GETTING READY FOR CAMP FLIX! WHAT PARENTS AND CAMPERS NEED TO KNOW BEFORE COMING TO CAMP FLIX This packet contains information you need for Camp Flix this summer! We are looking forward to a great summer season! If you have any questions for us, please email us at [email protected] or call us at 404-863-6778. Included within this packet are important forms that should be brought with your camper to the first day of camp. DO NOT mail or fax these forms to our home office. Your child will not be able to participate in camp activities the first day unless both forms are completed and presented at check in. Please note: ALL campers are required to have a doctor’s signed copy of their health history forms. OVERVIEW - CAMP FLIX DAY CAMP (AGES 11-17) 8:00am and 9:00am. with the Administrator onsite. 8:30am-9am. 8:30am, supervision available. Please remember to pack a lunch/beverage for your child. Oglethorpe day campers can purchase a 5-day lunch plan for $36.25 for the all-you-can-eat cafeteria buffet but is not available on a day-to-day basis. Emory campers can pay a daily fee of $11 (plus tax) to purchase lunch from their cafeteria. If campers are driving to/from camp on their own each day, we need to have their parent's approval in advance via e-mail or letter. Important! Please do not send perishable items such as milk, eggs, poultry, fish, etc with your camper, as we do not have any resources to keep these items at their proper temperature. No camper is allowed to drive off-campus for lunch. Pick up is at 4:30 pm except for Friday due to our Red Carpet Premiere beginning at 5:30 pm. Campers are dismissed immediately after the screening. Event should last approximately two hours. OVERVIEW - OVERNIGHT CAMPERS (AGES 11-17) Please remember to bring all appropriate forms signed and check them in with the Administrator onsite. They will be escorted to their dorm room for unpacking prior to dinne Pick up is immediately following the Red Carpet Premiere on Friday evening. Festivities begin at 5:30 pm, the screenings begin at 6:00pm and will last approximately 2 hours All meals are provided beginning with dinner on Sunday night and ending with our pre-premiere pizza party on Friday evening. A week’s worth of clothes Clothes for the Friday Night Premiere A pillow, pillow case, 2 twin flat sheets, a towel, washcloth and blanket. Toiletries and hygiene supplies: (soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, etc.) Watches, key chains, alarm clocks, small fan, etc. Quarters for vending machines and laundry facilities where available FOR ALL CAMPS: Health Issues: If your camper will need to take medication during the course of camp, you must present the medication to the Camp Administrator at the time of check in. Any medicine must be in a clear plastic bag, in its original container, and accompanied by clear dosage instructions written on a separate piece of paper signed by the parent. All medicine that needs to be taken during camp hours must be registered with the Camp Administrator at check in. Please note that no OTC medications or prescription medications will be administered without the written permission of the parent. If your camper does have a health related issue during camp hours they will be brought to the Administrator for evaluation and if needed for help and the parents will be called to notify them of the situation at hand. Please note there is no licensed physician or nurse on campus. Friday Night Red Carpet Premiere: the way. Showtime will begin at 6:00pm and will last approximately two hours. Parking may be limited so please consider carpooling GENERAL INFO: Any pre-camp questions should be directed to our home office (404-863-6778) or via email to [email protected]. During the week of camp, our camp director, Mia Fantaci, will be your main point of contact. Mia can be reached at 678-802-9818 or via e-mail at [email protected]. If your camper is arriving late or needs to be picked up early, please contact Mia and let her know so she can make the proper arrangements. CELL PHONE POLICY We do allow campers to bring cell phones to camp but they do so at their own risk. We will be setting guidelines about when they can and cannot be used with the campers on the first day and those guidelines will be enforced by our counselors and instructors during the week. We ask that day campers do not bring any other cameras, Ipads, Ipods, laptops, etc….unless approved by their counselor. Overnight campers can bring them and leave in dorm room but they do so at their own risk and Camp Flix is not responsible if they are lost, stolen or damaged. 2015 LOCATIONS AND DATES: Oglethorpe University, Atlanta GA: July 13-17* Emory University, Atlanta, GA: July 20-24* * Overnight campers arrive on Sunday. !"#$%FLIX%&,"-*&%.+'# ;.(%&/)*'&(%&6)-&1$*-&)/&-.#&%-$//&)*&9$'1#*&$99#1-$69#&1*)9#%%2&<=-&(%&>$-.#*#+&-)&$%%(%-&=%&(6&(+#6-(/8(6>& $11*)1*($-#&9$*#4&;.(%&page&-)&<#&/(""#+&(6&<8&1$*#6-%?>=$*+($6%&)/ minors or by adult staff members -.#'%#",#%4&&;.# next page needs to be filled out by a licensed physician. 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