IN LIEU OF MSG FORM \ DTO:20 PRIORITY a-* TO INFO : : : HQ DG BSF HQ SPL DG (EASTERN & WESTERN CoMMAND) ALL FTR HQ IN BSF/ ALL TRG INSTNS IN BSF/BSF ACADEMY lc (HQ) FHO/D|G (HO) FHQ レ ‖ 普 君 f::メ 「 ′ へLL SHQrs′ALL 8SF BNs/STCsIN BSF′ ALL ARTY REGTS′ BIDR TEKANPUR/CENWEOST07ALL STS BSF′ NTCD′TSU/81DR TEKANPUR′ GTS NElry DELHI FROM PERS()DEPUTAT10N OF OFFICERS TO BPR&D()BPR&D HAS lNVITED NOMINAT10NS OFヽ ハЛLL NG AND EL GIBLE OFF CERS FOR FILLINC UP THE FOLLOnl NC POSTS IN BPR&D,ON DEPUTAT10N BASIS() s No Name of the posts Pay-Scale No. of Post 1 2 PRl:lCIPAL ScIENTIFlC OFFICER(LIFE SCIENCE) PRINCIPAL OFFICER SCIENTIF C 04 Of Oricer PB`RS 37400‐ 67000ル plus Grade Pay Rs 8700/‐ 01 EIgib‖ ty P8`RS 37400・ 67000p us Grade Pay Rs 8700/ DC to Comdt DC to Comdt (BALLISTICSノ EXPLOSIVES) 3 PRINCIPAL SCIENTIFIC OFF CER (UNIFORM ACCOuTREMENT) 4 & rU OV SEN10R scIENTIFIC OFFICER(LIFE SCIENCE) SEN10R SCIENTIFIC OFFICER(BUILDING) SENI 10R scIENTIFlC OFFI CER(BALLISTICS/ 01 01 8 9 10 Lttζ SEN10R SCIENTIFIC OFFICER (UNIFORM `ACCOuTREMENT) SEN10R OFFlCER & sclENTIFIC (TRAFFIC & TRANSPORT) SEN10R SCIENT FIC OFFICER(ELECRONCS) RESEARCH SCIENTIFIC OFFICER DC to plus Grade Pay Rs 8700′ ‐ Comdt PB‐ 3 RS 45,600‐ 39,1007‐ AC&DC plus crade Pay Rs 6600/― 01 PB‐ 3 RS 15,600‐ 39,100´ AC&DC plus Grade Pay Rs 66007‐ AC&DC 01 PB‐ 3 RS15,600‐ 39,1007‐ plus Grade Pay Rs 6600/ 01 PB‐ 3 RS 15,600-39,100′ plus Grade Pay Rs 6600/― AC&DC 01 PB‐ 3 RS 15,600‐ 39,100/‐ AC&DC EXR _OSIVES) 7 PB4 RS 37400‐ 67000ノ ‐ plus Grade Pay Rs 6600′ 01 PB‐ 3 RS 15,600‐ 39.100/ plus crade Pay Rs 6600″ 01 PB‐ 3 RS 15,600-39,100″ plus Crade Pay Rso400″ AC&DC AC Conld 2′ ‐ -2(.) THE MAXIMUIV AGE LIMIT FOR THE POST SHALL NOT EXCEED 56 YEARS (.) FTR HQRS MAY FORWARD NAMES OF WILLING AND ELIGIBLE oFFICERS lN THE RANK OF ACs TO COMDTS ALONGWITH THEIR BIO-DATA ON PRESCRIBED PROFORMA (AS PER FORMAT CIRCULATED BY THE BPR&D) COMI,IA WILLINGNESS AND DISCA/IGILANCE CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE SO AS TO REACH THIS OFFTCE By O2'd JUNE 2o'ts POSITIVELY (.) ELrGrBrLlrY CRITERIA CIRCULATED VIDE FHQ BSF(PERS DTE:PERS SEC) UNo.1/60/89- PERS(DEPTNyBSF/ 2013t 40491-40845 DATED O4rH JUNE 2013 FOR DEPUTATION TO OTHER ORGANISATIONS SHOULD STRICTLY BE ADHERED TO WHILE FORWARDING THE NOI\illNATIONS(.) ELIGIBILITY CARITERIA FOR THE ABOVE POST QIRCULATED BY THE BPR&D VIDE THEIR NO, 6/13/2015.ADM DTD 30.04.2015 lS ALSO AVAILABLE ON BPR&D WEB SITE; w\^^ "Administration Notices" (.) HOWEVER COIVIMA ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR THE SAID POST IS ALSO BEING UPLOADED IN THE BSF WEB SITE/ IPP WHICH MAY BE DOWN LOADED (.) NOIVIINATIONS RECEIVED AFTER DUE DATE AND INCOMPLETE NOMINATIONS WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED i/ FN01′ 37′ 201 5tPers′ BSF ― υ (C D AGGARIWAL) Comdt (Pers) MAY,2015 ,-o ' COPY TO :‐ り PSO to DG BSF/A‖ DteS FHQ l) NI Sections of Pers Dle 面 蟄 m‐ lQ.dO copy of advenisenent recerved from BPR&D vide lefter N0.6/13/2015-Adm dto 30h April 20'15 is enclosed herewith for uploading the same in BSF Web Site/lPP , ___=_ ` ヽ 「壺 「 壺F F 「 1「 I Al,(│ 、ま ぴさ厖 =フ │ ●"s Covenlment llldia 「 Adm Of lAO(1`/ 1て ││ _ 1 "3● ;;;;;"#;ffi"-"oir,i', j i-'' ) ` 子 ie* *+* -i #anr ;r* 研 ―― ―→ 1 ― I 1 4可 '- L- . 2. *i artached All the Secretaries Govemment of India, as per list All the Chief SecretarievAdministmlors of States/UTs 1 NewDerhi-l10003 M^P'alls/( / (tr- A) cr,ce o,c reersffi( ?"^/ I v I' oy.t!. .2..s./......:,.,,!. Eliglbilly On Condltlon PB-4 Rs 37400‐ 67000′ L plus Glade P″ Rs On deputation Amexure-1 Ncw Delhl 8700/‐ basis PB‐ 4 Rs 37400-6,000′ ― On Annexure-2 New Delhi Oifccr plus Cradc Pり お deputation (Ba1liStlCν Explosivcs) 8'00/‐ basis PB4 Rs37400-67000/‐ On Annexure-3 Ncw Dclhi plus Crade Payヽ deputation 8700′ basis Annexue-4 Ncw Delhi Annexure-5 Ncw Dcthi of Post Principal Scientific 1 Ofllcer (Life Science) Prhcipal Scicntrlc 2 D 4 1 Principal Scieotific Officer (ljniform & Accoutrement) l Senlor Sclent]flC 1 PB‐ 3 Offlce(Life¨ ience) μ Senior Scielltlic Offlccr lBullding) 5 6 Senior Scientific 1 Officer f Ballistics/Explosives) Senior Scientific Officer (Uniform & 7 1 1 8 & Transport) ` ︲ 降 訳 ● 一 ′ ′t/― ζ‐′ `´ 輪 ζ On 39,1007 plus Crade dOputauon Pav Rs 6600だ b61s On PB-3お 15,600‐ 39,100た plus Cradc depulation Pay Rs:6600た basis PB-3お On deputation 15,600‐ 39,100/plus Cradc Pav Rs 6600′ accoutrement) Senior Scientific Oflicer (TrafIic Rs15,600- On deputatibn P″ Rs 6600/‐ basis Pay Rs 6600′ ― 61NttDdb basis PB-3 Rs15,600‐ 39,100′ ‐plus GTade PB‐ 3 Rs15,600‐ 39,100′ ―plus Cttde Annexure‐ g Post Filled P Pay -Scale No. Name of the posts 1 f O P S No n t 膿i s o --:""-" :--,#"rAr- ".ii",,,#ffk:.*YJ: cadre. 為ζ / as per list attached' ;, liin:s:*il:i:ltgl: : llilllHrffi':T.friff.,Tll*'n** il : 無 CGo Complex, Lodhi Road ii,i."iro*ri,iiiiiinssrnncnf_hbvdr-omml'r \2aol t'r,-EPABX: 0l I-2416 5009/ 2310/ 0371 o* i**. iir rju-242sandor1.24*e'8)t DblD:*'oled ro 鏑 ".γ て 卜 1100。 3 01^^し ヽ '漱 ^ Y= xl'3'dFroor 2'd ri^^` srockNo Ncw Delhi New Dclhi l r ヽ う Senior Scientific PB-3 Rs15,600‐ 1 Officer (Electronics) 39,100/‐ On plus C.ade Annexure-9 Ncw Dclhi New DelH deputation basis(incul ding short Pay Ps 6600/‐ telm conhact),1D eputation or Reemployme nt for Armed Forces Personnel. 10 Research Scientific 4 Officer Junior Analys! 11 12 Cyber Expert (JSO) Forcnsic Expert (JSO) 13 14 Sr Scicntin0 1 2 2 1 Assistant(ORl PB-3ヽ On Anneme‐ 39100た plus Grade Pり deputation 10 Rs S400 basis 15,600‐ PB-2 Rs 9300‐ 34,800 plus Grade P聟 應 4600ム PB‐ 2Rs 9,300‐ 34,800た plus Crade Pay Rs On Amexure dcputation ll 4800/‐ basis PBつ Rs 9,300-34,800み メS CradC Pay Rs 4800た basis PB-2 Rs 9300‐ 34,800 pllls CJrade Palも On 4,200/― ) New Delhi basis On Ghziabad Annene‐ 12 and Jaipur On Annexule- chaabad deputatiOn 13 alld Jalptlr deputatibn deputatiorl/ absorption re‐ New Dclhi ― 14 basisDepu tation or Reemployme nt for Armed くコ Forces Personnel Hindi Trallslator 1 Cセ de‐ I ´ 0 UDC 2 PB-2 Rs9,300‐ 34,800′= pltls Cradc Pavヽ On Anncxurc dcpu●tton 15 42007 b^is PB‐ l Rs 5200‐ 20,200′ t On deputation plus Crade Pay Rs 2400た ′ ¨ 00 19 Manager Grade-III Staff Car Driver Despatch Rider 1 12 2 Rs 5200・ 20,200だ plus Gradc Pay Rs 2000た On deputation PIl-l Rs 5200‐ 20,200′L Rs 1900´ Pay Anncne‐ Ncw Dellll 17 basis PB-l Rs ,200‐ 20,200ノ ‐ On plus Grade Pay deputation ヽ 1900た basis Crade Jaipur 16 basis PIl‐ l plus Allncxurc‐ Nc.■ Dcllll On deputation basis Anncxurc― 18 Chandigarh, Hyderbad, Kolkat4 Annexure‐ 19 Ghaziabad and Jaipur Ghaziabad and Jaipur 3. The detailed eligibility conditions, expedence are enclosed herewith. The maximum age limit for appointment by transfer on deputation shall b€ not exceed 56 years as on the closing date for receipt of applicarion. The details including Prcscdbed Proforma and eligibility conditions etc. also available on on BPR&D website: I!|albpEd.aG-i!. r'Administration Notices". 4. It is requested that the applications ofthe suitable and willing officers may kindly be sent to the Director General, Bureau ofPolice Research & Development on the address indicated above within a period of2 months ftom the date of issue ofthis letter. 5. The applications .eceived after due date will only be coosidered after examipins the circumslances and aeasons for delaved receipt of the same. Yours faithirlly, A\* . Csro E Encl: As above q. 6lftf+'{rq ) (Dr. S. Ksrthikeyan) F6r{6 ft4fl6 €Ylo) Assistant Director (Admn.) 24362401 Sn/Fax No. 24359825 ハさNEXLRE‐ 1. 2. 3. 4. Name ofthepost Scale : ofPay Ministry / Department Eligibility : : I Prircipal Scientilic Ofiicer (Life Science Bratrch) PB-4 Rs.37400-67000/- ptus clsde pay Rs. 8700/- MIIA / BPR&D : Deputation Officers of Cedtral Govemment or Central police Oryanisations or Cedtral Armed Police Forces: (a) (i) holding analogous posts on rcgular basis in the parent cadrddepaltmetrt; OR (ii) with five yea$ service in the gmde refldered after appointrnent thereto on regular basis in the posts in pay Band3 Rr.15600-39100 with clade Pay Rs.7600 or equivalent in the patent cadrc / departrnent; Or (iii) with ten yea$' service in the grade rendered afte. appointment thereto on rcgular basis in the posts in pay Band3 Rs.15600-39100 with clade Pay Rs.66O0 or equivatent in the parent cadre / department; And (b) . Possessing exPenence: tle following educational qualifications and Esseptial: (i) Bacheloas Degee bfalSghBj{rrrr,.MoleEuls Eiolory or Mqil8 or Zoato$tsdr..AfiEry ond*trr&idory or Fgr{t!si!.,& sst{rject fiom a recognized Universiiy. (ii) Ten yeaN' examination of biological / se$logical / DN.A.. evidence . materlil.-{Bn ..Cerhal ?olice drE$iiyraioh! itriii€liit dr Akt8d poii& Fdfres or in €€rnlat Government or in Amed Forces. Desirable: Master Degee in Molecular Biolory oI Biochernistry or Zoology or Botany or Microbiolos/ or Forensic Scimce fiom a rccogr zed University. Contlnucd P …/2 , {dr+6 - I ヽ 1 輌 て - ■│う gqrr ffi{dE ffff-4 5. … - 帥 ′ 3 3ifucETfr (d-sn fu5rr $rsr ) 37.400-67,000 d 87oo/- 's 3[{tiqn cd rlE ri7rdq/ gftrs t s' FIq fr6l{ qn … ヽ1'01 4 ' ffiq c cfdFqfr s{6rvardq gttrs 1i'rcd qI ira'q sYrs gfufl qiii A anrfirQ (6)(1)"il fiqFri 3+rr tlv 3qi {a Elztdoi idqT'l i sqYI {a qrftd Bi, 3Fxsr ft H'r Ed 6isr,&'cr,] trtrr,rr 5o ffff 3 n.'156ocF391oo/- +' IJF] q< q{ F+qftd 3{FIr< ci " Ts t FJzoool it gr qrge + fir flA ffi + q€rd its q"t n ciq a{ d *dr d t slr{I } sn' flI) fqiti rd 6c-{E'q-,r t-fiqrr o ft&-s s rsooo-ogroo/q{ 3'rfi c{ qr fr{ft_r } ari cE flF {rT{@ t i< t sl soooi Fref* 6 qrs]n vfl 4!i { <q 4{ d +qI 61 d 3't' {€) n€d rm-" *toni o-1.u *f t "+. 0¨ 4oメ 円 ヽ術 ‖‐ ヽ て 11ヽ 口 黛 言 T'lFキ 。 … 柳面 aす可 命 でdo・ S,こ ` W', ql椰 師 田市 置 ‐ 。 ・ '無 う o oq dЧ q 飾 ヾ日 鉢 ヨ ・ 赫 ― oq・ fざ 口 E"前 捕 晒 Π`誦 誡 赫 論 晒 日`爺 ヽ■9 。К いm oそ 覇 論 ` 諏 や` 精 論 輌 Ⅲ lo酎 輌 領口 Ⅲ a諭 ■w爺 師 鞭 ′ o漏 ‐ 綱 1 … ④ 同 ヽヽ1● ■ a輌 ‖‐畑 躙 簾 鮨 赫 径 祠 輌 9呵 、コて論 “ m゛ 輌 師 nmぃ 呵 酬 缶 誦 コ M輌 命 命 豆 無 祠 可 “ │ 1鵠 ■ 鯖 鶏 部 騨輔 駆 欄覇 騨 ¶論 論 論 ,縮 ヽ F舗 諭 56素 ゛ 師お 電 調 │ 鰊 う論 輛聰雨 焉 ∫ 鰐 ■` 濡 ¨ ゛ て RO"‖ 詢 `椰 可ヽoW即 可奇 ‐ o¶ ・ 掟 輛 ′ 満 諭 針 nも ,。 .ヽ 、¬刊 … F=¨ 赫 襴 闘 ¨ 前 録 ΠЧ・ 、 衛命 腋 て ヽ 輛 ― )、 マ 胡 市 ■識 欄 ●Ⅷ On奇 ` 徹 回 ヽ ヌ満 輸 ¨ m 輸 奇 ヽ もЧ、o劇 い 面 論 Ⅲ鋪 戴 回 め ` 中 ,崎 お ヽ 椰 麟 輸 論 ¨ 可輌 諭 WttaRaヽ 'Ⅲ 雨 気 ゴ赫 ゛ 薇 飾 可 1● 9・ 可ず裔 オ柳 ¬ 可 ず れ 河 ヽ │ “ ( 糀 、、 。Φ 繊 師 ) 回 ) ■-24369825 I-24362401 `■ Ч `ヨ● 13: XtRE‐ 2 Z 1 ^ 一 … Nalne ofale p。 ゞ ― Scale ofP″ 3 一 Ministrv′ DcpaFnlent 4 Fli」 bilけ BFIlllCh) 中 中 砂 11tHA/B… -7000/‐ "… 砲 F臨 8700/ DeFluta● on OfFlcers of Ccntral Covenlment or Ccntral Police Organisatlons or Ccntral Amed P。 licc Forces: (⇒ ① hOldlng anJoptls poss On regular basヽ h“ pa‐ cnt cadrodcpartment: OR C)■ lth 6“ appommcnt tllereto on rcgtllar in basis h the posts in P″ Band "ars'seMcc the gadc rcndercd aner 3 Rs 15600‐ 39100 wi五 Grade Pay Rs 7600 or equivalcnt in dle parent∽ dre′ dcp¨ ncnt (五 or )Wim ten ycars'scnice in thc gradc rendercd ater appolnment uleretO on rcgllar basis h thc pOsts ln Pay Ban“ 3 Rs 1560039100 wlth Cradc Pり Rs 6600 0r cqu● dent in parent∽ ¨ /dcpacnent,Alld “ (b)POSSCS● ng thc fono“ ng cducatlonal qllalinc“ iOns and expcnence: ` Essentan tii) Tca ye?rs' experience in tlandling Ballistics / Explosives I Aoanunirion or in research and developme.ol in C€ctral police Organjsdioff 8Fac!firal tumed Police Forces or in Central Govemment ot in Armed Forces. Desirable: Masteas Degree in Physics or Chemistry or Mathematics or Forensic Science fiom a recogdzed Unive6ity. Continued P......4/- 4For Armed Forces Personnel - Deputation / Re-emplovmert The Armed Forces personnel of the rank of Lieutenant Colonel or Colonel or equivaleDt who arc due to rctire or to be transferrcd to resefte within a period of one year and possessing tle educational qualifications and experience prescribed for deputationists shall also be considered. If selected such oficers will be given deputation tems upto the date on which they arc due for release from the Armed Forces; thereafrer they may be continued on rc-employnent terms. In case such eligible omcerc have retired or have been transfered to reserve b€forc the actual selection to the post is made, their appoinlment will be on rermployment basis. (Reemploymeot upto the age of superannuation with reference to civii posts). (Period of deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadrc post held immediately preceding this appointnent in the same or some other organization / depaftnent ofthe Cen&al Govemment shall ordinadly rct exceed five yea$. The ma..dmum age limit for appointrnent by deputation shall not be exceeding 56 years as on the closing date ofreceipt of applications). Note: For the purpose ofappointrnent on deputalion basis, the service r€ndered on a regular basis by an officer prior to 1.1.2006 / the date from which the revised pay structurE based on the 6rh CpC recommefldations has been extended shall be deemed to be service rcndered iD the corresponding gade paylpay scale extended based on the recommendations of the pay corDmission except where there has beei merg€r of more than one pre- i revised scale ofpay o one glade with a common grade paylpay scale, and where this benefit will extend only for the pos{s) foi vhich that grade pay/pay scale is tire normal replacement grade wirhou any upgradatiofl 5. Responsibilities / duties Attached to the post of Principal Scientilic Oflicer (Ballistica / Explosives Branch)r To keep itself abreast with the developments in the application of Science and Techflolo$/ to police Work in India and other countries and to study new prccedues with a view to Fomote induction of appropaiate equipment of techniques.. /,w ^1, I AssistaCiDirector (Admn.) 2436,40L +R/Fsx No. 24369825 :5: ANMXURE 1. Name ofthe post 2 3 4 Scale of Pay Ministry / Depar&nent Eligibility -3 Principal Scientilic Ofric€r (Utriform & Accoutrement Bratrch) PB-4 Rs.3740G.67000/- ptus crade pay Rs. E7O0/- MEA / BPR&D Deputation Ofricers of Cenfal Govenunent or Central police Organisations or Central Armed police Fotces: (a) (i) }olding analogous post on regular basis in the parenr cadre/department; OR (ii) with fve yea$ service in fie gade rendered after appoirtment thereto on regular basis in rhe posts in pay Band3 Rs.15600-39100 with Grade pay Rs.?600 or equivalent in the parent cadre / departmenq Or (iii) with ten years' service in the gmde refldered after appointment thereto on rcgular basis in the po6ts in pay Band3 Rs.15600-39100 with crade Pay RS.66OO or equivatent the parcnt cadrc / deparhnent; And ir O) . Possessing the foltowing educstional qualifications and expeflence: Essentirl: (D ;&tdieiirlr' E&lftD in Texrite eqgineering-{r. Textite Ederlsl.]at,.8{Siotr itcr&dw or Fashion Dcsigning &!en{\aceebd$rrh&$,ity' and ia CeDEal Polict Policc Forces or in Cenhal {rm(rrt Governmert or in Amed Forces. Desirabl€: or (→ or echnolos/ or Collthucd P 6′ _ Textile Fashion $;HH:"iJ,,Jf,::il:"jlilffiffi:1":ij:rygon 6- in arother ex-cadre post herd imrnediatery prec€ding this *i:',"',XffH;*"",;,TniH:[",'s'ffi,1H:'ifr'"ffi'H:*":'iifflffftrH*1,",",'*tl'i:i basis' the service rendered on a regurar basis bv an of,Ecer il::',XT I5r&Tt: :'"iJ?",1ffTil1"i'f:ryr:n revrsed pay sructu € based on the en Cpi .."orr"nt",-ion, i* been extended. shait be deem;i;;".:#:" dered in the corresPondlng grade paylpay scate exended based on ,t. ,."o-r"n]rrion;;;;-"'ii'..ji;i.l:f *':*a *,i" i,li"i".,:;;i."il;;U:::::.:xcepr where lhere has o'"n 'i'1",ir."." tli* ",. ;r, ror Lhe posr{s)"iror which ,r." p.y,p^yl#lliflTl*,Yr.ll,ilXhflr":}ffiH;J"*"fJ#ffil: fi"J" 5. Responsibilitie! / dutie! Attached Accoutremert Branch):- to the post of principal Scientific Oflicer (Uniform & To keep itself abreast with the developments in the application of Scierc€ and Technology to police and to studv U:fi:,f:f,#*,o$I.countries n"* p;;;;;';iil;;i#," pi'f#1'"a*,r"" "iipp,"p,i"-" ″ 富2“繊辞蹴I野離棚:25 f‖ :7: ANNEXtIRE‐ 4 1 Namc Ofulc pOst Se■ or Sdentlic OrlcerciFe SdenccBrancD 2 scae OfPay ‐ 選獄 5600‐ 3"00/メ 厖qrttPり :』 3 4 Mii並 y/Deparlment EH」 biu" MHA BPMD Depltta60n 8慇 ∬雨鳳 ∫ 識 l:』 盤 LRw晰 lFttcCentral Pdte J° 印 い pO● ∞ rcallT baSiS htllc parem 胸 OR O)Possessing the FOnowhg eductt10nal qualincatlKlns alld cxperlencc: Esenda■ F:鼈 鶉 (ii) Five years' :ゝ漁 expeience :駄 in 」 瞥器V靭 0 0 (1) Examination of Biologicayserological,/DNA evidenc! material irl Central Police Organisatiors or in Central Govemment or in Armed Forces. Desirable: (i) fia6.t$kiDegreo in Mol.cular Biology or Biochemistrv or Zqology [email protected] Microbiologr orfoieoric ScieEce m a (Period ofdeputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in tJ're sarne or some olher organization/department of the Cenrer Covemtment shall ordinarily not exceed four vears. The maxjmum age limil for appointnent by receipr ofapplicationt. Continued page...8/- . r9l :Iff ::,;i!:j?i::ji3&",,1iJi."i,,"*y*:LT;Li: r.l.Z0064he date from which ihe revis;d pay sructue :l ft. j: :j-"r:o,a based r@orurendations has been extended, shal be by service rend€red in rhe conesponding_grade 9pC r:,r''ffi :.11*" ffi ;ffi oi *# :i [i iif#,,ff :?t d1_ on: pre_revised scale ofpay into one grade with a iT corTrr.non €rade pay/pay scale, and where this benefit wili only for rhe poslG) for *tricn *rat graae paylpay scae is "Ien-d the nomal replacement graae without an/upgridationi RespoBibilities / duties Attached to the post of Sedor Scientilic Oflicer (Life Scietrces Division) The officer will be responsible for idertirying and inducting Innovatjons in tie field ofLife Science to improve t}e i* & technological #;ilffr:#;i";ffi;H:: -#;;:#i,; unde(ake trials of new proauction in co*utirtio;;ih of scientists & potice leaden organize reg'lar intemctions emergrng scientific operationjefficie"-..'"r,i" l; the latter with developments taking place. Sfengthening inter-insritr.rtional linl<ages and collaborarion. standards, testing proc€dures and related protocols for rhe equipments being dealt iltlL3?il;' *'*"' Assess and evaluate existing products and technologies for police application. Liaise with National Labs & industries for new_products / technolos/ development and / or innovation of existing systens to offer tailor-made solutions fo. ,p""in" p,out"*"1u"-J;;'*l.j:ffi.r. Lay down QRs / specifications for various proar"r una systerns rr"eiurii. or police working. ".r,aa""**, "iij"*i Undenake specific deveropment projecls in mission mode with specific goals and time fi-ame. Broadening the knowledge-base of Life Science, in .o*t y it ilo !:?,T",r_::.*T1"".*t -,t. know-how, experience. facirities and rougt'r fiiiiin! infi;;"-;l;;l;1" *" or *tonur aesjs of Life Participate in the various exhibitions orgadzed in the counl? for knowledge enlancemen!. 3l:iltr,:..I#fi il:.:orkshop for providins inro-udon,r,",ing fr";; uiiio,L.ung.on"..," Organize the vadow Stardinp cotDfiiittee meetiogs for rcsolviog the issues faced by the para_military forces new equipmenr / tecbrolos, or theiruLting ", *na'.rrr*iorr^" -a L reate a database of iDfonhation relatjng to vehicles and trafrc issues for use by SpF and CplvIFs. "'* (u,Alsistant-Di recior (AdDtr.) I_ 24362401 +R/Fsx No. 2436982s :10: 1 Nanlc Ofmc pOst 2 ■ 4 Scde OfPal NIl● sw/Dcparment EH」 b"iけ Senior ScieDtific OIIicer (Building Brarch) Pay ofPB3 Rs,tS6O0-39100/_ ptus crade pay Rs.6600 MIL{/BPR&I} De!utatiop Officers , of Central Covernmenl or Urganrsatjons or Cenrml Armed police Eorc€: Central police analosous posr on regutar basis in the parenr 9Lli],!:l-dfg caGe/departnenti OR (ii) ty;,h ar" years' service in rhe grade rendered afler in lhe posrs in pay Band-3 Rs. IJ600-j9t00 wirh Grade fay ot ns. SIOO Jr equrvalent rn lhe parent cadre/departsnent; And appolntm€nt thereto on a regular basis (b) . Possessing the followinE educational qualificatiots and expenence: Essentiol: {i) Bach€lor's in Civil Engineedng or a Bachelor,s _Degree Degee in /tchitectual planning or a Bac-helor,s Degree in Archjtectural Planning and Design or a Bachelor,s De-gee in Architectue from a recognized Unive$ity. (ii) Five ,ears research experience in construcuon of building/ archjtectural plarxing in Central police Force or Lentral Armed Police Force or Central Govemment or orher consfirction projects sponsored by Cenbal Covemmenr ot in Amed Forces. Desirablei *(i)Master's Degee in Civil Engineering or in architectural Plaffring andDesing n-from a recognized Universiry. (Period of deputation includingperiod of depuErion in anolher ex{adre posl held immediately preceding this appoinrmenl in the same or some other organizatior/depanment of de Cenler Uovernmenl shall ordinarily not exceed four years. The maxmum age l,mll idr appoinLrnenr by receipt ofapplicationl. Continued pagel l/- :11: 灘liwT∫ 需: pay s● Кtu℃ based On the be decmed tO by scr宙 ce r scale ciended based On d 謝e鯛藤憮,デ replacemcnt gradc witl10ut tt upgradat10n 5 Res¨ nsibilites′ duces Attached 10 1he pOst OFSenior scien● ■c omcer Cr 1 0uildingDIvision) ・ ・ ・ 1躍 痛絆億酬 嶋漱譜 籠 酵[雌器ぷ[曜メ ∬ 靭 Undedake tHals OFnc、 v technologics in cOnsullatiOn witll established scientinc instittltlons Ofttize Кttlar illtcracions OF scientists&police lead“ developments talag place o wnic。 1lect in ordcr tO scsitizc ttc lattcr wiul 鳴 鶉 器 出 蹴 … :猟欄 椰 奔 欄 ∬温∫:器 器¶品鷲柵 灘 轟 and c。 1late lnfonllatlon related to ch″ 譜∬鯉:f歯 ng Syttems o OfFcr橿 ′ッοお relatcd products ttd sOlutiOns :ぎ :『 J ・ Lay do、 vη QRs/speclicatiott fOr vanos structurcs and systems usemi for ettcicncy enllanccmcF● t OFpolicc、 vOrlcng ● Undertake spccinc dcvclopment prOJects in missiOn made wlth specinc goals and thnc ttc ・ Pttidpate lntllc vttOus cxhlbltlonsェ製 なdt■ l・hc cOunt,for knowledgc cnhatlccmellt ditt infonnatlon sharing platForm and for rcachlng ・ Organize seminars and wOrkshOp For pro■ ■ concrete sOllltlo“ 10 ccrtaln issues ・ 糀 匙″T淵 認7盤 認 馴 ::瀧 濫tlr娠 … 蝸 露 舞盤腐出せ魔 Cre● 。 e a database of infollllatiOn“ lating to and related best pracuce lssues fOr use by SPF and CPNIFs :12: ANNEXtIRE_6 1 Nalne ofthe pOst : SelliOr ttielltlic oFlcer CalliStlCS/Exp10s市 es BrancD 2 3 4 Scale OfPり : : ル壼■丈0/Dcpttmcnt ルЩ へ BPR&D : Eliglbiu, PL3 Rs15600‐39100た plus crade Payコ ζ 6`00/ Deputa60n omcers oF Cclltral oOvenlnlent Or central P01icc orgamsa● Paramili● ,Forccs: Ons Or Central (a)① h01dng analogOus po,On regular basis ln thc parcnt c雨ヽepatllent, OR (u)Wi■ Fiκ yeals'seⅣ icc in thc grade rcnd"d aner appOinment ttlcretO On a rcguar basls h thc posts lnざ Banき plus crade Pay of 贄 Rs 5400 0r equlvalentin tF parcnt cad O ,占 鰊 !° Posscsshgulc Fonolvlng educa● ond qllanicmons alld cxpencncc Esselltlal: 〔1) Bachclor's Dcgree ln Sciencc 商 th動 げsics Or chcmls, 。r NIathema● cs Or Forensic Science as a sublect Fo.n,a recogmzed Ulll“ βけ OR (u)Fl“ year's ttpenencc in tt neld h handling Of Bdlisucs/Exp10sives/ Ammmtlon in Resea● h and Devclopmentin Ccnml POlice organisation Orin Celltral Anned P。 licc Forces Orin Central COvenlmcnt or h Anlled Forccs Dedrable: NIaster`s Degocin P,siCS Or che面 鈎 Or Matllcmatics or Forcnsic Sciencc tKlm a“ cOttZCd tJll市 ぃ し Thc Amed Forccs Persolmcl of■ e rank OFC叩 動 Or Cqulvalcnt whO arc duc to rctlrc or tO bc tasferrcd tO resttc witllln a penod or Oncッ utt atld posscssng thc cducatlonal qualincation and exlDeienCC prescnbed fOr diut recruits sl・ all also bc considercd lf sclccted such Omcers Ⅵ ll bc glven deputa● on ttlms upto tllc datc on、 vhich uley arc due fOr rele8c from the Ar ned Forcs:thereaner thcy may be contmucd On re― emp10yme lt ln casc such eli81blc Omce、 have r“ rcd orぃ O been tansfcrcd to resenc bcfore“ actual selection to the pOst is made,働 eir appOulmcnt will bc On re‐ emplッ ment b6is ce‐ emplownent llptO・ ale age Of superannlla● On with reFercnce to civll pOsts) Continued page I 3/- :13: 1織:灘熙1:菫恥蝉轄 l壌 4 Responsibillties/duties A● ached 10 the pOst Ofsenbr Scien● ic omcer(Ballis● cs/ Exp10s■ es Branch)_ The officer will be resDonsible for identituing ard inductiog emerging scientific & technological innovarions in the fietd otexplosives and'their m""re".*i :oiiilil";"oi"#J"i"Jm"i"*y or,r," unde.take tdars ofnew products in consultarioo with established scieftific institutions. organize regular interactions ofscientists & porice leaders in order to sensiiir",rr" i"i", *,r, developments taken place. Will collect and collate information related to erp,/o$ye, and solutions. Will develop equipment srandards. testjne orocedures aid related prolocols for the subject being dealt by thE wing. Assess and evaluate existing products and technologies for police applications. Liaise with National Labs & industries for new products / technolos/ development and / or innovation of existing systems to offer tailor-made solutions for specific problems faced by fi"la offi".,r. Lay do!-\al QRs / specifications for various products and systems useful for effciency enhancement of police workjng. Undertake specific development projects in mission mode with specific goals and time frame. Participate in the various exhbitions organizld in the country for knowledge enbancement i Organize seminars and workJhoD for oroviiling lorrlntion sharing platfom and for reaching concrete solutioDs to certain isqEs Organize the various Sta[ding Committee meetjngs from resolving $e issues faced *" para_miliury '_--_ by the forces new equipment /technology or $ei. r"ahg "ona".arution. Create a databale ofinformation relating to issues ofexplosives for use by SpF and CpMfs. -a 82総 -' 淵 器 騰‰ 8お il4l ANNEXT]RE - 7 L 2. Name ofthe post I ' Scale ofPay S€nior Scietrtific Ofiicer (UDiform & Accoutrement) : PB-3 Rs.t56OO-39100/- plus crade pay Rs. 6600/- l. 4. Ministry / Depanmem Eligibility : IltrL4, BPR&D i Deputqtion Officers of Cmtral Government or Central policr Organisations or Cental Armed Police Forces: (a) (i) holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadrddepartmert; ,OR (ii) With Five years' service in the grade rcndercd after appointnent thereto on a rcgular basis in the posts in Pay Band-3 Rs. 15600-39100 plus crade Pay of Rs. 5400 or equivalent in the parent cadr€/department; (b) Possessing And the following educational qualifications and experience: Essetrtial: (i) Bachelor's Degrce in Textiles Bngineering or Textile Technolos/ or Fashion Technolory or Fashiofl Designing for a recognized University. (ii) Five years' experiorce in the field of Textile TechDology and Design or in Research and Development in Ceotral Police Organisation or in Cental Amred Police Forces or in C€otral Govemflent or in Amed Forces : DesiEblei Master:s Degree in Textile Engin;e ng or Textile Technolos, or Fashion Technology or Fashion Desigdng from a recognized University. Continuedpage...l5/- :15: (period of deputation including period of deputation in another -s;" ex-cadre post held imnediaiely preceding rhis. .appoinnn"nr. i.,.-.tfre. organisation/department of^ the cenual c;;";;; J"'rr okna.iryo.notsome other exceed four for.aieolnth:na;, J"pu,".tloi,ir,ar .' no, U" -'--" 56 of receipl of applicatil,*il "xceeding years. The maximumage.t]mit years as on the clos ing date . 5 Noter For the purpose ol-?eolntTenr. :n-gge_lption basis, the service rendered on a regurar basis by an officer to r.I.20o;/rhe a"t" *r,i"r, the revised pay struch[e based on the-66 CpC-prior recommendations U""n be deemed to be service .endered. in O. "iilna"a, "fr"U based lrde oD the "o.r"sponaing recommendations of the pay^comnrission'eiccpt in"* t "o"no"a u"* merger of more rhan one pre-revised of pay inro g."i. grade paylpay scale, -scale and where thjs benefir wilt ex1;nd.only "r" tf," p"rrij l",,rfli"fl ,fr* i.i. t* fr'ffi.JJ ir[i" * *itf,iirmon f* scale is the normal replacement g"ade wirhour any;G;;;;r. Resporsibirities / duties Attached to the post of senior scientific ollicei (unifor& Divisiotr)t- . iriai i"vZp"l & Accoutremenl The officer will be rcsponsible f"..and inducting emerging scientific lg:*ltlg innovations in rhe fidd offabrics / textile and th"i, nanage.eit to im-pr&e & tecbnotogicat ihe operarional efficiency '. '. . . . . . ' . . undertake tdals ofnew products in consurtation with established scientific instifinions. organize regular interactions of scientists &police leaderc oia"i,"*rtir" the latter with developments i" t" taking place. will correct and colrate information rcrated to unifurm issues and related products ard sotutiohs, Will development equipment standards, testing proced$es ala .elat"j p.oiocols for the equipments being dealt by the wing. Assess and evaluale existirE products and teclhologies for police application. Liaise with National Iabs & industies for new products / technolog, development and / or irurovation -f,v of existing systems to offer taildr-made solution for specific problefrs facea t"ta om"en. I-ay down eRs / specificatio.s for va.ious products aad sysiems useful for irciency enlnncement of police working. U.dertake specific development projects in mission mode with specific goals and time frame. Participate in the various exhibitions organized in the country fo; knowlJdge enhaacement. organize seminars and workshop for providing information sharing platform and for reaching concrele solutions to certain issues. C:.Tio* .:etinss for resotvins tbe issues faced by the para-miritary P^fT.T-*-1T:-.*, rorces new equ,pment / technology or rheir scaling ard condemnation. Create a database ofinformation relating to unjform issues foJ use bl SpF and CpMFs. ('!/\r'-/ .- AssistaDt Direcror (AdlDtr.) 824362401 +m/Fax No. Zt369bZS : l6: ANNEXI]RE - 8 t. Name of the post Scale 3. Senior Scienrific Ollicer Grade-l (Traffic and Transpon Branch) ofPay PB-3 Rs. 15,600-39,100/- plus Grade pay Rs. 6,600/- Eligibility Officers under the Central and State Govemments and Union Tenitodes recognised Research Institutions and Autonomous Organisations. (D G) Holding analogous posts on regular basis irl the palent cadre or depanment; OR (li) (iiD with Iive yearc' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in posts in the scale ofpay ofPB-2 Rs.93O034,800 plus Grade Pay Rs. 5,400/- (in Central Govemment pre-revised pay scale Rs. 800013,500/- and in respect of State Govemment, other organisation etc.) or equivalent in the parent cadre or department; OR with eight years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regulai basis in posts in the scale ofpay of PB-2 Rs.930034,800 plus Grade Pay Rs.4,600/- (in Cenhal Govemmelt prc-revised pay scale Rs. 650010,500/- and in rcspect of State Govemment, other organisation etc.) or equivalent in the parent cadre or department; and (b) Possessing Educational Qualification and Experience: Essential Bachelor's de$ee in Mechadcal Engineering with Automobile Engineering as a subject or Bachelor's degree in Automobile Engineering of a recognised University or equivalent. ヽリ 5 years' experience in maintenarce oftrafiic oontrol equipment or ofmaintenance work in automobile workshop or in the field ofinstrumentation or in traflic enginee ng, trallic safety, motor vehicle designing. :17: -2- Deputatiotr or Re-employmelt for Armed Forces personnel The Armed Forces personnel of the rank of Major or equivalent who are due to retire or to be transfened to reserve within a period ofone year and possessing the educarional quatr[catrons and experience prescribed for deputationists shall also be considered. If selected, such officers will be given deputation tenns upto the date on which they are due-for release from the Armed Forces; tlrereafter they may be continued on re- employment terms. In case such eligible ofiicers have retired or have been transfelred to reserve before the actual selection to the plst is made, their appoinhnent will be on re-employment basis. (Re-employment upto the age of superannuation with reference to civil post). 4. Pedod ofdeputation : Periodofdeputation/contEctincludingperiodof deputation or contlact in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appuintment in the same or some other organization or department ofthe Central Gov€mment shall ordilarily not exceed three years. The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation or contract shall be not exceeding 56 year as on the closing date of receipt ofapplications. 5. Responsibilities/Duties: The oflicer is responsible for carrying out testing and evaluation of existing equipment's being used by the police forces (Indigenous and Foreign made) with a view to introduce them in Indian Police, if found suitable. Keep liaison with laborato.ies, scientific and industrial orga[isations in various fields. Keep constant watoh on the new equipment,s which are being brought out by Indigenous as well as foreign manufacturers and maintain continuous liaison with them render technical advise to Ministrieg/Departments and Central Police Oryanisations regarding i[toduction of motor equipment,s and other police matters. Urldertake Resealch studies in the field of tansport and traffic with a view to enhance the performance of police transpon fleet and traffio control equipment,s and also find out the deficiencies ofexisting rules and regulations to make them more effectiye, convene meeting ofvarious committ@s on traffic transport and taffic conuol equipment,s. \. L\jn- Assistrfi Director (Adtr'n.) 824362401 +n/Far No. 24369E25 : l8: {YNEXI]RE - 9 1 Name Ofthe post Senior Scientifi c Offi cer @lectronics) 2 Scalc of Pay Scale ofpay ofPB-3 tu. l5,600-39,100/- 6.600/3 EH」 Ыllt■ ptus crade pay tu. Ollicers working under the Centraystate Govemmen, Universities/ Recognised Research Institutions/Autonomous Organisatiotrs. a) (D (iD b) Holding analogous posrs on regularbasis ; OR with five years, regulai service in posts in the scale ofpay ofPB-2 Rs.9300-34,800 plus Grade Pay Rs. 5,400/- or equivalent in the parent cadre or department; OR with eight years' regular service in posts in soale ofpayofPB-2 Rs.9300-34,800 plus Grade pay Rs. 4,600/- or equivalent in the parent cadre or department; and Possessing Educational Qualification and Experience: Essential (D Master's de$ee in Physics with Ele.tronics as a subject or Bachelor's degree in Electronics Engineering ftom a recognised Unive$ity o. equivalent. (iD 7 years' experience in tesearch, Design, Developme;t and Standardisation of ;lectronics equipment. For Armed Forces Personnel Deputation Re-emplo),rnent The Armed Forc€s Personnel of the rank of Lieutenant Colonel or equivalent who are due to retire ot to be transferred to reserve within a period of one year and have the qualifications and experience prescribed for deputationists shall also be considered. Ifselected such officers shall be given deputation terms upto the date on which they are due for release from the Armed Forces; thereafter they may be continued on reemployment terms. !rad.{+ 1嘔 Ⅲ , EftE ■│‖ : 2赫 3 ffio qffi (.trdfrd) A rqrr ffff-3 m 15,600-39,100/- b wq is t 6600/-) :6<FF s{6liiifd{qf{qlsd/qrqdl vrq rr$ii.'rr €Rn'iifsran €''rdii + W Чl,01 gヽ Er 9 ― コ 蔵 (6)(t) dr f{qFl'd c'ri.'R w rsgn 3IIIqI !-{ qrR-d di, ( ) A-d?rrr fr&-2 a 9300-34.800/- b FrQr ,-s n 54oo/-) 3ltFfl qi{i Te tr,l crro ie,lr,. i vrga r< w s a( o1 *-o or g* dr qilql {'F-{,i ,tifr{Trr ffff-z 160 9300-34,800/- +'qltr ie i a6oo/-) SPIEI slql {d *rar fi-,{- ii rcll(ds cq c{ 8 .rd 61 +qt .fl Ed d (s) {qi Frqfufut *ql+ro d'rcr nln 3qrq 3flfr di - rrFtsrd E[qfl e.R n|TdfuoE.q t q'lftr+l i g@'ft6 -?sq S qrrl i-o"ttc B,n 3,-rq f,ffirFc'o vfuffir li {arro c'?rEl trEe M (ii) iddh6 tsTfirli d 3r{sirlr,tr1frI{{,td-6].( rn ct{+trrq FI z qd @r rif f.e t す識 inm諭 お さい 赫 両 飲 耐 論 綸 さ輌 f論 Ч■t奇 Ⅲ 諷 諭 爺 さ備 マヾ 'w旅 謙 爺 捕 さ謙 赫 輌 耐 い 欧 “爺 哺 論 赫 飲 賭 叡 q■ 雨 雨 赫 ¨ 甲 さ い 術 識 情輌 鍮 Ч 訳 諭 Ч側 さ命裁 。 αマ ЧR 諭 Ч ゛ 謝 ,蒻 ふ ヽ封 命鋪 哺 取 × 、■鋪 識 論 載 、 ・ `Ч 武 J諭輌 瞑 哺 て含筒 Ⅶ o9劇 さい念 ヾ ¶可鍮 綸 雨 嘔 W赫 ・ ・ … ` 口前 ヽ ミ ギ 飾 ¬ ま 下 さ可 飾 哺 命耐 油 ゛赫 ず 赫 日 3m瞑 討 1印 お oヽ 飲 下 さま 鏑 い 諭 咽 雨 ゴ 泳 祠 ) 輛 輌 闘 楡 繭 m哺 諭 輸 ′ 中 予 =師 … n漏 諭 m′ 中 れ 赫 中 け 。 ゛ 赫 哺 輌 樹 ¨ "嗅 m■ 耐 蒙 コ赫 脚 (負 P ■ 釧‖」.論 泰 ゛ 爺 Ⅲ ■ 討 ln鈍 筒 諭 56 諭 師油 帥 州 ¶ ‐ 論 赫 前 さ 腋 n綸 マ さ)π ぃ 呵 ¶ 鷲 ゛ 爺お ■ 請 爺 ヽ ' 偽 “ ′ 繭 _bl… 赫 鶏 ¶ ずヽ 爺 命 飲 鰤 暉 油 マΦ× Wヽ m日 。ヽ ・ 識 都 葡 捕 哺 歯 画 … 命 ●面 面 ●面 蒻 莉 ¬ 枷 Ч嶽 ゞ 神 輸 奇 理 面 m謙 赫 o9、 ■ 躊 蒻 噸 │ 輸 崎 輛 輸 Ⅲ Ч。 劇 。 ヽ 輌 れ ,、 Ч、 さ 飾 マ…謙 Ч ・ "講 ぽ 諭 い赫 さ 輛・ 赫 ― Ч揃 9、 ■ 1螂 哺 れ 憮 補 薇 M浦 ヽ 、■9-■ 。 .、 赫 国 下 鋪 可 ●輔 m 薇 q団 4oお 回 `熊 薇 ■Kお m箭 口R・ Ч い ― 。 ・ │ ( s}l l$t"r'l sr. gfl.o1ffi&q-{ ) s6TTfi fiirr6 (eIIl) i.-24362401 t-ffi- 24369s25 ANNEXURS - 10 1 Name Ofthe pOst Scale oFPay 3 さ 4iゞ ″ /Deparment 4 Eli」 bility Research/ Scientifi c Offi cer PB-3 R$15600-39100/- ptus crade pay Rs. 5400/_ Bur€au ofPolice Research & Develoomenr New Delhi under BPR&D cadre Deputation Officers of Cental Organizatiors or Govemment or Central police Central Amed police Forces: (a).(i) Iolding analogous posts on rcgular basis in the parent cadaddepartment; OR (ii) With Two years' seflice in the gade rcnalered afrer ppo]ryEnt thqeto on a regular basis iD the posts in pay Bard-] Rs 9300-34800 ptus Grade pay of its. 4800 or equrvalent m the parent citdre/depaftinent; OR (ii) Wilh dtre€ years' service iD the g"de rendered afler lppointment thereto on a regular basis in the posls in pay Band-2 Rs. 9300-34800 ptus crade pay of ils. 4600 or equivalent in tle parent cadre/deparBnent; AND (b) Possessingthe following.educational quatifications and exPerience: Essential: in G) Masler's Degree Research methodolory Cdminal Sociolos/ or recognized Unive6ity; Sociolo$/ with specialization in Cofiectional Administration or Sociologt of Deviance form a or OR in psychology with specialization in Crihinal -Degree Psychology forh a recognized Univ;.sity; OR Master's in Criminolo$/ with specialization in from a recognized Criminal Psychotogy University; OR Master's Degee in Forensic Science fiom a recognized Univenity. OR Maste.'s Degee itr Police Administration ftom a recognized University. Masteas (II) I\io year's Government, experience ii Research work in Central Continuedpage...lTl- izli gTy!:l hcluding period of depltation in another ex_cad.e !l:i:-1:f appolntrnent rn t})e same or some olher organisatior/dE)afiiert ofthe thr": Th: maximum age limir for :]:"-:9 l_.*.; the closlnB dale ofreceipt ofapplications). post held immediately preceding this central Govemment shall'ordinaril-y not appointment by depuration shall n'ot be exceeding 56 years as on Note: Fo.lhe pupose ofappointinent on deputation basis, the sepice rendered on a regular basis by an ofEcer prior to 1.1.2006/the date ftom which the revised pay structure based or the 6d, cpc re;;mmendations has been extended, shall tre deemed to be service rendered in rhe coriesponding grade paylpay scale extended based on the-recommendations ofthe pay conunission except where there has biJ, ."rg"i 6i'-or" tr,rn one pre-rcvised scale of,pay into one grade with a cornrnon grade paylpay scare, and where *rii teneirt witt extend onry for the post(s) for which tllat grade paylpay scale is the noimai replacement grade without any up$adation. 5 Responsibilities / duties Attached to the post ofResearcv Scientific Omcer| L To. undertake rcs€arch.studies and prepare repons re€arding Criminality amoDgst women, juvenile delinquency, rehabiliurion delinquenrs, women criminali and suicides etc. ' To carry out rese€rch studies on crimq criminology and different aspects ofpolice Administation and O.ganizations. 上 V To uodertake field suveys/enquiries ofthe projects/studies entusted. To compile and prepare the abstracts Criminologr and Forensic Science. for ttre bi montrrry documents buletin iD porice sciencg V To scrutinize reports and analyse and compile data conne.ted )vith projects ofthe Research DivisiorL VI To assiit Assistant Director (Res€rch) in ch&ge ofthe team in dealing with occasional references fiom Ministry of Home Affain and States pertaining to Crime and Criminolog/ especially relating to women criminals and rcorganizatioD/expansion of women polic€. 優蓼243巫 25 ヽ Z ^ Z ^ A.NNEXURE.Il 1 2 3 4. Name oJthe post JuniorAnalyst Scale of pay Ministry/Department PB-2 Rs. 9300-34,800 plus cmde Pay Rs.. 4600/Bureau of Police Research & Development, MHA Eligibility On Deputation Basis Officers underthe Central Governmentsi holding analogous posts on a regular basis parent cadre or organization in Wlth three years service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in the scale of pay of PB-2 Rs, 9300-34,800 plus crade pay Rs. 4200/-in parent cadre or organjsation and possessing the following educational qualiflcation and expedence:Essential Master's degree in Social work or Sociology or Criminology recognized University or equivalent. of a Three years experience of research or field work and collection compilation and interpretation of statistical data. Desirable Specialization in Social Research. (.Notel rhe departmentar officers in thefeeder category who are in the direct rine of promotion shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation. similarly, deputationists shall not be eligible for consideration of appointment on promotion (Note ll Period of deputation incruding the period of deputation in another ex-cadre post herd immediately preceding this appointment in the same or other organisation/Department of the Central Govt. shall ordinariry-not exceed three years. Maxim.,m age limit for appointment on deputation sha be, not exceeding 56 years, as on the closing date of receipt of applicaiions.) :23: , l ^ Z ^ づ 4 ANNEXURX- 12 Name Ofthe post Cyber Dxpert (Jutrior Sciertific Oltrcer) Scalc ofP″ PB2 Rs.9,300-34,800/- plus crede pay Rs, 4800/- ヽ価 sty/Dcparment nigibilitv Central )etectiv€ Training School, Ghaziabad aDd Jaipur under BPR&D cadre. Deputstion OfIice6 of Cental Govemment or Central police Organisations or Central paramilitary Forces including Centlal Iorensic Science Labomtories, Natiooal Institute of Criminolory and Forensic Science and Central Bureau of InvestigatioD: (a)_(i) lolding analogous post on rcgular basis in the parent cadaey'department; OR (ii) with two yea$' seruice in the !trade rendered after tlercto on a regqlar basis in the posts in pay lppojnrment Band-2 Rs. 9300-34800 ptus Crade pay of Rr. 4600 o; equivalent io the parent cadre/department; OR (iii) With six years' seryice in the grade rc[dered after in the posts in pay Band-2 tu. 9300-34800 ptus Crade pay of Rs. 4200 o; equjvalen! in rhe parent cadrer'departmenq And appointrnent thereto on a regular basis (b) . Possessing the following educational qualifications and expeflence: Essential: (i) l4sc. (Ph)sics) with specialization in Etectronics from a recognized University; OR B.E-lB.Tech. In Electonics atld Comrnudcation Engircering fonn a recognized University; OR B_.E./B.Tech. ID Computq Science form recogdzed University; and a (ii) Three years' research experjence in any Cenrral Government Office or Central police Organjzarions or Cenrral Paramilitary forc€s. Desirabler Three ).eats'expedence laboratory. in a Cenfal ForerBic Scjence Continucd …2α ‐ :24: 1鞭1騰聴 講綴艶職l壌 :漱 ド鮨 C絆 `鑑 器 電 層趙 '脚 鶏 粗 ξ 職 襄趙 『 雷24翼i:「 鼈 Nょ lyl盤 〕 留ぉ :25 :25: l. 2. 3. Name ofthe post Scale : :鵬 鮮 ∞ ofpay Ministry / Foresic Expert(」 疏 Or SdentlFlc Ofrlccぅ 034∞ Depafiltent 劇 EXtlRE‐ 13 ∝J“ Grade Pり Ccnttn Detccive Training sぬ 。Ol,chazlabad and」 alpur : under BPR&D cadrc 4 EnglbHi, : Deputotion Offcers of Central Govemmenr or Central Forensic Science Labomtories or Central Police Organisations or Central Amed police Forces: (a) (i) holding a@logous posis on rcgular basis in the parent cadre/deparrnent; OR (ii) With two years' service in the grade rendered afte. appointnent the.eto on a re-gular basis in the posts in Pay Band-2 Rs. 9300-3480d plus Crade pay ofRs. 4600 or equivalent in the parerf cadrddepaftment; (iii) Withsix yea$' OR service in the grade rendered after appointrnent thereto on a regular basis in the posts in Pay Band-2 Rs. 9300-34800 plus Grade pay Ri. 4200 or equivalent ir the parent cadre/departrnent; (b) of Possessing the following educational qualificatiorls and expedenc€: Essetrtisl: (i) Master's Degaee in Forensic Science fiom a recognized Univeisity; and (ii) Thee yea6' experience of analytical methods and research in ttri frUa of Forensic Science ill Organisations under Central Govenunent: Desirable: One yea$' experience of workiog io a Forcnsic science Labomtory. (Period of deputation including period of deputation io another ex_cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the sarne or some other organisatiory'departrnent of fie Central Govemment shall ordinarily not exceed tlree years. The maximum age limil for appointrnent by deputation shall rct be exceeding 56 years as on the closing date ofrcceipt of applications). Note: For the purpose of appointment on deputatioo basis, the service rendered on a regular basis by an officer prior to Ll.2OO6/the date from which the revised pay stuctule based on the 6d CpC recommendarions h4s beln enende4 shall be deemed to be sewice rendered in the corresponding grade paylpay scale extended based on the recommendatioos ofthe pay commission except where there has been merger of more than one pre-revised scale of pay into one gade with a common grade paylpay scale, , and where this benefit will extend or y for the pos(s) for which that gradi paylpay scale is the normal replacemeot grade without any upgradation. 5. Responsibiliti$ / duties Attached to the post ofForensic Experts :- The incumbent will design, organize and conduct the cou*e on Forensic Science in addition to developing and updaling training material for police t"inees on lhe subjecr lrom timeto rime. r.\\t -/ essisrant biJecror 1eamn.1 I24362401 S-R/Fax No. 24369825 :26i 1 2 Namc Ofthe pOst Senior scientific Assistant lop"rutionut Scalc ofPay R"r"H;Mrom - 14 PB-2 Rs.9300-34,800 ptus Grade pav Rs.4,200/3 Mirusけ /Dcpament 4: BH81biHり Bureau ofPolice Research & Development MHA Deputation/Absorption Omcers under the Cenhal Govemmentt 00 Holding analogous post on regular basis in fhe parcnl cadrddeparhent OR wilh Lhrce years' service in the grade (li) aller ofpay ofpB-2 or equivalent in the rcndeaeal appo-inhn-ent thereto on regular basis in the scale Ri.9300-34,800 plus crade pay parent cadre/depaft ment tu. 4200 OR with six yea$' senice h the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regularbasis in rhe scale olpay ofpB-l i{s.s2OO20,200-plus Crade Pay Rs. 28OO/- or equivatent in the parent (iV) (b) caore/departrnent OR with ten yea$' service in the gmde rendered after appointment lhereto on regular basis in the scale ofpay o[fu. 4000-6000/(new scale ofpay ofPB-l Rs.5200-20.200 plus Gade pa) Rs. 2400/-) or equivalent in lhe parenl cadre/departsnen! Possessing the following educational qualification and expe(ence:- Master's degree in Operational Research or in Mathematics with speciaslisation in Operational Research ofa rccognized uoiversity or equivalent, Two years' experience in Operational Research. Deputatiotr or Re.employmetrt for Armed Forces pergoDrel The Arrned Forces personnel ofthe rank of Jmior Com(niisioned Officea or equivalent who are due to retire or to be transfefied to rcserve within a period of one year and possessiDg the educational qualification and experience prescribed for deputationists shall also tre considered. Ifselected, such officers will be given deputation temE upto the date on which they are due for release from the Almeal Forces. Thereafler they may be continued on re_employment Grms. In case such eligible ofrcers have retired or have been transtbned to resefle before the actual selection to the post is made, thek appointment will be on re-employment basis. (B.e_ emplolment upto the age of superanDuation with refercnce to civil posls) (Period of deputation including period ofdeputarion in anotlEr ex-cadre post held immediately prcceding this appointrnent in the same or some other organization / department offhe central Governrnent sh;ll ordinarilv not exceed tlree years. The maximum age limit for appoixhenl by. deputarion shall be not exceeding 56 ) ears as on rhe clos ing date o f receipt of , applications). \I ' !.\h/ Assistabt Dir€ctor (AdmL) 824362401 +{T/Far No. 24369825 23+e - cfrffCftF * 311L'R w figtu d rqlqr Ar frq fr'qft'-d snq'r{ w di ,r€ qE tqT q] 3,fr6rfr Enr or qrqt,2oo6 qr {6 ntts fq'q,i Ed Ar4q +rr 3Trdrir ol RrsTM S qr oft..rRn +f,{ ({{{r ftrflftd al T{ t,t T6d ol G t 3rrdE 61 R+Erffii i qrqrr n=Nqrr is tfr{/} flrr n 6t G ffifr qr\"n RrErq g{6 fa' q6i \-6 t qft-6 -frrA-frrqrr t s6 spr Ilqrd&rd fuq] T{ ridfud i,FrTr dr 96 qI]T is 'rqr t oltr qdi ir6i rFrq<I fi'-qa ifi d ftc fd"Eaft-d fulr er${r fu(ar ftc rd }c *diAf,firr F{fl s. fiiff sdar } rllq]q eltrenfrd qrqroftq fsitrn (6fiE ffi.1-6 Ar*q Cqrfl 3rlM) fs t S c-{ Srl t6rd q ffiqi ' qidl n cRrel"Trffui d ftiq q,rq lr{q c{ :qrq]?fro {ifi-( glrff i-fi nrn crtrm-Ci 61 3rdts{ 6{rr cftEIlT trofuo q rrqcs vilrrq t fu5r{ i d-dfud I ( 'cqld,^. sr. Sq.6rt 6-{r ) rIdr{6 atr i.-24362a01 fti{6 S-fi- (rYn.) 24369825 i '.27 1. Name ofthe post 2 ^ j Scale Hindi rmnslator ofPay ANNEXURE-IS crade-I PB-2 Rr.9300-34800/- plus clade Pay Rs, 4200! Ministry / Department Bureau ofPolic€ Research & Development, New Delhi under BPR&D cadrc 4. Eligibility Depulation Officers under the Cenral Govemmenti (a) (b) Q) holding analogous posts; or with 5 yeas se ice in posts in the scale of pB-l Rs.5200-20,200 +c.P. Rs.2800/- or equivalent and Possessidg the educational qualification and experience etc. as underi Essential (i) Master's degree of Hindi with English a recognised university as a subject at the degree or equivalert in level. OR Master's degrce of a recognised univeBity oI equivalent in English with Hindi as a subjectot the degre! level. OR Master's degree of a recogised uni./enity or equivaler[ in any subject with Hindi and English as a subject at the Degree level. OR Master degree of a rccognised University or equivalent in any subject with Hindi Medium and English as a subject at the degree level. (Vi) 3 year's experierce of terminological wo* in Hindi and /or translation rrork fiom English to Hindi or vice versa preferally of technical or scientihc literatue. OR 3 years experience ofteaching research, writing orjoumalism in Hindi. Desirable (D G) @) Knowledge of Sanskit and or a modem lndian Ianguage. AdminisbativeExperience. Experieflcr of organising Hindi classes or workshops for noting and drafting, (Pedod of deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately p.eceding this appoinnnent in the same or some ot}et organisation/departrnent of the Central Govemment shall ordinarily not exceed three years. The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall not be exceeding 56 yeafs as on the closing date ofreceipt of applications). /\[., >v E Assistant Director (Admn.) 24362401 +R/Far No. 24369825 ,28i ANttEXt RX - 16 l. 2. 3. a. Nameofthepo6t Scale ofPay Ministry / Department gigibility : : : Upp€r Diyision Clerk pBl Rs.5200-20,200/- plus crade pay R$ 2400/- Central Detective Training School, Jaipur uDder BPR&D cadre. : D.9pgESgS Officers holding equivalent or analogous posts o. with five years of service in the grade of Lower Division Clerk or equivalent grades Govemment/Departnents. in the Cenhal or State (Period of deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately prec€ding this appointment in the same or sorne othe. organisatior/departnent ofthe Centraystate Government shat orainarilv not exceed three yea$. The ftaximum age limit for appointrnent by deputatioqshall not be exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of applications). :29: ぶ N■ 】【ЛuC_17 l 2 Nalne oFthe pOst : scale ofP管 3 M闘 4 EliglbiH, 並 y/Dcp田 mcnt : : 、4anager crade‐IIII PBl、 ."00‐20,200/ pllls Crade Pay I、 2000/ Bureau ofPOuce Researcch&Deve10plllent New Delhl : Deputat10n Officers ofthe Central GovemmentHolding Analogous post on r€gular basis or (i) (i0 Clerk/Salesman in the scale of pay pB-l RS.52OO_ 20,200/- pl ,s. crade pay of Rs.19007- with four years regular se4rvice in the gzde. (Period of depuration iDcluding period of deputation in arother ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointnent in the same or some oth€r orgardsation/departrnent ofthe cen;allstate covemmeni s^hall ordiiarily not exceed three yea$. The ma\imum age limit for appointrnent by deputation shall not be exceeding 56 year! as on the closing date ofreceipt ofapplications). :30: ANNEXIn‐ 18 l 2 3 Name oftlle post Scale Ofpay Miruslフ Dcpartment starcar DHver PB-l Rs S21111-20,200み plus Crade Pay Rs 1900/ BuleauofPoliceRescarch&Devclopment ′ ヽ4nistry OfHome Arairs 4 EH」 bility By Depu● doll Persons holdhg sirnilar or analogolls posts under fe Central or qtate Covanmcnt お ゞ antJttrKAdm→ “ 824362401 1ヽ 国′ Fax No 24369825 :31: ANNEXURN.l9 l Name oflhe post Despatch Rider 2 Scalc ofpay PB-l Rs. 5200-20,200/- plus Grade Pay Rs.l900/- 3 ヽ■ntsw/Depanent Bureau ofPolice Research & Development, Ministry of Home Affairs 4 Elijbillty DEPIITATION From amongst regular Group 'D' employees in the Bureau of ?olice Research & Development cadre and Despatch fuder /Group 'D' Govemment servants who possesses the following qualif cation and experience:-. Essential (i) Possession of a valid ddving licencE for motor- cycles/Autorickshaw. (iD Two years experience in &iving Motor Cycle/Autorickshaw- (iii) Ihowledge of Motolcycles/Autorickshaw mechanism (The incumbent should be able to reinove mino. defects irt the aehicles). (iv) Ability to read English and Hindyregional Languages of the area in which the concemed organization is situated Desirable (i) 86 class pass. (iD Expe.ience as Home Guardvcivil Defence Volunteers. (Pedod of deputation hcluding period of deputatio! in atrother excadre post held irnnediately preceiing this appointment h the same or some other organi?ation / departrnent ofthe Cenfal Govemment shall ordinarily not exceed three years. The maximuo age limit for appoinhnent by deputation shall be not exceeding 56 years. as on the closing date ofreceipt of applications) (\t AssistaDt ,i rector (Admn.) I24362401 +fr/Fax No. 24369825 ApplicatiOn for appOilltment tO the pOst Of l *****+* Nmc and Addrcss (in BloCk lcttcrs) 2 Date ofBtth (in Chistian eral 3 4 Datc Ofretircmcnt under centrallStatc cO● EducatiOnal Qualinca,On Rulcs: : Qualification/Experience eualification/Experience Required (l) Desired (t) officer ② 0 Essential possessed by rhe (2) 6. Please State clearly whether in the light ofentries made by you above, you meet the requirement ofthe post. 7. S No Details of Emplorment, in chronological order. Enclose a sepaEte sheet duly authenticated by your signature. lfthe space below is in sufficient. Name jf- Name office/Department post of thi From To Scale ofpay and Nature of Duties Basic Pay O detail) 8. 9. -2Nature ofpresetrt employment i.e. Ad-hoc or Temporary or Quasi permarent or permanent. In c€se tlle present employment is held on depdAtior/contract basis please state! (a) (b) @ The date ofinitial appointment. Pe.iodofappointrnentondeputation/contact. Name ofthe parcnt office/organization to which you belong. 10, Additional details about present emploJ.ment Please state whether working under (indicate the name ofyou employer against the relevant column.) (a) (b) @ (d) (e) (0 11. Central Go!t. State Gor. AutonomousOrganisation Govemmentutrdertaking Universities Other. Please state whether you arc working in the same Departonelt and are in the feeder grade or feeder to feedei grade. 12. you in Revised Scale ofpay ? Ifyes, give the date from which the reyision took place atrd also indicate the pre-reyised scale. 13. 14. Total emoluments per month now drawn. Additional infomation, ifany, which you would like to mention in support ofyou suitability for the post. This among other things may provide information with regard tor (i) (iD (iiD AdditionalAcademicqualifications. Professional training and Work experience over and above prescribed in the vacancy circular/advertisemelt) (Note: Enclose a separate shee! ifthe space is i[sufficient) ^う for (ISTC)/Absorption'Re-employment deo'rtation basis. lOfiicers under Central/Slate Covemments are only eligible for " Absorption"' Candidates of Non-Govlmment Organisations are eligible only for short term contract) 15 16 l'7. Please state whether you are applying Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC' to Remarks (The candidares may be indicate information with regard (0 (i1) (iiD (iv) Research publications and reports and special projects' Awards/Scholarship/OmcialAppreciation Affiliation with the professional bodies/institutions/sooietiis and Any other iDformation. (Note: Enclose a separate sheet ifthe space is insufftcient) have carefully gone through the vacancy circula/adyetisement and I am well aware that the Cuniculum vitae duly Jupported by documents submitted by me will also be assessed by Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post. I ( Signatue ofthe applicant) Ad&ess TelephoneNo. Mobile No. Countersigned (Employer with Seal) Certificate to given by Head ofOffice ofthe applicant: 1■ うι j ^ ´ 4 5. It is certified that the particulars fumished by the officq are correct. I1 is certi{ied that no disciplinary/vigilance case is pending or oontemplated against the 6 7 applicant and he./she is clear from the vigilance angle. HislHer integdty is certified. It is certified that no major or minor penalties have been imposed on the officer during the Iast l0 years. His,+Ier complete ACRS dossier/Attested photo copies of the ACRS (on each page) by arl ollicer of the rank ofunder Secretary to the Go1t. oflndia are enclosed. It is certified that no court case is Pending against the applicant. It is certificate that officer. ifselected, will be relieved immediately to join the post. (Head of Office) Name: TelephoneNo, Fax No. With office Seal I
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