I Government of India Ministry of Home Affairs Directorate General Border Security Force (Pers Directorate: Rectt Section) // ADVER'I'ISEMEN'I'// I. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES I BSF will hold an All India Examination for recruitment to the various posts of Motor Transport Workshop Cadrc in BSF for the year-2015. 2. Candidates are advised to go through the requirement of cducational qualification, age, physical standards, etc. and salisfy themselves that they are eligible for the posts, before applying. IJSF reserves the right to cancel the candidature of any candidate at any stage of the selection process, if he is found not qualiffing any of the prescribed eligibility criteria. The detailed advertised is available on the website of the BSF www.bsf.nic.in. 3. Candidates seeking rcscrvation benefits for SC/STi must ensure that they are entitled to such reservation as per eligibility prescribed in the notice. They should also bc in possession ol thc certificates in the format prescribed by Govemment of India in support oftheir claim at the time ofapplication. 4. Central Government Civilian Employecs/Servants claiming age relaxation should be in possession of a certificate in the prescribed lbrmat from their office, in respect of the length of continuous scrvicc which should be for not less than three years in the immediate period preceding the closing date for receipt ol application i.e. 29'h June 2015. They should continue to have the status of Central Govemment Civilian Servants/Employees from the day of application till the time of appointment on the basis oftheir perlormance in this examination 1o be eligible for such age relaxation. 5. Fee: Fee is exempted for candidatcs belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribc, eligible for reservation. 6. Closing Datc: 29'n Junc 2015 for all candidates 30 days from the datc of publication ol'the notice in Employment News '7. Mobiles and other Eleclronic Gadgets are banncd within the premises of the Examination Centers. 8. The selected candidate are liable to be posted anywhere in the Country as per the transfer policy of the Force. 9. The recruitmcnt will be done on AII India Basis. 10. Selected candidate ll On appointment they shall bc entitled for pension benefits as per the 'New t2. will be governed by BSF Act and Rulcs. Restructured Defined Contributory Pension Schcme" applicable for the new entrants to the Central Government serviccs w.e.f 01'1 Jan' 2004. Application duly lilled up in the givcn format may be sent within 30 days from the datc ol publication of Advcrtisement in the Employment Ncws. 2 NOTE: Final scrutiny ofeligibility criteria with regards to age, educational qualification, caste, physical standard will be undertaken at the time offinal selection/medical examination. Therefore, candidature will bc acceptcd only provisionally till finat selection. At the time of final selection when scrutiny is undertaken and ifany claim made in application is not found substantiated then the candidature will be cancelled and the decision ofBSF in this regard shall be final. II. Applications are invited from Male/Female Indian citizens for appointment of following Technical posts (Group 'C' Combatised) lor Motor Transport Workshop Cadre in the Border Security Force, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govemment of India. The post is temporary but likely to become permanent. Post & Tradc 'l-ot!l Catcqory CT(Auto Elecrician) CT(Vulcanize Or Operator Tyre Repair Plant) CT(Painter) CT(Store Keeper) TIR SC s'[ Nil Nil Nit 0l 0l 0l oBC Nil Nil Nit Nil Nil NiI 0l 0l Nil Nit Pay Scalc (Rs.) 0l 02 0t 0l 5,200-20,200 +GP-2.000 Total Nit NOTE-I: NOTE-II: NOTE-I//: III. 0{ Nil 05 Vacancies ore subject to change (may increase or decrease) Any amendment will only be published on BSF Website. Conditlates in their own interest ore www. bsf. nic. in for requesled to regularly log on to updates. The cruciol date for determining the oge limit sholl be the closing date for receipt of application. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION S/NO (a) I\', 0l a) Age POSl' CONSTABLE (TECIINICAI-) (Group-C Post) limit are EDUCATIONAL QUAI-IFICATION (D Matriculation or l0th Class pass from a recognized Board or Institution; and (a) Industrial Training Institute certificate in respective trade; or (b) Three years'work cxperience in respective trade. as follows: CT(Technical) 18 to 25 years as on last date of receipt olapplicalion b) Relaxation are as undcr:S/l.,lo (i) (ii) Category Age Relaxation pcrmissiblc Scheduled Castei Scheduled Tribe F-or Group 'C' l'ost Ilx Servicemcn (SC/S1') beyond the Upper age limit 05 Years 08 Ycars (3 ycars + 5 ycars) aftcr deduction of the military servicc rendered from the actual age as on (iii) the closing date. Central Government Civilian Employees (SC/ST) who have rendered not less than 03 years regular and continuous service as on Closing date. l0 (5+5) Years (ir) Candidates who had ordinarily been domicilcd in the State of Jammu & Kashmir (SC/ST) 10 (5+5) Years (v) Departmental Candidates (SC/ST) who have rendered not less than 3 years of regular and continuous service as on closing date. 10 (5+5) Years NOTE-II The upper age limit is relcaable for Central Government Civilian Employees as per extant Government order. NOTE-II: The Crucial date for age-limit is reckoned with reference to the closing for receipt of applications. date NOTE-IIII Candidates should note that the Date of Birth ss recorded in the Malriculalion/Secondary Examinolion Certificate or an equivalent certificate availsble on the closing date of submission of application will be accepted .for determining the age eligibility and no subsequent request .for its change will be considered or granted. NOTE-IV'. Ex-Seryicemen who have already secured employment in civil side uncler Central Government in Group 'C' & 'D' posts on regular basis after availing of the benefits of reservation given to ex-servicemen of their reemploymenl are NOT eligible for fee concession or for claiming benefits of reservation under Ex-Servicemen cdlegory. However, they are eligible lor age relaxation. NOTE-V: period of "Call up Service" of an Ex-Servicemen in the Armed Forces shall also be treated as service rendered in the Armed Forces for purpose of age relaxation. NUIU|I For any servicemen of the three Armed Forces of the Union to be treated The as Ex-Serviceman for the purpose of securing the bene/its of resemation, he must have olready acquired, at the relevant time of submitting his appliccttion for the Post/Service, the status of Ex-Serviceman and/or is in a position to establish his acquired entitlement by documentary evidence from the competent quthority that he would complete specified term of engagement from the Armed Forces within the stipulated period of one year from the Closing Date. c): Candidates who wish to be considered against vacancies reserved/or seek agerelaxation must submit requisite certificate from the competent authority, in the prescribed format when such certificate are sought by the concemed selection board at the time of Interview/Personality tests. Otherwise, their claim for SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen status will not be entertained and their candidature/applications will be considered under General (UR) category. The formats of the certificates are annexed. Certificates obtained in any other format will not be accepted. NAE!: Candidotes are warned that they will be permanently debarred from the examination conducted by the BSF in case they Jraudulently claim SC/ST/Status. 4 v. PHYSICAL STANDARD (for all nosts) For Men : (i) (ii) (iii) I Ieight- 165 Cms. Chest- 75 cms.(80 cms. after expansion) Weight -Corresponding to height as per medical standards. Note:- (i) Minimum height of candidates falling in the categories of Garhwalis, Kumaonese, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas and candidates belonging to the states of Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam. Himachal Pradesh, State of Jammu and Kashmir will be 160 Cms. ( (ii) The Minimum height for all candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes 162.J Cms iii) The Minimum Chest of male candidates falling in the categories of Gharwalies, Kumaonese, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas and candidates belonging to the states of Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, State of Jammu and Kashmir wilt be 73 Cms (Minimum 5 Cms expansion). (iv) The minimum chest for all male candidates belonging to Schedule Tribes be 71 Cms ( Minimum 5 Cms expansion). will For Women Height :- 157 Cms Relaxation: Minimum height of candidates falling in the categories of Garhwalies, Kumaonese, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas and candidates belonging to the states of Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, State of Jammu and Kashmir - 155 Cms Sechedule Tribes - 150 Cms Chest - Not applicable - Corresponding to height as per Mcdical Standard. Weight vI. MEDICAL STANDAII.I) (a) (i) ( ii) (iii) CONSTAIILII('I-E,CHNICIAN) Vision: minimum distant vision 6/6 and 6/9 both eyes without correction (i.e. without wearing of glasses). Must pass CP-lll by ISIIIARA vision test. Must not have knock knees, flat foot or squint eyes. Must not have any defect or deformity likely to interfere with the efficient performance ofthc dulies. Must qualify the physical efticiency test, technical aptitude and trade test both written and practical and qualify in the interview. VII. I)ISOUALI}'I(]A1'ION (i) No person (a) (ii) ( iii) (iv1 Who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having spouse living. Or (b) Who having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with another person. Shalt be eligible for appointment to the Force, provided that the Central Govemment may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage and there are other grounds for so to do, exempt any person from the operation of this rule. Conviclion by any Court of Law. Dismissal lrom Government Servlce. Termination from BSI'- during probation. VIII. SELECTION PROCEDURE 'fhe selection procedure will be as under:- (i) First Phase of the Examination (a) Written Examination (60 Marks) on OMR based answer sheets- '['he written examination will bc conducted at the selection centres. Thcre will be one compositc paper for one & half hour (90 Mins) duration from respective discipline and will be "OBJECTIVE TYPE WITH MULTIPLE CHOICES". Quali$ing marks in written cxaminationIror SC/ST Catcgory Candidate 33% (20 Marks) Notc :-There will be no re-evaluation of OMR Answer Sheet. (ii) Second Phase of thc Examination Succcssful candidates of written examination will appear before the selection board for second phase olthe Examination on due date, which will be communicated them through BSF Website (bsl-.nic.in). 'I'hey rvill be put through subsequent slages. Candidates have to qualily all the stages ol Second phase of the examination one by one. If any candidate found to be not qualified in any of the events of examination, he will be eliminated f'rom the process. (a) Documentation The documentation will be carried out at the selected centres on the date and time fixcd by Competent Authority which will be indicated in the admit card ofthe candidates. (b) PhvsicalMcasurcment Physical Measurement will be carried out by the selection board to assess their height, weight and chest according to the Physical Standard mentioned at para V 6 (c) Physical Efficiency Test (PET will not carrv anv marks but will bc of qualifvins in nature) Those candidates found llt in physical measurement physical efhciency tesl (PET) as under:For Male candidate Event 1 Kms run High jump 3 feet 6 inches Long jump 9 feet will be put through fbr Time 06 Minutes Max 03 attempts Max 03 attempts For Femalc candidatc Event 1 Kms run Timc 8 Minutes Max 03 attempts Max 03 attempts High lump 3 feet Long jump 7 feet (d) Practical Test (30 Marks) Practical Test will be carried out by the selection board to assess their performance with ret'erence to the respective trade. Qualifvins marks in Practical TestFor SC/ST Category (e) Interview Candidate - 33% (10 Marks) {10 Marks) Interview will be conducted of all the candidates who will appear for Written and Practical Examination by the selection board. Qualifving marks in lnterviewFor SC/ST Category (1) Candidate - 3.5 Marks Medical examination Candidates who qualify all the above stages i.e. Documentation, PST, PET and Written Exam, Practical & Interview will undergo detailed Medical Examination, which will be carried out by detailed Medical Officer. NOTE _I: Ex-servicemen applyingfor the posts are nol required to undergo PET'. However, all the Ex-Servicemen ore required to pass the written test and fulfill the physical stondords prescribed for direct recruits for recruitment to the above posts, os the case may be. They should also poss the medical slandards prescribeclfor direct recruits. NOTE-II: Candidates declared disqualified in Physical Standards, i.e. height and chest, may prefer an appeal immediately at the venue of the PST itself, if they so desire, to the appellate authority present on the PST/PET ground. The decision of the appellate authority will be final and no further appeal or represenlolion in lhis regard will be enlerlained. NOTE-III: Candidates are not permitted to use Mobile Phone, Calculator or any other electronic/electrical device for answering any paper (Test Booklets). Candidates must not therefore, bring Mobile Phone, Calculator or ony other electronic electrical device inside the Examinalion premises. Possession of these items, whether in use or nol, will be considered as "use of unfoir means" in the Examination 7 and oppropriate oction will be taken by the department against such candidates, as per extont policy ol the department. NOTE-IV: Medical Examination - Those who qualifu in the Written Examination, Documentation, Physical Measurement, Physical Efficiency Tcst Practical Test & Interview will go through Medical Examination to assess their fitness. If found Unfit in the Mcdical Examination, they may prefer for an aopeal for Review Medical Examination within the orescribed time limit of l5 days. The provision for appeal lor Review Medical Examination is only against an error of iudgment of the Medical Examination Board. On acceptance of the appeal Review Mcdical Examination will be conducted and the IX. decision of Review Mcdical Board will be final and no appeal/representation against thc dccision of the Review Medical Board will be entertained. RESOLUTION OI' TIE CASES Tie cases will be resolved as under by applying one after another, as applicable till the Tie is resolved:- (a) (b) (c) x. Total marks in the written examination. Date of Birth, with older candidate placed higher. Alphabetical order in which thc first names ofthc candidates appear. SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION HOW TO APPLY: (a) Application duly filled up in the given lbrmat may be sent to any one of the following addresses nearest to the candidate within 30 days from the date of publication of advertisement in the employment news:- CENTRE CENTRE CODE 1'O WIIoM APPLICATION I]E SENT Jammu 0l Jalandhar 02 (J&K)-r8n24 'l'he Inspcctor General, Ftr HQ BSF Jalandhar, BSIr Jodhpur 03 Campus, Jalandhar Cantt (Punjab)- 144006 The Inspcctor Gcneral, Ftr HQ BSF Jodhpur, BSF Campus, The Inspcctor Ceneral, BSF Campus, Paloura Camp, Jammu Mandore Road Jodhpur( Rajasthan)-342026 Gandhi Nagar 04 The Inspector General F'tr HQ BSF, Gandhinagar (Cujarat) Delhi Kolkata 05 382042 'l'he DIG (llQ) FIIQ BSF, R K Puram, New Delhi-l10066 06 The Inspector General, Ftr HQ BSF, South Bengal,2-8, Guwahati 0l Bangalore 08 The lnspector General, BSF Campus Patgaon, PO- Hazara, Distt-Kamrup. Guwahati (Assam} ?81017 The lnspector General, BSF Bangalore, PO-Yelahanka, Hazartbag 09 'l'hc Inspcctor Ceneral BSF Meru Camp, Lord Sinha Road, Kolkata (West Bengal)- 700071 Bangalore, Kamataka- 560064 h (b) Hazaribagh, Jharkhand-8253 l7 Two self attested recent passport size photographs should be attached to the application Form. One each photograph to be alfixed on the application form and admit card and third onc to bc kept in record. Two self-addrcssed envelopes of size of 25 xl2 cms with postal stamp worth Rs. 27l- each should also be attached with the application form. The envelope containing application must be super scribcd in bold letters as "4EElIg4fIqN_re.B THE POST OF CONSTAIILI, (TI,CHNICAL) IN BSF FOR MOTOR TRANSPORT WORKSHOP CADRE-20I5 8 NOTE-I: XII. The candidates applying for thc examination should ensure that thcy fulfill all the eligibility criteria for admission to the Selection Test. Their admission at all thc stages ol examination will be purely provisional, subject to their satisfying the prescribed eligibiliry conditions. Il, on verification, at any timc before or after the Selection Test, it is lound that they do not fulfi any ofthe eligibility conditions, their candidaturc for the examination will be cancelled by thc Department. GENERALINSTRUCTIONS i) Applications, which are not on prescribed format or not accompanied by the required enclosures or incomplete or defective shall be summarily rejected. No representation or correspondence regarding such rejection shall be entertained under any circumstances. ii) Applications received after closing date and any enquiry in this regard will not be entertained by the Selcction Board. iii) Candidates already serving in Govt. /Semi Govt Departments should apply through proper channel and NOC obtained from the employer should also be enclosed. ir) The application fbrm (Annexure-A) must be filled by the candidate correctly and correction, ifany should be legible and attested by the candidate. v) The Selection Board shall not be liable tbr any claim arising out ofany injury etc. suffered during the tests. The decision ol the recruitment board shall be final in all matters connected with this recruitment. vi) An employee serving in the same rank and pay grade will not be entitled to apply for said post. vii) On behalf of Golt. of India, Selection Board reserves its right to reject or accept the candidature ofany applicant at any stage. viii) Candidates belonging to the Physically Handicapped category are not elieible to apply for this examination. ix) Candidates must write the papers/lndicate the answers writing. x) In the question papers, wherever necessary, the Metric systems of weights and measures only will be used. Wherever applicabte, the candidates must indicate/write the answer either in Hindi or in English or vice versa. If answers are indicated/written partly in Hindi and pa(ly in English and vice versa, the answer script will not be evaluated and the candidatc wil[ be awarded zero marks. xi) xii) in their own Important Note -Relaxation ofrespective category will only cases where vacancies are available hand be given to those in the respective category for the applied trade/post. Il vacancies of the respective category are not available in the trade/post and candidate is not taking relaxation of his category, he will be treated as General Category Candidate. Where vacancies of SC/ST/OBC 9 category is not available and candidate does not fulfill the criteria of General category candidate, candidature will bc rcjcctcd at any stage. XIII. CHECK LISTS Before sending application, the candidates must ensure lollowing:- i) ii) iiD iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) Application and Admit Card completely filled and duly signed by the candidate. Two latest identical passport size photographs (one each on application form and admit card) Self attested Caste Certificate in case of SC/S'| candidates.(As per proforma). Self attested copy of Matriculation/School Leaving certificate or equivalent certificate as proof of age. Self attested copies of essential educalional qualifications and work experience wherever required. Two self-addressed envelopes stamped worth Rs. 271- each. Application and Admit card duly filled up and signed by the respective candidate. Attested copy ofNOC issued by the employer, in case the candidate is a Gort. employee, to be attached. Age relaxation certificate candidates belonging J & K during the period from 01 Jan 1980 to 3l Dec 1989. Age relaxation certificate children and dependent family of those who were killed in the communal riots of the year 1984 at at Gujarat riots. 5 (RE,CTT) l0 ANNEXURE *A" APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF CONSTABLE (TE,CHNICAL) FOR MOTOR TRANSPORT WORKSHOP CADRE IN BSF : MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA.2OI5 (This form should be lilled in by the candidate in his own handwriting should be completcd in all respects and should be accompanied by certified copies of testimonials. A copy of recent passport size photograph should also be pasted on the application at the space provided lor the purpose. Incomplete application will not be entertained and will be summarily rejected. Answer must be given in words and not by dashes and dots). ('fo ITIIGTN NO. be filled by office) ROLL NO ( TO I}E FILLED BY CANDIDATE ) Paste here sclf attested recent photo$aph (Approx. 3.5x 4.5 Cms) Post applied for I . Full Name (in Capital letters) in Matriculation or equivalent certificate.) Father's name (in Capital letter) Permanent Address Telephone,Mob number (as recorded 2. 3. 4. Address for Conespondence Telephone/1\.{ob number 5. 6. 7. 8. Nationality Religion 9. (a)Date of Birth In Figuresto Christian Era as recorded In Words the Matriculalion or Equivalcnr certillcatc) (b) Age as on 06'h July 2015 Category (SC/ST) (i) (ii) Visible Identification Marks (According in 10. I l. 12. Marital Status Educational Qualification Details of examinations passed including Matriculation/ School lcaving certificate onwards: Name of Name ofrccognized School University/Board of Exams days _month _years 'fcch qualification starting from Examination Division/ Percentage passcd. Class obtained marks obtained oi- ll 13. Experience (Experience Certificate be attached with the application) Designation/rankheld Did you achieve any distinction in athletics or sports: State if you are employed (Tick (Yes,Aio) a) Name and address of Deptt b) Designation held c) Whether holding Permanent Or Temporary post (NOC be attached with the application form) Details of Fees (IPO/BD No with date) 14 15. 16. 17 . DECLARATION I, do hereby declare that all statements made in this application are true, complete and corect to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false or incorrect or ineligibility being detected belore or after the test/interview, my candidature will stand cancelled and all my claims for the recruitment forfeited. I also understand that if at any stage I am found by the Selection Board to have used unfair means in the written examination/test or to have violated any of the Rules/Regulation goveming the conduct of selection process, my candidature can be cancelled or be declared to have failed by the selection board at its sole discrction. Place Date t_elirhumb : Signature ofthe applicant impression : NOTE:-The candidates already in Govemment Scrvice must submit their application through proper channel with the following certificates duly signed by their employer agreeing to release them, in case finally selected in Border Security Force. i) ii) iii) Place: Date Certified that Shri holds a pcrmanent/tcmporary Central/State Gol.t. since Certified also rhat he has submitted his upplication to this department/o lfice on_and his pay scale is Certified also that Shri will be released in case of his selection for the post Sub InspectoriJunior Engineer(Civil/Electrical) in Border Security Force. post_under Signaturc of [Icad of Officc I)cpartmcnt rvith Official Scal l2 Govcrnmcnt of India Ministry of I Iome Affairs l)ircctorate General Border Securitv Forcc RECRUITMENT FOR THE POST OF- CONSTABLE(I'F]CIINICAL) IN BSF FOR MOTOR TIIANSPORT WORKSHOP CADRE-2015 Regt. No (TO BE FILLED BY OFFICE) Roll No. Paste here self ADMIT CARI) attested recent photogaph (TO BE FILLED BY THE CANDIDATE) (Approx. 3.5x 4.5 Cms) . 2. 3. 4. Name of Candidate Father's Name Date of Birth Postal address Telephone/Mob. No. 5. Whether SC/ST 6. Personal mark 1 of i) ii) Identification 7. Applied lor the post o[ (Signaturc of Candidate) (For office use only) 8. 9. Centre of Examination: Date of Examination: Date Signature Signature of invigilator l3 Annexure-'Bt FORM OF CERTIFICAI'I.]TO BE I'IIOI)UCED BY A CANDIDATE IN SUPPORT OF CLAIM TO BELON(; TO SCHEDUI,ED CASTE/SCIIEDULED TRIBE OR ANGLO INDIAN COMMUNITY This is to certify Son of that Resident of Village District /Division belong to State the community which is recognized Scheduled Caste/Tribe under Constitution ( Scheduled Castes) under 1950 the constitution ( Schedule Tribes) order 1950/ the Constitution of Scheduled castes ( Part C states) order l95l. / or his family District/Division of thc and Shri ordinarily reside(s) in thc Statc. I)istrict Magistrate l)eputy Commissioner Dated Notc: (a) The term ordinarily reside used here will have thc same meaning as in section 20 ofthe representation ofthe people Act 1950. (iD Where the certificate are issued by Gazetted Officer of the Union Gort or State Govemments. They should be in the same lorm but countersigned by the District Magistrate or Deputy Commissioner (Certificate issued by the Gazetted Officers and attested by District Magistrate/Deputy Commissioner are not sufficient).
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