Biknr Sfnfe Oisasfer Mnnn7emenf Aufhorifj (Disaster Management Depaftment, Govt. of Bihar) E "Prepare Your Plan Today, Tomorrow Muy Be Too Late" Name of the Departm ent/ Or gani sation: Address: Contents Contents Foreword Chief Minister Bihar ill o Message Deputy Chief Minister Bihar v o Message Minister, Disaster Management, Bihar vi o Message Vice-Chairman, BS D MA o Letter Chief Secretary Bihar cum CEO, BSDMA ix 1. Terminology L 2. Profile 2.I 2.2 2.3 viii 2-5 Office Profile 2 Employees Details 3 Office Map 5 3. ldentification & Listing of all Existing Hazards 4. Assessment 6 7-to 4.1- Fire Safety Assessment 7 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Electrical Safety Assessment 8 Data Safety 9 Non-Structural Safety Assessment (Furniture Mishap) 9 Structural Safety Assessment (Building Safety) 10 Page I i 5. Map Making 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 6. 11-14 Hazard map 1L Resource map t2 Safety Route map 13 Common meeting point map L4 Formation of Teams 6.t 6.2 5.3 6.4 t5-t7 Early Warning 15 Search & Rescue 16 Communication L7 Safety & First Aid 17 7. Resource Facilities 18 8. Training & Mock-Drills 19 9. Plan Update 2L 10. Annexure 10.1 Annexure-l tO.2 Annexure-ll ( Specimen i. ii, iii. iv. BSDMA Hazard Map 26 Re 27 : BSDMA ( Do's& Don'ts) Map) urce Map BSDMA Emergency Exit Route Map BSDMA Hazard, OfficeDisaster source and Emergency Eiif Route Map Ma gement Plan Report format 22-25 - 26-29 28 29 30 CHIEF MINISTER BIHAR terot qcon FOREWORD Bihar has been repeatedly hit by different disasters of serious magnitude with large scale devastation. Nepal-Bihar Earthquake 1.934, Bihar Earthquake l-988, floods in 2004,2007 & especially Kosi floods in 2008 has exposed the vulnerability of the state, its people, infrastructure and environment. Disasters always need quick response to reduce the quantum of lives lost and property damaged. Past experiences have shown that the countries, where the government, people and volunteers were better prepared and joined hands together to face the calamities, have recovered faster than the countries that were not so prepared and organized. Realizing the importance of holistic view on disaster management, Bihar State Disaster Management Authority (BSDMA) has developed guidelines & templates for Office Disaster Management Plan (ODMP) in light of the fact that new and complex challenges have emerged. Accordingly, ODMP needs to be undertaken to evolve a concrete action plan for all offices of Bihar from State headquarter to districts & police station level. This document will help offices not only to prepare for responses but also to incorporate Disaster risk reduction in their dayto day life. I am happy to note that BSDMA is already practising this plan and they deserve com mendation for thei r effort Page I tl DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER BIHAR Iq-6R qfmR MESSAGE Bihar is one of the most disaster prone states in the country and it is prone to multiple hazards. The geographical and topographical situations make the state highly prone to severe and moderate earthquake risks also. Out of the 38 districts in the state, a total no. of 8 districts fall underthe highest earthquake seismic zone-V. Bihar is also prone to severe floods every year; affecting almost 28 districts. In addition to the above large scale hazards, the state suffers recurrent village fires during summer which causes loss of lives and livelihoods, Besides those, the state is also vulnerable to high speed winds, heat wave, Road accidents, chemical and industrial hazards, biological hazards such as epidemics. The development is impeded bythese natural& manmade disasters. The Disaster Management Act 2005 envisages a paradigm shift from the erstwhile response centric syndrome to a proactive, holistic and integrated management of disasters with emphasis on prevention, mitigation and preparedness. This national vision, inter alia, aims at inculcating a culture of preparedness amongst all stakeholders and training of different stakeholders is the most important tool to achieve this end. To attain an effective and efficient Office Disaster Management Plan (ODMP), the pressing need was identification of specific hazards in the offices and formulating disaster response plan based on this assessment. With this objective, the Bihar State Disaster Management Authority (BSDMA) has done a systematic effort to identify the needs of the hour, This ODMP guidelines & template is a brilliant step towa rds atta I am happy in ing the objective of safer a nd disaster resilient Bihar. to note that BSDMA is taking several important initiatives towards promoting a culture of preparedness and prevention in the state. Patna L9/OLl20L3 ' ''li"'i l ,.,\r..j (Sushil Kumar Modi ) Minister tddR SGF'R Disaster Management, Bl HAR ^AESSAGE Till recent times, the approach to Disaster Management has been reactive and relief centric. A paradigm shift has now taken place at the national & state level from the relief centric syndrome to holistic and integrated approach with emphasis on prevention, mitigation and preparedness. These efforts are aimed to conserve developmental gains as also minimize losses to lives, livelihood and property. Preparation of guidelines for various types of disasters constitutes an important part of the mandate of the Bihar State Disaster Management Authority. Formulation of guidelines & template on Office Disaster Management Plan (ODMP) is an important landmark in this direction. Keeping the vulnerabilities and hazard profile of Bihar in mind, the ODMP is definitely a major step towards the future where a holistic, uniformed and well structured disaster response and mitigation planning will hold the key to an efficient and successful disaster management. The vision is to minimize loss of life and property by strengthening and standardizing response mechanisms, proper scaling of resources, appropriate training at different required levels in the offices and prevention of incidents by spreading a culture of awareness, alertness and preparedness amongstthe people. Let us prepare and prevent, than repair & repent. Patna 29/Ot/2Or3 (Renu Kumari Kushwaha) Vice- Chairman Bihar State Disaster Management Authority Government of Bihar MESSAGE It is usually seen that offices & organisation don't have Office Disaster Management Plan (ODM P)though they keep facing various disaster - fire being one of them, which causes destruction of assets, important documents, files and property etc. Section-32 of Disaster Management Act-2005 makes it mandatory that every government office should prepare an Office Disaster Management Plan of its own. Bihar has experienced disasters over decades but sufficient attention was not given to the impact of disasters on offices nor to deal with it. Government offices play a vital role in managing disasters and a ny defunct in these places could affect the overall response strategies consequently. Taking this into account, BSDMA has recognised the importance of Disaster management plan for each office starting from a practice of its own office at Pant Bhawan and commenced its efforts to come up with separate guidelines and template in this regarc. Evolving the State Guidelines and Template for Office Disaster Management Plan has been a very challenging process since this is the first ever document being put together on this subject. lt is intended that all offices of state government without any exception, will prepare an office disaster management plan for example Health Department will prepare ODMP of its own department and insure that all its medical colleges, hospitals, PHCs including additional PHCs will have ODMP. Likewise in the education department starting with their own department and process will be extended right from primary schools to colleges & universities. These gu idelines will give a boost to the efforts for ma naging office disasters a nd strengthen the state vision of moving towards a more proactive pre-disaster preparedness and mitigation-centric approach. These guidelines contain all the details that are required by planners and implementers and will help in the preparation of disaster preparedness plans by all the departments and district ad ministrations in Bihar. I express my deep appreciation for the wholehearted support and cooperation of various stakeholders and my team in BSDMA especially Mr. Vishal Vasvani, Consultant (Unicef) in preparation of this work. BSDMA will be happy to support and extend its technical assistance, guidance in preparing this plan wherever required. Patna 30/o7 /20t2 (Anil K. Sinha, IAS (retd.) Page vii ) Chief Secretary Bihar cum eEo, BSDMA fwnsc+n q7ii6-1e7ftfui/cil0c0qro-3s / 2o1i / .... lr{fin ftaq n-'q eTIq-Er qdfi qltrfr{q (emr<r v.iw fuw) qa rq-q. Efrq crd, qeqr-t ft-ars iqo., gw sfu+, ft-ar _s6_ +nE g€q trTdcmo trsTEroTfi, f+en qrq oilq-{ ctiem. qrfumrurl qe"Tl-1s. fu-o,qmftq clTtlttr uqtr{ gTfus-{sr f+an {rcq ftq-q:xefi-fr, f46a-qt-e1qs. o1 erqe-or t UTB-fi-{ur of iao d ftHio-os.os.2o1z 6} ftrn Tn ftufq d 3ilTqR qft ffir'|l'/6,rqfdqi' or qrqflql t rara fu "orqfaq sTrrqr qq'qq qlqri"-Office Disaster Management Plan (ODMP)tqn s{i d qqs q I rr6Rrq, ft-on ri-w eimqr qchrq crD-w"r o1 uA ddo ftqr6-08,05.2012 it ftd .ri Fi"fu + orrd*. ft-gn trqq 3Trqil trqen crFo-cvr Htt Vst " orqfdq eilnel qqqq ds{r"-Office Disaster Management Plan (ODMP)tqri ftTi ig Ym' Template qs qr,f'ERio-r (Guidelines) +qR q'l 'rfr t qffifo-r dt eR sd-.T o-r+ g-A o_flr fu srcq S sfr tclrFri' vq B-rd sIrqEI efrfrr-{el wq d o.rqfdql' ol "o.rqfdq errrfl cqqc q}w{r" dt d qrq qFT-qt?T d qrer-\nq srmTfr *ick ol VieTr d sdt wr*eq ftqs 6 ci-f,.fd i t q* t ffi tR-d-d oiNi i stqfto' rqrseq ddi ftD' cE Rrmr ftqFT d stft{ ffifZsrid,qt vs qlfr ffi T6 oIFtEI eiifi d-${r tqn o-{{r Grn|trd fr.n qd' qn-qrd dI eTft e1 ThTrq-fl qr-qT r{fi t r ol{ 4 ftvrr rramr srqf'drq E:itr qi-fir fr1 dqrfr t emqlq c-S Ef.rI fldtrq ot qrflr ol is{i gC mff fdur.lTorqfoqlr*qn d cqn t t fiSiEr t fu d qi rn6 ofi d srr{ "o.rqfilq silTil qqq-q frffir" (ODMP)tqrq oEqr orqidq E) fr ddnt frr-rfr {t non d € {ffi frqr ql tffil t gP{R-sa aer €i-gcrdc cfrnfi eTD'+R'r q-grqat 6 ftrd n-En {-uiq oilq-fl eqtr{ orqtdq I (wn-o qus P6r1 1'r>ay-- gq qfrE, fr6ri _{r5_ gq f,+an oTdcrmfi r(ID€rfr, srw etmqT qrfer-{ sTfuoqq Page I ix f3ihar Sfafe Oisasfer Managemenf Aufhorify 3". TERMIiNOLGGV 1. HAZARD: Any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on something or someone under certain conditions at work. 2. VULNERABILITY: to which people, property, resources, systems, and cultural, economic, environmental, and social activity is susceptible to harm, degradation or destruction on being Degree exposed to a hostile agent orfactor or hazard. 3. RISK: ca 4. A probability or threat of damage, injury liability, loss, or other negative occurrence that used by interna I or externa I vu I nera DISASTER: Incidence causing fu nction ing of the Society bi lities. large scale man and material damage and disrupts the normal that goes beyond their OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN is ca pacity of coping a nd dema nds externa I help. Page 'l T tsihar Sfafe Oisatfer Managemenf AufioriQ 2. PROFILE 2.L Office Profile 1,. Name of the department/office: 2. Address: 3. No" of ernployees: 3.L Give details Male Female 4. N 5. Timing of the office 6. Numberof workingdays: 7. Floor location (if building) L Number of Floors (if more than one): 9. Number of rooms: 10. List the hierarchy in the office:(in the Page 12 Total umber of physical ly challenged employees: : : flow chart form/organo-gram) OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PIAN f3i6ar Sfafe Ois'asfer Managemenf Aufhorify In case of Emergency 2.2 Employees Details s. Name of the Employee N. Mobile No. Address Contact No. in Case of Emergency Name/Number L. 2 3 4. 5 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. It. OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN Page 13 tsihar Sfafe Oisasfer Managemenf Aufhori{y S. N. Name of the Employee Mobile No. Address Contact No. in Case of Emergency Name/Number L2. 13. 14. 15. 15. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2L. 22. 23. (Attach extra sheet, if required) OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN 1-. Attach the office floor map with room locations (naming the rooms): (attach extra sheet if office located in more than one floor) {Note: markthe location of staircase, toilets, pantry, escalators, doors etc) OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN Page 15 tsihar Sfafe {Jisasfet, Managemenf AufiloriQ 3. IDENTIFICATION & LIsTING OF ALt HAZARDS S.No Existing Hazard: 1. Flood 2. Cyclone 3. Epidemic 4. Earthquake Probable month of Occurrence (Seasonal Disasters) J F M A M J J A S o N D / ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ / 5. S.No Hazards 1. Earthquake 2. Fire 3. Building Past History (year) (With Damage Description) Collapse 4. Flood 5. OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN tsthar Sfafe {Jisatfer Managemenf Aufilorify 4. ASSESSMENT 4.t Tick (/) for Yes and (f ) for No E o Are Fire extinguishers installed in the office? o Are they the appropriate ones for the office? o Are they in working condition? o Are they located at appropriate positions? o Are instructions indicated on the extinguishers? o ls o Are they placed at appropriate height? o ls hydrant present in the office? r r I r r r the language of instruction understood by all employees? a. Sand Buckets (numbers) b. Water Buckets (numbers) E r r O ls facility of separate water tanker available in the office? O ls emergency fire fighting training and SOP disseminated to the O ls the inspection conducted staff? periodically? O Are do's and don'ts displayed at appropriate locations within O f Are employees aware of emergency contact office? numbers? O Are office maps and escape route displayed in the office? O ls the emergency exit door present in the office? E n f f [] [_-] outside) f O Oo you dispose newspapers and other flammable scrap regularly? tl O Which direction do the doors open?(put a tick if it opens towards {Note: Attach the Fire Safety Audit Report} OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN Page 17 tsihar Sfafe Oisatfer Managemenf Aufilority (/) fick o o o o o o for Yes and (f ) for No r T] r ls the central shutdown system in place? Has the MCB* system installed? Are the wires coated with insulating material? T] Are the electric aisles removed before closing the office? E Are receptacles installed to cover live wires? Are electrical equipments and wires checked and replaced at regular intervals? o Are those equipments, which get heated installed at least 1 meter away from any kind of highly combustible materials? o o ls the earthing properly done in the office? Do the rooms have separate, dedicated power panels for both computer equipment and the A/C system? Tick (/) for No and ls there any wiring running under rugs, over nails, or across areas? (f) r r r for yes high-traffic f ls any defective equipment in use in the office? Specify: o o o Are there any live wires lying or tangled in the open? fl ls electricity tapped at any electrical joint? I ls any plug point used for multiple loads? Specify at how many points: r (Note: Attach the Electrical Safety Audit) * MCB or Miniature Circuit Breaker works as a normal electrical circuit breaker but is a much smaller device. Page lB OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PIAN tsihar Sfafe Ois'asfer Managemenf 4.3 Tick Data Sa ety (/) for Yes and Auf6ori! (f ) for No o Does the office have the list of all important documents? (Guard file*) o Does the office have at least one soft copy of such documents? o Has at least one soft copy of such documents stored in the office e-mail E r E account?(which should be secure) Does one copy of such documents stored in external hard disk to avoid the risk of losing in case of system or network crash-down? Have such documents been stored away from places which can catch fire easily? For example- PC, printel AC and joint of cables or circuits. lf office is under flood risk, lf yes, does the important files placed above the risk level ? Tick 4.4 (/) for Yes and (X) for No E E Non-Structural Safety Assessment o Are cabinets placed away from the exit door? o Are they properly fixed to the wall? o Are these cabinets empty on the top? o Are desks placed with proper distance between them r tl for easy movement? o Are working desks placed at a proper distance from heavy electrical equipments? eg. Xerox machine o Are window/ split ACs/ coolers properly clamped with the wall? o Are computers (desktops) clamped properly on the table? OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN E E tl Page l9 Tick o o o How old is your building? ls (/) for Yes and years the building structure earthquake resistant? ls there any portion in the building which shows sign of cracks? lf yes then specify the locations (balcony, corridors, windows, doors Has ) (f) for No E T T E the building safety audit conducted by a structural engineer? (Note: Please attach Building Safety Audit) OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN 5. MAP MAKI,NG Hazard, Resource & Emergency Exit, Map Color coding: Mark all the hazards with red, resources emergency exit with green. 5.1 Hazafd Map: Mark all the existing hazards with blue and like weak structure, electrical hazard, fire hazard, and all vulnerable areas with red mark and specifythe type of hazard also. €f F.IGE D IS,ASTER:MAN'AGEMENT PLAN pa:ge 11 f ,2 Resource Map: List and mark all existing resources in terms of material, equipment etc for example: torch, rope, hydrants (sand/water buckets), fire exti ngu ish ers, ea rly wain ing syste m; OFFICE DI MANAGEMENT PLAN 5.3 Safety Route dp! OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PtAN Mark all the existing exits including emergency exits Page 113 5.4 Comrnon Meeting Point Map: Please indicate the common meeting point in case of disastel on the map. This point shall not be located inside the office, rather in open space near building or outside the butlding. OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN f3thar Sfafe Oisasfer Managemenf Awfhorify 6 FORMATION OF TEAMS Assign the details about Safety wardens: Name Safetv Warden t. Building Safety Warden 2. Floor Safety Warden Floor Location Contact details 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 6.1 Early Warning Team: Overall objective is to ensure that: o The warning of the impending disaster reaches every single person in the office, thereby allowing people to take timely action to protecttheir lives. o Accurate information should be provided regularly as events unfold.lnformation flows quickly and reliably upwards to manager/administrator level and downwards up to security guard level . OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN Page 115 tsihar Sfafe Oisasfer Managemenf AufhoriQ Members of Early Warning team Name Address Contact Number 1,. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6.2 Search & Rescue Team Objective: To trace and locate people who are physically trapped and distressed in office, to rescue these persons, move them to safe locations identified in advance and to organize further care. Members of Search & Rescue team Name Address Contact Number I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN Bi6ar Sfafe Oisasfer Managemenf Aufhorifj 6.3 Communication Team Members of Communication team should have all the emergency numbers like fire, ambulance, police, and District authorities. They should know how to handle equipments and aware of, whom to inform in a given situation. Members of Communication team Name Address Contact Number t. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6.4 Safety & First-Aid Team: Objective of First Aid team is to provide primary health care to the ill or injured until advanced medical care is provided and the patient is transported to a hospital. Member of Safety & First-Aid team Name Address Contact Number L. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PIAN Page 117 /3i6ar Sfafe {Jisasfer Managemenf Aufhorify Basic First Aid Kit: 'l .q--: \ i' "tl' .\.--. ' r''$' ,,,iii N 1 .1" Thermometer oRs Sterile Gauze Glucose Powder Absorbent Cotton Scissor Paracetamol Tablet Elastic Bandage Sterile Gloves Antiseptic lotion Analgesic Spray Note : Expiry date should be checked and replaced by new one. 7. RESOURCE FACILITIES Name 1. Hospital/health care 2. Police station 3. Fire Brigade 4. Ambulance 5. District Magistrate 6. Jal-Nigam 7. Municipality 8. PWD Address Distance in Km Contact numbers 9. 10. Page | 18 OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN /3i6ar Sfafe Oisatfer Managemenf 1. Are employees trained in Safety and 1.1 2. E Indicate the number of trained employees Indicate the number Do employees have the Search and rescue equipments? Specify the list of equipments Name of the equipment 1,. Torch 2" Emengency light 3. Rope 4. Whistle 5. l-lanrmers 6" First-Aid kit .', first-aid? Are employees trained for search and rescue? 2.I 2.2 3. Auf6ori! Number of equipments Location Person Incharge Telephones 8. T.V 9. Radio 10. Two-wheeiers tt. Four-wheelers 12. Door bells 13" Ladder 14" CentralAlarm 15. OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN Page 119 tsihar Sfafe Oisasfer Managemenf Awfhori{y 4. aining Name of the training prog. L. First-aid 2. Fire safety 3. Search & Rescue 4. Early warning Last conducted (date) Number of employees attended Which organisation conducted Number of employees attended Which organisation conducted 5. 6. 7. 8. 5" Mock-drills Name of the training prog. L. Fire 2. Earthquake 3. Flash flood 4. Evacuation Last conducted (date) 5. 6. 7. 8. Page 120 OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN tsihar Sfafe Oisasfer Managemenf Aufhority g" PLAru U PMATE O O O ldeally the plan must be updated every 6 months. The contact details must be updated every 3 months. The plan should be explained by floor safety warden to the new employees. Plan Updating Format: Plan Updating date Person who updated 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. t. "?reltarafion is fh,e 6esf sofufion" OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN Signature of concerned rr rfhnrilrr f3i6ar Sfafe (Jisasfer Managemenf Awfhority 10" Annexure 10.1 Annexure-l (Do's & Don'ts) OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN l3thar Sfafe Oisasfer Managemenf AufhoriQ OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN Page 123 tsihar Sfafe Oisasfer Managemenf AufkorifJ Page 124 OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN tsihar Sfafe {JSatfer Managemenf Aufkority OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN Page 125 tsihar Sfafe {Jisasfer Managemenf Aufhority IO,2 Annexure-ll ( Specimen Map) BSDMA Hazard Map I r.c" Emergency Exir Bat{ery e onferene e Hall Rsqrn Mernber E!ectric Rssm n. P-5 ro 15En:bet' l.c F.5 ta \:.C 0 R t Secletan, 4 i i I a 1-5P_ n :. c_B.T.O q E \riee ehairman I l.-inder i Secretart' 3 11 & I R e E Colnputer Roorn Kisa:r Ay+g Section R o 6 d Kisan .{,v*g Offie cr Kisan A1"+g p.s fff$ce Kisan Ay0g Spa*e {ll'*odar e abbets} Eale-v Rogd Fire Specimen copy for reference Page 126 OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN +lToilct Curfercoee rI3E Etesie Rsffii @acyExir Mcmbcr Baficry | t. Room I C€fl" Er,fder t- P.Sto $ilcaba a P.$ toV-G R e l. s.P-o t 12. C.E-T.O I t\ a 14ce v Cbemaa Sccrcwy "** Cwrg$Gf Roms Ayq "i-* Officc Kisan Ayog Accqffi KiEe Ayog P.S Ofte Kiss Ayog Space $roodcocabfocts) B&y R"aad a Firc nnftgdsher e FirstAill{ft Specimen copy for reference OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PIAN Paqe 127 f-er v.c cd Cc Rs c P.s ro v.C R B Seeret l. s.P.o t I 2. C.B.T"O s Atal a $eeret Vke v L t B G Cbgiman Secret Cer Ayog KJSan eolnlt A, P.S GB + rsc Specimen copy for reference Page 128 OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN Bthar Sfafe Oisasfer Managemenf Aufilority BSDMA Hazard, Resource and Emergency Exit Route Map r"r* I Co*fErence Hal 8.ocrn Bafterv 1'e ER.o{Bn Cel! tl * er t. P.$ r* i\! er 'I F.S ?e tr' R a -f s r Secre I t t4 S.P. s 11 .{ d Secretary c L i {-;nder $e€f€tar1' e al it e I n € Conryurer Rootrr ar* $ "d-Ydl$ G t d Section Xisar! OfFcer '4ysg Acc t p.s Officc $pace {W e* cabfurets} Baileg R.oad Fire * Fire ExtingRdshcr Fb*t Aid Kir Smerge*rev Erit r Specimen copy for reference OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN Page 129 ,__$<__ Y a," ___ _$<_l aGG:^^ Office Disaster A!---r-- Name of the Organisation/Department -- - -r ^r nagement Plan Report- . format I : Address: District: Pin Code: Phone Number: Fax: Date of completing the Plan: Proposed date for updating the Plan: Name of the Officer Incharge of preparing ODMP: Designation: Email: Mobile No.: Signature with Seal: Challenges faced in preparing ODMP- (Attach sheet if required) 1. 2. 3. 4. Kindly Fax this report to the Secretary Bihar State Disaster Management Authority (BSDMA) on fax number: O6t2-2532311 with copy to respective District Magistrate. Or emailthis report to: [email protected] OFFICE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN t{6I{ €a }€g-d ffiI.r ei{dtg6 fro qrqr-gwo *EFT, qd ssi, q21-360 dqr qq.rF ..+ qffia qat d-{T Tooo qfrqi gEil oo1 d.o 3{rt*rd
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