About NIELIT National Institute of o Electronics and Informatiion Technology is an auton nomous scientific society of DietY, Ministry of Communications & IT, Govvernment of Indiaa. NIELIT Caalicut, since its incception in 1989 haas been actively involved in forrmal and non formal n, corporate and customized trraining, education R&D, prroduct developm ment, consultanccy and quality assurance. The institute has good infrastruccture in VLSI, Embedded E System m, SoC Design, ASIC Design & Verification, W Wireless Communication, Industrial Automation, Power Electroniccs, Robotics, Com mputing, IT Securitty etc. It is in the hometown off institutions of n national importan nce including, IIMK, IISR, NIT Calicut, CWRDM, Kerala School of Mathematics etc. About IEEE The Institute of Electtrical and Elecctronics Engineerss (IEEE) is the larggest professional society in the world. w Its origin dates back to o 1887. Malabar Subsection of IEEEE, the first subsection under Kerala Section caame into existeence in Decembe er 2010. The su ubsection is form med to provide a a better network for IEEE memb bers of various categories c working in the geogrraphical areas of Malabar region of Kerala spanning the districts of Palakkad, Malappuram, Kozhikode, Wayanad d, Kannur and Kaasargod. The subsection has more e than 100 full meembers and 250 sstudent memberss. Currently thee subsection offfice is located at NIT Calicut, Keraala. IEEE Co ontact: Dr. Abraham T Mathew, Chair, MSS Em mail: [email protected] c.in A Abo ut the Wor ksho p VLSSI (Very Large Scale Integgration) has em merged as a verry significant teechnology to pro ovide tremendo ous quantum of o processing pow wer and functio onality to modeern electronic systems. Ub biquitous Computing, Com mmunication an nd Embedded Syystems, based on VLSI are revolu utionizing every walks of our daily lives, be it Consumer Electronics, Com mmunication, Computing, Automation, Spaace Application,, Defense and to t just about eve erything. With the t advancements in silicon pro ocessing technologies for MEMS, NEMS and RF components, m many of the form merly external com mponents can now be integrated into a singgle System‐on‐C Chip. The Workshop willl follow a practical approach to impart hands‐o on experience riight from the use of Verilog basics to confideent and fluent u HD DL, a powerful IEEEE Standard, fo or digital front end VLSI Design. The program m will be of immense benefit tto all those who o are planning to pursue higher eeducation, acadeemic projects invvolving hardwarre prototyping, Research & De evelopment etc. Program Coordinator Nandakumar.R VLSI Design Group, NIELIT, Calicut, NIT Campus (PO).PIN: 673601, Kerala, India. Ph: 9995427802/0495‐2287266 E‐mail: [email protected] U R L : http://www.ccalicut.nielit.in Malabar Subsection (Under IEEE Kerala Section) Workshop Onn Verilog H HDL 06th ‐ 07th April, 2013 Organizeed by National Institutee of Electron nics and In nformation Technologgy (NIELIT), C Calicut (A un nit of NIELITT New Delh hi) An Autonomous Scientific Society of Departtment of Eleectronics & & IT, Ministryy of Comm unications & IT Govt. of India Major to pi cs: How to Re giste r: Ve erilog HDL Quick SStart Haands‐on with EDA A Tool Modeling Abstractions esign Examples & Case Studies De Resource persons : Experts frrom NIELIT/ IEEE Who sho ul d a t ten d? : Professio onals, Faculty & Students S from teechnical Institutions. Registraattion Categories & & Fee: Catego ory A B Description IEEE Member Others Fees (Rs) 80 00.00 90 00.00 DD/Remittance shall be made in favor of Name of the DIREC CTOR, NIELIT, CA ALICUT Beneficciary Accoun nt No 31329 9537747 Bank N Name SBI, N NITC Chathaman ngalam Code 2207 IFSC Co ode SBIN0 0002207 MICR 67300 02012 Th he applicant mustt first remit the reegistration fee, byy means of pay in slip available at htttp://calicut.nielit.in/course/payin nslip.pdf OR CTOR, NIELIT, Draw a DD in favor of “DIREC CA ALICUT” payable at SBI, NIT Calicutt branch. Re egistration can n be done online at htttp://calicut.nielit.in quoting th he DD/Journal nu umber. Re egistration num mber (obtained after online re egistration) may b be quoted along w with the name off the applicant on n the counterfoil/ flip side of the DD. Duly filled in n application form along with egistration fee (D DD/Counterfoil of pay in slip, in re orriginal) may be b sent to th he workshop rd co oordinator, so as tto reach by, 03 April 2013. Re egistration will be b complete onlyy upon receipt off proof of paymen nt of registration fee. Selection: Th here is only veery limited num mber of seats avvailable and the selection will be o on a ‘first come firrst served’ basis from amongg the eligible re egistrants. A Acccommodation: Th he participants are a ought to maake their own arrrangements for aaccommodation. Ho owever lodging for the particip pants can be arrranged in hosteels on chargeablee basis strictly baased on availab bility and on early e request. Co ontact the coordinator for details. REGISTRATION FORM Workshop on Verilog HDL 06th ‐ 07th April, 2013 1. Name: …………………………… ………………………… …………….. 2. Designatiion: ………………… ………………………… ………………. 3. Dept:……………………………… ………………………… ……………… 4.Address… …………………………………………………… …………….. ………..……………………….........................................……… ………………… ……….5.Mobile No……………………… ……………… 6. E‐mail…… ………………………… ………………………………………. 7. Qualificattion/Specializatiion: ………………… ………………. 8. Years of EExperience: ……… ………………………… …………….. 10. Categorry (A/B): …………… ………………………… …………….. 11. IEEE Meembership No: ......................................... 12. Registraation fee Details: Amount: DD No: Journal/UTR R number: Date: SSignature of app plicant
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