604 Mission Blvd., Jackson, CA 95642 CAMP SAINT SAVA of the Serbian Orthodox Church Dear Prospective Camp Staff, Volunteers and Counselors, Camp St. Sava Needs You! Can you help this year? The Camp St. Sava Committee has been working diligently to prepare for this year’s camp season. As usual, camp will begin after the Apostles’ Fast on July 12, 2015 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Sunday, July 12 - Saturday July 18 Sunday, July 19 - Saturday July 25 Sunday, July 26 - Saturday Aug. 1 We hope that you will be able to volunteer your time and talent to make this year’s program memorable for the camp children. On the pages which follow, you will find all of the necessary forms which need to be submitted to apply to be part of our Camp St. Sava staff. Volunteers must submit their applications to the camp committee for approval. It is important to note, however, that each week of camp is administered by different clergy and lay directors. It is the responsibility of these leaders to put together their own team of volunteers to staff their week of camp. It is advisable, therefore, that you contact directly either the lay director or the clergy director for the week in which you wish to volunteer to discuss which positions are open. The directors for the three weeks are as follows: Week 1 Proto Dusan Bunjevic and Paul Bunjevic ([email protected]) Week 2 Proto Bratislav Krsic and Fr. Steve Tumbas (Temporary Director) [email protected] Week 3 Proto George Gligich and Nick Salata ([email protected]) Final decisions about staffing rest with these leaders and not with the camp committee. Each week we need a kitchen manager, kitchen helpers, arts and crafts teachers, a nurse or physician, dining room help, evening activities coordinators and, of course, many counselors. COUNSELORS are responsible for the supervision of the campers throughout the day. They live with the campers in the dorms, prepare them and lead them in all the activities according to the camp schedule. All counselors must be at least eighteen years of age, baptized Orthodox Christians and willing to report for training and orientation at 2:00 pm on the Saturday before each week of camp. In addition to room and board for their week-long services, counselors will recieve an honorarium based on this sliding scale: First year service, $100; Second year, $150, Third year, $200. Please note: All COUNSELORS must agree to a background check as required by California state law. Best regards, Fr. Steve Tumbas, Camp Director CAMP SAINT SAVA 604 Mission Blvd., Jackson, CA 95642 of the Serbian Orthodox Church STAFF/COUSELOR APPLICATION (1 of 2) Please Print ClearlyDate of Application: Name: Address: Last First City State Middle Initial Number/Street Zip Email address for confirmation: Education Male Female Age: Date of Birth (m/d/y): High School: College/University: Years Completed: Major: Degree: Camp Experience Have you ever attended Camp St. Sava? If yes, number of years as a camper: Have you had any other camp experience? If yes, please describe: Yes No years as a counselor: Yes No Other Information Are you certified in CPR/First Aid? Do you have a life guard certificate? Have you ever held any leadership positions? If yes, please describe: Have you had other experience working with children? If yes, please describe: Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No years on staff: CAMP SAINT SAVA 604 Mission Blvd., Jackson, CA 95642 of the Serbian Orthodox Church STAFF/COUSELOR APPLICATION (2 of 2) Emergency Contact: Last First City State Middle Initial Number/Street Emergency Contact Telephone Number: Zip First number to call in case of emergency Parish Name/Location: Is the applicant baptized in the Orthodox faith? Yes No PARISH PRIEST’S RECOMMENDATION Your parish priest MUST sign this portion of the application. With my signature, I certify that the above listed applicant fulfills all the moral and spiritual qualifications required to be a Camp St. Sava Staff Member or Counselor. Priest’s Signature: Parish: APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE Please sign and return this application with your health form and insurance information. I understand that Camp Saint Sava is sponsored by the Serbian Orthodox Church and conducted in accordance with the teachings of the Christ’s Church. I pledge to honor and abide by these teachings. Applicant’s Signature: MAKE SELECTIONS BELOW Date: OFFICE USE ONLY Please circle the week(s) you are applying for: Week 1 Circle T-shirt size: Week 2 S M L Application Form (both pages) Week 3 XL XXL XXXL Please circle the position you are applying for: Counselor Kitchen Manager Kitchen Helper Dining Room Help Life Guard Arts/Crafts Coordinator Night Monitor Nurse/Physician Evening Activities Coordinator Other Health Form Insurance Form Consent/Release Form Camp Policies CAMP SAINT SAVA 604 Mission Blvd., Jackson, CA 95642 of the Serbian Orthodox Church HEALTH FORM for Campers, Counselors, Staff and Clergy Name: Parent/Spouse: Last First Middle Initial Last First Middle Initial Middle Initial Home Phone: Work Phone: In Case of emergency when parents/spouse is/are not available, please call: Contact Name: Phone: Last First Relationship: To be completed by Physician’s Office Only (signature required) Date of most recent examination (must be within the last two years): Physician’s Name: Address: Last First City State Signature Number/Street Phone Number: Zip Fax Number: Health Care Recommendations and Restrictions by Licensed Physician Current Treatments: (include current medications) Explanation of any reported loss of consciousness, convulsion, or concussion: Any treatment to be continued at camp, any medication to be administered at camp (specific dosages), any medically prescribed meal plan or dietary restrictions, any allergies (food, drugs, plants, insects, etc.), and/or any activities to be encouraged or limited: Date of last immunizations/tetanus shots: Form Completed by: Date: 604 Mission Blvd., Jackson, CA 95642 CAMP SAINT SAVA of the Serbian Orthodox Church INSURANCE FORM for Campers, Counselors, Staff and Clergy INSURANCE COVERAGE INFORMATION Name: Parent/Spouse: Last First Middle Initial Last First Middle Initial Middle Initial Home Phone: Work Phone: In Case of emergency when parents/spouse is/are not available, please call: Contact Name: Last Phone: First Relationship: MEDICAL INSURANCE INFORMATION Insurance Company: Contact Number: Group Name/Employer: Policy Number: Employee ID/Soc. Sec. Number: Name of Policy Holder/Employee: Patient’s Soc. Sec. Number: Coverage is for: Medical Parent/Guardian Signature: Hospitalization Dental Date: 604 Mission Blvd., Jackson, CA 95642 CAMP SAINT SAVA of the Serbian Orthodox Church CONSENT AGREEMENTS/RELEASE FORM For Counselors and Staff Name: Last First Middle Initial Consent for Field Trip It is expressly understood and agreed that the COUNSELOR OR STAFF MEMBER assume all risks of harm, injury or loss which he or she may incur during the time of a field trip, and that as a result, I/we, the undersigned, expressly waive and release St. Sava Camp, Jackson, CA from any and all such claims and liability. It is also understood and agreed to that the COUNSELOR OR STAFF MEMBER shall obey all the rules of the camp he/she is attending, including the recommendations and suggestions of the staff and chaperones. I/we have read, understand and accept all of the above conditions. Counselor/StaffMember Signature: (if under the age of 21) Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: Date: Consent for Emergency Treatment If I become ill or injured while I am at camp or on a field trip, I ask that the camp staff make reasonable attempts to contact my emergency contact at the numbers I have provided. If you can not reach them, I/we give permission for one of the following: the delivery of treatment as directed by a licensed physician; or, my transfer to a hospital or emergency unit if it is deemed necessary by a doctor or the camp staff. I/we will be totally responsible for all expenses, deductibles and costs related to the care and treatment. Counselor/StaffMember Signature: (if under the age of 21) Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: Date: Address for all Registration Forms: Camp Saint Sava Registration PO BOX 965 Jackson, CA 95642 Voicemail: (209) 223-1437 (DO NOT SEND ANY MAIL TO 604 MISSION BLVD.) Need more forms? Please visit www.campstsava.org 604 Mission Blvd., Jackson, CA 95642 CAMP SAINT SAVA of the Serbian Orthodox Church CAMP POLICIES (1 OF 2) For Counselors and Staff Note: This form must be signed by each counselor, parent/guardian (if applicable), staff applicant and his/her parish priest. GOALS We seek to create a safe, healthy environment where all campers, staff and counselors: 1. Share fellowship and Serbian Orthodox Christian services and culture, 2. Adhere to a code of mutual respect, honor and honesty, 3. Behave courteously toward all clergy, staff and each other, 4. Respond to staff directives, and participate fully in all camp activities, 5. Respect each other’s property and that of the camp. DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES AND LEVELS Discipline in our Orthodox church camp is an aspect of moral guidance and refers to those reasonable controls which promote individual development and self-discipline where the rights and responsibilities of all campers and staff are recognized and upheld. Those campers, counselors and staff who work against the goals listed above will be subject to the following levels of disciplinary measures: 1st offense: conference with lay director; 2nd offense: assignment of special tasks and/or denial of privileges; 3rd offense: conference with lay director and clergy and potential expulsion from camp. Further, any defacement of, or damage to camp property (including but not limited to writing or inscribing on dorm wall, closets, beds, dressers, bathroom walls, etc) will result in both disciplinary action and financial consequences. All campers, counselors, and staff will be held financially liable for the repair of any damage for which they are responsible. 604 Mission Blvd., Jackson, CA 95642 CAMP SAINT SAVA of the Serbian Orthodox Church CAMP POLICIES (2 OF 2) For Counselors and Staff Note: This form must be signed by each counselor, parent/guardian (if applicable), staff applicant and his/her parish priest. ZERO TOLERANCE OFFENSES FOR COUNSELORS & STAFF: LEADING TO IMMEDIATE DISCIPLINE OR EXPULSION FROM CAMP THESE INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: 1. Disruptive behavior, i.e. “raiding dorms,” bullying and hazing other campers. 2. Leaving the dormitory after lights out. 3. Theft, extortion or arson. 4. Assault, battery, inappropriate physical contact or any threat of violence. 5. Possession of fire arms or other lethal weapons. 6. Malicious damage or destruction of real or personal property at camp. 7. Use, sale, distribution or possession of tobacco, alcohol or controlled substances, especially to minors. 8. Becoming inebriated or intoxicated from the use of alcohol or controlled substances. Note: At the sole discretion of the weekly clergy director and/or lay director, adult staff may be permitted to smoke or consume some alcohol. At no time is this privilege to be extended to under age campers. Reminder: In California, the legal age to purchase and smoke cigarettes in public is 18 years and the legal age to purchase and consume alcoholic beverages is 21 years. I/We have read and understood the camp policies (pages 1 & 2) and the potential consequences of violating those rules and policies. Signature of Counselor/Staff: _______________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian: _____________________________________ (if applicant is under age 21) Signature of Parish Priest: _________________________________________ Print Name of Parish Priest: _________________________________________ Priest to initial to verify that applicant is a baptized Orthodox Christian Yes ____ No ____ 604 Mission Blvd., Jackson, CA 95642 CAMP SAINT SAVA of the Serbian Orthodox Church Camp St. Sava -- St.INVESTIGATION Sava Mission of the Serbian Orthodox Church BACKGROUND AUTHORIZATION Required of All Camp Counselors and Staff in Constant Contact with Children DISCLOSURE AND AUTHORIZATION [IMPORTANT -- PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING AUTHORIZATION] DISCLOSURE REGARDING BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION Camp St. Sava/St. Sava Mission (“the Company”) may obtain information about you for employment purposes from a third party consumer reporting agency. Thus, you may be the subject of a “consumer report” and/or an “investigative consumer report”. These reports may contain information regarding your credit history, criminal history, social security verification, motor vehicle records (“driving records”), verification of your education or employment history, or other background checks. Credit history will only be requested where such information is related to the duties and responsibilities of the position for which you are applying. You have the right, upon written request made within a reasonable time after receipt of this notice, to request disclosure of the nature and scope of any investigative consumer report. Please be advised that the nature and scope of the most common form of investigative consumer report obtained with regard to applicants for employment is ONLY an investigation into your criminal history and social security verification conducted by First Advantage, 1 Concourse Parkway NE, Suite 200, Atlanta, GA 30328 Tel: 866-400-3238. The scope of this notice and authorization is all-encompassing, however, allowing the Company to obtain from any outside organization all manner of consumer reports and investigative consumer reports now and throughout the course of your employment to the extent permitted by law. As a result, you should carefully consider whether to exercise your right to request disclosure of the nature and scope of any investigative consumer report. ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND AUTHORIZATION I acknowledge receipt of the DISCLOSURE REGARDING BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION and A SUMMARY OF YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE FAIR CREDIT REPORTING ACT and certify that I have read and understand both of those documents. I hereby authorize the obtaining of “consumer reports” and/or “investigative consumer reports” by the Company at any time after receipt of this authorization and throughout my employment, if applicable. To this end, I hereby authorize, without reservation, any law enforcement agency, administrator, state or federal agency, institution, school or university (public or private), information service bureau, employer, or insurance company to furnish any and all background information requested by First Advantage, 1 Concourse Parkway NE, Suite 200, Atlanta, GA 30328 Tel: 866-400-3238, another outside organization acting on behalf of the Company, and/or the Company itself. I agree that a facsimile (“fax”), electronic or photographic copy of this Authorization shall be as valid as the original. California applicants or employees only: By signing below, you also acknowledge receipt of the NOTICE REGARDING BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA LAW. Please check this box if you would like to receive a copy of an investigative consumer report or consumer credit report at no charge if one is obtained by the Company whenever you have a right to receive such a copy under California law. □ Last Name ________________________________ First Name __________________________ Middle __________ Street Address________________________________City______________________State_____Zip_________________ Social Security Number:________-______-_________ ALL FIELDS ARE REQUIRED FOR INVESTIGATION Signature _________________________________ Date ________________________________ 604 Mission Blvd., Jackson, CA 95642 CAMP SAINT SAVA of the Serbian Orthodox Church APPLICATION CHECKLIST For Counselors and Staff Application Form (online) Please print and mail all of the following completed documents: Health Form Insurance Form Consent/Release Form Camp Policies Background Authorization Address for all Registration Forms: Camp Saint Sava Registration PO BOX 965 Jackson, CA 95642 Voicemail: (209) 223-1437 Need more forms? Please visit www.campstsava.org
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