Keep in Step Brownmead Academy —–———————————————————————————————————— Newsletter Spring Term No 1 Welcome back! Attendance I hope that everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable Christmas and New Year. We are now back into the working term and the focus for everyone this half-term is to push further from the solid base created in the Autumn Term. We were sad to see Mrs Taroni leave, but after 11 years she deserved the opportunity to take on a new role. As an interim measure Mrs Green and Miss Broadhurst will take over SEN/Pastoral responsibilities until a permanent appointment is made. If your child is on the SEN register or is involved with other agencies, for queries, please see either member of staff. Congratulations to Year 4 for getting the highest attendance for the month of December with 92% and well done to Year 2 for week beginning 8th December with 96.9% and Reception and Year 4 for 92.3% and Year 1 and Year 3 for 94.3% and 92.5 % respectively for the week beginning 15th December.. These classes are moving along our new attendance Grand Prix track. Keep it up. Brownmead Creative Curriculum As a new initiative at Brownmead Academy we are introducing a creative curriculum across the whole school. This will give all children the opportunity to develop and enrich their learning through a variety of different subjects and skills. This approach focuses on teaching a theme for a whole term and will focus largely on history, geography, art, PE, ICT and PHSE ensuring that the creative curriculum is always evident in the classroom. Themes covered for Spring term: Reception: Year 1 : Year 2 : Year 3 : Year 4 : Year 5 : Year 6 : Transport Poles Apart Indian Spice Blast Off! Roman Rule Mexico and the Mayans Rule Britannia Classes will be sending home their own newsletters about what is coming up this term. Half Term Holiday Club For the first time, we will be offering children the chance to attend a holiday club. The holiday club will be run by Sports Plus, not Brownmead Staff, and will be available for the full 5 days during half-term from 10-3pm. The children will be led by fully qualified sports coaches and will take part in a variety of different sports, leading to a presentation on the last afternoon for all participants. A letter will be sent out shortly giving further details. The school has subsidised this first club that would normally cost £35 per child for the week. Please look out for the letter soon if you are interested. A big congratulations to Reception and Year 4 who were joint winners in our 2nd Attendance Grand Prix. We are in the process of arranging their prize of a trip to the cinema. Swimming Swimming starts again next Friday 16th January for Year 6 and Year 4. Please remember that swimming costumes/trunks plus a towel are required. All earrings must be removed before school please. If for any reason your child cannot do swimming any week, please send a letter to the class teacher informing them of the reason. 5-a-side Football Towards the end of the Autumn term our Year 5 boys and girls 5-a-side football teams took part in an inter school tournament at Washwood Heath School. Many schools from the local area took part. Brownmead played very well and every match was very close. Well done to the boys team who came second overall and to the girls team who came third. We look forward to the next tournament. Parents Evenings for Spring Term Our Parents Evenings for Spring Term will be held on Monday 9th February and Wednesday 11th February from 4pm-6.30pm. Details will follow at a later date. Deputy Head As you know, Mrs Green will be leaving us at the end of the year to holiday when it is cheaper! Before Christmas we appointed a new Deputy Head Teacher who will start after the Easter holiday. Mrs Cotterill-Carter will work alongside Mrs Green for the Summer Term ensuring a thorough transition into Brownmead. We look forward to working with Mrs Cottterill-Carter in a few months time. School Council The School Council have been busy taking part in both interviews for the new Deputy Head teacher. They have also met and discussed what they believe makes Science teaching and learning good. These ideas along with those of the staff will form the basis of the Science Principles for Teaching and Learning at Brownmead. Uniform We seem to be collecting a great deal of lost property and many items have no names in. Please label everything for your child, so if lost, it can be returned. We will put out all lost property in the hall on Friday after school. If you know you have lost an item please come and browse through. Language of the Month This month’s language of the month is Choir Performances Our choir is always busy in the lead up towards Christmas and this Christmas was no exception. They took part in the Shard End Christmas Lights Festival performing at All Saints Church for the general public before performing at Cheshire Court Old People’s home, an annual event.. This year for the first time we were asked to perform at Solihull Hospital, in a ward for people recovering from a stroke. It was a brilliant afternoon and the hospital staff and patients really joined in the Christmas spirit. Finally , again for the first time, we held a joint concert with Hillstone Primary at All saints Church. This concert included songs from both schools, as well as joint performances and, of course, performances from the joint staff choir of Hillstone and Brownmead. This was a fantastic event and we are already thinking how we can make it better for next year! Thank you to the children of the choir for committing to these events and a big thank you to the families for your wonderful support. Nativity DVD’s These will be available soon. We only recorded the Wednesday afternoon performance. If you would like a copy at £2.50, please pre-order at the office Christmas Jumper Day A big thank you to everyone who donated to Christmas Jumper Day and helped to raise an amazing £122.45 French. For The Save The Children charity Playground Leaders During the Autumn term children from Year 6 have been trained to be playground leaders. They have learnt how to create fun and safe activities using P.E equipment such as bats and balls, quoits and skipping ropes. These activities, led by the Year 6 children, have been shared with the younger children in the school at lunch times. This has proven to be a great success enjoyed by all involved. This term Year 5 are learning to be playground leaders. Christmas Fayre Our first Christmas fayre was a big success. We would like to thank all the parents involved for their time and effort in helping us to raise £1524.55 for much needed school funds. It was a very enjoyable day for the children and a lovely start to Christmas. Our next newsletter will be on Wednesday 21st January
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