ANNOUNCEMENT SPOKANE AIRPORT BOARD FAR PART 139 SOFTWARE & ASSOCIATED HARDWARE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS PROJECT #15-47-1852 Proposals will be received by the Spokane Airport Board at the Spokane International Airport, 9000 W. Airport Drive, Suite 204, Spokane, WA 99224, until 2:00 P.M. on Monday, May 1, 2015, for: FAR Part 139 Software & Associated Hardware Proposal requirements can be obtained by accessing the Airport web page If you have any questions, please contact: Adam Phelps (509) 455-6425 [email protected] A non-mandatory conference call will take place on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 2:00 PM PDT. If you would like to participate please send an email to [email protected] to receive the conference call information. Questions on this proposal are due no later than 5:00 PM on Friday, April 17, 2015. Please send your questions to the email address above. Answers will be provided no later than 5:00 PM on Friday, April 24, 2015. A Contract according to the Proposal Documents and Addendums (if applicable) shall be signed prior to the purchase. The Spokane Airport Board reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any informality, and to make such award that it deems to be in the best interest of the Airport. The Spokane International Airport is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages Disadvantaged Business Enterprises and Small Businesses to participate in the competitive bidding process. It shall be the duty of each Proposer to submit his/her proposal on or before the hour and date specified. ****************************************************************************** ADVERTISED IN THE SPOKESMAN REVIEW: Apr 5, 8, 12 & 15, 2015 ****************************************************************************** Spokane Airport Board RFP for a FAR Part 139 Software Solution Page 1 of 11 Description of Project Spokane International Airport (Airport) is seeking Proposals from experienced and qualified firms (Proposers) to provide a computer based solution to Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 139 documentation and recordkeeping requirements. The Airport is currently using paper based FAR Part 139 documentation and recordkeeping systems and is seeking a cloud-hosted, web based solution to improve tracking of Airport Operations activities, airfield maintenance issues and safety activities. This RFP seeks to identify the most advantageous solution for the airport’s needs. The proposed solution must include documentation and recordkeeping capabilities for FAR Part 139 required activities, including, but not limited to, airfield inspection checklists, work order generation, daily activity log, wildlife hazard management log, and training activities. The solution selected for award must be a complete turnkey system to include all software, hardware, installation, and training. The proposed solution should increase efficiency and effectiveness with robust reporting and issue tracking capabilities. The product should help move the airport to future Safety Management System (SMS) compliance and must be able to incorporate location data through Global Positioning System (GPS) or Geographic Information System (GIS) capabilities. Solicitation Schedule The following schedule has been established for this selection process: Date April 1, 2015 April 15, 2015 (2:00pm PDT) April 17, 2015 April 24, 2015 May 1, 2015 (2:00pm PDT) May 1 – 15, 2015 June 17, 2015* June 25, 2015* July 1, 2015 July 1, 2015 Description Issue Date of RFP (Advertisement) Pre-Proposal Conference Call Deadline for Submission of Questions Deadline for Addenda to be Posted to the Airport Website Proposal Submission Deadline (Due Date) Interviews (If needed) Recommendation to the Board Finance Committee * Presentation to the Board for Contract Award * Airport Execution of Contract Commencement of Services Under the Contract *These items will be completed only if required based on the cost of the bid. The Board reserves the right to modify the solicitation schedule during the RFP process on or before the April 24, 2015 deadline for posting of addenda. Such information shall be published on the Airport website. It shall be the responsibility of the Proposer to ensure all addenda have been reviewed prior to submitting a proposal. Spokane Airport Board RFP for a FAR Part 139 Software Solution Page 2 of 11 Minimum Qualifications The following minimum requirements have been established as a basis for determining the eligibility of the Proposer. A proposal will be considered non-responsive if sufficient documentation is not provided to determine whether the Proposer meets the following minimum requirements: A cloud-hosted, web based, FAR Part 139 documentation and recordkeeping system, similar to that proposed, and developed by the Proposer, must be fully operational in at least 2 airport(s) of similar or larger size to Spokane International Airport. The Proposer must have experience in the production, marketing and installation of FAR Part 139 documentation and recordkeeping systems. An actual demonstration of the system may be required. Proposal Requirements Pre-Proposal Conference Call: Those interested in responding to the Request for Proposals (RFP) are strongly encouraged to participate in a Pre-Proposal Conference Call to be held on April 15, 2015 at 2:00pm PDT as indicated on page 1 of this RFP. Failure to participate in the Pre-Proposal Conference Call will not relieve the Proposer or any responsibility for information provided at that time. If you would like to participate please send an email to [email protected] to receive the conference call information. Proposal Submission Deadline: Proposals must be received by the Airport no later than 2:00pm PDT, May 1, 2015 as indicated on page 1 of this RFP. Proposals must be delivered to the address indicated on page 1 of this RFP. Proposers shall have no right to withdraw or make changes, additions, or deletions to the proposal after the proposal submission deadline. Late Proposals: Proposals will not be accepted by the Airport after the date and time specified on page 1 of this RFP. In the event that a Proposal is delivered after the Proposal submission deadline, the Proposal will not be accepted or considered and will be returned to the Proposer unopened. The Airport will not be liable for delays in delivery of Proposals due to handling by the U.S. Postal Service, courier services, overnight carriers, or any other type of delivery service. Proposals may be delivered in person or by a delivery service. No oral, Fax, electronic (e.g. e-mail), telegraphic or telephonic Proposals will be accepted. Proposers are responsible for ensuring that the Airport receives the Proposal at the designated location by the deadline stated on page 1 of this RFP. Submission Format: One printed and unbound original and one electronic copy in PDF format on a USB flash drive must be received by the Airport by the submission deadline. The Proposals and their sealed packaging (boxes or envelopes) should be clearly marked with the name and address of the Proposer and should be marked with the name of this RFP as indicated on page 1. The USB flash drive containing the proposal must only contain proposal materials. The Airport will not be liable for failure of the USB flash drive. Spokane Airport Board RFP for a FAR Part 139 Software Solution Page 3 of 11 Organization of Proposals: Proposals must address each of the evaluation criteria in this RFP in a clear, comprehensive, and concise manner. Proposals must include an index, labeled by response to specific evaluation criteria and addressed in the same order as included in the RFP. Proposers are further advised that lengthy or wordy submissions are not necessary. Clear and Responsive Proposals: The Airport has made every effort to include enough information within this RFP for a firm to prepare a responsive Proposal. Proposers are encouraged to submit the most comprehensive and competitive information possible. Proposals that do not respond completely or sufficiently to the evaluation criteria in this RFP may be rejected as non-responsive, or will receive correspondingly lower scores for those criteria, which may result in the Proposal not scoring high enough to be considered further. Questions About RFP: Questions regarding this RFP should be addressed solely to the individual identified on page 1 of this RFP. Questions must be asked prior to the deadline of April 17, 2015 at 2:00pm PDT as indicated on page 1 of this RFP. Addenda: Oral communications and emails from the Airport, its staff, agents, Airport members, employees or outside advisor, or any other person associated with this RFP shall not be binding on the Airport and shall in no way modify any provision of the RFP. Only formally issued addenda shall modify the terms of this RFP. Any addenda issued for this RFP will be published at the following website address: Proposers are responsible for checking the website prior to submission of Proposals for any addenda. If you are unable to download the addenda, you may contact the individual noted on page 1 of this RFP. Receipt of addenda must be acknowledged by Proposers on the Proposal Information Form that must be submitted with the Proposal. Selection Process Selection Process: The Proposals will be reviewed by an evaluation committee. The highest rated firms may be required to participate in an interview. The selected firm will be invited to enter into negotiations with the Airport. If the Airport and the selected firm cannot agree on terms that are fair and reasonable, the Airport may terminate negotiations and enter into negotiations with the next highest rated firm. Proposal Evaluation: It is the Board's intention to solicit proposals from potentially qualified firms; to evaluate said proposals; to negotiate terms and fees; and to award an agreement to the Proposer whose proposal is determined to serve the best interest of the Board. The Board reserves the right to request additional information and clarification of any information submitted. All proposals will be treated equally with regard to this item. The following evaluation criteria have been established to determine which Proposer will best contribute to the overall goals of the Board. Spokane Airport Board RFP for a FAR Part 139 Software Solution Page 4 of 11 Evaluation Criteria Proposal Quality Qualifications and Experience Staff Experience References Proposal Cost Weight 40 20 10 10 20 Proposal Quality: The overall quality, completeness and organization of the proposal, in terms of addressing all of the required elements in this RFP. Qualifications and Experience: The stated experience of the firm in terms of number of years involved in Part 139 software solutions, the number of systems in use, and at what size and type of airport the systems are in use. Staff Experience: The experience of the staff members that are proposed to perform the work as outlined in this RFP, including but not limited to the Owner, Project Manager and Project Development manager. Should include experience with FAR Part 139 airport solutions. Discuss your proposed team members’ availability and commitment for the duration of this project. References: Based on feedback received from contacting references provided in the Proposal, as well as the relevance of the provided references (i.e. airports of similar size, deployment of similar systems, etc.) Proposal Cost: The combined cost for the software development, implementation, training, five-year hosting and service agreement, and all specified hardware. The evaluation will be based on the comparative fulfillment of the criteria where 0 is non- responsive and 10 is the highest score. Total scoring is a mathematical extension of the criteria score times weight. Interviews may be scheduled as part of the evaluation process. If the Proposer is invited to interview with the Committee, the person identified under Contact Name on the Proposal Sheet, shall play the lead role in the interview. Interviews may, at the Airport’s discretion be conducted remotely using an online presentation format. Information from the interview, including content and style, will be part of the evaluation process. The final selection and approval of the successful Proposer will be made by the Board in accordance with its competitive selection process. The Committee will evaluate proposals on the basis of the guidelines set forth in this RFP and will present its findings to the Board Finance Spokane Airport Board RFP for a FAR Part 139 Software Solution Page 5 of 11 Committee. The Agreement is expected to be brought before the Board for consideration on June 25, 2015. Rights Reserved: The Airport reserves the following rights: 1. To waive as an informality any irregularities in Proposals and/or to reject any or all Proposals. 2. To extend the date for submittal of responses. 3. To request additional information and data from any or all Proposers. 4. To supplement, amend, or otherwise modify the RFP through addenda issued. 5. To cancel this RFP with or without the substitution of another RFP. 6. To reissue the RFP. 7. To make such reviews and investigations, as it considers necessary and appropriate for evaluation of the Proposals. 8. To not select the highest rated firm if the proposed price is more than the Airport’s budget for the work. Protest and Appeal Procedures Filing a Protest: If the Airport selects a Proposal, then any Proposer, person, or entity may file a protest with the Airport Project Manager. The protest shall specify the reasons and facts upon which the protest is based and shall be filed in writing with the Airport not later than 2 business days after the notice of intent to award. Protest Resolution: The Airport will investigate the basis for the protest and analyze the facts. Airport will notify the Proposer whose Proposal is the subject of the protest of evidence presented in the protest and evidence found as a result of the investigation, and, if deemed appropriate, afford the Proposer an opportunity to rebut such evidence, and permit the Proposer to present evidence that it should be allowed to perform the Work. If deemed appropriate in the sole discretion of the Airport Project Manager, an informal hearing may be held. The Airport will issue a written decision within 15 days following receipt of the protest, unless factors beyond Airport's reasonable control prevent such a resolution, in which event such decision will be issued as expeditiously as circumstances reasonably permit. The decision will state the reasons for the action taken by Airport. A copy of the decision will be furnished to the protesting party, the Proposer whose Proposal is the subject of the protest, and all parties affected by the decision. A Proposer is affected by the decision on a protest if a decision on the protest could have resulted in the Proposer not being selected for the Contract. The Proposer whose Proposal is the subject of the protest, all Proposers affected by the Airport's decision on the protest, and the party who made the protest may appeal the Airport's decision on the protest. The appeal must be in writing and shall specify the decision being appealed and all the facts and circumstances relied upon in support of the appeal. If an appeal is made by the party who initiated the protest, such appeal is limited to only those reasons and facts that were filed in writing for the original protest. The appeal must be received by close of Spokane Airport Board RFP for a FAR Part 139 Software Solution Page 6 of 11 business not later than the 5th day following appellant's receipt of the Airport’s written decision on the protest. A copy of the appeal shall be sent to all parties involved in the protest and to the Airport. An appeal received after close of business is considered received as of the next business day. If the final date for receipt of an appeal falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or Airport holiday, the appeal will be considered timely only if received by close of business on the following business day. The Airport Chief Executive Officer will review the Airport's decision and the appeal, and issue a written decision, or if appropriate in the sole discretion of the Airport Chief Executive Officer, appoint a person to conduct a hearing and issue a written decision. If a hearing is held, the hearing shall be held not later than the 10th day following the appointment of the person unless the person for good cause determines otherwise. The written decision of the person will state the basis of the decision, and the decision will be final and not subject to any further appeal to Airport. The Airport will complete its internal protest procedures before award of the Contract. Failure to Meet Deadline: Failure to meet any applicable deadline for a protest and appeal shall constitute a waiver of any and all rights to protest and appeal. Administrative Requirements Cost of the Proposal: The Airport shall not, under any circumstances, be responsible for any costs or expenses associated with the Proposal submitted including, but not limited to, research, investigation, development, preparation, duplication, production, collation, packaging, delivery, transmittal, or presentation of the Proposal or any other related information, data, documentation, and material. All costs and expenses incurred by the Proposer in connection with the Proposal submitted shall be the sole responsibility of (borne solely by) the Proposer. Public Disclosure: 1. Property of Airport: Proposals submitted to the Airport shall become the property of the Airport and shall not be returned to the Proposer. 2. Proposals are Public Records: Pursuant to Chapter 42.56 RCW, Proposals submitted under this RFP shall be considered public records and with limited exceptions will be available for inspection and copying by the public. Except to the extent protected by state and/or federal laws, Proposals shall be considered public documents and available for review and copying by the public after an award of contract is made by the Airport Board. 3. Public Records Exemption: Any proprietary information included in the Proposal that the Proposer wishes to remain confidential (to the extent allowed under the laws of the State of Washington) should be clearly identified as “Confidential” in the Proposal. In addition, the Proposer must provide the legal basis for the exemption to the Airport. Spokane Airport Board RFP for a FAR Part 139 Software Solution Page 7 of 11 4. Proposals Not Marked as Confidential: If a Proposal does not clearly identify the confidential portions, the Airport will not notify the Proposer that its Proposal will be made available for inspection and copying. 5. Process for Disclosing Information: If a request is made for disclosure of material or any portion marked “Confidential” by the Proposer, the Airport will determine whether the material should be made available under the law. If the Airport determines that the material is not exempt and may be disclosed, the Airport will notify the Proposer of the request and allow the Proposer ten (10) business days to take appropriate action pursuant to RCW 42.56.540. If the Proposer fails or neglects to take such action within said period, the Airport may release the portions of the Proposal deemed subject to disclosure. 6. Indemnification by Proposer: To the extent that the Airport withholds from disclosure all or any portion of Proposer’s documents at Proposer’s request, Proposer shall agree to fully indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Airport from all damages, penalties, attorneys’ fees and costs the Airport incurs related to withholding information from public disclosure. 7. No Claim against Airport: By submitting a Proposal, the Proposer consents to the procedure outlined in this section and shall have no claim against the Airport because of actions taken under this procedure. Basic Eligibility: The successful Proposer must be able to do business in the State of Washington. In addition, the successful Proposer must not be debarred, suspended, or otherwise ineligible to contract with the Airport, and must not be on the federal government’s list of firms suspended or debarred from working on federally funded projects. Non-Discrimination: All Proposers will be afforded the full opportunity to submit Proposals in response to this RFP, and no person or firm shall be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, age, sex, or national origin in consideration for an award issued pursuant to this RFP. Approval of Sub-Consultants: The Airport retains the right of final approval of any subconsultant of the selected Proposer who must inform all sub-consultants of this provision. Spokane Airport Board RFP for a FAR Part 139 Software Solution Page 8 of 11 Other Contracts: During the original term and all subsequent renewal terms of the contract resulting from this RFP, the Airport expressly reserves the right, through any other sources available, to pursue and implement alternative means of soliciting and awarding similar or related services as described in this RFP. Funding Availability: By responding to this RFP, the Proposer acknowledges that for any contract signed as a result of this RFP, the authority to proceed with the work is contingent upon the availability of funding. Prohibition Against Lobbying: The Proposer shall not lobby, either on an individual or collective basis, the Airport Board (its associated City and County employees, or outside advisors) or any federal, state, or local elected or public officials or staff regarding this RFP or its written Proposal. Proposers, the Proposer’s acquaintances, friends, family, outside advisors, agents, or other representatives shall not contact the Airport Board (its associated City and County employees, or outside advisors) or any federal, state, or local elected or public officials or Airport staff to arrange meetings, visits, or presentations to influence the outcome of the selection process. Violation of this provision, by or on behalf of a Proposer, intentionally or unintentionally, will result in disqualification of the Proposer and/or rejection of a written Proposal. Insurance: Prior to execution of a Contract for services under this RFP, the successful Proposer will be required to provide acceptable evidence of insurance coverage consistent with the insurance requirements outlined in the Airport’s standard Consultant Contract and referenced on the Airport’s website as applying to this RFP. Spokane Airport Board RFP for a FAR Part 139 Software Solution Page 9 of 11 System Requirements The proposed system should include documentation and recordkeeping capabilities for all aspects of FAR Part 139 compliance. This shall include, but is not limited to, all types of inspections, wildlife hazards, daily logs, training records, unusual events, and fuel inspections. The proposed system must be a remotely hosted system, with robust data archiving and backup capabilities. The Proposer must describe the measures used to ensure data is secure and protected. The system will have well-defined access and permission controls for establishing various levels of access for different user groups. Mobile platform compatibility is a must. The system should be functional on a variety of platforms including desktop computers, tablets and mobile devices such as smart phones. Mobile application development should be fully integrated into the mobile device functionality, allowing the use of GPS location services, cameras, and email functions. The proposed system must have the ability to generate work orders for discrepancies found during inspections. The work orders must be able to be assigned and distributed by email from within the software, with all work order activity tracked and recorded to from creation to completion. The work orders must be searchable whether open or closed. The system must show adaptability to different airport environments, and must be easily updated for future changes. The Proposed system must have a demonstrated ability, verified through customer references, to meet FAR Part 139 and FAA Safety and Certification Inspector requirements. The proposed system must have integrated mapping capabilities, including the ability to assign asset features to airfield equipment (lights, signs, NAVAIDS, etc.), with or without the availability of GIS data. The system will show effectiveness in the absence of GIS information, using Airport provided aerial imagery or commercially available satellite imagery, but must be capable of integrating GIS functionality in the future. The system will show the use of a dynamic daily log of activities, pulling from inspections, work orders, and wildlife hazard reports. The daily log will have ability accept a wide range of inputs, including free form text, through a simple interface. The system should be intuitive, easy to use, and should ensure improved data recording while being simpler for the users. System outputs should be useful data that can be used to support decision making at the highest levels of the organization. It should provide useful information for budgeting and resource allocation. Spokane Airport Board RFP for a FAR Part 139 Software Solution Page 10 of 11 The Proposer must have a history of excellent customer service throughout all phases of development, training, implementation and technical support. Proposers must describe their technical support capabilities, including experience of support staff, hours of operation and response times. Hardware Requirements As a part of this RFP the Proposer will supply eight tablet computers. They must be Microsoft Surface Pro 3 units as specified below, or approved equal. Microsoft Surface Pro 3 Intel Core i5-1.9Ghz Processor 256GB Hard Drive 8GB Ram Surface Pro Type Cover Screen Pro Screen Protector Proposers submitting hardware for approved equal consideration must submit their specifications prior to the deadline for questions as shown in the RFP schedule. The Airport will approve or deny the substitution by the deadline for answering questions and issuing addenda as shown. Spokane Airport Board RFP for a FAR Part 139 Software Solution Page 11 of 11
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