Patient Name: DOB: Age/Sex: 50 years / Female Admitting: (HEMA) MD, Attending: (HEMA) MD, E. MR #: FIN #: Location: Discharge Documentation Document Name: Document Status: Performed By: Authenticated By: Discharge Summary Signed (HEMA) MD, (HEMA) MD, 11:22 EDT 09:09 EDT Discharge Summary HIM Discharge Summary DATE OF ADMISSION: DATE OF DISCHARGE: REASON FOR ADMISSION: Partial bowel obstruction with metastatic lobular cancer. FINAL DIAGNOSIS: 1. Partial small-bowel obstruction versus ileus treated conservatively resolving at discharge. 2. Metastatic lobular carcinoma of the breast on Faslodex, likely progressing with worsening bone metastases, rising alkaline phosphatase. 3. Anxiety disorder. 4. Gastroesophageal reflux disease. 5. Chronic airway disease. 6. Chronic pain secondary to breast cancer and osteoarthritis 7. Depression. 8. Decreased hearing with hearing aid implants and cholesteatoma operated on in 1993. DISPOSITION: She is going home with followup in our office next week to discuss further hormonal manipulation or change in her systemic therapy. HOME MEDICATIONS: 1. She will continue on calcium. 2. PRN Zyrtec. 3. I have stopped her Neuvigil. 4. She has oxycodone 10 mg for pain q.6h. p.r.n. 5. She is on a 75 mcg Duragesic patch. 6. I have added Celebrex 200 mg a day. 7. She has Klonopin 0.5 mg t.i.d. p.r.n. 8. Cymbalta 30 mg a day. 9. Vitamin D 50,000 units weekly. 10. She has Nexium once a day. 11. Flonase nasal spray. 12. She has Singulair 10 mg a day for her respiratory status. 13. Topamax 50 mg b.i.d. 14. Effexor 150 mg a day. PERTINENT LABS: Vital signs were stable throughout this hospitalization. Her discharge hemoglobin was 9.7. White count and platelets were normal. Her alkaline phosphatase on the was 152, it was 245 on the 14th. Albumin is low at 2.1, protein Print Date: 13:45 Page 1 of 100 Chart Request ID: Patient Name: MR #: FIN #: Discharge Documentation Document Name: Document Status: Performed By: Authenticated By: Discharge Summary Signed (HEMA) MD, (HEMA) MD, 11:22 EDT 09:09 EDT 5.7. Magnesium, phosphorus were normal. Liver enzymes were normal. CA 27-29 was normal. Admission x-ray showed stable chest with multiple left-sided rib fractures, possible pathological components, large lytic lesion of the left scapula, scattered air-fluid levels in small bowel up to 3.6 cm, some lytic lesions in the left femur diaphysis and left femoral head. Follow up x-rays on the 13th showed nonobstructive bowel gas pattern, mildly prominent loops of small bowel but air was seen in the rectosigmoid and colon and transit of the contrast material in the colon. She had some rib x-rays because of chest wall pain on the 11th that showed expansile aggressive appearing lytic foci in the lateral left 5th and 7th ribs and in the left 11th rib, changes in the left scapula were seen. There were no spinal compressions. No lung parenchymal abnormalities. HOSPITAL SUMMARY: The patient was admitted with metastatic breast cancer, currently receiving Faslodex first line hormone therapy since with extensive bone involvement. She had had radiation to her left shoulder and bilateral hips, finished that about a week prior to admission. She had been on Xgeva as well. She developed flu symptoms and some diarrhea and she then developed nausea, vomiting, lower abdominal pain. Abdominal CT and pelvis done in the office was consistent with a partial smallbowel obstruction, so she was admitted. She was seen in consultation by Dr. He felt most likely this was an ileus but could also be an obstruction. She was just treated with IV fluids and clear liquid. CT scan prior to admission had showed dilated stomach and small bowel consistent with developing small-bowel obstruction, decompressed loops of distal ileum in the right lower quadrant. There was no transition point. There was metastatic disease at L1. There was increasing size of the lytic lesions in the pelvis. She had some loose bowel movements. Belly remained soft. On the , diet was advanced. She had some pain in the left upper abdomen and rib films showed the progressive lytic lesions in the ribs. We encouraged her to eat more and get up and walk. On the morning of the 14th, she was eating, her belly was soft, she was having bowel movements, her vital signs were stable so am discharging her. Her cancer seems to be progressing in her bones and she appears to be failing Faslodex. She will discuss with Dr. whether to proceed to a trial of exemestane and Afinitor or transition to chemotherapy. We bumped her Duragesic to 75 mcg for pain control. She has oxycodone for breakthrough. Her other medications are as detailed above. MD DD: DT: 2 11:22:12 17:25:28 / cc: MD; MD; MD; ELECTRONICALLY REVIEWED AND SIGNED ON: 09:09 ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED ON: 09:09 (HEMA) MD, (HEMA) MD, Page 2 of 100 Patient Name: MR #: FIN #: History and Physical Reports Document Name: Document Status: Performed By: Authenticated By: History & Physical Signed NP, (HEMA) MD, 16:51 EDT 02:59 EDT History & Physical HIM History and Physical DATE OF ADMISSION: ADMITTING DIAGNOSIS: Partial small bowel obstruction, acute onset in the setting of a patient with history of metastatic lobular breast cancer. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Ms. is a patient well known to Dr. and myself who is currently receiving treatment with Faslodex as first line hormone therapy for metastatic breast cancer, progressed in from stage III-C invasive lobular breast cancer. She had extensive bony metastatic disease in the pelvis, right femoral head, left pubic ramus, left ilium and left sacrum and the L5 vertebral body with seventh rib fracture noted at metastatic disease onset. She completed radiation therapy to the left shoulder and bilateral hips about one week ago. Ms received doses of Faslodex and Denosumab last week, the same day as the flu shot ( ). Ms. describes the symptoms with onset last Thursday after receiving a flu shot. She developed generalized malaise, feeling hot and cold and flulike for a couple of days with associated low abdominal discomfort and watery diarrhea for several days. The diarrhea has improved; however, she continues with anorexia, mild nausea without vomiting, and increasing left low abdominal pain. She presented as an unscheduled appointment today for evaluation of symptoms. Ms. is afebrile in the office with normal blood pressure and heart rate. She was evaluated with a CT abdomen and pelvis, due to exquisite pain, without rebound, of the left lower quadrant. The CT was consistent with partial small bowel obstruction, with no evidence of perforation or abscess. The patient is subsequently admitted for further monitoring and surgical evaluation. PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: 1. invasive lobular breast cancer, left breast, ER-/PR-positive, HER-2/neu negative . Status post lumpectomy and node dissection; 18 of 21 regional nodes involved with cancer, largest lymph node metastasis 4 cm. Status post adjunctive chemotherapy with dose-dense AC followed by dose-dense Taxol x2. Due to Taxol intolerance she was converted to Taxotere therapy. She then received breast irradiation followed by hormonal blockade from through , discontinued due to disesae progression. 2. Metastatic breast cancer established by CT scan in 2012 with extensive bony disease. She was started on Faslodex in mid May, denosumab monthly was started on Ms. received radiation therapy in May to the cervical spine and right shoulder and radiation to the left shoulder and both hips recently, completed last ). 3. Anxiety disorder. 4. GERD. 5. Headaches. 6. Chronic airway disease. Page 7 of 100 Patient Name: MR #: FIN #: History and Physical Reports Document Name: Document Status: Performed By: Authenticated By: History & Physical Signed NP, (HEMA) MD, 16:51 EDT 02:59 EDT 7. Urinary incontinence. 8. Peripheral neuropathy. 9. Chronic pain secondary to breast cancer and osteoarthritis. 10. Osteoarthritis. 11. Depression. 12. Insomnia. 13. Bilateral hearing aid implants in and cholesteatoma operated in 1993, history of ovarian cysts, history of kidney cysts. FAMILY AND SOCIAL HISTORY: She is separated, but lives with a commited boyfriend who accompanies her today. She has 2 children aged 21 and 26. She is disabled and is a nonalcohol or tobacco product participant. REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: As per history of present illness. Most significant complaint is abrupt onset of lower abdominal pain associated with nausea, no vomiting, but increased diarrhea several days prior to hospital admission. Generalized malaise with feeling hot and cold but no actual febrile episodes documented. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: GENERAL: This is a middle-aged African-American female in obvious distress. VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure is 129/83, heart rate of 80, respiratory rate of 18, temperature 97.7, weight of 220.2 pounds. The patient is obese. HEENT: No scalp lesions or scleral icterus. Multiple absent teeth noted and speech pattern consistent with a chronic hearing problem and repaired cleft palate. NECK: Supple without thyromegaly or adenopathy. Lymph node survey is negative. LUNGS: Clear without rales, rhonchi or wheezes. HEART: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur, rub or gallop. ABDOMEN: Diffusely soft, decreased to normal active bowel sounds. The patient is tender throughout the mid abdomen with exquisite tenderness noted in the left lower abdomen. No rebound. Mild guarding. No palpable mass noted. EXTREMITIES: No cyanosis or clubbing. Persistent chronic bilateral symmetric pedal edema is noted. MUSCULOSKELETAL: No evidence of joint erythema, warmth or effusions. Decreased range of motion of the left hip secondary to pain with abduction at the hip joint. SKIN: No petechia, ecchymosis or rash. Hyperpigmentation noted in the left axilla and shoulder at the site of recent radiation therapy. LABORATORY DATA: WBC 3.0, hemoglobin 10.8, hematocrit 31.7, platelets of 167, ANC of 2.0, glucose 135, BUN 4, creatinine 0.9, sodium 137, potassium 3.3, bicarbonate of 26, chloride 101, calcium 7.5 and magnesium 1.8. X-RAYS AND SCANS: CT abdomen and pelvis at report unavailable; however, verbal report from Dr. consistent with partial small bowel obstruction. No perforation or abscess. CURRENT MEDICATIONS: 1. Ambien 10 mg at bedtime as needed for sleep Page 8 of 100 Patient Name: MR #: FIN #: History and Physical Reports Document Name: Document Status: Performed By: Authenticated By: History & Physical Signed (HEMA) MD, 16:51 EDT E. 02:59 EDT 2. Arthritis pain topical relief capsaicin as needed. 3. Calcium 600 with vitamin D one tablet daily. 4. Diclofenac 50 mg as directed every 6 hours for pain 5. Flonase 50 mcg daily. 6. Klonopin 0.5 mg in the morning and 1 mg in the p.m. 7. Lastacaft drops 1 drop daily both eyes 8. Nexium 40 mg twice daily. 9. Potassium chloride 10 mEq daily. 10. Provigil 1 mg daily. 11. Replens 1 mg daily. 12. Saline nasal spray as needed. 13. Singulair 10 mg daily. 14. Topamax 50 mg twice daily 15. Toviaz 4 mg daily. 17. VESIcare 5 mg daily. 16. Vitamin B12 one tablet daily. 17. Zantac 2 tablets as needed for breakthrough GERD symptoms. 18. Celebrex 100 mg twice daily. 19. Cymbalta 30 mg daily. 20. Duragesic 50 mcg patch every 72 hours 21. Effexor 150 mg daily. 22. Magic mouthwash 10 mg swish and swallow a.c. and h.s. as needed 24. Oxycodone/acetaminophen 1 tablet every 4 hours as needed for breakthrough pain. 25. Promethazine 25 mg every 4 hours as needed for nausea. Note all nonessential meds will be held during this admission. IMPRESSION: 1. Radiographic findings and physical exam consistent with partial small bowel obstruction. 2. Metastatic lobular breast cancer. 3. Chronic pain syndrome. 4. Nausea, vomiting, electrolyte imbalance secondary to #1. 5. Multiple comorbidities and polypharmacy. PLAN: The patient is admitted for continued monitoring of the above-noted symptoms, surgical consult will be requested. Follow up abdominal x-rays in the morning if no exacerbations overnight and patient will be supported with IV hydration, electrolyte supplementation, antiemetics and pain medications as needed. Dictated for M.D. NP Page 9 of 100 Patient Name: MR #: FIN #: History and Physical Reports Document Name: Document Status: Performed By: Authenticated By: DD: DT: History & Physical Signed NP, (HEMA) MD, 16:51 EDT 02:59 EDT 16:51:35 04:33:08 / ELECTRONICALLY REVIEWED AND SIGNED ON: 08:02 ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED ON: 02:59 NP, (HEMA) MD, Page 10 of 100 Patient Name: MR #: FIN #: Consultation Notes Document Name: Document Status: Performed By: Authenticated By: Consultation Note Signed (PROC) MD, (PROC) MD, 21:27 EDT 21:23 EDT Consultation Note HIM Consultation Report DATE OF CONSULTATION: GASTROENTEROLOGY CONSULTATION REFERRING PHYSICIAN: Dr. REASON FOR CONSULTATION: Evaluation and management of possible small-bowel obstruction. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: This 50-year-old female patient has been admitted to the hospital with a history of abdominal pain and nausea, and she has a history of stage III lobular carcinoma of the left breast. She had a lumpectomy and node dissection and is going to have adjuvant chemotherapy. She was also found to have bone metastasis and she has been on Faslodex for that and for the past day or two developed abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: Other past medical problems also include history of gastroesophageal reflux disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and history of depression and insomnia. PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: Left breast lumpectomy and lymphadenectomy axillary. REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: As per examination. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: GENERAL: She is somewhat dehydrated. HEAD AND NECK: No lymphadenopathy, no masses. RESPIRATORY: Both lungs have good air entry. CARDIOVASCULAR: Both heart sounds are regular. ABDOMEN: Soft, minimal to moderate distention. Tenderness mostly in the lower abdomen. Bowel sounds are mildly hyperactive. Her abdominal x-rays revealed dilated bowel pattern with dilatation with a fluid pattern all the way to the colon. LABORATORY DATA. BUN 2, creatinine 0.61. IMPRESSION/PLAN: Based on x-ray pattern, this seems to be mostly ileus, but at this point because of the ileus pattern and also this colonic dilatation that goes up to the left lower colon we do need to rule out a possibility of distal colonic lesions/colonic obstruction, so plan is I will request for a CT scan abdomen and pelvis. In the meantime, since she started having bowel movement with diarrhea at the same time, we can start her on a clear liquid diet, but I will continue to follow the patient. Thank you for the consultation and allowing me to participate in the care of this pleasant female patient. N MD Page 11 of 100 Patient Name: MR #: FIN #: Consultation Notes Document Name: Document Status: Performed By: Authenticated By: SNA:amp DD: DT: Consultation Note Signed (PROC) MD, (PROC) MD, 21:27 EDT 21:23 EDT 21:27:39 22:29:37 cc: MD; ELECTRONICALLY REVIEWED AND SIGNED ON: 21:23 ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED ON: 21:23 (PROC) MD, (PROC) MD, Page 12 of 100 Patient Name: FIN: Page Number: 20 MRN: Facility: Patient Name: MR #: FIN #: Progress Notes Document Name: Document Status: Performed By: Authenticated By: Progress Note-Physician Signed NP, (HEMA) MD, 11:02 EDT 02:59 EDT Physical Exam Chest: Clear CV: RRR, No rubs, murmurs or gallops Abdomen: obese, Soft, nontender, nondistended, hypoactive bowel sounds Extremities: lympedema left arm Objective Vitals Temp 36.5 BP 96/54 Pulse 77 24 Hr Tmax: 36.7 at Totals Intake 2999 RR 18 SPO2 ---- O2 Therapy ----------- 14:00 Output 1902 Balance 1097 No 24 Hour Lab Data ELECTRONICALLY REVIEWED AND SIGNED ON: 11:02 ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED ON: 02:59 Document Name: Document Status: Performed By: Authenticated By: NP, (HEMA) MD, Progress Note-Physician Signed NP, NP, DVT/PE Exclsuion Criteria MD Entered Entered On: Performed On: 10:56 EDT 10:56 EDT 10:57 EDT 10:56 EDT by NP, DVT/PE Exclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria DVT/PE Pharma : Other: will order lovenox NP, Page 82 of 100 - 10:56 EDT Patient Name: MR #: FIN #: Progress Notes Document Name: Document Status: Performed By: Authenticated By: Progress Note-Physician Signed (PROC) MD, (PROC) MD, 21:17 EDT 14:57 EDT Progress Note-Physician HIM Progress Note - Physician DATE OF SERVICE: PHYSICIAN: MD The patient with history of lobar carcinoma of the breast admitted for a partial obstruction. Feeling better, had multiple liquid bowel movements. Nausea has subsided and tolerating liquid diet, feeling well. Abdominal exam soft, nontender. Partial obstruction resolving, possible ileus resolving, stable. Liquid diet and will advance diet as tolerated. MD DD: DT: 21:17:42 04:46:04 / ELECTRONICALLY REVIEWED AND SIGNED ON: 14:57 ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED ON: 14:57 Document Name: Document Status: Performed By: Authenticated By: (PROC) MD, (PROC) MD, Progress Note-Physician Signed (HEMA) MD, (HEMA) MD, 08:54 EDT :54 EDT Subjective some bloating,small loose bm yesterday no emesis ribs stable,finished xrt couple wks ago Assessment/Plan 1. Metastatic lobular carcinoma of breast, on first line antihormonal therapy; CA 27-29, pending, but not elevated at metastatic diagnsis. - Left upper thorax pain? question new area for lytic lesion. Will get rib films today. lytic 5.7.scapula 2. Partial small bowel obstruction, acute onset sx. Concern re: possible intraabdominal metastasis in pt with lobular BrCa. Repeat 3 way today. Page 83 of 100 Patient Name: MR #: FIN #: Progress Notes Document Name: Document Status: Performed By: Authenticated By: Progress Note-Physician Signed (HEMA) MD, (HEMA) MD, 08:54 EDT 08:54 EDT GI surgery will help with management re: timing for clear liquids, expl surgery if sx fail to resolve. Physical Exam Chest: Clear CV: RRR, No rubs, murmurs or gallops Abdomen: Soft, nondistended, BS present; no rushes or tinkling. min.Pain guarding. Extremities: No clubbing, cyanosis or edema MS: pain with palpation left upper anterior thorax/rib area. Objective Vitals Temp 36.8 BP 116/75 Pulse 83 24 Hr Tmax: 36.9 at Totals Intake 2315 RR 18 SPO2 ---- O2 Therapy ----------- 14:40 Output 2550 Balance -235 Today's Lab Results 06:32 Procedure Units Ref Range BUN 2 L mg/dL 7 - 18 Creatinine 0.73 mg/dL 0.60 - 1.10 Sodium Lvl 146 H mmol/L 134 - 145 Potassium Lvl 4.2 mmol/L 3.5 - 5.1 CO2 27.0 mmol/L 21.0 - 32.0 Chloride 113 H mmol/L 98 - 107 Glucose Lvl 92 mg/dL 65 - 99 Calcium Lvl 7.3 L mg/dL 8.5 - 10.1 eGFR - African >60 * eGFR - African - eGFR calculated by Discern Logic. eGFR - Non-Afri >60 * eGFR - Non-African - eGFR calculated by Discern Logic. ALT 34 U/L 17 - 65 AST 23 U/L 3 - 37 Albumin Lvl 2.2 L g/dL 3.4 - 5.0 Alk Phos 152 H U/L 50 - 136 Bili Direct <0.1 mg/dL 0.0 - 0.2 Page 84 of 100 today. w/o rebound or Patient Name: MR #: FIN #: Progress Notes Document Name: Document Status: Performed By: Authenticated By: Progress Note-Physician Signed (HEMA) MD, (HEMA) MD, Bili Total Total Protein WBC RBC Hgb Hct MCV RDW Platelet Neutro Lymph Mono Eos Basophil Neutro Abs 0.1 L 5.8 L 3.5 2.90 L 9.2 L 27.8 L 95.8 17.1 H 170 68 9 L 8 16 H 0 2.38 08:54 EDT 08:54 EDT mg/dL g/dL k/uL M/uL g/dL % fL % k/uL % % % % % k/uL ELECTRONICALLY REVIEWED AND SIGNED ON: 08:54 ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED ON: 08:54 Document Name: Document Status: Performed By: Authenticated By: 0.2 - 1.0 6.4 - 8.2 3.5 - 10.5 3.90 - 5.03 12.0 - 15.5 35.0 - 44.0 82.0 - 98.0 12.0 - 15.0 150 - 450 42 - 78 16 - 52 1 - 11 0 - 7 0 - 4 2.10 - 6.30 (HEMA) MD, (HEMA) MD, Progress Note-Physician Signed (PROC) MD, (PROC) MD, 15:37 EDT 15:37 EDT colon rectal Surgery Progress Note Subjective No new complaints. Had loose bm no nausea Assessment/Plan AXR - improved dilatation Resoloving ileus vs obstruction Full liquid diet Physical Exam Chest: Clear CV: RRR Abdomen: Soft, nontender, nondistended, NABS Extremities: WNL Neck: Supple Page 85 of 100 Patient Name: MR #: FIN #: Progress Notes Document Name: Document Status: Performed By: Authenticated By: Progress Note-Physician Signed (PROC) MD, (PROC) MD, 15:37 EDT 15:37 EDT Objective Most Recent Vitals Temp BP 36.9 108/68 24 Hr Tmax: 37.1 at Totals Intake 3314 14:40 Pulse RR 78 18 SPO2 95% O2 Therapy Room Air 21:33 Output 2800 Balance 514 Today's Lab Results 0826 eGFR - African >60, Magnesium 2.1, 0.70, Sodium Lvl 146 H, Potassium Lvl Lvl 108 H, Calcium Lvl 7.1 L, eGFR - Non-Afri >60, BUN 1 L, Creatinine 3.7, CO2 25.0, Chloride 115 H, Glucose ELECTRONICALLY REVIEWED AND SIGNED ON: 15:37 ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED ON: 15:37 Document Name: Document Status: Performed By: Authenticated By: (PROC) MD, (PROC) MD, Progress Note-Physician Signed NP, (HEMA) MD, 08:00 EDT 03:03 EDT Subjective Left abdominal pain persists, nausea is worse when sitting upright. Tolerating clear liquids, no vomiting. Small semi solid stool yesterday, but several loose stools during the day. OOB walking a bit yesterday. CT was not reapted, report from monday CT in the chart. F/U abd films this am pending c/o left upper chest/rib pain, shehas hx of multiple areas with bone mets. Assessment/Plan Page 86 of 100 Patient Name: MR #: FIN #: Progress Notes Document Name: Document Status: Performed By: Authenticated By: Progress Note-Physician Signed NP, (HEMA) MD, 08:00 EDT 03:03 EDT 1. Metastatic lobular carcinoma of breast, on first line antihormonal therapy; CA 27-29, pending, but not elevated at metastatic diagnsis. - Left upper thorax pain? question new area for lytic lesion. Will get rib films today. 2. Partial small bowel obstruction, acute onset sx. Concern re: possible intraabdominal metastasis in pt with lobular BrCa. Repeat 3 way today. GI surgery will help with management re: timing for clear liquids, expl surgery if sx fail to resolve. Physical Exam Chest: Clear CV: RRR, No rubs, murmurs or gallops Abdomen: Soft, nondistended, BS present; no rushes or tinkling. Pain left lower mid abd localized today. more w/o rebound or guarding. Extremities: No clubbing, cyanosis or edema MS: pain with palpation left upper anterior thorax/rib area. Abdomenal films: 3 way abdomen this a.m. with persistent partial SBO CT ABD/PELVIS CCNC RAL RAD: Dilated stomach, dilated loops of bowel of jejumun and proximal ileum c/w developing SBO. Decompressed loop[s mall bowel right lower quad. No perforation or free intraperitoneal air. Small volume pelvic ascities. Report in patient chart. Objective Vitals Temp 36.7 BP 101/68 Pulse 76 24 Hr Tmax: 37.1 at Totals Intake 3314 RR 20 SPO2 ---- 21:33 Output 2800 Balance 514 Page 87 of 100 O2 Therapy ----------- Patient Name: MR #: FIN #: Progress Notes Document Name: Document Status: Performed By: Authenticated By: Progress Note-Physician Signed NP, (HEMA) MD, 08:00 EDT 03:03 EDT No 24 Hour Lab Data ELECTRONICALLY REVIEWED AND SIGNED ON: 08:00 ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED ON: 03:03 Document Name: Document Status: Performed By: Authenticated By: NP, (HEMA) MD, Progress Note-Physician Signed (PROC) MD, (PROC) MD, 07:38 EDT 07:38 EDT Colon rectal / GISurgery Progress Note Subjective No new complaints. Had liquid bm Pain less, no vomitings Assessment/Plan Diffuse Ileus vs partial obstruction CT scan abd today to define any component of mechanical obstruction Clear liquid diet Thanks Physical Exam Chest: Clear CV: RRR Abdomen: Soft, tender lower abdomen, no rebound, Extremities: WNL Neck: Supple minimally distended, NABS Objective Most Recent Vitals Temp BP 36.7 102/46 24 Hr Tmax: 36.7 at 05:16 Pulse RR 72 18 SPO2 ---- 05:16 Page 88 of 100 O2 Therapy Room Air Patient Name: MR #: FIN #: Progress Notes Document Name: Document Status: Performed By: Authenticated By: Progress Note-Physician Signed (PROC) MD, (PROC) MD, Totals Intake 544 07:38 EDT 07:38 EDT Output 900 Balance -356 Today's Lab Results 0601 eGFR - Non-Afri >60, Phosphorus 2.8, eGFR - African >60, BUN 2 L, Creatinine 0.65, Sodium Lvl 146 H, Potassium Lvl 3.6, CO2 25.0, Chloride 115 H, Glucose Lvl 98, Calcium Lvl 6.6 C, WBC 2.7 L, RBC 2.83 L, Hgb 8.9 L, Hct 26.7 L, MCV 94.5, RDW 16.4 H, Platelet 153, ELECTRONICALLY REVIEWED AND SIGNED ON: 07:38 ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED ON: 07:38 (PROC) MD, Progress Note-Physician Signed NP, (HEMA) MD, Document Name: Document Status: Performed By: Authenticated By: (PROC) MD, 07:36 EDT E. 03:03 EDT Subjective Left abdominal pain less today, and nausea is worse when sitting upright. Loose stools yesterday 34 episodes. CT to be repeated today. Report from monday CT in the chart. Assessment/Plan 1. Metastatic lobular carcinoma of breast, on first line antihormonal therapy; CA 27-29, pending, but not elevated at metastatic diagnsis. 2. Partial small bowel obstruction, acute onset sx. Concern re: possible intraabdominal metastasis in pt with lobular BrCa. Repeat 3 way in a.m. GI surgery will help with management re: timing for clear liquids, expl surgery if sx fail to resolve. Physical Exam Chest: Clear CV: RRR, No rubs, murmurs or gallops Abdomen: Soft, nondistended, BS present; no rushes or tinkling. Pain decreased but persistent at left lower mid abd, w/o rebound or guarding. Extremities: No clubbing, cyanosis or edema Page 89 of 100 Patient Name: MR #: FIN #: Progress Notes Document Name: Document Status: Performed By: Authenticated By: Progress Note-Physician Signed NP, (HEMA) MD, Abdomenal films: 3 way abdomen this a.m. with persistent partial SBO 07:36 EDT 03:03 EDT : CT ABD/PELVIS CCNC RAL RAD: Dilated stomach, dilated loops of bowel of jejumun and proximal ileum c/w developing SBO. Decompressed loop[s mall bowel right lower quad. No perforation or free intraperitoneal air. Small volume pelvic ascities. Report in patient chart. Objective Vitals Temp 36.7 BP 102/46 Pulse 72 24 Hr Tmax: 36.7 at Totals RR 18 SPO2 ---- O2 Therapy Room Air 05:16 Intake 544 Output 900 Balance -356 Today's Lab Results 06:01 Procedure Phosphorus WBC RBC Hgb Hct MCV RDW Platelet Units mg/dL k/uL M/uL g/dL % fL % k/uL 2.8 2.7 L 2.83 L 8.9 L 26.7 L 94.5 16.4 H 153 ELECTRONICALLY REVIEWED AND SIGNED ON: 07:36 ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED ON: 03:03 Ref Range 2.5 - 4.9 3.5 - 10.5 3.90 - 5.03 12.0 - 15.5 35.0 - 44.0 82.0 - 98.0 12.0 - 15.0 150 - 450 NP, (HEMA) MD, Page 90 of 100 Patient Name: MR #: FIN #: Progress Notes Progress Note-Physician Signed (HEMA) MD, (HEMA) MD, Document Name: Document Status: Performed By: Authenticated By: 16:59 EDT 03:26 EDT Subjective Still with left abdominal pain. No N/V. Has had some loose stool. No p.o. intake. Assessment/Plan 1. Metastatic lobular carcinoma of breast, on first line antihormonal therapy; will check CA 27-29. Partial small bowel obstruction, acute onset sx. Endoscopy unrevealing Concern re: possible intraabdominal metastasis in pt with lobular BrCa. Repeat 3 way in a.m. Look to gi surgery re: timing for clear liquids, expl surgery if sx fail to resolve. 2. Physical Exam Chest: Clear CV: RRR, No rubs, murmurs or gallops Abdomen: Soft, nondistended, BS present occ; no rushes or tinkling. Marked tenderness top direct pressure left lower mid abd, w/o rebound or guarding. Extremities: No clubbing, cyanosis or edema Abdomenal films: 3 way abdomen this a.m. with persistent partial SBO Objective Vitals Temp 36.6 BP 101/55 Pulse 68 24 Hr Tmax: 37.0 at Totals RR 18 SPO2 ---- O2 Therapy ----------- 22:22 Intake 818.5 Output 0 Balance 818.5 Today's Lab Results 04:33 Procedure BUN Creatinine Sodium Lvl Potassium Lvl CO2 2 L 0.61 146 H 3.7 26.0 Units mg/dL mg/dL mmol/L mmol/L mmol/L Page 91 of 100 Ref Range 7 - 18 0.60 - 1.10 134 - 145 3.5 - 5.1 21.0 - 32.0 Patient Name: MR #: FIN #: Progress Notes Document Name: Document Status: Performed By: Authenticated By: Progress Note-Physician Signed (HEMA) MD, (HEMA) MD, 16:59 EDT 03:26 EDT Chloride 113 H mmol/L 98 - 107 Glucose Lvl 79 mg/dL 65 - 99 Calcium Lvl 6.9 C mg/dL 8.5 - 10.1 * Calcium Lvl - Results called to RN by dma. Read back confirmed (Y/N)y at 6:55. eGFR - African >60 * eGFR - African - eGFR calculated by Discern Logic. eGFR - Non-Afri >60 * eGFR - Non-African - eGFR calculated by Discern Logic. ELECTRONICALLY REVIEWED AND SIGNED ON: 03:26 ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED ON: 03:26 Document Name: Document Status: Performed By: Authenticated By: (HEMA) MD, (HEMA) MD, Progress Note-Nurse Signed RN, RN, 07:34 EDT 07:34 EDT Provider Notification/Callback Entered On: Performed On: 7:35 EDT 7:34 EDT by RN, Provider Notification Notification Call Reason : CRITICAL LABS/TESTS RN, 7:34 EDT RN, 7:34 EDT Provider Notification Grid Notified Date/Time : Notification Provider/PA/NP : Follow Up Interventions : 7:34 EDT No Order Changes RN, 7:34 EDT Receipt of Results Results Date/Time Critical Result Received Notification Critical Tests/Values : Lab 7:34 EDT Page 92 of 100 Patient Name: MR #: FIN #: Hematology General Hematology Procedure Units Ref Range 17:34 EDT 06:32 EDT 06:01 EDT Legend: A=Abnormal, C=Critical, *=Interpretive Data @=Corrected, L=Low, H=High, f=footnotes WBC k/uL [3.5-10.5] 5.9 3.5 2.7 L RBC M/uL [3.90-5.03] 3.08 L 2.90 L 2.83 L Differential Hgb g/dL [12.0-15.5] 9.7 L 9.2 L 8.9 L Hct % [35.0-44.0] 29.5 L 27.8 L 26.7 L Platelet k/uL [150-450] 165 170 153 RDW % [12.0-15.0] 16.6 H 17.1 H 16.4 H MCV fL [82.0-98.0] 95.9 95.8 94.5 Legend: A=Abnormal, C=Critical, *=Interpretive Data @=Corrected, L=Low, H=High, f=footnotes Procedure Units Ref Range 06:32 EDT Neutro % [42-78] 68 Lymph % [16-52] 9 L Mono % [1-11] 8 Eos % [0-7] 16 H Basophil % [0-4] 0 Neutro Abs k/uL [2.10-6.30] 2.38 Chemistry General Chemistry Procedure Units Ref Range 05:33 EDT 06:32 EDT 08:26 EDT 06:01 EDT 04:33 EDT Legend: A=Abnormal, C=Critical, *=Interpretive Data, @=Corrected, L=Low, H=High, f=footnotes Sodium Lvl mmol/L [134-145] 143 146 H 146 H 146 H 146 H Potassium Lvl mmol/L [3.5-5.1] 4.0 4.2 3.7 3.6 3.7 Chloride mmol/L [98-107] 108 H 113 H 115 H 115 H 113 H CO2 mmol/L [21.0-32.0] 30.0 27.0 25.0 25.0 26.0 BUN mg/dL [7-18] 7 2 L 1 L 2 L 2 L Creatinine * mg/dL [0.60-1.10] 0.90 0.73 0.70 0.65 0.61 04:33 EDT Creatinine: * This creatinine method is traceable to a GC-IDMS method and NIST standard reference material. Procedure Units Ref Range 05:33 EDT 06:32 EDT 06:32 EDT 08:26 EDT 06:01 EDT 04:33 EDT 21:00 EDT eGFR - African eGFR - Non-African * >60 f >60 f >60 >60 >60 >60 >60 >60 >60 >60 f f f f f f f f Glucose Lvl mg/dL [65-99] 89 92 108 H 98 79 Calcium Lvl mg/dL [8.5-10.1] 7.5 L 7.3 7.1 6.6 6.9 04:33 EDT eGFR - Non-African: The eGFR is calculated using the four parameter MDRD equation for IDMS-traceable creatinine. eGFR < 60 indicates chronic kidney disease, eGFR < 15 indicates kidney failure. :33 EDT eGFR - African: eGFR calculated by Discern Logic. Page 93 of 100 Alk Phos U/L [50-136] 245 H 152 H Bili Total mg/dL [0.2-1.0] 0.2 0.1 L 132 0.3 L L Cf Cf Patient Name: MR #: FIN #: Chemistry 06:32 EDT eGFR - African: eGFR calculated by Discern Logic. 08:26 EDT eGFR - African: eGFR calculated by Discern Logic. 06:01 EDT eGFR - African: eGFR calculated by Discern Logic. 04:33 EDT eGFR - African: eGFR calculated by Discern Logic. 05:33 EDT eGFR - Non-African: eGFR calculated by Discern Logic. 06:32 EDT eGFR - Non-African: eGFR calculated by Discern Logic. 08:26 EDT eGFR - Non-African: eGFR calculated by Discern Logic. 06:01 EDT eGFR - Non-African: eGFR calculated by Discern Logic. 04:33 EDT eGFR - Non-African: eGFR calculated by Discern Logic. 06:01 EDT Calcium Lvl: Results called to nurse by 73. Read back confirmed (Y/N)y at 04:33 EDT Calcium Lvl: Results called to RN by dma. Read back confirmed (Y/N)y at Procedure Units Ref Range 05:33 EDT 06:32 EDT 08:26 EDT 06:01 EDT 21:00 EDT Bili Direct mg/dL [0.0-0.2] <0.1 Albumin Lvl g/dL [3.4-5.0] 2.1 L 2.2 L Total Protein g/dL [6.4-8.2] 5.7 L 5.8 L 7:21. 6:55. ALT U/L [17-65] 45 34 AST U/L [3-37] 43 H 23 Phosphorus mg/dL [2.5-4.9] Magnesium mg/dL [1.8-2.4] 2.1 2.8 0.1 2.5 L 6.5 25 29 Immunology/Serology/Molecular Testing Legend: A=Abnormal, C=Critical, *=Interpretive Data, @=Corrected, L=Low, H=High, f=footnotes Procedure Units Ref Range 06:08 EDT CEA * ng/mL [0.0-5.0] 2.5 06:08 EDT CEA: The Advia Centaur CEA is a twosite sandwich immunoassay using direct chemiluminometric technology. Results obtained from other manufacturers' assay methods may not be used interchangably. Page 94 of 100 Patient Name: MR #: FIN #: References Legend: A=Abnormal, C=Critical, *=Interpretive Data, @=Corrected, L=Low, H=High, f=footnotes Procedure Units Ref Range 06:01 EDT Breast CA 27.29-Mayo U/mL [<=38.0] <12.0 f 06:01 EDT Breast CA 27.29-Mayo: The testing method is a chemiluminometric immunoassay manufactured by Siemens and performed on the Siemen's Advia Centaur. Values obtained with different assay methods or kits may be different and cannot be used interchangeably. Test results cannot be interpreted as absolute evidence for the presence or absence of malignant disease. Test Performed by: Laboratories Laboratory Director: , M.D. Diagnostic Radiology Accession Number Exam DR Abdomen 1 View Exam Date/Time 06:06 EDT CPT4 Codes 74000 (DR Abdomen 1 View) CDM Codes 25613 (DR Abdomen 1 View) Reason For Exam possible small bowel obstruction;Other-Please complete Reason For Exam free text Report INDICATION: Abdominal pain FINDINGS: There is mild gaseous distention of small bowel loops measuring up to 4.5 cm diameter. Oral contrast is present throughout the colon extending to the rectosigmoid colon. The colon is nondilated. Right upper quadrant clips are present. IMPRESSION: Mild dilatation of small bowel with contrast throughout Page 95 of 100 Ordering Physician (HEMA) MD, . Patient Name: MR #: FIN #: Diagnostic Radiology Accession Number Exam DR Abdomen 1 View Exam Date/Time 06:06 EDT Ordering Physician (HEMA) MD, Exam Date/Time 10:56 EDT Ordering Physician (HEMA) MD, the colon and the colon is nondilated. Findings are consistent with partial small bowel obstruction. ***** Final ***** (RAD) MD, Signed (Electronic Signature): Signed by: (RAD) MD, Transcribed by: Accession Number 6:32 am Exam DR Abdomen 3 Views CPT4 Codes 74022 (DR Abdomen 3 Views) CDM Codes 25614 (DR Abdomen 3 Views) Reason For Exam Other-Please complete Reason For Exam free text Report INDICATION: Abdominal pain FINDINGS: AP supine and upright views of the abdomen and PA view of the chest (2 views abdomen, 1 view chest) compared with the previous examination dated . Heart size and mediastinal contours are normal. The lungs are clear. Left-sided rib fractures again visualized. No free intraperitoneal air. A nonobstructive bowel gas pattern is present. Right internal jugular Port-A-Cath is unchanged. Interval transit of most of the previously seen contrast material in the colon. Surgical clips consistent with cholecystectomy again visualized. There are scattered mildly prominent loops of small bowel. Air is seen in the rectosigmoid. No abnormal calcifications are seen overlying the renal shadows or along the expected course of the ureters. The visualized osseous structures are unremarkable. IMPRESSION: 1. No evidence of cardiopulmonary disease. Stable left-sided rib fractures. 2. Nonobstructive bowel gas pattern. Mildly prominent loops of small Page 96 of 100 Patient Name: MR #: FIN #: Diagnostic Radiology Accession Number Exam DR Abdomen 3 Views Exam Date/Time 10:56 EDT Ordering Physician (HEMA) MD, Exam Date/Time 2 08:53 EDT Ordering Physician (HEMA) MD, bowel visualized but air is seen in the rectosigmoid and colon. Interval transit of previously seen contrast material in the colon. ***** Final ***** Jr. (RAD) MD, Signed (Electronic Signature): Signed by: Jr. (RAD) MD, Transcribed by: Accession Number 1:28 pm Exam DR Abdomen 3 Views CPT4 Codes 74022 (DR Abdomen 3 Views) CDM Codes 25614 (DR Abdomen 3 Views) Reason For Exam SBO f/u;Other-Please complete Reason For Exam free text Report HISTORY: Left-sided abdominal pain, followup small bowel obstruction. FINDINGS: Single view chest, flat and upright views of the abdomen. Lungs are clear. No focal mass lesion or areas of consolidation. Heart size and mediastinal contours normal. No effusion, pneumothorax or free intraperitoneal air. Flat and upright views of the abdomen show partial decompression of mildly dilated small bowel loops in the central abdomen since the previous study. Colon shows partial evacuation of remaining oral contrast, and is not dilated.. Solid abdominal organ outlines normal. No abnormal calcifications. Lytic foci scattered to the axial skeleton again seen. Page 97 of 100 Patient Name: MR #: FIN #: Diagnostic Radiology Accession Number Exam DR Abdomen 3 Views Exam Date/Time 08:53 EDT Ordering Physician (HEMA) MD, IMPRESSION: Interval improvement in partial small bowel obstruction pattern. Bony lytic foci compatible with metastatic disease. ***** Final ***** (RAD) MD, Signed (Electronic Signature): Signed by: (RAD) MD, Transcribed by: Accession Number 8:57 am Exam DR Abdomen 3 Views Exam Date/Time 18:25 EDT CPT4 Codes 74022 (DR Abdomen 3 Views) CDM Codes 25614 (DR Abdomen 3 Views) Reason For Exam Abdominal Pain Report INDICATION: Abdominal pain. Vomiting. COMPARISON: . FINDINGS: PA chest as well as supine and upright AP views of the abdomen demonstrate cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes to be unchanged. Right chest portacatheter again noted. No new focal pulmonary opacity. Postprocedure sequela from left axillary node dissection. Multiple left-sided rib fractures again noted, a with probable pathologic components given the presence of small lucency. Larger lytic lesion at the left scapula extending into the acromion showing transverse dimension of 2.8 cm with probable pathologic fracture. Evaluation of abdomen demonstrates contrast throughout much of the colon with scattered gas fluid levels. Dilated small bowel loops in the mid to left abdomen measuring up to 3.6 cm in diameter. No evidence for perforation. No new soft tissue mass identified. Irregularity involving the proximal left femoral diaphysis with with lucent component. Lytic lesion also present within the inferior aspect of left femoral head extending into the neck. Lucent regions also present in the symphyseal distribution with cortical irregularity at the left superior pubic ramus, most suggestive of pathologic fracture. Page 98 of 100 Ordering Physician (HEMA) MD, Patient Name: MR #: FIN #: Diagnostic Radiology Accession Number Exam DR Abdomen 3 Views Exam Date/Time 18:25 EDT Ordering Physician (HEMA) MD, . Exam Date/Time 08:53 EDT Ordering Physician (HEMA) MD, IMPRESSION: 1. Findings suspicious for early, intermittent, or partial small bowel obstruction with gas fluid levels throughout nondilated loops of colon. No evidence for perforation. 2. Lytic lesion within the left scapula extending into the acromion and suspected pathologic fracture. Additional suspected pathologic left rib fractures and left superior pubic ramus fracture. Multiple additional lytic lesions in the bilateral femurs, findings compatible with osseous metastatic disease. 3. No evidence for acute cardiopulmonary disease. ***** Final ***** (RAD) MD, Signed (Electronic Signature): Signed by: (RAD) MD, Transcribed by: Accession Number 7:24 pm Exam DR Ribs Unilateral Left CPT4 Codes 71101 (DR Ribs Unilateral Left) CDM Codes 35569 (DR Ribs Unilateral Left) Reason For Exam pain left anterior chest wall. HX metastatic breast cancer;Other-Please complete Reason For Exam free text Report HISTORY: Left chest wall pain FINDINGS: AP and oblique views of the left chest wall. No fracture. Mild expansile aggressive appearing lytic foci in the lateral left 5th and 7th ribs, with an additional focus in the in the left 11th rib. Lytic lesion in the scapula again seen. No spinal compression Page 99 of 100 Patient Name: MR #: FIN #: Diagnostic Radiology Accession Number Exam DR Ribs Unilateral Left Exam Date/Time 08:53 EDT deformities. The included lung parenchyma is clear. IMPRESSION: Bony metastases left chest wall and scapula. ***** Final ***** (RAD) MD, Signed (Electronic Signature): Signed by: (RAD) MD, Transcribed by: 9:07 am Page 100 of 100 Ordering Physician (HEMA) MD,
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