Novozymes Photo Guide 2015

Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
How to use this photo guide
This photo guide is a tool for understanding Novozymes’ corporate photo style
and a tool for executing new corporate photos. The guide covers and describes:
— Novozymes’ overall photo brand story, as it is to be told through imagery
as well as points related specifically to photo motives and style.
— General themes to introduce the Novozymes photo direction, introduced
through Novozymes’ photos. These themes are meant to be combined and
related to the specific assignment at hand.
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
1. A Bigger Perspective
2. Photo Categories
3. Three Key Ingredients
3.1 Dynamics
3.2 Reportage
3.3 Look & Feel
— Clean Composition
— Bright Colors
— Novozymes Grading and Retouch
4. Technical Guidelines
5. Selection and Delivery
6. Photo Rights and Model Agreements
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
1. A Bigger Perspective
The corporate photos for Novozymes should reflect the brand positioning and
tell our greater story — that Novozymes is a global leader within bioinnovation —
that we find biological solutions for better lives in a growing world — that we move
the sustainability agenda and create impact for our customers by partnering and
by having the courage to go first.
Our photos should broaden the perspective and show the ambitious Novozymes
with its global and multi-facetted presence. From big scale to small scale, from
nature to city, from one end of the industry spectrum to the other, from employee
over customer to end-customer.
Novozymes’ photos should reflect these contrasts to give spark and dynamics
to our brand.
We show both landscapes and cityscapes. Nature because here we find our
inspiration and our sources of innovation. Cityscapes because our customers
operate and create value in both environments.
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
A Bigger Perspective — Landscapes and cityscapes
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
A Bigger Perspective — Industry, nature, cities and people
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
2. Photo Categories
Our images fall into four categories moving from big scale to small scale:
— Situations
— Portraits
— Details
— Illustrative photos
Big scale — show the bigger picture and expands the perspective. The grand, global
presence and the ambitions. Conveys true format. These are the core identity-bearing
corporate images for Novozymes. Showing how industries, societies, communities,
organizations, households, environments and cityscapes are networks where people
become small, yet important parts of a meaningful whole and a bigger purpose.
Small scale — show the small scale situations. The human touch, the tactile details
and the diversity of collaborations, settings and situations.
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
Situations — Big scale
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
Situations — Small scale
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
Details (Placeholder image)
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
Illustrative photo (Placeholder image)
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
3. Three Key Ingredients
3.1 Dynamics
3.2 Reportage
3.3 Look & Feel
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
3.1 Dynamics
Novozymes is constantly moving, constantly working to ‘rethink tomorrow’.
Exploring and implementing new ideas to create a real impact and change
people’s lives for the better — all over the world.
And the world around Novozymes is moving too.
This is the overall dynamic story that Novozymes’ photos are to represent
by showing various types of movement and human interaction.
Whatever type of ‘dynamic’ the image is meant to convey, always keep
it understated.
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
Dynamic locations with groups of people in motion
In example: Many people in their daily commute
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
Dynamic work places and teamwork
In example: Professionals in a busy working situation
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
Dynamic expressions and energy of a real situation
In example: A panoramic view of a vibrant city
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
3.2 Reportage
Novozymes’ photos are authentic and caught in the moment to get a dynamic
and documentary style. Our images do not come across as polished or staged
but rather as attractive and immediate reportages from all over the world.
As a general rule Novozymes’ photos are to have people and/or human elements.
Either interacting in some way, in transit, connected in a common situation or
working together in a professional or private context.
Avoid unnatural-, staged- and other types of artificially posed images.
The styling of clothing, hair and makeup of models should always have a natural
appearance that matches the individual setting.
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
Image of people interacting/working together
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
Image of people caught in transit
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
Image of a situation ‘caught in the moment’
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
3.3 Look & Feel
All of Novozymes’ images are to share the same look & feel. Combining our three
key photographic elements below will constitute our Novozymes photo style:
— Clean Composition
— Bright Colors
— Novozymes Grading and Retouch
All images should have a diverse, exclusive, impressive, inspiring, colorful,
graphically strong, sparkling, warm and human look & feel.
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
Clean Composition
Whenever it is possible (and natural) Novozymes photos are to be composed
using a clean, calm framing that plays on a strong graphic take with (if possible)
large, clean areas.
Framing the photos this way is bold, visually interesting and leaves room for
appliying text layers on top of the images.
— Clean compositions are to look graphically strong, not too empty
— Clean compositions work best when the location is interesting
— Although the images are composed in a clean way, they should still tell a story
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
Clean Composition
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
Clean Composition
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
Clean Composition
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
Bright Colors
Whether it is a panorama, reportage or detail photo, Novozymes uses bright colors
and color accents as part of the motives to get a visually engaging impact.
Although colors can play a dominant part of the motives, it is very important that
the images in general appear authentic and natural.
Be careful not to overdo the use of color elements when taking the photo
and to not accentuate colors in post production (see Novozymes grading
and retouch).
— Use the right amount of colors, not ‘as many as possible’
— No use of forced colors in post production
— No use of unnatural color schemes
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
Bright Colors
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
Bright Colors — The right scheme
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
Novozymes Grading and Retouch
The style of grading is to be premium in a natural and honest way.
The tones are typically warm, bright and with an international and friendly look.
The color saturation and contrast of the images are to strike a good balance
in being both natural and produced.
— No artificially forced colors or contrast levels — keep things natural
— No use of really dark areas unless they are a natural part of the motive
— No use of artificially created ‘theathrical’ use of light
Clearly readable, dominating logos should always be removed in retouch,
unless this seems unnatural in the particular context.
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
Natural Grading
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
Bright Colors — The right scheme
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
4. Technical Guidelines
As a general rule, Novozymes photos are to be photographed in landscape format.
For close ups of people, use larger aperture stops — i.e. from f/2.8 – 5.6 —
to create a shallow depth of field and blur the background.
For photographing landscapes, use smaller stops — i.e. from f/8 – 16 — to create
longer depth of field with both foreground and background in focus.
In general, photographers are advised to photograph using a 35mm focal lenght
and longer (or use a wide angle suitable) to keep lines in photos straight.
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
5. Selection and Delivery — Preliminary delivery
The following are delivered to Novozymes maximum 3 working days after a shoot:
— A low resolution JPG web gallery for vendors/Novozymes employees
to browse through and make selections from.
— We expect photographers to save the entire shoot (rough selection)
for 5 years so we can supplement on a need to basis.
— Signed Photo Release Forms in hard copy (if agreed).
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
5. Selection and Delivery — Final delivery
Once the final selection has been approved, the images are delivered to
Novozymes within 7 working days. Please note the following instructions:
­ All images are delivered color and contrast adjusted (standard),
high-resolution TIFF file (25 – 50 MB).
­ —
For immediate use in campaign or similar, a small number of images
are given individual image treatment.
File names to follow Novozymes naming system
(contact your Novozymes representative).
­— All files must be double checked for errors.
­ Files are delivered via Hard disc, FTP server or recognized online
file transfer service.
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
6. Photo Rights and Model Agreements
­— Novozymes owns all rights to all images from a Novozymes paid shoot.
­ All featured people must sign release forms. No release form —
photo cannot be used.
­ External models must be paid a fee that represents approx. a day’s average
wage in local currency (and no more than 2,000 DKK per day).
Local legal approval of amount needed.
­ Internal Novozymes models who are photographed in their regular work
situations, will not be compensated. Internal models who are featured in a
specific photo session, will be compensated with a gift card of max. 500 DKK
Novozymes Photo Guide 2015
Thank you
For more information, please contact your Novozymes representative.