FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 24 Mar 2015│Singapore Remembering Mr. Lee Kuan Yew’s Contribution to ASEAN-China Business The China-ASEAN Business Association (CABA) conveys its deepest condolences to the people of Singapore and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and his family, on the passing of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's Founding Father and first Prime Minister. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew has been instrumental in the establishment and development of the ASEAN-China economic relations. His deep understanding of Asia, his visionary and strategic approach to the ASEANChina ties and his good rapport with the older generation of ASEAN and Chinese leaders set the foundation for the impressive growth in trade, investment, tourism, and business collaboration we are now experiencing. This has made the two regions a magnet for economic growth in Asia bringing about prosperity to the people. “Mr. Lee Kuan Yewʼs passing is a loss to our business community. His contribution to ASEAN and China business ties are deeply felt and we are grateful for that. We hope to further strengthen our business cooperation as a respect to the legacy he has left behind." said Mr. Pushpanathan Sundram, Chairman of CABA. China-ASEAN Business Association (CABA) is a non-governmental and nonprofit organisation based in Singapore to develop and build business, trade and investment opportunities in the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area. Its membership is open to trade associations, private companies and noncommercial entities from the ASEAN and China region as well as those with an interest in the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area that fall outside of the region. END Note: For more information, please contact CABA Secretariat: Ms. Celia Zheng, Email: [email protected], Tel: (65) 6681 0108, Website: China-ASEAN Business Association 中国—东盟商务协会 (Reg No. T13SS0196E) One Raffles Quay, #25-00, North Tower, Singapore 048583 | T. (65) 66810108 | F. (65) 68359536 [email protected]
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