Use your voice, be heard, make a change for all youth in San Mateo County: Join the San Mateo County Youth Commission! What is the San Mateo County Youth Commission (SMCYC)? The San Mateo County Youth Commissionis an official youth-led advisory body to the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors. Made up of 25 youth from all over San Mateo County, the Youth Commission seeks to address issues affecting youth in the County and close the gap between adult and youth perspectives. The commission increases awareness of and advocates for youth issues by placing youth on boards and commissions, advising the Board of Supervisors, presenting policy recommendations, and creating projects that serve the community. All Youth Commissioners meet together at Workgroup Meetings on the third Thursday of every month, and at Public Meetings on the fourth Thursday of each month. There are additionally, various other ways to get involved with the Commission, such as: the Legislative Committee, the Adolescent Needs Committee, planning the San Mateo County Youth Conference, and much, much, more! In exchange for your hard work we offer community service credit. If you want to be an official member of the San Mateo County Youth Commission, you must: Live or attend school in San Mateo County Be between the ages of 13 to 20 Be able to commit to the Youth Commission between August—June (At least 3 meetings per month) Be able to attend Youth Commission Public Meetings held on the 4th Thursday of the month from 6:15pm to 8:15pm. (Exceptions: November & December- Meeting times TBD) Be able to attend Youth Commission Workgroup Meetings held on the 3rd Thursday of the month from 6:15 to 8:15pm. (Exceptions: November & December- Meeting times TBD) Join one of the five committees (meetings times vary) Have the time and energy to commit yourself to attending meetings, community events, and supporting other commission activities/events Application Deadline: Be able to attend a weekend retreat June 5th, 2015 Complete attached application Have transportation to most meetings and weekly access to email How to apply! Submit completed application to: Fax to: 650-401-7755 or Mail to: YDI 800 S. Claremont St, Ste 108, San Mateo, CA 94402 You will be contacted whether or not you are selected for an interview Contact: Brook Costello at (650) 401-8617 ex. 16, [email protected] Or visit our website: or Facebook page: 1 Adolescent Needs (formally Policy Track): The Adolescent Needs Committee is in charge of creating and implementing the Adolescent Needs Survey every five years, in partnership with the County’s Health Services. The results of this survey are turned into the Adolescent Needs Report, and shared with the County Board of Supervisors, the Office of Education, Health Services, and other youth serving entities in the County. The Committee creates hypotheses surrounding youth issues, which inform the questions on the survey. After the data is collected and the hypothesis testing is completed, the Committee creates policy recommendations based on the results. These policy recommendations are included in the Adolescent Needs Report, and inform the next four years of projects that the Adolescent Needs Committee works on. Environmental Protection Committee: Founded in the Spring of 2012, the Environmental Protection Committee works to engage youth and the County in efforts to reduce the carbon footprint of San Mateo County. In Spring of 2013 and 2014 they hosted the San Mateo County Eco-Friendly Fair. Immigrant Youth: Founded in September 2011, the IYC examines immigrant youth issues in San Mateo County, provides immigrant youth related trainings and presentations to the greater SMCYC, and works with existing immigrant youth groups in SMC. Created the “Passion, Dedication, and Determination: Immigrant Youth Award” to honor and award one youth in SMC each year. In the Spring of 2014 the Immigrant Youth Committee did a survey of the students in the Juvenile Hall to evaluate the disporportionality of immigrants and minorities within the system. Legislative Committee: Founded in October 2011, the Legislative Committee raises awareness of legislation affecting San Mateo County Youth, by researching and vetting legislation to bring to the greater SMCYC and the SMC Board of Supervisors for endorsement. In 2013, they created a master policy regarding transgender and gender non-conforming youth to be implemented into the county school districts. In 2014, they created a voting cirriculum and teaching manual for Government Classes. Teen Stress and Happiness: Founded in the Spring of 2012, the Teen Stress and Happiness Committee works to combat stress in youth throughout the County, and promote youth happiness. In 2014, they have worked with County’s Office of Diversity and Equity on their Mental Health Awareness Month Events as well as creating the template for a program called “SafeRides” which is a peer to peer drunk driving prevention program. Want to have your voice heard as a representative of youth in San Mateo County? Want to advise county officials and advocate for change? Then become a Youth Commission Liaison! There are a variety of Boards and Commissions needing youth representation, so you can find one that fits your interests: Arts Commission: promotes and encourage the arts, serving in an advisory capacity to the Board of Supervisors, to prepare and update the County’s strategic and cultural plan and act as a liaison with arts organizations in order to ensure collaboration and coordination related to culture and art activities in San Mateo County. Meets 2nd Wednesday of the month from 1-230pm, in Redwood City. Blue Ribbon Commission on Foster Care: provides recommendations in which the courts and their child welfare partners could improve safety, permanency, well-being, and fairness outcomes for children and families. Meets once a month on Friday at 2pm, in San Mateo. Child Abuse Prevention Council: prevents child abuse by advocating in the community and coordinating resources and raising community awareness through education and training. Meets 2 3rd Monday of every month from 2:45 - 4pm, in Belmont. Commission on Aging: Promotes the independence, health, and social/community involvement of older adults in San Mateo County. Meets every 2nd Monday of the month from 9-11am, in San Mateo. Commission on Disabilities: discusses issues and problems that affect people with disabilities, such as discrimination, accessibility , and community participation. Meets every 4th Thursday of the month from 3-5pm, in San Mateo. Commission on the Status of Women: promotes changes that meet the needs of women, girls and families, including expanding opportunities for education and employment and addressing gender discrimination. Meets 4th Tuesday of the month from 6:30-8:30pm, in Redwood City. Community Advisory Group (Human Service Agency): meets with community partners to look at the agency programs, services and outcomes as well as to plan community strategies. Meets quarterly, on the 3rd Thursday of the month from 4-6pm, in Belmont. Fatherhood Collaborative: believes in and supports the involvement of men and fathers in the lives of their children and families. Meets the 2nd Thursday of each month from 2-4PM. First 5 San Mateo County Commission: works to expand and improve early childhood services so that all children can have an equal opportunity for healthy development and future success. Meets 4th Monday of each month from 4-6pm, in San Mateo. HIV Board: advises the San Mateo County STD/HIV Program and provides ongoing direction about program policy, planning and development of all HIV/AIDS prevention and care services for San Mateo County residents. Meets quarterly, on the 2nd Wednesday from 1-2:30 or 5-7:30pm, in San Mateo. Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Commission: monitors the juvenile justice system and tries to prevent crime, violence, and imprisonment among young people. Meets last Tuesday of each month from 5-7pm, in San Mateo. Requires an additional application. Mental Health and Substance Abuse Recovery Commission: evaluates the needs of individuals with mental health problems in order to provide assistance and resources and eliminate negative attitudes toward mental illness. Meets 1st Wednesday of each month from 3-5 pm, in San Mateo. Parks Commission: guides the Parks Department on issues including parkland use, acquisitions and development of land, recreational use of County parks, and permits and fees. Meets even numbered month on the 1st Thursday from 4—6pm, in Redwood City. Peninsula Partnership Leadership Council: is a group of influential leaders from different fields who work to improve the lives of children, youth and families in San Mateo County. Meets 2nd Thursday of every other month from 3:30-5:30pm, in San Mateo. Pride Initiative: addresses problems that affect the LGBTQQI community, including promoting inclusiveness and equality of LGBTQQI individuals. Meets 3rd Thursday of odd numbered months from 3-5pm, in San Mateo. Respect! 24/7 Community Planning Group: aims to reduce incidents of bullying and to empower children and youth to exhibit leadership on this issue. Meets on a rotating basis. 3 San Mateo County Youth Commission 2015-2016 Application General Information Name:_______________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________ City:_____________________ State:____________ Zip:________________ Home Phone:______________________ Cell Phone:____________________ Email:________________________________________________________ School:______________________________ Date of Birth:___________________ Year:_____________________ Age:___________________________ Emergency Contact Information Parent/Guardian Name & Relationship: ______________________________ Phone #:___________________________________________________ Alternative Contact Name & Relationship:_____________________________ Phone #:___________________________________________________ Please rank from 1-5, which of the following Committees you would most like to be on, with one being your top choice and five being your last (Please see page 2 for descriptions): Adolescent Needs:___________ Legislative Committee: ___________ Immigrant Youth Committee: _________ Teen Stress and Happiness Committee: ___________ Environmental Protection Committee: ________ If you are interested in being a Youth Commission Liaison to a County Board or Commission, please write which ones you’re interested in: First choice: ___________________________________________________________ Second choice: _________________________________________________________ Third choice: ___________________________________________________________ I understand that participation in these projects requires attendance at the meetings as scheduled by the commission. If selected, I pledge to attend meetings and participate as an active team member in the project. I understand that some meetings and events will take place on the weekends and in the evenings. I commit to these responsibilities. Signed:______________________________________________________Date:_________ (For youth under the age of 18) As a parent or guardian, I have read through the information about the Youth Commission and support my child in applying for this program. Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________Date:_________ 4 Please write in print or feel free to type responses out and attach. Describe yourself. What are your talents, skills and interests? Why are you interested in joining the Youth Commission? What perspective could you bring to the Youth Commission? Ex: Experience with the Juvenile Justice System, are a foster youth, first hand immigration struggles, are a working high school student, etc. What issues do you think are affecting youth in your community or school? What experience do you have working in a team? What does teamwork mean to you? 5 What is an area of growth for you? What other commitments (Ex: job, sports, clubs, rehearsals) do you have outside of school? How many hours per week do you spend on these activities? What is your school schedule like for next year? (Ex: AP/IB classes, continuation school which ends at 1PM everyday, etc) Can you commit at least 2 hours per week to the Youth Commission? Are you available to attend the workgroup meetings on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 6:15-8:15PM and the public meeting meetings on the 4th Thursday of each month from 6:15pm—8:15pm? How did you hear about the SMC Youth Commission? Questions for us? 6 Please answer the following questions about the youth listed below. Feel free to use a separate sheet of paper. If you do use a separate sheet, please sign the sheet once completed. Thank You. Name of the youth you are referring:__________________________ How long have you know this youth? And in what capacity? What are the unique skills or talents you feel this youth has to bring to San Mateo County’s Youth Commission? In what area(s) does this youth need support or have a need for growth? How would you describe this youth’s attendance and reliability? Other Comments: Name/ Signature Date 7 MEDIA RELEASE I agree to voluntarily and without compensation authorize images (generated from video, audio and/or photographs) of me, or quotes by me, to be used by StarVista. You may use and reuse forever, or license others to use my image for any editorial or public relations purpose including annual reports and brochures. You may edit the image as you see fit, and I understand that you have no obligation to use my appearance. In consideration of my execution of this release, all parties agree to the following: 1) My name may accompany my likeness in any image. 2) StarVista will not use any image to make a direct endorsement of any product or service. I agree that all media becomes the property of StarVista. I have carefully read the above information and am indicating my understanding by signing below. ________________________________________ Signature of person appearing ________________________________________ Name of person appearing (please print) ________________________________________ Telephone number ________________________________________ Signature of guardian (if the person is under the age of 18) ________________________________________ Date 8 Transportation Permission Form I, _____________________ grant permission for my child, _______________________ to be transported by Youth Commission (YC) and Youth Development Initiative (YDI) staff for meetings, retreats, events and activities. I understand that the YC and YDI staff may drive either their own vehicles or the YDI agency van when providing transportation for my child. Each YDI staff person has a valid California driver’s license and insurance; but in no event will StarVista or individual YDI Staff be held liable for any injury resulting from an accident as a result of transporting your child. I also understand that transportation for Youth Commissioners is not guaranteed; transportation is structured on a first come/first serve basis, as there are a limited number of seats available. Arrangements must be made at least 48 hours in advance. ___________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian -------- ______________________ Date -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parents/Guardians: Please detach and keep this section… If you need to reach a Staff person, below is a list of Staff cell numbers: Youth Commission Program Coordinator 650-207-9628 Candice Newnes, YDI Program Manager 650-722-3009 9
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