BRAINERD LAKES REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS AIRPORT GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (AGIS) The Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport Commission is requesting qualified firms to provide statements of qualifications and experience for Airport Geographic Information Systems (AGIS) projects at Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport in Brainerd, Minnesota. Services required include but are not limited to aerial mapping, GIS data collection, and ground surveying. Projects undertaken will meet the requirements of all applicable laws, rules, regulations and codes. Subject to receipt of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Program (AlP) and State funding, work reasonably expected to be initiated for this consultant selection include the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Establish, validate and/or monument airport survey control Acquire and process aerial photography Collect and document safety critical and airport topographic, planimetric features and attributes Develop airspace models and perform obstruction surveys Coordinate all AGIS work, prepare AGIS project documentation and submit data Projects are expected to follow the applicable requirements of Table 2-1of FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5300-18B (Change 1) including but not limited to the following columns: 'Airport Layout Plan, 'Instrument Procedure Development', and 'Airside Construction'. All AGIS services must be completed in accordance with current versions of FAA AC 150/5300-16A, 17C and -18B (Change 1) and as listed in the final Statement of Work. All services must meet the current requirements for AlP funded projects. The work may be accomplished during the course of multiple grants through 2018. AGIS work is expected to be completed in support of the following airport improvements by Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport’s, or its engineering/planning consultant, including, but not limited to: Airport Master Plan I Airport Layout Plan Update Airport Airside and Landside Construction Navigational Aid / Instrument Approach Procedure Development A qualification based selection process conforming to FAA Advisory Circular 150/5100-14E will be utilized to select the most qualified firm. Fee information will not be considered in the selection process and must not be submitted at this time. The Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport Commission will review and rank the proposals, and select the most qualified firm/team. Selection criteria will include: • • • • • • • Recent experience with similar aeronautical survey projects at airports Capability to perform all aspects of the projects (please list all services that the firm must subcontract to other firms in completion of any of tasks above) Ability to meet schedules within budget Knowledge of FAA aeronautical survey standards Experience with AGIS surveys to support airport planning, design and construction projects Quality of previous airport projects undertaken Personnel experience and qualifications • Experience working on an operating airport The Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport Commission reserves the right to designate a single firm or multiple firms to participate in each project and handle major assignments within a project. The Commission also reserves the right to approve key individuals from each involved firm assigned to each project assignment. The negotiation of individual project contracts and associated fees shall occur at the time those services are needed for an approved and funded project. If a price cannot be agreed upon between the Commission and the selected firm(s) the Commission reserves the right to terminate negotiations and initiate a new procurement action. Contracts are subject to Federal contract provisions found on the FAA's website at: contract provisions/ The Statement of Qualification shall be limited to 5 pages total in length, and interested firms must submit seven (7) copies of the Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) and experience to the following address, no later than 4:00 PM on May 22, 2015 to: Jeff Wig, Airport Manager Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport 16384 Airport Road, Suite 5 Brainerd, MN 56401 218-825-2166 Statements should be marked “BRD Airport AGIS Services SOQ”. In addition, one text-only statement of qualifications in an electronic format capable of being read by reader software for the visually impaired must be emailed to: [email protected]. Failure to provide an SOQ readable by software for the visually impaired may result in disqualification. (NOTE: Ordinary Adobe pdf files generally do not work with reader software.) The Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport Commission reserves the right to reject any or all statements and further, to waive any informalities in the statements for the purpose of accepting the firm most advantageous to the Commission. Prime consideration in evaluating the statements will be based on the best interest of the airport. For additional information or questions please direct all communications to Jeff Wig, Airport Manager at (218)825-2166 or [email protected].
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