Minutes – Board of Trustees UNAPPROVED MINUTES Meeting –April 2, 2015 MINUTES CERES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MEETING – BOARD OF TRUSTEES April 2, 2015, 7:00 PM – District Office Board Room 2503 Lawrence Street – Ceres, California REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETING Present for the regular scheduled meeting were: President Valli Wigt, Trustees Betty Davis, Jim Kinard, Faye Lane, Lourdes Perez and Mike Welsh, and Student Representatives Kyndal Chapman and Ashley Del Valle. Absent: Trustee Teresa Guerrero. Others present: Dr. Scott Siegel, Superintendent; Dr. Denise Wickham, Deputy Superintendent of Personnel Services; Dr. Debra Bukko, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services; Steve Fabela, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services; and Jay Simmonds, Assistant Superintendent of Student Support Services. 1. OPEN SESSION – 5:15 PM – District Office – Conference Room C a. Public Comment President Wigt opened the meeting at 5:20 p.m. for public comment. There was no one wishing to address the Board. b. Study Session – Long-term Debt c. Adjourn to Closed Session 2. CLOSED SESSION – Conference Room C a. Public Employee – Discipline/Dismissal/Release (Government Code Section 54947) b. Conference With Labor Negotiator (Government Code Section 54957.6) • Agency Designated Representatives: Scott Siegel, Denise Wickham and Fernando Ureno Employee Organizations: CUTA and CSEA c. Student Discipline/Expulsions (Education Code 35146) d. Reconvene to Open Session 3. PUBLIC MEETING – 7:00 PM – Board Room The meeting was convened to Open Session, where President Wigt called the Public Meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. with a quorum present. The salute to the flag was given and community member Jessica Contreras gave the invocation. 4. COMMENDATION/SCHOOL PRESENTATION SECTION a. Recognition of Stanislaus County Future City Competition Winner - Parks Elementary Principal Jennifer Backman introduced sixth-grader Angeles Ramirez who placed third in the Stanislaus County Future City Competition. The Trustees and Dr. Siegel greeted and congratulated the student and President Wigt presented her with a certificate in recognition of her accomplishment. b. Recognition of Western Athletic Conference Boys Basketball Coach of the Year Darryl Dickson, Central Valley High School Dr. Siegel introduced Coach Darryl Dickson who was named the Western Athletic Conference Boys Basketball Coach of the Year. The Trustees and Dr. Siegel greeted and congratulated Mr. Dickson and President Wigt presented him with a certificate in recognition of his accomplishment. 1 Minutes – Board of Trustees UNAPPROVED MINUTES Meeting –April 2, 2015 c. Recognition of California Interscholastic Federation Sac-Joaquin Section Norm MacKenzie Award Winner - Greg Magni, Central Valley High School Dr. Siegel introduced Athletic Director Greg Magni who was named the California Interscholastic Federation Sac-Joaquin Section Norm MacKenzie Award Winner. The Trustees and Dr. Siegel greeted and congratulated Mr. Magni and President Wigt presented him with a certificate in recognition of his accomplishment. d. Hensley Junior High School Presentation – Common Formative Assessments … What does the data say? Principal Carol Lubinsky addressed the Board to introduce staff and students who reported on Common Formative Assessments (CFAs). Teacher Laura McNelis reported that CFAs benefit both teachers and students, as students receive rapid feedback on tests and have the opportunity to reflect on their learning and self-assess their progress, while teachers have a greater opportunity to analyze student learning and collaborate more effectively with colleagues. Physical Education teacher Christie Stokman reported on the benefits of CFA in PE. A student provided his perspective on CFAs. Mrs. Lubinsky introduced a video of student-teacher interactions relative to CFAs. At this time, President Wigt offered the opportunity for those present for the Commendations and School Presentation to exit the meeting. 5. APPROVAL OF AGENDA – District Office Board Room a. Opportunity for the Board and Administration to Adjust the Published Agenda President Wigt offered the opportunity to make adjustments to the published Agenda. No adjustments were requested. 6. HEARING SECTION a. Opportunity for Citizens to Address Items Not on the Agenda President Wigt opened a public hearing for those wishing to address an item not on the Agenda. Trustee Perez read aloud the guidelines relevant to public presentations to the Board. With no one wishing to address the Board, the public hearing was closed. 7. REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION Trustee Perez reported that no action was taken during Closed Session. 8. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes of the Regular Governing Board Meeting of March 12, 2015 b. Ratification of Warrants c. Ratification of Employment d. Ratification of Contracts and Agreements e. Disposal of District Property f. Sale of District Property g. Warehouse Bid h. 2014-2015 Ceres EHS and Ceres RHS Budget Revisions i. 2015-2016 Ceres EHS and RHS Proposed Budgets j. Use of Technology Board Policy Update 2 Minutes – Board of Trustees UNAPPROVED MINUTES Meeting –April 2, 2015 Trustee Kinard moved and Trustee Lane seconded to approve as presented Consent Agenda Items a-j. Ayes: Kyndal Chapman, Ashley Del Valle, Betty Davis, Mike Welsh, Jim Kinard, Faye Lane, Lourdes Perez and Valli Wigt. Absent: Teresa Guerrero. Motion carried. 9. ACTION SECTION a. Consideration of Student Expulsions Trustee Welsh moved, and Trustee Lane seconded, to approve the Administrative Panel’s recommendations regarding Student Expulsion Case Numbers EX012-14/15, EX013-14/15, EX014-14/15 and EX015-14/15. Ayes: Betty Davis, Mike Welsh, Jim Kinard, Faye Lane, Lourdes Perez and Valli Wigt. Absent: Teresa Guerrero. Motion carried. b. AP Biology and AP Physics Textbook Adoption Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services Dr. Debra Bukko reported that representatives from each of the CUSD high schools have met to review and evaluate textbooks for adoption. The courses for which books were reviewed are Advanced Placement Physics and Advanced Placement Biology. The subject area adoption groups met to review and evaluate textbook options and narrowed the choices of potential texts. The members then had an opportunity to review the remaining samples, have students preview the materials and provide access for parents to investigate the programs. They then met as a group to review all teacher, student and parent input and made a recommendation for adoption to the Curriculum and Instruction Committee: Advanced Placement Physics: College Physics: A Strategic Approach (AP Edition) Advanced Placement Biology: Biology in Focus (AP Edition) Dr. Bukko reported that the Curriculum and Instruction Committee, comprised primarily of teachers representing each site, instructional coaches and elementary and secondary principal representatives, met on February 17, 2015. The committee reviewed the recommendations by subject area adoption group and approved the recommendation to adopt and implement the textbooks selected. Samples of the texts were provided for Board review at the March 12, 2015 meeting. Trustee Davis moved and Student Representative Chapman seconded to approve the recommendation by the Curriculum and Instruction Committee to adopt the texts listed above. Ayes: Kyndal Chapman, Ashley Del Valle, Betty Davis, Mike Welsh, Jim Kinard, Faye Lane, Lourdes Perez and Valli Wigt. Absent: Teresa Guerrero. Motion carried. c. Certification of Textbook Sufficiency Dr. Bukko reported that Education Code and California Code of Regulation require that each Local Educational Agency governing board must certify that each pupil in the district, in kindergarten through grade 12, was provided with a standards-aligned textbook or basic instructional material in each of the following areas for the 2014-2015 school-year which were approved by the board: • Mathematics • Science • History-social science • English/language arts, including the English language development component and adopted program Dr. Bukko reported that the governing board must also: make a written determination as to whether each pupil enrolled in foreign language or health courses had sufficient textbooks or instructional materials in those subjects; and determine the availability of laboratory science 3 Minutes – Board of Trustees UNAPPROVED MINUTES Meeting –April 2, 2015 equipment as applicable to science laboratory courses offered in grades 9-12 inclusive. Dr. Bukko presented for review and action by the Board of Trustees the certification of textbook sufficiency. Trustee Perez moved and Trustee Welsh seconded to approve the certification of textbook sufficiency for 2014-2015. Ayes: Kyndal Chapman, Ashley Del Valle, Betty Davis, Mike Welsh, Jim Kinard, Faye Lane, Lourdes Perez and Valli Wigt. Absent: Teresa Guerrero. Motion carried. d. 2015-2016 Strategic Plan Evaluation Criteria Dr. Bukko reported that 2015-2016 Strategic Plan Evaluation Criteria have been revised to align evaluation criteria with current California and Ceres Unified program practices. Dr. Bukko highlighted selected criteria and provided a summary of the recommendations. Trustee Perez moved and Trustee Davis seconded to approve the 2015-2016 Strategic Plan Evaluation Criteria. Ayes: Kyndal Chapman, Ashley Del Valle, Betty Davis, Mike Welsh, Jim Kinard, Faye Lane, Lourdes Perez and Valli Wigt. Absent: Teresa Guerrero. Motion carried. e. Groundskeeper I Title and Job Description Director of Personnel Services Fernando Ureno reported that the Groundskeeper I title and job description are being recommended to replace the current Groundskeeper title and job description. The new title and job description will accurately reflect the representative duties and responsibilities associated with the position of Groundskeeper I within the Maintenance and Operations Department. Under the direction of the Director of Maintenance and Operations the Groundskeeper I will be responsible for performing groundskeeper work in landscaped areas on District grounds. The Groundskeeper I position will remain on Range 36 of the classified salary schedule. The recommended revision has been reviewed and endorsed by CSEA. Trustee Kinard moved and Trustee Lane seconded to approve the job description as presented. Ayes: Kyndal Chapman, Ashley Del Valle, Betty Davis, Mike Welsh, Jim Kinard, Faye Lane, Lourdes Perez and Valli Wigt. Absent: Teresa Guerrero. Motion carried. f. Groundskeeper II Title and Job Description Mr. Ureno reported that the proposed Groundskeeper II job description establishes and defines the representative duties and responsibilities associated with this new position within the Maintenance and Operations Department. Under the direction of the Director of Maintenance and Operations the Groundskeeper II will be responsible for performing groundskeeper work, coordinating seasonal maintenance routines, developing and planning daily schedules and directing the work of groundskeepers. The Groundskeeper II position will enhance the District’s ability to improve services across the District. The Groundskeeper II position will be posted internally and will be placed on Range 49 of classified salary schedule. The recommended job description has been reviewed and endorsed by CSEA. Trustee Lane moved and Trustee Perez seconded to approve the job description as presented. Ayes: Kyndal Chapman, Ashley Del Valle, Betty Davis, Mike Welsh, Jim Kinard, Faye Lane, Lourdes Perez and Valli Wigt. Absent: Teresa Guerrero. Motion carried. 10. INFORMATION & STUDY a. Superintendent’s Report Dr. Siegel wished everyone a pleasant spring break. 4 Minutes – Board of Trustees UNAPPROVED MINUTES Meeting –April 2, 2015 b. Board Report Ceres High School Representative Kyndal Chapman and Central Valley High School Student Representative Ashley Del Valle reported on athletics, academics and other activities at their respective sites. c. Association Report Cheryl Brewer, President of the Ceres Unified Teachers Association (CUTA), reported that she wished to clear up information that may have been presented inaccurately to the Board in a Closed Session update on negotiations. Ms. Brewer reported that, earlier in the week while at the District Office, she and Lead Negotiator Ken Moncrief were approached by two District officers and asked to sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for increasing the nurses’ stipend, to which they responded that they would not discuss the MOU outside of negotiations. Ms. Brewer reported that she received an e-mail indicating that what the District heard was that CUTA was refusing to discuss the MOU, which is untrue. Ms. Brewer clarified that CUTA looks forward to discussing the MOU on April 16 (the next negotiations session). Ms. Brewer reported that association bylaws do not permit her and Mr. Moncrief to enter into back room deals; the proper and established procedure within CUTA is to discuss the MOU through the negotiations process. Ms. Brewer reiterated that CUTA is not refusing to sign the MOU, but requires that it be done properly to avoid an unfair labor practice. Ms. Brewer apologized for any misunderstanding, again reiterating that CUTA must follow the rules set by its membership and looks forward to discussing the MOU on April 16. Ms. Brewer offered to answer questions from the Board and expressed a desire to ensure that the Board and CUTA are on the same page, as the Trustees have probably heard conflicting stories. Diana Boyarsky, President of California School Employees Association, Chapter 140 (CSEA), was not present to report. d. District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) Report to the Board Dr. Bukko reported that a Local Educational Agency with 51 or more English learners must have a functioning DELAC in which at least 51 percent of the members are parents (not employed by the district) of English Learners. The DELAC must advise the school district governing board on all of the following tasks: Development of a district master plan for educational programs and services for English learners that takes into consideration the Single Plan for Student Achievement (5CCR 11308[c][1] Conducting of a district wide needs assessment on a school-by-school basis (5CCR 11208[c][2] Establishment of district program, goals, and objectives for programs and services for English learners (5CCR 11308[c][3] Development of a plan to ensure compliance with any applicable teachers and instructional aide requirements (5CCR 11308[c][4] Administration of the annual language census (5CCR 11308[c][5] ) Review and comment on the school district’s reclassification procedures (5CCR11308[c][6] Review and comment on the written notifications required to be sent to parents and guardians (5CCR 11308[c][7] This item provides the CUSD Board that the CUSD District English Learner Advisory Committee, working with the Program Specialist, has fulfilled its advisory requirements. 5 Minutes – Board of Trustees UNAPPROVED MINUTES Meeting –April 2, 2015 e. School Site Safety Plans 2014 -2015 Assistant Superintendent of Student Support Services Jay Simmonds reported that Education Code 32286 requires that School Comprehensive Safety Plans be reviewed, updated and submitted to the Board for approval by July 1 of each year. Mr. Simmonds presented the Comprehensive Safety Plans for review by the Board of Trustees. The plans will be brought for action on the Consent agenda of a subsequent meeting. f. New Board Policy Extracurricular/Cocurricular Coaches Mr. Ureno reported that proposed Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 4128 are being introduced to set guidelines and procedures for an impartial selection and recognition process of extracurricular and cocurricular participants when conflicts of interest exist within a specific program, team, and/or organization. District Office staff worked closely with the high school Athletic Directors in developing the policy language. The recommended policies are being presented for review at this meeting and will be brought for action at a subsequent meeting. 11. RESEARCH Bill seeks to curb lawsuits over physical education minutes, EdSource, March 16, 2015 Study: Large online literacy achievement gap exists, District Administration, March 2015 Adjourn to Closed Session The meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 7:49 p.m. Reconvene to Open Session Trustee Perez reported that no action was taken in Closed Session 12. ADJOURNMENT President Wigt adjourned the meeting at 8:01 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Scott Siegel, Ed.D. Secretary to the Board of Trustees 6
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