Happy Birthday wishes go to…. June Newsletter

June Newsletter 2015
Dates to remember:
* Graduation Ceremony
June 11th at 11:00am
2015 Prom
June 11th, from 12—2pm
At the Westside auditorium
* Last day of school
June 16th, 2015
Thank you
Prom “Party in Paradise”
We would like to thank all
of the families for participating in our
‘Friends and Family Day” with mom
celebration. It was a true success!!
The students were very excited to see
their ,moms, dads and special friends
join them for breakfast!. Thanks again
for your continued support.
Carousel announces our
Prom Class of 2015. On June 11th
from 12-2pm. Please have your student
bring to school “Formal Attire” It may
be as fancy as you like, however the
following will be sufficient. Males–
button up shirt and slacks. Females–
a nice dress or skirt. Please contact
Maggie Meza if you have any questions
(310) 645-9222 ext. 100
On Thursday June 11th we
will be having our Graduation Ceremony at 11:00am. Congratulations Class
of 2015!
Wesley Caruthers
Sheldon Mayberry
Antonio Miller
Christian Tirado
Matthew Burkes-Valentin
different departments who are involved with your student.
Teacher Eddy Awards
"A Teacher Affects Eternity, He Can
Never Tell Where His Influence Stops"
- Henry Adams
Congratulations Mr. Lester on your
Outstanding Teacher of the Year
Award at the 2015 Thank you for
everything you do for the students.
Vacation and Attendance
Please inform the school office as
soon as possible in regards to any
changes in your child’s attendance
during the summer months due to
vacations or changes in your child’s
program needs. A one week notice
in advance is required for all vacation time so we can notify all the
Happy Birthday wishes go to….
Isaiah Lawson 6/14
Christian Marquez 6/03
Avarie Martin 6/2
James Bartz 6/12
Lester 6/18
Mark Heffernan 6/2
Ryan Tortes-Hagan 6/21
Joe 6/22
Jesus Medina 6/1
Mara 6/27
Andy Murillo 6/17
Nelson 6/02
Pedro 6/29
Page 2
Mr. Lester’s Class
Learning to teach is
a bigger job than
schools, experience,
or personal
disposition alone
can accomplish.
-- Sharon FeimanNemser
Hip! Hip! Hooray! It’s time for
jective is that our students’ be-
We also want to re-
some hot summer fun! We are ap-
come aware of their needs during
mind our wonderful parents to
proaching the end of the school
this hot summer season. We will
please check your child’s
year. In the continuation of learning also be playing Bingo using camp
back pack everyday for any
embedded with music, we have pre- vocabulary words.
school notes that need to be
pared an array of wonderful lessons
read, returned, and/or signed.
For our Science lessons
for our students. Our theme for this we will be studying Body parts,
Please check your home
month is Sports and A natomy.
Healthy eating habits, Brushing
school communication note-
teeth, and the Five Senses. We
book on a daily basis. Please
time we will be reading two stories,
will be reading books “My Body”
make sure your child has
“Lexi Gets Ready for Camp” and
and “Here are my Hands.” As for
snack and/or lunch sent to
“A Day at Summer Camp.” We are
math we will continue counting
school every day, if applica-
also engaging our students with the
by single digit numbers to ten. In
ble. Make sure all of your
reading program “Reader Rabbit”
addition we are learning to count
child’s belongings are clearly
and “Starfall.” For this month our
by 5’s and 10’s. We will also be
labeled in order to prevent
goal is that at the end of the lesson,
working on an exchange of cur-
items from getting misplaced
students are able to listen to stories,
rency for goods by “Shopping at
or lost. If your child has toi-
answer questions about each story,
the Camp Store.” For arts and
leting needs, please make sure
For our Language Arts
write vocabulary words legibly, and crafts we will be building our own you send enough toiletries to
read word families. Our students
really enjoy these programs and
have a lot of fun with it.
During Social Studies our
last the day. As always, thank
We are so happy to an-
nounce that our student of the
you for all your cooperation
and support!
month is Shi Belong!!! He is fol-
class will be learning about summer lowing directions and he has tre-
safety for example staying hydrated mendously improved on his re-
Mr. Lester & Ms. Oniquea
by drinking plenty of liquids and
quest for his wants and needs. A
also learning to stay cool. Our ob-
round of applause for Shi!
Page 3
Mr. Edsel’s Class
Dear Parents and Guardians,
The first week of
May was the Teacher’s Appreciation Week. The culmination was the Staff Appreciation Day on the 5th of May –
which was also the Cinco de
Mayo celebrations. The Art
Auction (Artism) was also a
success and thank you for all
the donations intended for the
Art Department to buy art
riculum.” School was closed
for the Memorial Day last May
Then, Summer Camp follows
25, 2015 – Monday. CAA
for those funded by the Re-
Testing (on-line computer test)
gional Centers on June 17 to
was conducted for ELA and
July 3. Please inquire from
Math. The CAPA Science
Miss Jeanne in the office re-
Test were given for Grades 5
garding the program. Every-
& 8.
body will be back for the Extended School Year (ESY)
For this month of June, the
from July 6 to July 31, 2015.
older students will have their
Graduation and Prom on June
11, 2015 – Thursday. The
supplies for the students.
younger students will have a
Another activity was the
Petting Zoo June 12, 2015 –
Friends and Family Day last
Friday. The Last Day of
May 21, 2015 – Thursday.
School for all the districts will
Thank you parents for visiting
be on Tuesday June 16, 2015 –
Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, you may email me at
[email protected]
our classroom. We had a
lesson on English Language
Mr. Edsel & Miss Silvia
Arts using the “Unique Cur-
Teacher’s Appreciation Week and Staff Appreciation Day.
The job of an
educator is to
teach students
to see vitality in
-- Joseph
Ms. Cecil’s and Mr. Bob’s Class
Ms. Cecille’s / Mr. Bob’s
arts and crafts and participate
be sun- baked s’mores. Home-
on camping activities. There
works are sent on Thursdays. Spe-
Dear Friends and Families:
will be drills and practices for
cially Designed P.E. is daily. OT
A) As the ordinary school
content areas and transition
and Speech services, Art and Sign
year ends by June 16, 2015-
Language classes continue.
We would like to thank the
For Language Arts, we are
C) Please take note of the follow-
entire Carousel School Family
going to read and answer
ing dates:
especially Ms. Davis for the
questions from the stories we
“Mad Science for younger students
recognition and support given
- June 12 Friday at 10am
to each of us. A delicious
words, practice letter sounds,
Last day of school-June 16 Tues-
lunch treat and certificates of
play vocabulary bingo, ar-
recognition were given to
range scrambled sentences,
ESY is from July 6-31
each member last Cinco de
write and edit our journals.
School year 2015-2016 first day is
Mayo Feast Day. Thank you
We will read different genres-
September 7 Monday.
merry May weather and wel-
from easy to leveled books
D) Please like our Facebook page
come joyful June.
(“Lexi Gets Ready for Sum-
Carousel School and call numbers
B) We are now on Unit 9 of
mer Camp” and “A Day at
(310) 645-9222 if you have any
the Unique Learning System.
The unit target is Transition
fictions (“Shake My Sillies
while the unit topic is “Let’s
Out”) and nonfiction articles
Let’s enjoy camping!
Go to Summer Camp”. The
(“What is Summer Camp
Ms. Cecille/Mr. Bob/Ms.Irene R4
unit theme is all about sum-
Like” and “Summer Safety”).
mer camps. Reading stories
Math is about number sense,
about camping and doing
money, telling time, measure-
summer activities will allow
ment, fractions, shapes and
the students "feel" how it is to
patterns. Social Studies deals
go off summer camps. The
with how it is on a camp field
unit will try to revive how it
day and summer holidays;
feels to eat camping foods, do
while Science experiment will
Ms. Ari’s Class
Also, Christian Tirado's birthday
May was a busy and fun
We have many celebrations. First,
was on May 9th and we celebrat-
month. As always, we work hard
Gloria's birthday was on May 3rd
ed it on May 11th. Finally, on
in our classroom and participate
and we celebrated on May the
May 22th we have "Friends and
in our vocational educational ac-
4th. Then, we have our tradition-
Family." Our special guest was
tivities. For example, we work
al celebration "5 demayo." Next,
Andy's Mom.
hard during our Car Washing.
students created "Mother's Day
Then, we have two CBI's trips.
Cards," so they can recognize and
Thank you!
During our first CBI we went
celebrate with their respective
Mrs. Ari and Mr. Jose
to Westfield Mall and for our sec-
ond CBI we went to Goodwill.