April 2015 Newsletter - Edmund A. Burns Elementary School

Burns Elementary
April 2015
Important Dates:
March 30 - April 1:
Spring Break
April 6:
Swimming Begins for 20 1st Grade
April 7:
Special Olympics
T.A.L.E.S Tutoring
Yo Art 5th Grade
April 8:
Kona Ice Day
Report Cards
Kinetic Works/Movin into Math 1:00
April 10:
Field Trip Grades 1- 2
April 11:
Burns Basketball Begins Every
April 14:
T.A.L.E.S Tutoring
Yo Art 5th Grade
April 15:
RiverDogs Game 1st Grade
April 21:
T.A.L.E.S Tutoring
Yo Art 5th Grade
April 22:
Terrific Kids 10:00
April 25:
IZLC Pass Challenge (NCHS)
April 28:
ACT Aspire Writing / ELA
April 29:
ACT Aspire Reading
End of Swimming
April 30:
ACT Aspire Math
SIC/Title I 4:00
May 1:
ACT Aspire Science 3rd
Volume 6, Issue 6
Editor: H. Kerce
Kindergarten Assistant
Principal: Ms. Owings
Assistant Principal: Ms. Lambert CD-2nd
Mr. Taylor
It is hard to believe that we have so little time left in the school year. We
want the children to continue to work hard and be prepared for the next
grade. The children have been working very diligently to meet their class as
well as individual goals. I am very proud of all their efforts. The full Burns
staff is working hard to make sure that every single child will feel the pride in
achieving success.
Many times teachers (and principals) are asked by parents, "What can I do
at home to help my child be successful at school?" My answer is quite
simple, "Read with your child every day." Before, during, and after the
reading, praise your child, have discussion about the story, ask questions,
visualize the story, offer information, share personal reactions, and relate
the story to life experiences. Most of all enjoy the story together and let
your child see that reading is fun. Cherish this special time together!
I can not tell you how important your role as a parent is. Your child will learn
to see the world through your eyes. What you value, they will value. What
you focus on becomes important to them. When you make sure they have
time for homework, they will do their homework. When you ask what they
enjoyed most in school everyday they view school as imperative. You have
one chance to get it right, one chance to show your child the importance of
education and the importance of self respect. Please work with the school,
we are here to help you do the most important job you will ever have. Our
staff is knowledgeable, caring and responsive. If you are willing to work with
us, your child will grow to be a happy and healthy young adult.
-Principal Owings
Uniform Policy:
The dress code policy can be located in your parent handbook. Here are
some important exerts of the dress code policy:
• Shirts are to be tucked in.
• Clothing may not have distracting pictures or words.
• Shoe strings and straps must be tied.
• Belts must fit and buckles may not be dangerous or distracting.
• Pants must be worn properly at the student’s waist.
Also, students are not allowed to wear hoodies to school. There are NO
EXCEPTIONS for being out of uniform. Students consistently arriving to
school out of uniform will be referred to the office for further action.
If assistance is needed in obtaining the proper uniform, please contact our
Communities in Schools Representative or a school counselor. We greatly
appreciate your assistance in keeping our students dressed properly and
prepared to learn daily.
Burns Elementary
3750 Dorchester Road
Charleston, SC 29405-5500
Phone: 843-745-7113
Fax: 843-529-3906
Flappy Spring
Burns Family! The weather is getting
warmer, the days are getting
longer, and summer will be
here before you know it. Over the next nine weeks at
WINGS we will focus on
building positive
relationships. We will discuss
trust, teamwork, conflict
resolution, along with how to
compromise, give feedback,
and actively listen to others. We are excited to watch our
WINGS kids soar to new
heights throughout this
Our character trait for April is PEACE. Peace is proving you care more about each other
than winning an argument. In classroom guidance, we will be talking about resolving
conflicts peacefully, as well as test taking strategies. Terrific Kid ceremony will take
place on Wednesday, April 22nd. We are gearing up for all 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders to take ACT Aspire and SC PASS,
state mandated testing, which will begin at the end of April and continue through early
May.During the weeks leading up to the TEST begin to talk with your student about the
importance of giving their best effort
during testing.
During testing, please make -your student gets to bed on time the night before testing
(most students need 9-11 hours of sleep each night)
try to avoid arguments the night before and morning of the test
avoid rushing the mornings of testing and please make sure your child
arrives to school ON TIME
have your child dress in a comfortable school uniform
be positive about the test and encourage your student to
simply do their best
Thanks for your support during testing!
Becca Lynn, M.Ed.
Primary School Counselor (CD-2nd)
Kaleidoscope Extended Day creates an atmosphere where students are encouraged to pursue their
own interests, develop friendships, grow in confidence, independence, and respect for themselves
and others. Students at Burns this year have done this through daily enrichments ranging from African drum and dance
lessons, martial arts, creative writing, science club, homework help, cooking club, brick4kids, guest speakers and more.
Kaleidoscope offers students a wide variety of developmentally appropriate activities to cater to the whole child.
Kaleidoscope challenges them socially, academically, and physically everyday to work in teams, and think critically.
Kaleidoscope accepts CD-5th grade and is currently undergoing a name change and encourages all students to
participate. Students can win a free year of Kaleidoscope tuition if their name or logo is chosen. For more details,
students and parents may speak with the Site Coordinator, Sattin Young.
Did you know, Kaleidoscope partners with EPIC to provide a 7 week summer camp at Burns with breakfast, lunch and
snack provided. Students experience field trips, academic instruction from certified teachers, arts and crafts, recreational
activities and more. The camp runs from June 16th to July 31st and spaces are limited, so register your child soon to
reserve your spot for the summer!!!
The following students art work was picked for the "colormecharleston" competition. The
winning design will be printed on a t-shirt that you can buy. Please go to
colormecharleston.com and vote for your favorite. Also all students who participated will be
honored on April 12 at the RiverDogs game. Entrance is free to all students. Come and support your
friends at Burns!!
The following students art work was picked for the "colormecharleston" competition. The winning
design will be printed on a t-shirt that you can buy. Please go to colormecharleston.com and vote for
your favorite. Also all students who participated will be honored on April 12 at the RiverDogs game.
Entrance is free to all students. Come and support your friends at Burns!!
We will have a field trip
as a combined
celebration for April and
May for those students
who have earned 90%
of their points.