BHARATI VIDYAPEETH DEEMED UNIVERSITY, PUNE Revised Syllabus for Ph.D. Entrance Examination in MICROBIOLOGY (2015-16) 1. MICROBIAL SYSTEMATICS - Basic principles and methods of classification of Bacteria, ( Bergey’s manual of Systematic Bacteriology Edition I Vol I to IV) Fungi, (The Fungi Vol I to IV), Yeasts (The Yeasts) and Viruses. Recent trends in Microbial taxonomy, Nature of microbial diversity, Tools of bioinformatics in microbial systematic. 2. EXTREMOPHILES - Ecology, Characteristic features with examples, Applications. 3. MICROBIAL METABOLISM - Bioenergetics, Macromolecules (carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids) - structure, synthesis and breakdown, Enzymes - characteristics, purification methods and kinetics, Aerobic and anaerobic respiration, Nitrogen metabolism, Photosynthesis, Membrane transport, Regulation of metabolism, Metabolomics. 4. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENETICS - Prokaryote genome organization, Eukaryotic genome organization, Recombination, Concept and methodology of genome mapping. Plasmids (types and uses), Transposable Elements, Regulation of gene expression. 5. RECOMBINANT DNA TECHNOLOGY - NIH guidelines, Tools, Host organisms used, Cutting and Joining, Enzymes used, Vectors used, Methods of construction and Screening of Recombinant Molecules, Applications, Bioethics. 6. MICROBIAL TECHNOLOGY - Principles of Bioengineering, Bioreactor - design and operation, operational modes, Fermentation process control, Strain Improvement, Production of antibiotics, microbial enzymes, amino acids, organic acids, vitamins, solvents and biomass. Plant and animal tissue culture and applications, Microbial fertilizers and biocontrol agents. Production of fermented foods, probiotics, Bioremediation, Microbial Nano biotechnology, Marine Biotechnology, Regulatory agencies and their role in microbial technology, Patents and IPR,GMP,HACCP. 7. AGRICULTURE MICROBIOLOGY - Types of soil, cycles of elements in nature, factors affecting soil fertility, Plant diseases - pathogens, control and management, Geomicrobiology, Microbial Ecology. 1 8. POLLUTION CONTROL TECHNOLOGY - Environment and energy audit, Treatment of waste from different industries (Food, Dairy, Pharmaceutical, pesticides, fertilizer, dyes, etc.): methods and assessment, Hazardous waste Management, Bioremediation, Bioaugmentation, Bio-stimulation. 9. IMMUNOLOGY - Types of immunity, Antigen and haptens, Immunoglobulins (structure, classes and diversity), Techniques of visualization of antigen antibody interactions, T & B cells, Cytokines, Major Histocompatibility complexes and MHC molecules, Transplantation immunology, Antigen processing and presentation pathways, Activation of humoral and cellular immunity, Cytokines - types, nature, functions and applications, Immunodeficiency, Autoimmunity, Immuno-suppression, Cancer and immune system, Hybridoma technology, Hypersensitivity. 10 MEDICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL MICROBIOLOGY - Determinants of microbial virulence, toxin and antitoxin assays, Principles of diagnosis and therapeutics of infectious diseases, Epidemiology of infectious diseases (determinative, analytical and experimental epidemiology), Mode of antibiotics acting on cell wall synthesis, cell membrane, protein and nucleic acid synthesis, Principles of antibiotic assays, Principles of discovery and development of antimicrobial agents. Hereditary and non-infectious Diseases – Diagnosis and Control. Pharmaceutical Validation, Vaccines, Diagnosis and Control of Viral Diseases. 11. DAIRY AND FOOD MICROBIOLOGY - Milk and milk products, Quality control in dairy industry, Food borne pathogens, Advanced techniques in food microbiology - detecting food borne pathogens and their toxins - genetic and immunological techniques, predictive modeling, Hazard analysis and critical control system. 12. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: BIOSTATISTICS - Data collection and processing, statistical inference, Designing development and testing of hypothesis, mean, mode and median, Tests of significance, standard deviation, Student's t-test, analysis of variance, correlation analysis, regression analysis, statistical basis of biological assays. Bioinformatics - Overview and scope basic principles of computing in bioinformatics, Database, retrieval of biological data, Phylogenetics, sequence annotation. Scientific writing - General aspect, Review 2 writing, Reporting practical and project work, writing literature survey, organizing poster, oral presentations, writing research paper, thesis writing. 13. SUSCEPTIBILITY TESTING: A. Use of liquid and solid media, B. Factors affecting susceptibility testing, CLSI guidelines. Diffusion methods – Agar dilution technique, gradient plate techniques, E-test, Kirby Bauer, Stokes method, D. Susceptibility testing for: i) Anti-mycobacterial agents, ii) Antifungal agents, iii) Anti-protozoan agents & iv) Anti-viral agents BOOKS RECOMMENDED 1. Alberts. B.; Johnson. A, Lewis J. Raff, M. Roberts. K. and P. Walter (2002) Molecular Biology of the cell 4th Edition. Garland Science, Taylor & Francis Group. 2. Ananthanarayan R., C.K.Jayram Paniker, “ Textbook of Microbiology” 8th Edition , Orient Longman Pvt.Ltd. (Topic C). 3. Bailey N.T.J (1995) Statistical Methods in biology 3rd Edition. Cambridge low price Edition Cambridge university press. 4. Bathra Atlas (2007) Microbial Ecology Fundamentals and Application. 4th edition , Pearson Education Publication. 5. Bergeron. B. (2003). Bioinformatics and Computing. Prentice Hall Inc. Eastern Economy Edition. 6. Bergey’s Mannual of Systematic bacteriology (2nd Ed.), Volume, 1 to 5, Springer. 7. Black J.G. (2002) Microbiology Principles and Explorations – ‘Viruses’ 255 – 283. 5th Edn. John wiley & sons Inc. 8. Boyer. R. (2000) Modern Experimental Biochemistry. 3rd Edition. Pearson Education Asia. 9. Clark, D. P., N.J. Pazdernik. (2009). Biotechnology applying the genetic revolution. Academic press. 10. Collee J.G., J.P.Duguid, A.G.Fraser, B.P.Marmion, “Practical Medical Microbiology” Thirteenth edition, Churchill Livingstone (Topic C). 11. Collier, L., P. Kellam, J.Oxford (2010). Human Virology. Edition 4th Oxford University, Oxford Press. 12. Cruse J and R. Lewis (2004) Atlas of Immunology 2nd Edn. CRC Press. 13. David Male, Jonathan Brostoff, David B Roth, Ivan Roitt.(2006).Immunology 7th edition. 14. Davis. J.G. (2002) Milk Testing. Agrobios – India. Jodhpur. 15. De. A.K. (1994) Environmental Chemistry, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers. 3 16. Dimmock N.J. , A.J.Easton and K.N.Leppsrd, “ Introduction to Modern Virology” Fifth edition, Blackwell Science (Topic B). 17. Dixit J.V. (1996) Principles & Practice of Biostatistics 1st Edn. M/s. Banarasidas Bhanot (Publisher). 18. Dixit M. (1999) Internet: an Introduction, Tata McGraw-Hill Series. 19. Doelle, H.W. (1975) Bacterial Metabolism 2nd Edition Academic Press, Inc. N.Y. 20. Doyle M.P. Beychat. L.R. and T.J” Montville (1997) Food Microbiology Fundmentals and Frontiers. ASM Press. Washington D.C. 21. Dwyer. R.A. (2003) Genomic Perl. From Bioinformatics: Basics to working code. Cambridge University Press. 22. Eddy and Metcalf,( ).Water and Waste Water Engineering.12 th edn.TMH publishers, New Delhi. 23. Elliott. W.H. and D.C. Elliot (2001) Biochemistry and molecular Biology. 2nd Edn. Oxford University Press. 24. Flint S.J., L.W.Enquist, R.M.Krug, V.R.Racaniello, A.M. Skalka (2000) Principals of Virology, Molecular Biology Pathologeneis and Control ASM Press. 25. Foster. R.L. (1980) The Nature of Enzymology Croon Helm Ltd. London. 26. Franklin T. J. and Snow G. A., (1975), Biochemistry of Antimicrobial Action, Chapman and Hall, London, 1-22 and 160-174 27. Freshney R.I. (2000) Culture of Animal cells. A Manual of Basic Technique. 4th Edn. Publ: Wiley – Liss: 28. Goldsdby R.A. Kindt T.S. and B.A. Osborne Kuby (2000) Immunology Fourth Edition W.H. Freeman & Co New York. 29. Gray. N.F. (2000) Water Technology. An Introduction for Environmental Scientists and Engineers. Viva Books Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. 30. Kavanagh Frederick, (1963), Analytical Microbiology Volume I and II, Academic Press, London 31. Khan And Khanum, (2008), Fundamentals of Biostatistics, 3rd Revised Edition, Ukaaz Publication, and Hyderabad. 32. King Maurice, “A Medical Laboratory for developing countries” First Edition, Oxford University Press (Topic D). 33. Kormondy E J. (2007) Concepts in Ecology,4th edition, Pearson Education Publication. 34. Krager Van Rij, N.J.W. (1984) The Yeasts: A Taxonomic Study ,3rd Edn, Elsevier publishers,Amsterdam. 35. Lewin B. (2004) Genes VIII – International Edition. Pearson.Prentice Hall. Pearson Education International. 36. Lewin. B. (2000) Genes VII. Oxford University Press. 37. Lorian.V., (1986), Antibiotics in laboratory medicine, 2nd Ed, Williams & Wilkins Publication 38. Magnus Hook, Lech Switalski, Microbial Adhesion and Invasial, First Edition, Springer – Verlag New Yark Inc. (Topic A) 4 39. Mathews C.K. and K.E. Van Holde (1996) Biochemistry. The Benjamin Cunnings publishing Co. Inc. 2nd Edition. 40. Mathews C.K., K.E. van Holde, Kevin G. Ahern, Biochemistry Third Edition (2003), Published by Pearson Education (Singapure) Ltd. Delhi. 41. Matthew K Waldor, David J Friedman and Sankar L. Adhya, “Phages” 2005, American Society for Microbiology Press (Topic A) 42. McKane. L. and KJ.Kandel. (1996) Microbiology Essentials and Applications. Viruses – pg. 305-332 McGrawtlill Inc. 43. Pattabiraman T.N. (1993) Principles of Biochemistry Gajanan Publisher. 44. Peppler. H.J. and D. Perlman (1979) Microbial Technology Vol. I & II Academic Press Inc. 45. Pierce.B.A, (2005) Genetics A Conceptual Approach.2nd Edition.W.H.Freeman and Company,New York. 46. Plummer, J. Wiley & Sons Stryer (1981) Introduction to practrical Biochemistry by – Biochemistry-II Edition, W.H. Freeman & Company publishers, SanFrancisco. 47. Prescott, Lancing. M., John, P. Harley and Donald, A. Klein (2008) Microbiology, Eighth Edition McGraw Hill Higher Education. (Chapter No. 1,2.). 48. Prescott. S.C. and C.G. Dunn (2002) Industrial Microbiology. Publ. Agrobios. India Jodhpur. 49. Primrose. S.B. and R.M. Twyman and R.W. Old (2003). Principles of Gene Manipulation. 6th Edn. Blackwell Science. 50. Primrose. S.B. and R.M. Twyman and R.W. Old (2003). Principles of Gene Manipulation. 6th Edn. Blackwell Science. 51. Purohit S.S. (2004) Plant tissue culture Published by Student Edition, Jodhpur. 52. Ranga M.M. (2002) Animal Biotechnology – 2nd Edn. Publ: Agrobios India, Jodhpur. 53. Rao. C.S. (1991) Environmental pollution control Engineering Wiley Eastern Limited New Delhi. Bangalore, Bombay, Calculta, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Lukknow Madra & Pune. 54. Reed R; Holmes D; Weyers J and A Jones (1998) Practical skills in Biomolecular Sciences Adison Wesley Longman Ltd. 55. Rice E.W., R.B...Baird, A.D.Eaton and Z.S.Clesceri.(1976).Standard methods for examination of water and waste water. By WPCF, APHA, AWWA, 14th Edn,Washington DC. 56. Rittman B.E. and P.L. Mc Garty. (2001) Environmental Biotechnology. Principles & Applications. McGraw Hill International Editions. Biological Sciences Series. 57. Robinson R.K. (2002) Dairy Microbiology Handbook: The Microbiology of milk and milk products. :Publ: Wiley Interscience. A John Wiley & Sons. Inc. Publication. 58. Sambrook J and D.W. Russel (2001) Molecular Cloning. A Laboratory Manual. 3rd Edition Vol.1,2,3 Cold Spring Laboratory Press 5 59. Sambrook J, E.F.Fritsch and T. Maniatis, (1989) Molecular Cloning. A Laboratory Manual 2nd Edition Vol.1,2,3 Cold Spring Laboratory Press. 60. Saravanan P., Virology, MJP Publishers Chennai. (Topic C) 61. Sharma B.K. and H. Kaur (1994). Water pollution Goel Publishing House Meerut. 62. Simpson R.J. (2004) Purifying Proteins for Proteomics. A laboratory Manual. Cold spring Harbor laboratory press. 63. Sneath, P.H.A. Mair : N. S. Sharpe : M.E. and J. G. Holt (Eds) (1986), Bergey’s manual of Systematic bacteriology Vol. II Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, London, Tokyo. 64. Staley J. T. Bryant : M. P. Pfenning : N and J. G. Holt (Eds) (1989) Bergey’s Manual of Systematic bacteriology Vol. III Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, London, Tokyo. 65. Stanbury; P.F. and A. Whitaker (1984) Principles of fermentation Technology. Pergamon. New York. 66. Stryer, W.H. Freeman (1992) Biochemistry IV Edition and Co. N.Y. 67. Subbarao N.S., Soil Microbiology Fourth Edition of Soil Micro-organisms and plant growth. Published by Raju Primlani for oxford and JBH Publishing. Co. Pvt. New Delhi. 68. Sylvie E. Blondelle, Enrique Pe´Rez-Paya, And Richard A. Houghten, (1996), Synthetic Combinatorial Libraries: Novel Discovery Strategy for Identification of Antimicrobial Agents, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 1067–1071 69. Tizard; I.R. (1995) Immunology an Introduction 4th Edn. Saunders College Publishing. Harcourt Brace College Publishers. 70. Tood, H.S. Mason, J.T.V. Burger (1966). Text book of biochemistry, 4th Edition – west E.S.W.RmacMillan Company, New York. 71. Wardlaw A.C. (1985) Practical statistics for experimental Biologists John Wiley & Sons. Ltd. 72. Watson J.D. Baker T.A., Bell S.P. Gann A, Levine M. and R. Losick. (2004) Molecular Biology of the Gene. 5th Edn. Low Price edition. Pearson Education. 73. West E.S.W.R. Todd, H.S. Mason. J.T.V. Burgger (1966) Text book of biochemistry, 4th Edition, MacMillan, New York. 74. Westhead. D.R.,.Parish J.H and R.M. Twyman (2003) Instant notes in ‘Bioinformatics’ Viva Books Private Ltd. 75. White A.P. Handler. E.L. Smith (1973) Principles of Biochemistry, 5th Edition. 76. Williams S. T. Sharpe: M.E. and J. G. Holt (Eds) (1989( Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Vol. IV Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, London, Tokyo. 77. Wilson and Walker (2000) 5th edition Practical Biochemistry Principles and Techniques, Cambridge University Press. 6 78. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (now Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, CLSI). Methods for dilution antimicrobial susceptibility testing for bacteria that grows aerobically. Approved Standards M7-A4. Villanova, PA: NCCLS, 1997. 79. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (now Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, CLSI). Performance standards for antimicrobial susceptibility testing; 12th information supplement (M100-S1). Villanova, PA; NCCLS: 2002 ======= 7
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