New Pastoral Care Directory

C3 San Diego
Pastoral Care Directory
Table of Contents
Abuse ……………………………………………………….3-4
Addiction ……..………………………………….………....5-7
Counseling ………………..……………………….………....8
Crisis ………………………….………………….…….....9-11
Eating Disorders ………………….…………….……….... 12
Emergency ……………………………………..……….13-14
Finances ……………………………..………….…………..15
Homeless/Shelter ………………………..….……….....16-17
Military ………………………………..…….…………....18-19
Women …………………………..……………….………....20
Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network
Phone: 800-656-HOPE (4673)
RAINN is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization, and carries out programs to prevent
sexual violence, help victims and ensure that rapists are brought to justice .
San Diego Domestic Violence Council
Phone: (24 Hour Hotline) 888-385-4657
A community of healthy, violence-free relationships and families which embrace collaboration, exchange,
controversy, and creativity. Who develop, promote and enhance creative prevention and effective
intervention initiatives, which will reduce the amount of violence in intimate relationships.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Phone: 800-799-SAFE
National Domestic Violence Hotline provides lifesaving tools and immediate support to enable victims to
find safety and live lives free of abuse. Visitors to this site can find information about domestic violence,
safety planning, and local resources.
Child Protective Services County of San Diego
Phone: 800-344-6000
The 24-hour Hotline is staffed by trained social workers who receive calls about child abuse, molestation
and neglect. Each call is logged and evaluated as to the level of possible risk to the child.
Community Resource Center
Phone: 877-633-1112
As the only provider of social services and domestic violence programs in coastal North County San
Diego, Community Resource Center offers services for either domestic violence victims or low-income
Child Abuse Hotline
Phone: 800-344-6000
The hotline offers crisis intervention, information, literature, and referrals to thousands of emergency,
social service, and support resources. All calls are confidential.
Adult Protective Services
Phone: 800-510-2020
APS serves adults 65 and older and dependent adults 18 and older, who are harmed, or threatened with
harm, to ensure their right to safety and dignity. APS investigates elder and dependent adult abuse,
including cases of neglect and abandonment, as well as physical, sexual and financial abuse.
Elder Abuse San Diego
Phone: 800-510-2020
The San Diego County Sheriff’s Department investigates crimes against elders and dependent adults
within the department’s contract cities and unincorporated areas. The department is committed to the
successful prosecution of those committing crimes against elders and dependent adults.
LA Dream Center
Phone: 213-273-7000
Through mobile hunger relief and medical programs, residential rehabilitation programs adults, a shelter
for victims of human trafficking, transitional housing for homeless families, foster care intervention
programs, job skills training, life skills, counseling, basic education, Bible studies and more. LA Dream
Center works to meet people where they are at, to bring them hope and a way off the streets.
The Center
Phone: 951-775-4000
The Center will not only help guide you to the appropriate resources but will stand by you as we offer a
wide variety of addiction and mental health resources for, Drug & Alcohol Abuse, Marriage and Family
Counseling, Parent Support Groups, Education, and Homeless Liaisons.
The Rock Recovery Ministry
Phone: 619-925-1879
Rock Recovery is a Christ-centered, co-ed support group that uses small group interaction, scripture, and
twelve step principles, for those familiar with the bondage and destruction of addiction.
MHS North Inland Recovery Center
Phone: 760-741-7708
MHS services address behavioral health issues through a broad range of prevention, early intervention,
integrated treatment, diversion and vocational programs that are culturally appropriate and strengthsbased. Their outpatient, residential and home-based programs serve: children, adolescents and
transition-age youth; adults and older adults; homeless; veterans and military families; adult offenders
under federal, state and county jurisdictions.
Sharp McDonald Center
Phone: 858-637-6920
The Center offers addiction treatment, medically supervised detoxification and rehabilitation, day
treatment, outpatient and inpatient programs and aftercare. A residential program provides drug rehab
and alcohol treatment in a homelike setting.
North County Regional Recovery Center
Phone: 760-741-7708
Alcohol and Other Drug Services provides a variety of residential and non-residential treatment services.
All services are provided via contract with local service providers.
Fellowship Center (Men-Residential)
Phone: 760-745-1175
Fellowship Center views the men who seek their services as being ill, not deviant. They believe it is at
this point, after alcohol and drugs are removed, after being taken out of an overindulgent society and
immersed in a micro-society of people who value life without alcohol and drugs, that program methods or
procedures can actually be effective. We then involve our participants in a daily structured program of
Alcoholics Anonymous
San Diego Central: 619-265-8762
North County: 760-758-2514
Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking
problem. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical, and available almost everywhere.
There are no age or education requirements. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something
about his or her drinking problem.
Narcotics Anonymous
San Diego: 619-584-1007
Toll Free: 800-479-0062
Narcotics Anonymous is a global, community-based organization with a multi-lingual and multicultural
membership. The group atmosphere provides help from peers and offers an ongoing support network for
addicts who wish to pursue and maintain a drug-free lifestyle.
CRC Health Group- Heroin Detox
Phone: 866-762-3766
CRC Health Group treat people with drug and alcohol addiction, learning differences, weight
management issues, eating disorders, and other behavioral issues. They have extensive resources at
their disposal to help people achieve lasting recovery.
In His Steps Rehab
Phone: 760-789-5988 (WOMEN) 760-788-4716 (MEN)
In His Step is a Christian based Drug and Alcohol abstinence program that offers men and women with
life controlling problems a supportive and nurturing environment. Their goal is to help individuals move
from a lifestyle of dysfunctional misbehavior to a lifestyle of which one can carry his own weight and
become a participant in their community. Most importantly, aid in the return to the life that God intended.
Calvary Ranch
Phone: 800-404-2258
Calvary Ranch is a 24-hour live-in facility for drug and alcohol recovery.This spiritually-based program
has been used as a powerful instrument of God, dedicated to reaching the devastated lives of those
bound by alcohol and drugs, bringing hope, healing, and a meaningful purpose to their lives. Combining a
serene, reflective environment, physical activity, life-skills classes, and an acceptance of God's healing
Pacific Hills Treatment Center
Phone: 800-NOABUSE
Pacific Hills has a highly structured Residential Inpatient Treatment 30 day program available to both men
and women. Which provides the highest quality of treatment available to adults suffering from alcohol
and drug dependency in an effort to help the addict and their families begin the process of recovery. They
are committed to serving those also struggling with co-occurring disorders, while emphasizing a strong
spiritual foundation, which is revealed in the quality of each person's relationship with God.
Salvation Army Adult Rehab Center
Phone: 619-239-4037
The Adult Rehabilitation Centers have provided spiritual, social, and emotional assistance for men and
women who have lost the ability to cope with their problems and provide for themselves. These centers
offer residential housing, work, group, and individual therapy. All in a clean, wholesome
environment. The physical and spiritual care that program participants receive prepares them to re-enter
society and return to gainful employment.
Teen Challenge
Phone: 619-265-0337
Teen Challenge is a discipleship program, meaning that we help our students to form a personal
relationship with Jesus. Part of their discipleship training involves studying God’s Word – the Bible,
developing the daily practice of prayer, and forming a meaningful connection with Christian community.
Al-Anon & Ala-Teen
Phone: 800-690-2666
This program helps families and friends of alcoholics recover from the effects of living with the problem
drinking of a relative or friend. The program of recovery is adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous and is
based upon the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts of Service.
Methamphetamine Hotline
Phone: 800-864-2027
The National Meth Hotline brings hope to this chronic and deadly disease called addiction. The National
Meth Hotline directs individuals who are suffering and or their loved ones to find recovery. Embracing a
drug free lifestyle is hard and by calling the National Meth Hotline, they will help you find you the help you
North County Interfaith Council
Phone: 760-489-6380
Address: 430 North Rose Street Escondido
Interfaith has programs and services that provide the tools and resources people in crisis need to stabilize
and rebuild their lives. These programs are organized into nine main areas: food and basic needs,
shelters and housing, family and social services, employment services, children and youth programs,
senior services, veterans assistance, addiction recovery, and community connections. Under these
department headings are numerous programs covering a broad spectrum of support.
San Diego Institute for Couples and Families
Phone: 619-356-0059
God specializes in the restoration of what would appear to be impossible situations. Whether it's your
marriage or other family dynamic, addiction, abuse, or depression, the professionals at The San Diego
Institute for Couples and Families realize it's never too late to provide the resources that could help
restore your relationships or individual issues.
Lighthouse Psychological Services
Phone: 619.248.8608
Lighthouse Psychological Services is a mental health private practice in San Diego. They provide
psychological and relational services for individuals, couples, and families, as well as psychological
testing and assessment. They are comprised of licensed and pre-licensed psychotherapists, including
marriage family therapists, psychologists, and licensed professional clinical counselors.
Family Focus Christian Counseling
Phone: 619-440-4211
Family Focus Christian Counseling works towards and celebrates the breakthroughs in your life when the
light, at some point, clicks on for you and they make strides towards wellness and health. The belief is
that change begins in the heart through personal choice as each person seeks the Lord for His direction
and healing in his or her life.
Turning Point Pregnancy Resource Center
Phone: 858-689-6885
You weren’t meant to do this on your own. That’s why Turning Point Pregnancy Resource Center is
here. To provide ongoing support throughout your pregnancy. Their caring staff will provide you with
helpful community resources and referrals. They are here to support and help you through the confusion
and uncertainty that many women experience as they face an unplanned pregnancy.
Aubree Papaj, Family Therapist
Phone: 619-797-5034
We are all human and we all encounter obstacles in life that challenge us to take a deeper look into
ourselves and our lives. It is here that they will help you find our full potential below the surface of the
things holding us back and rediscover our strengths to lead us forward in life. Through counseling, it can
assist you in discovering your full potential by helping you understand your strengths and by teaching you
how to use them.
Veronica Springfield
Certified Christian Counselor & Life Coach
Phone: 760-315-2898
email: [email protected]
LA Dream Center
Phone: 213-273-7000
Through mobile hunger relief and medical programs, residential rehabilitation programs adults, a shelter
for victims of human trafficking, transitional housing for homeless families, foster care intervention
programs, job skills training, life skills, counseling, basic education, Bible studies and more. LA Dream
Center works to meet people where they are at, to bring them hope and a way off the streets.
The Center
Phone: 951-775-4000
The Center will not only help guide you to the appropriate resources but will stand by you as we offer a
wide variety of addiction and mental health resources for, Drug & Alcohol Abuse, Marriage and Family
Counseling, Parent Support Groups, Education, and Homeless Liaisons.
National Hopeline Network
Phone: 800-SUICIDE OR 800-784-2433
People in crisis generally don't have the energy or ability to take on a long search for help. Now when
those looking for support dial 1.800.SUICIDE, they are seamlessly connected to an available certified
crisis center nearest to their calling location.
Center for Community Solutions
Phone: 888-385-4657
CCS Prevention programs use education as a tool to break the cycle of violence and prevent violence
before it happens. CCS believes that violence is preventable: violence can be learned and unlearned.
Their prevention programs strive to empower participants with the skills and tools you need to prevent
violence in your relationships and communities.
Turning Point Mental Crisis House
Phone: 760-439-2800
Turning Point Community Programs provides integrated, cost-effective mental health services,
employment and housing for adults, children and their families that promote recovery, independence and
self-sufficiency. Turning Point Community Programs is committed to innovative and high quality services
that assist adults and children with psychiatric, emotional and/or developmental disabilities in achieving
their goals.
Halcyon Mental Health Crisis House
Phone: 619-579-8685
The programs are designed to discover the unique needs and preferences of each individual, engage the
personal strengths of each, and tailor the individual service plan to meet the person's needs. The START
programs (also referred to as crisis residential programs) offer an alternative to hospitalization for the
person who is suffering a psychiatric crisis of such magnitude so as not to be manageable on an
outpatient basis.
Vista Balboa Medi-Cal Crisis House
Phone: 619-221-8600
San Diego Youth Services has helped to improve the lives of hundreds of thousands of homeless,
runaway, abused and at-risk youth and their families. This agency offers emergency services, safe
places to live and long-term solutions for kids “on their own” by providing shelters, group homes, foster
homes, community centers and transitional housing. Professional help for high risk youth is provided at all
14 major locations in San Diego County.
Sexual Assault
Phone: 800-656-4673 (HOPE)
RAINN is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization, and carries out programs to prevent
sexual violence, help victims and ensure that rapists are brought to justice.
Computer Fraud & Identity Theft
Phone: 619-531-3150
To respond to the increasing impact of technology crimes, the law enforcement community formed
CATCH, a local, state, and federal task force dedicated to investigating and prosecuting criminals who
commit crimes using or targeting high technology. The task force is comprised of prosecutors from the
District Attorney's Office and investigators from local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies.
CATCH also works with the California Attorney General’s Office and the United States Attorney’s Office to
facilitate prosecution in federal and state cases.
Stalking Strike Force
Phone: 619-515-8900
If you are a stalking victim and want to report a crime or believe you are in immediate danger, please call
your local police agency first and file a report. Stalking cases are unique because they can involve
ongoing behavior that can last for years. Often, several police agencies are involved in coordinating the
investigation. Victims are among the most emotionally traumatized because of the ongoing and
threatening nature of the crime.
Victim Assistance
Phone: 619-531-4041
Victim Services offers comprehensive services to victims and witnesses of all types of crimes. Assistance
is provided from the moment the crime occurs for as long as assistance is needed; there is no cutoff for
assistance by the program. In California, victims of crime have a constitutional right to restitution.
Restitution involves restoring economic losses incurred by crime victims or returning what was taken
away from them as a result of a crime.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Phone: 800-843-5678
Providing assistance to law enforcement and families to find missing children, reduce child sexual
exploitation and prevent child victimization.
Christian Credit Counseling
Toll Free: 877-218-5085
Their debt management program helps people avoid bankruptcy, debt settlement scams, and quick fixes
that ruin credit. They serve as unbiased advocates, offering everyone that calls prayer, guidance, and
Eating Disorders
Mercy Ministries
Phone: 615-831-6987
Mercy Ministries exists to provide opportunities for young women to experience God’s unconditional love,
forgiveness, and life-transforming power. This faith-based residential program serves young women from
all socioeconomic backgrounds, ages 13-28, who face a combination of life-controlling issues such as
eating disorders, self-harm, drug and alcohol addictions, depression and unplanned pregnancy. Mercy
also serves young women who have been physically and sexually abused, including victims of sex
trafficking. Using proven methods, a holistic approach and professional counselors in a structured
residential environment.
Phone: 619-819-0283
Potentia adheres to the standard of care in treating the disordered eating spectrum and believe working
with a treatment team that provides the most effective and sustaining outcomes. Eating Disorders are the
most deadly of all mental illnesses and need to be addressed as soon as possible. When clients need
more intensive support, they work closely with treatment centers across the country to ensure their clients
find the best care.
Healthy Within
Phone: 858-622-0221
Healthy Within provides a team of psychologists and therapists with extensive background in the
treatment of depression, anxiety, PTSD, anorexia, bulimia, TBI, headaches, fibromyalgia, stroke,
dementia, autism, and substance abuse. Healthy Within utilizes comprehensive psychotherapy and
neurofeedback treatment options to ensure optimal results. They also work closely with some of the best
physicians, registered dietitians and naturopathic doctors to ensure that all aspects of the symptoms are
In an EMERGENCY, which includes any life-threatening situation (or medical
emergency) OR even any potentially violent situations (which includes a
person making verbal threats) 911 should be called immediately.
San Diego County Recovery (Non-Emergency)
Central Campus/SDPD Dispatch 619-531-2000
North Campus/Carlsbad PD Dispatch760-931-2197
South Campus/Chula Vista PD Dispatch 619-691-5151
San Diego County Recovery works to maximize disaster assistance to eligible public and private entities
and residents through various state and federal disaster assistance programs.
Emergency Psychiatric Unit
Phone: 619-692-8200
The Emergency Screening Unit (ESU) provides emergency psychiatric evaluations, crisis intervention,
crisis stabilization, brief outpatient counseling, case management and emergency medication
management to children and adolescents under age 18.
Community Resource Center (North County Shelter)
Phone 877-633-1112
Carol’s House, a 24-bed emergency shelter for women and children fleeing domestic violence. Carol’s
House provides more than just a safe living environment. Residents also receive comprehensive social
services to facilitate transition to healthier, happier, and safer lives including: Legal Advocacy, Case
Management, Individual and Group Counseling, Life Skills and Parenting Classes, Transitional Housing
Possibility, and Therapeutic Children’s Center.
El Nido Transitional Living Program Shelter
Phone: 619-563-9878
The Interfaith Shelter Network does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, gender, sexual
orientation, national origin, age or disabilities in hiring practice or provision of services.The help to
coordinate the efforts of participating congregations, social service agencies, and governmental programs
in order to provide shelter and other resources to homeless individuals and families and enable those we
serve to move toward self-sufficiency while respecting their dignity as children of God.
Center for Community Solutions Shelter
Phone: 760-480-0055
CCS Prevention programs use education as a tool to break the cycle of violence and prevent violence
before it happens. CCS believes that violence is preventable: violence can be learned and unlearned.
Their prevention programs strive to empower participants with the skills and tools you need to prevent
violence in your relationships and communities.
South Bay Community Center Shelter
Phone: 619-420-3620
SBCS programs are available for anyone at any time. While all their programs and services provide those
steps to help one overcome challenges - there are some services that may need a quick and personal
connection of support.
Christian Credit Counseling
Toll Free: 877-218-5085
Their debt management program helps people avoid bankruptcy, debt settlement scams, and quick fixes
that ruin credit. They serve as unbiased advocates, offering everyone that calls prayer, guidance, and
Thrivent Financial (Financial Planning)
Phone: 800-THRIVENT
Thrivent Financial is a financial services organization that helps Christians be wise with money and live
generously. They offer a broad range of products and services including life insurance, annuities and
mutual funds. Along with guidance from financial representatives nationwide. While also providing
opportunities for you to be even more generous where you live, work and worship.
Insurance Fraud
Phone: 800-315-7672
The San Diego County District Attorney's Insurance Fraud Division specializes in prosecuting crimes
where a lie was told to obtain an insurance benefit. There are six units within the Insurance Fraud
Consumer Fraud
Phone: 619-531-3507
The San Diego District Attorney's Office has prosecuted many civil and criminal consumer lawsuits. Some
examples of lawsuits and judgments obtained by this office include, Short weight port products, Phony
Doctor Intentionally Spikes “Natural” Remedies, False and Misleading Advertisements, Environmental
Violations, Flooring Company Abandons Jobs, Environmental Violations, and many others.
Homeless Needs/Shelters
Solutions for Change (Families only)
Phone: 760-941-6545
With a driving commitment that “every child has a home” Solutions for change is a recognized leader in
establishing a replaceable and sustainable model known as Solutions University; that involves
companies, individuals, and the whole community as partners in providing permanent solutions to
homelessness for children and families.
North County Interfaith Council
Phone: 760-489-6380
Interfaith is evolved in broad continuum of programs and services that provide the tools and resources
people in crisis need to stabilize and rebuild their lives. These programs are organized into nine main
areas: food and basic needs, shelters and housing, family and social services, employment services,
children and youth programs, senior services, veterans assistance, addiction recovery, and community
connections. Under these department headings are numerous programs covering a broad spectrum of
support. Programs are designed to overlap so that each client receives as many services as necessary
for his/her specific situation.
Christian Credit Counselors; Food Pantry
Phone: 760-814-1862
A belief service is fundamental to creating a hunger-free San Diego. They serve with excellence,
compassion and responsiveness to meet the needs of those with whom we work, internally and
externally. The belief in distributing quality, wholesome meals, and increasing “foods to encourage” while
decreasing unhealthy foods. Developing and implementing a comprehensive education plan to empower
clients and their communities.
Brother Benno’s Oceanside
Phone: 760-439-1244
The Brother Benno Foundation is to see that, within the limits of their resources, no one in North Coastal
San Diego County areas go hungry, no one goes without shelter or clothing, and most importantly, no one
goes without someone to care for him or her.
Project Hand
Phone: 619-425-4061
Each individual experiences their own unique combination of challenges. Project Hand attempts to equip
you with tools and access to networks of resources to provide help for your family at different points along
the continuum of care, enabling them to move toward independence and find encouragement. They
strive to walk with those in need in Southern California by embracing those in crisis, equipping individuals
and families, and empowering them to live with integrity, dignity and self-sufficiency.
San Diego Rescue Mission
Phone: 619-687-3720
The San Diego Rescue Mission believes in the inherent worth of every homeless man, woman, and
child. Their mission is to spread the good news of salvation through Christ by serving the needs of the
poor, addicted, abused, and homeless, thus improving the quality of their lives. The programs provide the
rehabilitation and discipleship that allow them to achieve this mission, leading to positive, lasting change
– and creating better lives for those we serve, their families, and the community as a whole.
Community Resource Center
Phone: 877-633-1112
Carol’s House, a 24-bed emergency shelter for women and children fleeing domestic violence. Carol’s
House provides more than just a safe living environment. Residents also receive comprehensive social
services to facilitate transition to healthier, happier, and safer lives including: Legal Advocacy, Case
Management, Individual and Group Counseling, Life Skills and Parenting Classes, Transitional Housing
Possibility, and Therapeutic Children’s Center.
United Health Providers Family Consultation
Phone: 619-280-3430
United Health offers you and your family the most effective therapeutic approaches that will help you to
make positive changes and improve the quality of your life.
Camp Pendleton Family Services
Phone: 760-725-9051
Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS) programs are vital to mission accomplishment and form an
integral part of the non-pay compensation system. These programs encourage positive individual values,
personal development, and aid in recruitment and retention of personnel. The MCCS programs provide
for the physical, cultural, service and social needs of Marines and other members of the Marine Corps
family. They also provide community support systems that make Marine Corps bases/stations temporary
hometowns for this mobile population.
MCAS Miramar Family Advocacy Center
Phone: 858-577-6585
The Family Advocacy program is designed to assist families experiencing the trauma of
abuse.Counselors are trained in the dynamics of abuse in order to assist in protecting victims and seek
ways to support families in need of assistance. There are many negative consequences that affect
families experiencing abuse. Support resources include information on spouse/intimate partner and child
abuse, victim advocacy, counseling for individuals, couples and children, as well as classes on stress,
anger management, domestic violence, communication and conflict resolution skills, and positive
EMDR Trauma Counseling
Phone: 858-205-8137
Whatever your anxiety or trauma is about, they can help. EMDR is a team of therapists that work
extensively with anxiety provoking issues. These could be about relationships, life events, or any
negative experience that is holding you back. If you are struggling with moving past a traumatic incident,
or finding it difficult to overcome anxiety of any sort, please call.
MCRD Family Advocacy Center
Phone: 619-524-0465
The Family Advocacy Program provides preventions, education, assessments and treatment on many
topics. The program addresses family violence issues through a Coordinated Community Response to
promote safe family relationships and the emotional health of Marines and their families.
Naval Base San Diego Fleet and Family Support
Phone: 619-556-7404
The Fleet and Family Support Center provides programs that strengthen personal and family
competencies to meet the unique challenges of the military lifestyle.
Navy Family Advocacy Center
Phone: 619-556-8809
The Family Advocacy Program provides clinical assessment, treatment and services for military members
and their families involved in incidents of domestic abuse.
NAS North Island Fleet & Family Support Center
Phone: 619-545-6071
The DOD Network provides the resources for you to make an educated housing decision upon your PCS
arrival to NAS North Island. Whether you decide to stay on base in NAS North Island housing or use your
basic allowance for housing (BAH) to rent or purchase a home in the community surrounding NAS North
Island, our relocation tools will help you make the right choice.
Turning Point Pregnancy Resource Center
Phone: 858-689-6885
After Hours Hotline: 858-689-9560
National Hotline 800-395-HELP
If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, you’ll find the answers and support you need. Turning Point
knows you have a lot of questions and they want to be your source for answers. You deserve to be fully
informed about your options. Turning Point Pregnancy Resource Center is here to help you. Their free
services include: medical-quality pregnancy tests, limited ultrasounds, caring client advocates, nurse
consultation, community referrals, discussion of your options, adoption referrals, and programs to assist
Battered Women’s Services
Phone: 619-234-3164
Women’s Resource Center (WRC) is dedicated to providing the highest quality supportive services,
counseling, shelter and education to North San Diego County women, children and men involved in or
threatened by domestic violence or sexual assault.
MHS Harmony (Women)
Phone: 619-285-1718
Mental Health Systems provides an integrated approach to specialized services and is uniquely qualified
to offer Mental Health, Correction. MHS is dedicated to creating an environment of opportunity, choice
and hope, regardless of gender, ethnicity or socioeconomic status.
Project Hope (LA Dream Center)
Sex Trafficking and Prostitution Resource
Phone: 213-273-7000
Through mobile hunger relief and medical programs, residential rehabilitation programs adults, a shelter
for victims of human trafficking, transitional housing for homeless families, foster care intervention
programs, job skills training, life skills, counseling, basic education, Bible studies and more. LA Dream
Center works to meet people where they are at, to bring them hope and a way off the streets.