Whistle Post ISSUE 2 MARCH 2015 THIS ISSUE Training schedule P.1 Uniform shop P.2 Referee Profile P.3 Sponsors message P.4 EVEN T S General Meeting 6:007:30PM 21.04.15 Lecture Series 6:308:00pm 24.03.15 Message from the President Marc Sauvage Dear Members, I hope you are all well and have had the opportunity to stretch the legs this season. 6:30pm To those Level 1 One Referees joining our association for the first time this year...WELCOME to the world of Refereeing and WELCOME to The Brisbane Rugby League Referees Association Inc. You have embarked upon a new challenge which you will find rewarding, perhaps maybe a little frustrating!, but overall you are contributing to the greatest game of all. Be proud that you are part of the team and a member of the best referees’ association in Australia. Thankyou. Suburban Training Carina 6:00pm 13.04.15 Now that we have the first few rounds of footy under our colloquial belts, it's time to start thinking about our goals for this year. Before you know it, the representative carnival season will be upon us quicker than you can blow a penalty! Just a reminder that CMOs are now out in force, reviewing all members to assist with further development. T R AI NI N G Training 31.03.15 Training 7.04.15 Training 14.04.15 6:30pm 6:30pm Suburban Training Redcliffe 6:00pm 20.04.15 If you receive a review and have the opportunity, please take the time to openly discuss it with your CMO. Remember that they are there to COACH you and not pick out your faults! If you have any questions about how to improve your performance, talk to your CMO or feel free to approach other more experienced referees to share tips and ideas about anything such as positioning, training, etc. You have great access to valuable resources, from the NRL, down. So why not use them! If I can touch on a couple of serious issues. Firstly, one of our members Leon Beer recently suffered a heart attack and was admitted to hospital. Leon was not refereeing at the time and has since received medical treatment. Leon's family has requested privacy at this time and on behalf of ALL MEMBERS, I would like to wish Leon the best for a very speedy recovery. Secondly, I'd like to raise a matter that has been brought forward a few times this year and over the course of last season also. That is, the way we conduct ourselves when we are in the public eye. We cannot stop what is written on social media, however all members should be made aware that we do have social media policy in place AND that when we write anything on any form of social media, it is forever. If your comments are merely to be construed as banter, be wary that what you may find WHISTLE POST CONTACT US PH: 07 3392 7422 FAX: 07 3892 3939 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE www.brlrefs.com.au ISSUE 2 MARCH 2015 Coaching andother Development Alan amusing may offend some people. WhilstManager it is everyone's rightReese to express their own opinion, doing it in a public forum may be dangerous, if words are not chosen wisely. The same goes when you are at a match, on the sidelines, or even on the way to a match. When you wear the association shirt, you are representing our common values. You are in the eye of the public and we are constantly scrutinised as match officials. Whether you are talking to club officials, other referees, or players. Be respectful and be positive Thanks for your time, we'll see you out there!! Secretary’s Report Scott Irvine Season 2015 is now underway. POSTAL ADDRESS PO Box 6261 Fairfiekd Gardens QLD 4103 OFFICE & TRAINING Cnr Fairfield Rd & Broughsm St Farifield QLD 4103 UNIFROM SHOP The Uniform Shop is open every Tuesday night between 5:00pm-6:15pm. All purchases must be made through Chris Wilson and Peter Gilson. Product and price lists available in the 2015 handbook. We currently have 285 members and only just starting to process the 60 odd new level 1 referees. Our Facebook is continuing to grow with an excess of 300 likes and an average distribution of 1000+. Most of the referee associations in Australia with open pages have linked us and news seems to travel faster now. I t is interesting to note that the new rules changes that were first advertised in the first week of February (thanks to the Country Rugby League Referees Association), but I managed to “stonewall” this until the February updates. Speaking about the updates over 85% of returning membership attended at least one of the updates. Advice will be forwarded to the members did not attend of additional workshops. The Holden Home Ground Advantage Grant (including the YouTube video) has been submitted and fingers crossed that we will be able to get funding for the solar panels ($18,000). I personally thank Lauren who provided the expertise and energy in producing the clip. Another grant, for field signage has also been submitted ($5,000). Remember we are running a competition of the best photograph for the association and I’m always looking for material to share and to promote. It is pleasing that some of the old annual reports have been located and I’m currently working towards capturing these for the website. Portfolio Manager Chris Wilson Please remember to bring your shorts to training and exchange them for the new shorts. The gear room will be open Tuesday nights from 5:00 – 6:15pm as training starts at 6:30pm. Remember to abide by our dress regulations on and off the field. Like us on Facebook for all the latest BRLRA news! WHISTLE POST ISSUE 2 MARCH 2015 Coaching and Development Manager Alan Reese COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESIDENT Marc Sauvage 0419 280 881 SECRETARY Scott Irvine 0430 425 569 TREASURER Shaun MacDonald 0418 879 792 INTERNATIONAL GAMES REPRESENTITIVE Des Gerhardt 0418 742 706 MODIFIED GAMES REPRESENTITVE Mark Farrow 0400 280 881 PORTFOLIO MANAGER Chris Wilson 0412 301 461 Ready, Set, Go? Well, forget the first 2 - it's now head straight to Go. The season is already under way. Have you paid your membership fees, picked up the new jersey and been to the update at Red Hill? Then you're ready to roll. Now for the broken record bit - how far do you want to go this year? After last year's efforts, where even the Brisbane Division picked on our lack of fitness, there is only one way to put that criticism to rest - get fit. Believe it or not, getting fit physically also leads to mental fitness and these two together are critical to good performance out on the field. So, if I were to say that being fit could give you that edge over your mate who is aiming for your Grand Final, would that be enough motivation for you to put that smart phone down for an hour or two each week? Remember, these sessions are there for your benefit. Just in case you fell asleep during an the last general meeting or the induction at Red Hill (wouldn't blame you after such a long day), this year there will be a concerted drive to make sure you're doing the right thing by our sponsors and wearing the current gear at any time you're out there on behalf of the Association. The Coaches have been told to make sure you're wearing the correct attire - so watch out.. Speaking of the Coaches, many of you missed the opportunity to listen to David Newman's 'guidance' regarding the key indicators we will be looking for with regards to your positioning. The CMOs have all been issued with a set of guidelines that we will be looking at throughout the season (see what you missed). As for other key 'things' the Coaches will be looking at from you will be your strict application of Safe Play Code in the games where it applies and Player Safety across the board. Let's work together to make sure that each and every player gets the maximum enjoyment from the game and they're not sidelined next week because of your inaction. Well, I'm sure you're probably pretty tired of my harping on the lack of attendance at Training and Lectures by now, but I have a simple solution to it - become more visible around the place and get to know the other members through working with and supporting them! SENIOR ALLOCATOR Ian Blank 0499 780 881 GBJRL INTERNATIONAL Peter Hill 0499 780 881 In June 1884, William Atack of Canterbury New Zealand, was the first referee in the world to use a whistle to stop a game. As a rugby referee, he said that when both sides were appealing, the voice had to be exercised loudly and he found it exhausting. When he first used the whistle, he called the teams together and got them to agree to “play to the whistle”. It was soon adopted worldwide. WHISTLE POST ISSUE 2 MARCH 2015 Referee’s Profile with Des Gerhardt James Downie James Downie first picked up a whistle 5 years ago. The promising youngster sat down with Des to talk about training, career goals and his achievements so far. Des: Why did you start refereeing? James: My Dad, Richard, was a member of the association and Scott Harvey was my mentor. DON’T FORGET TO CHECK YOU APPOINTMENTS ! Log onto www.brlrefs.com Please contact the Secretary if you don’t kow your log in details. Des: What cub did you start refereeing at? James: Springwood. Des: What age groups have you controlled? James: Under 14’s Des: What Carnivals have you attended? James: State Under 12’s Murri Carnival Des: What is your goal in refereeing? James: To be part of the Queensland Rugby League Academy and referee in the NRL. Des: What training do you do? James: I train with the QRL Academy on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I also road run and go to the gym on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Des: Who has had the biggest influence at this stage of your career? James: My Dad and Scott Harvey. Des: What Grand Finals have you refereed? James: Under 11 Prems and Under 12 Prems. Des: What awards have you received for your refereeing? James: Zone 4 Referee of the Year, Brisbane Modified Referee of the Year, Springwood Most Improved Referee 2 years in a row and Springwood Referee of the Year. Des: How would you describe yourself as a referee? James: I’m constantly seeking ways to improve, I give 100% to the game and I always try to act professionally towards the players and the game. Des: Where would you like to be in 5 years time? James: I would like to be refereeing the Academy Games, Second Division Games and putting my name on the table for futher advancement. COMPETITION!! Upload your referee action shots to Facebook to be in the running to win a fabulous prize! WHISTLE POST A message from our sponsors ISSUE 2 MARCH 2015 2015 Silver Sponsor Hello everyone, At the 2014 Brisbane Rugby League Referees AGM, I had the pleasure of meeting many of you however I know there are a few people that I am yet to catch up with. My name is Rita Sauvage. I’m a Silver Sponsor for 2015 season, something I am very proud of and I am a Lending Specialist with Kelly & Co Financial Services. Our charter at Kelly & Co is to offer you tailored financial solutions for; Lending – property, commercial, car/boat/caravan, plant &equipment Self-Managed Super Fund borrowing solutions Investment property solutions As a Lending Specialist, it’s my role to navigate the constantly changing lending landscape, considering all things such as interest rates, special offers, then work with you to determine how to best structure your lending, based on your needs. Whether you are a first home owner or looking to refinance your existing home, a tailored home loan solution that suits your needs will be provided. Best of all, this service is of no cost to you. As a Thank You for allowing me the opportunity to assist you with your finance requirements I am offering the following to members of the BRLRA: For every settled loan –you will receive a settlement gift plus a $50 gift voucher For every person you refer to me, you will also receive a $50 gift voucher when their loan settles. This season, I’ll be keeping you all updated with what’s happening with regards to Home Loan interest rates and great offers. Don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Rita Sauvage 0409 852 252 Disclaimer: Your financials would need review prior to acceptance of any offer or product Credit Representative Number 438149 is authorised under Australian Credit Licence Number 389328
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