GOVT. OF INDIA (MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES) OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER NORTH GUWAHATI DIVISION::BRAHMAPUTRA BOARD RUDRESWAR::GUWAHATI-781030. No:BB/EE/NGD/NIQ/2006-07/44 Dt. 07-05-15. NOTICE INVITING QUOTATION Sealed quotations in prescribed forms are hereby invited from reputed firms/suppliers (having up to date tax clearance certificates/VAT certificates) for the followings. The prescribed quotation forms containing details of items and terms and conditions shall be issued by the office of the undersigned on all working days up to 18-05.2015 on payment of crossed I.P.O.s as mentioned against each and having at least 4(four) months validity from the date of issue of this notice and pledged in favour of the Financial Adviser, Brahmaputra Board, Basistha, Guwahati-29. Interested parties/firms/suppliers may obtain the prescribed quotation documents and terms and conditions from the office of the undersigned up to 2.00 P.M. on all working days upto 18.05.2015 as stated above on payment of the I.P.O. mentioned below along with production of original (1) the PAN CARD, (2) Latest VAT clearance Certificates, (3) Registration Certificate of Firm or quotationer. SL NAME OF WORK 1. Procurement & Installation of Biometric Time Attendance Monitoring System at NEHARI COST OF QUOTATION PAPER(I.P.O.) Rs. 150.00( Rupees one hundred fifty) only. EARNEST MONEY (Rs.) Rs. 560.00 (Rupees five hundred sixty ) only. NOTE: 1. The cost of the quotation paper as mentioned above, shall have to be deposited in the form of crossed I.P.O. purchased after the date of issue of this NIQ and pledged in favour of the Financial Adviser, Brahmaputra Board, Basistha, Guwahati-29. 2. The earnest money shall have to be deposited by the Quotationer after the date of issue of this NIQ in any scheduled bank guaranteed by the Reserve Bank of India or the S.B.I. and the Deposit at Call Receipt of the scheduled bank, pledged in favour of the Executive Engineer, North Guwahati Division, Brahmaputra Board, Rudreswar, Guwahati-30, shall have to be enclosed along with the sealed quotation after the date of issue of this quotation. 3. No quotation paper shall be issued to any applicant if the Attested copies of the PAN, VAT/TIN (updated), are not enclosed with the application for issue of quotation document. The Sealed quotations accompanied with earnest money as mentioned above against each quotation in the form of Call Deposit Receipt deposited in any scheduled bank recognised by the R.B.I. or the State Bank of India and pledged in favour of the Executive Engineer, North Guwahati Division, Brahmaputra Board, Rudreswar, Guwahati-30, shall be received by the office of the undersigned up to 2.00 P.M. on 19.05.2015. The sealed quotations shall be opened on the same date i.e. on 19.05.2015 at 2.30 P.M. The details of items can be downloaded from the web site / and also in the office of the undersigned during office hours. The cost of tender paper must be submitted in form of IPO, in favour of the Financial Adviser, Brahmaputra Board, Basistha, Guwahati-29. No:BB/EE/NGD/NIQ/2006-07/44-A Executive Engineer, North Guwahati division, Brahmaputra Board, Rudreswar: Guwahati-30. Dt. 07-05-15. Copy for favour of information to:1. The Director, Information & Public relation ,Govt. of Assam, Dispur, Guwahati-6. He is requested kindly to arrange for publication of the above NIQ in one issue of ‘the Assam Tribune’ and ‘The Amar Asom’ Newspaper . The bill may be submitted in triplicate to this office for necessary payment. 2. The Chief Engineer -1, Brahmaputra Board, Basistha, Guwahati-29. 3. The Superintending Engineer, North Guwahati Circle, Brahmaputra Board, Rudreswar, Guwahati-30, for wide circulation. 4. The C.V.O., Brahmaputra Board, Basistha, Guwahati-29. 5. The In-Charge, I.T. Cell, Brahmaputra Board, Basistha, Guwahati-29 for publishing in the Brahmaputra Board’s Web-Site. 6. The Executive Engineer, Guwahati Division, Brahmaputra Board, Basistha, Guwahati-30 for circulation. 7. NOTICE BOARD/ Relevant Files. Executive Engineer, North Guwahati division, Brahmaputra Board, Rudreswar: Guwahati-30. . GOVT. OF INDIA (MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES) OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER BRAHMAPUTRA BOARD RUDRESWAR::GUWAHATI-30. QUOTATION FOR PROCUREMENT & INATALLATION OF BIOMETRIC TIME ATTENDANCE MONITORING SYSTEM AT NEHARI,NORTH GUWAHATI. Painting of 10/ 20 cusecPump sets P [REF. NO:BB/EE/NGD/NIQ/2006-07/44 Dt. 07-05-15.] 1. COST OF QUOTATION PAPER: `. 150.00(Rupees one hundred fifty) only in the form of I.P.O. pledged in favour of the Financial Adviser, Brahmaputra Board, Basistha, Guwahati-29. 2. LAST DATE FOR ISSUE: OF QUOTATION PAPER Up to 2.00 P.M. on 18.05.2015. 3. LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF: SEALED QUOTATION PAPER Up to 2.00 P.M. on 19.05.2015 4. DATE OF OPENING OF SEALED: QUOTATION At 2-30 P.M. on 19.05.2015 5. EARNEST MONEY: `. 560.00(Rupees Five hundred sixty) only in the form of Call Deposit Receipt in favour of the Executive Engineer, North Guwahati Division, Brahmaputra Board, Rudreswar, Guwahati-30. 6. ENCLOSURES WITH SEALED: QUOTATION Attested copies of PAN, Latest VAT clearance certificate, Registration of Firm/tenderer, Earnest Money (CDR), (Non-enclosure and non-attestation of any copy of certificate may lead to cancellation of the tender at any point of time) 7. QUOTATION PAPER ISSUED TO: ………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………. 8. ISSUED BY: ……………………………………………………..… For & on behalf of : THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, North Guwahati Division, Brahmaputra Board, Rudreswar: Guwahati-781030. 9.DATE OF ISSUE: …………………. (THE BRAHMAPUTRA BOARD AUTHORITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT ANY OR ALL TENDERS WITHOUT ASSIGNING ANY REASON THEREOF) Signature & Seal of Tenderer / Quotationer Date: Place: SCHEDULE OF ITEMS FOR QUOTATION REF. TO NIQ NO::BB/EE/NGD/NIQ/2006-07/44 Sl Item Quantity 1 General Biometric Time Attendance Monitoring System 1 (One) No 2 Installation & Training Charge 1 (One) Job Rate in figure (Rs) Dt. 07-05-15. Rate in words (Rs) Remarks ................................................. Signature of Quotationer Executive Engineer North Guwahati division, Brahmaputra Board, Rudreswar: Guwahati-30 GOVT. OF INDIA (MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES) OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER NORTH GUWAHATI DIVISION::BRAHMAPUTRA BOARD RUDRESWAR::GUWAHATI-30. TERMS AND CONDITIONS [ REF. NO:BB/EE/NGD/NIQ/2006-07/44 Dt. 07-05-15.] NAME OF WORK: PROCUREMENT & INATALLATION OF BIOMETRIC TIME ATTENDANCE MONITORING SYSTEM AT NEHARI, NORTH GUWAHATI. All rates in the Tender/ Quotation paper shall be clearly written both in figures and in words. In case there is any confusion, the rate quoted in words shall only be considered. 1. If the rates as mentioned in figure and in words do not tally for any item, the quotation shall be readily cancelled at any point of time. 2. The Quotationer shall sign all pages of the Quotation document and shall properly seal the documents in envelop prior to submission of the same. 3. Rates shall include all costs of materials, labours, taxes, Levis, duties, octroi, VAT etc. The taxes as applicable shall be deducted at source. 4. The attested copies of Latest PAN Card / TIN / Up to date VAT clearance Certificate / Registration of the Firm etc. shall have to be invariably attested and enclosed with the sealed Quotation failing which the Quotation may be liable to be rejected at any point of time. 5. The Quotationer must ensure clear and legible writing in the Quotation paper. In case of any correction or over writing, the same shall have to be duly signed by the Quotationer. Otherwise, the quotation may be liable to be rejected at any point of time. 6. The rates shall be valid for at least 6 (six) months. 7. On acceptance of the quotation by the competent authority, the agreement (as and where necessary as per current norms) shall have to be executed on the relevant CPWD Agreement Form no.7 8. The Executive Engineer reserves the right to accept or reject any or all quotation(s) without assigning any reason thereof. 9. The time allowed for completion of each supply will be 15 days from the date of issue of the work order. 10. No quotation shall be accepted after the due date and time. 11.The authority of Brahmaputra Board shall not be responsible in any manner for delay or loss or nonreceipt of the application for issue of quotation paper and nor shall they be responsible in any way for late submission of the same by the quotationer because of any postal delay or otherwise. 12. Payment shall be made as per terms and conditions of Agreement and subject to availability of fund only. 13 .No escalation of price whatsoever shall be entertained. 14. Any legal dispute shall be settled under the jurisdiction of the Hon’ble Guwahati High Court. 15. The materials shall be guaranteed against any manufacturing defect and or of any sub grade quality. 16The name and address of the Quotationer and the name of the work for which the quotation is submitted, shall be clearly mentioned on the sealed cover of the quotation. 17.The prescribed earnest money in the form of Deposit at Call after the date of issue of the NIQ in any scheduled bank recognized either by the R.B.I. or by the State Bank of India in favour of the Executive Engineer, North Guwahati Division, Brahmaputra Board, Rudreswar, Guwahati-30, shall have to be deposited along with the sealed tender/ quotation. Otherwise, the tender/ quotation may be liable to be rejected at any point of time. 18. Warranty of the machine should be at least for 1 (one year) w.e.f. the date of installation. Executive Engineer, North Guwahati Division, Brahmaputra Board, Rudreswar: Guwahati-30. SIGNATURE OF QUOTATIONER Date::
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