Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 CURRICULUM VITAE MARIO J.SALDANA M.D. 1. PERSONAL Name: Mario J. Saldana, M.D. Email: [email protected] Positions: Professor of Pathology (Emeritus), University of Miami. Medical School, Miami, Florida (1977-1994). 2. HIGHER EDUCATION Pre-Medical Studies, San Marcos University, Lima, Peru (1951-1953); Bachelor of Science, 1953. Medical School, San Marcos University, Lima, Peru (1953-1959); Medical Doctor, 1960. 3. POST-DOCTORAL TRAINING Rotating Internship, San Marcos University Hospitals, Lima, Peru (19591960). Assistant Pathologist, Department of Pathology, San Marcos University Medical School, Lima, Peru (1960-1963). Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Pathology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut (1963-1965). Post-Doctoral Fellow In Cardio-Vascular Pathology, Hektoen Institute for Medical Research, Cook County Hospital, Chicago, Illinois (1965-1966). Research Associate, High Altitude Research Institute, Peruvian University Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru (1966-1969). Teaching Fellow-Department of Pathology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts (1969-1970). 1 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 4. BOARD CERTIFICATIONS AND LICENSURES Educational Council for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) (1961). Pennsylvania State Board of Medical Licensure (1971). American Board of Pathology (Pathologic Anatomy) (1971). Florida Board of Medical Examiners (No. 33391) (1977-Current). 5. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Instructor, Department of Pathology, San Marcos University Medical School, Lima, Peru (1961-1963). Teaching Fellow, Department of Pathology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut (1963-1965). Research Fellow in Cardiovascular Pathology and Congenital Heart Disease, Hektoen Institute for Medical Research, Chicago, Illinois (19651966). Research Associate, Laboratory of Pathologic Anatomy, High Altitude Research Institute, Peruvian University Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru (1966-1969). Teaching Fellow, Department of Pathology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts (1969-1970). Assistant Professor of Pathology, University of Pennsylvania Medical School, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1970-1974). Attending Surgical Pathologist, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1970-1974). Associate Professor of Pathology, Thomas Jefferson University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1974-1977). Attending Surgical Pathologist, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1974-1977). 2 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Professor of Pathology, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, Florida (1977- 1994). Attending Surgical Pathologist, Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, Florida (1977-1994). Director, Electron Microscopy Laboratory, Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, Florida (1982-1984). Consultant Pathologist, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute - Anne Bates Leach Eye Hospital, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, Florida (19771994). Attending Pathologist, Cedars Medical Center, Miami, Florida (1995). OTHERS: Consultant Pathologist, Veterans Administration Hospital of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1970-1977). Consultant Pathologist, Philadelphia General Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1970-1975). Visiting Lecturer, Department of Pathology, Rutgers Medical School, Piscataway, New Jersey (1974-1977). Consulting Pathologist, Joseph P. Davis Medical Examiner's Office, Miami, Florida (1979-1994). Consulting Pathologist Cedars Medical Center, Miami, Florida (1994-2000). Private Pathology Consultations 2002-2006. 6. CURRENT AND PAST TEACHING RESPONSIBILITIES Training of residents in Surgical and Autopsy Pathology at Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, Florida (1977-1994). Teaching of Pathology to medical students and residents at the University of Miami School of Medicine (1977-1994). 3 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Bi-Weekly Pulmonary Pathology Conference held jointly with the Department of Medicine at Jackson Memorial Hospital (1977-1994). Weekly Lung Cancer Conference held jointly with Departments of Surgery and Medical Oncology at Jackson Memorial Hospital (1977 -1994). Panelist for the Professional Improvement Program on Lung Pathology, American College of Pathologists (1986-1989). Trustee, Society of Pulmonary Pathology, USA (1998-). 7. THESIS AND DISSERTATION ADVICE (NOT AMONG DR. SALDANA'S PUBLICATIONS). Kadar K: The human placenta at high altitude and at sea level. Thesis. University Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru, 1969. Carmelino ML: Angiographic characteristics of the coronary circulation at sea level and at high altitudes. Thesis, University Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru, 1969. Salcedo R: The small coronary vessels of the high altitude heart. Thesis, University Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru, 1969. Cassinelli M.T.: Pulmonary vascular changes in high altitude children with patent ductus arteriosus. Thesis, Cayetano Heredia Medical School, Lima, Peru, 1970. 8. ADMINISTRATIVE AND COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES Member of the Latin-American Affairs Committee, University of Miami School of Medicine (1987-1990). Member of the Library Committee, University of Miami School of Medicine (1987 - 1989). Member of Cancer Committee, Cedars Medical Center, Miami, Florida (1996-1997). 4 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 9. HONORS, AWARDS, AND DISTINCTIONS Eleventh William Barris McAllister J. Memorial Lecture, April 25, 1990; subject: Pulmonary Vasculitis, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. High Life Poses Lung Problems. Peruvian pathologist finds that persons living in mountainous regions often develop pulmonary anomalies. Medical World News vol 7, No. 13, April 8, 1966. U.M.A. Best Teacher Award presented by graduating class of 1974, University of Pennsylvania Medical School, May 20, 1974. Panelist, Pulmonary Pathology Specialty Conference, Sixty-eighth Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Pathology, San Francisco, California, March 7, 1979. Visiting Professor, National Institute of Cardiology of Mexico, Mexico City, May 1-15, 1979. Director of Seminar on Lung Pathology, XV Latin American Congress of Pathology, San Jose, Costa Rica, December 1-6, 1985. Moderator, Pulmonary Pathology Section, X1 Annual Review and Recent Practical Advances in Pathology, University of Miami School of Medicine and University of Florida College of Medicine, Miami, Florida, January 1924, 1986. Lecturer and Panelist at the Internal Colloquy on Wegener's Granulomatosis and other Vasculitides of the Respiratory Tract honoring Dr. F. Wegener, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, May 7-9, 1986. Guest Faculty at "Seminar in Pulmonary and Mediastinal Diagnosis. " Armed Forces Institute of Pathology - American Registry of Pathology, Washington, D.C.. October 6-9, 1986. Guest Faculty at the Second Annual Course on Current Concepts in Pulmonary Pathology, Harvard Medical School at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, October 20-24, 1986. 5 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Guest Lecturer, Yale University School of Medicine Department of Pathology, June 19,1987; subject: Experimental Pulmonary Hypertension. Faculty, 13th Annual Review and Recent Practical Advances in Pathology Meeting of the University of Miami School of Medicine and the University of Florida College of Medicine, Fontainebleau Hilton Hotel, Miami Beach, Florida, January 31, 1988. Participation in 77th Annual Meeting of the USA - Canadian Division of the International Academy of Pathology, Washington, D.C., February 27 March 4, 1988 (2 Poster Presentations). Participation in the XVII International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology & 8th World Congress of Academic and Environmental Pathology, Dublin, Ireland, September 4-9, 1988; subject:Benign and malignant lymphoid lesions of the lung in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (1 Poster Presentation). Participation in 78th Annual Meeting of the USA Canadian Division of the International Academy of Pathology, San Francisco, California, March 5-10, 1989 (3 poster presentations). Participation in the 15th Annual Review and Recent Practical Advances in Pathology, University of Miami School of Medicine and the University of Florida College of Medicine; Fontainebleau Hilton, Miami Beach, Florida, February 19, 1990. Visiting Professor, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru, February 12-23, 1990. Main Topics In Pulmonary Pathology. Visiting Professor, Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, Arizona, February 26 - March 2, 1990. Main Topics In Pulmonary Pathology. Participation at the 79th Annual Meeting of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Boston, Massachusetts, March 4-9, 1990 (2 poster presentation). 6 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Panelist at the Pulmonary Specialty Conference, 79th Annual Meeting of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Boston, Massachusetts, March 4-9, 1990. Participation at the 16th Annual Review and Recent Practical Advances in Pathology presented by the University of Miami School of Medicine and the University of Florida College of Medicine at the Fontainbleau Hilton Hotel of Miami Beach, Florida, January 20, 1991. Participation at the 80th Annual Meeting of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, March 17-22, 1991, Chicago, Illinois (1 Poster Presentation). Participation on XVIII Latin American Congress of Pathology and XXVIII Argentinian Congress of Pathology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 2025, 1991. Lecture: Wegener’s granulomatosis: Director of Session on Pathology of the Respiratory Tract and Skin. Participation in the 81st Annual Meeting of the U. S. - Canadian Academy of Pathology in Atlanta, Georgia March 14-20,1992 (1 poster presentation). Participation in the 82nd Annual Meeting of the U. S. - Canadian Academy of Pathology, in New Orleans, Louisiana March 13-19, 1993 (1 poster presentation). Visiting Faculty, Department of the Army, August 14-17, 1996, at William Beaumont Army Medical Center, El Paso, Texas. Subjects: Interstitial Lung Disease, Pulmonary Angiitis and Granulomatosis, Tumors of the Lung and Pleura, and Pulmonary Hypertension. Participant and Founding Member Of the European Society of Pulmonary Pathologists, Heidelberg, Germany June 3-7, 1997. Director of Clinico-Pathologic Seminar at the XII Course in Advances in Pulmonary Medicine at Vall D'Hebron Hospital, Barcelona, Spain, February 26,1998. 7 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Member of the Scientific Committee, 2nd European Congress in Lung Pathology, Madrid, Spain, with Prof. B. Corrin (London), Prof. K. Kayser (Heidelberg) and Prof. W. Travis (Washington). Faculty at yearly meeting on diagnostic lung pathology at the American Society of Clinical Pathology meeting, New Orleans, LA, 9/25 to 9/28. Topics: interstitial lung disease, pulmonary hypertension. Participant and lecturer at the XXIII Congress of the international Academy of Pathology, Nagoya, Japan, October 16, to 18, 2000. Subject: abnormal proliferation of bronchial arterial collaterals in chronic obstructive lung disease (presentation of case). Guest speaker at the 383rd Special Meeting of the Clinical Respiratory Society of Tokyo, Japan on 10/21/00 (with Dr. Eugene Mark of Boston, MA and Dr. Bryan Corrin of London). Subject: Pulmonary Hypertension, clinicopathologic conference in a case of lung lymphoma. 10. SOCIETIES American Society of Clinical Pathologists Fellow, College of American Pathologists International Academy of Pathologists American Thoracic Society Latin American Society of Pathology Central American Association of Pathologists Peruvian Society of Pathologists Colombian Society of Pathologists Honorary Member, Colombian Society of Diseases of the Chest Visiting Professor, Peruvian University Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru Fellow, American College of Chest Physicians Member of Pulmonary Pathology Society, USA 8 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Reviewer for the following Journals: Science, Thorax, Chest, Cancer Annals of Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic Proceedings, Southern Medical Journal 11. PUBLICATIONS A. Articles in Referred Journals Arias-Stella J. and Saldana M: The Muscular Pulmonary Arteries in People Native to High Altitudes. Med Thorac 19:484, 1962. Saldana M, Arias-Stella J: Normal Changes in the Elastic Configuration of the Pulmonary Trunk in People Native to High Altitudes. Circulation 27: 1086, 1963. Saldana M, and Arias-Stella J: The Evolution of the Elastic configuration of the Pulmonary Trunk in the People Native to High Altitudes. Circulation 27:1101, 1963. Saldana M, and Arias-Stella J: The Thickness of the Media of the Pulmonary Trunk and Ascending Aorta in High Altitude Natives. Circulation 27:1101, 1963. Arias-Stella J. Saldana M: The Terminal Portion of the Pulmonary Arterial Tree in People Native to High Altitudes. Circulation 28:915, 1963. Saldana M: Production of Pulmonary Vascular Disease in Experimental Hyperkinetic Pulmonary Hypertension. Proceedings Institute Med. Chicago 26:8,1966. Saldana M, Harley RA, Liebow AA, and Carrington, CB: Experimental Extreme Pulmonary Hypertension and Vascular Disease in Relation to Polycythemia. Am J Path 52:935, 1968. Grana L, Saldana MJ, Donnellan WL, Swenson 0: Immediate and Long Term Effects of Acute Hepatic Ischemia. Arch Surg 97:500, 1968. Levine BW, Saldana M, Hutter AM: Pulmonary Hypertension in Sarcoidosis. Am Rev Resp Dis 103:413, 1971. 9 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Kadar K, Saldana MJ: La Placenta de la Altura. 1. Caracteristicas Macroscopicas y Morfometricas. Ginec & Obst (Lima, Peru) 17:4, 1971. Saldana MJ, Kadar K, and Recavarren S: La Placenta de la Altura. II. Estudio Ultraestructural Quantitative de Placentas de Cerro de Pasco (altura, 4,330m.), Puno (altura, 3,850 m.), y Lima (altura, 150 m.). Ginec & Obst (Lima, Peru) 17:25, 1971. Riley DJ, and Saldana M: Pigeon-breeders' Lung. Subacute Course and the Importance of Indirect Exposure. Am Rev Resp Dis 107:456, 1973. Czaja AJ, Steinberg AS, Saldana M: Peritoneoscopy: Its Value in the Diagnosis of Liver Disease. Gastroenterol Endosc 20:23, 1973. Saldana M, Salem LE, Travezan R: High Altitude Hypoxia and Chemodectomas. Human Path 4:251, 1973. Saldana M. Guest. Editor: Clinical Conference in Pulmonary Disease. A Problem in Pulmonary Hypertension. Chest 65:192, 1974. Tapia F, Saldana M, Miro-Quesada M, Carillo A: Oclusion coronaria experimental en perrros a nivel del mar y en la altura. Observacionces electrocardiograficas y de flujo coronario retrogrado. Rev Per Cardiologia 17:45, 1974. Abrams R, Saldana M, et al: Tricuspid and Pulmonary Valve Atresia with Aortopulmonary Fistula: Survival of a patient to 21 years of age. Chest 68:236, 1975. Saldana MJ, Israel HL: Benign and Malignant Forms of Pulmonary Angiitis and Granulomatosis. Brit J Dis Chest 70:278, 1976. Saldana MJ, Patchefsky AS, Israel H L, and Atkinson WB: Pulmonary Angiitis and Granulomatosis. The relationship between histologic features, organ involvement and response to treatment. Human Pathol 8:391, 1977. 10 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Israel HL, Patchefsky AS, Saldana MJ: Wegener's Granulomatosis, Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis and Benign Lymphocytic Angiitis and Granulomatosis of Lung--Recognition and Treatment. Annals Of Internal Med. 87:691, 1977. Maniglia AJ, Greenman RL, Saldana M: A Fatal Case of Legionnaire's Disease Following a Total Laryngectomy. Otolaryngol, Head Neck Surg 87:299, 1979. Saldana MJ: Pulmonary Vasculitides and Related Granulomatosis. Sem Resp Med 4:113, 1982. Kinney EL, Coder RP, Sequeira RF, Thurer RJ, Saldana MJ, Chahine RA: Detection of Posterior Mediastinal Lymphoma by Pulsed Doppler Echocardiography. Am Heart J 108: 1365, 1984. Gould E., Kurzon R., Kowalczyk AP, Saldana M: Pilomatrix Carcinoma with Pulmonary Metastasis. Cancer 54:370, 1984. Mones JM, Saldana MJ: Nodular Regenerative Hyperplasia of the Liver in a 4-Month-Old Infant. Am J Dis Child. 138:79, 1984. Ferreiro J, Reider W, Saldana MJ: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Manifesting as Chronic Polyserositis with Negative Serology. Am J Med 78:1100, 1984. Mones JM, Saldana MJ, Albores-Saavedra J: Nodular Regenerative Hyperplasia of the Liver. Report of three patients and review of literature. Arch. Pathol. Lab. Med. 108:741, 1984. Pitchenik AK, Fischl MA, Saldana MJ: Kaposi's Sarcoma of the Tracheobronchial Tree. Clinical, bronchoscopic, and pathologic features. Chest 37: 122, 1985. Warren J, Pitchenik AK, Saldana MJ: Bronchocentric Granulomatosis with Glomerulonephritis. Chest 87:832, 1985. Ferreiro J, Saldana MJ, Azevedo S: Polyarteritis Manifesting as Calf Myositis and Fever. Am J Med 80:312, 1986. 11 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Ferreiro J, Busse J, Saldana MJ: Megacolon in the CollagenVascular Syndrome Overlap. Am J Med 80:307, 1986. Mones JM, Saldana MJ, Oldham SA: The Diagnosis of Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia. Radiological-pathological correlates based on fiberoptic bronchoscopy specimens from patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Chest 89:522, 1986. Fox S, Mones JM, Kronstadt R, Saldana MJ: Bilateral and Synchronous Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Cervix in a Patient with Uterus Didelphys. ObstetGynec 67:765, 1986. Jessurun J, Azevedo M, Saldana M: Allergic Angiitis and Granulomatosis (Churg-Strauss Syndrome): Report of a case with massive thymic involvement in a non-asthmatic patient. Human Pathol 17:637, 1986. Barrio JL, Suarez M, Rodriguez JL, Saldana MJ, Pitchenik AK: Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia presenting as cavitating and noncavitating solitary pulmonary nodules in patients with the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Am Rev Respir Dis, 134:1094, 1986. Mones JM, Saldana MJ, Oldham SA: Diagnosis of Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia. Resp Dis Digest 8:7, 1986. Ferreiro JE, Robalino BD, Saldana MJ: Primary Sjogren's Syndrome with Diffuse Cerebral Vasculitis and Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonitis. A case report.Am J Med 82:1227, 1987. Sridhar KS, Thurer R, Kim Y, Fountzilar G, Davila E, Donnelly E, Charyolu KKK, Saldana MJ, Thompson T, Fayos J, Raskin N, Beattie EJ: Multimodality Treatment of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Response to Cysplatin, VP-16 and 5-FU Chemotherapy, Surgery and Radiation Therapy. J Surg Oncol 38:193, 1988. Sridhar KS, Barreras L, Saldana MJ, Manten H: Respiratory Tract Fistulae in Recurrent Aerodigestive Cancers after Chemotherapy. Cancer 61 :427, 1988. 12 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Saldana, M.J. Pneumonia With Rash in a child with AIDS. J Infect Dis 158:480, 1988. Oldham SA, Castillo M, Jacobson F, Mones JM, Saldana MJ: HIV Associated Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonia: radiologic manifestations and pathologic correlation. Radiology 170:83, 1989. Sridhar KS, Saldana MJ, Thurer RJ, Beattie EJ: Primary Choriocarcinoma of the Lung with Brain Metastases. Report of a case treated with intensive multimodality therapy. J Surg Oncol 41:93, 1989. Warren J, Pichenik AK, Saldana MJ: The Granulomatous and Lymphoproliferative Vasculitides of the Lung: A clinicopathologic approach to diagnosis and treatment. South Med J 82:481, 1989. Pettinato G, Manivel JC, Saldana MJ, Peyser J, Dehner LP: Primary Bronchopulmonary Fibrosarcoma in Children: Reassessment of a low grade malignancy. Clinicopathologic study of five cases and review of the literature. Hum Pathol 20:463, 1989. Poblete R, Rodriguez K, Faust R, Reddy R, Saldana MJ: Pneumocystis Carinii Hepatitis in the Acquired immunodeficiency Syndrome. Ann Intern Med 110:737, 1989. Kramer MR, Saldana MJ, Cepero R, Pitchenik AK: High Amylase Level in Neoplasm-Related Pleural Effusion. Ann Intern Med 110:567, 1989. Birriel J, Adams A, Saldana M, Mabunda K, Goldfinger S, Vernon D: Role of flexible bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage in the diagnosis of pediatric acquired immunodeficiency syndrome related pulmonary disease. Pediatrics 87(6): 897, 1991. Kramer MR, Saldana MJ, Ramos M, Pitchenick AK: High Titers of EpsteinBarr Virus Antibodies in Adult Patients with Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonitis Associated with AIDS. Respiratory Medicine 86:49, 1992. 13 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Fischl MA, Daikos GL, Uttamchandami RB, Poblete RB, Moreno JN, Reyes RR, Boota AM, Thompson LM, Cleary TJ, Oldham SA, Saldana MJ, Lai S: The Clinical Presentation and Outcome of Patients with Tuberculosis caused by Multiple Drug Resistance Bacilli who have Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV) infection. Ann Intern Med 117:184, 1992. Broder LE, Sridhar KS, Selawry OS, Charyulu KN, Rao RK, Saldana MJ, Lenz C: A Phase II Clinical Trial evaluating the use of two sequential, fourdrug combination chemotherapy regimens in ambulatory bronchogenic adenocarcinoma patients. Am Journal Clin Oncol 15:480, 1992. Sridhar KS, Doria R, Raub WA Jr., Saldana MJ: New Strategies are needed in diffuse malignant mesothelioma. Cancer, 70:2969, 1992. Sridhar KS, Flores MR, Raub, WA, Jr., Saldana MJ: Lung cancer in patients with Human Immune deficiency virus infection compared with historic control subjects. Chest, 102:1704, 1992. Tazelaar HD, Kerr D, Yousem SA, Saldana MJ, Langston C, Colby TV: Diffuse pulmonary lymphangiomatosis. Hum Pathol 24:1313, 1993. Saldana MJ, Mones JM: Pulmonary pathology in AIDS: Atypical pneumocystis carinii infection, lymphoid interstitial pneumonia and pulmonary hypertension. Thorax; 49 Supp: 546, 1994. Broder LE, Sridhar KS, Selawry OS, Chayrulu KN, Rao RK, Saldana MJ, Donnelly El, Raub WA: A randomized trial in bronchogenic small-cell carcinoma evaluating alternating maintenance therapy of vincristine, adriamycin, procarbazine, and etoposide (VAPE) with cyclophosphamide, CCNU, and induction and later intensification. Am J Clin Oncol 17:527, 1994. Flores R, Sridhar KS, Thurer RJ, Saldana MJ, Raub WA Jr., Klimas NG: Lung cancer in patients with acquired immunodeficiency virus infection. Am J Clin Oncol 18:59, 1995. 14 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Raez LE, Temple JD, Saldana MJ: Successful treatment of Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis using Cyclosporin-A after failure of intensive chemotherapy. Am J Hematol 53:192, 1996. Daikos GL, Uttamchandami RB, Fischl MA, Saldana MJ et al.: Disseminated miliary tuberculosis of the skin in AIDS patients. Report of 4 cases. J Infect Dis 27:205, 1998. Saldana, Mario J. High altitude human disease: pathogenesis, prevention and treatment. Electronic J Pathol & Histol, Volume 5.1, March 1999. R. Oldenburg Verlag, Postfach 801360, D 8113 Munchen, W. Germany. Hague AK, Gokhale S, Rampy BA, Adegboyega, P, Duarte A, Saldana, MJ. Pulmonary Hypertension in sickle cell hemoglobinopathy: a clinicopathologic study of 20 cases. Human Pathology. Ganesan S, Felo J, Saldana MJ, Tomashefski, JF Jr. Embolized Crospovidone (N-vinyl-2 pyrrolidone) in the Lungs of Intravenous Drug Abusers (Submitted for publication). Saldana MJ, Roma A, Bravo C et al. Pulmonary Capillary angiomatosis (PCA) with pulmonary venocclusive disease (PVOD) in two siblings. Arch Anat Cytol Path Clin Exp Path 46 (No. 5-6) 1998. B. Chapters In Monographs And Books Arias-Stella J., Saldana MJ: The muscular pulmonary arteries in people native to high altitudes. In: Progress in Research in Emphysema and Bronchitis. Ed: Grover RS, Karger, Switzerland, 1963, pp 292-318. Saldana MJ: Normal Cardiopulmonary Structure and Function and Related Clinical Conditions in People Native to High Altitudes. Chapter 17 in: the Lung, Ed.: A Liebow, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1967, pp 259-268. Saldana MJ: Cardiopatias Congenitas. Texto de Patologia; Ed. by Correa P. et al., La Prensa Medica Mejicana, Mejico, 1970, pp 589-610. 15 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Kadar K, Saldana MJ: The human placenta at high altitudes. Studies in gestation and the newborn at high altitudes. R. Guerra Garcia, ed.; High Altitude Research Institute Monograph, Lima, Peru, 1971, pp 77-89. Saldana MJ, Kadar K, and Recavarran S: The human placenta at high altitudes: Ultrastructural and morphometric studies. Studies on gestation and the newborn at high altitudes. R. Guerra Garcia, ed.; High Altitude Research Institute Monograph, Lima, Peru, 1971, pp 98-113. Cudkowicz L, Saldana MJ et al: The Regional Distribution of Pulmonary Blood Flow In Normal High Altitude Dwellers at 3650 m. (12200 ft) and Chronic Mountain Sickness. Chapter 42 in: Selected Topics in Environmental Biology. B. Bathia et al. ed. Interprint Publications, New Delhi, India, 1976, pp 258-293. Mayock RL, and Saldana MJ: Eosinophilic Pneumonia: Chapter 79 in Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders, First Edition. AP Fishman, ed. McGraw- Hill Book Co. New York 1980, pp. 920-939. Thurlbeck WM, Wright JL, and Saldana MJ: Diffuse Diseases of the Lungs. Chapter 19 in Principles and Practice of Surgical Pathology, First Edition. SG Silverberg, ed; John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York, N.Y., 1983,pp 521-626. Saldana MJ, Wright JL, and Thurlbeck WM: Localized Diseases of the Bronchi and Lungs. Chapter 20 in Principles and Practice of Surgical Pathology, First Edition, SG Silverberg, ed.; John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York, N.Y., 1983:563-684. Saldana MJ: Pulmonary Vasculitides and Angiocentric Lymphoproliferative Processes. Chapter 16 in Pulmonary Pathology, First Edition, Dail DH, and Hammar SP. ed. New York: Springer-Verlag, Co. 1988, pp 447-479. Saldana MJ and Israel HL: Benign Lymphocytic Angiitis and Granulomatosis and Necrotizing Sarcoid Granulomatosis: Do they exist? Seminars in Respiratory Medicine, Volume 10, No. 2, April 1989, pp 182188. 16 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Saldana MJ: Localized Diseases of the Bronchi. Chapter 20, Second Edition, in Principles and Practice of Surgical Pathology, SG Silverberg, ed.: Churchill Livingstone, New York, N.Y. 1990, pp 713-845. Saldana MJ, Mones JM, Martinez GR: The pathology of treated pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. Autopsy observation and clinicopathologic correlates in 28 patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Semin Diagn Pathol 6:300-312, 1989. Saldana MJ, Mones JM: Cavitation and other atypical manifestations of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. Semin Diagn Pathol 6:273-286, 1989. Saldana MJ, Mones JM: Lymphoid Interstitial Pneumonia in HIV Infected Individuals. Progress in Surgical Pathology, C.M. FenoglioPeisser, M Wolfe, F Rilke edit, Field and Wood, Inc., Philadelphia. XII: 181-215,1991. Saldana, MJ: Study of Resected and Post-Mortem Lung Specimens. In: MJ Saldana ed. Pathology of Pulmonary Disease. Chapter 5. JB Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1994, pp 53-59. Wright JL, Saldana MJ: Inhalation Injury to the Respiratory Tract. In: MJ Saldana ed. Pathology of Pulmonary Disease. Chapter 17. JB Lippincott,Philadelphia, 1994, pp 159-169. Davis JH, Saldana MJ: Acute Pulmonary Death and Forensic Pathology of the Lung. In: MJ Saldana ed. Pathology of Pulmonary Disease. Chapter 19. JB Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1994, pp 179-199. Saldana MJ, Arias-Stella J: Pulmonary Hypertension and Pathology at High Altitudes. In: MJ Saldana ed. Pathology of Pulmonary Disease. Chapter 24. JB Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1994, pp 247-259. Saldana MJ, Sridhar KS, Thurer RJ: Classification, Staging, and Etiology of Lung Cancer. In: MJ Saldana ed. Pathology of Pulmonary Disease. Chapter 46. JB Lippincott, Phildelphia, 1994, pp 523-530. Saldana MJ, Mones JM: Lung Cancer: Adenocarcinoma. in: MJ Saldana ed. Pathology of Pulmonary Disease. JB Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1994, pp 531-544. 17 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Saldana MJ, Mones JM: Lung Cancer: Squamous Cell Carcinoma. In: MJ Saldana ed. Pathology of Pulmonary Disease. Chapter 48. JB Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1994, pp 545-554. Saldana MJ, Mones JM: Papillary Tumors of Surface Epithelium. In: MJ Saldana ed. Pathology of Pulmonary Disease. Chapter 53. JB Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1994; pp 609-615. Saldana MJ: Pathology of the Trachea and main bronchi. In: MJ Saldana ed. Pathology of Pulmonary Disease. Chapter 73. JB Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1994, pp 843-852. Saldana MJ, Mones JM, Garcia-Moliner M, Frable WJ: Localized diseases of the bronchi and lungs. Chapter 29. In: Silverberg SG, DeLellis R, Frable WJ, ed. Principles and practices of Surgical Pathology and Cytopathology. 3rd Ed. Churchill Livingstone, NY, 1997, pp 1189-1297. C. Books Pathology of Pulmonary Disease, MJ Saldana, ed. Lippincott Co. Philadelphia. 1994, pp 1-920. 12. ABSTRACTS Grana L, Saldana M: Vascular lesions in experimental liver ischemia. Lab Invest 1967; 16:631. (abs.). Harley RA, Friedman PJ, Saldana M: Sequential development of lesions in experimental extreme pulmonary hypertension. Am J Path 52:52a, 1968. (abs.). Saldana M, Garcia Oyola EL: Morphometry of the high altitude lung. Lab Invest 22:509, 1970. (abs.). Saldana M, and Salem LE: High altitude hypoxia and chemodectomas. Am J Path 54:91 a, 1970. (abs.). 18 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Dawn RH, Edelman NH, Fisher AB, Mayock RL, Saldana MJ: Newer Forms of Alveolar and Interstitial Lung Disease. Third Fall Scientific Assembly (37th Annual Meeting) American College of Chest Physicians, Phila., Penn., October 24-28, 1971. Chest 60:287, 1971. (abs.). Saldana MJ, Patchefsky AS, Israel HL, Atkinson GW: Benign and Malignant Forms of Pulmonary Angiitis and Granulomatosis. Fifty- seventh annual session, American College of Physicians, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 5-8, 1976 (Abstract #105). Saldana M, Pathefsly AS, Israel HL, Atkinson WB: Benign and Malignant Forms of Pulmonary Angiitis and Granulomatosis: Histologic Observations and the Response to Treatment in 52 Patients. Lab Invest 38:34, 1978. (abstract). Saldana MJ: Necrotizing Sarcoid Granulomatosis: Clinicopathologic Observations in 24 Patients. Lab invest 38:34, 1978. (abstract). Saldana MJ: Pulmonary Angiitis and Granulomatosis: The relationship between electron and light microscopical features. Am Rev Resp Dis. 117:77, 1978.(abstract). Maniglia AJ, Greenman R, Saldana M: A fatal case of Legionnaire's disease following a total laryngectomy. Otolaryngol 86:196, 1978. (abstract). Saldana MJ: Bronchocentric Granulomatosis: Clinicopathologic Observations in 17 Patients. Lab Invest 40:45, 1979. (abstract). Saldana MJ: Localized Asbestos Pneumonia. Lab Invest 44:57a. 1981 (abstract). Saldana MJ, Mones JM, Buck BE: Lymphoid interstitial pneumonia in Haitian residents of Florida. Chest 84:347, 1983. (abstract). Saldana MJ, Mones JM, Scott G: Lymphoid Interstitial Pneumonia in the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Lab Invest 50:50a, 1984. (abstract). 19 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Fischl MA, Dickinson GM, Mones JM, Saldana MJ: Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia associated with the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Clin Research 1984, 32:368. (abstract). Shridhar KS, Saldana MJ: Pulmonary neoplastic lesions in patients with neck cancer. J Clin Oncol 2:25, 1984. (abstract). Oldham SA, Castillo M, Saldana MJ, Mones JM: Protean Manifestations of Lymphoplasmacytic interstitial pneumonitis in patients with AIDS and AIDSrelated complex. Radiology 157:279, 1985. (abs.). Pitchenik A, Fischl MA, Saldana M: Kaposi's sarcoma of the tracheobronchial tree. Chest 89:158, 1986. (abs.). Saldana MJ, Mones JM: The spectrum of lymphoproliferative lung responses in patients with the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Lab Invest 58:80A, 1988. (abs.). Saldana MJ, Mones JM, Martinez GR: The effects of treatment on the pathology of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in patients with the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Lab Invest 58:80A, 1988. (abs.). Adams JA, Birriel JA, Saldana MJ et al: Pulmonary findings in children with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. (AIDS) Chest 94:1, 1988. (abs.). Birriel JA, Adams JA, Saldana MJ: Measles pneumonia in a child with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Correlation of bronchoaleolar lavage with autopsy. Pedi Res 23:652, 1988. (abs.). Adams JA, Birriel JA, Saldana MJ: Pulmonary findings in postmortem examinations of pediatric acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Ped Res 23:651, 1988. (abs.). Adams JA, Birriel JA, Saldana MJ, Romig L: Pulmonary findings in children with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Book 1, page 439, IV International Conference on AIDS, Stockholm, Sweden, June 8-12,1988. (abs.). 20 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Saldana MJ, Mones JM: Benign and malignant lymphoid lesions of the lung in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. XVII International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology & 8th World Congress of Academic and Environmental Pathology, Dublin, Ireland, 4th-9th September, 1988. (abstract). Saldana MJ, Mones JM: The spectrum of lymphoproliferative lung responses in patients with the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Mod Path 1:80A, 1988. (abstract). Saldana MJ, Mones JM, Martinez GR: The effects of treatment on the pathology of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in patients with the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Mod Path 1:80A, 1988. (abstract). Manivel JC, Pettinato G, Saldana MJ, Peyser J, Dehner LP: Primary bronchopulmonary fibrosarcoma in children (PBPS): Reassessment of a low-grade malignancy and clinicopathologic study of five cases. Lab Invest 60: 56A, 1989. (abstract). Saldana MJ, Mones JM, Israel HL: Benign lymphocytic angiitis and granulomatosis: long-term clinico-pathologic observations. Lab Invest 60:82A, 1989. (abstract). Saldana MJ, Mones JM, Martinez GR: The natural history and pathogenesis of lymphoid interstitial pneumonia (LIP) in the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS-related complex (ARC). Lab Invest 60: 82A, 1989. (abstract). Saldana MJ, Mones JM, Israel HL: Benign lymphocytic angiitis and granulomatosis: long-teen clinicopathologic observations. Mod Path 2:82A, 1989. (abstract). Saldana MJ, Mones JM, Martinez GR: The natural history and pathogenesis of lymphoid interstitial pneumonia (LIP) in the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS-related complex (ARC). Mod Path 2:83A, 1989. (abstract). 21 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Saldana MJ, Mones JM: Lymphoid interstitial Pneumonia in HIV infection: observations in 52 patients and pathogenesis. Lab Invest 62:88A, 1990. (abstract). Saldana MJ, Mones JM, Kahn H: Benign lymphocytic angiitis and granulomatosis of the lung: Clinicopathologic and immunohistologic observations in 6 patients. Lab Invest 62:88A, 1990. (abstract). MJ Saldana, JM Mones: Lymphoid Interstitial Pneumonia (LIP) in HIV infection: Observations in 52 patients and pathogenesis. Mod Path 3(1): 88A, 1990. (abstract). MJ Saldana, JM Mones, E Kahn: Benign Lymphocytic Angiitis and Granulomatosis of the lungs (BLAG): Clinicopathologic and Immunohistologic Observations in 6 Cases. Mod Path 3(1): 88A, 1990. (abstract). Saldana MJ and Mones JM: Evolution of Lymphoid Interstitial Pneumonia in Children with the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Modern Pathol 4(1): 119A, 1991. (abstract). Saldana MJ and Mones JM: Evolution of Lymphoid Interstitial Pneumonia in Children with the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Lab Invest 64(1): 119A, 1991. (abstract). Kerr D, Tazelaar H. Yousem S. Saldana M, Colby T: Diffuse Pulmonary Lymphangiomatosis. Lab Invest 66:112A, 1992. (Abst. #662). Kerr D, Tazelaar H. Yousem S. Saldana M, Colby T: Diffuse Pulmonary Lymphangiomatosis. (DPL) Modern Pathol 5:1 HA, 1992. (Abst. #674). 13. EDITORIALS High-Altitude Chemodectoma (by M.J. Saldana et al). Lancet editorial, June 30, 1973 p. 1493. 22 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 14. BOOK REVIEWS 155.Review of Carter D, Pathchefsky AS and Mountain CF's book: Tumors and Tumor-like Lesions of the Lung. Modern Pathol, 12:728. 156.Review of C. Brambilla and E. Brambilla's book: Lung Tumors. Fundamental Biology and Clinical Management. Modern. Pathol, 12:728, 1999. 15.Saldana MJ: Review of "Surgical pathology of non-neoplastic lung disease" by Katzenstein AL, and Askin F. Ann Intern Med 98:883, 1983. 15. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Saldana MJ, Villaran C, Alhalel B: Sildenafil in the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction. New Eng J Med, 339:699, 1998 (letter to editor). Mones JM, Saldana MJ: Diagnosis of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. Chest 91:290, 1987 (Letter To The Editor). Buchsbaum P, Cleary T, Saldana M, Castro A: Immunoperoxidase staining for the serotype-specific demonstration of Legionella pneumophilia. New Engl J. Med 304:613, 1981 (letter). 16. PRESENTATIONS Guest Speaker, Chicago Pathological Society, Chicago, Illinois, April 11, 1966; subject: Production of Pulmonary Vascular Disease in Experimental Hyperkinetic Pulmonary Hypertension. Guest Speaker at Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois, May 19, 1966; subject: Vascular Lesions in Pulmonary Hypertension. Guest Speaker, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, July 7, 1966; subject: "Experimental Hepatic Ischemia". Speaker, VI Latin American Congress Of Pathology and I Panamerican Meeting of the International Academy of Pathology, San Juan, Puerto Rico, December 10-17, 1967, title: Morphometry of the human placenta. 23 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Guest Speaker, IX Latin American Congress of Angiology, Lima, Peru, October 4-9, 1969; title: The Coronary Vascular Tree in High Altitude Natives: Post-mortem angiography and histologic observations. Lecturer, Massachusetts General Hospital, Pulmonary Rounds at the Ether Dome, January 5, 1970; subject: High Altitude Lung Disease. Lecturer, Pulmonary Rounds at the Ether Dome, Massachusetts General Hospital, January 19, 1970; subject: Chemoreceptors and Chronic Hypoxemia. Guest Lecturer, Laennec Society Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 16, 1971; subject: Diffuse Lung Disease. Guest Speaker, Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting of the College of American Pathologists, Buck Hill Falls, Pennsylvania, May 7,1971; subject: Hypoxia and Chemodectomas. Guest Speaker, Pennsylvania Association of Clinical Pathologist Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 20, 1972; subject: Clinicopathologic observations in Pigeon breeders' lung. Lecturer on Interstitial Lung Disease and Occupational Lung Disease, Course #23 ( Clinical Syndromes in Chest Medicine) American College of Physicians at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 12, 1973. Lecturer, Meeting of the Pennsylvania Society of Pathologists; College of Physicians and Surgeons of Philadelphia, February 18,1976; title: Pathology of Paraganglia. Lecturer, 3rd Annual Review and Recent Practical Advances in Pathology presented by the Departments of Pathology, University of Miami School of Medicine and the University of Florida College of Medicine, Miami Beach, Florida, January 21, 1978. 24 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Lecturer, 4th Annual Review and Recent Practical Advances in Pathology presented by the Departments of Pathology, University of Miami School of Medicine and the University of Florida College of Medicine, Miami Beach, Florida, January 14, 1979. Guest Lecturer, VII Mexican and Central American Congress of Pathology, Queretaro, Mexico, April 28-May 1, 1979. Guest Lecturer, Pulmonary Pathology Course, National Institute of Cardiology, Mexico City, Mexico, May 7-12, 1979. Guest Lecturer, Virginia Society of Pathologists, May 23, 1979; subject: Main Subjects in Pulmonary Pathology. Lecturer at the 8th Annual Review in Recent Practical Advances in Pathology, University of Miami School of Medicine and University of Florida College of Medicine at the Sheraton Bal Harbour Hotel, Miami Beach, Florida, January 17, 1983. Guest Lecturer at the Annual Meeting of the Sociedad Medica del Atlantico, January 23, 1983 Barranquilla, Colombia: Main Topics On Lung Pathology. Lecturer at Seminar on Pulmonary Pathology, South Florida Society of Pathology, May 23, 1983 Miami Florida. Topics On Lung Pathology. Guest Lecturer, Colombian Congress of Chest Medicine, Medellin, Colombia, Pulmonary Pathology Topics, October 15-20, 1983. Guest Lecturer, XX Argentinean Congress of Pathology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 16-19, 1983 (main topic Pulmonary Pathology). Presentation of "Pulmonary Findings in Postmortem Examinations of Pediatric Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)" (V Annual Reunion of the Latin American Society for Pediatric Investigation, Santiago, Chile, November 8-11, 1987. Guest Speaker, X Peruvian Congress of Cancer, Lima, Peru, November 15-19, 1987; subject: Breast Cancer. 25 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Guest Speaker, 14th Annual Anatomic Pathology Conference, Florida Society of Pathologists, Contemporary Resort Hotel, Walt Disney World, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, January 21-24, 1988; subject: Pulmonary Pathology Seminar. Presentation of "Pulmonary Findings in Postmortem Examinations of Pediatric Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)" (V Annual Reunion of the Latin American Society for Pediatric Investigation, Santiago, Chile, November 8-11, 1987. Guest Speaker, X Peruvian Congress of Cancer, Lima, Peru, November 15-19, 1987; subject: Breast Cancer. Guest Speaker, 14th Annual Anatomic Pathology Conference, Florida Society of Pathologists, Contemporary Resort Hotel, Walt Disney World, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, January 21-24, 1988; subject: Pulmonary Pathology Seminar. Lecturer at the American Osteopathic College of Pathologist's Midyear Tutorial, March 16-18, 1990 at Lake Buena Vista, Florida. Subject: Lung Pathology. Guest Speaker, V Congress of the Colombian Society of Chest Diseases, 3 lectures and a seminar on lung diseases. Bogota, Colombia, September 29 - October 2, 1993. Guest Speaker, XXV Panamerican Congress and Latin American Society for Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases; subject: 5 lectures on pulmonary pathology, Lima, Peru October 8-12, 1993. Guest Speaker at the IX Course on Advances in Pulmonary Medicine at Vall D'Hebron Hospital, Barcelona, Spain, February 19-23, 1995. Guest Speaker at the Catalonian Society of Pathologists in Barcelona, Spain, February 21, 1995. Subject: Vascular Pathology of the Lung. Guest Speaker at the 1. Andorran - 2nd European International Congress on Lung Cancer, Andorra, February 23-26, 1995. Guest Speaker at the X Course on Advances in Pulmonary Medicine at Vall D'Hebron Hospital, Barcelona, Spain, February 24-28, 1996. 26 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Guest Speaker at the April bi-annual meeting of the Florida Pediatric Pulmonary Society, April 20, 1996, at Marriott Hotel, Miami International Airport, Miami, Florida. Subject: Congenital Lesions of the Lung. Guest Speaker, Anatomic Pathology Slide Seminar, Spring Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Boston, Massachusetts, April 25, 1996. Guest Speaker at the III Course in Clinical Tropical medicine; Alexander von Humboldt Institute of the Peruvian University Cayetano Heredia, Medical School, Lima, Peru, October 22, 1996. Subject: Pulmonary Infections in Patients with AIDS. Guest Lecturer at the XV Congress of the Peruvian Society of Pathologists, Lima, Peru, October 20-26, 1996. Subject: 5 Lectures on Pulmonary Pathology Subjects. Guest Lecturer at the XX Congress of the Peruvian Society of Chest Diseases, November 27-29, 1996. Subject: Lung Tumors and Pathology of COPD. Guest Lecturer at the XI Course in Advances in Pulmonary Medicine at Vail D'Hebron Hospital, Barcelona, Spain. Subject: Seminar and 4 Lectures in Lung Pathology, Barcelona, Spain, February 25-28, 1997. Guest Lecturer at Hospital General Virgen de Aranzazu, San Sebastian, Spain, March 2, 1997. Subject: Slide Seminar. Speaker at the Second Meeting of the European Society of Pulmonary Pathology, Madrid, Spain, July, 1998. Subject: Oddities in neoplastic lung disease. Speaker at the XXII International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology and 13th World Congress of Academic and Environmental Pathology, October 18-23, 1998, Nice (Acropolis), France. Speaker at the Pulmonary Pathology Meeting and Medical Symposium in conjunction with Duke University School of Medicine, Grove Park Asheville, North Carolina, August 25-27, 1999. 27 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Guest speaker at the 14th meeting on Pulmonary diseases at Vall D'Hebron Hospital of Barcelona, Spain, February 14-18, 2000. Topics: lung cancer, interstitial lung disease. Guest speaker at international meeting on pulmonary disease, Peruvian University, Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru, 6/5/00 to 6/12/00, Lima, Peru. Topics: lung cancer, COPD, angiitis and granulomatosis of the lung. Guest speaker at the yearly meeting of New York University Course on Advances in Pathology ("From Head to Toe"). New York, NY, 9/11/00. Topics: interstitial lung disease, lung cancer. Guest lecturer at the yearly meeting on pathology advances at the Hospital Aranzazu, October 5 to 10, 2000, San Sebastian, Spain. Topics: lung cancer, interstitial lung disease, angiitis and granulomatosis of the lung, pulmonary hypertension. Guest Lecturer Classification and Pathogenesis of Lung Cancer. Hospital Aranzazu 10/15/00, San Sebastian, Spain. A pathologist view at interstitial lung disease. Presented at Hospital Aranzazu, 10/16/00, San Sebastian, Spain. The development of hypertensive vascular disease. Presented at Hospital Aranzazu, 10/7/00, San Sebastian, Spain. Guest lecturer at the yearly meeting on pathology advances at the Hospital Aranzazu, October 5 to 10, 2000, San Sebastian, Spain. Topics: lung cancer, interstitial lung disease, angiitis and granulomatosis of the lung, pulmonary hypertension. Guest Lecturer Classification and Pathogenesis of Lung Cancer. Hospital Aranzazu 10/15/00, San Sebastian, Spain. A pathologist view at interstitial lung disease. Presented at Hospital Aranzazu, 10/16/00, San Sebastian, Spain. The development of hypertensive vascular disease. Presented at Hospital Aranzazu, 10/7/00, San Sebastian, Spain. 28 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Guest Speaker, Department of Internal Medicine, Baylor University College of Medicine, Houston, Texas; January 18, 1965; subject: Pathology of the Pulmonary Circulation at High Altitude. Guest Lecturer, Fifty-fifth Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Pathology, Cleveland, Ohio, March 6, 1966; title: Pathology at High Altitude. Presentation: Solid variant of bronchioloalveolar carcinoma composed of Type II Pneumocytes ("Pulmonary Alveolar Cell Carcinoma"). Pulmonary Seminar at Yale University, New Haven, CT, April 26, 1990. Presentation: Papillary Clara cell carcinoma. Pathology Seminar at Yale University, New Haven, CT, April 26, 1990. Presentation: Mucous gland adenoma and coexisting adenocarcinoma with "intestinal" features. Pathology Seminar at Yale University, New Haven, CT, April 26, 1990. Presentation: Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma of lung. Pathology Seminar at Yale University, New Haven, CT, April 26, 1990. Presentation: Metastatic adenoid cystic carcinoma originating in uterine cervix. Pathology Seminar at Yale University, New Haven, CT, April 26, 1990. Presentation: Bronchocentric granulomatosis. Pathology Seminar at Yale University, New Haven, CT, April 26, 1990. Presentation: Benign lymphocytic angiitis and granulomatosis. Pathology Seminar at Yale University, New Haven, CT, April 26, 1990. Presentation: Allergic granulomatosis and angiitis (Churg-Strauss Syndrome) without granulomas. Pathology Seminar at Yale University, New Haven, CT, April 26, 1990. Presentation: Metastasizing leiomyomas with coexisting sarcoidosis. Pathology Seminar at Yale University, New Haven, CT, April 26, 1990. 29 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Presentation: Alveolar adenoma. Pathology Seminar at Yale University, New Haven, CT, April 26, 1990. Presentation: Pulmonary blastoma. Pathology Seminar at Yale University, New Haven, CT, April 26, 1990. Presentation: Malignant paraganglioma of lung. Pathology Seminar at Yale University, New Haven, CT, April 26, 1990. Lecture: Wegener's Granulomatosis. XVIII Latin-American Congress and XXVIII Argentinean Congress of Pathology, Buenos Aires, Argentina October 21, 1991. Lecture: Pulmonary angiitis and granulomatosis. V Annual Meeting of the Colombian Society of Chest Diseases. Bogota, Colombia September 29, 1993. Lecture: Interstitial Lung Disease. V Annual Meeting of the Colombian Society of Chest Diseases. Bogota, Colombia September 30, 1993. Lecture: Pathology of Common Lung Tumors. V Annual Meeting of the Colombian Society of Chest Diseases. Bogota, Colombia October 1, 1993. Seminar on Lung Pathology. Discussion of 10 selected cases of difficult diagnosis. V Annual Meeting of the Colombian Society of Chest Diseases. Bogota, Colombia October 2, 1993. Lecture: Pathology of the Pulmonary Circulation. V Annual Meeting of the Colombian Society of Chest Diseases. Bogota, Colombia October 2, 1993. Lecture: Pulmonary Pathology in AIDS. V Annual Meeting of the Colombian Society of Chest Diseases. Bogota, Colombia October 3, 1993. Lecture: Rare tumors of the lung. XXV Panamerican Congress and Meeting of Latin American Society of Chest Diseases, Lima, Peru, October 8, 1993. Pathology of Mesothelioma. Lecture at the XXV Panamerican Congress and Meeting of Latin American Society of Chest Diseases, Lima, Peru October 8, 1993. 30 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Pathology of the Pulmonary Circulation. Lecture at the XXV Panamerican Congress and Meeting of Latin American Society of Chest Diseases, Lima, Peru October 9, 1993. Pulmonary Pathology in AIDS. Lecture at the XXV Panamerican Congress and Meeting of Latin American Society of Chest Diseases, Lima, Peru October 9, 1993. Angiitis and Granulomatosis of the Lung. Lecture at the XXV Panamerican Congress and Meeting of Latin American Society of Chest Diseases, Lima, Peru October 10, 1993. Lecture: Rare interstitial lung disorders. XXV Panamerican Congress and Meeting of Latin American Society of Chest Diseases, Lima, Peru October 11,1993. Lecture: Vascular Diseases of the Lung. Guest speaker, Venezuelan Society of Chest Diseases meeting, Maracaibo, Venezuela, October 12,1994. Lecture: Common and Uncommon Lung Tumors. Guest speaker, Venezuelan Society of Chest Diseases, Maracaibo, Venezuela, October 12, 1994. Lecture: Pulmonary Pathology in AIDS. Guest speaker at the Venezuelan Society of Chest Diseases. Maracaibo, Venezuela, October 13, 1994. Lecture: Pulmonary Angiitis and Granulomatosis. Guest speaker, Catalonian Society of Pathologists. Barcelona, Spain, February 21, 1995. Lecture: Histopathologic Classification of Lung Cancer. Guest speaker at I Andorran and European International Congress on Lung Cancer, Andorra, February 23, 1995. Lecture: Rare Lung Tumors. Guest speaker at I Andorran and European International Congress on Lung Cancer. Andorra, February 24, 1995. Lecture: Pathology of Pulmonary Vasculitides. Guest speaker, Hospital Santa Clara, Bogota, Colombia, June 1, 1995. 31 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Lecture: Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis. Guest speaker, Hospital Santa Clara, Bogota, Colombia, June 1, 1995. Lecture: Pathology of Bronchiolitis. Guest speaker, Hospital Santa Clara, Bogota, Colombia. June 1, 1995. Lecture: Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage in Wegener's Granulomatosis. Guest speaker, Hospital Santa Clara, Bogota, Colombia. June 2, 1995. Lecture: Pulmonary Alveolar Microlithiasis. Guest speaker, Hospital Santa Clara, Bogota, Colombia. June 2, 1995. Lecture: Pathology of Common Lung Tumors. Guest speaker, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela. November 15, 1995. Lecture: Pathologic Diagnosis of Rare Lung Tumors. Guest speaker, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela. November 16, 1995. Lecture: Uncommon Lung Tumors. Guest speaker, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela. November 16, 1995. Lecture: Pulmonary Vasculitis. Guest speaker, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela. November 17, 1995. Lecture: Histopathology of Bronchiolitis. Guest speaker, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela. November 17, 1995. Lecture: Pathology of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Guest speaker, Peruvian Society of Respiratory Diseases, Ill International Symposium on Advances in Respiratory Medicine. December 1, 1995, Lima, Peru. Lecture: Pathology of Interstitial Lung Diseases. Guest speaker, Peruvian Society of Respiratory Diseases, III International Symposium on Advances in Respiratory Medicine. December 2, 1995, Lima, Peru. Lecture: Vascular Diseases of the Human Lung. Guest speaker, Peruvian Society of Respiratory Diseases, Ill International Symposium on Advances in Respiratory Medicine. December 2, 1995, Lima, Peru. 32 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Lecture: Usual Lung Tumors: Pathology and Classification. Guest speaker at the X Course in Advances in Pneumonology at Vall D'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain. February 19, 1996. Lecture: Unusual Lung Tumors. Guest speaker at the X Course in Advances in Pneumonology at Vall D'Hebron Hospital, Barcelona, Spain. February 19, 1996. Lecture: Pulmonary Angiitis and Granulomatosis. Guest speaker at the X Course in Advances in Pneumonology at Vall D'Hebron Hospital, Barcelona, Spain. February 20, 1996. Lecture: Pathology of Interstitial Lung Diseases: Overview and Classification. Guest speaker at the X Course in Advances in Pneumonology at Vall D'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain. February 20, 1996. Lecture: Lung Pathology in AIDS. Guest speaker at the X Course in Advances in Pneumonology at Vail D'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain. February 21, 1996. Lecture on Lung Cancer at the Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, April 18, 1996, Miami, Fl. Lecture: Congenital Lesions of the Lung. Guest speaker at the April biannual meeting of the Florida Pediatric Pulmonary Society, April 20, 1996, Miami, Fl. Guest speaker at the Anatomic Pathology Slide Seminar, Spring meeting of the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Boston, Massachusetts, April 25, 1996. Subject: Atypical pneumocyistic Carinii infection. Guest speaker at the Anatomic Pathology Slide Seminar, Spring meeting for the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Boston, Massachusetts, April 25, 1996. Subject: Wegener granulomatosis. 33 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Guest speaker at the Anatomic Pathology Slide Seminar, Spring meeting of the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Boston, Massachusetts, April 25, 1996. Subject: Allergic Angiitis and Granulomatosis associated with synovial sarcoma. Guest speaker at the Anatomic Pathology Slide Seminar, Spring meeting of the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Boston, Massachusetts, April 25, 1996. Subject: The association of mucoid impaction of bronchus with bronchocentric granulomatosis and eosinophilic pneumonia in an asthmatic patient. Guest speaker at the Anatomic Pathology Slide Seminar, Spring meeting of the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Boston, Massachusetts, April 25, 1996. Subject: Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis. Lecture: Interstitial Lung Disease. Presented at William Beaumont Army Medical Center, El Paso, Texas, August 14, 1996. Lecture: Pulmonary Angiitis and Granulomatosis. Presented at William Beaumont Army Medical Center, El Paso, Texas, August 15, 1996. Lecture: Tumors of the Lung and Pleura. Presented at William Beaumont Army Medical Center, El Paso, Texas, August 16, 1996. Lecture: Pulmonary Hypertension. Presented at William Beaumont Army Medical Center, El Paso, Texas, August 17, 1996. Lecture: The histogenesis of Common Lung Tumors. Presented at the XV Congress of the Peruvian Society of Pathologists, Lima, Peru, October 22, 1996. Lecture: The pathology of chronic obstructive lung disease. Presented at the XV Congress of the Peruvian Society of Pathologists, Lima, Peru, October 23, 1996. Lecture: Classification and characteristics of Interstitial Lung Disorders. Presented at the XV Congress of the Peruvian Society of Pathologists, Lima, Peru, October 24, 1996. 34 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Lecture: Pulmonary Vascular Disease. Presented at the XV Congress of the Peruvian Society of Pathologists, Lima, Peru, October 24, 1996. Lecture: Pulmonary Pathology in AIDS. Presented at the XV Congress of the Peruvian Society of Pathologists, Lima, Peru, October 25 1996. Pulmonary Pathology in AIDS. Lecture at the Gorgas Course in Clinical Tropical Medicine at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute of the Peruvian University Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru, October 26, 1996. Lecture: Common and uncommon tumors of the Lung. Presented at the XX Congress of the Peruvian Society of Chest Diseases, Lima, Peru, November . 27, 1996. Lecture: Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease. Presented at the XX Congress of the Peruvian Society of Chest Diseases, Lima, Peru, November 28,1996. Lecture: Interstitial Lung Disorders. Presented at the XX Congress of the Peruvian Society of Chest Diseases, Lima, Peru, November 29, 1996. Lecture: The Pathology of Acute Respiratory Insufficiency. Guest speaker at the XI Course in Advances in Pneumonology, VallD'Hebron Hospital, Barcelona, Spain, February 26, 1997. Lecture: The Pathology of Interstitial Pneumonia. Guest speaker at the XI Course in Advances in Pneumonology at VallD'Hebron Hospital, Barcelona, Spain, February 27, 1997. Lecture: Lung cancer. Guest speaker at the XI Course in Advances in Pneumonology at VallD'Hebron Hospital, Barcelona, Spain, February 27, 1997. Pathologic discussion of 8 cases of unknown diagnosis presented by members of the Catalonian Society of Pathology at the XI Course in Advances in Pneumonology at VallD'Hebron Hospital, Barcelona, Spain, February 28, 1997. 35 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Clinico-Pathologic discussion of 10 cases of pulmonary pathology of difficult diagnosis at the Hospital Virgen de Aranzazu, San Sebastian, Spain, March 2, 1997. Lecture: Usual forms of lung cancer. Department of Pathology, Mount Sinai Medical Center, Miami Beach, Florida, March 3, 1997. Saldana MJ, "Rare Lung Tumors." Presented at the Second European Congress of Pulmonary Pathology, July 14, 1998, Madrid, Spain. Practical approach to the pathologic diagnosis of interstitial lung disease: Lecture to South Florida Society of Pathology, Miami, FL, 2/14/00. Lecture: Vasculitis and Granulomatosis. Conceptos anatomo-patologicos. Presented at the XVI Curso de Avances en Neumologia, Hospital Valld'Hebron,Barcelona, Spain, 2/28/02. "Pulmonary Findings in Children with the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome" at the IV International Conference on AIDS, Stockholm, Sweden, June 12-18, 1988 (1 Poster Presentation). The pathogenesis of pulmonary vascular disease. Lecture at New York University course on Advance in Pathology, New York, NY, 9/11/00. "Diffuse alveolar damage and bronchiolitis obliterans". Lecture at the American Society of Clinical Pathology Course on Surgical Pathology of the lung, New Orleans, LA, 9/25/00. Pulmonary Hypertension. Lecture at the American Society of Clinical Pathology Course on Surgical Pathology of the lung, New Orleans, LA 9/27/00. Abnormal proliferation of bronchial arterial collaterals in COPD. Presented at the XXIII Congress of the International Academy of Pathology, Nagoya, Japan, 10/16/00. Pulmonary Hypertension. Presented at 383rd Special Meeting of the Clinical Respiratory Society of Tokyo, Japan on 10/21/00. 36 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Saldana, Mario J. Benign Lymphocytic Angiitis and Granulomatosis of the Lung: A lesion to be distinguished from Wegener's granulomatosis and Lymphocytic lymphoma. Pulmonary Pathology Meeting and Medical Symposium , Asheville, North Carolina. August 25-17, 1999. Syllabus, page 190. Histogenesis and pathogenesis of lung cancer. Lecture at 14th meeting on Advances in Pulmonary Medicine and Pathology at Vall D'Hebron Hospital, Barcelona, Spain, 2/15/00. Classification of Interstitial Lung Disease. Lecture at Course On Advances in Pulmonary Medicine and Pathology at VallD'Hebron Hospital, Barcelona, Spain, 2/16/00. Classification of lung tumors. Lecture at international meeting on pulmonary diseases at Cayetano Heredia Medical School, Lima, Peru, 6/6/00. The pathology of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Lecture at international meeting on pulmonary diseases at Cayetano Heredia Medical School, Lima, Peru, 6/7/00. Angiitis and Granulomatosis of the lung. Lecture at international meeting on pulmonary diseases at Cayetano Heredia Medical School, Lima, Peru, 6/8/00. Pathologic classification of Interstitial Lung Disease. Lecture at New York University Course in Advances in Pathology, New York, NY, 9/11/00. Saldana, MJ: New Concepts in Lung Cancer. The 15th Annual Review and Recent Practical Advances in Pathology presented by the University of Miami School of Medicine and the University of Florida College of Medicine, January 29 - February 2, 1990. Official Program. Saldana MJ: Controversies in Pulmonary Pathology. The 15th Annual Review and Recent Practical Advances in Pathology, presented by the University of Miami School of Medicine and the University of Florida . College of Medicine, January 29 - February 2, 1990. Official Program. 37 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Saldana MJ: Pulmonary Manifestations of AIDS. 16th Annual Review and Recent Practical Advances in Pathology, University of Miami School of Medicine and the University of Florida College of Medicine, Miami Beach, Florida. January 20-25, 1991. Official Program. Limited Form of Wegener's Granulomatosis. Presented at "Seminar in Pulmonary and Mediastinal diagnosis", Armed Forces Institute of Pathology -American Registry of Pathology; Washington, D.C., October 6-9, 1986. Official Program p 45. Bronchocentric Granulomatosis. Presented at "Seminar in Pulmonary and Mediastinal diagnosis", Armed Forces Institute of Pathology - American Registry of Pathology; Washington, D.C., October 6-9, 1986. Official Program pp 47-48. Rheumatoid Nodules in Lung. Presented at "Seminar in Pulmonary and Mediastinal diagnosis", Armed Forces Institute of Pathology American Registry of Pathology; Washington, D.C., October 6-9, 1986. Official Program pp 49-50. Pathologic risk factors in resectable breast carcinoma. Proceedings of the X Peruvian Congress of Cancer, Lima, Peru, November 1519, 1987, pp 4950, 1987. Saldana MJ: Plexogenic pulmonary hypertension in kyphoscoliosis. Presented at the 14th Annual Anatomic Pathology Conference, Florida Society of Pathologists. Lake Buena Vista, Florida, January 23, 1988. Official Program. Saldana MJ: Bronchiolitis obliterans and interstitial fibrosis of the lung. Presented at the 14th Anatomic Pathology Conference, Florida Society of Pathologists, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, January 23,1988. Official Program. Saldana MJ: Mesothelioma of the pleura. Presented at the 14th Anatomic Pathology Conference, Florida Society of Pathologists, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, January 23, 1988. Official Program. 38 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Saldana MJ: Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis. Presented at the 14th Anatomic Pathology Conference, Florida Society of Pathologists, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, January 23, 1988. Official Program. Saldana MJ: Malignant lymphoma of the lung with granulomatous vasculitis. Presented at the 14th Anatomic Pathology Conference, Florida Society of Pathologists, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, January 23, 1988. Official Program. Saldana MJ: Plasma cell granuloma of the lung. Presented at the 14th Anatomic Pathology Conference, Florida Society of Pathologists, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, January 23, 1988. Official Program. Saldana MJ: Carcinosarcoma of the lung. Presented at the 14th Anatomic Pathology Conference, Florida Society of Pathologists, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, January 23, 1988. Official Program. Saldana MJ: Benign clear cell ("Sugar" tumor) of lung with pleomorphic features. Presented at the 14th Anatomic Pathology Conference, Florida Society of Pathologists, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, January 23, 1988. Official Program. Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis. Presented at "Seminar in Pulmonary and Mediastinal diagnosis", Armed Forces Institute of Pathology - American Registry of Pathology; Washington, D.C., October 6-9, 1986. Official Program. Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonitis. Presented at "Seminar in Pulmonary and Mediastinal diagnosis", Armed Forces Institute of Pathology - American Registry of Pathology; Washington, D.C., October 6-9, 1986. Official Program p 43. Necrotizing Sarcoid Granulomatosis. Presented at "Seminar in Pulmonary and Mediastinal diagnosis", Armed Forces Institute of Pathology -American Registry of Pathology; Washington, D.C., October 6-9, 1986. Official Program p 44. 39 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Saldana MJ, Whittenbury J, Aranguri M: Estimates of villous surface area and thickness of the placenta exchange membrane by electron microscopy. First Panamerican Meeting of the International Academy of Pathology; San Juan, Puerto Rico, December 10-17, 1967. Official program, p 17. Saldana MJ, Mones JM, Scott GB, Fischl MA. Lymphoid Interstitial Pneumonia in the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. International Conference on Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Atlanta, Georgia, April 14-17, 1985. Official Program, p. 39. Saldana MI, Mones JM, Beattie E: Papillary Clara cell tumors of the lung. Fourth World Conference on Lung Cancer. Toronto, Canada, August 2530, 1985, Official Program, p. 12. Ferreiro JE, Mitrani AA, Saldana MJ: Takayasu's Arteritis with Subcutaneous Nodules of Rheumatic Fever. An International Colloquy of Wegener's Granulomatosis and other Vasculitides of the Respiratory Tract, May 7-9, 1986, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota; Official Program. Saldana MJ, Roberts A, Mitrani AA, Ferreiro JE, Kramer HJ: Necrotizing Sarcoid Granulomatosis followed by disseminated systemic vasculitis. An International Colloquy on Wegener's Granulomatosis and other Vasculitides of the Respiratory Tract; May 7-9, 1986, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota; Official Program. Ferreiro JE, Mitrani AA and Saldana MJ: Allergic Angiitis and Granulomatosis (Churg-Strauss syndrome) without pulmonary infiltrates or eosinophilia. An International Colloquy on Wegener's Granulomatosis and other Vasculitides of the Respiratory Tract; May 7-9, 1986, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, Official Program. Mitrani AA, Ferreiro JE, Saldana MJ: Polyarteritis nodosa masquerading as embolic phenomena from an abnormal mitral valve. An International Colloquy on Wegener's Granulomatosis and other Vasculitides of the Respiratory Tract; May 7-9, 1986, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota; Official Program. 40 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Saldana MJ, and Israel HL: Benign Lymphocytic Angiitis and Granulomatosis: Does it exist? An International Colloquy on Wegener's Granulomatosis and other Vasculitides of the Respiratory Tract: May 7-9, 1986, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota; Official Program. Saldana MJ: Angiitis and Granulomatosis of the Lung: An update. Current Concepts in Pulmonary Pathology: A Harvard Medical School Course at the Massachusetts General Hospital, October 20-24, 1986. Official Program. Saldana MJ: Unusual Pulmonary Responses in patients with AIDS: Lymphoplasmacytic interstitial pneumonia (LIP), Kaposi's sarcoma and unusual pulmonary infection. Current Concepts in Pulmonary Pathology; A Harvard Medical School Course at the Massachusetts General Hospital, October 20-24, 1986. Official Program. Saldana MJ: Pulmonary Pathology in Drug Addicts: Current Concepts in Pulmonary Pathology; A Harvard Medical School Course at the Massachusetts General Hospital, October 20-24, 1986. Official Program. Saldana MJ: Oddities in neoplastic lung pathology. Current Concepts in Pulmonary Pathology; A Harvard Medical School Course at the Massachusetts General Hospital, October 20-24, 1986. Official Program. Primary Pulmonary Lymphoma. Presented at "Seminar in Pulmonary and Mediastinal Diagnosis", Armed Forces Institute of Pathology - American Registry of Pathology; Washington, D.C., October 6-9, 1986. Official Program. Pseudolymphomas of the Lung. Presented at "Seminar in Pulmonary and Mediastinal diagnosis", Armed Forces Institute of Pathology - American Registry of Pathology; Washington, D.C., October 6-9, 1986. Official Program. Saldana MJ, Mones JM, Fischl MA, Dickinson GM, and Oldham SA. The Natural History of Treated Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia. International Conference of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Atlanta, Georgia. April 14-17, 1985 Official Program, p. 77. 41 Curriculum Vitae Mario J. Saldana M.D. 2012 Lecturer in "Fundamental and Clinical Aspects and Internal Medicine", Sixth Annual Review Course for Certification in Internal Medicine, University of Miami School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Miami Beach, Florida, August 8, 1979. Guest speaker and panelist at the XV International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology - 6th World Congress of Academic and Environmental Pathology, Miami Beach, Florida, September 2-7, 1984. 42
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