xPression Documentum Edition System Overview Version 4.0 EMC Corporation, Hopkinton, MA 01748-9103 1-508-435-1000 www.EMC.com EMC Document Sciences xPression Documentum Edition System Overview Copyright 2005-2010 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. The copyright protection claimed includes all formats of copyrightable material and information governed by current or future statutory or judicial law. This includes, without limitations, any material generated by the software programs that display icons or other screen interfaces. You may not copy or transmit any part of this document in electronic or printed format without the express written permission of EMC Corporation. xPression, CompuSet, and all other EMC Corporation products mentioned in this publication are trademarks of EMC Corporation. For complete copyright information, please see the file xPression Licensing Document.pdf located on your eBook Library CD. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... Who Should Read This Book? ....................................................................................................... Information Boxes and Revision Bars ............................................................................................. Solution Support ........................................................................................................................... 5 5 5 6 2 What is xPression Documentum Edition? .............................................................................................. xPression Documentum Edition High-Level Benefits ....................................................................... Where Does xPression Fit? ........................................................................................................... How xPression Integrates with Documentum .................................................................................. Server Deployment ....................................................................................................................... Required Documentum Components ...................................................................................... User Authentication................................................................................................................ Clustered Documentum Installations ....................................................................................... Multiple Docbrokers ............................................................................................................... Multiple Repositories.............................................................................................................. Your Documentum Edition Repository ..................................................................................... 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 3 xPression Infrastructure Overview......................................................................................................... The Server Components................................................................................................................ Remote Service Layer............................................................................................................ Service POJO Layer .............................................................................................................. Persistence Layer .................................................................................................................. Entities.................................................................................................................................. Document Assembly .............................................................................................................. Publishing ............................................................................................................................. Customer Data ............................................................................................................................ The Data Schema.................................................................................................................. Variable Definition.................................................................................................................. The Client Applications.................................................................................................................. 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 Table of Contents xPresso for Adobe InDesign ................................................................................................... xPresso for Dreamweaver ...................................................................................................... xPresso for Microsoft Word 2007 ............................................................................................ Administrative Applications ............................................................................................................ xAdmin ................................................................................................................................. xDashboard........................................................................................................................... 15 15 15 15 16 16 Introduction oduction Intr 1 Introduction The xPression Documentum Edition System Overview guide is designed to give you a high-level overview of the xPression Documentum Edition Server and design components. Who Should Read This Book? The xPression Documentum Edition System Overview guide is for all users of xPression Documentum Edition who want to understand more about all the individual components that make up the suite, and how all the components work together to make publishing personalized, dynamic documents possible. Information Boxes and Revision Bars When one of the following boxes appear on a page, it alerts you to special information. CAUTION The caution box warns you that a fatal error, unsatisfactory output, or loss of data may occur if you do not follow directions carefully. Tip A tip offers suggestions to simplify a task or describes a useful shortcut. They may also describe an alternate way to use the techniques described in the text. Note A note offers information that emphasizes or supplements important points of the main text. Revision bars help you locate new or changed information. Look for these revision bars in the right margin of each affected page. 5 Chapter 1 — Introduction Solution Support For more information or to solve a problem, you can contact EMC Support in one of the following ways: Online Support: http://powerlink.emc.com Telephone Support: United States: 800–782–4362 Canada: 800–543–4782 Worldwide: +1–508–497–7901 For additional worldwide access numbers, visit: http://www.emc.com/collateral/contact-us/h4165-csc-phonelist-ho.pdf 6 hatt is xPr xPression ession Documentum W ha Edition? 2 What is xPression Documentum Edition? The xPression Documentum Edition Server is part of the xPression product suite. It combines xPression’s Customer Communications Management functionality with the proven content management, BPM, and archival functionality of Documentum. xPression can generate a wide range of highly personalized and customized customer communications on demand or in batch from rule-based document templates created by business users. With Documentum Edition, xPression uses Documentum as the repository for securely managing and versioning templates, document contents, images, and data. This enables you to use Documentum BPM for document template approval and include xPression documents in business workflows. You can also use Documentum’s tiered archival and search capabilities for output customer communications. xPression’s multi-tiered Web architecture enables real-time, high volume delivery of your critical business communications through a variety of methods including e-mail, Web, and print. To design and maintain your customer communications, you can use any of the three xPresso client applications: xPresso for Adobe InDesign, xPresso for Dreamweaver, and xPresso for Microsoft Word 2007. The xPression Documentum Edition Server also contains the following server-based web components: • xAdmin. A Web-based administrative utility that enables you to configure and monitor all the functions of the xPression Documentum Edition Server, as well as define document and output management components for use during publishing. • xDashboard. A Web-based administrative utility that enables you to create and maintain jobs, and perform high-volume publishing tasks. xPression Documentum Edition High-Level Benefits The Documentum Edition of the server enables you to: • Publish xPresso documents • Store, version, check in/out xPresso templates in Documentum using Documentum versioning • Store Markers, XML Data, XSDs, Variable Lists, and Document Property Lists within Documentum • Use external content from Documentum on a full-page and subpage basis • Use the Documentum Process Suite to create a workflow for xPresso template approval 7 Chapter 2 — What is xPression Documentum Edition? Where Does xPression Fit? xPression Documentum Edition is tightly integrated into your Documentum environment. All content used and generated by xPression Documentum Edition lives within Documentum – from text and documents to images, xPresso templates, and archived customer documents. xPression Documentum Edition is a seamless add-on to your existing Content Server investment for generating personalized and customized documents. The combination of xPression Documentum Edition’s dynamic document design tools and Documentum’s Core Content Services enables multiple teams across your enterprise to collaborate and control shared content without relying on IT personnel. The business team can change content to meet revenue demands. The marketing team can ensure content and design adhere to branding. The legal team can approve all regulated content. The xPression design clients now take full advantage of the robust collaborative features available from Documentum such as check-in/check-out, versioning, advanced search and retrieval, and access control. How xPression Integrates with Documentum Documentum Edition stores all document templates and Universal Content in Documentum. It leverages Documentum BPM to design, approve, and collaborate as templates are designed. Custom documents are generated by xPression through the evaluation of business rules and customer data. Documentum can store and version the data for document generation or generate it as part of a BPM workflow. xPression can output the document to a wide variety of formats and devices. It can also output the documents to Documentum for archiving with enabled metadata for document search. During installation of xPression Documentum Edition, you deploy the xPRS.dar file to an existing repository. When the dar file is deployed, two Documentum Edition activity templates are installed and made available to Documentum Process Builder. The activity templates can be used in a Process 8 Chapter 2 — What is xPression Documentum Edition? Builder process to connect to the Documentum Edition server, select a Documentum Edition document from the repository, select an output profile, and map document variables to process data. When running a process in Taskspace, the document can be published back to the workflow or other outlets depending on the output profile definition. Server Deployment The following topics provide information about your server deployment and configuration. Required Documentum Components xPression Documentum Edition requires that you install the following Documentum components in your environment: • Documentum Content Server — for storage of templates and managed objects. • Documentum Composer — for deployment of the xPression DAR file. • Documentum Webtop or Documentum Administrator (DA) — for user privilege/access control setup. • Documentum Process Builder — for configuration of xPression activity templates. • Documentum Process Engine — provides resources for Process Builder installation. • Documentum Form Builder — allows linking web forms to an xPression activity template so that users can enter data and then pass this data to generate the xPression document. • Documentum Taskspace — for execution of xPression activity templates. Please see the xPression Document Edition 3.5 Operating Requirements for more information about the specific version that is required of each component. User Authentication All Documentum Edition users must be authenticated through Documentum, no other authentication mechanisms are supported. The Access Control List (ACL) for Documentum Edition must be configured through a Documentum client that has the capability of user management. Both Documenum Webtop and Documentum Administrator have the capability of managing user privileges. One of them is required to initialize the Documentum Edition ACL environment. After installing and verifying your installation, you can add users and assign them to predefined roles for the xPression Documentum Edition Server. xPression Documentum Edition uses the following three roles: • xpression_admin — enables users to log in to xAdmin. • xpression_designer — enables users to use their design client applications to connect to the server in online mode. • xpression_dashboard — enables users to log in to xDashboard See the xPression Documentum Edition Installation Guide for information. 9 Chapter 2 — What is xPression Documentum Edition? Clustered Documentum Installations xPression Documentum Edition supports clustered Documentum installations. Multiple Docbrokers xPression Documentum Edition supports the use of multiple docbrokers. Please refer to the dfc.properties file in your xPRS Home directory. The following example demonstrates how you can configure multiple docbrokers in the dfc.properties file. dfc.docbroker.host[0]=host1 dfc.docbroker.port[0]=1489 dfc.docbroker.host[1]=host2 dfc.docbroker.port[1]=1489 See the Administering the Documentum Edition Server guide for information. Multiple Repositories xPression Documentum Edition supports multiple repositories through the ECM Configuration feature in xAdmin. The ECM Configuration feature enables you to retrieve external resources such as customer data, schema, and images. The ECM Configuration is able to use any of the repositories registered in these docbrokers. There is no limitation to the number of ECM Configurations you can create. Your Documentum Edition Repository xPression Documentum Edition uses a Documentum repository as a central repository for storing documents, managed objects, and configuration files. You can store content (images and templates) and data in any Documentum repository, but managed objects, resources, and configuration files are only stored in the central xPRS repository. The central xPRS repository is the Documentum repository where your installer deployed the xprs.dar file. Additionally, xPression client and administrative applications can automatically access content stored on the xPRS repository. No additional configuration is needed. Content stored in other repositories cannot be accessed until an ECM Configuration for that repository is created in xAdmin. See the xPression Documentum Edition Installation Guide for information. 10 Chapter 2 — What is xPression Documentum Edition? The root directory for the repository is named XPRS, and it is located in the Applications sub-folder of the System cabinet. There are three folders under the XPRS folder: Configuration, Resources, and ManagedObjects. Each folder stores a specific type of managed object. The Configuration folder holds configuration files. The Resources folder contains two sub-folders: DocumentProperties and VariableDefinitions. These sub-folders store the corresponding type of objects. The ManagedObjects folder stores all managed objects with XML content. Each type of managed object has a separate sub-folder. 11 xPression ession Infr Infrastr astructur xPr astructure ucture Over erview Ov er view 3 xPression Infrastructure Overview In this chapter we will review the xPression architecture and design components from the perspective of a system administrator. The xPression Server components interact to provide a seamless document design environment. The Server Components The xPression Server is the core of the xPression suite. It consists of the components required for assembling, formatting, and distributing personalized documents. These components are written in Java and are hosted on your application server. The use of Java in both the xPression components and the application server enables xPression to deliver a multi-platform compatible application that runs on several different operating systems, including: Windows, UNIX, and Linux systems. For a full list of supported operating systems and servers, see the xPression Operating Requirements located at the root of the eBooks CD. The server contains three main layers: the Remote Service Layer, Service POJO Layer, and the Persistence Layer. Remote Service Layer The remote service layer provides web services to the client side of the infrastructure. This layer provides web services for external content, managed object management, document management, report/monitor management, and publish service management. Service POJO Layer This layer provides business logic for the higher level services such as the Remote Service Layer and xAdmin. This layer provides services for access to external systems, package assembly, publishing, managed object management, document management, and report/monitor management. Persistence Layer This layer uses Data Access Object classes to save and retrieve entity objects from the Documentum repository that serves as the xPression repository. 12 Chapter 3 — xPression Infrastructure Overview Entities Entities or business objects are value objects used to represent domain objects. Entities can be used to transfer data across logical layers. There are two kinds of entities: Documents and Managed Objects. Document entities contain both the design template and package. Managed Object entities are definitions with XML that can be manipulated through an API. xPression Documentum Edition uses the following Managed Object entities: • Variable List and Document Properties • Output Variable • Job • Job History • Publish Profile Definition • Output Definition • Stream Definition • Distribution Definition • Content Stamp Definition • Separator Sheet Definition • Imposition Definition • Printer and Marker • ECM Configuration Document Assembly This component handles the creation, personalization, and customizing of documents. Publishing xPression’s publishing capabilities enable you to take full advantage of xPression’s production speed and scalability to print and distribute high volume customer communications. xPression processes the instructions in an XML job definition (created in xDashboard) to determine which documents and which customer records to process. It then assembles and publishes the document to complete the job. Customer Data Customer data is the information that enables a document designer to personalize documents. Customer data is provided in XML format. The xPresso design tools and the xPression Documentum Edition Server can read any XML structure using XSD (XML Schema Definition) to define the schema and xPath to find the data’s location within the XML tree. Schema files can be stored and versioned in Documentum and used when designing an xPresso template. XML test data can also be stored in Documentum, and accessed when testing from the xPresso client or on the server. Variable sets can be stored and versioned in Documentum for sharing across teams and templates and are shown in xAdmin. Data integration extends to BPM as 13 Chapter 3 — xPression Infrastructure Overview well, where data can be collected as part of a workflow and passed to xPression when generating a document as part of a workflow. Poorly designed data can inhibit performance. Ensure that sound data design practices are used when creating customer data. Design your schema to include a root element and a content model that allows for multiple records. The document designer using the schema in the xPresso design tools will need to know the root of the schema, as he or she will be asked to select it when loading the schema. The root element should be the highest level tag that represents the repeating record in the data. We recommend that the repeating tag appear at the second level in the schema hierarchy. Your variable data can be contained in a single XML file with multiple records, multiple XML files with multiple records, or multiple XML files each with a single record. You can store your XML data and schema definitions in your Documentum repository, or generate the data through a process in Process Builder. The Persistence layer of the xPression Documentum Edition Server uses Documentum DFC to communicate with the repository. The Data Schema The xPresso Data Schema area of each design tool displays the variable data, as contained in the data schema. The Data Schema menu enables you to load a schema into your document. When you load a data schema, the structure of your schema appears in a hierarchical outline. You can only load an XSD file; loading an XML file is not currently supported. Variable Definition The Variable Definition area of each design tool works together with the Data Schema and enables you to easily create and define variables and arrays for use in your document. It enables you to add variables, arrays, child elements to arrays, and modify the properties of items. Variables are used to insert personalized information into your document. Arrays can be used to populate data tables, or to drive content loops. Document properties also appear in the Variable Definition area. Document properties are associated with variables in the document, and are available on the xPression Documentum Edition Server to be used as output variables, or in file naming templates for the document. The Client Applications xPression’s client applications enable the user to design documents. The server communicates to the client applications through the use of web service calls. An ECM Connector is used to browse external content, and check in or check out content in Documentum. The xPresso client applications contain internal processes for calling web services from the server, generating an ASL, publishing a preview of a document, and calling web services to retrieve external content. The client side applications do not need to install Documentum components to achieve integration with Documentum. This integration is performed through web services. The client applications only needs the IP address of the Documentum Edtion server. Documentum Edition xPresso clients support Single-Sign-On (SSO) with Documentum web applications, such as, Webtop, Documentum Administrator, and Taskspace. This enables you to switch between applications without performing additional log-ins for each application. For example, if you check out a template from Webtop and launch an xPresso client to view or edit it, the SSO package will enable you to access the client without performing an additional log-in. To use this 14 Chapter 3 — xPression Infrastructure Overview feature, you must install the Documentum Edition SSO package to each web application. See the xPression Documentum Edition Installation Guide for information about enabling SSO. xPresso for Adobe InDesign xPresso for Adobe InDesign uses your existing digital assets to help you quickly design, compose and publish personalized communications for print or electronic channels. Because it is easy to use, you can craft rich, effective marketing collateral and campaigns, without sacrificing other marketing priorities. With xPresso for Adobe InDesign you can transform your existing static documents into highly-creative, dynamic customer communications right at your desktop. Our dynamic content publishing solutions use variable data and assembly logic to generate templates for producing personalized collateral, offers, catalogs, and other customer communications, ready for delivery. xPresso for Dreamweaver xPresso for Dreamweaver is part of the xPression product suite, and is designed to help you create graphical, customized, and personalized HTML Web pages or e-mail messages that contain a variety of content. Content can range from correspondence that contains graphical marketing content and brand images, to account alerts or statements that drive the recipient to a personalized Web site also created in xPresso for Dreamweaver. xPresso for Microsoft Word 2007 The widespread use of Microsoft Office provides every user with the ability to create client facing documents, from letters to proposals to contracts. However, personalizing these documents and customizing them for thousands or millions of recipients can be a challenge. xPresso for Word 2007 enables you to use your variable data to create professional, highly customized and personalized proposals, contracts, invoices and correspondence. Additionally, xPression can format and distribute these documents for print, web, e-mail or archive, without needing to change the document template. xPression’s intelligent rule-based logic automatically customizes each document for each recipient, producing unparalleled 1:1 customer communications. xPresso for Word 2007 adds variability to new or existing Word documents. It also makes it easy to define assembly logic that controls content and style variability at any level of granularity. When finalized, xPresso templates are packaged for publishing on the xPression Documentum Edition Server. Administrative Applications The server communicates with two web applications, xAdmin and xDashboard. The administrative web applications are created in EXT-JS. The applications call methods in the server web tier though Direct Web Remoting (DWR). 15 Chapter 3 — xPression Infrastructure Overview xAdmin xAdmin is the web-based administrative console for the Documentum Edition server. xAdmin is the browser-based administration console that enables you to easily configure and maintain all aspects of the xPression system from any Web-enabled client connected to your network. As the system administrator, xAdmin will be the tool you use to administer your xPression environment. xAdmin organizes administrative tasks into four sections located on the xAdmin menu. xAdmin does not support concurrent users. While more than one user may log in to xAdmin, it is not recommended because changes made by one user could overwrite the changes made by another concurrent user. xDashboard xDashboard is an easy to use web application on the xPression Documentum Edition Server that contains areas that enable you to perform publishing-related tasks, such as creating and running jobs, monitoring jobs, and viewing job history. You can navigate to each area by clicking the links. 16
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