Chapter 2: Fluid Properties By y Dr Ali Jawarneh 1 Outline In this chapter we will • Discuss the following properties of a fluid: – Density, Density specific weight weight, specific gravity gravity. – Specific heat, Internal energy and enthalpy. • Present the equation of state state. • Discuss in detail the physical meaning of viscosity, its definitions, variation, and applications. • Present newtonian versus Non-Newtonian Fluids • Discuss the properties of elasticity and surface t tension. i • Discuss the considerations of vapour pressure. 2 2.1: Basic Units • SI (International system): Length (m), time (s), temperature (K), work & energy (J) or (N.m), Power (W) or (J/s). • English system: Mass: 1slug=14.59 kg, or Ibm=0.4536 kg, or 1 slug=32.2 slug 32.2 Ibm Length: foot (ft)=30.48 cm pound force {{Ibf}=4.448 } N Force: p Temperature: Rankine{oR}=460+oF ) T((oC)+32 ) T((oF)=1.8 3 2.2: System; Extensive & Intensive Properties • A system is defined as a given quantity of matter. • The total mass of a given system is constant, since it always consists of the same matter. • Extensive p properties p are p properties p related to the total mass of the system,example: M, W. properties p are p properties p • Intensive p independent of the amount of fluid, example: p, T, ρ. 4 5 2.3: properties Involving the Mass or Weight of the Fluid - Mass Density, ρ • The mass density (or simply density) is the mass per unit volume. • It is represented by the symbol (ρ) and has a unit of kg/m3. • Density of water at 4°C = 1000 kg/m3. • Density of air at 20°C and standard pressure = 1.2 1 2 kg/m3. • Values densities of common fluids are given in tables A.2 – A.5 in the textbook. 6 - Specific Weight • The specific weight is simply the weight per unit nit volume. ol me • It is represented by the symbol (γ) and has a unit of N/m3. γ =ρ g • The specific weight of water at 20°C = 9.79 9 79 kN/m3. 20°C C and • The specific weight of air at 20 standard pressure = 11.8 N/m3. • See tables A-3 to A-5 7 - Specific Gravity • Specific gravity is the ratio of the specific weight g of a given g fluid to the specific p weight g of water at a standard reference temperature. p gravity g y is represented p by y the symbol y • Specific (S) or or SG and is dimensionless. γ fluid ρ fluid S= = γ water ρ water • At standard reference temp p of 4 oC,, γwater=9810 N/m3 8 - The Equation of State • The equation of state for an ideal gas can be b expressed d as: p = ρ RT • The value of (R) is the gas constant which is characteristic of the gas itself. • Values of (R) are given in Table A.2. • Although g no gas g is ideal, most gases g that we deal with behave like ideal gases. 9 Variation of Density y 10 Density {at standard atm press and 15 oC, C Table A A-2} 2} 11 Density y (Air) ( ) {{Table A.3}} 12 Density y ((Water,, Table A.5)) 13 2.4: Properties Involving the Flow of Heat - Specific Heat • The specific heat (c) is the amount of thermal energ that must energy m st be transferred to a unit nit mass of a substance to raise its temperature by y one degree. g • It is a measure of the capacity of a substance to store thermal energy. • It is given in units of J/kg.K. • Specific heat can be given at constant pressure (cp)or ) att constant t t volume l (cv). ) • The ratio cp/ given by the symbol (k) and is always constant for a given gas gas. 14 - Specific Internal Energy • The specific internal energy (u) is the energy that a substance possesses per unit mass because of the state of the molecular activity in the substance substance. - Specific Enthalpy • Specific S ifi enthalpy th l (h) iis given i as h= h u + p/ρ / • Both of u and h are given in J/kg. • For F an ideal id l gas u and d h are function f ti off temperature alone. 15 2.5: Viscosity • A fl fluid id is i a substance b t that th t deforms d f continuously when subjected to a shear stress stress. • Shear stress in a viscous fluid is proportional to the time rate of the of strain as follows: dV τ =μ dy • τ: shear h stress, t μ: dynamic d i viscosity, i it dV/dy: velocity gradient, or time rate of strain or shear strain strain, 16 Viscosity y • μ is the viscosity of the fluid, referred to at times as dynamic viscosity or absolute viscosity. • It is basically defined as the ratio of the yg gradient. shear stress to the velocity • Thus, the unit used for viscosity is: N.s/m2 • Another unit used for the viscosity is the poise, which is 0.1 N.s/m2. 17 Viscosity y • Viscosity and density are inter-related in many equations used in fluid mechanics. • The quantity μ/ρ is commonly used and y ((ν). ) termed the kinematic viscosity ν= μ/ρ • The units of the kinematic viscosity are m2/s. 18 Viscosity y • The velocity distribution in a fluid near a boundary can be given as follows: 19 Viscosity y • The previous distribution implies the following: – The velocity y of the fluid is zero at the boundary (no-slip condition). – The velocity gradient at the boundary is finite. – The velocity gradient becomes less steep with distance from the boundary; the maximum shear stress is at the boundary. 20 Viscosity y • The viscosity of a gas increases with temperature as given by the Sutherland’s equation: μ ⎛T ⎞ = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ μo ⎝ To ⎠ 3/ 2 To + S T +S • The value of (S) is characteristic of the gas itself itself. Values of (S) are given for different gases in table A.2 21 Viscosity y • In contrast, the viscosity of a liquid decreases with temperature, according to the equation: b /T μ = Ce • Where C and b are empirical constants determined from at least two data points. • The Th variation i ti off viscosity i it (dynamic (d i and d kinematic) for different fluids are given in figures A.2 A 2 and A.3. A3 22 23 Dynamic or absolute Viscosity {Fig A 2} {Fig.A.2} 24 Kinematic Viscosity y {{Fig. g A.3}} 25 Example: Two plates are separated by 1/4 inch space. The lo space lower er plate is stationar stationary, the upper pper plate moves at a velocity of 10 ft/s. Oil (SAE 10W-30 10W 30, 150 oF) which fills the space space. The variation in velocity of the oil is linear. What is the shear stress in the oil? 26 Solution: From Figure A.2: μ = 5 .2 x 10 −4 Ib.s/ft 2 dV ΔV 10 = = = 480 dy Δy ( 1 / 4 ) / 12 dV τ=μ = 5 .2 x 10 0 − 4 x 480 80 = 0 .250 50 Ib/ft b/ft 2 dy Another way to find dV/dy since the relation is linear: V=a y+b @y=0, V=0 @y 0=0+b b=0 @y=(1/4)/12, V=10 10=a [(1/4)/12]+0 a=480 dV/dy=480 y V=480 y 27 Example: A block weighing 1 kN and having dimensions 200 mm on an edge is allo allowable able to slide down an incline on a film of oil having a thickness of 0.005 0 005 mm. mm If we use a linear velocity profile in the oil. What is the terminal speed p of the block. The viscosity y of the oil is 7x10-3 N.s/m2 28 Solution: μ = 7 x10 −3 N.s/m 2 W sin 20o = Fshear τ =μ dV dy dV VT = = 200 000VT dy ( 0.005 / 1000 ) τ = 1400VT Fshear 200 200 = τ A = 1400VT )( x ) = 56VT 1000 1000 W sin 20o = Fshear 1 x1000 x sin 20o = 56 VT VT = 6 .11 m/s 29 Viscosity y - Newtonian versus Non-Newtonian Fluids • Not in all fluids,, the relationship p between the shear stress and the rate of strain is directly proportional, as discussed earlier. • In some fluids, these relationship is not directly proportional. These are called “nonN Newtonian” i ” fluids. fl id • Examples of non-Newtonian fluids are shearthi i [ paints, thinning[ i t ink], i k] shear h thickening thi k i [mixture of glass particles in water, and Bingham plastic [toothpaste]. [toothpaste] 30 Viscosity y 31 2.6: Elasticity • Elasticity (also often called compressibility) of the fluid fl id is related to the amo amount nt of deformation (expansion or contraction) for a given pressure g p change, g , quantitatively q y described by the bulk modulus of elasticity Eν : dp dp Eν = =− dρ ρ dV V • Th The bulk b lk modulus d l off water t is i around d 2.2 22 GN/m2, corresponding to a change of 0.05% in volume for a change g of 1 MPa. 32 Elasticity y • The elasticity of an ideal gas is proportional to pressure. • For an isothermal process: p Eν = ρ R T = p • For and adiabatic process: Eν = cp cv p 33 2.7- Surface Tension, σ • Theory of molecular attraction: molecules of liquid below the surface act on each other by f forces th thatt are equall in i all ll direction. di ti However, molecules near the surface have a greater attraction for each other than they g y do for molecules below the surface. • This produces in effect a surface on the liquid where each portion exerts tension on adjacent portions. • Surface S f tension t i (σ) ( ) is i usually ll referred f d to t in i units of N/m. • At room temperature, p , surface tension for a water-air surface is 0.073 N/m. 34 Capillary Action: • Th The phenomenon h off capillary ill effect ff t can be b explained microscopically by considering cohesive forces ((forces between like molecules,, such as water & water) and adhesive forces (forces between unlike molecules such as water & glass). The liquid liq id molecules molec les at solid-liquid solid liq id interface are subjected to both cohesive & adhesive forces. The relative magnitude g determine whether a liquid q wets a solid surface or not. Obviously, the water molecules are more strongly attracted to the glass molecules than they are to other water molecules, molecules and thus water tends to rise along the glass surface. The opposite occurs for mercury, which causes the liquid surface near the glass wall to 35 suppressed. 36 2.8: Vapour Pressure • Vapour pressure is the pressure at which a liq id will liquid ill boil. boil • The vapour pressure increases with temperature. temperature • When the temperature of a liquid increases, its vapour pressure increases to the point at which it is equal to atmospheric pressure, and thus boiling occurs. • Similarly, boiling can occur at low temperatures if the pressure in the liquid is decreased to its vapour pressure pressure. 37 Vapour p Pressure • The effect of vapour pressure can be noticed in flowing liquids when vapour bubbles start growing in local regions of very low pressure and collapse in regions of high pressure. This phenomenon is known as cavitation. 38 Cavitation • As these bubbles move to the higher pressure region they collapse. collapse • This can cause excessive intermittent pressures that can cause severe damage g to moving parts. 39
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