Page 1 of 4 Monash Health Pharmacy Department Pharmacy Intern Training 2015 Hospital Monash Health 246 Clayton Road Clayton VIC 3168 Campuses at which pharmacy Interns will work Monash Medical Centre (Clayton) Moorabbin Hospital Casey Hospital The Kingston Centre Dandenong Hospital. Hospital Information Introduction The Monash Health consists of Monash Medical Centre (Clayton), Moorabbin Hospital, Dandenong Hospital, Casey Hospital, the Kingston Centre, the Cranbourne Integrated Care Unit and several Community Health Centres. Currently the Monash Health Pharmacy Department has eleven intern pharmacists positions and each intern pharmacist is rotated through Monash Medical Centre (Clayton), Moorabbin Hospital, Casey Hospital, the Kingston Centre and Dandenong Hospital. The interviews for these positions are done centrally and therefore people wishing to apply should nominate Monash Health as their first choice. The linking together of the various hospital Pharmacy Departments into a single Pharmacy Department has created a large, dynamic organisation, which offers many exciting opportunities. The Department also provides Pharmacy Services to the Jessie McPherson Private Hospital and the Sir John Monash Private Hospital. Monash Medical Centre Monash Medical Centre (MMC) Clayton, formerly Southern Health, consists of 723 beds plus 110 beds at the Jessie McPherson Private Hospital located at the Clayton Campus. It is also planned that a new Monash Children’s Hospital (230 beds) will be built on this site. MMC is an acute care specialist teaching hospital affiliated with Monash University. The University Departments located at MMC are the Departments of Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Mental Health and Community Medicine. The Prince Henry’s Institute of Medical Research is also located at MMC. MMC will also be the location for the planned Monash Health Translation Research Precinct (opening in October 2015). Thus, the Medical Centre is unique in Victoria in that it provides care to babies, children and adults and thus represents a true family hospital. There is a wide range of specialist services including Neonatal Intensive Care, Coronary Care, Intensive Care, Oncology (adults and paediatrics), Cardiology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Clinical Haematology, Emergency Department (Adult & Paediatrics), Gastroenterology, Mental Health, Gynaecology, Respiratory, Endocrinology, Obstetrics, Paediatrics, Orthopaedics, Rheumatology, Diabetes, Nephrology, Dialysis, General Medicine, General Surgery, ENT, Urology, Clinical Nutrition, Palliative Care, Hospital in the Home and Community Outreach Services. Dandenong Hospital Dandenong Hospital is a 503 bed acute general teaching hospital which is also affiliated with Monash University. It has a growing outpatient service and a very busy Emergency Department. The hospital provides a wide range of services including Intensive Care, Coronary Care, General Surgery and Medicine, an Oncology Day Centre, Orthopaedics, Obstetrics, Paediatrics, Endocrinology and Urology. Page 2 of 4 Gynaecology, Acute Rehabilitation and extensive Mental Health Services, as well as various other services, including a Methadone Program service to the Drug & Alcohol Support Service. We also have a satellite pharmacy at the Thomas Street, Outpatient Clinic which includes the refugee clinic. Moorabbin Hospital Moorabbin Hospital is a 135 bed hospital and is the main Monash Health Adult Oncology Centre and is closely linked to MMC (Clayton). It also provides elective surgery services including ENT and Gynaecology Surgery. There are also a number of outpatient clinics and a Radiotherapy Unit is on site. Kingston Centre The Kingston Centre is a 414 bed aged care facility which provides subacute geriatric, aged care mental health, nursing home and hostel services. The first stage of redevelopment of Kingston Centre has recently been completed. Casey Hospital The Casey Hospital is a 229 bed community hospital located at Berwick. Patient services include Medicine, Surgery, Paediatrics, Rehabilitation and Psychiatry. The Department at this site also provides pharmacy services to the Cranbourne Integrated Care Centre. We also have a satellite pharmacy at the Cranbourne Integrated Care Centre. There are plans for this hospital to be expanded by another 96 beds. Pharmacy Department Department Head Ian Larmour Director of Pharmacy Tel. 03 9594 2360 E-mail [email protected] Department Information The Pharmacy Department at MMC has a staff of 60 equivalent full time (EFT) pharmacists and 20 EFT support staff positions plus 14 EFT pharmacists in a variety of network support specialist roles or involved in providing service to private Hospitals. The Department opens every day 8.00am to 8.00pm seven days per week and a pharmacist is on-call after hours. The Pharmacy Department also provides pharmacy service to the Sir John Monash Private Hospital, Monash Health Community Health Centres, the Jessie McPherson Private Hospital and several other organisations. The Pharmacy Department at Dandenong Hospital has 42 EFT pharmacists and 9 EFT support staff. The department operates from 8.00am to 8pm seven days a week. An after hours on-call service is provided. The Casey Hospital has a staff of 12.5 EFT pharmacists and 4 EFT support staff and operates from 8.45am until 8pm weekdays with a limited service on weekends and public holidays. Below is a summary of the Monash Health Pharmacy Department’s main service sections, but not all services are required at every campus. 1. Outpatient Services which provide dispensing and medication counselling services to patients attending the hospital’s ambulatory care clinics. Prescriptions for patients being discharged from the hospital are also dispensed and patients are counselled about their medication prior to going home. Pharmacists are also involved in clinical roles in a number of outpatient clinics eg Preadmission Clinic, HIV Clinic, TB Clinic, the Chronic Heart Failure Clinic, the Oncology Clinic, the Page 3 of 4 Outreach Clinic, Refugee Clinic and the Hepatitis Clinic. The recent introduction of electronic prescribing has also led to further clinical involvement in the Outpatient Clinics. 2. Clinical Pharmacy Services are provided to all wards and Emergency Departments. These services include therapeutic drug monitoring, pharmacokinetic dosage advice, the monitoring of adverse drug reactions, medication management, admission medication histories, formulary management and patient medication education and counselling. Pharmacists work in the MMC and Dandenong Emergency Departments 7 days a week and from Monday to Friday in the Casey Emergency Department. Electronic prescribing for discharge prescriptions is currently being rollout. 3. The Drug Information Centre provides both general and specialised drug information services, including information on the safety of drugs in pregnancy and lactation. The service is provided to the general public and community practitioners as well as Monash Health staff. 4. Sterile Product Services include the preparation of cytotoxic infusions/injections, intravenous admixture solutions and total parenteral nutrition (T.P.N.) solution for neonate, paediatric and adult patients. The section also provides a Hospital in the Home Antibiotic Infusion Service and support services to Home TPN patients. Other roles in this area include a wide range of quality control procedures and the preparation of specialist injections and eye drops for individual patients. 5. Pharmacy Support Services includes non-sterile product preparation, extemporaneous dispensing, quality control and packaging, together with drug distribution and delivery services. 6. Oncology services are provided to paediatric patients at the MMC Clayton campus and to adults at the Moorabbin Hospital, MMC Clayton and Dandenong Hospital. 7. Pharmacy Outreach Services provided services to patients in their own homes after their discharge from hospital. The aim being to integrate the patient back into community care setting and to prevent avoidable hospital admissions. 8. Quality Use of Medication services including Drug Utilisation Evaluation studies, education services, the Antimicrobial Management Program, protocol/guideline development, adverse drug reaction monitoring/review and medication safety programs. 9. Clinical Drug Trial protocol review and the associated logistic support. 10. Specialist Hospital Services, including drug formulary management, the Therapeutics Equivalence Program, purchasing and stock control, budgeting, human resource management, education services, research projects and the development of e-commerce and e-prescribing. A staff gymnasium is available at MMC. Periodic social functions are held for significant events. Staff often join to form a team to compete in local competitions eg. netball team. Pharmacy Intern Training Program Pharmacy Intern Training Program Coordinator Jeff Davies, Senior Pharmacist and Miranda Ip, Senior Pharmacist Tel. 03 9594 2360 Page 4 of 4 Pharmacy Intern Training Program Pharmacy Interns are rostered through each section of the Department and are rostered for weekend and late shift work. The program places great emphasis on active learning. Weekly tutorials are given by senior staff or by a visiting speaker and cover a wide range of subjects e.g. cardiac disease, hospital administration, clinical drug trials, stock and inventory control, dermatology, patient counselling and communication, haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, geriatric medicine, respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal, analgesics, paediatrics, endocrine, oncology, Thalassaemia, podiatry, infectious diseases and primary health care over the counter prescribing. Particular emphasis is placed on the development of clinically orientated skills and the program closely follows the Clinical Training Program developed by the SHPA (Vic) Clinical Pharmacy Working Party. Each intern pharmacist will spend time at other Monash Health Hospital Pharmacy Department sites and they will also gain experience in the dispensing of PBS prescriptions, both in the public system and the Jessie McPherson Private Hospital. Orientation visits to other departments in the hospital, including the operating theatre, will be organised during the year. The program provides experience and training in Quality Use of Medication, including Drug Utilisation Evaluation and Adverse Drug Reaction Report preparation and analysis. During the year, intern pharmacists are given individual projects, such as drug utilisation evaluation studies, to undertake and will be required to make several presentations, including a case study, to the Pharmacy Department staff. Intern pharmacists will also be encouraged to participate in department projects for presentation at the SHPA Federal Conference. There will be significant opportunities and expectations in regard to clinical training and experience. To this end, intern pharmacists will be periodically rostered to work in conjunction with a Clinical Pharmacist to cover one ward. Intern pharmacists are rostered to the wards for 24 weeks of their 48 weeks training. Intern pharmacists are required to undertake the pharmacy intern program offered by Monash University. Contact person General enquires about the pharmacy intern training program should be directed to Ian Larmour, Director of Pharmacy, Monash Health on 9594 2360 at MMC, 246 Clayton Road, Clayton, 3168. Visits to MMC can be arranged by contacting Jeff Davies on 9594 2360 (Wednesday, Thursday) and to Dandenong Hospital by contacting Maggie Emmerton on 9594 8191.
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