Army Leader Strategic Broadening

Army Leader Strategic Broadening
A collaborative university-w ide three-w eek program
Law rence, Kansas
Comprehensive Leader
Development & Broadening
Overall Program Characteristics
• University Based Lead er Develop m ent & Broad ening
– Three-w eek curriculu m core based at the Law rence Cam pus
– Sm all group processes of d em onstrated engagem ent
– Targeting 15-20 Arm y p articip ants p er session and a sim ilar num ber
of p articip ants from business and ind ustry assuring d ep th in the
broad ening process
– Wid e-level interaction w ith acad em ic com m u nity, business, political,
and national security p rofessionals
• Three Program Concentrations—The Mount Oread Series
– Lead ership and Change—The Com m on Thread s
– Personal Lead er Id entity—Style and skills accelerator
– N ational Security—The intersection of end u ring, contem porary and
fu ture strategic issu es
Mount O read is t he locat ion of t he KU Law rence Campus
Week 1
Mount O read Series #1
• Leadership & Change—
The Common Threads
Broadening Outcomes
• Strategic & Critical Thinking
– Provid e learning w ithin the
fram ew ork of large
organizations and the
environm ents in w hich they
Creating valu e and an ou tcom es
Bu ild ing an organizational
environm ent of character, and
H igh Perform ance
– Provid e a d istinct typ e of
strategic-conceptual thinking
and response experience
The organization’s strategic
p rocess
Lead ing p lanned change
Mount O read Series #1 focuses on st rat egic & senior leader skill dev elopment
Week 2
Mount O read Series #2
• Leader Style & Skills
Self aw areness and skills
d evelopm ent based on ind ivid u al
feed back tools and iterative practice.
We w ill u se sm all grou p exercises to
d evelop active com m u nications
skillsets throu gh rote practice and
after-action review .
Sm all grou p practice at
Com m u nications strategy, Crisis
com m u nications & Med ia
com m u nications
Broadening Outcomes
Applying the sou rces of influ ence
The Pow er of Active
Com m u nications
– Active Listening
– Provid ing Feed back
– Effective coaching, cou nseling
and m entoring
– Problem resolu tion and
Com m u nications Strategy
Crisis Com m u nications
Assem bling key m essages
Med ia Com m u nications
Mount O read Series #2 focuses on leader st y le & skills accelerat ion
Week 3
Mount O read Series #3
N ational Security—The intersection of
enduring, contemporary and future
strategic issues
Diplom atic Strategy—Foreign Policy
Form u lation
Mid d le East & Tu rkey, Politics & Pivotal
States—N ational Secu rity in a com parative
China—N ational Secu rity Strategy in
com parative perspective
Ru ssia and Post-Soviet region—N ational
Secu rity Strategies in com parative perspective
Africa Pivotal States—N ational Secu rity
Strategies in com parative perspective
Broadening Outcomes
• Und erstand ing the national
secu rity grand challenge from
all the elem ents of national
pow er.
• Participants w ill acqu ire a
critical u nd erstand ing of new
and end u ring issu es and
challenges for national secu rity
in a context of the d ynam ic
global environm ent.
Mount O read Series #3 focuses on t he issues and facet s of nat ional securit y
Mount Oread
Leadership Summit
Mount O read Series #4
One day Leadership conference
hosted by the KU School of Business
The KU Center for Bu siness, Ind u stry and
N ational Secu rity in concert w ith ou r Defense
Institu tions w ou ld d evelop conference top ics
and sp eakers of interest on Lead ership
We initiate the w id esp read consortiu m of
Senior Lead ers from ou r N ational Secu rity
Organizations, Bu siness, Ind u stry, and
Acad em ia in the area as thou ght lead ers on
lead ership .
We p rovid e a vehicle to p artner w ith
corp orations that enable fu nd ing of p rocesses
and scholarship s for ou r veterans and w ou nd ed
w arriors.
Senior Leader Symposium—Morning
– We w ou ld ask the Arm y to send Flag
Officers as w ell those from other
– One C-Level or Exec. VP level Officer
of Affiliate Com p anies w ou ld be
invited to attend
Process & Outcomes
Affiliate Leadership Workshops—
Afternoon Sessions
Conference op en to em p loyees at ou r affiliate
firms and to the members of ou r national
secu rity institu tions throu ghou t the d ay
Mount O read Series #4 Brings Execut iv e Leaders & Flag O fficers t oget her on Leadership