9 Free Knitting Bag Patterns Knitting Bags

Knitting Bags
9 Free
Knitting Bag
Knitting Bags with knittingdaily
9 FreE Knitting Bag Patterns
Kathryn Martin
Joe Coca
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Knitting Bags with knittingdaily
9 FreE Knitting Bag Patterns
Knitting bags is so much fun.
They’re the ultimate in usable
knitting projects, too. Here are
nine free knitted bag patterns,
just for you!
Named for its narrow eye-popping
stripes, reminiscent of those adorning
early twentieth-century bathing dresses,
Eunny Jang’s Coney Island Bag is a
fun, fast way to use up scraps of brightly
colored cotton.
The Picnic Bag is made of two mirrorimage halves, each curved by two sets
of sock-heel-like shaping. Lisa Shroyer
joined the half moons together to make
a polygonal, 3-D bag that is the perfect
size for carrying a sock project and
Anna-Liza Armfield’s Lace Beach Bag
looks charmingly frivolous and acts
seriously functional: You can fit a beach
towel, shorts, shirt, and your weekend
reading in with ease—and still find your
cell phone and keys safely tucked into an
interior pouch.
You may not be able to make a silk purse
from a sow’s ear, but you can make silk
into a Sow’s Ear Coin Purse. Anne
Merrow’s little beauty uses luscious,
100% silk yarn to make a really useful
and luxurious little coin purse.
The inspiration for Marilyn Murphy’s
Spiral Market Bag came from Weldon’s
Practical Needlework. The original bag
was knit in fine silk yarn on steel needles
and was sized for glasses; changing the
yarn weight and length makes a great bag
for a handspindle and roving, or a bottle
of wine on the way to a dinner party.
making a fabric that stretches but retains
strength. You’ll appreciate this when
you’re stuffing it full of fresh veggies at
the farmer’s market!
The Basketweave Shoulder Bag by
Nancy Dale is knit from flax yarn held
double, which makes a strong solid
fabric. It has a zipper closure so you
won’t lose any of your valuables!
The religion of Nepal is a mixture of
Buddhism and Hinduism and the monks
who traveled southwest China, Nepal, and
Tibet traditionally carried large bags. The
Monk’s Travel Satchel by Vicki Square
is designed with five separate spaces in
addition to the spacious capacity of the
main compartments.
The three-sided Pyramid Project Bag
by Anita Osterhaug dangles from the
wrist—very handy for holding a small
knitting or spinning project and for
I hope you enjoy these knitted bag
holding the ball of yarn or fiber as you
patterns! Why not start one this
knit or spin. It’s a fun exercise in knitting
topology, being created from four
equilateral triangles without seams.
Kristen TenDyke used a dense lace motif
of interconnecting points and chevrons
to create the Chevron Market Bag,
Kathleen Cubley
Editor, KnittingDaily.com
1Coney Island Bag Eunny Jang. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4
2P icnic Bag Lisa Shroyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3L ace Beach Bag Anna-Liza Armfield. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4S ow’s Ear Coin Purse Anne Merrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
5Spiral Market Bag Marilyn Murphy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6P yramid Project Bag Anita Osterhaug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
7C hevron Market Bag Kristen TenDyke. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8Basketweave Shoulder Bag Nancy Dale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Monk’s Travel Satchel Vicki Square . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page
page 7
page 9
page 10
page 10
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 13
knitting bags with
knittingdaily 9 free knitting
bag patterns
A Knitting Daily eBook edited by
Kathleen Cubley
E d i t o r ia l S t aff
Editor, KNITTING DAILY Kathleen
C r e a t i v e s e r v ic e s
PRODUCTION Designer Janice Tapia
Chris Hartlove
(unless otherwise credited)
Illustration Gayle Ford
photography Projects and information are for inspiration
and ­personal use only. Interweave Knits and
Knitting Daily do not recommend, approve,
or endorse any of the advertisers, p
­ roducts,
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Nor does Knits or Knitting Daily evaluate
the advertisers’ claims in any way. You should,
therefore, use your own judgment in e­ valu­ating
the advertisers, products, services, and views
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©F+W Media, Inc. | All rights reserved | F+W Media grants permission for any or all pages in this issue to be copied for personal use | www.knittingdaily.com
Coney Island Bag
Eunny Jang
rnd—6 sts rem. Next rnd: Knit. Cut
yarns. Thread base color through rem sts
and cinch to close. Secure tail to WS.
Hexagon 2 (yellow base): With yellow
and the knitted method, CO 75 sts, then
pick up and knit 15 sts along one side of
Hexagon 1—90 sts. Distribute evenly over
3 dpn, pm at midpoint of each needle.
Join in the rnd and work as for Hexagon 1.
Hexagons 3–13: Foll diagram, work 11
gray base
witha yellow
stripes of
more hexagons,
picked-up sts and knitted CO sts to attain
90 sts for each hexagon. Each hexagon
side is made
up of
15 with
sts, white
so only
pick up
90 sts. Distribute sts evenly over 3 dpn,
placing markers (pm) at midpoint of each
needle—15 sts to each side of m on each
needle. Join in the rnd. (See Notes about
color combinations and stripe patt.)
Rnd 1: Needle 1: *Ssk, knit to 2 sts before
m, k2tog, sl m, ssk, knit to last 2 sts,
k2tog; rep from * on each needle—12 sts
Rnd 2: Knit. Change colors.
Rep Rnds 1 and 2 five more times—18
sts rem; 6 stripes total, ending with a
contrast stripe. Next rnd: (base color)
*Sl 1, k2tog, psso; rep from * to end of
Finished Size 301/2" circumference and
14" tall, not including strap.
gray base with yellow stripes
Yarn Valley Yarns Greenfield (100%
are used in
• Tthis
base with yellow stripes
(gray base); white base with gray
stripes (white base); and yellow base
with white stripes (yellow base).
Base colors begin and end each
hexagon. Each stripe is worked for
two rounds; alternate colors every two
rounds as you work hexagons.
A lmost jogless join: These hexagons
use an easy method to hide the jog
produced by knitting stripes in the
round. Before knitting the first stitch
of a new color, cross your yarns as for
intarsia (new color behind old color),
trapping the old color. Continue knitting stripe in rounds. Before changing
colors again, tug gently on the old color
strand to align the stripes.
W hen changing colors within a
hexagon, don’t cut yarn; carry colors
in a spiral up the wrong side of the
hexagons, always twisting old and new
yarns when changing colors.
Work hexagons in numerical order
following diagram. Cast on or pick up
stitches as indicated.
Hexagon 1 (gray base): With gray and
the knitted method (see Glossary), CO
cast on 15 sts
side fold
pick up 15 sts in direction of arrow
white base with gray stripes
cast on 15 sts
pick up 15 sts in direction of arrow
white base with gray stripes
yellow base with white stripes
side fold
cotton, 88 yd [80 m]/50 g): gray, 4 skeins;
natural (white) and sunflower (yellow),
3 skeins each. Yarn distributed by WEBS.
Needles Size 7 (4.5 mm): set of 4 doublepointed (dpn). Size 5 (3.75 mm): 16" circular (cir). Adjust needle size if necessary to
obtain the correct gauge.
Notions Markers (m); tapestry needle.
Gauge One hexagon measures 5" at widest point.
bottom fold
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15 sts per side when working from existing hexagons.
Hexagon 14 (yellow base): With yellow and the knitted method, CO 30 sts.
Pick up and knit 15 sts along Side A of
Hexagon 13 (see diagram), pick up and
knit 45 sts along Hexagons 13, 10, and 8
(there will be a gap on Side X of Hexagon
13). Distribute sts evenly over 3 dpn, pm
at midpoint of each needle. Join in the rnd
and work as for Hexagon 1.
Hexagon 15: Foll diagram, work as for
Hexagon 14, picking up sts so that Sides C
and B match Sides B and C from Hexagons
13 and 12. The work is being forced to fold
up into a pocket shape.
Hexagons 16–22: Cont to foll diagram,
connecting as required to side hexagons.
Half hexagons: (Worked back and forth
in rows.) With yellow, pick up and knit 15
sts along three sides of a “notch” along top
edge of bag (see diagram), pm between
each group of 15 sts (45 sts total). Purl 1
WS row.
Row 1: *Ssk, knit to 2 sts before first m;
k2tog, sl m; rep from * to end—6 sts dec’d.
Row 2: (WS) Purl.
Change to white. Rep Rnds 1 and 2,
changing colors every 2 rnds, until 9 sts
rem. Next row: (base color) *Sl 1, k2tog,
psso; rep from * to end of row—3 sts rem.
Next row: Purl. Cut yarns. Thread base
color through rem sts and cinch to close.
Work a half hexagon for each of three rem
With gray and smaller cir needle, beg at
top right-hand corner of Hexagon 1 or 11,
pick up and knit 180 sts around top of bag
(15 sts for each segment). Join in the rnd
and work in garter st until band measures
11/4" from pick-up, ending with a purl rnd.
Next rnd: K15 (should be aligned over
gray hexagon), BO 75 sts, k15 (should be
aligned over gray hexagon), BO rem 75
sts—15 sts rem for each strap. Place one
set of 15 sts on holder. Strap: Next row:
(RS) Ssk, knit to last 2 sts, k2tog—2 sts
dec’d. Knit 1 row. Rep last 2 rows 2 more
times—9 sts rem. Work in garter st until
strap measures 20" from pick-up of top
edging. Next row: (RS) K1, M1, knit to
last st, M1, k1—11 sts. Next row: Knit.
Rep last 2 rows 2 more times—15 sts. Use
Kitchener st (see Glossary) to graft sts
to 15 sts on other side of bag. Use white
and backstitch seam (see Glossary) to sew
gaps at Side X. Weave in ends and block as
Eunny Jang is editor of Interweave Knits.
She lives in a historic bungalow with lots
of yarn, sewing supplies, and good food.
knit 1 WS row; do not turn. With WS still
facing, pick up and knit 14 sts down 2nd
selvedge, ending at CO edge—60 sts total.
Work Rows 1–6 of ridge patt once, then
rep Rows 1 and 2 once more. Rep from *
to * to turn corner, ending with a WS row
and 32 sts rem. Work 2 rows even in St st.
Strap base:
Row 1: (RS) Sl 1 pwise wyb, ssk, knit to
last 3 sts, k2tog, k1—2 sts dec’d.
Row 2: (WS) Sl 1 pwise wyf, purl to end.
Picnic Bag
Lisa Shroyer
Finished Size 121/2" at widest point and
12" tall, not including straps.
Yarn Queensland Collection Pima Fresca
(100% cotton; 146 yd [133 m]/100 g):
#1 natural, #23 apricot (dark pink), and
#3 blush (light pink), 1 skein each. Yarn
distributed by Knitting Fever.
Needles Size 4 (3.5 mm): 24" circular
(cir). Adjust needle size if necessary to
obtain the correct gauge.
Notions Marker (m); tapestry needle.
Gauge 10 sts and 14 rows = 2" in St st.
First Half
With natural, CO 60 sts. This CO edge will be
referred to again in several places; mark each
end of CO if desired. Do not join. Beg with a
purl row, work 4 rows in St st. Knit 1 WS row.
Ridge patt:
Rows 1, 3, and 5: (RS) Knit.
Rows 2 and 4: (WS) Purl.
Row 6: (WS) Knit.
Rep Rows 1–6 two more times, then rep
Rows 1 and 2 once more. *Turn corner:
Row 1: (RS) K32, ssk, k1, turn.
Row 2: (WS) Sl 1 pwise with yarn in front
(wyf), p5, p2tog, p1, turn.
Row 3: Sl 1 pwise with yarn in back (wyb),
knit to 1 st before gap, ssk (1 st from each side
of gap), k1, turn.
Row 4: Sl 1 pwise wyf, purl to 1 st before gap,
p2tog (1 st from each side of gap), p1, turn.
Rep Rows 3 and 4 until all sts have been
incorporated; last 2 rows will end with decs
without a final k1 or p1 before turning. End
with a WS row*—32 sts rem. Knit 1 RS row;
do not turn. With RS still facing and working
along left-hand selvedge of piece (ridge
patt section), pick up and knit 14 sts from
working row down to CO edge. Turn and
Rep last 2 rows 13 more times—4 sts rem.
Next row: Sl 1, k2tog, k1—3 sts rem.
Next row: (WS) Sl 1, p2. Next row: (RS)
K3tog—1 st rem. Break yarn and fasten
off last st.
Second Half
The 2nd half is a mirror image of the first
half, worked out from the CO of the first
half. With dark pink and first half laid
horizontally with strap base at right-hand
side, beg at right-hand corner of CO edge
of first half and picking up 1 st for every
CO st, pick up and knit 60 sts. Do not join.
Work as for first half, beg with 4 rows of
St st just as for first half.
With light pink and beg at top point of one
strap base, working down one selvedge of
strap base, pick up and knit 1 st for every
st down shaped selvedge (19 sts), pick up
and knit 12 sts along selvedges in V-split,
ending at bottom of 2nd strap base, pick
up and knit 19 sts up 2nd strap base,
ending at top point—50 sts total. With RS
still facing, use the backward-loop method
to CO 100 sts, then carefully join work
in the rnd, knitting first st at top of first
strap base—150 sts total. Place marker
(pm) for beg of rnd.
Rnds 1–3: Purl.
Rnds 4 and 6: Knit.
Rnd 5: Knit to base of V-split on body of
bag (in line with CO edge/seam between
halves), dec 1 st, knit to end.
Rep Rnds 1–6 once more, then rep Rows
1 and 2 once. BO all sts pwise. Work an
identical 2nd strap on other side of bag.
Use ends to tack straps tog at top point of
strap bases. Weave in ends. Block as desired.
Lisa Shroyer is an editor for Interweave. She
enjoys an active life halfway between the
mountains and the ocean in North Carolina.
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Lace Beach Bag
Anna-Liza Armfield
Finished Size About 43" circumference
and 151/2" tall, not including strap.
Yarn Berroco Mica (31% cotton, 26% silk,
23% nylon, 20% linen; 108 yd [100 m]/
40 g): cinnabar (MC), 6 skeins; mushroom
(CC), 1 skein.
Needles Size 6 (4 mm): 24" circular
(cir). Size 4 (3.5 mm): straight and set of
double-pointed (dpn). Adjust needle size if
necessary to obtain the correct gauge.
Notions Markers (m); tapestry needle.
Gauge 191/2 sts and 36 rows = 4" in
garter st on smaller needles; 17 sts and 28
rows = 4" in box st on larger needles.
has a flap, which is
• Tintended
he interiorto bepouch
tucked in the pouch if
needed to keep small items inside. The
pouch is worked on straight needles
using double knitting, which creates
two layers of fabric at the same time,
then the sides are separated, one side is
bound off, and the flap is knit.
needles and MC, CO 48 sts. Next row:
*K1, sl 1; rep from * to end. Rep last row
every row until piece measures 5" from
CO. With 2 dpn, separate the sides of the
pouch by slipping alternate sts onto front
and back needles—24 sts each needle.
Piece is now an open pouch. Turn pouch
inside out with purl side facing. Next rnd:
(WS) P1, BO 23 sts, knit to end—single
purl ridge on knit side. Turn and work in
rows as foll:
Row 1: (RS) Knit.
Row 2: (WS) Purl.
Rep last 2 rows for 1", ending with a WS
Row 1: (RS) K1, ssk, knit to last 3 sts,
k2tog, k1—2 sts dec’d.
Row 2: (WS) Purl.
Rep last 2 rows until 8 sts rem, ending
with a WS row. BO all sts.
Shoulder Strap
With straight needles and CC, CO 10 sts.
Work modified box st as foll:
Row 1: *P2, k2; rep from * to last 2 sts, p2.
Row 2: *K2, p2; rep from * to last 2 sts,
Row 3: Rep Row 2.
Row 4: Rep Row 1.
Rep Rows 1–4 until piece measures 26"
from CO. BO all sts.
With MC and straight needles, CO 34 sts.
Work in garter st until piece measures 14"
from CO. BO all sts.
Rep Rnds 1 and 2 for patt.
With dpn and MC, CO 3 sts. Work I-cord
(see Glossary) for 67". BO all sts.
Block all pieces. Once dry, lay body flat so
base is folded in half lengthwise and all
edges are even. Place marker or coil-less
safety pin at the top of each side edge,
along the fold, between sts. Count 5 sts
from each side of each m and place
Box Stitch: (multiple of 4 sts)
Rnds 1 and 4: *P2, k2; rep from * to end.
Rnds 2 and 3: *K2, p2; rep from * to end.
Rep Rnds 1–4 for patt.
Fagoting Rib: (multiple of 4 sts)
Rnd 1: K1, *yo, ssk, k2; rep from * to last
3 sts, yo, ssk, k1.
Rnd 2: *Yo, k2tog, k2; rep from * to end.
Interior Pouch
Note: All slipped sts are slipped pwise
with yarn in back (wyb). With straight
Anna-Liza Armfield spends her time working, blogging, helping her friends fix their
knitting problems, playing with her family,
and avoiding housework.
With MC, cir needle, and RS of base
facing, *pick up and knit 58 sts along one
long edge of base, 34 sts along one short
edge; rep from * once—184 sts. Place
marker (pm) and join in the rnd. Purl
1 rnd. Work Rnds 1–4 of box st (see Stitch
Guide) twice, then rep Rnd 1 once more.
Purl 1 rnd. Work in fagoting rib (see Stitch
Guide) for 12"—piece should measure
about 131/2" from pick-up. Purl 1 rnd, knit
1 rnd, purl 1 rnd. Break yarn. Join CC and
knit 1 rnd. Work Rnds 1–4 of box st twice.
Place sts on waste-yarn holder.
Stitch Guide
new m—10 sts total between m and 82 sts
along sides between marked sections. To
join strap, remove center m on one side.
Snip waste yarn in the center of marked
section and remove waste yarn to reveal 10
live sts. With CC, sew one end of strap to
live sts. Rep on opposite side. Remove rem
m. Remove waste yarn from 82 live sts on
one side of bag and place sts on cir needle.
Leave rem sts on yarn holder. Beg at base of
strap, join MC and knit across live sts, then
pick up and knit sts evenly along one side
of strap. Pm and join in the rnd. Purl 1 rnd,
then BO all sts pwise. Rep on opposite side
of bag. Weave in ends. Sew pouch along
purl ridge at top of flap inside of bag, below
one end of strap. Thread I-cord through top
row of yo’s. Knot ends of I-cord.
Sow’s Ear
Coin Purse
Anne Merrow
Finished Size 51/2" wide and 23/4" tall.
Yarn Filatura di Crosa Luxury (100% silk;
160 yd [145 m]/50 g): #25 dusty rose, 1
skein. Yarn distributed by Tahki Stacy
Needles Size 1 (2.25 mm): 24" circular
(cir). Adjust needle size if necessary to
obtain the correct gauge.
Notions Stitch holder; 7" zipper (shown:
Coats & Clark all-purpose plastic zipper
in color almond rose); sewing needle and
matching thread; 1/8 yd cotton fabric for
Gauge 36 sts and 48 rows = 4" in St st.
Stitch Guide
Kfbf: Knit into front, back, and front
again of same st—2 sts inc’d.
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Attached I-cord:
Right edge: (3 sts on needle) *K2, sl 1
row: Sl 1, ssk, k3, k2tog, k1—5 sts rem.
Next row: Sl 1, p4. Next row: Sl 1, sl 2,
kwise, pick up and knit 1 st from selvedge
edge, psso; without turning, slide sts to
the other end of the needle; rep from *.
Left edge: (3 sts on needle) *Pick up and
knit 1 st from selvedge edge, pass first
st on left needle over picked-up st, k2,
without turning, slide sts to other end of
needle; rep from *.
k1, p2sso, k1—3 sts rem. Do not turn;
slip sts back to right end of needle as for
I-cord. Sl 2 sts tog as if to knit, p2sso
rem st—1 st rem. Cut yarn and fasten off
last st.
CO 5 sts. Do not join. Purl 1 row.
Row 1: (RS) Sl 1, right lifted inc (RLI; see
Glossary), knit to last st, left lifted inc
(LLI; see Glossary), k1—2 sts inc’d.
Row 2: (WS) Sl 1, purl to end.
Rep last 2 rows 3 more times—13 sts.
Row 3: (RS) Sl 1, RLI, k5, kfbf (see Stitch
Guide), knit to last st, LLI, k1—17 sts.
Row 4: (WS) Sl 1, purl to end.
Row 5: (RS) Sl 1, RLI, knit to center st,
kfbf, knit to last st, LLI, k1—21 sts.
Row 6: Sl 1, purl to end.
Rep last 2 rows 2 more times—29 sts.
Row 7: Sl 1, knit to center st, kfbf, knit
to end—2 sts inc’d.
Row 8: Sl 1, purl to end.
Rep last 2 rows 13 more times—57 sts.
Row 9: (RS) Sl 1, k2tog, knit to center
st, kfbf, knit to last 3 sts, ssk, k1—no
change to st count.
Row 10: Sl 1, purl to end.
Rep last 2 rows 4 more times.
Row 11: (RS) Sl 1, k2tog, knit to 1 st
before center st, sl 1, k2tog, psso, knit to
last 3 sts, ssk, k1—4 sts dec’d.
Row 12: Sl 1, purl to end.
Rep last 2 rows 6 more times—29 sts
Row 13: (RS) Sl 1, k2tog 6 times, sl 1,
k2tog, psso, ssk 6 times, k1—15 sts rem.
Row 14: (WS) Sl 1, ssp 3 times, p1, p2tog
3 times, p1—9 sts rem.
Next row: (RS) BO 8 sts; leave last st
on needle. Use the knitted method (see
Glossary) to CO 2 sts—3 sts on needle.
Work 3-st attached I-cord (see Stitch
Guide) along selvedge from base back
to CO edge, working I-cord over 2 of the
CO sts. Place sts on a holder. Use the
knitted method to CO 3 sts and work 3-st
attached I-cord along selvedge edge from
end to CO edge, including 2 of the CO
sts. BO all sts. With RS facing, transfer
3 held sts to needle, pick up and knit 1
st in center st of body CO, pick up and
knit 3 sts in BO of 2nd I-cord—7 sts.
Next row: (WS) Sl 1, purl to end. Next
Weave in ends. Pin zipper in opening.
With needle and thread, use a backstitch
(see Glossary) to sew in zipper. Sew
across the end of the zipper to make a
new stop. Fold lining fabric in half with
RS tog and lay purse flat on lining fabric.
Trace around outside of purse. Cut both
layers of fabric 3/8" from traced line. Sew
around the edges, leaving a 3/8" seam
allowance and leaving the opening open.
Place the lining inside the purse; if necessary, adjust the seam allowance to fit
inside the purse. Sew again over the first
line of sts. Press down the 3/8" opening for
the top. Sew the lining to the zipper tape.
Anne Merrow is an avid knitter, spinner,
and quilter. By day she is a book editor for
Interweave, as well as editor of the new
eMag, Sockupied.
Spiral Market Bag
Marilyn Murphy
Finished Size 18" circumference and 15"
tall, not including straps.
Make 4, 2 in each color. CO 18 sts. Next
row: Sl 1 pwise with yarn in back (wyb),
knit to end. Rep last row until piece
measures 18" from CO. BO all sts.
Seaming: Referring to diagram, place the
CO edge of one color A strip perpendicular
to one color B strip, aligned at the lower
edge to form an “L” shape. Sew neatly in
place, taking care not to stretch the CO
edge. Rep with 2nd pair of strips. Align
the 2 L shapes as shown, colors alternating, and join to form bottom of bag. Sew
sides of strips tog, noting that the top
right edge of each strip will protrude
above the seam to form the upper edge
of the bag. Weave in ends. Braided cord
(make 2): Measure out 2 lengths of
each color, 56" long or desired length—4
strands total. Work a four-strand round
braid (see Glossary), leaving several inches
unworked on each end for finishing. Join
braids to bag by threading ends through
the points at the top edge from the WS.
Secure by tying an overhand knot on
the RS. Trim fringe to about 2". Secure
the knots to the bag using a needle and
Yarn Classic Elite Katydid (100% cotton;
90 yd [82 m]/50 g): #7310 Hinkley blue
(A) and #7355 Penny Lane (B), 2 balls
Needles Size 6 (4 mm). Adjust needle
size if necessary to obtain the correct
Notions Tapestry needle; sewing needle
and matching thread.
Gauge 22 sts and 44 rows = 4" in
garter st.
Marilyn Murphy has been knitting on and
off since she was eight years old. As the
former publisher and editorial director of
Interweave Knits, she has admired many
projects as they’ve passed through the
office. Now that she spends more time
traveling for pleasure, she knits simple
and intriguing projects that don’t require
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k2tog uses last st of rnd and first st of
next rnd)—6 sts dec’d.
Rep Rnd 2 every rnd 8 more times—6 sts
Rnd 11: Ssk 3 times—3 sts rem.
Rnd 12: Ssk, sl st to left needle, use right
needle to pass 2nd on left needle over
first—1 st rem.
Cut yarn, leaving a 6" tail. Fasten off last
Project Bag
Anita Osterhaug
Finished Size About 61/2" wide at base and
6" tall, after felting.
Yarn Malabrigo Rasta (100% merino;
90 yd [82 m]/150 g): #863 zarzamora
(purple) and #868 coronilla (gold), 1 skein
Needles Size 13 (9 mm) (see Notes).
Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain
the correct gauge.
Notions Markers (m); removable
markers; waste yarn for provisional CO;
tapestry needle.
Gauge 11 sts and 11 rnds = 4" in St st,
before felting; 12 sts and 12 rnds = 4" in
St st, after felting.
can be worked with double• Tpointed
his bagneedles,
two circulars, or the
magic-loop method.
of the provisional cast-on,
• Byou
may need to adjust the tension of
the cast-on stitches as you work across
them. If necessary, move the extra
looseness across the row to one place,
pull the extra yarn to the wrong side
and leave a loop. During finishing, cut
the loop and weave in the ends; felting
will secure them.
You can arrange the colors in any way
you like. You could make each triangle
a solid color or alternate colors every
round or two on each triangle. Two
skeins of yarn are enough for two bags,
so you can experiment.
Stitch Guide
Rnd 1: K20, sl 1, k2tog, psso, k19, sl 1,
k2tog, psso, k19, sl 1, k2tog (last st of rnd
and first st of next rnd), psso—60 sts rem.
Place removable m in each dec.
Rnd 2: *Knit to 1 st before marked st, sl 1,
k2tog, psso; rep from * 2 more times (last
With gold and the invisible provisional
method (see Glossary), CO 22 sts. *With
a separate strand of waste yarn and cont
with same strand of gold, CO 22 sts; rep
from * once more—66 sts total. Place
marker (pm) and join in the rnd. Work
triangle (see Stitch Guide), changing to
purple on Rnd 9—no sts rem.
With purple, RS facing, and beg at one
corner of bottom, pick up and knit 1 st in
corner, remove provisional CO from 22 sts
along one edge and knit these sts, pick
up and knit 1 st in corner—24 sts total.
Sl last 2 sts to left needle, pass 2nd st over
first, sl rem st to right needle—23 sts rem.
Slide sts to other end of needle. Sl 2 sts to
right needle, pass 2nd st over first, sl rem
st to left needle—22 sts rem. Slide sts to
other end of needle. Using the provisional
method and same strand of purple, CO 22
sts—44 sts total. With a separate strand
of waste yarn and same strand of purple,
CO 22 sts—66 sts total. Pm and join in
the rnd. Work triangle, changing to gold
on Rnd 7—no sts rem.
Left Side
With purple, RS facing, and beg at corner
of bottom that is not attached to back,
pick up and knit 1 st in corner, remove
provisional CO from 22 sts along bottom
edge and knit these sts, pick up and knit
1 st in corner—24 sts total. Sl last 2 sts to
left needle, pass 2nd st over first, sl rem
st to right needle—23 sts rem. Slide sts
to other end of needle. Sl 2 sts to right
needle, pass 2nd st over first, sl rem st
to left needle—22 sts rem. Slide sts to
other end of needle. Remove provisional
CO from 22 sts along edge of back and
knit these sts—44 sts total. Using the
provisional method and same strand of
purple, CO 5 sts—49 sts total. Using
the backward-loop method, firmly CO
12 sts—61 sts total. With a separate
strand of waste yarn and same strand of
purple, CO 5 sts—66 sts total. Pm and
join in the rnd. Work triangle, changing to
gold on Rnd 7—no sts rem.
Right Side
With purple, RS facing, and working along
rem edge of bottom, pick up and knit
1 st in corner, remove provisional CO
from 22 sts along bottom edge and knit
these sts, pick up and knit 1 st in
corner—24 sts total. Sl last 2 sts to left
needle, pass 2nd st over first, sl rem st
to right needle—23 sts rem. Slide sts to
other end of needle. Sl 2 sts to right
needle, pass 2nd st over first, sl rem st to
left needle—22 sts rem. Slide sts to other
end of needle. Remove provisional CO
from 5 sts along edge of left side and
knit these sts—27 sts total. Using the
backward-loop method, firmly CO 12
sts—39 sts total. Remove provisional CO
from 5 sts along edge of left side and knit
these sts—44 sts total. Remove provisional CO from 22 sts along edge of back
and knit these sts—66 sts ­total. Pm and
join in the rnd. Work triangle, changing
to gold on Rnd 7—no sts rem.
Pull a double thickness of purple through
top of pyramid as a placeholder for hand­
le, which will be added later. Turn bag
inside out and work in ends loosely, being
careful not to pull and distort bag fabric.
Felting: With bag inside out, place in
washing machine with a pair of jeans
for extra agitation. Wash on lowest and
hottest water setting with a small amount
of mild detergent. Sts will still be quite
distinct after bag is felted. Allow to airdry. Handle: Make a twisted cord as foll:
Cut a 24" length of each yarn and tie tog at
one end. Twist each strand clockwise until
it is tightly twisted. Hold strands beside
each other and allow to twist around each
other. Tie ends tog. Remove placeholder
yarn from top of pyramid and insert
handle so that pyramid top is centered on
handle. Knot handle at top of pyramid.
Tie ends of handle tog with an overhand
knot about 5–6" from top of bag to form a
hanging loop.
Anita Osterhaug is a lifelong fiber junkie
(knitter, spinner, weaver, dyer) and has
been knitting for more decades than she
cares to admit. In her other life, she is a
technology writer.
©F+W Media, Inc. | All rights reserved | F+W Media grants permission for any or all pages in this issue to be copied for personal use | www.knittingdaily.com
k on RS; p on WS
p on RS; k on WS
brk1: k2tog (yo and sl st)
Market Bag
sl 1 yo (counts as 1 st)
K r i s t e n Te n D y k e
Finished Size 28" circumference and 15"
tall, not including strap.
Yarn Nashua Handknits Creative Focus
Cotton (100% mercerized cotton; 93 yd
[84 m]/50 g): #24 ivory, 7 balls. Yarn
distributed by Westminster Fibers.
Needles Size 4 (3.5 mm): 16" circular (cir)
and set of double-pointed (dpn). Adjust
needle size if necessary to obtain the
correct gauge.
Notions Markers (m); stitch holders;
tapestry needle.
Gauge 20 sts and 48 rows = 4" in purl
brioche st.
sl 1 kwise, k2tog, psso
p on RS; k on WS
pattern repeat
brk1: k2tog (yo and sl st)
Stitch Guide
sl 1 yo (counts as 1 st)
Sl 1 yo (counts as 1 st): Bring yarn
to front between needles, sl 1 pwise,
wrap yarn over needle to back of work to
complete yo, then place yarn in correct
position to work the next st (depending on
what next st is—knit, purl, or yo).
Brk1: K2tog (slipped st and its
companion yo).
Purl Brioche Stitch in Rows: (multiple
of 2 sts + 1)
Set-up row: (RS) Knit.
Row 1: (WS) K1, *sl 1 yo (see Stitch
Guide), k1; rep from * to end.
Row 2: (RS) K1, *brk1 (see Stitch Guide),
k1; rep from * to end.
Row 3: K2, sl 1 yo, *k1, sl 1 yo, rep from *
to last 2 sts, k2.
Row 4: K2, brk1, *k1, brk1; rep from * to
last 2 sts, k2.
Rep Rows 1–4 for patt.
Lower Brioche
sl 1 kwise, k2tog, psso
*sl 1 pwise wyb,
replace m, cont
working sts as shown
14 st repeat
Upper Brioche
pattern repeat
Purl Brioche Stitch in Rounds: (mul-
tiple of 2 sts)
Rnd 1: *P1, sl 1 yo, rep from * around.
Rnd 2: *K1, brk1; rep from * around.
Rnd 3: *Sl 1 yo, p1; rep from * around.
Rnd 4: *Brk1, k1; rep from * around.
Rep Rnds 1–4 for patt.
*sl 1 pwise wyb,
replace m, cont
working sts as shown
k on RS; p on WS
14 st repeat
14 st repeat
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st with 4 rows St st for desired length.
BO all sts. Sew cord to top of bag back,
overlapping 4 rows of cord with bag
back at each side.
Nancy Dale has climbed all 147 peaks in
the Rocky Mountains National Park and
still has had time to knit and sew.
shoulder bag
Nancy Dale
CO 15 sts. Work purl brioche st in rows
(see Stitch Guide) until piece measures
111/4" from CO. BO all sts.
With RS of base facing, cir needle, and beg
at beg of BO edge, pick up and knit 14 sts
along BO edge, 56 sts along side edge, 14 sts
along CO edge, then 56 sts along 2nd side
edge—140 sts total. Place marker (pm) and
join in the rnd. Work in purl brioche st in
rnds (see Stitch Guide) until piece measures
2" from pick-up rnd, ending with Rnd 2 of
patt. Work Rnds 1–12 of Lower Brioche
chart once. Work Rnds 1–14 of Lace chart
4 times. Work Rnds 1–14 of Upper Brioche
chart once. Work in purl brioche st in rnds
for 1". Next rnd: Work 15 sts in patt, BO 55
sts pwise, work 15 sts, then slip these 15 sts
to a holder for strap, BO 55 sts pwise—15
sts rem on needle for strap. Cont in patt
(purl brioche st in rows) over these 15 sts
until strap measures 15" from bag BO,
ending with a RS row. Place sts on holder.
Transfer 15 held sts to needle, join yarn, and
work as for first strap. Join two ends of strap
with three-needle BO (see Glossary).
Cord: With dpn, CO 3 sts. Work I-cord
(see Glossary) for 30". BO all sts. Block
pieces to measurements. Thread I-cord
through eyelets at highest point of upper
brioche patt. Tie an overhand knot at each
end of cord. Tie in bow. Weave in ends.
Kristen TenDyke is a designer and technical editor. She uses her graphic-design
degree in her job with Classic Elite Yarns,
and it also comes in handy when she
self-publishes her patterns online at www.
Yarn Louet Euroflax (100% linen; 325 yd
[297 m]/4 oz): #18-2414-7 antique olive
(MC), #18-2464-2 cedarwood (A), and
#18-2424-6 eggplant (B), 1 skein each.
Needles Size 3 (3.25 mm).
Gauge 10 sts and 16 rows = 2" (5 cm) in
basketweave pattern with yarn doubled.
Skill Level Easy.
Basketweave Pattern
Rows 1 and 3: *K5, p5; rep from *.
Rows 2 and 4: *P5, k5; rep from *.
Rows 5 and 7: *P5, k5; rep from *.
Rows 6 and 8: *K5, p5; rep from *.
Rep Rows 1-8 for pattern.
Front: With MC doubled, CO 40 sts.
Work Rows 1–8 of basketweave patt 3
times, then work Rows 1–4 again—28
rows total. Cont in patt as established;
work color patt as foll: 8 rows with MC
for the rev St st blocks and A for the St
st blocks; 8 rows with A only; 4 rows
with C for rev St st blocks and A for
St st blocks; 8 rows with B only. Work
2 rows rev St st across all sts. Work
4 rows St st across all sts. BO all sts.
Back and flap: With MC, CO 40 sts.
work Rows 1–8 of basketweave patt
11 times. Work 4 rows with MC for
rev St st blocks and B for St st blocks.
With B only, purl 1 row, then knit 1
row. work 4 rows St st. BO all sts. Fold
last 4 rows of bag front to inside along
purl ridge. Sew one side of zipper to
folded edge. Fold the last 4 rows of
bag back and flap to inside along purl
ridge. Stitch flap to bag back along BO
edge. Sew RS of other side of zipper
to flap so that flap hides zipper teeth.
Sew lining to inside of bag. Cord: With
MC, CO 5 sts. Alternate 4 rows rev St
Monk’s travel
Vicki Square
Finished Size 16" (40.5 cm) deep and 19"
(48.5 cm) wide.
Yarn Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece (80%
cotton, 20% wool, 215 yd [197 m]/100 g):
#005 cavern (A), 3 skeins; #880 twilight
green (B), 2 skeins; and #930 candy apple
(C), 2 skeins.
Needles Size 4 (3.5 mm) circular
(circ)—2 pair each 29" (73.5 cm) long (for
border of the back of the bag). Size 4 (3.5
mm) set of 2 double-pointed (dpn)—Icord. Size 5 (3.75) or larger—for binding
off. Adjust needle size if necessary to
obtain the correct gauge.
Notions Size E/4 (3.5 mm) crochet hook;
tapestry needle; long straight sewing pins
with colored heads.
Gauge 22 sts and 34 rows = 4" (10 cm)
in St st. 22 sts and 36 rows = 4" (10 cm) in
seed st.
Skill Level Intermediate.
Stitch Guide
Seed stitch: (multiple of 2 sts + 1)
All rows: *K1, pl; rep from * to last st, k1.
With A and circ needle, CO 33 sts.
Work in seed st (see Stitch Guide) for
74" (188 cm). Change to C and knit 2
rows. BO (1 garter ridge).
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Gusset pockets (make 2)
With A, CO 33 sts. Work in seed st for
7½" (19 cm). Change to C, knit 1 row.
BO on WS of work.
With B, CO 77 sts. Work in St st for
12" (30.5 cm). Change to seed st for 2"
(5 cm)—front measures 14" (35.5 cm)
from CO edge. Bind off.
Back and Flap
With B, CO 77 sts. Work in St st until
back measures 14" (35.5 cm). Change
to seed st and work 7" (18 cm) more
for front flap. BO in patt.
selvedge edges, and st for st along CO
and BO edges. Turn work, knit 1 row.
BO and finish as for bag front. Weave
in all ends and steam block all pieces.
Lightly press St st surface. Lay flat to
dry completely. Assembly: With A,
backstitch center bottom edge of seed
stitch gusset/strap. Using straight
pins as markers, place first markers
7" (18 cm) from center bottom both
ways on both edges of gusset. Mark
14" (35.5 cm) from first marker both
ways, both edges (see Figure A). Place
gusset pockets with top edge 2" (5
cm) down (toward center back) from
second marker. Pin in place. With A,
backstitch lower edge of each gusset
pocket in place (see Glossary). Remove
all pins. With RS tog, pin front of bag
to gusset, matching lower corners
to first markers, and top of bag to
second markers. Using C and crochet
hook, slip-stitch crochet (see Glossary)
pieces together, making sure that red
edging is outside the seam. Remove
pins. Place interior 4" (10 cm) × 8"
(20.5 cm) seed st pocket on WS of
back, with lower edge of pocket about
4½" (11.5 cm) above bottom edge of
bag, and centered side to side. Pin
in place. With C, backstitch around
sides and bottom of pocket; backstitch
vertical seam down center of pocket
to create 2 pocket spaces. Place back
8" (20.5 cm) × 10" (25.5 cm) pocket
on RS of back of bag, with lower edge
Back Pocket
With B, cast on 55 sts. Work seed st
for 8" (20.5 cm). BO in patt. Finished
pocket measures 8" (20.5 cm) long and
10" (25.5 cm) wide.
Inside Pocket
With C, CO 45 sts. Work in seed st
for 4" (10 cm). Bind off in pattern.
Finished pocket measures 4" (10 cm)
long and 8" (20.5 cm) wide.
18" (46 cm)
each side
Bag front: With RS facing, using C
and circ needle, and beg at upper
right corner, pick up 1 st in each BO
st across the seed st top; pick up 2
sts every 3 rows along selvedge edge;
pick up st for st across bottom edge;
and pick up 2 sts for every 3 rows
along second selvedge edge. Turn work
and knit to end. Turn work and BO
using a needle 1 or 2 sizes larger than
size used to work front. Break yarn
leaving 6" (15 cm) tail, insert through
last loop to secure. Using C yarn tail
threaded on tapestry needle, join
edging beg and end together using a
short 1 row seam in backstitch (see
Glossary). Bag back: RS facing: Along
selvedge edge measure 6" (15 cm)
from seed stitch BO. Beg here, pick up
sts all around bag, using 1 circ needle
to pick up and second circ needle to
knit, working border in one piece.
Pick up 2 sts for every 3 rows along
16" (40.5 cm)
19" (48.5 cm)
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Figure A
about 1½" (3.8 cm) above bottom edge
of bag, and centered side to side. Pin
in place. Using B, backstitch around
sides and bottom of pocket. Mark 14"
(35.5 cm) from lower edge on back/
flap piece. With RS of gusset and
back together, match up 14" (35.5
cm) markers and lower corners at 7"
(18 cm) markers. Pin in place. With B,
join pieces together using slip stitch
crochet, making sure that red edging is
outside the seam. Remove pins.
I-cord closures: (make four I-cords,
two of each length) With dpn, work
I-cord (see Glossary) for 10" (25.5
cm)—for knots. Work second set of
I-cords until 6" (15 cm) long—for
loops. Fold 10" (25.5 cm) I-cord in
half, tie overhand knot in folded end;
place on bag flap 3" (7.5 cm) from
side edge. Whipstitch (see Glossary)
onto bag from WS, catching just the
back side of I-cord sts. On RS of work,
whipstitch over the end of I-cord,
close to the knot. With pins, mark
closure loop pieces for placement on
front of bag and whipstitch onto bag
from wrong side, catching just the
back side of I-cord sts. On RS of work,
whipstitch over end and 1½" (3.8 cm)
up from end to form button loop.
Remove all pins, weave in all ends to
WS. -round or two on each triangle.
Two skeins of yarn are enough for two
bags, so you can experiment.
Vicki Square has written a contemporary
take on 30 folk designs that are truly
extraordinary. Her book, Folk Bags: 30
Knitting Patterns and Tales from Around
the World is available from Interweave
Discover knitwear designs that will capture
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begbeginning; begin;
repeat; repeating
rev St streverse ­stockinette
bind off
contrasting color
cable needle
cast on
dec(s)decrease(s); decreasing
sl stslip stitch (sl 1 st pwise
unless ­otherwise
sskslip 1 kwise, slip 1
incincrease(s); ­increasing
k2 sl sts tog tbl
k1f&bknit into front and back
sspslip 1 kwise, slip 1
kwise, p2 sl sts tog tbl
k2togknit two stitches
St st
left cross
main color
stockinette stitch
tblthrough back loop
M1make one (increase)
wyfwith yarn in front
M1R (L)make one right (left)
*repeat starting point
* *repeat all instructions
place marker
pssopass slipped stitch over
p2ssopass two slipped
stitches over
right cross
remremain(s); ­remaining
wrong side
with yarn in back
Four-Strand Round Braid
Step 1: Divide the four strands into left and right groups (Figure
Step 2: Bring the outside right strand under the two inside
strands and then back over the right inside strand (Figure B). The
outside right strand becomes the inside right strand.
Step 3: Bring the outside left strand under the two inside strands
and then back over the left inside strand (Figure C). The outside
left strand becomes the inside left strand.
Step 4: Repeat Steps 2 (Figure D) and 3 (Figure E) to desired
yarn over
( )alternate
measurements and/or
patt(s) pattern(s)
Figure 4
­between asterisks
purl two stitches
Figure 2
(i.e., repeat from *)
p1f&bpurl into front and back
of same st
Working from right to left, one
stitch in from selvedge, bring
threaded needle up through
both pieces of knitted fabric
(Figure 1), then back down
through both layers a short
Figure 1
distance (about a row) to the
right of the starting point
(Figure 2). *Bring needle up
through both l­ayers a rowlength to the left of backstitch
just made (Figure 3), then
back down to the right, in
same hole used before (Figure 4). Repeat from *, working
Figure 3
backward one row for every
two rows worked forward.
of same st
single crochet
following; follows
right side
rev screverse single crochet
contcontinue(s); ­continuing
Backstitch Seam
[ ]instructions that are to
be worked as a group
a specified number of
Figure A
Figure B
Figure C
Figure D
Figure E
With double-pointed needle, cast on desired
number of s­ titches. *Without turning the
needle, slide the stitches to other end of the
needle, pull the yarn around the back, and
knit the stitches as usual; repeat from * for
desired length.
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Invisible (Provisional) Cast-On
Place a loose slipknot on needle held in your right hand. Hold
waste yarn next to slipknot and around left thumb; hold working
yarn over left index finger. *Bring needle forward under waste
yarn, over working yarn, grab a loop of working yarn (Figure
1), then bring needle to the front, over both yarns, and grab a
second loop (Figure 2). Repeat from *. When you’re ready to
work in the opposite direction, pick out waste yarn to expose
live stitches.
Knitted Cast-On
Place slipknot on left needle if there are no established stitches.
*With right needle, knit into first stitch (or slipknot) on left needle
(Figure 1) and place new stitch onto left needle (Figure 2). Repeat from *, always knitting into last stitch made.
Figure 2
Figure 1
Figure 1
Figure 2
Lifted Increase (LLI, RLI)
Kitchener Stitch
Step 1: Bring threaded needle
through front stitch as if to purl and
leave stitch on needle.
Step 2: Bring threaded needle
through back stitch as if to knit and
leave stitch on needle.
Step 3: Bring threaded needle
through first front stitch as if to knit
and slip this stitch off needle. Bring threaded needle through
next front stitch as if to purl and leave stitch on needle.
Step 4: Bring threaded needle through first back stitch as if to
purl (as illustrated), slip this stitch off, bring needle through next
back stitch as if to knit, leave this stitch on needle.
Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until no stitches remain on needles.
Left Slant (LLI)
Knit into the back of stitch (in the
“purl bump”) in the row directly
below the stitch on the needle.
Knit into the stitch on
the needle, then slip both
stitches off the ­needle.
Right Slant (RLI)
Insert left needle into back of the
stitch below stitch just knitted.
Knit this stitch.
Three-Needle Bind-Off
With right side of work facing and working
one stitch in from the edge, bring threaded
needle out from back to front along edge
of knitted piece.
Slip Stitch (sl st) Crochet
Place stitches to be joined onto two
­separate needles. Hold them with right
sides of knitting facing t­ ogether. Insert
a third needle into first stitch on each
of the other two ­needles and knit them
together as one stitch. *Knit next stitch
on each needle the same way. Pass first
stitch over s­ econd stitch. Repeat from * until one stitch remains
on third needle. Cut yarn and pull tail through last stitch.
*Insert hook in stitch, yarn over and draw
loop through stitch and loop on hook;
repeat from *.
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