e CASS CITY CHRONICLE CASS CITY, IMICH1C;AN -THURSDAY, VOLUME 75, NUMBER48 SECTION 2, PAGES 1-8 Twenty-five Cents MARCH 18,1982 A doll’s best friend 1 Bonnie Petee keeps Barbie welldressed 1 w WEDDING PARTY - The crocheted dresses for Barbie were made by Maxine Kennedy. Bonnie Petee made tbe undergarments at right. Mrs.-’Petee’s pen pal, Janice Rieck of Maryland, made Ken’s tuxedos. Bonnie Petee never had a Barbie Doll when ,she was growing up. Now, a t age 33, she is making up for lost time and making money besides. Her hobby is making stuffed Raggedy Ann dolls, and clothes for Barbie Dolls, which she sells. Examples of both are on display a t Rawson Memorial Library until Saturday, March 27. The Swartz Creek (near Flint) resident is the daughter of Emerson and Maxine Kennedy of Van Dyke Road, C s City. Tarbie Dolls were introduced by the Mattel company in 1959. “I was 11 when they came out, but I was not playing with dolls any longer,” Mrs. P e t e explained. “1965 was really the beginning of my Barbie career, but I didn’t know it then,” she aontinued. “I was in m y , fifth year of 4-Hknitting and wanted to make different than a hat, mittens or a sweater.” Her ywnger sister did have a Barbie doll and she LAST .DAY OF REGISTRATION * ........... I 1 SCHOOL ELECTION \ NOTICE OF LAST DAY OF REGISTRATION gr=THE E L E C T O ~ SOF CASS CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS TUSCOLA, HURON AND SANILAC COUNTIES, MICHIGAN TO THE ELECTORS OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT: Please Take Notice that t h e Board of Education of Cass City Public Schools, Tuscola, Huron and Sanilac Coqnties, Mhchigan, has called a special election to be held in t h e School District on Friday, April 30,1982. TAKE NOTICE t h a t t h e following propositions will be submitted t o the electors at t h e special election: I. MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION City b i g h School, went to college, got a job, married Kennetb-Petee and gave birth to sons hark and Carl, now ages 8 and 6 respective1Y* In 1975, Mrs.Petee made some Barbie clothes as a gift for a “little friend,” but that is as far as it got. She did start making stuffed Raggedy Ann dolls, which she began selling. Her name and hobby appeared in a doll magaiine to which she subscribed. As a result, she received a letter from Janice Rieck of Baltimore, Md., asking if she wanted to be a pen pal. The two women have been corresponding since. Ms. Rieck, who collects Barbie Dolls and designs a n d h a k e s doll clothes, persuaded her new b n pal to, make Barbie .clothes. It was in May, 1979, that Mrs. Petee first sold Barbie clothes at a bazaar along with her Raggedy Ann dolls. Her mother went along to help and after that, she got involved. Mrs.Kennedy now makes all the crocheted and knitted Barbie clothes and her daugh’ter makes all the sewed clothes, plus the Raggedy Ann dolls, and does the selling at bazaars and arts and crafts shows. Her mot er occasionally helps at t e sales. WHO BUYS BARBIE Doll clothes? Mainly little girls and grandmothers, according to Mrs. Petee. The outfits sell for $1.50-15, Each Barbie only comes with one outfit. Mattel sells additional outfits and since it introduced the first such doll in 1959, has produced ‘more than 1,ooO different outfits , Mattel’s Barbie clothes sell for about $2-8. Mrs. Petee said the advantage of her outfits is they are original, use better material and are better made. Although most girls outgrow Barbie dolls by the ‘ time they enter their teens, collecting them has become a big hobby among adultp. z Mrs. Petee, who is just getting into collecting, doubts her clothes would be of much interest to collectors. “For collecting, you want. to have the original clothes that came on the doll.” Barbie dolls made the first yearcanbeworthwellover $100. helped make someone COMPANIES happy. ” that sell sewing patterns for Another reward will come adult clothes ‘also sell pat- in May, when she meets her terns for Barbie clothes. pen pal, Janice Rieck, for Designs for Barbie clothes the first time. That will be a t can be copyrighted. a Barbie convention being As for Mrs. Petee, “I put on by the Royal Oak make my spending money,” Doll Club, which Ms. Rieck s h e m i d of her hobby. will be flying in to attend. There is a disadvantage. Mrs, Petee receives a lot of, But Mrs. Petee’s greatest “Aren’t you a little old for reward came last May. The this? ” inquiries. sister that she made the As for what her husband Barbie clothes for back in thinks, “Well, he’s learned 1965, of California, now LuAnn gave Palazzola birth that to go. along with me, especially at Christmas time and month to her first child, a I’m working 25 hours a girl, day. ” When the mother came And, she added, he likes it home with her daughter when she brings home from the hospital, “her very money from a bazaar. own Barbie doll was waiting MAKING BARBIE DOLL with an original outfit made clothes also has its Other by Aunt ~ o n n i e . ” THREE , BARBIE’S DRESSMAKER -- Bonnie Petee holds two of the Raggedy Ann dolls she made. The Barbie Doll in her lap ‘ is wearing one of the dresses she made. I 11. ADDITIONAL MILLAGE PROPOSITION Shall the limitation on t h e amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property in Cass City Public Schools, Tuscola, Huron and Sanilac Counties, Michigan, be increased by 5.5 mills ($5.50 on each $1,000.00) on state ecpalized valuation for t h e year 1982, for the purpose of providing additional funds for operating purposes (this -being a separate SAVE $1.00 proposal in addition to the increase submitted in Proposition I at this same election)? . I THE LAST DAY ON WHICH PERSONSMAY REGISTERWITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR TOWNSHIP CLERKS, IN ORDER TO BE ELIGfBLk TO VOTE AT THE SPECIAL ELECTION CALLED TO BE HELD ON FRIDAY, APRIL 30,1982, IS WEDNESDAY, MARCH’31, 1982. PERSONS REGISTERING AFTER 5:OO O’CLOCK, P.M. ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1982, ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO VOTE AT THE SPECIAL SCHOOL ELECTION. I Persons planning to register with the respective city or township clerks must ascertain the-days and hours on which the clerks’ offices are open for registration. WHEN YOU PURCHASE THREE (3) 0OF ‘/$LITER BOTTLES OF PEPSI, DIE PEPS1 LIGHT OR MOUNTAIN DEW. This Notice is given by order of t h e Board of Education of Cass City Public Schools, Tuscola, Huron and Sanilac Counties, Michigan. am. Coupon explres mldnlght, March 2l, Offer llmited to om coupon group or organization. Any other urn constitutes fraud. r Edward C. Scollon Secretary, Board of Education I c / ‘ ers. t Barbie Dolls sold new in Shall t h e limitation on t h e amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property in Cass City Public Schools, Tuscola, Huron and Sanilac Counties, Michigan, be increased by 12.9 mills ($12.90 on each $1,000.00) on state equalized valuation for t h e year 1982, for t h e purpose of providing additional funds for operating purposes (this being a renewal of 12.9 mills for operating purposes which expired with t h e 1981 tax levy)? 1976, but it didn’t prove popular among little girls or collectors, and production ended after about 18 months. THE POWERS THAT BE at Mattel, not being dummies, do make changes in Barbie every year. Hewlothes and hair styles have changed over the years, though ‘she has always’been a blonde. Barbie wore a mini skirt when short skirts were in style, for instance. Other changes are more subtle. Her eye shadow may change from year to year, the bend of her elbows changes and some years her fingers may be joined together and other years they may be apart. Barbie. of course, does have her boyfriend Ken, plus wf! frmlly. *
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