could have at the end of the year. If you have questions, please let me know. Susan Mercer, [email protected] SPRING RETREAT DATE Salute to Spring The One Day Retreat on Saturday, May 2 at Queen of the Holy Rosary, Wea, Parish Hall has a few openings. For $30 you have 2 catered meals, and a great time with friends doing what we really like = playing with fabric from 9am to 8:30pm! Massages may be available, too. Signup & pay at the March meeting......bjb And the nomination goes to! We're almost there.............. There have been a lot of people that have stepped forward to take on new positions on the 2015-16 board and committees. Thank YOU! There are still 2 open positions; Secretary and Hospitality Chairperson. The Secretary position requires attending board and general meetings, recording the minutes based on the agenda provided by the President, and reporting those minutes to the newspaper editor. There may also be light correspondence for the guild. The Hospitality Chair will oversee the refreshments for each meeting and send out reminders to birthday snack providers. There are several members that are interested in helping, we just need an organized person to step forward to lead the committee. If you have never held a board or committee chairperson position, or it has been several years since you participated, please consider volunteering. This guild is full of people wanting to help, we just need 2 more to step into leadership roles for 2015 -16. If you have questions, please call Julie Rounds at 703663-0742 (cell), 913-422-1532 (home) or email [email protected]. Don’t forget to vote for the Quilt Angel—an award given quarterly to someone in the BVQG who has volunteered and given outstanding service to the guild. Local Events and Openings: March 21, 2015 - National Quilting Day March 27—28: Great Plains Shop Hop. greatplainssewdownshophop April 8-11, 2015 - Heartland Quilt Shop Hop - Open each day 9:00 am to 8:00 pm April 18—19: Kaw Valley Guild’s Quilt Show: 3100 Iowa, Crown Toyota, Lawrence. $5 Admission, Vendors, Food, Silent Auction. Saturday 9—5, Sunday 10—3 June 19-21, 2015 - Kansas City Regional Quilt Festival – Overland Park Convention Center, O.P., KS June 21, 2015 – Row by Row Experience begins & runs through September 8, 2015. 2015 Charm Square Exchanges March - Sunflowers April - Focus fabric May - Ks Troubles June - Patriotic - red, white & blue July - Vacation fabric August - Japanese Sept. - Browns, chocolate, caramel or butterscotch Oct - Focus Fabric (TBD) Nov. - Christmas Dec. - 2 1/2 strips-color TBD Susan Mercer [email protected] Debbie Johnson [email protected] Pam Acciacca [email protected] How to Participate in the Charm Squares Exchange 1. If you use batik fabric, please pre-wash. Use quilt shop quality fabrics. 2. If you do more than 1 pack of charms, please put each one in a separate baggie with your name on it. 3. Use the same material for each pack; if you do more than 1, you can use a different fabric 4. You can sign up at the guild meeting, Yahoo group or e-mail me. 5. You have until the 15th of the month to sign up. After that date, I will publish to the Yahoo Group how many pairs you need and the amount of material you need to buy. If you need me to e-mail it to you, please indicate it on the sign up sheet. Susan Mercer [email protected] We would like to thank each member for their participation in furnishing desserts for our meetings. Please bring 3-4 dozen treats in celebration of your March birthday. Happy Birthday!!! 3/3 Barbara Parman 3/7 Jane Steckline 3/7 Teresa Pfau 3/8 Marion Elliott 3/8 Linda Siffrin 3/9 Mary Meyer 3/12 Carla Timberlake 3/21 Wendy Dombrowski 3/23 Kathy Sadowsky 3/25 Becky Fenton EGADS!!!! The UFOs are BACK! Those Un-Finished Objects seem to crop up from nowhere - and multiply. We all have 'em; wish most of them would disappear quietly into the night. Just a heads up that the UFO program will begin again in June and run for a year. Your guild wants to encourage you to eliminate those UFOs - one way or another - to ease your guilty conscious and free up shelf space. Start prepping your UFO list to turn in to Connie Zwego to be in the running for a $50 cash prize! More details to come. Blue Valley Quilters Guild Treasurer's Report January 2015 Submitted by Rosalyn Douglass Balance brought forward,1/1/2015: Checkbook $14,450.78 CD and Interest $1,220.78 Total $15,671.56 Income: Interest $0.12 Quilt Show $10.00 Library $4.00 Membership $27.00 Name Tags $10.00 Total Income: $51.12 Expenses: Quilt Show (Boutique) $215.77 Storage (Feb.) $77.99 Programs $394.00 Total Expenses: $ 687.76 Ending Balance, January 31, 2015 Checkbook $13,814.14 CD $1,221.78 Total Cash: $15,034.92 Programs: April brings Spring showers . . . and surprises to BVQG! Yes! Men DO quilt and we are proud to announce the appearance of Carl Hentsch – “My Life in Quilts” Join us April 7, as Carl offers a look at his quilting career from the beginning to present. The presentation will feature his original designs and a discussion of how his quilting has changed through the years from Traditional to Modern and back again. Using basic skills learned from his mother as a 10-year-old, Carl began quilting in 1999. Carl has authored Stars N Strips Forever (AQS 2013) and Amish Inspired Quilts for Today (KC Star 2015) as well as original designs displayed in the AQS shows in Knoxville and Des Moines. Other patterns have been published in magazines such as Love of Quilting, Modern Quilter, Quilt, and Generation Q Magazines. We are fortunate to have him as an instructor in our local quilts shops where you can also find his selfpublished quilt patterns. Carl’s company is 3 Dog Design and you’ll find more on the website at More fun in May – Barb Eikmeier Barbara Eikmeier of Lansing, Kansas, one of our KC Regional Quilt Show teachers, will stir your curiosity and inspire us to look beyond our quilt blocks in her lecture, “It’s All in the Sashings!” Barb asks: “Do you have a set of blocks that you just can’t decide what to do with? Join me as I share a series of quilts and tops that feature blocks set with sashings and cornerstones. Some are simple and others are more involved with secondary designs created within the sashings and cornerstones. See side by side examples of the same setting and study how different they look based on the blocks and fabric choices. Features approximately 25 quilts and tops in a mix of styles including appliqué and pieced quilts. Check out her website: Submitted by Jo Anna Gorthy for Cindi Matthews and Beckie Graham, Programs Snow on the ground and not a better day than to be stitching out some of those kits!! Kits at March meeting – We have LOTS of kits ready for you to check out and have fun making! Some new ones coming for you at the March meeting. YIPPEE!!!! If you have a great idea for items for the booth, go ahead and make them! No one has a corner on great ideas and yours are great! Booth design team – If you have experience designing a booth, please let me know. We need experienced people who can help us determine and source the required equipment while designing a space that will sell. We need help designing how our 20x10 space will be laid out to maximize sales with the items we have made. Kits – If you have checked out kits, please complete them and turn them in next month. We need them in our count. We are counting on selling these items. If you don’t plan to do them, please return them so someone else can make them. We need help from everyone! It takes ALL of us to make this Boutique a success. You are an important member! Pricing – I appreciate your help in providing pricing information on items. At each meeting, I will have a variety of items requiring pricing suggestions. You are the experts on this! Wish List: Equipment for booth, Flax Seed (for eye pillows), Orphaned quilt blocks, Potholders Thanks for all your help and dedication in making this a SUPER success! Thanks to the ladies who come by my house and drop off finished items, as well as pick up more kits! Thank you so much for your dedication to the Guild and to OUR Boutique! Judy Brennan, [email protected], 913-451-8997, The March meeting is the deadline for registering your quilt to be included in the BV display at the Kansas City Regional Quilt Festival in June. Registration forms can be found on the KCRQF website and must be filled out completely and turned in at the meeting. Two photos of the quilt should be included. Quilts should be machine or hand quilted and made within the last several years. We are wanting to fill our booth with beautiful quilts so please consider adding to our display. Carla Timberlake, [email protected]. (please note that I have a new email address) The Kansas City Regional Quilt Festival is quickly coming together. We are in the process of collection from each Guild their Volunteers. Each Volunteer will need to provide 4 hours of time. For this they will get an admittance band at ½ price ($5). The teachers are filling quickly. If you have not signed up, please do. We will start accepting forms for the Judged Quilts March 1. This will run through March 31. Visit for information on the registration form and classes. OhX.have you booked your hotel room for your family and friends coming in? Great rates, see them on the site also! Carla Timberlake [email protected], Lynn Droege [email protected] (913) 626-4095 Janette Sheldon [email protected] (913) 486-5694 “I was asked yesterday about following KCRQF on Facebook. This is easy. have to belong to Facebook. This is very easy to do. Go to Facebook and sign up...if you don't feel comfortable, find someone to help you. It is safe and not a scary place ! * Then go to the site. * Right on the opening page, it says "Visit our Facebook page to get daily updates and announcements" * Touch the word "Facebook" * It will take you to the Festival's Facebook page, * Touch the "Like" button, * You did it ! What you will see are the posts, we put on several times a day, regarding your Guilds's happenings (meetings, shows, special events). We post information regarding the teachers, vendors, sponsors. As time goes on, there will be more and more posted. When you see a post, like and share it. This is why I asked for what your Guild's booths outside the quilt/vendor hall will have. I also would love to have fresh pictures to use. Thanks and if you have any problems or questions, please call. Lynn (913) 626-4095 “ PDQ COMMITTEE (Projects done by Quilters) PDQ Process: A form (green sheet with PDQ at the top) is available at every meeting that can be filled out with information regarding your request for special projects assistance other than what is already on our monthly docket. Wilma Lamfers, [email protected] , Facilitator for PDQ, Sit and Stitch: The residents of Rose Estates celebrated Valentines Day Friday, February 13th by the crowning of their king & queen. The red & white quilts from Blue Valley Quilters Guild provided the background for the celebration. Thanks to Pat Noel, Nancy Taylor, Barbara Bruce, Diane Basham & Wilma Lamfers for providing the quilts. Please plan to attend the next Sit & Stitch workshop Thursday, February 26th. It's a "Pay it Forward" workshop. Edith Stanish will be leading us as we make large bibs which will be given to Rose Estates. It takes 1 1/2 yards of flannel to make two bibs. If you have flannel, please bring, but if you don't please come any way as we have had flannel donated to us for this workshop. Workshops are held at Rose Estates, 127th & Antioch. Arrive any time after 9:30 AM, bring your lunch and come to socialize and sew. We'll set up this project in a assembly line process so if you are unable to bring your machine, you will still have a task. We'll have two workshops in March. One will be a domestic machine quilting workshop when we will practice on charity quilts. The second workshop will be working on our unfinished boutique items. Dates for each workshop will be announced at the March general meeting. If you have questions on any of the Sit & Stitch workshops, please contact Wilma Lamfers at wjlamfers [email protected]. CHARITY CHARITY SAYS A GREAT BIG THANK YOU Thank you one and all for your generous hard work at our February sew day. Everyone seemed to be working diligently and having a good time. Let’s face it - a sewing machine with easy projects with lot’s of food including chocolate – how could it get any better. I know a lot of people were working on boutique items as well as charity quilts. The boutique folks will have to tell you what was turned in. As for my side of the room, you turned in one totally completed lap quilt, three totally completed child’s quilts, five lap quilts tied and ready for binding, eight pieced child’s quilt tops, and ten pieced lap quilt tops. Not only that, I know many of you took nearly completed projects as well as additional work to do at home. That represents a whole lot of woman hours of sewing! You all made a major dent in the quilt kits. Guess I’ll have to start cutting more. Over the next few months I will be bringing in more and more of these pieced tops ready to be quilted. Hone up those machine quilting skills and be ready! Many of our long arm quilters take these home, but there are many more of you who can practice your skills at machine quilting on your household heads. All of these quilts are small enough to do that effectively. Janette Sheldon Classified Ads Pieces in Plaid Quilting – Lynne Zeh, a full service long arm quilter. Lenexa, KS 913-322-8866, [email protected] Mindy Peterson – 5acre Designs Quilting – Affordable longarm quilting. All over meander, pantographs available) and light custom quilting. 913-783-4750; 913-481-2113; [email protected] Judy Oberkrom – Unique, one-of-a-kind jewelry. Custom orders acepted. [email protected], 913 491-1295 FUN and FITNESS for QUILTERS - Jo Anna Gorthy teaches Jacki Sorensen’s AEROBIC DANCING, Tuesday/Thursday, 4:30 PM, Atonement Lutheran Church, 101st and Metcalf, OP. New Student Special: 10 classes/$35.00 913-681-9026 [email protected] Ida Houston - Cowtown Quilts: Not your grandmother's quilting... contact Ida in Stilwell,Kansas at 913-232-8879. Wendy Dombrowski and Joann Mader - Sunflower Stitchers: Long-arm Machine Quilting: Visit http:// or call Wendy @ 928-853-5280. [email protected] , [email protected]. Stephanie Dodson – Summerwind Studio: Custom longarm quilting services. 913-788-0825 or [email protected]. Judy Brennan, Sunflower Point – Machine Embroidery. 913-451-8997; [email protected]. Maggie VanBrunt - The Cat's Meow Quilting: Pantograph and all over quilting service. Overland Park, KS (412) 559 – 8849, [email protected] FOR SALE: BERNINA ARTISTA 730: Acrylic extended basic for machine, Sewing feet 4,5,2A,18,8 Regular Throat Plate, Single hole Throat Plate, Extra Bobbin Case, Small screw driver 16 bobbin cases, 2 bobbin holders, 1 Embroidery Unit, 1 large embroidery hoop 1 small embroidery hoop, Walking foot. $ 2,300. Dana Davis, 913-681-2980 H, 913-475-5023 C, [email protected] Last Minute Ad-On: The Kansas City Regional Quilt Festival is quickly coming together. We are in the process of collection from each Guild their Volunteers. Each Volunteer will need to provide 4 hours of time. For this they will get an admittance band at ½ price ($5). The teachers are filling quickly. If you have not signed up, please do. We will start accepting forms for the Judged Quilts March 1. This will run through March 31. Visit for information on the registration form and classes. Oh….have you booked your hotel room for your family and friends coming in? Great rates, see them on the site also!
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