Summer of 2015 Week 1 Monday June 29 Become an Israeli Making Aliyah Week 2 July 6 Jewish Geography Tuesday June 30 Wednesday July 1 Learn to be an Israeli 3-10 Overnight July 7 Great Escape July 8 Thursday July 2 Friday July 3 Learn to be an Israeli 7-8 Oneg* July 9 Scavenger Hunt of Israel July 10 3-4 Oneg Week 1 - Become an Israeli. Learn to walk the walk and talk the talk. Make Aliyah, learn the lingo and feel like an Israeli. The customs office awaits you, move to Israel with us. Week 2 - Jewish Geography. Discover the Western Wall. Go on a dig and travel the country through our Scavenger Hunt of Israel. *July 3: Oneg takes place from 2:15 pm to 3:30 pm every Friday and is a wonderful way to end the week and welcome in the Sabbath. The group that hosts the Oneg sings a Hebrew song, performs an Israeli dance, delivers some words about the weekly Torah (Bible) portion and chants the prayers over the grape juice and challah bread. Then the entire camp and community join in some traditional Israeli dancing. 1 Week 3 Monday July 13 Tarbut Israel Week 4 Army Week July 20 Tuesday July 14 Wednesday July 15 Thursday July 16 Friday July 17 5-10 Overnight Shuk Givah Kochav Nolad 5-6 Oneg July 21 July 22 July 23 July 24 Army Relay Races Meet a Soldier!! Gan Oneg Givah Swimathon Week 3 - Tarbut Israel. Explore Israeli arts and entertainment. Get on stage at Givah Kochav Nolad (Israel’s got Talent), create art for the Israel Museum’s Givah outpost and barter your masterpieces at the Shuk. Week 4 - Play all week. Tzahal (Israeli army) style. Races, swimathon and competition galore at Givah boot camp. *July 15: Shuk in Hebrew means a marketplace. Campers will experience what it feels like to be in a Shuk. *July 24: Givah Swimathon is back again in 2015! Campers raise money to help Givah while swimming laps. 2 Week 5 Monday July 27 Tuesday July 28 Wednesday July 29 August 3 Human Body Relay August 4 7-10 Lake George Overnight* August 5 Technion Week Week 6 Sport Israel Krav Maga Maccabiah* Day Thursday July 30 Friday July 31 1-2 Oneg August 6 August 7 Maccabiah Themed Oneg Week 5 - Technion Week. What started in Israel and what will be invented at Givah? Race through the human body in a relay race just like the Israeli invention of the “PillCam” (in ingestible camera) and participate in the Israel invention convention. Week 6 - Sport Israel. Soccer, Volleyball and Krav Maga Oh My! Break up into teams and compete in color war. Will your team win?? *July 29: Grades 7-10 Overnight to Lake George will leave from Camp Givah after Tefilot. The groups will be staying at a campground near the Lake George village. They will embark on a one-and-a-half-hour trip on the Sacandaga River. *August 5-6: Maccabiah - The entire camp will break up into two teams for competitions all day Wednesday and Thursday. 3 Week 7 Monday August 10 Israeli Edibles Week 8 Sof HaDerech (End of Road) August 17 Tuesday August 11 Wednesday August 12 Thursday August 13 Friday August 14 3-10 Overnight Blackout Restaurant* Food Extravaganza Staff Oneg August 18 August 19 August 20 August 21 Givah Bash* Bonim Oneg Annual Zimriah/ Rikudiah* Gaga Tournament* Bonim Overnight at TI Week 7 - Israel Edibles. Eat your way through Israel. Stop by our blackout restaurant where your senses guide you. Discover the culinary delights of Israel. Week 8 - Sof haDerech (slang for awesome). Pull it all together. Dance at the Zim, team up for the Gaga Tournament and say L’Hitraot (see you later) at Givah Bash 2015. *August 18: The Annual Zimriah/ Rikudiah (song and dance festival) is Givah’s hallmark performance event. After campers are treated to a delicious dinner, the entire Givah family convenes to see every group, including staff, perform a song and dance. *August 20: Givah Bash is a culminating event that celebrates the superb times had during the summer. The bash and showcase provide a time for campers and counselors to reflect on the summer and celebrate together in a musical, party atmosphere. *August 21: Our Gaga Tournament is the annual battle for the Givah Gaga crown that intensifies every summer, and this is the summer’s most anticipated sporting event. 4 Camp Givah 2015 Registration Form CAMPER INFORMATION Camper Name _____________________________ Hebrew Name _____________ Street __________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________ State ________ Zip _____________ Home Phone ______________________ Camper’s Email _______________________ Date of Birth ________________ Age as of 9/2015 ________ Grade as of 9/2015 __________ Gender _____ What is the best method for counselors to contact you (the parent) prior to camp? (parent’s email, parents’ cell phone, home phone) _______________________________________________________________________ Family’s Synagogue Affiliation _____________________________________________ Please provide any additional “non-medical” information about your child that should know about: __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ PARENT INFORMATION Parent 1/Guardian Name __________________________________________________ Cell Phone __________________________ Work Phone _______________________ Email ______________________________________ Parent 2/Guardian Name ______________________________________________ Cell Phone _________________________ Work Phone _______________________ Email ______________________________________ Parents’ marital status: Single Married Partners Separated* Divorced* Widowed *If divorced or separated, the child primarily resides with (custodial parent): mother father Circle weeks attending camp: Circle weeks of early care: Circle weeks of late pick up: 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 3 4 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 7 8 7 8 Bus stop # to camp ____ Bus stop # from camp ____ Preferred T-shirt size ________ 5 Camp Givah 2015/5775 Registration Form Additional registration forms and more information are available by calling the office at 518-438-7858 or [email protected]. Camper Full Name __________________________________________ Check weeks for camp Dates Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 June 29-July 3 July 6-10 July 13-17 July 20-24 July 27-31 Aug. 3-7 Week 7 August 10-14 Week 8 August 17-21 Aftercare $5/day or $20/week per person Administrative Fee per Family Unit SUBTOTAL Less 10% per week rebate for Temple Israel members GRAND TOTAL Early Bird (by 5/1/14) $235 per week $50 After May 1: $260 per week Gan 3-day Early Bird (by 5/1/14) $140 per week Gan 3-day, after May 1: $155 per week Bonim* $195 or $185 per week $50 Please fill out a separate registration, payment and medical form for each child that you are registering for Camp Givah. Because the “Administrative Fee” is per family unit, please only pay it on one of the forms that you send in. If there is a need to withdraw or change the initial registration, Givah must be advised in writing. NO REFUND will be made after Monday, June 1, 2015. If a camper withdraws or is removed while in camp, NO REFUNDS will be given. Camper scholarships are available. To qualify, please contact Jeff Lurie, 438-7858, ext 110, prior to May 1, 2015. Funds are provided from Temple Israel Restricted and Endowment Accounts along with money from scholarship funds from the Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York. *New this year just for Bonim! We feel the Bonim are such a great addition to our exciting program that we have decided to lower the fee to $195/week. If you register for 4 or more weeks, the fee drops to $185/week. 6 PAYMENT EARLY BIRD DISCOUNTS: Save up to $200 per child with the Early Bird Discount by sending in registration forms with payment by May 1, 2015 How do I save $25 per camper per week through the Early Bird Discount? Pay in full by 5/1/15 Pay a deposit of $25 per camper per week (e.g. 8 weeks = deposit $200) by 5/1/15 and pay the balance in three equal payments (May 1, June 1, July 1) If registering after 5/1/15, you may Pay in full Make three equal payments (June 1, July 1, August 3) Payment Type: MasterCard Visa Discover American Express Check #s____________________________________________ Credit Card Number _______________________________________________ Exp _____/______ 3-digit Code on back of card _______ Name exactly as it appears on credit card _____________________________________________________________ Billing Address ___________________________________________________ City/State/Zip ____________________________________________________ Cardholder’s Signature______________________________________________ Date __________________ Office Use Only: Total Amount Due _______________ Registration Fees Received Date __________ Initial _______ Registration Accepted Date ________ Initial _____ Placed in Givah Binder Date ________ Initial ______ To Givah Date _____ Initial ___ 7 EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION (OTHER THAN PARENTS) Name #1 ________________________________________________________ Cell Phone ______________________________________________________ Work Phone _____________________________________________________ Relationship to Camper ____________________________________________ Name #2 ________________________________________________________ Cell Phone ______________________________________________________ Work Phone _____________________________________________________ Relationship to Camper ____________________________________________ PERMISSION WAIVER I give my child _________________________________________ permission to attend all Camp Givah programs, with the understanding that while at these programs pictures and/or video may be taken and used for publicity purposes. I understand that while at a Camp Givah program, my child will be expected to behave following the guidelines set by the Camp Givah Commission, Camp Givah director and staff and Temple Israel. Parent/Guardian Signature ___________________________________ Camp Givah will not release or publish the names of any camper. 8 2015 Camp Givah Bus Schedule Please be aware that bus schedules and stops are subject to change. The camp day will start at 9:00am and end at 3:30pm for buses to leave by 3:45pm. EXTENDED CARE: Extended care is offered at $5/day or $20/ week this year! Early Care and After Care are available only at Temple Israel. Early Care is offered from 7:45 a.m. until the bus departs TI. After Care at TI is provided until 5:30 p.m. Bus Stop Name and #: Location: A.M. Pickup P.M. Drop-off #1 Albany Temple Israel 8:10 AM 4:30 PM (Early drop off from 7:45 AM; Late pickup from 4:30-5:30 PM available only Temple Israel- stop #1) #2 Delmar Middle School on Kenwood 8:20 AM 4:20 PM #3 Schenectady 7:30 AM 4:55 PM #4 Menands/Loudonville Loudon Plaza on Northern Blvd Across from Memorial Hospital 8:00 AM 4:30 PM Agudat Achim/ 2117 Union St #5 Guilderland Price Chopper at Route 20 & Johnston Rd. #6 Slingerlands Stonewell Shopping/ Route 85 9 8:35 AM 4:15 PM 8:45 AM 4:05PM Groups at Givah Please note that age groupings are subject to change. Gan (3-5 year olds): Preschoolers and kindergarteners join together in a fabulous art, dance, music, sports, and Judaic-based curriculum. Gan boasts its own beautiful building, equipped with books, toys, arts and crafts, individual cubbies, a kitchen area and much more. The Gan participates in a variety of camp-wide activities and benefits from a one-on-one ratio in Givah’s beautiful swimming pool each day. Chamudim (“Cuties”, grades 1 and 2): As recent graduates of the gan, our rising first and second graders enjoy the regular camp schedule. Despite being tsierim (youngsters), they participate in almost all of the camp Peulot (activities). They make great strides in the Brecha (pool) and participate in an active dance, music, arts, nature, sports and Judaic program. They reach key developmental milestones over the course of the summers and are a joy to watch. Tsierim (“Youngsters” grades 3 and 4): Our rising third and fourth graders are often the “spark” and energy of the camp! Their dynamic nature and interest in all camp programming is contagious. They are bold explorers and are anxious to participate in Givah’s top music, arts, dance, nature, drama, sports and Judaic curriculum. They progress greatly in the pool and lake (boating) and are the youngest group invited to stay over on camp overnights! Nitzanim (“Sparks” grades 5 and 6): Our rising fifth and sixth graders enjoy special privileges as members of the oldest half of the camp. Their enthusiasm is coupled with a sense of responsibility, as they engage in camp programs with zeal and fervor. They are eager participants in Givah’s music, dance, nature, sports, arts and Judaic curriculum. They enjoy kayaking, nature hikes and progressing through upper Red Cross swim levels. Frequently, they are hanging out with the oldest camp groups, while, at times, they are visiting with the youngest campers. Na’arim (“Youth” grades 7 and 8): Our seventh and eighth graders are the oldest campers (pre CIT program) at Machaneh Givah. Our Na’arim enjoy a variety of overnights and camp trips over the course of the summer and serve as mentors for many of the younger groups. The Na’arim perfect their sports, swimming, art, music and dance skills and often help the younger groups achieve feats in these areas. They possess a great deal of energy and ability and are a key group for a variety of camp activities, outings and the Zimriyah Rikudiyah (Givah’s song and dance festival). Bonim (“Builders” grades 9 and 10): The Bonim are our Counselors in Training (CITs). These camp leaders spend their mornings training to be counselors by working with the younger groups and spend some time as campers, playing together. Like the Na’arim, the Bonim enjoy a variety of camp overnights and outings and are integral in the camp functioning and leadership. All campers are anxious to reach the Bonim years whereby they can participate in all camp activities (dance, art, drama, sports, swimming, music and Judaica) while also trying their hands at being a “Givah 10 counselor!” Camp Givah 600 New Scotland Avenue Albany, NY 12208 If you have questions, or need more information, please email [email protected] or call 518-438-7858. Mail completed registration form with medical form and payment to Temple Israel, 600 New Scotland Avenue, Albany, NY 12208 Youth small- Adult XXl for only $25 Place your order by emailing Rachael Woren [email protected] 11 Follow us on Facebook • catch up with friends from Camp Givah when you were a camper and staff member • catch up on all the latest news! Please Join Us at our Open House for Camp Givah Sunday, June 28th at 11:30 a.m. at Camp Givah 12
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