Michigan College Prep Cheer Camp - University of Michigan Sports

The Michigan Coed College Prep Camp is for male and female high
school athletes ages 14 to 18 years old. High School graduates may NOT
attend camp. College Prep Camp is for individuals who plan to make the
transition from high school to college cheerleading. This camp focuses
on coed stunting and collegiate cheer skills.
The Michigan Coed College Prep Camp includes 2 full days of
instruction conducted in a low-pressure, safe, and fun environment on the
University of Michigan campus. You will benefit greatly from this clinic if
you are interested in trying out as a college cheerleader anywhere across
the nation and especially at the University of Michigan.
The techniques and skills that we will help you develop will give you a big
head start over your competitors. You will train with former and current
members of the University of Michigan Cheerleaders and Coaching Staff
and other collegiate cheerleaders and coaches. Very low instructor to
student ratio.
Michigan College Prep
Cheer Camp
The University of Michigan
June 28 and 29, 2015
8:45 AM Roll Call
9:00 – Noon
Session #1
Noon – 1:00 PM Lunch
1:00 – 5:00 PM Session #2
5:00 PM Michigan Stadium Tour Saturday, June 28
5:00 PM Dismissal Sunday, June 29
Online registration is available. You may use either credit card or echeck for online payment. There is an 5 % additional fee that is charged
by the online registration vendor.
Mail in registration is available with no additional fee .If you have
any questions about the process please call the camp office
at (734) 647-9472.
Enrollment is very limited
2013 and 2014 NCA National Champions Coed I
For questions please contact
Head Coach Pamela St John at:
[email protected] or call 734-647-9472
University of Michigan Head Coach Pam St John and the Michigan Cheer Staff will be
present during each session. Campers will also have the opportunity to work with
collegiate coaches and athletes from other colleges and universities.
Emphasis will be placed on individual instruction in coed partner stunting as well as
tumbling, dance, strength and flexibility. We aim to ensure individualized attention and
safety for each camper. It is the intent of the entire University of Michigan Cheer Team
Staff to provide each camper with the best possible atmosphere in which to learn and
sharpen their cheer skills.
The highly-skilled coaching staff includes the University of Michigan coaching staff, other
college and all star coaches, former college cheerleaders, as well as our very own
University of Michigan cheerleaders. A qualified First Responder is also on site at all
After careful consideration amid the rising costs associated with housing campers in our
residence halls, we have elected to change our format to become solely a commuter
camp. We feel a better value will be offered by both increasing instruction time while at
the same time keeping camp more affordable.
Giving parents responsibility for supervision outside the gym gives you control over
roommates, non-cheer activities, transportation, bed times, diet, etc., as well as the
ability to provide a finer choice of accommodations (air conditioned rooms, TV, pool, etc.)
at a comparable price to our traditional resident camp.
All campers must abide by the Rules and Regulations of the Michigan Summer Sports
Camps. Campers are required to attend all sessions and activities. Campers may NOT
leave camp for lunch. Lunch is included in the camp fee. Any serious violations will
result in immediate dismissal from camp without refund. The Michigan Coed College
Prep Camp brochure and all forms needed for registration can be accessed on the
Internet through the following URL:
All our camp sessions are held at Keen Arena and the Michigan Men’s Gymnastics
Training Facility. This building is located on the corner on Hill Street between Division and
Division. Please visit the following link for a South Campus map:
Any braces, wraps or tape needed for safe athletic participation must be brought to
camp. A First Responder will be on duty at all times for taping. However, athletic tape is
NOT provided.
Any medications required during the day must be placed in a clear plastic bag, clearly
labeled with the athlete’s name. Medications will be held by the First Responder during
A $100.00 deposit is due with application.
$ 300 – Commuter Camper Mail in Registration (5% processing fee for online
This fee covers:
14 hours of instuction
Lunch both days
Michigan Stadium tour (athletes only) on Saturday, June 28
Camp t-shirt
Participants are eligible for a $10.00 Discount if:
1. Full paid registration by May 1 OR
2. If registering siblings.
Only one $10.00 discount will be applied per family.
● Prior to June 1 a $100.00 deposit is due when you submit your registration. The
remaining balance is due June 1 and will be automatically billed to the credit card
used for registration.
● After June 1 registrations will still be accepted online, but must be submitted with
the total camp fee paid in full.
Refund requests must be made in writing to [email protected].
● Before June 1, a $25.00 processing charge is non -refundable.
● After June 1, a $ 100.00 processing charge is non-refundable.
● If paid online, the 5% online processing fee is non-refundable.
Check in will be 8:30 AM on Saturday, June 28 at Keen Arena. The completed
Registration Packet must be brought to check in.
Each camper will be covered by the Sports Camp insurance as secondary coverage.
Parent’s health insurance is still the primary coverage in the event of an injury.
Each camper must download and fill out a Medical, Health Insurance, Emergency
Information, and Release form to be signed by a parent and physician stating she is
in good health. Each camper must have a physical exam performed by a doctor prior
to camp or during the school year prior to camp. Any illness or injury will be handled
by the Michigan College Prep Camp Athletic Trainers.
Participant’s Name_______________________________________________________ Date of Birth ________________________
School attending Fall 2015 ___________________________________________ Grade Fall 2015_____________________________
Street Address ______________________________________City__________________________ State_______ Zip ____________
Home Phone#___________________________ Participant’s Cell Phone # (if applicable) __________________________________
Participant’s Email Address ____________________________________________________________________________________
Mother’s Name___________________________ Home Phone (
) __________________Cell Phone (
) __________________Cell Phone (
) __________________
Mother’s Email Address ________________________________
Father’s Name____________________________ Home Phone (
Father’s Email Address ________________________________
All communication will be via email – please make certain we have valid email address!
1. Mail In Registration
o Prepare a check for $ 300.00 to: Michigan College Prep Cheer Camp
o Personal Checks will only be accepted through May 15, 2015. Any check returned for non
sufficient funds will result in a $ 30.00 charge.
o U.S. Money Orders and U.S. Cashiers Checks accepted after May 2015.
o No Credit Cards Accepted for Payment using Mail In Registration.
2. Send completed forms along with payment to:
Michigan College Prep Cheer Camp
att: Pamela St John
1000 S State St
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
3. After we process your Registration Form and payment, we will email you a confirmation of your
4. Before leaving for camp, read through information on web site.
5. Further Questions? E-mail Pam St John [email protected]