s aqarT velos mecn ierebaTa erovnu li ak ad em iis moam be, t. 9, #1, 2015 BULL ET IN OF THE GEORGIAN NATIONAL ACADEM Y OF SCIENCE S, vols. 9, no. 1, 2015 Management The relationship between financial capital and abnormal return Hanifeh Meraji*, Mohamadreza Abdoli** * Department of Accounting, Shahrood Science and Research Branch , Islamic Azad University ,Shahrood, Iran ** Department of Accounting, Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University ,Shahrood, Iran. ABSTRACT. The purpose of the research is to investigate the relationship between financial capital and abnormal return of newly-arrived companies into Tehran Stock Exchange from 2009 to 2014. According to determined limitations in sampling, 106 companies were studied systematically. SPSS software was used to analyze the data. The results indicated that there is a positive significant relationship between financial capital and abnormal stock return in newlyarrived companies into stock exchange. Determination coefficient is 0.059 and it means that 5.9 per cent of changes of financial capital have impact on abnormal return. On the other hand, there is not a positive significant relationship between economical added value and abnormal return in newly-arrived companies in stock exchange. Significant level is 0.259 and bigger than 0.05, then null hypothesis is approved at 95% confidence level representing there is not a significant relationship between the variables. There is not a positive significant relationship between residual profit and abnormal return of stock in newly-arrived companies into stock exchange, since significant level is 0.073 and bigger than 0.05. Finally there is not a positive significant relationship between book value and abnormal return of stock in newly-arrived companies into stock exchange, because significance level is 0.832 and bigger than 0.05.© 2015 Bull. Georg. Natl.Acad. Sci. Key words: quality of life, customer satisfaction, staff, organization INTRODUCTION Today more than ever, capital markets have been developed and obtaining structured economical power uses capital markets beyond geographical borders. Inevitably, the capital market is more susceptible to collusion, fraud and corruption that the economic authorities have committed in this market. There re different criteria to measure stock value and to judge company' performance. Lack of using proper criteria for measuring performance and stock value has led to not move company value toward actual value and consequently, it leads to loss a group of stock buyers and to take advantage other party. There are two criteria to measure performance value. One of them is under accounting models which company' stock value is calculated multiply profit any stock by conversion ratio price to income and another group is under economic models of value determination. Theoretical Framework and Research Background Return of New Stock In the research, return of new stock means only return resulting from changes of stock price and paid stock profit to shareholders does not include. The changes of return price in a long – term period is considered and studied in this research (Abdeh Tabrizi, 2004). The variables of book value, residual profit and economic added value were used to determine financial capital as follows (Geyser & Liebenberg, 2002). BVT = © 2015 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. The relationship between financial capital and abnormal return 427 RIT = EVAT = Then, we can express following equation for independent variable, as follows: = Stock return will be calculated as follows: And market return is calculated as follows: = After calculating average abnormal return of n share at month t, following equation is used to calculate cumulative abnormal return: =∑ Georgia (2013) studied information contents of profit prediction of newly – arrived companies in Athens Stock Exchange. The results indicated that managers' predictions are better (more accurate) than predictions of time series model and on the other hand, there is a positive significant relationship between profit prediction error and abnormal return of stock. Worthington and West (2013) studied operational cash and profit before unexpected items via comparing information contents of economic added value with information contents of residual profit. They studied 110 Australian companies in their research. The results indicated that profit before unexpected item has more relationship with stock return than other variables. Conversely, economic added value has less relationship with stock return than other variables. Clarkson et al (2012) studied 267 newly- arrived Canadian companies. Their findings indicated that there is a negative significant relationship profit estimation and stock return and voluntarily profit estimation is valuable in the companies' reports with initial public release. RESEARCH METHOD The research is an applied – correlation research and descriptive statistical methods were used to determine the variables including mean, variance, standard deviation and quarter. In addition to T-test and F-test, regression also was used to test the hypotheses. The research is done in a 5-year period from 2008 to 2013. 106 companies were studied systematically based on determined limitations in sampling. RESEARCH HYPOTHESES There is a significant relationship between economic added value and abnormal return of newly-arrived companies in stock exchange. There is a significant relationship between residual profit and abnormal return of newly- arrived companies in stock exchange. There is a significant relationship between book value and abnormal return of newly-arrived companies in stock exchange. Empirical Results Testing Research Hypotheses First Sub – Hypothesis: There is a positive significant relationship between economic added value and abnormal return of newly-arrived companies in stock exchange. Table-1: Results of first sub – hypothesis Variable Regression Standard t-statistics Significance coefficient error level 0.846272 1.275355 0.663558 0.5142 Intercept -0.151832 0.130889 -1.16005 0.2591 LEVAIT 0.06 F-statistics 1.346(0.259) Determination coefficient 0.02 Watson2.39 Adjusted determination coefficient Durbin Possibility amount (significance level) is 0.259 and bigger than 0.05. Then null hypothesis is approved and consequently there is not a relationship between two variables. Determination coefficient is 0.015 and it means that only 1.5 percent of changes of dependent variable is explainable by independent and control variables. Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci., vols. 9, no. 1, 2015 428 M.Abdoli Practically, this determination coefficient is a low figure. Watson – Durbin amount is 3.39 indicating there is not an autocorrelation in the model. If t-statistics is placed in rejection region, null hypothesis is rejected. As can be seen in above table, t-statistics for economic added value is -1.16, and then variable of company size is not rejected for null hypothesis at 95% confidence level. Also, t-statistics is 0.633 for intercept indicating null hypothesis is not rejected for intercept. Then there is a negative relationship between economic added value and abnormal return. First hypothesis is not supported and then there is not positive significant relationship between economic added value and abnormal stock return of newly-arrived companies in stock exchange. Second Sub – Hypothesis: there is a positive significant relationship between residual profit and abnormal stock return of newly- arrived companies in stock exchange. Table-2: Analysis results of second sub – hypothesis Variable Regression coefficient 1.465732 Intercept 0.302011 LRIT Determination coefficient Adjusted determination coefficient Standard error 1.100413 0.165192 0.06 0.04 t-statistics 1.331984 1.828248 F-statistics WatsonDurbin Significance level 0.1890 0.0736 3.342(0.074) 2.28 Possibility amount (significance level) is 0.073 and bigger than 0.05. Then null hypothesis is approved and consequently there is not a relationship between two variables. Determination coefficient is 0.044 and it means that only 4.4 percent of changes of dependent variable is explainable by independent and control variables. Practically, this determination coefficient is a low figure. Watson – Durbin amount is 2.28 indicating there is not an autocorrelation in the model. If t-statistics is placed in rejection region, then null hypothesis will be rejected. As can be seen in above table, t-statistics is 1.82 for residual profit. Also, t-statistics is 1.33 for intercept indicating null hypothesis is approved for intercept Then there is a direct relationship between residual profit and abnormal return, not a significant relation. In another words, there is not a positive significant relationship between residual profit and abnormal stock return of newly – arrived companies in stock exchange. Third Research Hypothesis: there is a positive significant relationship between book value and abnormal stock return of newly-arrived companies in stock exchange. Table -3: Analysis results of third sub – hypothesis Regression Standard t-statistics coefficient error -0.536035 0.163962 -3.269254 Intercept 0.045573 0.213979 0.212979 LBVT 0.0001 F-statistics Determination coefficient -0.01 WatsonAdjusted determination coefficient Durbin Variable Significance level 0.0017 0.8320 0.045(0.832) 2.28 Possibility amount (significance level) is 0.832 and bigger than 0.05. Then null hypothesis is approved and consequently there is not a relationship between two variables. Determination coefficient is 0.014 and it means that only 1.4 percent of changes of dependent variable is explainable by independent and control variables. Practically, this determination coefficient is a low figure. Watson – Durbin amount is 2.28 indicating there is not an autocorrelation in the model. If t-statistics is placed in rejection region, then null hypothesis will be rejected. As can be seen in above tabletstatistics is 0.213 for book value indicating null hypothesis is approved for firm size variable at 95 % confidence level. Also, t-statistics is -3.26 for intercept indicating null hypothesis is rejected for intercept. Then research hypothesis is rejected and then there is not a positive significant relationship between book value and abnormal stock return of newly-arrived companies in stock exchange. Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci., vols. 9, no. 1, 2015 The relationship between financial capital and abnormal return 429 CONCLUSION Useful information is decision base who people participate in capital market. Accounting standard setters try to supply financial reporting and accounting system for information needs of capital market. So, evaluating the usefulness of accounting information for valuing stock and being relative of accounting information to company value has been received attention in recent researches and has been put out as a main pattern in accounting researches (Kordestani & Rudneshin, 2007:45). The purpose of the research is that capital market activities can increase their wealth via predicting abnormal returns and selecting desirable stock and consequently make value. The results of the hypotheses are developed as follows: First Sub – Hypothesis: there is a positive significant relationship between economic added value and abnormal stock return of newly-arrived companies in stock exchange. According to statistical analysis of the hypothesis, it can be stated that possibility amount is 0.259 and bigger than 0.05. Then null hypothesis is supported and it means that there is not a relationship between two variables at 95 percent confidence level. Determination coefficient amount is 0.015. It means that only 1.5 percent of changes of dependent variable is explainable by independent and control variables. This figure is a low amount in practice. It can be observed a reverse relationship between economic added value and abnormal stock return. It means that abnormal stock return is reduced with increasing economic added value. The hypothesis states that abnormal return refers to a part of stock return which is more than predicted return by market fluctuations. Economic added value is a criterion for measuring performance and calculates the ways leading to increasing or reducing company value. There is a negative relationship between stock return and economic added value. Economic added value represents residual profit after deducting capital costs. EVA (economic value added) is simple performance criterion and provides a actual image of making wealth for shareholders and contributes managers to decide about investment and identify growth opportunities and attention to short – term benefits similar to long – term benefits. The role of economic added value is useful and logical financial analysis from financial performance and financial conditions of business units in comparison with accounting earning. The results of the hypothesis are compatible with the results of some researches such as Giancarlo et al (2005). Their findings indicated that if new stock issue is increased, abnormal return will be reduced and economic added value will be increased. But the results of the research are not compatible with Merio Levis's research (1993). He found that new stock issue along with discount increases abnormal stock return in short – term. Second Sub – Hypothesis: there is a positive significant relationship between abnormal stock return and residual profit of newly-arrived companies in stock exchange. According to the result of the research, it should be noted that possibility amount (or significance level) is 0.073 and bigger than 0.05. Then null hypothesis is supported and there is not a relationship between two variables at 95 confidence level. Determination coefficient is 0.044 indicating only 4.4 percent of changes of dependent variable are explainable by control and independent variables. This amount is a low figure in practice. But there is a direct relationship between residual profit and abnormal return, not significant. In another words, there is not a positive significant relationship between residual profit and abnormal stock return of newly-arrived companies in stock exchange. Residual profit is calculated in form of accounting income and similar to regular profits. Regular profits are the profits are calculated multiply book value of any stock at beginning of period by capital cost rate based on specific capital rate and book value of any stock at the beginning of the period. The application of residual profit allows analysts to pay more attention to profit prediction patterns in spite of merely explanation. According to theoretical framework about residual profit and statistical tests, it can be noted that there is not a significant relationship between residual profit and abnormal stock return, but a low direct relationship to some extent. In another words, independent variable (residual profit) only has a 4.4 percent impact on abnormal return. The result is not compatible with the results of the research conducted by Riter (199) and Bhagat and Rangan (2003). Third Research Hypothesis: there is a positive significant relationship between book value and abnormal stock return of newly-arrived companies in stock exchange. According to statistical results of the hypothesis, it should be noted that possibility amount (significance level) is 0.832 and bigger than 0.05, then null hypothesis is supported and there is not a relationship between two variables. Determination coefficient is 0.014. It means that only 1.4 percent of changes of dependent variable are explainable by control and independent variables. Therefore, research hypothesis is rejected. It means that there is not a positive significant relationship between book value and abnormal stock return of newly-arrived companies in stock exchange. It should be emphasized that book value of a share does not equal with its market book, because book value of stoke is related to value of registered assets in balance sheet, while market value is determined based on investors' evaluations from common value of company's assets and its operation manner. According to statistical test, it did not find a significant relationship in the hypothesis. One of the research limitations is that there is not relative research background about this regard. In fact, under – studied Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci., vols. 9, no. 1, 2015 430 M.Abdoli variable have been studied less. For example, some researches such as Aksu (2003) and Yang Kim (2009) studied the effect of firm size, book value ratio to market value ratio and past information on surplus return. The purpose of telling above explanation is that the effect of the variables of economic added value, residual profit and book value on abnormal return have not been received more attention, although, abnormal return amount is different from a country to another country. In spite of stock in initial public issue makes positive return, but it provides negative income for investors in long – term in comparison with market portfolio. On the other side, it should be emphasized that any evaluation model that uses discounted cash flows can be regarded as a model based on residual profit. EVA model (economic added value) encompasses analyst's assumptions about book value of stock and future profits which it is not possible to be calculated without additional accounting information. This process requires analysts to correct accounting figures and maintain added relations. Against EVA, models of RI (residual income) and AEG (abnormal earning growth) apply existing and reported figures and allow analyst emphasize on financial statements to determine growth rate than neutralizing accounting approaches. REFERENCE 1. Tabrizi Abdeh, Demori Dariush. Identifying the factors affecting on long – term return of newly- accepted stock in Tehran Stock Exchange, financial researches 2004:15. 23-50 2. Geyser, M. and I. Liebenberg (2002) " CREATING A NEW VALUATION TOOL FOR SOUTH AFRICAN'', AGRICULTURAL CO-OPERATIVES", Working Paper, University of Pretoria, 3. Ritter, R. (1991), "The long-run performance of Initial Public Offerings”, Journal of Finance, No. 40, 3-27. 4. Georgia, Siougle. 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