2013 Manitoba Stampede & Exhibition Open Gymkhana Rules & Patterns General Rules

2013 Manitoba Stampede & Exhibition
Open Gymkhana Rules & Patterns
General Rules
Each contestant shall be ready when called, or may be disqualified at the announcer’s
No sleeveless shirts allowed to be worn during a class.
Boots with a heel must be worn.
Riding helmets are required for anyone under the age of 18.
Riders wearing a hat or helmet must cross the start line with the hat or helmet or a 5 second
penalty will be charged.
NO STALLIONS ALLOWED in the Gymkhana or the hitching ring during the Gymkhana.
No cross entries – Any horse that is entered in the stakes division may not enter in any other
division of the same class regardless of who is riding. I.E. The horse that is entered in the
Stakes Barrel Racing may not compete with the same rider, or even a different rider, in Pee
Wee, Junior or Senior Barrel Racing.
If at any time the announcer, Chris Wieler or Teri Wieler deem that a rider’s tack is not properly
secure on the horse, the rider may be asked to exit the arena to make adjustments and will be
moved back in the lineup.
In the event of a tie we will have a run off.
The announcer, Chris Wieler or Teri Wieler may disqualify a contestant for excessive use of a
bat, crop, whip or rope.
Should the timing equipment fail the rider will be permitted a re-run.
No running starts. The rider can only begin once the gates has been closed and secured.
Class Rules + Patterns
Big T
A 5 second penalty will be added to the total time for each barrel or pole knocked down.
Rider may start on either side.
Rider may touch or steady the barrel or poles while remaining in riding position.
The rider must be on the horse at all times, if the rider’s feet touch the ground, the result will be
a disqualification.
• Failure to follow the course shall result in a disqualification.
• Crossing the start line after the timer has begun will result in a disqualification.
A 5 second penalty will be added to the total time for each pole knocked down.
Rider may start on either side.
Rider may touch or steady the poles.
The rider must be on the horse at all times, if the rider’s feet touch the ground, the result will be
a disqualification.
Failure to follow the course shall result in a disqualification.
Crossing the start line after the timer has begun will result in a disqualification.
Flag Race
Race up to 1st barrel and
remove flag. Race to 2nd
barrel and place the flag you
are holding into 2nd barrel.
Remove 2nd flag from 2nd
barrel and race back to 1st
barrel. Place flag you are
holding into 1st arrel and race
to finish line.
Start/Finish Line
• Rider may start on either side.
• Knocking down either of the pails or barrels will result in a disqualification.
• If either of the flags are not in the pail, the result will be a disqualification.
• If a flag is dropped, the rider can not dismount to retrieve it.
• The rider must be on the horse at all times, if the rider’s feet touch the ground, the result will be
a disqualification.
• Failure to follow the course shall result in a disqualification.
• Crossing the start line after the timer has begun will result in a disqualification.
Ribbon Race
Riders must be paired up.
Pairs are allowed only a 3
foot long ribbon (rope). Pairs
must race around the barrel
pattern each holding an end
of the ribbon (rope).
A 5 second penalty will be added to the total time for each barrel knocked down.
Rider may start on either side.
Letting go of the ribbon (or rope) by either rider will result in a disqualification.
Rider may touch or steady the barrel as long as they do not let go of the ribbon (or rope).
Cup Race
Race to the barrel and pick
up a cup. Go around barrel
and the pole nearest you.
Place the cup onto the pole
and race back to barrel. Pick
up another cup and place it
on middle pole. Race back
to barrel, pick up the last cup
and place it on last pole.
Race around the barrel and
over the finish line.
Start/Finish Line
Rider may start on either side.
Knocking down any of the poles, the barrel or dropping the cups on the ground will result in a
If a cup is dropped, the rider can not dismount to retrieve it.
The rider must be on the horse at all times, if the rider’s feet touch the ground, the result will be
a disqualification.
Failure to follow the course shall result in a disqualification.
Crossing the start line after the timer has begun will result in a disqualification.
Team Cup Race
Riders race to the barrel and
pick up a cup. Go to any
pole and place the cup onto
the pole. Repeat until all
cups are on the poles. Each
rider can put as many or as
few cups on the poles as
they want as long as the
course is complete. Time
will stop once the last rider
has crossed the finish line.
Start/Finish Line
A 5 second penalty will be added to the total time for each pole knocked down.
If a cup is dropped, the rider can dismount to retrieve it.
Crossing the start line after the timer has begun will result in a disqualification.
Pole Bending
A 5 second penalty will be added to the total time for each pole
knocked down.
Rider may start on either side.
Rider may touch or steady the poles.
The rider must be on the horse at all times, if the rider’s feet
touch the ground, the result will be a disqualification.
Failure to follow the course shall result in a disqualification.
Crossing the start line after the timer has begun will result in a
Potato Race
Riders will be given a pole,
which they will carry while
mounted to the tire. Rider
must stab a potato from the
tire. Once the rider has a
potato they must ride around
the tire and across the finish
line with the pole and potato.
Rider may start on either side.
Rider may not touch potato with their hands, only with the pole
The potato must be on the pole at the cross of the finish line, if the potato falls off the ride will
be disqualified.
The rider must be on the horse at all times, if the rider’s feet touch the ground, the result will be
a disqualification.
Failure to follow the course shall result in a disqualification.
Crossing the start line after the timer has begun will result in a disqualification.
Brand A Cow
Riders must ride to the pail of
paint and dismount. Grab
the brand from the pail of
paint and brand the paper on
the cow, making sure you
leave a print. Return brand
to pail, mount your horse and
ride AROUND the cow and
across the finish line.
Start/Finish Line
Rider must “brand” the cow to the satisfaction of the judge or be asked to re-brand. The brand
must be complete and visible on the cow, not just a smear.
Failure to follow the course shall result in a disqualification.
Crossing the start line after the timer has begun will result in a disqualification.
Relay Pole Bending
Riders must pair up. 1st rider
must go through the pole
pattern. Once the 1st rider
crosses the finish, they must
tag the other rider… then the
2nd rider must also go
through the pole pattern.
Best combined time wins.
A 5 second penalty will be added to the total time for each pole knocked down.
The poles that the 1st competitor knocks down will only be counted once for time penalties, the
2nd rider through the course must still complete the course but additional time penalties would
only apply for poles knocked down by the 2nd rider
Riders may start on either side.
Riders may touch or steady the poles.
The rider must be on the horse at all times, if the rider’s feet touch the ground, the result will be
a disqualification.
Failure to follow the course shall result in a disqualification.
Crossing the start line after the timer has begun will result in a disqualification.
Barrel Racing
A 5 second penalty will be added to the total time for each barrel knocked down.
Rider may start on either side.
Rider may touch or steady the barrel while remaining in riding position.
The rider must be on the horse at all times, if the rider’s feet touch the ground, the result will be
a disqualification.
Failure to follow the course shall result in a disqualification.
Crossing the start line after the timer has begun will result in a disqualification.
Boot Race
Riders will line up at the start
line. Your boots will be
sitting at the other end of the
arena, so you will be riding in
socks. On Go, you must ride
to YOUR pair of boots,
dismount, pull on your boots,
mount back up and race
across the finish line.
Start/Finish Line
Riders must maintain control of their horses at all times.
Pee Wee riders will be given assistance in holding their horses, and/or mounting.
A rider must be on their horse, mounted with their legs on either side of the horse when
crossing the finish line. Failure to do so will result in a disqualification.
Crossing the start line after the timer has begun will result in a disqualification.