Club Mosses Diphasiastrum complanatum crow’s foot reduced leaves resemble northern white cedar branching pattern resembles a bird’s foot has strobili at tips of branches Lycopodium obscurum ground pine looks like a miniature spruce tree has strobili Huperzia lucidula shining club moss reduced leaves are on upright branches sporangia at the base of upper leaves resemble tiny taco shells no strobili Lycopodium annotinum bristly club moss extremely stiff, reduced leaves are on upright branches has strobili at tips of branches Lycopodium clavatum common club moss reduced leaves are on branches that crawl along the ground 1 Horsetails Equisetum arvense common horsetail brownish stem has reduced leaves that are whorled around the stem brownish stem has a strobilus at the top greenish stem has feathery leaves Equisetum hyemale scouring rush stem with strobilus is green, not brown (unlike common horsetail) stem has rough texture 2 Herbaceous Monocots – have parallel veins in the leaves (usually) Family Poaceae grasses long, extremely narrow leaves round, hollow stems Family Cyperaceae sedge long, extremely narrow leaves triangular, solid stems Allium tricoccum wild leek long, shiny leaves resemble yellow beadlily but they smell like onion when crushed and they only occur in spring fruit cluster occurs on separate stem Family Juncaceae rush long, narrow leaves that are sometimes very sharp at the tips round, solid stems Clintonia borealis yellow beadlily long, oval, shiny leaves at base of plant fruits look like blue beads Maianthemum canadense wild lily of the valley usually one or two small, oval leaves that have heartshaped bases flower cluster occurs at tip of main stem 1 Polygonatum pubescens hairy Solomon’s seal long, oval leaves along drooping stems leaves have hairs on the underside along the leaf margins (unlike rosey twisted stalk) leaves are usually lighter than rosey twisted stalk and false Solomon’s seal flowers hang down from bases of leaves Smilacina racemosa false Solomon’s seal long, oval, shiny leaves along drooping stems leaves have wavy margins and nonconspicuous hairs (unlike rosey twistedstalk) leaves usually have three veins that are quite prominent flowers hang off the end of the stem Streptopus roseus rosey twistedstalk long, oval leaves along drooping stems leaves have hairs along the margins (unlike hairy Solomon’s seal) flowers hang down from bases of leaves Erythronium americanum trout lily long, oval leaves mottled with purple large yellow flower 2 Arisaema atrorubens jack-in-the-pulpit three large leaflets have main veins that extend to the margins (unlike trillium, which has main veins parallel to the margins) Trillium spp. trillium leaves in groups of three main veins in leaves run parallel to margins, with less conspicuous veins branching from main veins Sagittaria latifolia common arrowhead arrow shaped leaves with long slender lobes white flowers grow in whorls of three found near lake or pond shores Cypripedium acaule pink lady slipper large, broad leaves occur in pairs showy pink flower looks like a slipper Typha latifolia common cattail long bluish or grayish green linear leaves brown flowers on stalk resemble a cat’s tail found in marshy areas 3 Lemna minor duckweed very tiny oval leaves that float on standing water Iris versicolor wild blue flag long knife-like leaves sheath the stem large, purple flower with yellow veins Lilium philadelphicum wood lily lance-shaped leaves occur in whorls large orange to orange-red flowers with purple spotting within Sparganium americanum great bur reed long linear stiff flat leaves white or green flowers in dense round heads found near muddy shores or shallow water 4 Mosses and Liverworts Sphagnum spp. peat moss delicate cushion-like plant with no true roots dense heads on branches found in wet areas Polytrichum spp. hairy cap moss delicate cushion-like plant with no true roots long, starlike leaves capsules have four angles Pleurozium schreberi red-stemmed moss delicate cushion-like plant with no true roots shiny yellow-green featherlike branches red stems leaves are folded like an accordion Marchantia polymorpha common liverwort leaves (called thallus) look like green ribbon lying flat on the ground thallus houses splash cups, which look like tiny bowls 1 Ferns Matteuccia struthiopteris ostrich fern fronds are tapered towards the base has a brown fertile frond along with green fronds white hairs on stem Osmunda claytoniana interrupted fern has brown pinnae in the middle of the frond, between green pinnae Onoclea sensibilis sensitive fern fronds are broad at the base has a brown fertile frond along with green fronds fronds are lobed (not with separate pinnae) Athyrium filix-femina lady fern several fronds grow from one point in the soil, giving it a whorled appearance scales at the bottom of fronds are dark reddish brown and tiny 2 Dryopteris spinulosa spinulose shield fern resembles lady fern except the scales at the base of the frond are lighter brown and coarser Gymnocarpium dryopteris oak fern small dark stem branches into three fronds much smaller than bracken fern Osmunda cinnamomea cinnamon fern has a brown fertile frond along with green fronds fronds are not as tapered toward the base (unlike ostrich fern) rusty hairs at base of each pinna (unlike ostrich fern) Pteridium aquilinum bracken fern stem branches into three fronds much larger than oak fern 3 Adiantum pedatum maidenhair fern stems form a circular shape Thelypteris phegopteris northern beech fern lowest pair of pinnae point downward 4 Hemlock-Northern Hardwood Tree Photo Gallery Betula alleghaniensis (yellow birch) Tilia Americana (American basswood) Acer saccharum (sugar maple) Acer rubrum (red maple) Fraxinus nigra (black ash) Prunus serotina (black cherry) Ostrya virginiana (ironwood) Prunus virginiana (chokecherry) Prunus pensylvanica (pin cherry) Tsuga Canadensis (eastern hemlock) Abies balsamea (balsam fir) Thuja occidentalis (northern white cedar) Pinus strobus (eastern white pine) Picea glauca (white spruce) Shrubs Ledum groenlandicum labrador tea soft, oval leaves with orangish brown undersides leaves arranged in a radial pattern around the stems Kalmia polifolia bog laurel evergreen, slender leaves with white undersides leaves occur opposite from each other along the stem (unlike bog rosemary) Chamaedaphne calyculata leatherleaf leathery, evergreen leaves get smaller towards the tip of the stem leaves are brown and blotchy on the undersides Andromeda glaucophylla bog rosemary leaves similar to bog laurel except they occur in an alternate pattern along the stem Myrica gale sweet gale spatula-shaped leaves have small, yellow dots leaves are fragrant Ilex verticillata winterberry oval leaves with a tiny tooth at the tip of each serration pointy tips of leaves are slightly extended (acuminate tip) 1 Lonicera canadensis American-fly honeysuckle smooth, oval leaves with no serrations (unlike bush honeysuckle) leaves occur in pairs, opposite each other, along the stem Sambucus racemosa red-berried elder leaflets on leaves extend from leaf stems in a feather-like pattern (pinnately compound) leaflets are serrated leaf stalks (petioles) are purplish buds are big and purple Diervilla lonicera bush honeysuckle oval leaves have serrations (unlike American-fly honeysuckle) leaves occur in pairs, opposite each other, along the stem smaller than American-fly honeysuckle Viburnum lentago nannyberry oval leaves have serrations base of leaf stalks (petioles) are flared and resemble wings buds are long and reddish brown Dirca palustris leatherwood smooth, oval leaves with no serrations leaves occur in an alternate pattern along the stem (unlike the honeysuckles) bark on twigs is extremely flexible and difficult to tear off 2 Alnus incana speckled alder shiny leaves have very coarse serrations tiny brown catkins resemble pine cones brownish bark and twigs with many tiny dots (lenticels) Corylus cornuta beaked hazelnut leaves similar to speckled alder husk of the nut has an elongated “beak” Amelanchier spp. juneberry oval to nearly circular leaves with tiny serrations serrations become less conspicuous toward the base of a leaf smooth, grayish bark Comptonia peregrina sweetfern leaves resemble the fronds of ferns leaves are aromatic 3 Rubus strigosus wild red raspberry pinnately compound leaves stem has sharp prickles Vaccinium angustifolium low sweet blueberry small, smooth, knife-like leaves twigs are green, angular, and worty bluish berry Rubus allegheniensis highbush blackberry palmately compound leaves stem has sharp prickles and is darker than wild red raspberry Vaccinium myrtilloides Canada blueberry similar to low sweet blueberry except has pubescent twigs bluish berry 4 Viburnum lentago highbush cranberry 3-lobed serrated leaves grow in pairs along the stem small, round, red fruits Cornus alternifolia alternate leaf dogwood egg-shaped, entire leaves have arcuate venation has alternate leaves (unlike other dogwoods) greenish branches bluish black round fruits Crataegus spp. hawthorn alternate leaves with 3-7 serrated lobes branches bear sharp spines white flowers Cornus stolonifera red osier dogwood egg-shaped, entire leaves have arcuate venation has opposite leaves (unlike alternate leaf dogwood) reddish branches whitish round fruits 5 Rhus glabra smooth sumac pinnately compound leaves with many sharply serrated leaflets fruit clusters are covered in red hairs and look like red cones smooth branches (unlike staghorn sumac) Rhus typhina staghorn sumac pinnately compound leaves with many sharply serrated leaflets fruit clusters are covered in red hairs and look like red cones branches densely covered with velvety hairs (unlike smooth sumac) 6 Herbaceous and Small Woody Dicots – have netted veins or arcuate veins in the leaves (usually) Daucus carota wild carrot leaves are deeply dissected leaves are aromatic white flowers are in dense clusters bracts occur below flower cluster bracts are lobed Taraxacum officinale common dandelion narrow leaves with sharp lobes milky juice in the stem flowers occur as one, dense, yellow head Tanacetum vulgare common tansy leaves similar to wild carrot except they are not aromatic yellow flowers are in dense clusters Chrysanthemum leucanthemum oxeye daisy narrow leaves with small, round lobes flowers have white rays and yellow heads Achillea millefolium yarrow leaves are more dissected than wild carrot leaves are aromatic when crushed white flowers are in dense clusters Solidago altissima tall goldenrod narrow, knife-like leaves grayish, downy stem clusters of small, yellow flowers grouped towards the end of the stem 1 Rubus parviflorus thimbleberry large leaves resemble maple leaves red berries look like thimbles Osmorhiza claytonii sweet cicely leaves have serrations that resemble the pinnae of ferns stems and leaves have soft white hairs small white flowers black, club-shaped fruits cling to clothing Sanguinaria canadensis bloodroot large, circular leaves with large lobes underground stem (rhizome) has red juice Aralia nudicaulis wild sarsaparilla branches into three leaves, each dividing into leaflets wide, oval leaflets with serrations fruit is on separate stem than leaves and resembles wild leek Impatiens capensis jewelweed leaves have wavy serrations leaves wilt quickly stems are somewhat transluscent 2 Potentilla spp. cinquefoil leaves are divided into five to seven leaflets (sometimes three) leaflets have serrations Viola canadensis Canada violet leaves similar to large-leaved aster, except smaller and lacking the rough texture leaves very pointy branches from stem long, slender, filmy stipules white flowers flowers are bilateral (unlike largeleaved aster) Geranium maculatum wild geranium deeply cleft leaves with three to five lobes long petioles arising from one point purplish flowers Viola pubescens downy yellow violet leaves similar to large-leaved aster, except smaller and lacking rough texture hairy leaves and stem no basal leaves yellow flower flowers are bilateral (unlike large-leaved aster) 3 Viola pensylvanica smooth yellow violet leaves similar to largeleaved aster, except smaller and lacking the rough texture glabrous leaves and stem yellow flowers flowers are bilateral (unlike large-leaved aster) Viola papilionacea common blue violet leaves similar to largeleaved aster, except smaller and lacking rough texture glabrous leaves and stem purple flowers flowers are bilateral (unlike large-leaved aster) Veronica officinalis common speedwell crawling plant with opposite, oval, serrated leaves hairy stem and leaves small purple flowers occur in stalks off the leaf axils Eupatorium purpureum Joe-pye weed green stems with purple tint at leaf joints or purplish stems large, serrated, linear leaves in whorls of 3-7 leaves smell like vanilla when crushed Galium spp. bedstraw lance-shaped leaves occur in whorls of 4-8 stem is square in cross-section small flowers in branching clusters 4 Aster macrophyllus large-leaved aster large leaves, usually with a heartshaped base leaves have a sandpapery texture flowers are radial (unlike violet) Plantago lanceolata ribgrass clustered, knife-like leaves are arranged in a radial pattern at the bottom of the stem parallel veins in leaves Fragaria virginiana wild strawberry leaves are divided into three leaflets leaflets are serrated leaf stalks have stipules leaf stalks are hairy Plantago major plantain clustered, spoonshaped leaves are arranged at the bottom of the stem parallel, somewhat arcuate veins in leaves Verbascum thapsus mullein large, oval leaves are extremely soft and wooly dense yellow flowers occur in spikes 5 Lactuca canadensis wild lettuce large leaves resemble common dandelion milky juice in stem and petioles pale yellow or reddish yellow flower heads are longer than wide Caltha palustris marsh marigold large heart-shaped leaves are shallowly toothed leaves occur on long stalks large showy yellow flower found in wet areas Nuphar variegatum yellow pond lily large heart-shaped leaves float atop water V-shaped notch between lobes of leaf is narrow showy yellow flower Ranunculus acris tall buttercup larger leaves are deeply divided into 3-7 lobes each lobe is divided lobes are stalkless showy golden flowers Hieracium aurantiacum orange hawkweed very hairy lanceolate basal leaves occur in whorls very hairy stem bright orange, dandelionlike flowers Lythrum salicaria purple loosestrife lance-shaped, entire leaves grow in opposite pairs or sometimes whorls of three purple flowers in a dense spike 6 Coptis groenlandica goldthread small, shiny, dark green leaflets occur in groups of three leaflets have sharp serrations Phryma leptostachya lopseed opposite leaves in pairs along an upright stem leaves have serrations flowers are arranged in pairs on a leafless spike not densely hairy like hamp nettle Malva neglecta common mallow leaves similar to naked miterwort lacks the leafless flowering stem present on naked miterwort white flowers grow from leaf axils Laportea canadensis wood nettle alternate leaves occur on an upright stem leaves have serrations stem has stinging hairs small green flowers grow from leaf axils Lupinus lyellii lupine leaflets arranged radially around a central point, giving the appearance of a green flower purple flower clusters resemble spikes Cardamine laciniata toothwort leaves occur in whorls of three each leaf is deeply divided into knife-like, serrated lobes 7 Ranunculus sclereratus cursed crowfoot leaves have rounded lobes lobes have rounded serrations (unlike hepatica) small yellow flowers Anemone quinquefolia wood anemone leaves are divided into three to five leaflets originating from a single point leaflets have toothlike serrations at the tips white flower occurs from same point as upper leaves upper leaves are stalked Vinca minor periwinkle opposite evergreen leaves creeping stems form mats purple flowers on erect branches Dicentra cucullaria Dutchman’s breeches leaves are three times divided with lobes on each false leaflet white flower looks like a pair of overalls with pointy legs that are spread (unlike squirrel corn) Claytonia virginica spring beauty two bladelike leaves per stem opposite leaves several rose-colored flowers Dicentra canadensis squirrel corn leaves resemble that of Dutchman’s breeches white flower looks like a pair of overalls with stubby legs that are fused (unlike Dutchman’s breeches) 8 Caulophyllum thalictroides blue cohosh leaves found on upper portion of stem leaflets have finger-like lobes leaflets in groups of three blue fruits Cornus canadensis bunchberry leaves form a radial pattern from one stem leaves with arcuate venation Aquilegia canadensis wild columbine leaves found on upper and lower portions of stem (unlike blue cohosh) leaflets have finger-like lobes leaflets in groups of three orange flowers Trientalis borealis starflower long, knife-like leaves form a radial pattern that resembles a star white flower resembles a star 9 Toxicodendron radicans poison ivy shiny leaves in groups of three leaves have wavy serrations leaf on the end of stem has a petiole other two leaves are attached to the stem right at the bases (no petioles) Chimaphila umbellata prince’s pine shiny, leathery leaves with sharp serrations Arctostaphylos uva-ursi bearberry small, leathery, evergreen leaves leaves have a spatula-like shape crawling plant Gaultheria procumbens wintergreen shiny, oval, evergreen leaves leaves have a mint-like taste and smell when broken small red berry Mitchella repens partridgeberry shiny, green, oval leaves with lighter green to whitish center veins crawling plant white, trumpet-shaped flowers 10 Epigaea repens trailing arbutus hairy, leathery leaves leaves have heart-shaped bases crawling plant Trifolium pratense red clover leaves in groups of three round leaflets leaves and stems hairy flowers magenta or white leaflets have pale spot on upper surface Oxalis montana wood sorrel heart-shaped leaflets in groups of three white radial flowers Trifolium repens white clover leaves in groups of three round leaflets leaves and stems not hairy flowers white or pink leaflets with pale spot upper surface creeping stems Trifolium hybridum alsike clover leaves in groups of three round leaflets similar to white clover except stems are not creeping 11 Hepatica acutiloba sharp-lobed hepatica leaves have three distinct lobes (not leaflets) stems covered with white hairs lobes are pointed Asclepias syriaca milkweed thick, broad leaves milky juice in the stems purplish, star-shaped flowers occur in clusters Hepatica americana round-lobed hepatica leaves have three distinct lobes (not leaflets) stems covered with white hairs lobes are rounded Rumex obtusifolius bitterdock very large leaves with heartshaped bases papery sheath occurs where leaves attach to stem middle veins of leaves have reddish coloration Mitella nuda naked miterwort rounded leaves with heart-shaped bases serrations on leaves are rounded, not sharp petioles on leaves are hairy flowering stem has no leaves greenish flowers with fringed petals 12 Ribes spp. gooseberry spreading or straggling woody plant palmately divided leaves resemble maple leaves many species have small thorns on the stem Galeopsis tetrahit hemp nettle obovate leaves occur in opposite pairs hairy stem and leaves square stem in cross-section white or purple leaves occur in dense whorls 13
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