BOB WESSELS Harmonisation of Requirements for Insolvency Holders on a European Level I. Introduction Harmonisation of law within the EU, now with 28 Member States, often is thought of as the approximation or harmonisation respectively of matters of substantial law. Although certain matters could be a subject of harmonisation (such as certain topics of contract law or the law of obligations), harmonisation of insolvency law often receives critical observations: is it desirable? Is it possible? Is it practical? And, as a last but certainly not the final observation: is it in line with the principal of subsidiarity as codified in Article 5(3) of the Treaty on European Union (TEU), and in the new, post-Lisbon Treaty ‘Protocol on the application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality’?1 Although I am not convinced that harmonisation is not possible at all,2 I think a distinctively different approach to harmonisation of (substantive and procedural) laws is possible by looking at the organisational structure within which such laws operate. For matters of insolvency the most important actors in nearly any insolvency proceeding in Europe are the court and the insolvency office holder. Both have well extended roles, based on or limited to the provisions of domestic law as well as provisions in the EU Insolvency Regulation (EIR). In practice – as Bruno M. Kübler certainly will acknowledge – a successful insolvency proceeding is heavily dependent on a skilled and experienced insolvency office holder and an efficient and experienced court. Indeed, as has been submitted by Austin, Texas professor Jay Westbrook: ‘In the field of insolvency there are two actors whose integrity and experience are central to the functioning of the insolvency system: judges and administrators’.3 1 Article 5(3) TEU reads as follows: Under the principle of subsidiarity, in areas which do not fall within its exclusive competence, the Union shall act only if and in so far as the objectives of the proposed action cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States, either at central level or at regional and local level, but can rather, by reason of the scale or effects of the proposed action, be better achieved at Union level. The institutions of the Union shall apply the principle of subsidiarity as laid down in the Protocol on the application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality. National Parliaments ensure compliance with the principle of subsidiarity in accordance with the procedure set out in that Protocol. 2 See Ian F. Fletcher/Bob Wessels, Harmonisation of Insolvency Law in Europe, Reports presented to the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Burgerlijk Recht (Netherlands Association of Civil Law), Deventer, 2012. Fletcher and I plea for a conscious step-by-step approach and have summarised our findings and presented our conclusions in a final chapter, which is separately published, see Some parts of this contribution are derived from our research into the phenomenon of ‘harmonisation of insolvency laws’. 3 Jay Lawrence Westbrook et al., A Global View of Business Insolvency Systems, The World Bank, Washington DC, 2010, 203. Generally on the roles of other actors, such as academia and legislators, see Bob Wessels, On the future of European Insolvency Law, INSOL Europe Acade- 758 Bob Wessels In this contribution to Bruno M. Kübler’s Festschrift I will highlight some aspects of the European Commission’s recent policy on insolvency matters, the so called ‘New European approach to business failure and insolvency’ (par. II). After some general comments about harmonisation of selected insolvency topics (par. III) I enter the main theme of my contribution, more specifically the need for harmonisation of requirements for liquidators (par. IV) and the need for harmonisation of methods of supervision of liquidators (par. V). I will explain that legislation on this topic on a European level has not been introduced, so it has been a praiseworthy step for the European insolvency practitioners association INSOL Europe4 to have developed, with a research group of the Leiden Law School, an – what in draft is called – INSOL Europe Statement of Principles and Best Practice for Insolvency Office Holders in Europe (par. VI). I will end with a short conclusion. II. A new European approach to business failure and insolvency Late 2011 the European Parliament (EP) approved a ‘Motion for a European Parliament resolution with recommendations to the Commission on insolvency proceedings in the context of EU company law’. In this motion, the EP requests the Commission to submit to the Parliament, on the basis of Article 50, Article 81(2) or Article 114 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), one or more legislative proposals: ‘[…] relating to an EU corporate insolvency framework, following the detailed recommendations set out in the Annex hereto, in order to ensure a level playing field, based on a profound analysis of all viable alternatives.’5 One of the categories on the EP’s wish-list concerns matters related to harmonisation of national insolvency law. As topics ready for research on the suitability of harmonisation the EP suggests (amongst others): (a) certain aspects of the opening of insolvency proceedings, (b) certain aspects of the filing of claims, (c) aspects of avoidance actions, (d) aspects of restructuring plans, and (e) general aspects of the requirements for the qualification and work of liquidators, which is the EU term for a variety of insolvency office holders working in the EU Member States. In this contribution my attention will be on this latter topic (e). The response from the European Commission came on 12 December 2012. The Commission introduced the ingredients for a new policy, named ‘A new European approach to business failure and insolvency’, which would aim to harmonise national insolvency and company law regarding the following features: (a) a second chance for entrepreneurs in honest ‘bankruptcies’, (b) discharge periods, mic Forum’s 5th Edwin Coe Lecture, in: Rebecca Parry (ed.), European Insolvency Law: Prospects for Reform, INSOL Europe, Nottingham Paris, 2014, pp. 131–158 (ISBN 978-09570761-6-7), also published in International Insolvency Law Review 2014/3, pp. 310–332 (ISSN 2190-4952). For the role of judges, see Bob Wessels, Towards A Next Step in Cross-border Judicial Cooperation, in: 27 Insolvency Intelligence 2014/7, 100 ff. 4 Bruno M. Kübler was president of INSOL Europe from 1992–1994. 5 See Motion for a European Parliament resolution with recommendations to the Commission on insolvency proceedings in the context of EU company law (2011/2006(INI). In the motion the EP confirms ‘[…] that the recommendations respect the principle of subsidiarity and the fundamental rights of citizens.’ For all related documents, see sides/ Harmonisation of Requirements for Insolvency Holders on a European Level 759 (c) rules on the opening of proceedings, (d) the unfulfilled expectations of creditors for different categories of debtors, (e) uncertainty for creditors relating to procedures to file and verify claims, (f) promoting restructuring plans, and (g) special needs of small and medium enterprises to promote second chance.6 Using the outcomes of a public consultation of July 2013, the European Commission presented on 12 March 2014 its Recommendation on ‘[…] a new approach to business failure and insolvency.’ The objective of the Recommendation is to shift the focus away from liquidation towards encouraging viable businesses to restructure at an early stage to prevent insolvency. With around 200,000 businesses across the EU facing insolvency and 1.7 million people losing their jobs each year as a result, the Commission wants to give viable enterprises the opportunity to restructure and stay in business. The chosen method is to reform national insolvency legislation with the aim to assist viable firms in business and safeguard jobs and at the same time improve the environment for creditors who will be able to recover a higher proportion of their investment than if the debtor had gone in a formal insolvency proceeding. The Recommendation has 20 recitals and 36 recommendations and offers for implementation in the national laws of the Member States a set of ‘minimum standard’ for ‘preventive restructuring frameworks’.7 As follows from the response to the EP as well as the contents of the Recommendation, the European Commission has chosen (for reasons unknown) not to suggest a form of harmonisation of ‘general aspects of the requirements for the qualification and work of liquidators’, where the EP had asked for. III. Harmonisation of selected insolvency topics Harmonisation of topics of insolvency law does not bear a long history. Since decades one finds comparative studies on all sorts of insolvency topics related to countries that share the foundations of a legal system and the use of one language, most notably English as a language, especially the USA, England and the commonwealth countries. However, when non-English speaking countries are involved, the development of comparative insolvency law studies – and we add: presented in English8 – is still in its infant’s shoes. During the past few years, however, such comparative sources have gained in depth, but their number 6 See COM(2012) 742. In the same period the Commission presented its ‘Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan: Reigniting the entrepreneurial spirit in Europe’ which invited Member States to: – Reduce, when possible, the discharge time and debt settlement for an honest entrepreneur after bankruptcy to a maximum of three years by 2013; – Offer support services to businesses for early restructuring, advice to prevent bankruptcies, and support for SMEs to restructure and re-launch; and to – Provide advisory services to bankrupt entrepreneurs to manage debt and to facilitate economic and social inclusion and develop programmes for ’second starters’ for mentoring, training and business networking. See COM(2012)795. 7 For an overview, see Stephan Madaus, The EU Recommendation on Business Rescue – Only Another Statement or a Cause for Legislative Action Across Europe?, in: 27 Insolvency Intelligence 2014, no. 6, 81 ff. 8 Let me make this statement once more: Several PhD’s or similar publications in WesternEurope, contain thorough studies of topics with a comparison of different jurisdictions, but in the European or even global discourse their role is limited as these are written in languages such 760 Bob Wessels is still rather limited.9 More recently, comparative studies have been published, either at the initiative of scholars,10 for instance on the question what belongs to the insolvency estate11 or – on the contrary – what is exempted from such an insolvency estate12 and for instance with regard to the process of rescuing companies in England and Germany.13 Harmonisation is a careful process. Harmonisation of certain topics is possible, but it has to be acknowledged that many of these topics will prove to be interconnected to larger (non insolvency law related) legal areas, such as employment law, property law, contract law or procedural law. For the German practitioner Kolmann this latter observation is decisive. He argues that only in case that greater consensus in these non-insolvency areas exists, harmonisation of insolvency law will have a greater prospect of success.14 Other authors seem more hopeful.15 IV. Need for harmonisation of requirements for liquidators Let me now turn to the harmonisation of general aspects of the requirements for the qualification and work of liquidators. The EP sets to topic forth, but it is not suggesting a certain harmonisation instrument. It recommends harmonisation on the following (I have added numbers): 1. the liquidator must be approved by a competent authority of a Member State or appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction of a Member State, must be of good repute and must have the educational background needed for the performance of his/ her duties; as French, Dutch or German. It is recommended that such studies should contain at least an adequate summary in English. It is recalled that several studies from French authors in the early 90s favour strongly harmonisation of certain aspects of insolvency. See the authors mentioned by Paul J. Omar, European Insolvency Law, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004, 50. 9 Reference is made to Otto E. Fonseca Lobo (ed.), World Insolvency Systems: A Comparative Study, Sweet & Maxwell, 2009, and Christopher Mallon (ed.), The Restructuring Review, London: Law Business Research, 3rd ed., 2013. Presented as an academic exercise, see: Dennis Faber/ Niels Vermunt/Jason Kilborn/Thomas Richter (eds.), Commencement of Insolvency Proceedings, Oxford International and Comparative Insolvency Law Series, Oxford University Press, 2012. The latter I regard as a valuable source for the countries presented, but most remarkably a synthesis of the topic of ‘commencement’ is lacking. See for a short review: Bob Wessels, International Insolvency Law Review 4/2012, 591–592. 10 See the contributions in: Wolf-Georg Ringe/Louise Gullifer/Philippe Théry, Current Issues in European Financial and Insolvency Law. Perspectives from France and the UK, Studies of the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law, Vol. 11, Hart Publishing, 2009. 11 H. Rajak, Determining the Insolvent Estate – A Comparative Analysis, 20 International Insolvency Review, Spring 2011, Issue 1, 1 ff. 12 D. McKenzie Skene, The Composition of the Debtor’s Estate on Insolvency: A Comparative Study of Exemptions, 20 International Insolvency Review, Spring 2011, Vol. 20, Issue 1, 28 ff.; Rolef J. de Weijs, Harmonisation of European Insolvency Law and the Need to Tackle Two Common Problems: Common Pool & Anticommons, 21 International Insolvency Review 2012, 67 ff. 13 Reinhard Bork, Rescuing Companies in England and Germany, Oxford University Press, 2012. 14 See his paper presented at a Joint international insolvency conference in Amsterdam, April 2011. Stephan Kolmann, Thoughts on the governing insolvency laws, at uploads/pdf/ammend_Kolmann.pdf. 15 See David Marks, EU Insolvency law in harmony or totally atonal, in: 3-4 Digest, July 2010, 20 ff; Luminit¸a Tuleas¸ca˘, The Harmonization of the European Laws of Insolvency, Lex Et Scientia International Journal (LESIJ) No. XVIII, Vol. 1/2011 ( 402_389_lesij_js_XVIII_1_2011_art _014.pdf). Harmonisation of Requirements for Insolvency Holders on a European Level 761 2. the liquidator must be competent and qualified to assess the situation of the debtor’s entity and to take over management duties for the company; 3. when main insolvency proceedings are opened, the liquidator should be empowered for a period of six months to decide on the protection of assets with retroactive effect in cases where companies have moved capital; 4. the liquidator must be empowered to use appropriate priority procedures to recover monies owing to companies, in advance of settlement with creditors and as an alternative to transfers of claims; 5. the liquidator must be independent of the creditors and other stakeholders in the insolvency proceedings; 6. in the event of a conflict of interest, the liquidator must resign from his/her office. Klaus Lehne is the reporter for the EP. He indicates that ‘liquidator’ means the liquidator described in Article 2(b) EIR. Lehne rightly notes that according to Article 4(2)(c) EIR the Member State of the opening of collective insolvency proceedings shall determine the powers of the liquidator, and that Articles 18 and 19 contain basic provisions for the liquidator. He states: ‘[…] While the rapporteur would not endeavour to harmonise the powers and duties of liquidators at that stage, he would still like to propose some common requirements. Some harmonisation in this area would support the idea of closer cooperation between the liquidators and enhance the comparability in the profession.’ As with the topic of ‘opening’ of insolvency proceedings the reporter seems to limit his remarks to liquidators appointed in cross-border cases, whilst the proposals of the EP seem to have a wider scope. The EP recommends harmonisation of certain elements of the profession of an insolvency office holder, and topics 1, 2, 5 and 6 (mentioned above) typically constitute elements for the deontology of nearly any profession in the commercial area. Topics 3 and 4, however, sound odd in this list, in that they recommend certain powers which, when executed, will have an immediate effect on third parties. Where the first group relates to the nature of the profession, these latter topics would better fit in a category close to recommendation 1.3 (‘Aspects of avoidance actions’). Where in any insolvency proceeding the judge is an insolvency office holder’s antipole, it is observed that it is remarkable that the EP is silent with suggesting a similar recommendation for the work of an insolvency judge. Its recommendation 2.4 (‘Recommendation on cooperation between courts’) only provides ‘[…] that Article 32 [read 31; Wess.] of the Insolvency Regulation should provide for an unequivocal duty of communication and cooperation not only between liquidators but also between courts.’ Back to the ‘liquidator’. INSOL Europe had been invited by the EP to provide background for the matters that could be a subject for harmonisation. INSOL Europe’s Note displays some eight EU Member State reports, from which it follows that the laws of EU Member States have different rules on the qualifications and eligibility for the appointment, licensing, regulation, remuneration, supervision and professional ethics and conduct of liquidators. Where the drafters of the Note have not experienced that the use of different systems in the EU Member States have caused any difficulties in practice, they conclude that ‘[…] there is no merit in seeking to harmonise these issues until a further harmonisation of substantive insolvency law and company law has been achieved”.16 Here it seems that the Note is carried away by its main message of allowing cross-border group insolvencies under the guidance of one insolvency office holder being appointed in 16 INSOL Europe Note 2010, at 20. 762 Bob Wessels the insolvency of an ‘ultimate parent’ company as well as proceedings involving subsidiaries.17 INSOL Europe seems to underline the importance of what a liquidator normally in its day-to-day work does. It’s not the person, but its actions. However, I think the emphasis should lay on the person, on a liquidator’s inherent professional and personal qualities, both in an international as well as in a national context. With the automatic recognition of an opening judgment, the powers of any appointed liquidator can be exercised – within the rules set by Article 18 and onwards of the Insolvency Regulation – in 26 other Member States. The coordination of activities related to the insolvent debtor’s estate in all Member States in the EU is in her or his hands. The model on which the EU Insolvency Regulation is based may result in one main insolvency proceeding with the liquidator dealing with assets located in any other Member State, or it may result in a split of insolvency proceedings opened against the debtor, who has assets or operations in two or more jurisdictions of the EU: main insolvency proceedings can be opened in Member State X, when the centre of the debtor’s main interest (COMI) is in Member State X (Article 3(1) EIR); secondary insolvency proceedings can be opened in the other Member States where the debtor has an establishment within the meaning of Article 2(h) EIR. These proceedings, as they are both concerned with the same debtor, should be coordinated, but they do not operate on an equal footing: ‘Main insolvency proceedings and secondary proceedings can […] contribute to the effective realisation of the total assets only if all the concurrent proceedings pending are coordinated. The main condition here is that the various liquidators must cooperate closely, in particular by exchanging a sufficient amount of information. In order to ensure the dominant role of the main insolvency proceedings, the liquidator in such proceedings should be given several possibilities for intervening in secondary insolvency proceedings which are pending at the same time’, thus recital (20) preceding the text of the EU Insolvency Regulation. This position requires certain specific qualities and skills. On a national level I am adhering to a vision which was already expressed over thirty years ago: ‘The success of any insolvency system […] is very largely dependent upon those who administer it. If they do not have the confidence and respect, not only of the courts and of the creditors and debtors, but also of the general public, then complaints will multiply and, if remedial action is not taken, the system will fall into disrepute and disuse’.18 It should be stressed that it is not only the creditors’ confidence, but the trust the market puts in the insolvency office holders’ actions, which may translate in her/his ability to exercise a transparent process, e. g. for unsecured creditors to be informed in a clear way about any process and to be able to influence any administration, to understand the way the profession is regulated, which would include a mechanism to maintain trust in any regulatory regime, such as a post-action review or a complaints procedure. 17 See also INSOL Europe Revision Report 2012, Robert van Galen et al., Revision of the Insolvency Regulation, INSOL Europe, 2012, 91 ff recommending a Chapter V (‘Insolvency of Groups of Companies’) to be included in the Insolvency Regulation. 18 Cork Report, Insolvency Law and Practice – Report of the Review Committee (Chairman, Sir Kenneth Cork) (June 1982, Cmnd. 8558), London, HMSO ISBN 0 10 185580, at para. 732. This highly influential report is the basis for the reform of insolvency law in the UK, centred on the Insolvency Act 1986. Harmonisation of Requirements for Insolvency Holders on a European Level 763 V. Need for harmonisation of methods of supervision of liquidators The European Parliament not only paid attention to the requirements for a liquidator’s qualification. The first part of the first recommendation of the EP provides that ‘[…] the liquidator must be approved by a competent authority of a Member State or appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction of a Member State.’ This touches on the subject of ‘entry to the market of insolvency’ and the control over a liquidator’s actions. From existing research it follows that for the functioning of insolvency office holders in several EU Member States some common criteria apply. In 2006, the German practitioner Köhler-Ma reviewed some 12 jurisdictions in Europe19 and concluded that in all jurisdictions reviewed for the selection of insolvency administrators it is necessary to possess the appropriate training, that ‘[…] it is either expressly or implicitly stated that persons who may be selected must, at least, possess the necessary mental and physical health and be able to prove that they have no relevant criminal record.’ The general view seems to be that the most important general exclusion criterion is that the insolvency administrator is not be exposed to any conflict of interest, e. g. an accountant previously involved in preparing a financial statement or a previous attorney-client relationship that gives rise to similar objections.20 In an overview of a few different jurisdictions21 it is demonstrated that selection of insolvency office holders, their supervision and their remuneration can be arranged in ‘[… ] quite a number of ways’.22 A few years ago, in his dissertation, Henke made an effort to measure supervision systems.23 He compares the German system of supervision with the English system. For Germany he distinguishes preventive and repressive (‘informationrepressive’) supervision, performed either by the State (‘staatlich’) or privately (‘privat’). In the UK Henke explains that ‘the State’ can be a Court or the Secretary of State) and ‘privately’ contains creditors and the recognised professional bodies (RPBs).24 Such (governmental) agencies are also operational in the Czech Republik and Sweden, but nonexistent in Belgium, France, Germany, Poland, Spain and the Netherlands. Henke’s conclu19 Christian Köhler-Ma, Insolvency Administrator Selection and Quality Criteria in International Comparison, 2006_downloads/ENL_insolvency_01_ sep_2006.doc. See too Christian Köhler-Ma, Verwalterauswahl und Qualitätskriterien im internationalen Vergleich, DZWiR 2006, 228 ff. 20 See Reinhard Bork, Die Unabhängigkeit des Insolvenzverwalters – ein hohes Gut, ZIP 2006, 58 ff.; Björn Laukemann, Die Unabhängigkeit des Insolvenzverwalters. Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung, Heidelberger Rechtswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, Tübingen, 2010. 21 Australia, Canada, Finland, United Kingdom, United States, Slovakia, China. 22 Jay Lawrence Westbrook et al., A Global View of Business Insolvency Systems, The World Bank, Washington DC, 2010, 208 ff. 23 Johannes Henke, Effektivität der Kontrollmechanismen gegenüber dem Unternehmensinsolvenzverwalter. Eine Untersuchung des deutschen und englischen Rechts, Studien zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht, nr. 229, 2009. 24 The recognised professional bodies that regulate the practice of insolvency in Great Britain are: The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants; The Insolvency Service; Insolvency Practitioners Association; The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales; Chartered Accountants, Ireland; The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland; The Law Society of Scotland; Solicitors Regulation Authority. See Insolvency Act 1986, s. 391, together with S. I.1986/1764: the Insolvency Practitioners (Recognised Professional Bodies) Order 1986. 764 Bob Wessels sions are not easy to grasp, in that the author’s method (‘Mechanismusdesign-Theory’ as a part of game theory) is a challenge to understand. Comparative studies of a practical nature may be of use. In a report of 2007, published by the European Bank for Reconstuction and Development (EBRD), the results of a comparative review can be found of the manner in which the laws of eight south-eastern European countries make provision for issues such as qualifications, licensing, appointment, removal/retirement/replacement, standards of work and conduct, discipline and remuneration of office holders in insolvency cases.25 The principal purpose of the survey was to determine whether and the extent to which the respective laws of the countries mentioned make such provision. Aware of the relatively young and rather untested legal regimes related to insolvency in these countries the drafters’ main conclusions are: (i) that in all the topics mentioned a variety of approaches have been chosen in a country’s laws and regulations, (ii) that there is a clear need for appropriate detailed standards to guide office holders in their work and to improve the basis on which their work can be measured and assessed, and (iii) that in general there is an inadequate disciplinary system for insolvency office holders (either related to the vague ground for disciplinary action or the limited type of available sanctions). The International Association of Insolvency Regulators (IAIR)26 has conducted a comparative study into a similar list of topics as mentioned under above.27 From this report – limited to commercial insolvency – the main results of 19 organisations that participated are three of a kind: (i) in all jurisdictions represented insolvency professionals play a role in administering insolvency proceedings, (ii) in the majority of jurisdictions insolvency professionals are private sector professionals (17), (iii) in 55 % of the jurisdictions insolvency professionals are licensed, most often licences are renewable and there is a register of insolvency professionals, whilst (non licensed) registration in a register of insolvency professionals is available in ‘some’ jurisdictions. Finally, attention should be paid to a 2103 report of the EBRD, which offers an assessment and evaluation of the insolvency office holder profession in a selected number of EBRD countries of operations.28 EBRD used a set of benchmarks and key indicators to gauge the relative performance of the IOH profession related to nearly all topics mentioned above. It found that the main distinction that has emerged is between countries that take an active approach to the development and regulation of the profession (examples given are Serbia, Romania and to a lesser extend Latvia) and those that adopt a more passive 25 Jay Allen/Neil Cooper/Ron Harmer, A Regional Report on Insolvency Office Holders in South-East Europe, June 2007. See /insolserv.pdf. These eight countries are Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, and Slovenia. 26 The International Association of Insolvency Regulators (IAIR) is an international body with around 25 members, being government departments, agencies or public authorities (further: ‘agencies’) which have responsibility in their country for insolvency regulation, practice, policy and/or legislation. Among its members are agencies of Australia, Canada, China, India, Mexico, Russian Federation and the USA. EU Member States represented are Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, Romania, UK: England & Wales (The Insolvency Service), UK Northern Ireland (The Insolvency Service) and UK Scotland - Accountant in Bankruptcy. 27 IAIR, An international comparative study of the development of an insolvency profession and its performance, March 19, 2010, see 28 Bosnia and Herzogovina, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia and Tunesia (since the ‘Arab Spring’ a new EBRD country of operation). Harmonisation of Requirements for Insolvency Holders on a European Level 765 approach. Here Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland and Tunisia are mentioned. Another conclusion is that whilst some countries follow similar practices, there are substantial differences of approach towards the IOH profession within the jurisdictions surveyed. EBRD submits that this may lead to differences amongst IOHs themselves and the state of comparative development of the profession in a particular jurisdiction. On the topic of licensing or registration of IOHs, EBRD notes that this area has proved to be closely ‘[…] interlinked with regulation, supervision and discipline, since these functions are often, although not exclusively, performed by the same regulating entity, which is often responsible for the separate area of higher qualification and training.’ Supervision in the form of judicial oversight takes place in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland and Tunisia with the appointment of a ‘judge commissioner’ with day-to-day responsibility for management of insolvency cases, which appeared to limit an IOH’s autonomy.29 VI. INSOL Europe Statement of Principles and Best Practice for Insolvency Office Holders in Europe The lack of further legislative action and the revisions to be expected to be made to the Insolvency Regulation has led to an initiative taken in 2012 by the largest insolvency practitioners association in Europe, INSOL Europe. In December 2012 the European Commission (EC) submitted a report on the application of the EIR to the European Parliament (EP), the Council and the Economic and Social Committee.30 In accordance with article 46 EIR, this report was accompanied by a proposal to adapt the Regulation. The focus of the EC Proposal31 is on (a) enhanced restructuring possibilities, and (b) intensification of communication and cooperation between liquidators, between courts, and between each other. On the intensification of communication and cooperation, the last line of Recital 20 of the Proposed EIR reads: ‘[…] In their cooperation, liquidators and courts should take into account best practices for cooperation in cross-border insolvency cases as set out in principles and guidelines on communication and cooperation adopted by European and international associations active in the area of insolvency law.’ The recital opens the door to already existing ‘best practices’, such as the European Communication and Cooperation Guidelines for Cross-border Insolvency (also termed: ‘CoCo Guidelines’), which were endorsed by INSOL Europe during its Annual Congress in October 2007 in Budapest, Romania. The CoCo Guidelines initiative was jointly chaired by professor Miguel Virgós (University Autonomá, Madrid, Spain) and myself. These Guidelines have received attention both in legal literature as well as from judges and practitioners, and were for instance taken into account in the June 2009 Global Cross-Border Insolvency Protocol for the Lehman Brothers Group of Companies.32 Further steps to promoting court-tocourt communication were taken in June 2012, when the American Law Institute (ALI) and International Insolvency Institute (III) Global Principles for Cooperation in International Cases (‘Global Principles’) were published. These Global Principles include Global Guidelines 29 I am just mentioning a few items from this interesting report, see 30 Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Regulation (EC) No 346/2000 on insolvency proceedings, {SWD(2012) 416 final}, {SWD(2012) 417 final}. 31 32 See Bob Wessels/Miguel Virgós, European Communication and Cooperation Guidelines for Cross-Border Insolvency, INSOL Europe, 2007. See, or, weblog, document 2007-09-doc1. These Guidelines are explained in e. g. Bob Wessels/ 766 Bob Wessels for Court-to-Court Communications in International Insolvency Cases and were drafted by professor Ian Fletcher (University College London) and myself.33 Early 2013 INSOL Europe granted Leiden Law School the assignment to design a set of Principles and Best Practices for Insolvency Office Holders in Europe. The founding idea is that by designing this set of Principles and Best Practices the general quality of IOHs in Europe would improve and the mutual trust between IOHs as well as the trust in the IOHs’ work by the general public would be enhanced. The basic idea underlying the English Insolvency Act 1986, see above. In addition, IOHs would be able to work more efficient, which once again would enhance the trust in the IOH profession on the market.34 The study is in its final stage. It may be expected that the final result – a non-binding statement of professional and ethical guidelines for insolvency office holders – will be available in December 2014, after have digested the results of discussion of seven ‘principles’ (briefly set out below), and over thirty best practices (not set out here) taking place during the Annual Congress on Insol Europe in Istanbul, mid October 2014. INSOL Europe and Leiden Law School decided to divide the work over three phases. During the first phase, leading to a Report I, the focus was on the existing international rules. The following research questions were addressed: Miguel Virgós, Accommodating Cross-border Coordination: European Communication and Cooperation Guidelines for Cross-Border Insolvency, in: International Corporate Rescue, Vol. 4, Issue 5, 2007, 250 ff. The European Communication & Cooperation Guidelines for Cross-border Insolvency of 2007 aim to provide rules to be applied by insolvency administrators within their duties to communicate and cooperate in cross-border insolvency instances to which the EU Insolvency Regulation is applicable. Their reception has been welcomed by scholars (e. g. Mario Hortig, Kooperation von Insolvenzverwaltern, Schriften zum Insolvenzrecht, Diss. Köln, Bd. 25, 2008: ‘[…] it is to be expected that the Guidelines will develop to the European standard of cooperation’, at 258), and insolvency practitioners (Stephen J. Taylor, The Use of Protocols in Cross Border Insolvency Cases, in: Pannen (ed.), European Insolvency Regulation, Berlin, 2007, 678 ff (‘highly laudable initiative’, at 681); Lars Westpfahl/Uwe Goetker/Jochen Wilkens, Grenzüberschreitende Insolvenzen, Köln, 2008 (‘extremely helpful’, p. 125); Louise Verrill, The INSOL Europe Guidelines for Cross Border Communication, in: Bob Wessels and Paul Omar (eds.), Crossing (Dutch) Borders in Insolvency, Nottingham, Paris: INSOL Europe 2009, 39 ff (‘[it is] important for the professions to be aware of and understand the need to adopt the CoCo Guidelines’, at 45). See also Andreas Geroldinger, Verfahrenskoordination im Europäischen Insolvenzrecht. Die Abstimmung von haupt- und Sekundärinsolvenzverfahren nach der EuInsVO, Veröffentlichungen des LudwigBoltzmann-Institutes für Rechtsvorsorge und Urkundenwesen, Wien, 2010, p. 31, qualifying the CoCo Guidelines as a first and by all means very promising attempt (Ein erster durchaus viel versprechender Versuch). See also Paul H. Zumbro, Cross-border Insolvencies and International Protocols – an Imperfect but Effective Tool, in: 11 Business Law International no. 2, May 2010, 157 ff, at 167 (‘The CoCo Guidelines reflect best practices both inside and outside Europe’); Patrick E. Mears/Timothy S. McFadden, Court-to-Court Communications, Reform of European Regulation, ABI Journal, October 2012, at 33 ff. For an in depth analysis of the CoCo Guidelines, see Olaf Benning, International Prinzipien für grenzüberschreitende Insolvenzverfahren, Schriften zum Verfassungsrecht, Bd. 45, Frankfurt, 2013, stressing another aspect, in that the CoCo Guidelines also can be used to trace European or even global principles for cross-border insolvency proceedings (‘[…] um europaweit oder sogar weltweit geltende Prinzipien für grenzüberschreitende Insolvenzverfahren zu ermitteln’), at 83. 33 For the Global Guidelines, see node_id=85, or See Ian F. Fletcher/Bob Wessels, Shaping Rules for Coordination in International Corporate Insolvency Cases through Dialogue, in: European Company Law 7, issue 4 (2010), pp. 149–153. 34 The Leiden Law School research has as its members for this IOH-project prof. Jan Adriaanse (professor of Turnaround Management), prof. Iris Wuisman (professor of Company Law), and Dr. Bernard Santen, Senior Researcher, all at Leiden Law School ( I acted as a consultant to this IOH-project. Harmonisation of Requirements for Insolvency Holders on a European Level 767 (i) would it be possible to develop a framework for the uniform analysis of the existing rules for IOHs?; and (ii) would the results of the analysis of existing international rules be supportive to the design of Principles and Best Practices for IOHs? Report II analysed the sets of rules applicable to IOHs in 11 European countries. The core queries in this Report were: (iii) would the results of the analysis of existing national rules in 11 European countries be supportive to the design of Principles and Best Practices for IOHs?, and (iv) which topics in IOH related rules would be served by creating Principles and/or Best Practices? Report III then delivers the Principles and Best Practices for IOHs in Europe including explanatory comments (see below). Given the lack of a framework for the uniform analysis of the existing rules for IOHs, the research team created its own uniform unique framework.35 From a tentative analysis it induced four main categories of subjects: (1) IOH selection and appointment (regarding the question how to become an IOH), (2) Professional standards (covers professional and ethical standards for an IOH, (3) Roles and responsibilities (relates to what an IOH should do once appointed in an individual case), and (4) Insolvency governance (the various monitoring functions on the IOH’s work. (5) Figure 1 depicts this framework: Figure 1 therefore represents a framework to compare professional and ethical rules for IOHs. Any person considering to become an IOH should pass a selection procedure of some sort and should subsequently be appointed (Category 1.0). Once selected as an IOH, he or she should adhere to professional and ethical standards (Category 2.0) and should act according to certain roles and responsebilities (Category 3.0). Finally, a governance system (Category 4.0) is necessary in order to ascertain a minimum quality of work and to avoid carelessness or abuse. During the analysis the researchgroup expanded and refined the elementary framework of figure 1 with 15 so called Level II provisions (‘Subcategories’) and 35 With assistance of master students, see Bob Wessels, Teaching and research in international insolvency law: challenges and opportunities, Valedictory lecture University of Leiden, April 14, 2014, Universiteit Leiden (forthcoming). 768 Bob Wessels 34 Level III provisions (‘Topics’). This enabled the Group to categorize all relevant provisions into the framework. Figure 1, in full, presents this expanded and refined framework. Level I Categories Level II Subcategories 1.1 License and registration 1.0 IOH selection and 1.2 Establishment of appointment authority 1.3 Corporate groups 2.1 Education 2.0 Professional standards 2.2 Professional skills 2.3 Professional ethics 2.4 Insurance 3.1 Administration 3.2 Liability & litigation 3.0 Roles & responsibilities 3.3 Communication 3.4 Coordination and cooperation Level III Topics 1.1.1 Requirements & contra indicators 1.1.2 Licensing procedures 1.2.1 Basis of authority 1.2.2 Mandate 1.2.3 (Inter)national recognition 1.3.1 Appointment of a single IOH 1.3.2 Administration as one estate 2.1.1 Recurring training 2.2.1 Experience 2.2.2 Other qualities 2.3.1 Ethical standards 2.4.1 Liability insurance 3.1.1 Managing the estate 3.1.2 Reversal of legal acts 3.1.3 Agreements 3.1.4 Creditor ranking 3.1.5 Liquidation 3.1.6 Reorganization 3.2.1 Establishing liability 3.2.2 Initiation of litigation 3.3.1 Communication with creditors, courts and other stakeholders 3.3.2 Communication protocol 3.3.3 Reporting standards 3.4.1 Coordination and cooperation among IOHs (in corporate groups) 3.4.1 Coordination & cooperation among foreign representatives (in cross-border insolvency) 3.4.3 Coordination & cooperation with foreign courts (in cross-border insolvency) Harmonisation of Requirements for Insolvency Holders on a European Level Level I Categories Level II Subcategories 4.1 Accountability 4.0 Insolvency governance 4.2 Remuneration 4.3 Supervision 4.4 Disciplinary action Level 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.3.1 4.4.1 4.4.2 769 III Topics Disclosures Mandatory audit Liability insurance Fees Costs & expenses Competent authority Investigation Disciplinary proceedings The last report, Report III, will be presented and discussed at the Annual Congress, October 2014. During the whole process assessments and discussions have taken place with a group of around 20 consultants, from at least 10 EU Member States, covering academic scholars, judges and insolvency practitioners. The following draft Statement with seven principles, flowing from the full framework, is the subject of discussion. Principle 1. Insolvency Office Holder 1.1. An Insolvency Office Holder (‘IOH’) is any person or body appointed either in corporate rescue oriented or in liquidation proceedings (‘proceedings’), whose function is to administer or liquidate assets of which the debtor has been divested or to supervise the administration of its affairs. 1.2. In performing his/her duties an IOH is bound by the law including case law and other regulations that apply in the country of appointment, as well as by regulations and guidelines set by a widely recognised national or regional professional association of IOHs in that country. 1.3. An IOH is guided by this non-binding Statement of Principles and Best Practices (‘Statement’) unless and insofar as they contravene the aforementioned rules. Principle 2. Professional Standards 2.1. An IOH performs his/her tasks according to the state-of-the-art in insolvency practice, uses competent and trained personnel, occupies appropriate office space and applies adequate office equipment. 2.2. An IOH behaves diligently, with courtesy and consideration towards all parties involved, and avoids behaviour discrediting the profession. 2.3. At the moment of appointment and regularly thereafter, a IOH carefully evaluates whether (s)he is capable to handle an appointment, and if it appears that the appointment exceeds his/her capabilities, (s)he either takes appropriate steps to manage the situation and/or the assignment or (s)he does not accept the appointment or resigns. Principle 3. Ethical Standards An IOH performs with (a)integrity, meaning that an IOH is straightforward and honest; (b)objectivity, including impartiality and independence, meaning that an IOH does not allow bias, conflict of interests or undue influence of others to override professional or business judgments and is solely guided by the interests of the estate; (c) confidentiality, meaning that an IOH complies with the confidentiality of information acquired as a result of the appointment and avoids the abuse of confidential information. Principle 4. Administration of the Estate 4.1. An IOH is responsible for determining and continuously adapting the adequate strategy for the administration of the specific insolvency proceedings (s)he is appointed on and carefully evaluating the various options the law provides. 770 Bob Wessels 4.2. In administering an IOH acts expeditiously, efficiently and transparently. (S)he continuously keeps in mind the overriding duty to protect and preserve the estate and to act in its best interests, while taking into account the effects of his/her decisions on the legitimate interests of all parties involved. Principle 5. Communication 5.1. An IOH recognises the importance of swift, timely, proper, clear and open communication and communicates accordingly with all parties involved. 5.2. An IOH refuses to provide information only if disclosure would clearly harm the interests of the estate or those of others. Principle 6. Coordination and cooperation IOHs coordinate their actions and cooperate to the maximum extent possible with each other and with courts involved in the insolvency proceedings, in order to (a) promote the orderly, effective, efficient, and timely administration of the proceedings; (b) provide for timesaving procedures to avoid unnecessary court proceedings or unnecessary costs; and (c) secure and enlarge the collectivity of assets. Principle 7. Insolvency governance An IOH recognises the utmost importance of insolvency governance for the benefit of the estate as wel as the professional quality, the profession’s prestige and the trust in the profession on the market and therefore gives priority to all insolvency governance related activities. Research in this area continues. In August 2014 at the Leiden Law School, Mr. Mark R. Fidder received his Master of Laws degree. His thesis was on the subject of ‘Conflict of interest involving liquidators. Recommendations to the European Union Legislator’. The topic is particularly interesting as the EP has suggested that ‘conflict of interest’ should be a test, which should be included in the revised Insolvency Regulation. The thesis explores the concept of conflict of interest involving liquidators, following these recent (legislative) proposals at a European Union level. Fidder identified three main questions: (i) what is a conflict of interest involving a liquidator?, (ii) what should be the response to such a conflict of interest?, and (iii) would harmonisation of a rule on such a conflict of interest be desirable? Based on an analysis of various sources these questions are addressed. Four national jurisdictions (the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and England) have been assessed, as well as relevant international sources drafted by organizations such as UNCITRAL, the World Bank and EBRD. A great deal of attention is paid to non-legal literature, concerned with professional and business ethics and morality, on conflict of interest. This non-legal literature is extensively used to answer the first and second main question. These general findings on conflict of interest are transposed to fit the special position of the liquidator in insolvency proceedings. The thesis suggests that harmonisation of a rule on conflict of interest at the level of the European Union is desirable and provides seven recommendations to the European Union legislator on the substance of such a rule.36 VII. Conclusion Harmonisation in Europe of law, including insolvency law, is often thought of as harmonising substantial, material topics of law. Insolvency law is blessed, as it can only function with the assistance of experienced and knowledgeable role players, such as the insolvency 36 It was a pleasure to supervise Mr. Fidder’s thesis together with Hannover attorney Volker Römermann, also a professor at Humboldt University Berlin. See for the thesis and the recommendation:, weblog, at 2014-09-doc1. Harmonisation of Requirements for Insolvency Holders on a European Level 771 office holder. Where he or she has and crucial role in the efficient administration of insolvency proceedings to which the EU Insolvency Regulation is applicable, it is evident that liquidators should have the appropriate know how to play that role.37 From the sources mentioned above, as well as from the studies of the Leiden Law School it follows that a variety of solutions is found on basic matters such as appointment, supervision, education or renumeration. Although national rules may hinder the efficient application of the EU Insolvency Regulation, that is not my primary concern. Of utmost importance is that IOHs work on the basis of trust, which is not so much the believe a professional may have in its own ethical behaviour, integrity and know how, but how third parties in the market see IOHs, or better: the perception of these third parties in the market. The insolvency profession (individual IOHs, regional or national associations of IOHs) should take the opportunity the EU legislature has left to be ‘the master of their own fate’. I would recommend that the profession discusses the Principles as presented by the Leiden research group. It is my believe that they are generally in line with existing national and international norms, are well thought through and are injected with practical experience and theoretical observations. In all a group of some fifty experts from all over Europe have contributed to what will ultimately be presented to INSOL Europe. More importantly, the Guidelines are timely and an adequate professional voluntary response to what the European Parliament had asked the Commission to deliver (but who let it outside the scope of the Recommendation of 12 March 2014). INSOL Europe or national associations of insolvency practitioners should take a careful look at the outcome of the discussion. I am confident that the ‘IOH Principles’ (or whatever the final name will be) presents a tool in building a trusted insolvency regime for the internal market. 37 Therefore CoCo-Guideline 4.2 reads: ‘A liquidator is required to act with the appropriate knowledge of the EC Insolvency Regulation and its application in practice.‚
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